#pitbull advocate
germ-t-ripper · 7 months
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03OCT23 My Joey Ramone patiently waiting for treatos!
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cevais · 2 months
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
the stigma around pitbulls is not at all comparable to the stigma around black cats. pitbulls have stigma because they actively harm people more than any other dog breed shocker that’s what fighting breeds do and while a lot of them mean well, their owners are irresponsible and/or don’t understand the breed. black cats were hated because of superstitions not based on anything they actually did. literally how are they at all the same.
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colognedecigarette · 1 year
ngomong ngomong soal masuk angin keinget blog entry 3nity di bukunya yang was like, "duh paling gaenak tuh kalau udah naik pesawat sama sesama orang indo: bau minyak kayu putih di mana mana, orang sendawa buang angin norak, etc etc".
pertama kali baca aing gak ngeh tapi sekian tahun kemudian once i was older dan follow doski di twt sekian lama dikit dikit mulai nyadar ... ini orang gabalég anying.
and that was when i realised sering travel ke mana mana gak otomatis bikin pikiran lo terbuka.
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plasticstrawsmuggler · 8 months
I said this in a repost but I feel like it deserves it's own post. DO NOT SUPPORT PETA. They might be called "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" but that's not what they're about.
The first red flag is the term "animal rights" and their shitty attitude towards the term "animal welfare." Animal rights has the end goal of ending the use of animals for any reason, including companionship and medical reasons. It is not grounded in reality. Animal welfare on the other hand focuses on the wellbeing of animals, it acknowledges that humans and domestic animals rely on each other. Animal welfare promotes the ethical consumption of animal products, which is great because some people (like me) can't go vegan.
The second red flag is their euthanasia rates. The AKC and the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association have both denounced PETA because the euthanasia rate in one of their Virginia shelters was 99%. In 2022 they euthanized 79% of their cat intakes and 95% of the surviving cats were sent to kill-shelters (which actually aren't as bad as one might think, but you'd assume an organization like PETA would be anti-kill shelter). They euthanized 68% of their dog intakes, but only adopted out 4%. I could not find what happened to the other 28%, but if the cats were any indication they sent them to other shelters. They euthanized 78% of their animal intakes that were not cats or dogs. Ex-employees have repeatedly reported that many of the animals PETA euthanizes did not need to be euthanized.
The third red flag is their misinformation campaign. An excellent example is their anti-wool campaign that features a poster of a bloody lamb. If sheep are not shorn, they will heat exhaust and potentially die. Even animal sanctuaries shear their sheep. Shearing is like a hair cut, the skin is not touched. In other campaigns they intentionally omit information, such as practices being approved by vets in order to safeguard health (such as pregnant sows being separated from the other pigs, it's done to prevent fights).
The fourth red flag is their stance on pitbulls, that stems directly from the founder. The founder wrote a newspaper article calling for shelters to destroy all dogs that look like pitbulls. PETA itself has joined up with groups advocating for the ban of pitbulls. While I do admit that pits can be dangerous, and that a shit ton of behavior is genetic, banning all pits is ridiculous. Pits can be great dogs if trained and raised correctly, and banning them will lead to dogs dying, including dogs that aren't even pitbulls. Shelter and animal control workers are notoriously bad at identifying what is and isn't an American pitbull terrier.
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spidey-bie · 5 months
I have a suggestion:
Bully breed activist Hobie
•He found a little pit bull puppy on the street, and took him in because of the sweet little face
•He makes sure to give it the finest chow, and would make growling sounds when playing tug of war with a beat up stuffed duck
•The pitbull’s name would be ducky because of the little toy, and the dog would have ducky jammies so she stays warm at night
•He would advocate for the removal of dog fighting in the UK, and would advocate for the wellbeing of dogs, as well as other other animals, because Hobie cares about animals
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I'm not even a dog person y'all but this got me 🥹
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death-limes · 4 months
>our pitbull got rowdy at me during present exchange
>thinking its a dominance thing, briefly consider barking back & establishing that im not below him in the social pecking order
>remember the breed im talking about
>want to snap myself back into reality by looking up cases of pitbull attacks
>end up on anti-pitbull websites full of fearmongering, misinformation, and ppl advocating for killing them
>can i please just find photos of gnarly bite wounds to remind myself how strong these dogs are without having to read the cruel ramblings of ppl who think an entire category of dog is just inherently evil
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heystephen · 4 months
you dont like pit bulls?? i thought you worked with dogs. you shouldn’t work with dogs if you don’t love ALL dogs
no. i love them. i own one, and my childhood dog was a mix of one. i dislike pitbull owners who do not advocate for their dogs the way they should. if you own a dog that has a natural propensity for aggression toward other animals, you need to treat it as such.. just in the same way i handle my cattle dog mix having a natural propensity to herd, or the way you’d expect somebody with a retriever to respect their dog’s innate instinct to swim and retrieve. instead, they perpetuate the “ultra harmless nanny dog” myth, and by and far tend to be the most irresponsible group of dog owners
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chaossmagic · 5 months
bucky becoming a passionate defender of, and advocate for, so-called "dangerous" dog breeds and holding irresponsible owners accountable rather than the dogs who are very often abused, neglected and forced to become what people see as "vicious" or "aggressive" when in fact they are the exact opposite
he sees himself in those "dangerous" dogs everyone thinks will rip your face off if you look away for a few seconds, and even ends up rescuing one of them, a steel-and-blue pitbull with three legs and a whole load of scars from his days as a bait animal for dogfighting, aptly named sarge, who basically becomes his second shadow (the first is, obviously, his princess alpine) and follows him everywhere, comforting him during bad days and just being the sweetest, gentlest pup around, despite his harsh upbringing and severe neglect because people think all pitties are good for is aggression and offense
that, bucky has some experience with and can relate to
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germ-t-ripper · 8 months
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05AUG23 Look at this handsome boy!
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(For context this question is from a UK perspective, I know exotic animal laws vary vastly between countries)
So I was talking with a pal about what pets we'd own if they weren't illegal and I jokingly said Hyena or Bear, and he said Anaconda. I said that's cheating since they aren't illegal. I actually saw a news report not long ago about someone's pet Anaconda that escaped in Edinburgh. He was really shocked by this, and started asking why something like a pitbull or even a badger isn't allowed, but giant snakes are.
I guessed statistics of fatalities probably played a part but it got me thinking about the whole thing. Why are giant snake laws so lenient in comparison to other animals? Is it just a lack of attacks since they aren't a common pet, or are they actually not that dangerous? You don't even need a permit for anacondas here.
I'd be interested on your own opinion as a professional on the public ownnership and easy availability of these breeds as well if you are willing to share.
I absolutely have a lot of thoughts! I think this is a very important topic to discuss.
It's worth pointing out that large constrictors like anacondas are among the first snakes to be banned when a state/city/whatever is drafting legislation limiting reptile ownership. It's also true that, realistically, even a 15 foot anaconda is not as dangerous to its owner as a large dog. It's fairly easy for even those without professional training to safely house and handle even giant snakes. Even if a giant snake escapes, there's a vanishingly small risk of anyone getting hurt (except the snake).
Those two things aside, though, I firmly believe that giant snakes, like anacondas, Burmese pythons, reticulated pythons, and rock pythons, are far too easy for your average person to acquire. Most places, as you pointed out, don't require permits for keeping giant snakes, and it's astonishingly easy for anyone with the money to walk into a pet shop and walk out in 20 minutes with a baby Burmese python and no questions asked.
A lot of my concern here is for the snakes. Giant snakes are not good pets for most people. They require huge enclosures, very large food items, and snakes like anacondas are expert-level pets in terms of care. But there is also an element of risk for the owner, I won't lie - anything with a mouth can bite, and if you don't know how to safely handle a snake that's over 100 pounds of muscle, the situation can turn dangerous quickly.
Another reason that I'm upset with how easy it is to obtain giant snakes is the public reaction if something goes wrong. When your average pet cornsnake escapes, it's no big deal, but when an anaconda does, it routinely makes the news. Keepers of giant snakes should be painfully aware that, if they screw up and their snake gets loose, it doesn't just reflect poorly on them. It reflects poorly on everyone who keeps snakes, and only enforces public perception of snakes as something to fear.
At the end of the day, I think this discussion has to walk a line between unfairly villainizing pet snakes and downplaying the difficulties of owning giant snakes, and that can make it difficult to just advocate for responsible pet ownership. Personally, I'm in favor of a permit/license model like some Australian states use, where snake keepers are only legally allowed to own more advanced species (like giant snakes) after they have a certain amount of experience. I definitely think it shouldn't be just as easy to buy an anaconda as it is to buy a cornsnake.
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jewishbarbies · 8 months
literally out of nowhere my fucking tiktok feed is full of pitbull discourse and I didn’t even click on anything, like I’m actively blocking accounts and filtering words. I’m so sick of this fucking debate. pitbulls don’t exist because they’re fun and cute. the breed was created for violence. I don’t believe dogs are evil because dogs are not capable of a human capacity for what we consider evil. certain dog breeds were bred for violence and still have predispositions for violent/aggressive behaviors and a large majority of people owning these breeds do not understand the breed, how to handle them, or proper dog ownership. you having a good experience with a pitbull does not do away with the countless injuries and fatalities, and unless there’s an effective way to ensure no backyard breeding and owners are properly educated/dogs are properly trained, then there aren’t many ways to lower those numbers outside of limiting/banning the breed to some degree. no, that doesn’t mean the dog is “evil”. this isn’t some debate on whether or not dogs are morally sound, you morons. if you’re not advocating for alternatives you have no right to speak in this discussion.
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gtenvs3000w24 · 2 months
08: Amazing things in nature - my favourite animal!
Hi everyone! Since this week’s prompt is to talk about the most amazing thing we know in nature, I thought I’d talk about my favourite animal, the spotted hyena! Although you can’t see these animals in Canada unless you go to a zoo, they’re super cool to learn about!
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Source: Joel Sartore, https://www.joelsartore.com/search/hyena/
Spotted hyenas, with their unique appearance and intriguing behaviours, stand out as some of Africa's most interesting creatures. From their distinctive laughs to their complex social structures, these animals never fail to spark curiosity. Did you know that despite their appearance, they're actually more related to cats than they are to dogs?
Their robust build with distinctive spots gives them an unmistakable presence. But what truly sets them apart is their extremely complex and unique social dynamics. In the world of spotted hyenas, it's the females who reign supreme. These matriarchs, larger and more dominant than their male counterparts, lead their clans with a ton of strength. 
As for their vocalizations, the noises hyenas make are fascinating due to their versatility and complexity, ranging from spine-chilling laughs to a wide array of grunts, whoops, and growls. These vocalizations play a crucial role in communication within their clans, conveying information about social status and territory. Their vocalizations even convey their identities to eachother as each hyena has its own distinct “whooping” sound, just like how each of us have our own distinct fingerprints!
But it's not just their looks and noises that make spotted hyenas fascinating, it's their smarts too. These creatures are surprisingly amazing hunters. Working together, they employ tactics that enable them to take down prey much larger than themselves, largely due to the fact that their jaws are 10x stronger than a pitbull’s! And when it comes to meals, they eat pretty much everything since they have special enzymes in their stomach that can fully digest the stongest of materials like bone and venom. From insects to venomous snakes, spotted hyenas will have a go at anything, contributing to the delicate balance of their ecosystems as both predators and scavengers. 
Despite their remarkable qualities, spotted hyenas don’t have the best reputation, and are made the villains in many stories. This is probably due to their eerie vocalizations, their knack for scavenging, or even their uncanny ability to consume everything, bones included. Throughout history, they've been linked to death and the supernatural in African folklore, adding an air of mystery to their already mysterious presence. And then there's the competition with humans for resources, a rivalry that has often led to misunderstandings and conflicts. 
Despite this, efforts are underway to set the record straight and give spotted hyenas the credit they deserve. Scientists are delving into their behaviour, ecology, and importance in ecosystems, shedding light on their true nature and advocating for their conservation. These animals are not just symbols of fear, they're integral parts of Africa's rich tapestry of life. 
Overall, spotted hyenas are not just predators of the night, they're the charismatic characters of the African plains, adding complexity to the ecosystems they’re part of. With their playful antics and fierce determination, they've earned their place as one of Africa's most iconic animals!
Law, J. (2004). Crocuta crocuta Spotted Hyena. Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Crocuta_crocuta/
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papirouge · 1 year
I saw a couple of your posts on pit bulls and wanted to share my thoughts too
I think there’s a weird overlap of anti people/babies and pit bull advocates. Empathy is hardly ever shared for victims of these dogs, just for the dog itself. Even if the victim would be an infant, these people who support these dogs would victim blame to the point of it being ridiculous
The darker side I’ve read from these advocates happen when I see some dumb video of a baby or kid playing with this dog breed. If the playtime isn’t going well, the comments would be full of people saying things like “if that was my dog, I wouldn’t feel bad about that kid getting mauled” or “kid deserved [the attack] kids are annoying”
Pro abortionists 🤝 pathological disdain for human life 🤝 pitbull apologists
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thiccer-than-sniccer · 9 months
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Day 30: 10 facts about you and your current stats.
1. I have hitchhiker thumbs
2. I can move my ears different directions independently of each other
3. I draw my own tattoos
4. I've had an €d for about 6 years (tendencies for way longer)
5. I love pro wrestling
6. My mom's side of the family is half Taiwanese
7. I love to drink and love to smoke but I cannot do both at the same time
8. I'm childfree and plan on staying that way
9. I'm bisexual
10. I'm a pitbull advocate
cw: dry weight is about 125, water weight is about 127
gws and ugw are the same as before. I've lost about 10 pounds!
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pittieandpoodle · 9 months
The thing with anti-pitbull sentiment is its 99.99% of the time a smokescreen/dogwhistle tor anti-blackness and classism
ding ding ding dingity ding
i didn’t speak on this in my post because i don’t know enough about it but it’s on my list of “to study up on” topics because it’s a Big Problem and if i ever wanna be a good pit bull advocate i gotta know what the fuck is going on when it comes to racism+anti-blackness in the convo
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