#peyton hobart
yung-sriracha · 3 months
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The Politician 1x01 ❝ Pilot ❞
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eddysocs · 1 year
The Politician OC Masterlist
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Name: Allegra Auburn
Face Claim: Margaret Qualley
Love Interest: Dusty Jackson
Fic Title: Take Care
Plot Summary: When Infinity breaks free from Dusty’s hold on her, Dusty is a little bit lost with no one to care for. Enter Allegra. Allegra is a drifter and is somewhat lost in her own way, so meeting Dusty seems like fate and she’s ready to see where this path takes her, but sometimes lost doesn’t mean found, at least, not right away.
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Name: Rachelle Feldman
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love Interests: Dede Standish, Hadassah Gold
Fic Title: We Three
Plot Summary: An intern for Senator Standish, Bev proves to be indispensable as the election against Peyton approaches. She doesn’t like to play dirty, but for Dede and Hadassah, she may just do anything. And who knows, she may just develop a taste for it.
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Name: Spencer Bradley
Face Claim: Mila Kunis
Love Interest: Georgina Hobart
Fic Title: Never Bored
Plot Summary: Spencer is anything but boring. Known for her sense of adventure, she gets restless when things become routine. Meeting Georgina on one of her spontaneous adventures may be coincidence, but Georgina will become the one constant in her life. And when Georgina decides to test the political waters, Spencer is right by her side, taking the role of her campaign manager.
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depressedpanda69 · 4 years
The Politician
I'm deeply angered that they got David Corensweet back for 1 episode, just to invalidate the connection between Peyton and River, established in season 1.
That connection was pretty much the only redeemable part of season 1.
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casshoward · 5 years
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The Politician (2019)
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smnthwrd · 4 years
i adore the politician and its cast but one thing that really irks me is that not only did they bury their gay on the FIRST episode, but then in season 2 they go on to tell us that neither of the gays involved were even gay/bi, like ??? just let ben play a gay character please😪
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punkl0rde · 4 years
Did the Politician season 2 leave a weird/bad taste in anyone else’s mouth that they can’t explain?
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mal-zoya · 5 years
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Should we be worried? Worried? Oh, no. This is gonna be fun. We're gonna eat him alive.
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vestwpockets · 4 years
the way i now know how to cheat at rock, paper, scissors
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bumblie-bee · 5 years
I've run out of episodes of the politician to watch can someone give netflix and Ben Platt a prod please?
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fight-surrender · 5 years
Life isn't a train.
It's a shit tornado full of gold.
You don't have to have a plan.
You have to try to stay clean and grab every gold bar you can.
How can you stay clean in a shit tornado? Well, you can't.
And that's the point.
- The Politician
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magicmoon65 · 4 years
The Politician Season 2 and why I didn’t like it as much as Season 1
Some Spoilers
Usually I wait a little while before I figure out what I thought of something. But the politician season 2 disappointed me a lot, I just finished watching it and... I’m disappointed.
Because it’s fine on its own. it’s even good on its own. But the first season is really good. And season 2 doesn’t just not hold up.. it almost undermines season 1. Makes fun of it.
Season one had really good character development and that’s why I loved it. Sure, a lot of really extreme things happened. But all of it propelled the plot and Peyton’s character development. Every twist in the election was cosely tied to his arc. Every out there crazy plot point impacted him, challenged him.
Peyton Hobart is an ambitious guy who wants to win. He cares about things for his image and to gain support. Until he meets River, which is the big turning point, because he loved him, and River loves him, and River makes him feel things. River brings out the best in him, makes him more than a slimey politician and into a real perosn that he’s afraid he isn’t.
Somewhat of a sidenote, but the queer rep also did a 360. In season 2 Peyton is in love with Alice, which is fine if he’s bi, but they seem to drop the idea that he was at all attracted to guys except for in a flashback to a threesome he had with Astrid. In talking about River they determine that he wasn’t even bi, he just loved them a lot and wanted them to feel loved. Plus, though McAfee is seen going on dates with girls in a breif montage and then has a date, sex with, and then in the end marries a guy, like any wlw attraction was a teenage/college phase rather than a real part of her. Skye was hardly mentioned to be queer. The Voter mom character I think was gay, but that was in one sentene, not even seeing her (wife? girlfreind?) or mentioning where she was. This was a strongly diverse show in s1, but s2 seemed to try to remove or ignore any queernes sof any of the characters. 
Peyton’s arc in s1 is incredibly well written and complex. He’s also a very different character than we usually see. He fucks up a lot in the name of getting elected, and that is exactly what screws him over. And then you know what happens? He goes completely to the opposite extreme. I love that. He drops the ambition and feels everything. And he can’t do that either, because his ambition is a part of him, but he has to learn to follow that while also being true to himself and letting himself feel things. Whih, by the way, is a very important messege. 
But season 2? I hardly know what’s going on in Peyton’s head for most of it. He’s all about controlling all of his staffers and there’s a bit of should I play dirty? But he only cares about not playing dirty if it might look bad because apparently that’s all he took from his school election? We have one significant challenge for him and that’s when Alice says she’s leaving him. But she comes back without him really having to do much, and he just says “hey I’ll stop writing my speech to spend the evening with you.” His talk with his mom solidifies and idea that he will play dirty and do anything to win.
There was a scene where Dede, his competitor, found him singing at a bar, and he said some things about the election that really solidified who he was. He didn’t care about anything he was doing. He was going to do it because it would ensure more votes. Watchign that I was thinking, dang, he really is just a rich kid who wants to win and that’s all. He wants the campaign, Dede wants the job. I thought Dede realized that too... but then she gives him the election, and then two years later, offers him to be VP with her. So maybe she didn’t realize it. 
And want to know what super sucks? He wins the election as this entitled guy who will cheat and play dirty to win. Someone who isn’t ready for the real job of winning. Which would be fine if I saw him get to Albany and realize how hard it was. Realize there that the job is more than power and winning. Learn something. Finally get the development he started and come out better and stronger. I was ready for that.
But no. They skip ahead and he’s done a great job, he’s a family man, he’s confident in winning, he doesn’t care about the camapign as much until the VP offer comes up. 
I would watch a season of this show that was him facing being in office. I don’t particularly care about the drama of the lives of actual politicaians. But what I liked about The Politician was the character arc. But the show sacrificed any character arc for the drama and the race of an election, the flashy stuff like threesomes and Geronimo costumes and lies and blackmail and tricks. I only care about that when it’s tied to character arcs, and it wasn’t, it was just there for fun. And instead of seeing him face what he needs to, they cut out Peyton’s character development becaus eit didn’t happen during a race. So they skip tp another race, if they get another season.
That’s my main problem, but also, I feel like Netflix’s been on an environmentalist kick lately. Which is okay, though I don’t know if Netflix is practicing what they preach. But they also seemed to exaggerate it weirdly. Like Infinity’s waste-free life sounded interesting, I was actually thinking about it, but then they pull out an extreme that most people would never do no matter how much they care about the environment (That by the way I don’t think is that essential? If you’re not using any harsh chemicals, and maybe you have to control where it goes, but water is water. you don’t have to boil your bathwater to be eco-freindly), and it almost makes me go “nevermind.” If no one is going to do it, and INfinity seems to think it’s all or nothing, it gives power to the “nothing” side if you don’t want to do all. A middle ground is acceptable, but for The Politician, I feel like environmentalism was jsut what it was for Peyton— a talking point to look good. 
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fullofmemories · 3 years
list your fav characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
Marvel - Pietro Maximoff, Gwendolyn Poole, Jessica Jones, Lei Ling, Wanda Maximoff, Bobbi Morse, Illyana Rasputin, Frank Castle (in the mcu at least, i haven’t read many of his comics yet) and many more
Hunger Games - Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason
Schitt’s Creek - David Rose, Stevie Budd, Moira Rose, Alexis Rose, Patrick Brewer
Wynonna Earp - Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp, Jeremy Chetri, Nicole Haught, Xavier Dolls, John Henry “Doc” Holliday
The Queen’s Gambit - Beth Harmon, Benny Watts, Harry Beltik 
One Day at a Time - Elena Alvarez, Syd, Schneider, Lydia Alvarez
The Politician - Astrid Sloan, McAfee Westbrook, Peyton Hobart, Skye Leighton 
Succession - Shiv Roy, Kendall Roy, Greg Hirsch, Roman Roy 
Gravity Falls - Wendy Corduroy, Dipper Pines, Stan Pines, Mabel Pines
Yuusha de Aru - Mimori Togou, Karin Miyoshi, Sonoko Nogi, Fuu Inubozaki, Chikage Koori
tagged by: no one, stole it tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!
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That’s What Makes You Beautiful
by mylittleshipgoestoot (Explicit)
Pre-Debate nerves turn an innocent trip to the bathroom into their first time together without Astrid.
Astrid narrows her eyes at her supposed boyfriend, who’s got full-blown heart eyes for his opponent, whose none other than her nemesis, Payton Hobart.  Sure, she’d agreed to their little triangle arrangement, but only for fear of losing River altogether.
There’s something about those dimples, and that little smirk River gives him as he clutches the microphone, and brings it up to his lips.  She can’t quite put her finger on it, but it bugs her.
Little does she know that the smirk isn’t what it seems at all.  River is trying to compose himself as Payton purposely imitates an intimate moment they’d had less than an hour ago.
Explicit Content under the cut - AO3 Link
Payton strides into the backstage bathroom like he owns the place.  He’s nervous on the inside, and there's no sign of his opponent yet.  Even though it sounds ridiculous, seeing River would calm his nerves somewhat.  He critiques his appearance in the mirror. Usually, he’d be confident about it, but today he’s going to be standing next to a Ralph Lauren model on stage.  He pulls a face and starts tapping his foot nervously, knowing that he has to be about god damned perfect to win this debate: not a foot wrong, no buckling under the pressure of it all.
“Payton?”  River would know that nervous foot tap anywhere.
Payton eyes the end stall with the closed door, in the mirror, curiously.
“Pre-debate nerves?”  Payton offers, pointlessly walking toward the stall.  Theirs a weird sort of breath pattern going on in there, and the idiotic part of Payton’s brain wonders if maybe River’s sobbing quietly, obviously overcome by his political opponent.
“Ahhh, ah more like a pre-debate wank,” River replies, raising the volume of his ministrations, allowing Payton to hear him.
Payton’s shell-shocked and his body is very interested, he’s also grappling with how much he wants to see precisely what River’s doing, but at the same time, now is not the time nor place for this.  Imagine the scandal?
“Payton?”  River stops his actions momentarily, and Payton watches as the vacant sign appears and the door swings open.
Well, fuck.  Think about the best porn you’ve ever seen, well, this shits all over that.  River is fucking magnificent. Shirt hanging open, trousers bunched around his ankles, long wicked fingers wrapped around his beautiful cock, and a gorgeous, yet mischievous grin on his face.
“Wanna help a fellow candidate out?”
Payton doesn’t answer, his feet just start walking toward him as if in a trance, and he doesn’t come back to himself until he hears the lock turn again.  He’s sitting down, staring right at River’s perfect dick. He adjusts himself and coughs nervously.
“Er, should we be doing this?”  His voice is embarrassingly high-pitched, and he kicks himself for being so uncool when River appears so confident.
River squats down so he can look him in the eye, and says gently, ”Payton, if you’re not comfortable with-“
“What?  No, I’m comfortable with blow jobs, I just thought we didn’t do ‘this’ without Astrid?”  He’s babbling, offering blow jobs, why does he have zero game, it’s so unfair.
River chuckles lightly.  “Blow job, hey? I just invited you in so I could look at you because it’ll make me come faster.”
Payton doesn't have a response to that, and he should if he wants to be the president one day, but he's not fucking perfect, okay!
River leans in and kisses him, soft and leisurely, like they're not going head to head on stage in under fifteen minutes.  Payton feels drunk on it, sucking on River’s tongue as he runs his hands down over those perfect pecs. Time could genuinely run away on them in here, and it's only when they hear the P.A system announce the debate that they realise they need to get on with it.
River straightens back up and looks down as he runs his thumb across Payton’s swollen red lips.  He moans when Payton sucks on it playfully. He gently pushes his other fingers into Payton’s mouth, covering them with saliva, then wraps them around his dick.
The thing is, Payton’s never actually given anyone a blow job, and River hasn't pressured him at all, but with River pleasuring himself right in front of his face, he can't think of a better time to give it a crack.
Start small, he thinks, hand coming up to caress River’s balls.  He thinks he's doing okay, considering River’s full-body shudder, but he looks up to make sure River’s on board with it anyway.
Should anyone ever have the full attention of River Barkley, as Payton does right now, thank your lucky fucking stars.  River’s eyes are blown wide open, filled with love, and his jaw is utterly slack.
”Gently tug, ” River directs, voice rough and breathy.
Payton doesn't need telling twice; he’s always been very accommodating like that.  He stops playing and gives a gentle tug, one finger accidentally brushing past River’s entrance.
”Shit,” River chokes out, jerking himself more frantically.
Pleased with the response, Payton is spurred on to be more adventurous.  He waits until River is on a downstroke to lick the head of his cock, tongue dancing over it, tasting the salty essence of him.
River moans low in his throat, watching as Payton repeats the action.  ”God, Payton, you look-” River will never be done staring into those big Disney eyes.
Payton beams at the praise.  In all his very short life, no-one had ever made him believe he was worthy, and then he met River.  He would do anything for this man.
Feeling more confident, he places a hand over River’s, following the motion for a few strokes, before taking River into his grasp.  
This is power; he thinks to himself.  Making River bite his lip like that, being the reason for those breathy gasps, this shits all over school president.
Unhurriedly, Payton starts to explore again.  He takes the head of River’s cock into his mouth and swirls his tongue over it slowly.  River groans above him, and a hand comes to rest gently at the base of his skull.
Payton opens his mouth, allowing River to control the pace of his cock, as it slides over his lips and tongue and toward the back of his throat.  It feels so intimate. River is staring down at him adoringly, and nothing else in the world even exists. He closes his eyes, mind going blank and loses himself in the feeling.
Hours could have passed but in reality, its only seconds before River tells him he’s close.
It pulls Payton out of his blissful haze.  As the noise from the auditorium filters back in, something snaps in him, and it gives him purpose.  He wants to blow River’s mind, wants to rid him of his thoughts and troubles for a moment too.  
He slides his mouth as far down the length of River’s cock as he can go without choking, his lips making it to his fingers around the base, then sucks as hard as he can as his lips slide back up again.
River’s knees buckle, and he’s forced to support himself with a hand against the wall.  ”God, ” he says, feeling his self-control slipping as Payton continues blowing him with those beautiful pouty lips.  It feels incredible, freeing, and like he never wants it to end.  
Payton moans as he sucks him down again, the sound of it sends shivers up his spine.  Another moan and River is losing it, his hand tightening in Payton’s hair, as the other lands with an emphatic slap against the wall, “Ohhhhh,” he groans, stiffening and spilling into Payton’s waiting mouth.  River gasps for breath, and takes in Peyton sucking and swallowing down his load, ”Payton, Jesus, ” River manages through an aftershock. He’s stunned, completely blind-sided by how good this could be with the right person.  It hadn't felt anywhere near this good with any of his previous partners.
Peyton let's go of him, reaching for the paper to dab delicately at the corners of his mouth, and clears his throat nervously.  River re-dresses, and curses when he checks his watch.
”Three minutes, ” he says, unlocking the stall door and motioning that Payton goes first.
They wash up together.  Payton sets about straightening up his ensemble, as a set of arms wrap around him from behind, and River grins that wide, warm smile at him in the mirror.
”You look great in pinstripes, and you’re going to be amazing out there.”
Payton looks at the bathroom floor, still not used to so much praise.
”God, ” River says, tilting Payton’s chin back up from the ground, ”You don't know how beautiful you are, do you?”
”Only you think that.”
Payton turns in his arms, and River kisses him gently.  They take a step back from each other, and Payton holds out his hand for River to shake.  River tries not to laugh but shakes the hand regardless.
”May the best man win!”  Payton is all business now, he gives River a comical wave and turns to leave.
”You still going to tell everyone we had sex if I win?” River calls after him.
”Affirmative.” Peyton retorts, and the door shuts behind him, leaving River starting at his grinning reflection in the mirror.  He knows it's the truth too. The man he’s in love with is occasionally hysterical, driven, truthful, and a born leader that will stop at nothing to see his dreams come true.
The end.  Thanks for reading.  AO3
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creatorlounge · 5 years
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Hey hey, it's our 5th confession reveal!!
All the confessions can be found underneath the cut and the creators they’re about are tagged to make sure they can find out about your confessions! Welcome to all new followers, and thanks to everyone for participating this week! If you want to let others know about this blog, feel free to reblog this post.
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@danslevys @peyton-hobarts @untiljanuary  (if anyone knows what peyton-hobarts has changed their url to, please let them know they were mentioned here :))
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@leejordan @maradeurs @king-of-ravka
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@bi-marvel / @skeletonystark
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casshoward · 5 years
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riverdalenerdlol · 4 years
Top 5 male (tv) characters
Tagged by @cheryllclayton and @thetaoofbetty so I guess that makes me extra popular
1. Jughead Jones, Riverdale
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2. Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender
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3. Steven Universe, Steven Universe
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4. Francis Valois, Reign
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5. Beau, ACNH Peyton Hobart, The Politician
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I’m lazy so I’m only tagging @lilireinhartsboobs @blticorn and @chaotic-biquarius
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