#pero dios
victorian-platence · 10 months
"Hola tenés algo como para ella? Es medio grande como de acá," mamá gesticula hacía mis brazos, mí pecho, mí espalda, la chica del local me mira con una mezcla de desinterés y compasión, medio le chupan un huevo mis medidas, por ahí le da lástima que mamá no me de ni la oportunidad de decir qué quiero, si quiero algo, la necesidad de aclarar las dimensiones de mí cuerpo, como si no fueran obvias, "y las piernas también."
"Y, no sé, gor, vemos, vemos, hay talles."
La verdad que no soy gorda. No me saco las medidas hace un tiempo, la última vez que lo hice estaba pesando un par de kilos más, pero una cintura de setenta y seis no es la cintura de una mina gorda. No soy gorda. Pero me siento gigante. Me siento enorme. La escucho decir 'es medio grande de acá', la veo gesticular hacía todo mí tren superior y respiro hondo porque necesito ropa, y no tengo la plata para pagármela yo y necesito la ropa, no puedo irme a la mierda y vestirme con una bolsa de basura.
El problema no es que no le gusta nada la ropa que me gusta a mí. Tampoco es que no me queden la mayoría de los tops que me pruebo, la posta una buena cantidad de tops me entran de espalda y algunos hasta de busto, pero no están hechos para un busto como el mío, y lo enfatizan hasta lo que mí mamá llama la vulgaridad. El problema soy yo. Para mamá, al menos. No es la ropa la que tiene que cambiar. Soy yo. Porque yo soy el problema. Mí cuerpo es el problema.
Cometo el error de decir que no me quedan unos pantalones, porque nunca me quedan bien los pantalones, o no me pasan por el culo, o no me entran en la pierna, o me cuelgan porque para que pasen por mis piernas tienen que hacer una carpa de circo alrededor de mí cintura. Al instante mamá dice, "al fin te das cuenta, mí hija! Adelgaza si te querés vestir bien." Porque, de nuevo, el problema no es la ropa. El problema no es que hicieron un promedio en los sesenta con todos los tipos de cuerpo y sacaron más o menos un par de medidas estándar y dijeron listo, ya está, a la fábrica, a otra cosa mariposa. No. El problema no es que la industria de la moda, la imperante necesidad de vender más por menos esfuerzo y menos calidad y la idolatría al culto de la delgadez atropellan las medidas de cualquier cuerpo que no entre dentro de un estándar arbitrario y mal pensado hace ya sesenta años. No. El problema soy yo.
Y tengo ganas de llorar. Porque me siento el problema. Quiero recortarme los muslos con tijeras, limarme los huesos y pinzarme la siza con un bisturí. Quiero arrancarme la piel a girones y entregársela a mí mamá y preguntarle si ahora sí. "¿Así está bien o sigo cortando? ¿Está cantidad de sangre te alcanza? ¿Querés ver más grasa? Cuando me corte las tetas con un cuchillo de carnicero te las guardo en una bolsa, seguro podes hacer pechuga a la plancha sin sal con brócoli. Te ahorras la comida de la semana."
Y le digo, le digo una y otra vez que se calle. Me pongo malhumorada. Le contesto. Le digo que no es mí culpa que la tela no esté cortada para adaptarse a mí figura. Que por qué tengo que cambiar yo para entrar en un objeto inanimado. Mamá quiere que me calle. Que no la haga pasar vergüenza. Mí hermana está mirando al techo y preguntándose por qué siempre tengo que hacer un escándalo, por qué no me puedo callar de una puta vez y dejar de romper la pija con mí rabia. Pero yo no puedo dejar de pelearla. Porque tengo bronca, porque no quiero aceptarme el problema. Porque no quiero ser el problema. Pero soy el problema, siempre soy el problema. No hay forma de no ser el problema.
Y llego a casa de mamá, con ropa que me hace sentir incómoda y no me luce porque cuando algo me luce estoy vulgar, porque mí cuerpo es vulgar y mí cuerpo es el problema. Y como la comida en lo de mamá con bronca. Al rato estoy vomitando. Y llego a mí casa y no como. No me gasto en comer. Veo la comida en mí heladera mareada y me da asco. Y pasa el mes y no puedo comer. Me muero. Y no puedo. No puedo. Te juro por dios que no puedo. Estoy atada a este cuerpo que no quiere reaccionar y no quiere reformatearse y no quiere reinventarse en algo más palatable.
Estoy de vuelta una y otra vez adentro del local que son todos los locales porque son todos iguales y es siempre la misma chica porque también todas me miran como diciendo no me pagan lo suficientemente como para lidiar con lo que sea que está pasando ahí. Estoy en casa, estoy en mí cama, son las once y treinta y siete y no me levanté y no cené y no almorcé ayer y no quiero levantarme ni desayunar ni almorzar porque estoy acá en casa, pero estoy en el local y mamá dice "hasta que te das cuenta, mí hija! Adelgaza si querés que te entre la ropa." Porque obviamente el problema soy yo. Obviamente no es la ropa la que debería adaptarse a mí cuerpo, la ropa no es tan moldeable, una vez cortada la tela ya está, no hay más tela. Yo sí. Mí cuerpo es moldeable, mí cuerpo está hecho para adaptarse a la ropa. Soy un camaleón, un shapeshifter, soy una masa de carne y hueso y grasa y cualquier cosa no como, cualquier cosa cuando haya presupuesto me abren y me deagrasan, me liman y me cosen. Solamente tengo que comer bien, comer poco, comer sin sal y sin aceite y sin azúcar y sin pimienta y sin hidratos de carbono y sin sabor de ningún tipo. ¿Qué quiero? ¿Que corten la tela pensando en mí? ¿Quién me creo? Si yo soy el problema.
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itsmecancelada · 11 months
Hoy cerramos el taller de practica porque se terminó, y para cerrar la profe nos dijo que digamos porque elegimos ser docentes de nivel inicial a primcipio de año y porqué ahora.
Yo no dije ni dos pqlqbras y me largue a llorar hablando de mi mamá porque ella es mi inspiración y bla bla bla. nononono la vergüenza que siento ahora. YO NO PUEDO CREER QUE ME LARGUE A LLORAR. ODIO LLORAR EN PUBLICO. QUE HORROR.
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elbiotipo · 8 months
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esto es sinceramente una historia de terror
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pikafaawork · 1 year
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reveluvjay · 2 months
in honor of it being Pedro's birthday, here are some reaction pics for when someone says some fuck shit to you!!
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(Idk where you'd use the one of Oscar and Pedro fighting but that shit is funny asf)
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mulaplateada · 4 months
toda la cuestion milei, zionismo, hamas, me deja muy en claro como muchos bien intencionados en la izquierda y en el peronismo no tienen mucha idea de estos temas y terminan reproduciendo la paranoia con el terrorismo sirio colombiano comando mapuche irani de hezbollah de los macristas/mileistas
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alparlaboratories · 2 months
"You guys organized and carried out the largest protest of the decade just to defend public education?"
"What, like it's hard or something?"
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pruskita · 2 days
Doodle whiteboardfox YES >:)
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1° The most terrible idea of ​​revenge against Marx // The most peaceful and calm idea with Magolor
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awacatin · 11 months
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abrazos no balazos jajasja
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nayerimz · 4 months
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si se concentra lo suficiente puede escuchar el ruido de los autos y los vitores de la gente partícipe de ritual al que no quiso asistir realmente, pero ahí estaba. vestida, maquillada y arruinando su ropa con el óxido del asiento de la taza de té azul que escogió para refugiarse de los demás. no es hasta que escucha pasos que se mueve pero no hace intento en reconocer a quién se acerca ' ¿pagaste tu entrada? son cuatro yenes ' intento de chiste la hace alza propias comisuras un par de segundos ' cinco si no me dices quién eres '
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elbiotipo · 1 year
no quiero hacer otra ronda del bardo "Usamerican/American" pero estaba hablando con mis abuelos (los dos tienen +80 y son peronistas bien de izquierda) y estabamos hablando sobre historia y neocolonialismo y mi abuela decía "porque nosotros los americanos" refiriendosé exclusivamente a Latinoamérica, no a EEUU.
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odetodilfs · 1 year
(ft. my own opinions)
This is a lil idea I had while talking to a friend and it started off with a top 5, but I decided to rank all Pedro boys here, but quite frankly, I love them all and it's just a miniature difference with each. NSFW mentions, but probably anyone can read. The list goes from top to bottom btw, my dumbass did it the wrong way round. I haven't watched some of the things some of these guys are in so just keep that in mind. Remember these are my own opinions and you're allowed to disagree with me!!
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#1 Marcus Moreno
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Now, he's not the most known, not the fan favorite, he's in the middle for fandom standards, but this guy is the cutest for me. Like I don't care how terrible the movie itself is I fell in love with that man his first second of screen time. He seems like the type to make breakfast for you in bed, he seems like the type to kiss you every morning, he seems like the type to be perfect. Also his world and situation is (considerably) more calm than most of the other Pedro boys, he's not a gun dealer, he's not in a world where a fungus has taken over, he lives a mostly normal life. AND COME ON, TELL ME THIS GUY ISN'T AS LOYAL AS A DOG. He's also a dad, and I love dads <3 With this, Marcus wins the #1 spot!
#2: Javier Peña
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Javier couldn't score any lower than this. Sure, his life is considerably more agitated than Marcus's and he IS a huge manwhore... BUT I CAN FIX HIM!! I'd fulfill his dream of living in a ranch in Texas, I'd be his forever. He's also got that mustache and you KNOW he's good in bed, any position, Dom or sub, he does it ALL! And he'd also be hella protective of you too.
manwhore on #2
#3 Frankie Morales
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He's so.. he's so adorable!! Frankie is just so cute and seems like the type of guy that would do it all for his partner. I just know his heart fills with joy when he sees you, his kid and him as a family. Why does he also seem like the kind of guy to verbally worship you and thank him every time he goes to sleep? I don't know, but even then, he's still so cute, (and probably good in bed).
Frankie Morales on #3 probably cause of my love for dads lmfao
#4 Javi Gutierrez
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Goddamn, this man, this beautiful ass man, I'll never get over him, his puppy eyes, his everything. He's kind of like a more energetic version of Marcus, kind of, and he just seems super caring and adorable. I just know he wouldn't get tired of telling you how beautiful you look, how you're his world and that he loves you. When he gets tough he's also kind of cute btw.
#5 Pero Tovar
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I'm not gonna lie... I'm guilty of having slept on Pero for hella long, but that's not the case anymore as he ends up #5 on this list! I see him kind of as a mix between Joel and Din. AND THAT SCAR, LORD...
I just wanna kiss this man all over and give him the loving he deserves. I also definitely see him taking out his weapons at anyone insulting you, he'd just be so in love with you.
#6 Joel Miller
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Of course, the iconic Joel Miller can't be any lower than this, he's so adorable, like even if he's a mass murderer, he did it in the name of his daughter! Joel would be a very hard and strong man, if he has a soft moment with you, it means he plainly loves you and trusts you. And his brown eyes oh my god, and the greying hair, god, he's so amazing, I wanna take care of him. He'd be super protective and possessive of you too. Also he's a dad, of course lmfao.
#7 Tim Rockford
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He's got cake, a hot ass mustache, shoulder holsters and a hot ass attitude with beautiful brown eyes. The only thing that kind of holds him back is the lack of a proper story, but that's amazing for fics as you don't really need an AU 99% of the time. I feel like he'd be really soft with his partner and constantly trying to make time for them and sometimes invite them to his office, he also seems like the type of guy to sneak behind you and give you hugs from behind .
#8 Oberyn Martell
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A classic. Our slutty bisexual prince, who doesn't love that combo? We have canon confirmation that this man is good in bed too. I have the Headcanon that he's an amazing power bottom, but that's just me. I feel like he'd be super protective of you and constantly try to show his strength and attractiveness to you, even if you don't mean it, he'd definitely spoil you too.
#9 Din Djarin
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Our little Mandalorian with social anxiety <3, I love him so much, he's so cute and I'm glad he got the ending he deserved with his child, (let me live in Nevarro with you and Grogu, I'll make you happy I swear). He's the definitely the protective type, and his patience is real short so it's best to not mess with you, Grogu or him. I feel like he'd have trouble taking off the helmet mainly cause he feels insecure that you won't like him.. but little does he know you're only gonna love him more, and eventually when he does do it, it's an amazing decision.
#10 Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
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Now, Whiskey and #11 were a hard pick, I had a mental debate of who to put first, alas, Whiskey got #10. He's a cowboy, what's not to love? That mustache and his confidence, oh my god. His backstory makes me wanna comfort him so bad and just the reassurance, I feel like he'd also be extremely protective because of what happened with his ex wife and he doesn't want anything to happen to you as well. I feel like at some point he'd also like to become a father with you. Overall, so cute and probably good in bed as well.
#11 Dio Morissey
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Oh my, it's certainly a switch up from the other Pedro boys. Much more blunt and dominant in general. But he's still super fine which got him the 11th spot. I know this man is extremely freaky in bed, and dominant as fuck too. Outside of the bedroom though, he'd give people death stares if he thinks they're looking at you weirdly and even if sometimes he's certainly quite strange, it has a certain charm to it don't you think?
The hot goth at #11
#12 Silva
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Now, I was debating whether or not to put Silva here as Strange Way of Life isn't really out yet, but there's gifs of him, so I decided why not? This ranking will definitely go up when it gets released, as now I simply struggle to make head canons with him cause we know so little about him. I just know he's very passionate and would defend you so bravely. He'd do anything for his man and it shows, and the cowboy hat looks good. This cowboy can totally ride me!! He's my beautiful queer rep too, and I swear if I see fem reader fics of this guy my gay ass is jumping you.
#13 Dieter Bravo
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Our favorite (probably bisexual) actor and artist, he's just so cute and cuddly, he'd give you the warmest hugs and cuddles and would constantly need reassurance that you love him which would be so cute. Physicality is his love language most definitely and his favorite way to sleep is with you both cuddling. He's also extremely funny which is just adorable, especially with his sassiness.
#14 Ezra
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Our other little space boy <3, he's beautiful, even if he ends up losing an arm, but I'd still love him. He'd definitely recite poems to you under the stars and just come up with nicknames for you. He also looks so soft and looks like the kind to fall asleep in your arms while smiling. He'd always be super grateful to have you and will do anything in his power to please you.
#15 Comandante Veracruz
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I feel like he's the super stoic and cutting guy who's hard on the outside but a softy on the inside, kind of like Pero Tovar in a different way. And I know if anyone lays a finger on you he won't hesitate to pull out the guns if he thinks it's enough. With you, he's super gentle, almost like another person but would grieve your touch. He also wouldn't mind using some of that aggressiveness in bed.
#16 Max Phillips
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Now I know Dio scored high but he's an exception, but I'm missing the mustache or some facial hair. Even then, Max is still pretty hot and I'd let him feed off my blood if he wants to. He also has a funny personality which gets him far, he's also extremely dominant in bed.
#17 Marcus Pike
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He's so adorable but I barely remember the mentalist and didn't watch the episodes he's in, I might rewatch it just for him. But he's really cute, I love their hair and the mustache so that gets him the places above the 2 down below. But he definitely seems like the type to praise your every move. If I knew him better he'd probably overtake Max.
#18 Maxwell Lord
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Now... for starters I know literally nothing about this man cause I haven't watched WW1984, and the look kinda just isn't it... he's cute though, passable and probably uses cheesy pickup lines to make you fall for him. Also he's got a got a good ass so that prevents him from being last.
#19 Dave York
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Now he's better in looks than Maxwell, but I literally can't think of any headcanons of him since I don't know this character at all in the slightest, so uh... sorry Dave York fans, he might rise in this ranking if I ever watch the equalizer... Ahhh! With this the list comes to an end, once again, I love all Pedro boys with tiny little differences but overall they're all amazing in their own right <3 I know I missed some like him in the Casillero del Diablo ad, but that kind of barely counts as a character considering he doesn't even have a name. Feel free to share your opinion in the comments/tags and please reblog this post!
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earthykinous · 7 months
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Me gusta (Y también me rompe) como el <Hero> que me había imaginado cuando jugué Exploradores del Tiempo es tan diferente del de Explorers of the Spirit 😅
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Eiiiii forgot to post older Tulioque
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daddy-dins-girl · 7 months
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Pedro Boys "Nice argument. Unfortunately,"
Requested by @within-the-depths
related posts: Pedro Boys "During a Fire Emergency" Pedro Boys "Don't Fuck This Up" Pedro Boys "Dad(dy) Matrix" Pedro Boys & Stabbing Pedro Boys "Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic" Pedro Boys "Feral/Sad/Angelic" Pedro Boys Respond to "I love you." Pedro Boys "Character Tropes" Pedro Boys "Gay/Depressed/Horny on Main" Pedro Boys "Dad/THOT/Bastard" Pedro Boys "bring some Coke to the party" Pedro Boys "Zombie Apocalypse Team" Pedro Boys "I Want a Baby" Pedro Boys "As Babysitters" Pedro Boys "As McDonald's Dads" Pedro Boys "in a horror movie" Pedro Boys "Cinnamon Rolls" Pedro Boys "5 Kids, 3 Chairs" Pedro Boys "Playing Monopoly"
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raiberryz · 2 months
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The machinations of my mind are an enigma.
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