#perfect visual rendition of recent events
Incoming TROS rant
yes, there will be spoilers as I will be breaking down everything I saw tonight. If I manage to type choking on my tears well after the movie finished.
Let’s start with a few opening words, this rant will indeed be a long one.
ALL THE LEAKS ARE TRUE. And I mean ALL of them. To a T. As soon as I saw the first half was exactly as I’d read, I was crushed. As I knew what was coming. On that note, i was probably the only person in the theatre who was crying like 15-20 minutes before we were supposed to, I’ll get to that in a bit. I’m saving the WORST for last. Let’s break this shit down.
1. The plot is a mess. An actual mess. I feel like every five minutes I was shaking my head and mumbling ‘what kind of nonsense is this’. The breaking of lore or COMMON SENSE really is substantial. But that is definitely not what I cared about, as I already KNEW this even without the leaks. When you can’t get your two directors to FUCKING WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE A COHESIVE STORYLINE it is bound to grasp for straws and make shit up. IT AIN’T NOTHING NEW.
2. Here’s the kicker. THE DIALOGUE WAS SO BAD, it makes Anakin’s AOTC speech seem like a hymn, or poetry or whatever. They CONSTANTLY say what they’re doing, they’re literally reciting the exposition to each other and it comes off as extremely annoying and makes you feel like a toddler. No hate against toddlers, but I’d rather not be one right now. It feels unnatural, forced and STUPID to the point where I would start WISHING for 3PO to come back on screen because Anthony Daniels somehow managed to snag some actually decent lines for once? I love the man, but the droid usually really annoys the crap outta me. He was literally the highlight of the film. Don’t get me started on the stupidity of all of Lando’s lines, poor Billy. Daisy has to stare angrily most of the time so I don’t really care to recall her lines. Adam, my dear Adam, he tries SO HARD to make do with what he was given but even his lines 90% of the time come off as stupid and out of place. Or the worst type in this movie, EXPOSITIONYY. Don’t get me started on Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford. Boys looked like they didn’t sign up for this shit and were literally force choked to be there. I feel you guys, I feel you. ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF THE FORCE THE TIMES THEY REPEATED WORD FOR WORD LINES FROM OTHER MOVIES I WANTED TO SCREAM. Once is too much, THIS MANY TIMES IT IS A FELONY. And it needs to be punished somehow.
3. Let’s get the positives out of the way because there were FEW. The two scenes I actually REALLY enjoyed watching, for different reasons were:
Ben and Palps meeting. The scene was much longer than the clip and SUPER badass. Sheev’s voice echoes, Ben looks fucking cool and the whole scene is GORGEOUS.
The other is when Ben fights as a Jedi in the end. I’ll get to Ben later BELIEVE ME but without overexplaining, he fights with Anakin’s lightsabre, he’s really speedy and is doing all the Jedi spins and whatnot. I fucking ATE THAT UP. Replay that scene forever please CAUSE I LOVED IT. But I was already crying here so we’ll touch more on that later.
To conclude this segment, the visuals were SUPERB, the sound was AMAZING and (some) of the fights were jaw droppingly cool. But that about concludes the positives!
4. I will comment, as I know a lot of people will care even if I don’t particularily. Finn, Poe, Rose and the merry gang aside from our Jedi are reduced to EH this movie. If you thought you’d never miss Rose boy were you wrong. They introduce new characters and expect you to care about them when they SIDELINED the ones they’d hoped you’d care about BEFORE. And it made me care about NO ONE. Not to mention that, sadly, they are ALWAYS reduced to the boring side plot that really isn’t interested or key to much of ANYTHING. Sure they roused the people and all but would’ve been TOAST if Rey didn’t go all Jesus on the fleet. So at the end of the day, you MAY find some enjoyment with the side characters but their lines were some of the worst, you WILL be force fed new people and you might not really enjoy your previous faves here because even I found myself being completely indifferent this time. (I actually really ENJOYED Finn since TFA. He had a compelling storyline and John Boyega was alright. Couldn’t give two wits about him in this movie. Not a single one. But again, I may not be the perfect person to ask if you really,really like any of these characters.
5. Finally, we have arrived to the main event. THE REYLO.
The backbone of this clusterfuck of a new trilogy. The last Skywalker and Palpatine, coming together instead of apart. The arguably BEST actors (legacies aside) Disney managed to get. Now, I will start this off that I didn’t HATE Rey before this movie. I loved her in TFA, enjoyed her less in TLJ but the novelization fixed that. I was BACK ON BOARD to be her number one stan. In this movie, I couldn’t STAND her. Her lines are basically the director walking you through things, her plotline was obviously made last minute so almost none of it makes sense,  I literally wanted to curl up and DIE from cringing so hard every time someone said ‘you’re a Palpatine’. I thought I was looking at a very expensive rendition of terrible fan fiction. (Not to diss fan fiction in any way, you guys will be my heroes after this catastrophe.) ‘Empress Palpatine’, COME THE FUCK ON AND GET OUT WITH THIS SHIT. Bring back crusty old Snoke for crying out loud! Or even HUX! Who got killed off in a second and had three lines of dialogue, not important I guess? Like a great many things I guess, JJ. But, EVEN Palpatine aside, it was great seeing him again and every scene he was in I got chills, who cares that it makes zero sense at this point. Back to reylo.
Ben. Ben Solo Organa Skywalker. The last hope. The final remnant of something I have loved FOREVER. I grew up with Star Wars, like many others just in a different, post prequel era and they are still my favourites. This might sound ridiculous but Star Wars was part of my heart, my happiness. It brought me joy to watch it, read it, fantasize about it and have it in my life when times were dark or miserable. It MEANT something to me, as I am sure many of you will agree. And Ben was part of that. He was part of something that MEANT something to all of us. He was the last line of the characters we all grew up with and loved. The GRANDSON of Anakin, my favourite character of all time. This was their chance to stop the trend that Loki’s death in IW and Daenerys’ death and turn and many others started and STOP killing people who did wrongs. PEOPLE can change, they can grow and they can learn. Hell, to not stray to far from this franchise REY has killed A LOT of people in this movie alone. She DECIMATES the room full of Palpatine’s followers and never blinks an eye. SHE NEARLY KILLS CHEWIE, DOES KILL BEN (for a minute) and SHE DOESN’T NEED TO DIE. Of course she doesn’t but BEN DOESN’T EITHER. After all that YOU JJ, YES YOU, show me that the LAST SKYWALKER has gone through, suffered, alone and frightened. I would’ve ENDED you if you’d suggested killing him off to me, EVER. He was your chance to do a reverse Vader, AS YOU CLAIMED YOU WOULD. To show a character can come back to the light and be worthy of it WITHOUT DYING. You even set it up as such, which is my next and CRUCIAL POINT.
I’ve been a reylo since 2015. Their dynamic has always been fascinating to me and beautiful. I LOVED all the moments in TLJ, LOVED THEM. In this one, every time they force bond (terrible dialogue aside, again) I was happy. I had a hope that she would bring him back from the darkness and he will keep her balanced. WELL, JJ, guess fuck me huh? And anyone with common sense and human decency. JUST WHEN you shove Ben’s turn in my face, you make him talk to Han, you make him strut in to fight alongside Rey in full Ben Solo Jedi mode, hair blown and casually dressed. It was when he runs onto Exegol that I started weeping. Because knowing that he dies as I did, it broke my heart how it was done. You give me the scene where he fights and you give me hope of what his future could’ve been if only you’d listened to reason and done what was supposed to be done. He is chucked into the pit, WHICH MIGHT I ADD WOULD’VE MADE ME MAD IF THAT WAS HIS END BUT WOULD’VE BEEN SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT WE GOT, comes back. And now comes the scene that cemented this as the ABSOLUTE WORST insult to me as a fan, possible. Ben is heartbroken that Rey is dead, the moment is sad and he cradles her dead body and hugs her desperately. Which would’ve been a beautiful and GOOD DIFFERENT type of ending. Or rather not having her die at all and being NEAR her death and him saving her and both living happily ever after BUT NO. JJ AFTER THAT has her come back, smile happily when she sees it’s him, her love her hope and the other half of her SOUL literally (the diad or whatever it’s called is so rare that Palpatine was thrilled they’d formed such a bond, basically space soulmates), he has them kiss, then hold each other and smile at each other with genuine feeling of joy and belonging both of them had sought all their life AND THEN YANKS IT FROM UNDER YOU. The scene where Ben falls flat onto his back is quite comical and I couldn’t help but laugh in my misery and sobbing. Rey doesn’t even cry, we don’t even LINGER on his body or mourn him afterwards or even mention it or EVEN SEE her, THE PERSON WHO LITERALLY FOUND HER SOULMATE AND WAS SO HAPPY WHEN SHE KISSED HIM AND WAS LITERALLY SAVED BY HIM, but no guess that doesn’t require a scene, sure, fuck it LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE. The cheery music that plays up until the moment of his fall, YES THE FALL OF SKYWALKER MIND YOU NOT A FUCKING RISE, was an insult to every fan everyhwere, lifelong or recent or otherwise, it was a punch to the gut, a slap in the face and after this happened I no longer paid attention to the movie. I’d been crying for some time leading up to the moment, I knew what was coming and the execution only made it worse and a more desperate cry rather than only sad, I was hoping it wouldn’t happen somehow. I choked back tears until I finally got home and cried. One of the things which MEANT so much to me, was dead. I no longer have any doubts, that this was intentional. Look at Game of thrones, that was this year. It seemed intentional to make series stop, right? Everyone agrees. They wanted to finally bury the Skywalkers so they could make something unrelated? They kill off all the Skywalkers. Well guess what disney? YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO BRING THEM BACK IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU MONEY HUNGRY PIECE OF SHIT. No one would have minded a new trilogy, with new characters doing NEW things. Why even drag the Skywalkers and the leagies into this if YOU DON’T WANT THEM HERE? All you got was millions of lifelong fans of the old movies who have already felt or are only now beginning to feel BETRAYED. I swear it disney, I don’t want to feel this misery again. You won’t take Star Wars away from me and the joy it brought me. I will without a care in the world dismiss this new trilogy as something completely separate from canon. You’ve killed your own fanbase. You could’ve had us but you LOST us. You dangled something we wanted in front of us for our money and then you ripped it apart.
If you are anything like me, anything like me at all and have loved SW for however long. if it MEANS ANYTHING TO YOU, I beg you not to see this movie or at the very least, pay for it. You WILL feel betrayed, insulted, heartbroken, devastated and miserable, as I am feeling right now. I was supposed to go see this movie another two times but i cannot and will not spend another CENT on a company that chooses to alienate me. Fine, have it your way. I’m done.
This concludes my rant as I am tired and upset. If I missed out on anything and you are interested in anything else, please do DM me or leave a comment :) We’re all in this together now, the reylos the antis the new fans and the old. We’re all in the same heartbreaking boat, I love you all. And I will love Star Wars. The REAL Star Wars forever. I wasn’t even sad the ‘FRANCHISE’ was ending because it wasn’t. It had ended a long, long time ago.
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cinephiles-delight · 6 years
The Fantastically Real World of “A Star is Born”
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     When I entered the theater to watch A Star is Born, I had absolutely no idea how wholly unprepared I was for this emotional powerhouse of a film, and as all 200 audience members and I stumbled out of the theater sniffling and desperately trying to dry our eyes, I was left to contemplate exactly why what I had just watched had been so brilliant and impactful. Long story short, Bradley Cooper explodes onto the stage with his directorial debut, crafting a movie that fires on all cylinders and makes use of every tool at its disposal to tell a heartbreaking, timeless, and wonderfully moving story.
     I had the unique opportunity to watch the film at a pre-screening with its Director of Photography, Matthew Libatique, whose breathtaking visuals and nuanced cinematography bring to the screen the flash pan realities of life as a rockstar: the good, the bad, and the ugly.  The film opens with Bradley Cooper’s Jack Maine giving a rocking performance to a sold-out crowd.  Using a stunning combination of multicolored lighting, a distorting wide-angle lens, and introductory shots showing Jack popping pills before his act, Libatique pens poems with his cinematography, effortlessly displaying full-frontal the hectic craziness of Jack’s life and the vices that will plague him throughout the film and ultimately prove his undoing.  
     A few moments later the audience is transported along with Jack into to the fantasy-world of a drag bar: resplendent with over-the-top costumes with vibrant colors and boas aplenty, adorned with myriads of tesselated mirrors and lit with a warm, risqué red hue.  In the bar the audience receives a series of juxtaposed images, with numerous close ups of Ally, played by Lady Gaga, singing on stage, her face lit with a soft, red glow being interspersed with various shots of Jack sitting at the bar, lit in a much more low-key, hard cool light: the long, stark shadows spreading across his face standing in contrast to the smooth, glamorous glow of Ally’s face.  The scene builds as Ally carefully traces a seductive route through the crowd, approaching Jack and the bar, culminating in what could be considered one of the most romantically charged moments in recent cinema, when Ally lays across the bar with a rose between her fingers, belting a french ballad and turns her head effortlessly to make eye contact with Jack, sharing glances into the camera that are simultaneously transfixing and moving.
     There are countless other instances of beautiful camera and lighting work in the film (that go hand in hand with the tense editing techniques), but the one that creates arguably the most stunning impact appears towards the conclusion of the film, as Ally is giving the final performance on her tour.  Ally has been wrapped up in the insane world of being a pop star, and this scene shows her in the throws of giving a bombastic, flashy show to a screaming crowd of adoring fans: flashing lights with after images, dynamic camera movements, dazzling costumes, etc.  As this is happening, the film parallelly constructs Jack’s final moments and the execution of his suicide, using seven primary images interspersed with the pop concert to elevate and concentrate the emotion of his death.  The first image is of Jack opening the glove box and searching for a bottle of pills: establishing to the audience that he is going to relapse, and possibly kill himself.  Next we see a shot of his adorable dog, Charlie, framed in the doorway, pulling on the audience’s heartstrings as we realize the emotional weight of the act Jack is about to commit.  Third, we are shown Jack pulling the truck out of his garage: the headlights are on, and as he pulls out they illuminate whirling clouds of dust.  After a cut to shots of the concert, the next shot we are given is an almost exact graphic match of the previous truck shot, but now the headlights are off: the match serving to draw attention to the difference between the two shots–the extinguished headlights–which are symbolic of Jack’s life being snuffed out.  We then see him stumble out of the truck and amble back into the garage, but the camera frames only his legs and hand, in which he holds his belt, silhouetted against the brighter backdrop of the garage interior.  The belt serves to remind the audience of Jack’s confession to his counselor in rehab of the time when he was 12 and attempted suicide because of his his emotional isolation due to a negligent father, and at this point Jack’s intent becomes clear: he is contemplating and may commit suicide.  Once again the film transitions to a few shots of the wild, fun, and crowded scene of the concert; Ally briefly goes offstage for a costume change and shows her concern for Jack, telling her manager to send someone to the house to check on him.  These final shots of Ally in the changing room are full of many actors moving at a quick pace, Ally herself appears excited and alive, and the camera moves sporadically, with hands and bodies moving to and fro in front of the lens.  Then, in possibly the most emotionally painful cut I have ever witnessed in film, the film jumps from the energetic, bright concert scene to a static, dark long shot of Jack and Ally’s home, facing the garage.  The woods surrounding are shrouded in darkness, the garage door is down, and the only lights in the frame are the interior garage lights and the exterior house lights directly adjacent to the garage door.  Scanning the frame, the audience, to our horror, sees first Jack’s torso, framed in the narrow garage windows swinging back and forth, and then the dog Charlie sitting expectantly at the foot of the garage door, looking around for his master.  There were many sniffles to be heard in the theater at this point.  After a few brief concert clips the suicide scene concludes with one last long shot of the house, except this time centered on the front entrance, the door wide open, and the red neon sign inside lit.  The camera pushes in, focused on the bright red interior, as the exterior–trees, ground, and house–are bathed in flashing blue lights, creating a sense of discomfort and finality to the actions we have just witnessed.
     You would think that that sequence would be the emotional climax of the film, but A Star is Born once again refuses to conform to audience expectations and avoids the cheap ending of an abrupt suicide by letting the final few minutes become a beautiful requiem to Jack and his wonderful, but troubled life.  The first scene features Ally at the piano playing, and then uses a jump cut to place her on the couch, staring at the ceiling with Charlie at the foot of the sofa, the jarring cut serving to reinforce the sense of wrongness and loss that surrounds Ally.  
     A few shots later we see Ally conversing with Jack’s brother, who recounts an event that happened to him in the past few days when he was at a bar and heard a boy singing one of Jack’s songs, and he expresses how his initial reaction was one of anger.  As we are given this reaction to the playing of Jack’s songs, the film then delivers a perfect thematic counterpoint with the triumphant (and sob-inducing) final scene, in which Ally performs in memorial the unfinished love song that Jack penned to her right before rehab.  The scene opens with a crab shot scanning over the members of the orchestra, bathed in a soft, warm glow provided by a sea of old-style bulbs hanging over their heads.  Ally is introduced to us in a shot from behind at a low angle, a spot light shining down on her from above serving to underexpose the shot, presenting her and the crowd in silhouette.  The spot light reflects off the crown of her head, forming a brilliant, white halo on her hair and making her look like an angel: providing closure to the motif of Jack comparing Ally to an angel with his song and profession of love literally giving her the appearance of an angel.  The cinematography then employs a more subtle approach with repeating camera movements and more traditional high-key lighting and angles, taking a backseat to the power of Gaga’s vocal performance and the heartbreaking poetry of the lyrics.  Editing steals the show, however, in the final three shots, by making use of a stunning instance of mental subjectivity.  It starts with Ally singing on stage at the awards ceremony, and then cuts to Ally and Jack at the piano from earlier in the film when she pressures him to play the love song for her.  The cut employs a bold graphic contrast, the effect of which is enhanced by the audio from the performance cutting out and giving way to a much quieter rendition of the song, taken up from the same place by Jack and his piano.  We see him passionately deliver the song to his wife, with their dog in the frame, professing his love for her in a tender moment of vulnerability and happiness.  In that shot, if you look closely, you’ll notice Ally sheds a tear from her left eye as he concludes.  Finally, in a bizarre and time-bending match-on-action, the film snaps back to the present with a close up of Ally’s face at her live performance–this time with the background washed out to a flat black by the lighting, highlighting her harrowed expression and the emotional culmination of her song: a single tear streaming down her face from her left eye.
     I’ve focused primarily on some examples of the film’s technical successes, but I would be amiss if I didn’t mention some of its outstanding narrative achievements as well.  As a whole, the film tells a very real and tragic story, building its world through a frenzied blend of verisimilitude and expressionism in style paired with exceeding complex and human characters.  Jack, Ally, Jack’s brother, and the whole cast have so many layers to their character that they become immediately real, believable and, in some cases, pitiable.  We watch as Jack charmingly and endearingly woos Ally during their first encounter, and we watch as he pisses himself onstage at the Grammy’s for her award presentation.  We watch as Ally overcomes her fears and boldly performs her own song in front of a massive crowd for the first time with Jack, and we watch as she falls victim to her fear of rejection and insecure self-image by building a career around meaningless songs and a public image that hardly resembles the real her.  We watch as Jack coyly writes and embarrassedly performs a love song he wrote for Ally after he returns from rehab, and we watch as his insecurities and guilt come bursting forth as her manager reminds him of how he has repeatedly failed Ally.  In this way the narrative takes us on a wild roller-coaster ride of highs and lows in the lives and psyche of both the main characters, and through their trying to negotiate a relationship in spite of their demons we are given the impression of two fallible, very human people plagued by the same woes that beset so many.  The film also makes several points about the nature of art and songwriting, and uses the artistic process and the realities of life as an artist as the driving engine for much of the narrative development with regards to Ally and Jack’s relationship.  
     All in all, A Star is Born is a film that succeeds in every aspect of the filmmaking process, blending a myriad of techniques and styles to help tell a timeless and tragic story of love, loss, and the power of a good song.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
The Most Memorable Anime Dance Sequences of All Time!
Anime is an amazing medium because of the way things flow and look on screen, like when action sequences suck us in with amazing animation and quieter scenes can stun with captivating visuals. Perhaps one of the least appreciated parts of anime, though, are the amazing dance sequences that can pop up in our favorite shows and even in their opening and endings. Dance can really be an amazing medium on its own, and with the right animation and music, anime dances can seem almost magical! But which ones are the best? I’ve gathered what I think are the 10 best overall anime dance sequences, and I’m ranking them based on their style, choreography, and their overall ability to stick in our minds. If you’re looking for a new dance to try out with your friends at a cosplay gathering for this year’s con circuit, or maybe you just appreciate a good dance as much as I do, hit the dance floor and get ready to show off some sick moves!
10) Kill Me Baby Ending Dance Sequence
    Coming in at number 10, I’ve got the dance from the Kill Me Baby ending theme “The True Secret of Our Feelings.” This unique duet encapsulates the odd mood and style of the series, with a unique blend of comedy that is wholly its own. While it is a unique and quirky dance, that’s the reason I found it so memorable! Seeing this dance at the end of every episode was a great way to cap off any episode, as well as a great little bit of music and dancing that captured what Kill Me Baby was all about: weird, cute comedy! One of the things I really appreciated about this dance was the way that the moves keep specific timing with the beat, which really showed a level of though similar to the sometimes subtle punchlines of the show.
9) Sgt. Frog Ending Dance Sequence
    Fittingly at number 9 spot is the 9th ending song of Sgt. Frog, “Spinning, Turning, Once Around!” When this song hit during the anime’s broadcast, it became a huge sensation online, spawning lots of people doing their own group renditions of the dance. At first it might seem like the song is more memorable and catchy than the dance, which is why it’s a bit lower on our list than others, but the dance itself is quite fun and actually very subtle! Much of it is focused on specific, timed movements between a group, and keeping up that manic pace as the song’s tempo increases is part of the fun. The parody videos people have made are almost as entertaining as the original (especially to see how people interpreted Tamama’s entrance into the ending!), so for that reason alone I knew I had to put it on this list.
8) Free - Iwatobi Swim Club-'s Ending Sequence
  Free! -Iwatobi Swim Club- certainly made a huge splash (sorry, not sorry) when it hit the scene a few years ago, and people were instantly sucked into the sports and non-sport drama of the swim club boys. But perhaps one of the most memorable parts of the series was it's absolutely off the wall ending sequence, featuring cast members alternating between dancing in a night club and an Arabian themed hunt for an oasis! While some might argue that certain viewers were more interested in the amount of abs on display in the ending, I’ll say that while that was great, the oddball dance sequence and fun visuals of the ending are what really caught our attention. Free! itself seems to have owned up to the silliness of the first ending, as the recent movie had the guys creating a themed recruitment video in something of a fun callback to the original season’s ending visuals. The night club scene was so popular, it even inspired some neat merchandise for fans to buy! And while fans will probably argue over who the best Free! boy is, I have to say that Haru’s hair flipping to the beat in this ending is pretty show stealing!
7) Carnival Phantasm's Opening Dance Sequence
  The TYPE-MOON series Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime have spawned countless fans between all of the various versions of anime spin offs from the original games, but none perhaps captured the madcap silliness the fandom had invented better than the Carnival Phantasm series. A selection of comical shorts featuring characters from both the Fate and Tsukihime series, the show kicked off each episode with a high energy and catchy theme song that was accompanied by the main characters of each series dancing along in time. Seeing Saber, Rin, Arcueid and many others dancing cutely was enough to get this on our list, but the huge group dance scenes in between those really helped cement this one in place. Carnival Phantasm was filled with callbacks to events in both series, their anime, and even long-time in jokes, and the opening copied that as well, with odd little easter eggs for careful viewers to spot. Although Carnival Phantasm never got an official release outside of Japan, the opening song was popular enough to inspire some fan reactions. If you take a look at it, let us know if you can spot the Assassin cut-out…!
6) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable Opening Dance Sequence
  As much as I would like to put this next entry on the list with “Koichi pose” and leave it at that, there’s definitely more to be said about this one. Our number 6 spot goes to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable’s first opening song, “Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town,” featuring cast members dancing along to the song as they introduce themselves. Diamond is Unbreakable really exuded a specific bouncy charm and vibrancy to it that made it different from previous JoJo seasons, and this opening song really helped to sell that mood. Starting off with Josuke, Koichi, Jotaro and Okuyasu on a stage like a boy band, the song kept up that high energy throughout, making it a catchy tune with somewhat even more memorable dance moves. Although it isn’t as thoroughly choreographed as some of our other entries, it would be hard to really forget certain scenes here, and the way it fits the series is a huge plus to us.
5) Blood Blockade Battlefront Ending Dance Sequence
  Blood Blockade Battlefront was a series that dripped style from the way it was animated to the character designs, and the ending theme, “Sugar Song and Bitter Step,” had an amazing segue of dancing scenes that really helped cement that in our minds. Much like Sgt. Frog, the ending of Blood Blockade Battlefront spawned lots of homage videos from fan artists and cosplayers recreating the dance steps with their own unique takes on it. Perhaps one of the most memorable bits of the whole sequence, though, is the way in which it helped sell character interactions and relationships even in the ending song; watching the various ways Zapp interacted with people, for example, or the little cues to season one’s major plot points in various parts was a hidden treat that rewarded keen viewers attention. The song itself matches the jazzy dance steps and costuming as well, making it an overall catchy and fun sequence to watch over and over again!
4) Uta no Prince Sama Ending Dance Sequence
Considering that it’s a series about handsome idols doing amazing song and dance routines, it probably doesn’t surprise you to see Uta no Prince Sama’s “Maji Love 2000%” make it onto our list at number 4. The dance is so fluid and stylish that you could easily see a real idol group easily perform something similar, and the accompanying fan screams during specific moments really made the whole scene amazing. Plus, as the pay off to a tense and dramatic season finale, the whole dance really felt like an amazing reward for viewers to see. I’ll be honest with you all: there are a few scenes in this dance that I enjoy quite a lot, and it probably isn’t hard to figure out why! If you like your idols handsome and with good rhythm, you should consider checking out Uta no Prince Sama!
3) Vegeta's Bingo Dance from Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods
  This next dance caught us so off guard when I first saw it that I think you’ll agree it deserves a high place on our list: Vegeta’s bingo dance! First seen in the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods movie and then again in the Dragon Ball Super anime adaptation of it, Vegeta’s desperate attempt to distract Beerus from destroying Earth was perhaps never so apparent as it was in this madcap dance sequence. Vegeta’s improvisational song and dance are pretty amazing on their own, but perhaps the most memorable thing about them is what it meant for the Dragon Ball series as a whole: a marked shift in Vegeta’s character and personality. Super really focused heavily on Vegeta’s growth early on, letting us see his change from the cold hearted and distant “Prince of all Saiyans” of Dragon Ball Z into a man who, while still surly, really cares for his family and other people enough to throw away his pride and put on a ridiculous dance to save the day. I love Dragon Ball Super and I love Vegeta, and this dance really just put a big bow on why!
2) Torture Dance from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
  A relative newcomer compared to the rest of the list, our number 2 spot goes to that torture dance scene from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind! One of the best things an anime adaptation can do is take things that it’s source material did, and give it a unique spin that only an animated series can do, and David Production really knocked it out of the park with this! Changing a single page set of panels into a minute long visual trip was amazing! It also gave us a little fun insight into the relationships of the Bucciarati gang; we see goofball Narancia start off, only to have the slightly more serious Mista join in, followed by the extremely high strung Fugo working together in perfect harmony as their torture target suffers in the background. The original song, “Canonzi Preferite,” created to go along with the dance is another great touch, as are the trippy visuals between dance steps. It’s a real treat to watch this dance scene over and over again, and it’s something that really helped me find my love for Part 5 immediately!
1) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Ending Dance Sequence
If you’ve read this far and asked “Where is it?” you’ve probably already predicted what's in the #1 spot: the famous “Hare Hare Yukai” dance from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! It may be hard to imagine that it’s been over 13 years (ohmygod, it’s been THAT LONG?) since this song first hit the anime world like a tidal wave, and it’s dance soon became a convention staple for groups of cosplayers! It’s hard to deny the memories of seeing fan renditions of the dance pop up on the early days of social media, and the enduring popularity of the dance sequence really says all there is to say about why it’s my number one pick. Even if we discounted the history now attached to the dance, it’s hard to argue that there’s a stronger contender on our list; the song is matched perfectly by the movements of the cast, and it gives off an air of natural movement that’s hard to match! Many other dances on our list are broken up by other strings of animation stills or cut aways, Hare Hare Yukai got an entire minute of pure dancing down the line, with impressive choreography considerations for its age. It’s pretty hard to deny: Haruhi is still on top when it comes to dancing!
And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this collection of amazing anime dance sequences, and if you feel so inclined, maybe you can dance along yourself at home or at your next convention outing. Just remember to limber up, practice, and dance like the blinds are closed; after all, dancing is about having fun, so hit the floor and get to it!
Have a dance that you think should be on this list? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
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gymturkey07 · 2 years
Our 20 Most Popular Soup Recipes Ever!
Pistou is simply the French time period for a pesto. Basil, garlic, Parmesan, good olive oil, salt and pepper make the most unimaginable topping for this soup…or any soup for that matter. It’s ridiculously scrumptious and provides such a depth of flavor to this soup. Make your soups richer & creamier with cream cheese. Leftover vegetable soup and undecided what to do with it? Hand-cut and marinated with our signature seasoning, flame broiled to perfection and basted with our zesty BBQ sauce. Moist shortcake layered with whipped cream and strawberry filling. We proudly serve native vanilla bean ice cream made for us by Gifford’s famous ice cream in Skowhegan, Maine. Served with classic tomato or butter sauce and warm Rustic Garlic Bread. 外燴 with hints of burgundy and loads of onions. Passion fruit puree, fresh squeezed lime, Jamaican all-spice & ginger beer blended with vodka & a contact of Triple Sec. Deep Eddy’s Ruby Red Vodka with Triple Sec & a touch of Malibu coconut rum blended with contemporary squeezed grapefruit juice, lime & a splash of easy syrup. Topped with a bruleéd grapefruit garnish. Sparkling wine & Fruitlab Hibiscus liqueur, mixed with contemporary lemon juice & garnished with a candied Hibiscus flower. A in style Caribbean flatbread where East Indian meets West Indian. Our roti dough is carefully molded around a spiced break up pea mixture, and rolled out skinny. House beer-battered onion rings on prime of a recent floor chuck patty with two slices of cheddar cheese, bacon, our hickory BBQ sauce with lettuce, tomato, mayo. All natural deli rooster breast on a gentle squaw bread with a sweet cranpeno unfold, lettuce, tomato, provolone cheese and pink onion. Fried hen breast and recent sliced avocado atop a tossed salad with bacon, tomato, egg, cheese, and poblano ranch dressing. Hosting An All Appetizers Find seasonal inspiration, test-kitchen permitted recipes, and a lot extra. Learn about fun offers, be amused by our silliness, and see what we're celebrating at present. No matter the way you mix it, our margarita mashup recipes are certain to hit the spot. When's the final time you had Little Smokies? People are mad about meatballs, us included. Order BBQ or Swedish Meatballs on your subsequent party or backyard gathering. Moving away from buffets, chef attended stations provide a enjoyable, visual element to the all appetizer get together as well. Whether the final plating of a dish or actively tossing pasta at a custom pasta bar, a chef attendant enhances the general pleasure. On trend are the “All Appetizers” or “Heavy Hors d’oeuvres” events. These cocktail get together style occasions allow for more mingling, interaction and motion. Messina’s Catering and Events shares tips about how to throw a successful Appetizer Only event. This show is not only colourful it tells us how every color makes us really feel. We have included donut partitions and bagel walls earlier within the submit. If you may be in search of one thing scrumptious and pleasing to the attention without the over-the-top sugar binge although, here’s a healthier rendition with a salad wall. Macaroons are pretty darn special no matter how you select to rearrange them but this hanging display with flowers is almost too pretty to eat. In this instance, the food is “organized” in a square shelving unit with a rainbow of coloured lights. This is a good way to solidify branding or make an impression in what could otherwise be a very low-lit room. Leave ham and cheese behind with these cool ideas. Here it’s not only thrilling flavors but in addition recent presentation that makes an influence. Champagne is epic all by itself, but the addition of popsicles provides visitors the opportunity to create their own unimaginable cocktails at your occasion. Particularly useful when you have function meals corresponding to cakes or towers, you possibly can incorporate these branding and signage alternatives into the buffet or station. 370 Catering Presentation Ideas Also, South Asian delicacies , pan-Asian cuisine, and Mediterranean cuisine are increasingly available within the buffet format, and sushi has also turn into extra in style at buffets. In some areas of the US, Brazilian-style churrascaria barbecue buffets served rodízio type have gotten in style. In Australia, buffet chains such as Sizzler serve numerous patrons with carvery meats, seafood, salads and desserts. Cruise operators in Sydney, conduct Sydney Harbour sightseeing cruises with continental buffets having multiple seafood options. Don’t be shocked if they take these darling tequila bottles house with them. Regardless of the setup, enable for people to unfold out. For instance, you may think about setting a 10-person banquet desk for only eight people. Toronto-based Eatertainment presents an action station targeted on serving salmon gravlax. If it is table reservation, confirm the timing of customer’s arrival and the total number of individuals to the shopper. Always speak politely and respectfully to the customers by addressing girls as ‘Madam’ and males as ‘Sir’. Place water and the wine glasses on the top-right aspect of the dinner plate. 107 Main Course Recipes For A Dinner Party This charming concept incorporates an artist’s palette as a serving platter for food. It’s the perfect idea for a studio opening or art show however is also very effective in an occasion that is focussed on creativity. We’ve already talked about how meals is extra enjoyable on a stick but the base you employ to help your sticks can totally remodel your catering show. For occasion, if you’re hosting a book launch or academic event it is a nice tie-in. Ice cream at an outdoor occasion is a nice thought nevertheless it requires plenty of staff and running forwards and backwards to serve it earlier than it melts. But not when you use this concept of a wearable serving tray. Their meals was completely scrumptious and beautifully introduced. They have terrific staff who had been very attentive and professional. Every detail was considered and dealt with nicely which made this mothe... Cannot say enough nice issues about Occasions and Gerard and the entire team!!!! When you're employed with Gerard, as we did for our wedding, your occasion is the only event they guide for that day. Gerard told us this after we first met him, but I didn'... My grandfather was very upset when my Husband & I selected hen and vegetarian for the meals options. Biting into the pastry crust of a summer season vegetable medley and cream sauce, he was modified. After many travels and exploring the world, Myrinda Makepeace returned again to her hometown to set roots in the community she loves essentially the most. At first glance, this will just appear to be a conveyable Caprese salad but nearer up you can’t assist but discover how the little tomatoes have been minimize in heart shapes. Don’t be stunned if you hear a lot of “awwws” from your attendees. There are many cell meals truck choices and they’re enjoyable on their very own but when you’re creating one from scratch, may we advise utilizing a tipi? First, it’s a enjoyable design but should you print what’s on the truck on the tipi, individuals can read it regardless of how many individuals are standing in front of them. When the weather's right, you can’t beat an outside occasion. To maximize that have listed right here are a few superior out of doors catering ideas. Caterer Job Description Is, you should also know that an excellent caterer should be ready to adapt shortly, since both the client’s wants and event happenings are ever-changing. Throughout each event, your catering team plays a major role in the seamless execution of the experience since they're also the primary clean-up and tidy crew. A good catering staff will decide up all soiled plates, unattended drinks, sweep up damaged glass, and even deep clear the venue at the finish of the evening to assist you get your deposit back. This dedication retains the event secure and trying out flawless always. If all goes well, you won’t even be conscious of all the behind the scenes care a catering team, and their servers, put into your occasion. The staff at Devour It Catering know that you want the very best experience in your occasion. Discuss and provide examples of how catering matches into three common classifications of the food service business. The university caterer only services capabilities on campus for university personnel. Not many events are catered outdoors the college property for the area people since they do not need to compete towards community caterers. Left Coast Catering moreover supplies supply of its cuisine all through the realm. Located within the city of San Francisco, Fork and Spoon Catering provides catering services for purchasers all through the region. One major service that the corporate supplies is catering to private occasions. Some of those events are comprised of bar and bat mitzvahs, group trips to Wine Country, and urban gatherings. The firm covers all of the details, from food to valet parking. Social occasions are extremely necessary to our clients, and we guarantee good service. Greet prospects with a friendly introduction whereas seating effectively Accurately present quote times and make preparations for particular requests. Transported and loaded kitchen tools, tables, silverware, and food out and in of various locations. Performed preliminary meals preparation, ready menu on production schedule as prescribed. Inspect meals preparation and serving areas to make sure observance of secure, sanitary food-handling practices. Maintain hygiene in food preparation areas, prepare meals, and arrange dining area. Catering & Special Events And even now, 9 years later, guests nonetheless discuss how a lot they enjoyed our marriage ceremony. We skipped the ceremony – only one quick speech by my darling hubby, no toasts, no bouquet throwing, no cake slicing, no choreographed particulars. In truth, nothing at all was choreographed, and nothing was rehearsed. I recently got engaged and a marriage date in 2020 has been set. As weddings turn out to be more and more focused on curating unforgettable experiences, couples are in search of out new ways to personalize their special occasion and impress wedding guests. Although the alternatives to usher in distinctive touches are endless—from venue selection to decorate code, decor, and music—one surefire method to dazzle your visitors is with memorable food. For adventurous couples in search of something more distinctive than a standard sit-down meal or buffet, meals truck catering is an excellent possibility. Not certain the place to begin out, or are you deciding if a food truck matches your huge day’s vibe? Zola has you coated with the necessities that you want to know, plus all the professionals and cons of meals truck wedding ceremony catering. Catering Los Angeles occasions, from weddings and bridal showers to corporate soirees and film production, permits us to share our love of French cuisine with our visitors. Catering of Paris is a French inspiredwedding & celebration catererin Orange County, Los Angeles bringing 10 years of experience to social events and company occasions inLos AngelesandOrange County. We have steadily expanded our get together catering services to cover all the reasons you would find to celebrate like weddings, child and bridal bathe, birthdays, or any enterprise associated events. Our Orange County & Los Angeles party caterers are ready to make your event as amazing and unforgettable as it may be. If you may be planning for an exquisite event, look no additional, and contact the best French caterers – Catering of Paris. 10 Inexpensive Reception Food Concepts That Do Not Look Low-cost Some can go with a glass of bubbles, and a few others are mild sufficient to be eaten even after an enormous meal. So, regardless of the event is, you presumably can by no means go mistaken with desserts. Research & Inspiration Gathering inspiration, discovering your marriage ceremony vendor team, and amassing ideas in your big day. This deal with makes for an excellent dessert for an outside or tea celebration or anything where fairly is a serious crowd pleaser. Mini is a hot pattern on our list, and lots of things appear to be something out of Alice and Wonderland. Don’t be stunned in the occasion that they take these darling tequila bottles residence with them. Fiery jalapeno poppers mixed with creamy comfort meals is a recipe for achievement. Or actually any other supply of plant-based protein will do. You can prepare dinner and serve right within the crockpot, so it cuts down on dishes and mess! I actually have two totally different electric serving warmers and I'm OBSESSED! I got one for Christmas a quantity of years ago from Costco. It's excellent for meals that you've made upfront, and need to keep heat. The Method To Write A Restaurant Business Plan Step By Step Information With Samples You may choose to sell property for money or use them as collateral for a mortgage. But there's still room in the market in your food-service enterprise. There have been books and movies, such as the 2004 film Super Size Me, designed to focus on the potential negative health results from the overconsumption of quick food similar to its contribution to obesity. Operational prices will enhance to accommodate the new safety and sanitation protocols, elevated staffing, further area necessities, larger food prices, and technology. You will have to balance these with decreased revenue as a end result of lower attendee numbers and decreased transportation prices with extra events being hosted domestically. When planning menus, health and social responsibility might be on the forefront in shaping our new norm. There might be an elevated demand for seasonal, organic, vegan, vegetarian, foods with anti-oxidant qualities and different wholesome meals on account of the pandemic. There will be a heightened consciousness of well being and safety requirements from attendees at events. There will always be a have to motivate your best prospects or employees. But with some experiencing financial loss or considerations in regards to the economic outlook there might be increased strain to prove ROI and finances cuts. Admittedly, the pandemic wasn’t a consideration when writing last year’s catering trends publish. Grab and go, meals safety, sustainable, clean, domestically sourced, plant-based foods, and hashish products have all seen increased use . By incorporating seat assignments you could have the flexibility to go personalised with served meals and drinks.
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jaremmywade · 3 years
Best Solutions MSVCR120.dll is missing in Windows
When stacking games or dispatching programs in Windows, you may get the mistake beneath. Try not to freeze. This is a typical Windows issue and you can fix msvcr120.dll is missing effectively and rapidly.
The program can't begin on the grounds that MSVCR120.dll is absent from your PC. Have a go at reinstalling the program to fix this issue.
Attempt these fixes
To realize how to fix MSVCR120.dll is missing, follow the given arrangements underneath. You don't have to attempt them all; simply work your way down until your concern is tackled.
Introduce the MSVCR120.dll document
Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
Do a perfect establishment of the program
Duplicate the record from confided in PC
Run an infection check for your framework
Reward Tip
Note: the screen captures underneath come from Windows 10, and fixes apply to Windows 8 and Windows 7.
What is MSVCR120.dll?
What is the MSVCR120.dll record? MSVCR120.dll is a basic document for the Window Operating System. The record is utilized to separate the important application assets needed at runtime by the outsider establishment program. MSVCR120.dll is the relating C++ library. In the event that MSVCR120.dll is missing, you won't have the option to dispatch games or different projects in the C++ programming dialects.
Fix 1: Install the MSVCR120.dll record
On the off chance that MSVCR120.dll is absent or not found in your PC, you can fix your concern by reestablishing the missing document in your PC. To do as such, utilize the DLL-files.com Client.
The DLL-files.com Client will fix your DLL blunder in a single tick. You don't need to understand what framework is running on your PC, and you don't have to stress over downloading some unacceptable record. The DLL-files.com handles it for you.
Download and introduce the DLL-files.com Client.
Run the application.
Type MSVCR120.dll in the hunt box and snap Search for DLL document.
Snap msvcr120.dll in the query output.
Snap Install (you're needed to enroll the program before you can introduce the documents – you'll be incited when you click Install).
Once introduce, check if your MSVCR120.dll missing issue has been fixed.
Fix 2: Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
The MSVCR120.dll record has a place with the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. On the off chance that it's absent on your PC, something turned out badly introducing this bundle. The most straightforward approach to fix msvcr120.dll is missing is to re-download the bundles from Microsoft.
Significant: Download the document from the authority sites to evade expected dangers. Also, DO NOT download the .dll documents from the informal sites, in endeavor to supplant your missing records. Those are unapproved hotspots for DLL documents, and might be contaminated with infections. So it's prescribed not to do that to guarantee your PC security.
1) Go to Microsoft download site.
2) Click Download.
3) Select the record as indicated by your framework type ( x64 for 64-bit and x86 for 32-digit). At that point click Next.
Tips: You can check in the event that you are running 32-digit or 64-cycle by means of cmd in Windows: Open cmd.exe, and type systeminfo, and press Enter, and afterward you can see your framework type is x86-based or x64-based.
4) After downloading, double tap the downloaded .exe record, and adhere to the guidelines to introduce.
5) Restart your PC. At that point open a similar program to check whether it works.
This should resolve your concern. If not, attempt the accompanying advances.
Fix 3: Do a perfect establishment of the program
As recommended in the mistake message, you can attempt to reinstall the program to fix it. The program document might be undermined when introducing, so a spotless reinstallation to have a total and right record may tackle the issue.
1) On your console, press the Windows logo key + R simultaneously.
2) Type appwiz.cpl in the Run box, and press Enter.
3) Right snap the program that gives the mistake, at that point click Uninstall. For my situation, the program that gives the mistake is Python, so I right snap Python and snap Uninstall.
4) Follow the popup directions to affirm the erase.
5) Restart your PC, reinstall the program, and open it to check whether it works.
Fix 4: Copy the record from another PC
You can likewise fix this blunder by duplicating a similar document from another PC and glue it to your own. To do as such:
Discover another PC that runs a similar working framework as yours.
The renditions (Windows 10/8/7) and designs (32-bit/64-bit) of both working frameworks should be the equivalent.
On that PC, open File Explorer (by squeezing the Windows logo key
also, E on your console), at that point go to C:\Windows\System32 and duplicate the msvcr120.dll there.
Glue the replicated document to a similar area (C:\Windows\System32) on your own PC. (You may require an outside stockpiling gadget, similar to a glimmer drive.)
Have a go at dispatching the program again and it should be working.
Fix 5: Run an infection check for your framework
An infection or malware disease in your framework could likewise stop the .dll document from running. A few mistakes like dll not found or dll is missing, are identified with malware, for example, Trojan, that claims to be the dll records.
To check this chance, run a full framework check with your enemy of infection program. Windows Defender alone probably won't have the option to help, so you can attempt other enemy of infection programs, for example, Norton and AVG AntiVirus Free.
Run a total infection examine for your whole Windows framework, and this could require a couple of moments. A snappy framework sweep may exclude numerous pieces of your Windows PC, so please guarantee to check all aspects of your PC.
Subsequent to filtering, restart your PC. Assuming sadly, your Windows has been tainted by malware, adhere to the guidelines appeared by the counter infection program to fix it. At that point restart your PC and check whether the issue is addressed.
Reward Tip: Update your drivers
An absent or obsolete gadget driver can carry different issues to your PC, so refreshing gadget drivers should be a consistently go-to choice to keep your PC from additional issues.
You can refresh your drivers physically or consequently. The manual cycle is tedious, specialized and unsafe, so we won't cover it here. Nor do we suggest it except if you have great PC information.
In the event that you don't have time or tolerance to physically refresh drivers, you can consequently refresh drivers with Driver Easy.
Driver Easy will naturally perceive your framework and locate the right driver for your PC.
1) Download and introduce Driver Easy.
2) Run Driver Easy and click Scan Now. Driver Easy will at that point filter your PC and identify any difficult drivers.
3) Click the Update button close to a hailed driver to consequently download and introduce the right sound driver (You can do this with the FREE form).
Or on the other hand click Update All to naturally download and introduce all the most recent right drivers that is absent or obsolete (This requires the Pro form. You will be incited to redesign when you click Update All).
4) Restart your PC to produce results.
These are the best answers for fix msvcr120.dll is absent in your PC. Expectation this can help. You can impart to us which arrangement makes a difference. On the off chance that your difficult actually perseveres, don't hesitate to tell us and we will perceive what more we can do to help.
0 notes
wineanddinosaur · 4 years
15 Cocktail Influencers You Should Be Following on Instagram
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Since most of us are missing our local bartenders as much as our friends and family during the ongoing pandemic, many of us have taken to our kitchens in an attempt to make our favorite drinks ourselves. But while G&Ts and vodka sodas are great every now and again, where do we turn when we’re craving something a little more complex? Enter: the “drinkstagrammer” — or drinks Instagrammer.
These bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts have made names for themselves by sharing photos of whimsical drinks and helpful tips with their followers. So, at a time when we need inspiration more than ever, VinePair has collected a list of our 15 favorite drinkstagrammers, whom you should follow right now.
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Back from a long weekend in the forest, without WiFi or cell reception. With sheltering in place + most of my clients pivoting hard to lean into the digital world, these last few months have been insane and I’ve been constantly connected 📲 It felt amazing to just rest, read and fully relax for a few days. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Also, based on all of your responses after sharing a video of my dog Pip on my IG story, apparently you want me to focus on corgi content instead of cocktails 🤔🐕 Can’t say that I blame you. Swipe for a look at sleepy vacation Pip. 🔊✌🏽 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #highproofpreacher
A post shared by Jordan | High-Proof Preacher (@highproofpreacher) on Jun 22, 2020 at 7:51am PDT
  Jordan Hughes, also known as High-Proof Preacher, is a Portland-based mixologist and self-proclaimed “visual storyteller.” He’s also contributed delicious cocktails to VinePair’s recipe library, like the El Murcielago Cocktail and the Viking Colada.
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It’s fri-yay aka time for an 𝐀𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐳! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Instead of dreaming for the day we can get back into some of our favorite restaurants safely (because who knows when that will be)… let’s bring the Friday happy hour cocktails right into our home! After creating recipes for the past 4 months now, there’s a lot to choose from on our website! My personal favorite to celebrate the beginning of the weekend on a hot day is of course the Aperol Spritz. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But on a serious note, I can't believe that 4 months ago COVID lockdown hit in the US and that actually made me really start taking Join Jules seriously. It was the only way to turn a sour situation into a good one I guess. But, I do hope these cocktails have helped cure the oh so missed happy hours and that you look forward to so many more to come… (I'm looking at you 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧)!! Let's just say this, it's only the beginning of Join Jules 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘰! (𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴… okay okay I'll stop).⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 𝐍𝐨𝐰, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐨-𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥? 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰!
A post shared by Cocktail Recipes with Jules (@join_jules) on Jul 10, 2020 at 2:11pm PDT
  Join California-based Julianna McIntosh in making cocktails that taste as delicious as they look. McIntosh creates out-of-this-world drink recipes, and — along with her mother — she runs a television show called “Bringing it Home” that delves into the stories behind the food we eat.
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Hey Y’all, Rare morning post. So many things are happening, but I wanted to thank both @mofad and @readspill for highlighting me and giving me a chance to talk about my work. . . SPILL is a hospitality co-op and online platform. This is there first online issue, and I was honored to be asked to be this month’s Industry Spotlight. Thank you to @davidmmor . . Last week (I think), I got to sit down with @sarikamin of MoFAD and talk about grief, history, @uniteamericastable and the Hospitality Census as well as my process for care. Take a listen. . . I will be linking both pieces in my story and bio. Drawing a rendition of @noahfecksisawesome photo by @cocktail_colors
A post shared by Ashtin Berry (@thecollectress) on May 5, 2020 at 8:56am PDT
  Ashtin Berry is more than just a sommelier and bartender. She’s also an activist and educator, as well as the founder of #americastable. Expect delicious drinks recipes, inspiring videos, and educational posts that explore how race and privilege play out in the drinks industry and beyond.
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Dehydration station (minus a couple of bags). – – – – – – – – #garnish#dehdratedgarnishes#garnishes#gin#gins#ginandtonic#goodprep#cocktailgarnish#cocktails#cocktailgarnishes#brisbane
A post shared by One Drink A Day (HEEBS) (@onedrinkaday) on Jul 25, 2020 at 1:08am PDT
  Aussie Hee Chung is here to help you up your garnish game. His posts include easy drink recipes (including lots of delicious G&Ts), garnish how-tos, and more. Check out his garnish e-book here.
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Honored to be featured in @aberlour_us’s campaign for #internationalwomensday. Sharing my advice for fellow hustlers: “When you stand up for yourself, you stand up for all women. So lead by example, know your values, own your confidence, and don’t be apologetic for who you are and what you want to achieve.” #louderthanwords #readysetjo . . . . . #aberlour #aberlourwhisky #whiskylover #whiskyadvocate #whiskytasting #whiskylife #whiskyblogger #scotch #sevenfiftydaily #totc #whiskymagazine #scotchwhisky #singlemaltscotch #liqpic #50bestbars #worldsbestbars #greenwichvillage #thespaniard #pernodricard #womenwhowhiskey #womenwhowhisky #womeninhospitality #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #entrepreneurlife #womeninbusiness #womenshistorymonth
A post shared by Joanna Lin 🦉#ReadySetJo (@joanna.lin) on Mar 8, 2020 at 3:51pm PDT
  Joanna Lin is a cocktail connoisseur, photographer, and artist. Her feed includes a balanced combination of feel-good and politically driven content. Expect entertaining posts, such as this animation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo drinking a Negroni, and mixology action shots. More recently, Lin has also shared Black Lives Matter protest photos and drawings.
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Our first in-person event since the lockdown would involve Tequila, of course. 🥃 Today is #NationalTequilaDay and we are celebrating with @patron by hosting a pop-up at @tacoboychs from 4PM to 6PM. Come say, ‘Hi’ and try our cocktail of the day, recipe listed below: ‘Blacker the Berry’ 1.5 oz of Patron Blanco 1 oz of BlackBerry Purée 🍇 Jamaican Bitters Limeade @drinkhooch Garnish: Sage leaf & Blackberries 🌱 Add Patron and blackberry puree to mixing tin full of ice. Secure lid then shake passionately. Strain mixture into chilled glass. Carefully add Limeade soda until glass is full. Lovingly add sage and blackberry garnish. #GentleLadySips 💃🏽🍹✨ Photo by: @tacoboychs #cocktailbandits #cheers #celebrate #curlyladieswhotalkcocktailsdaily #southernlibationist #tequila #tequilacocktail #agave #willtravelforbooze #patron #blackberry #limeade #drinkhooch #hooch #curls #curlsandcocktails #cocktailsdaily #dailycocktails #smiles #popup #tacoboychs #wearecharleston #charlestonsc #tequiladay #authors #holyspiritschs
A post shared by Johnny & Neka (@cocktailbandits) on Jul 24, 2020 at 1:53pm PDT
  Charleston mixologists Johnny Caldwell and Taneka Reaves are the “Cocktail Bandits.” Their feed is full of drinks inspo, tasting videos, and more. Their book, “Holy Spirits!”, teaches readers about Charleston cocktail culture.
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For those of you who don’t personally know me, my name is Anthony Bates and (I think) I am more than a person who slings cocktails! I’m currently taking over @liquor’s Instagram today so you can find me there shooting the s***! Besides perfecting my Mai Tai – I’m really into reading, music, and definitely art… I love to see people be creative and express themselves artistically! I’m a introvert at times so I like to express myself through different forms of creativity wether I’m the creator or in collaboration with someone else. Here’s me on NYE at @undercote with a cocktail by @beaub.knowin …..I felt like Super Fly this day lmao… I hope everyone is having a great 4th and enjoying themselves! Illustration by: @jenchiascreative
A post shared by Anthony Bates (@thegrandiosebartender) on Jul 4, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
  Harlem local Anthony Bates is a private bartender and a mixologist at The Polo Bar in New York. His bio reads “Heavy Drinker, Heavy Thinker,” and his feed reflects this, with bright recipes, fun illustrations, and educational captions.
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– A P P L E    W O O D 1½ oz Apple Brandy ¾ oz Fresh Lemon Juice ½ oz Maple syrup Top with @sanpellegrinodrinksus Tonica Oakwood Add all ingredients except the Tonica to a shaking tin and then add ice. Shake well and strain over ice into a Collins glass. Top with Tonica Oakwood and garnish with fresh apple slices. – I had so much fun back in January on location in New York with @sanpellegrinodrinksus . We are excited to announce the launch of their new mixers! Here’s a recipe I created to feature the dry and spiced flavors of their delicious Tonica Oakwood. Cheers friends! . #AppleWood #SanPellegrino #TonicaOakwood #SanPellegrinoSparklingDrinks #TimeForTaste Sponsored Ad
A post shared by Barlow | Weekend Mixologist (@theweekendmixologist) on Jul 17, 2020 at 10:35am PDT
  Barlow Gilmore makes and photographs creative libations that are almost too pretty to drink. This dedicated mixologist even carves his own ice!
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It’s National Tequila Day and I’m celebrating with this deliciousness! Salud! 🌺 GINGERED BLOOD 🌺 45ml Tequila Reposado @casamigos 15ml Ginger Liqueur @thekingsginger 30ml Lime Juice 20ml homemade Blood Orange syrup Garnish with Mint, Flowers & Blood Orange 🌿🌺❤️ #whatsmarisadrinking #thecocktaildreamteam #liqpic #libations #imbibe #cocktailpic #cocktailrecipe #instacocktail #drinkstagram #mixology #garnishgame #classicocktail #drink #drinkpic #drinkup #goldcoastcocktails #goldcoastlife #myfavouritecocktail #booze #craftcocktails #drinkporn #cocktailhour #drinking #mixologist #tequila #nationaltequiladay #tequiladay2020
A post shared by What’s Marisa Drinking (@whats.marisa.drinking) on Jul 23, 2020 at 2:37pm PDT
  Marisa’s feed, full of rainbow cocktails, is the definition of #Instagrammable. The Australian drinks creator posts recipes that are colorful, garnished to perfection, and simple enough to make at home.
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I fully intended to just select a few of my favorites from my 📸 @shoottphotos session a few weeks ago. But they were all so good lol. I just couldn't decide. So I bought all 146 of them lol. So if you see a couple hundred pictures of me in the same outfit in the same location, just mind your business, mmkay? 😂😂😂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸: @amcrommett
A post shared by Camille | Cocktail Blogger (@thecocktailsnob_) on Jul 30, 2020 at 5:00am PDT
  Though she’s a self-proclaimed cocktail “snob,” Camille’s page is fun and approachable. She’s a New York-based cocktail writer and happy-hour enthusiast (she even created the hashtag #happyhourathome), and her feed is full of exciting cocktail recipes and helpful advice for home bartenders.
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Turn up for Tiki 🍹🥥🍌🍍. It has been blazing hot here on the Mid-Atlantic coast, and all I want to do is crush tropical cocktails. But, honestly, it’s just one of those genres of drinks that always taste better at the bar – usually because I don’t have a pebble ice machine at home (yes, it does matter). . Lately, I’ve been making some Mai Tais with @denizenrum Merchant’s Reserve, @smallhandfoods orgeat, fresh lime, and dry curaçao. That’s as complex as it gets, but it’s well worth it. . Who has some easy tiki cocktails that they have developed at home worth sharing? I’m looking for some new flavors 👌🏽🍹.
A post shared by Tyler Zielinski (@bon_vivantito) on Jul 10, 2020 at 9:54am PDT
  Tyler Zielinski is a mixologist and drinks writer. He’s contributed many classic and original cocktails to the VinePair recipe library, and his Instagram feed is full of beautifully photographed cocktails and helpful how-to videos.
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✨"Tartlet" 🍓 1.5oz Reposado // 3 Strawberries, muddled // 2oz Lemon Juice // 0.5oz Lime Juice // 1oz Simple Syrup // Pinch of Salt // Brut Sparkling Wine // Sour Candy Rope, for garnish⁣ on a @rawrutes tree pick of course!⁣⁣ 🍓⁣⁣⁣⁣ Petite but with a sucker of a sour punch! I was obsessed with sour candies when I was younger and wanted to emulate that mother pucker of a smack when you take that first bite…but boozy.⁣⁣⁣ 🍓⁣⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ #contest #supercall #mixology #cocktailporn #happyhour #cocktails #bartender #drinks #bartenderlife #craftcocktails #imbibegram #libations #liqpic #eeeeeats #drinkporn #eaterla #california #foodandwine #fwx #buzzfeast #bareaders #thekitchn #delish #boozytalk #BAReaders #FeedFeed #drinkstagram #tequila #sourpunch @sourpunchcandy @thefeedfeed.cocktails
A post shared by Dan Magro (@danmagro) on Jul 30, 2020 at 5:51am PDT
  Dan Magro is a West Hollywood-based mixologist, host of Sip&Stream, and author of “Suck It Up: Extraordinary Cocktails for Everyday People.” His cocktails are bright, fun, and always topped with impressive garnishes.
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Hey, you look thirsty 😛 throw some drink recs you’re craving in the comments and I’ll mix you up something in my IG stories later today! Lesssssssss get it! 🕺🏽👇🏽 #ApartmentBartender
A post shared by Elliott | Apartment Bartender (@apartment_bartender) on Jul 14, 2020 at 1:31pm PDT
  Elliott, an apartment bartender and cocktail recipe developer, has a feed full of colorful recipes and more. Check out his highlights for tips on everything from using bitters in cocktails to building a cocktail book library
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I really really miss @leyendabk and on days like today with May just around the corner I miss our patio the most. May has always been our biggest month with the weather being perfect combined with our anniversary and Cinco de Mayo. This year we were going to do a huge party for our five ( 5️⃣❗️) year anniversary as well as my book launch. Instead we won’t. Instead, rather than being in Leyenda’s backyard mixing up drinks and hanging out with the whole neighborhood, I will just post them on social media. Like this one— featured in my book with link in BIO!—Cereza Picante: With this drink, I wanted to create an exceptionally fruit-forward fall-like sour that highlighted spice and smoke to compliment its fruity notes. The result is what its name advertises: one spicy cherry. 1 oz Jalapeño @siembraspirits Valles blanco tequila 1/2 oz @delmagueymezcal Vida 3/4 oz @cherryheering 3/4 oz lime juice 1/4 oz simple syrup Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain over fresh ice in a rocks glass. Garnish with a lime wheel and Luxardo cherry flag. . Photo by @Shannonshootscocktails
A post shared by Ivy Mix (@ivymix) on Apr 29, 2020 at 11:27am PDT
New York-based Ivy Mix is an author, bar owner, and drinks educator. Mix is the owner of Leyenda — a Latin cocktail bar in Brooklyn — and the author of “Spirits of Latin America,” a cocktail book full of diverse Latin American cocktail recipes. Follow her for educational Instagram lives, cocktail recipes, and more.
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The face you make when your 23 month old son walks into your super serious, ice cutting shoot and furiously waves at you👋🏽 while shouting “HIIII DADAAAAAA” – at the top of his lungs. . But hey… it made for a semi decent/authentic smiling photo. God I love that kid.
A post shared by miguel | HANDCRAFT (@holycityhandcraft) on Jul 9, 2020 at 6:25pm PDT
Based in Charleston, S.C., Miguel is a drinks creator and photographer. His feed is full of fancy yet approachable recipes you’ll want to recreate again and again. He’s also an expert cocktail party host and ice carver.
The article 15 Cocktail Influencers You Should Be Following on Instagram appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/15-cocktail-influencers-instagram/
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
15 Cocktail Influencers You Should Be Following on Instagram
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Since most of us are missing our local bartenders as much as our friends and family during the ongoing pandemic, many of us have taken to our kitchens in an attempt to make our favorite drinks ourselves. But while G&Ts and vodka sodas are great every now and again, where do we turn when we’re craving something a little more complex? Enter: the “drinkstagrammer” — or drinks Instagrammer.
These bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts have made names for themselves by sharing photos of whimsical drinks and helpful tips with their followers. So, at a time when we need inspiration more than ever, VinePair has collected a list of our 15 favorite drinkstagrammers, whom you should follow right now.
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Back from a long weekend in the forest, without WiFi or cell reception. With sheltering in place + most of my clients pivoting hard to lean into the digital world, these last few months have been insane and I’ve been constantly connected 📲 It felt amazing to just rest, read and fully relax for a few days. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Also, based on all of your responses after sharing a video of my dog Pip on my IG story, apparently you want me to focus on corgi content instead of cocktails 🤔🐕 Can’t say that I blame you. Swipe for a look at sleepy vacation Pip. 🔊✌🏽 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #highproofpreacher
A post shared by Jordan | High-Proof Preacher (@highproofpreacher) on Jun 22, 2020 at 7:51am PDT
Jordan Hughes, also known as High-Proof Preacher, is a Portland-based mixologist and self-proclaimed “visual storyteller.” He’s also contributed delicious cocktails to VinePair’s recipe library, like the El Murcielago Cocktail and the Viking Colada.
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It’s fri-yay aka time for an 𝐀𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐳! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Instead of dreaming for the day we can get back into some of our favorite restaurants safely (because who knows when that will be)… let’s bring the Friday happy hour cocktails right into our home! After creating recipes for the past 4 months now, there’s a lot to choose from on our website! My personal favorite to celebrate the beginning of the weekend on a hot day is of course the Aperol Spritz. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But on a serious note, I can’t believe that 4 months ago COVID lockdown hit in the US and that actually made me really start taking Join Jules seriously. It was the only way to turn a sour situation into a good one I guess. But, I do hope these cocktails have helped cure the oh so missed happy hours and that you look forward to so many more to come… (I’m looking at you 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧)!! Let’s just say this, it’s only the beginning of Join Jules 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘰! (𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴… okay okay I’ll stop).⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 𝐍𝐨𝐰, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐨-𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥? 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰!
A post shared by Cocktail Recipes with Jules (@join_jules) on Jul 10, 2020 at 2:11pm PDT
Join California-based Julianna McIntosh in making cocktails that taste as delicious as they look. McIntosh creates out-of-this-world drink recipes, and — along with her mother — she runs a television show called “Bringing it Home” that delves into the stories behind the food we eat.
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Hey Y’all, Rare morning post. So many things are happening, but I wanted to thank both @mofad and @readspill for highlighting me and giving me a chance to talk about my work… SPILL is a hospitality co-op and online platform. This is there first online issue, and I was honored to be asked to be this month’s Industry Spotlight. Thank you to @davidmmor . . Last week (I think), I got to sit down with @sarikamin of MoFAD and talk about grief, history, @uniteamericastable and the Hospitality Census as well as my process for care. Take a listen… I will be linking both pieces in my story and bio. Drawing a rendition of @noahfecksisawesome photo by @cocktail_colors
A post shared by Ashtin Berry (@thecollectress) on May 5, 2020 at 8:56am PDT
Ashtin Berry is more than just a sommelier and bartender. She’s also an activist and educator, as well as the founder of #americastable. Expect delicious drinks recipes, inspiring videos, and educational posts that explore how race and privilege play out in the drinks industry and beyond.
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Dehydration station (minus a couple of bags). – – – – – – – – #garnish#dehdratedgarnishes#garnishes#gin#gins#ginandtonic#goodprep#cocktailgarnish#cocktails#cocktailgarnishes#brisbane
A post shared by One Drink A Day (HEEBS) (@onedrinkaday) on Jul 25, 2020 at 1:08am PDT
Aussie Hee Chung is here to help you up your garnish game. His posts include easy drink recipes (including lots of delicious G&Ts), garnish how-tos, and more. Check out his garnish e-book here.
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Honored to be featured in @aberlour_us’s campaign for #internationalwomensday. Sharing my advice for fellow hustlers: “When you stand up for yourself, you stand up for all women. So lead by example, know your values, own your confidence, and don’t be apologetic for who you are and what you want to achieve.” #louderthanwords #readysetjo … . . #aberlour #aberlourwhisky #whiskylover #whiskyadvocate #whiskytasting #whiskylife #whiskyblogger #scotch #sevenfiftydaily #totc #whiskymagazine #scotchwhisky #singlemaltscotch #liqpic #50bestbars #worldsbestbars #greenwichvillage #thespaniard #pernodricard #womenwhowhiskey #womenwhowhisky #womeninhospitality #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #entrepreneurlife #womeninbusiness #womenshistorymonth
A post shared by Joanna Lin 🦉#ReadySetJo (@joanna.lin) on Mar 8, 2020 at 3:51pm PDT
Joanna Lin is a cocktail connoisseur, photographer, and artist. Her feed includes a balanced combination of feel-good and politically driven content. Expect entertaining posts, such as this animation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo drinking a Negroni, and mixology action shots. More recently, Lin has also shared Black Lives Matter protest photos and drawings.
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Our first in-person event since the lockdown would involve Tequila, of course. 🥃 Today is #NationalTequilaDay and we are celebrating with @patron by hosting a pop-up at @tacoboychs from 4PM to 6PM. Come say, ‘Hi’ and try our cocktail of the day, recipe listed below: ‘Blacker the Berry’ 1.5 oz of Patron Blanco 1 oz of BlackBerry Purée 🍇 Jamaican Bitters Limeade @drinkhooch Garnish: Sage leaf & Blackberries 🌱 Add Patron and blackberry puree to mixing tin full of ice. Secure lid then shake passionately. Strain mixture into chilled glass. Carefully add Limeade soda until glass is full. Lovingly add sage and blackberry garnish. #GentleLadySips 💃🏽🍹✨ Photo by: @tacoboychs #cocktailbandits #cheers #celebrate #curlyladieswhotalkcocktailsdaily #southernlibationist #tequila #tequilacocktail #agave #willtravelforbooze #patron #blackberry #limeade #drinkhooch #hooch #curls #curlsandcocktails #cocktailsdaily #dailycocktails #smiles #popup #tacoboychs #wearecharleston #charlestonsc #tequiladay #authors #holyspiritschs
A post shared by Johnny & Neka (@cocktailbandits) on Jul 24, 2020 at 1:53pm PDT
Charleston mixologists Johnny Caldwell and Taneka Reaves are the “Cocktail Bandits.” Their feed is full of drinks inspo, tasting videos, and more. Their book, “Holy Spirits!”, teaches readers about Charleston cocktail culture.
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For those of you who don’t personally know me, my name is Anthony Bates and (I think) I am more than a person who slings cocktails! I’m currently taking over @liquor’s Instagram today so you can find me there shooting the s***! Besides perfecting my Mai Tai – I’m really into reading, music, and definitely art… I love to see people be creative and express themselves artistically! I’m a introvert at times so I like to express myself through different forms of creativity wether I’m the creator or in collaboration with someone else. Here’s me on NYE at @undercote with a cocktail by @beaub.knowin …..I felt like Super Fly this day lmao… I hope everyone is having a great 4th and enjoying themselves! Illustration by: @jenchiascreative
A post shared by Anthony Bates (@thegrandiosebartender) on Jul 4, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
Harlem local Anthony Bates is a private bartender and a mixologist at The Polo Bar in New York. His bio reads “Heavy Drinker, Heavy Thinker,” and his feed reflects this, with bright recipes, fun illustrations, and educational captions.
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– A P P L E    W O O D 1½ oz Apple Brandy ¾ oz Fresh Lemon Juice ½ oz Maple syrup Top with @sanpellegrinodrinksus Tonica Oakwood Add all ingredients except the Tonica to a shaking tin and then add ice. Shake well and strain over ice into a Collins glass. Top with Tonica Oakwood and garnish with fresh apple slices. – I had so much fun back in January on location in New York with @sanpellegrinodrinksus . We are excited to announce the launch of their new mixers! Here’s a recipe I created to feature the dry and spiced flavors of their delicious Tonica Oakwood. Cheers friends! . #AppleWood #SanPellegrino #TonicaOakwood #SanPellegrinoSparklingDrinks #TimeForTaste Sponsored Ad
A post shared by Barlow | Weekend Mixologist (@theweekendmixologist) on Jul 17, 2020 at 10:35am PDT
Barlow Gilmore makes and photographs creative libations that are almost too pretty to drink. This dedicated mixologist even carves his own ice!
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It’s National Tequila Day and I’m celebrating with this deliciousness! Salud! 🌺 GINGERED BLOOD 🌺 45ml Tequila Reposado @casamigos 15ml Ginger Liqueur @thekingsginger 30ml Lime Juice 20ml homemade Blood Orange syrup Garnish with Mint, Flowers & Blood Orange 🌿🌺❤️ #whatsmarisadrinking #thecocktaildreamteam #liqpic #libations #imbibe #cocktailpic #cocktailrecipe #instacocktail #drinkstagram #mixology #garnishgame #classicocktail #drink #drinkpic #drinkup #goldcoastcocktails #goldcoastlife #myfavouritecocktail #booze #craftcocktails #drinkporn #cocktailhour #drinking #mixologist #tequila #nationaltequiladay #tequiladay2020
A post shared by What’s Marisa Drinking (@whats.marisa.drinking) on Jul 23, 2020 at 2:37pm PDT
Marisa’s feed, full of rainbow cocktails, is the definition of #Instagrammable. The Australian drinks creator posts recipes that are colorful, garnished to perfection, and simple enough to make at home.
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I fully intended to just select a few of my favorites from my 📸 @shoottphotos session a few weeks ago. But they were all so good lol. I just couldn’t decide. So I bought all 146 of them lol. So if you see a couple hundred pictures of me in the same outfit in the same location, just mind your business, mmkay? 😂😂😂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸: @amcrommett
A post shared by Camille | Cocktail Blogger (@thecocktailsnob_) on Jul 30, 2020 at 5:00am PDT
Though she’s a self-proclaimed cocktail “snob,” Camille’s page is fun and approachable. She’s a New York-based cocktail writer and happy-hour enthusiast (she even created the hashtag #happyhourathome), and her feed is full of exciting cocktail recipes and helpful advice for home bartenders.
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Turn up for Tiki 🍹🥥🍌🍍. It has been blazing hot here on the Mid-Atlantic coast, and all I want to do is crush tropical cocktails. But, honestly, it’s just one of those genres of drinks that always taste better at the bar – usually because I don’t have a pebble ice machine at home (yes, it does matter). . Lately, I’ve been making some Mai Tais with @denizenrum Merchant’s Reserve, @smallhandfoods orgeat, fresh lime, and dry curaçao. That’s as complex as it gets, but it’s well worth it. . Who has some easy tiki cocktails that they have developed at home worth sharing? I’m looking for some new flavors 👌🏽🍹.
A post shared by Tyler Zielinski (@bon_vivantito) on Jul 10, 2020 at 9:54am PDT
Tyler Zielinski is a mixologist and drinks writer. He’s contributed many classic and original cocktails to the VinePair recipe library, and his Instagram feed is full of beautifully photographed cocktails and helpful how-to videos.
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✨"Tartlet" 🍓 1.5oz Reposado // 3 Strawberries, muddled // 2oz Lemon Juice // 0.5oz Lime Juice // 1oz Simple Syrup // Pinch of Salt // Brut Sparkling Wine // Sour Candy Rope, for garnish⁣ on a @rawrutes tree pick of course!⁣⁣ 🍓⁣⁣⁣⁣ Petite but with a sucker of a sour punch! I was obsessed with sour candies when I was younger and wanted to emulate that mother pucker of a smack when you take that first bite…but boozy.⁣⁣⁣ 🍓⁣⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ #contest #supercall #mixology #cocktailporn #happyhour #cocktails #bartender #drinks #bartenderlife #craftcocktails #imbibegram #libations #liqpic #eeeeeats #drinkporn #eaterla #california #foodandwine #fwx #buzzfeast #bareaders #thekitchn #delish #boozytalk #BAReaders #FeedFeed #drinkstagram #tequila #sourpunch @sourpunchcandy @thefeedfeed.cocktails
A post shared by Dan Magro (@danmagro) on Jul 30, 2020 at 5:51am PDT
Dan Magro is a West Hollywood-based mixologist, host of Sip&Stream, and author of “Suck It Up: Extraordinary Cocktails for Everyday People.” His cocktails are bright, fun, and always topped with impressive garnishes.
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Hey, you look thirsty 😛 throw some drink recs you’re craving in the comments and I’ll mix you up something in my IG stories later today! Lesssssssss get it! 🕺🏽👇🏽 #ApartmentBartender
A post shared by Elliott | Apartment Bartender (@apartment_bartender) on Jul 14, 2020 at 1:31pm PDT
Elliott, an apartment bartender and cocktail recipe developer, has a feed full of colorful recipes and more. Check out his highlights for tips on everything from using bitters in cocktails to building a cocktail book library
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I really really miss @leyendabk and on days like today with May just around the corner I miss our patio the most. May has always been our biggest month with the weather being perfect combined with our anniversary and Cinco de Mayo. This year we were going to do a huge party for our five ( 5️⃣❗️) year anniversary as well as my book launch. Instead we won’t. Instead, rather than being in Leyenda’s backyard mixing up drinks and hanging out with the whole neighborhood, I will just post them on social media. Like this one— featured in my book with link in BIO!—Cereza Picante: With this drink, I wanted to create an exceptionally fruit-forward fall-like sour that highlighted spice and smoke to compliment its fruity notes. The result is what its name advertises: one spicy cherry. 1 oz Jalapeño @siembraspirits Valles blanco tequila ½ oz @delmagueymezcal Vida ¾ oz @cherryheering ¾ oz lime juice ¼ oz simple syrup Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain over fresh ice in a rocks glass. Garnish with a lime wheel and Luxardo cherry flag. . Photo by @Shannonshootscocktails
A post shared by Ivy Mix (@ivymix) on Apr 29, 2020 at 11:27am PDT
New York-based Ivy Mix is an author, bar owner, and drinks educator. Mix is the owner of Leyenda — a Latin cocktail bar in Brooklyn — and the author of “Spirits of Latin America,” a cocktail book full of diverse Latin American cocktail recipes. Follow her for educational Instagram lives, cocktail recipes, and more.
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The face you make when your 23 month old son walks into your super serious, ice cutting shoot and furiously waves at you👋🏽 while shouting “HIIII DADAAAAAA” – at the top of his lungs. . But hey… it made for a semi decent/authentic smiling photo. God I love that kid.
A post shared by miguel | HANDCRAFT (@holycityhandcraft) on Jul 9, 2020 at 6:25pm PDT
Based in Charleston, S.C., Miguel is a drinks creator and photographer. His feed is full of fancy yet approachable recipes you’ll want to recreate again and again. He’s also an expert cocktail party host and ice carver.
The article 15 Cocktail Influencers You Should Be Following on Instagram appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/15-cocktail-influencers-instagram/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/625991098950647808
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johnboothus · 4 years
15 Cocktail Influencers You Should Be Following on Instagram
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Since most of us are missing our local bartenders as much as our friends and family during the ongoing pandemic, many of us have taken to our kitchens in an attempt to make our favorite drinks ourselves. But while G&Ts and vodka sodas are great every now and again, where do we turn when we’re craving something a little more complex? Enter: the “drinkstagrammer” — or drinks Instagrammer.
These bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts have made names for themselves by sharing photos of whimsical drinks and helpful tips with their followers. So, at a time when we need inspiration more than ever, VinePair has collected a list of our 15 favorite drinkstagrammers, whom you should follow right now.
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Back from a long weekend in the forest, without WiFi or cell reception. With sheltering in place + most of my clients pivoting hard to lean into the digital world, these last few months have been insane and I’ve been constantly connected 📲 It felt amazing to just rest, read and fully relax for a few days. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Also, based on all of your responses after sharing a video of my dog Pip on my IG story, apparently you want me to focus on corgi content instead of cocktails 🤔🐕 Can’t say that I blame you. Swipe for a look at sleepy vacation Pip. 🔊✌🏽 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #highproofpreacher
A post shared by Jordan | High-Proof Preacher (@highproofpreacher) on Jun 22, 2020 at 7:51am PDT
 Jordan Hughes, also known as High-Proof Preacher, is a Portland-based mixologist and self-proclaimed “visual storyteller.” He’s also contributed delicious cocktails to VinePair’s recipe library, like the El Murcielago Cocktail and the Viking Colada.
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It’s fri-yay aka time for an 𝐀𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐳! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Instead of dreaming for the day we can get back into some of our favorite restaurants safely (because who knows when that will be)… let’s bring the Friday happy hour cocktails right into our home! After creating recipes for the past 4 months now, there’s a lot to choose from on our website! My personal favorite to celebrate the beginning of the weekend on a hot day is of course the Aperol Spritz. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But on a serious note, I can't believe that 4 months ago COVID lockdown hit in the US and that actually made me really start taking Join Jules seriously. It was the only way to turn a sour situation into a good one I guess. But, I do hope these cocktails have helped cure the oh so missed happy hours and that you look forward to so many more to come… (I'm looking at you 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧)!! Let's just say this, it's only the beginning of Join Jules 𝘞𝘰𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘰! (𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴… okay okay I'll stop).⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 𝐍𝐨𝐰, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐨-𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥? 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰!
A post shared by Cocktail Recipes with Jules (@join_jules) on Jul 10, 2020 at 2:11pm PDT
 Join California-based Julianna McIntosh in making cocktails that taste as delicious as they look. McIntosh creates out-of-this-world drink recipes, and — along with her mother — she runs a television show called “Bringing it Home” that delves into the stories behind the food we eat.
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Hey Y’all, Rare morning post. So many things are happening, but I wanted to thank both @mofad and @readspill for highlighting me and giving me a chance to talk about my work. . . SPILL is a hospitality co-op and online platform. This is there first online issue, and I was honored to be asked to be this month’s Industry Spotlight. Thank you to @davidmmor . . Last week (I think), I got to sit down with @sarikamin of MoFAD and talk about grief, history, @uniteamericastable and the Hospitality Census as well as my process for care. Take a listen. . . I will be linking both pieces in my story and bio. Drawing a rendition of @noahfecksisawesome photo by @cocktail_colors
A post shared by Ashtin Berry (@thecollectress) on May 5, 2020 at 8:56am PDT
 Ashtin Berry is more than just a sommelier and bartender. She’s also an activist and educator, as well as the founder of #americastable. Expect delicious drinks recipes, inspiring videos, and educational posts that explore how race and privilege play out in the drinks industry and beyond.
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Dehydration station (minus a couple of bags). – – – – – – – – #garnish#dehdratedgarnishes#garnishes#gin#gins#ginandtonic#goodprep#cocktailgarnish#cocktails#cocktailgarnishes#brisbane
A post shared by One Drink A Day (HEEBS) (@onedrinkaday) on Jul 25, 2020 at 1:08am PDT
 Aussie Hee Chung is here to help you up your garnish game. His posts include easy drink recipes (including lots of delicious G&Ts), garnish how-tos, and more. Check out his garnish e-book here.
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Honored to be featured in @aberlour_us’s campaign for #internationalwomensday. Sharing my advice for fellow hustlers: “When you stand up for yourself, you stand up for all women. So lead by example, know your values, own your confidence, and don’t be apologetic for who you are and what you want to achieve.” #louderthanwords #readysetjo . . . . . #aberlour #aberlourwhisky #whiskylover #whiskyadvocate #whiskytasting #whiskylife #whiskyblogger #scotch #sevenfiftydaily #totc #whiskymagazine #scotchwhisky #singlemaltscotch #liqpic #50bestbars #worldsbestbars #greenwichvillage #thespaniard #pernodricard #womenwhowhiskey #womenwhowhisky #womeninhospitality #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs #entrepreneurlife #womeninbusiness #womenshistorymonth
A post shared by Joanna Lin 🦉#ReadySetJo (@joanna.lin) on Mar 8, 2020 at 3:51pm PDT
 Joanna Lin is a cocktail connoisseur, photographer, and artist. Her feed includes a balanced combination of feel-good and politically driven content. Expect entertaining posts, such as this animation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo drinking a Negroni, and mixology action shots. More recently, Lin has also shared Black Lives Matter protest photos and drawings.
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Our first in-person event since the lockdown would involve Tequila, of course. 🥃 Today is #NationalTequilaDay and we are celebrating with @patron by hosting a pop-up at @tacoboychs from 4PM to 6PM. Come say, ‘Hi’ and try our cocktail of the day, recipe listed below: ‘Blacker the Berry’ 1.5 oz of Patron Blanco 1 oz of BlackBerry Purée 🍇 Jamaican Bitters Limeade @drinkhooch Garnish: Sage leaf & Blackberries 🌱 Add Patron and blackberry puree to mixing tin full of ice. Secure lid then shake passionately. Strain mixture into chilled glass. Carefully add Limeade soda until glass is full. Lovingly add sage and blackberry garnish. #GentleLadySips 💃🏽🍹✨ Photo by: @tacoboychs #cocktailbandits #cheers #celebrate #curlyladieswhotalkcocktailsdaily #southernlibationist #tequila #tequilacocktail #agave #willtravelforbooze #patron #blackberry #limeade #drinkhooch #hooch #curls #curlsandcocktails #cocktailsdaily #dailycocktails #smiles #popup #tacoboychs #wearecharleston #charlestonsc #tequiladay #authors #holyspiritschs
A post shared by Johnny & Neka (@cocktailbandits) on Jul 24, 2020 at 1:53pm PDT
 Charleston mixologists Johnny Caldwell and Taneka Reaves are the “Cocktail Bandits.” Their feed is full of drinks inspo, tasting videos, and more. Their book, “Holy Spirits!”, teaches readers about Charleston cocktail culture.
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For those of you who don’t personally know me, my name is Anthony Bates and (I think) I am more than a person who slings cocktails! I’m currently taking over @liquor’s Instagram today so you can find me there shooting the s***! Besides perfecting my Mai Tai – I’m really into reading, music, and definitely art… I love to see people be creative and express themselves artistically! I’m a introvert at times so I like to express myself through different forms of creativity wether I’m the creator or in collaboration with someone else. Here’s me on NYE at @undercote with a cocktail by @beaub.knowin …..I felt like Super Fly this day lmao… I hope everyone is having a great 4th and enjoying themselves! Illustration by: @jenchiascreative
A post shared by Anthony Bates (@thegrandiosebartender) on Jul 4, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
 Harlem local Anthony Bates is a private bartender and a mixologist at The Polo Bar in New York. His bio reads “Heavy Drinker, Heavy Thinker,” and his feed reflects this, with bright recipes, fun illustrations, and educational captions.
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– A P P L E    W O O D 1½ oz Apple Brandy ¾ oz Fresh Lemon Juice ½ oz Maple syrup Top with @sanpellegrinodrinksus Tonica Oakwood Add all ingredients except the Tonica to a shaking tin and then add ice. Shake well and strain over ice into a Collins glass. Top with Tonica Oakwood and garnish with fresh apple slices. – I had so much fun back in January on location in New York with @sanpellegrinodrinksus . We are excited to announce the launch of their new mixers! Here’s a recipe I created to feature the dry and spiced flavors of their delicious Tonica Oakwood. Cheers friends! . #AppleWood #SanPellegrino #TonicaOakwood #SanPellegrinoSparklingDrinks #TimeForTaste Sponsored Ad
A post shared by Barlow | Weekend Mixologist (@theweekendmixologist) on Jul 17, 2020 at 10:35am PDT
 Barlow Gilmore makes and photographs creative libations that are almost too pretty to drink. This dedicated mixologist even carves his own ice!
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It’s National Tequila Day and I’m celebrating with this deliciousness! Salud! 🌺 GINGERED BLOOD 🌺 45ml Tequila Reposado @casamigos 15ml Ginger Liqueur @thekingsginger 30ml Lime Juice 20ml homemade Blood Orange syrup Garnish with Mint, Flowers & Blood Orange 🌿🌺❤️ #whatsmarisadrinking #thecocktaildreamteam #liqpic #libations #imbibe #cocktailpic #cocktailrecipe #instacocktail #drinkstagram #mixology #garnishgame #classicocktail #drink #drinkpic #drinkup #goldcoastcocktails #goldcoastlife #myfavouritecocktail #booze #craftcocktails #drinkporn #cocktailhour #drinking #mixologist #tequila #nationaltequiladay #tequiladay2020
A post shared by What’s Marisa Drinking (@whats.marisa.drinking) on Jul 23, 2020 at 2:37pm PDT
 Marisa’s feed, full of rainbow cocktails, is the definition of #Instagrammable. The Australian drinks creator posts recipes that are colorful, garnished to perfection, and simple enough to make at home.
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I fully intended to just select a few of my favorites from my 📸 @shoottphotos session a few weeks ago. But they were all so good lol. I just couldn't decide. So I bought all 146 of them lol. So if you see a couple hundred pictures of me in the same outfit in the same location, just mind your business, mmkay? 😂😂😂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸: @amcrommett
A post shared by Camille | Cocktail Blogger (@thecocktailsnob_) on Jul 30, 2020 at 5:00am PDT
 Though she’s a self-proclaimed cocktail “snob,” Camille’s page is fun and approachable. She’s a New York-based cocktail writer and happy-hour enthusiast (she even created the hashtag #happyhourathome), and her feed is full of exciting cocktail recipes and helpful advice for home bartenders.
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Turn up for Tiki 🍹🥥🍌🍍. It has been blazing hot here on the Mid-Atlantic coast, and all I want to do is crush tropical cocktails. But, honestly, it’s just one of those genres of drinks that always taste better at the bar – usually because I don’t have a pebble ice machine at home (yes, it does matter). . Lately, I’ve been making some Mai Tais with @denizenrum Merchant’s Reserve, @smallhandfoods orgeat, fresh lime, and dry curaçao. That’s as complex as it gets, but it’s well worth it. . Who has some easy tiki cocktails that they have developed at home worth sharing? I’m looking for some new flavors 👌🏽🍹.
A post shared by Tyler Zielinski (@bon_vivantito) on Jul 10, 2020 at 9:54am PDT
 Tyler Zielinski is a mixologist and drinks writer. He’s contributed many classic and original cocktails to the VinePair recipe library, and his Instagram feed is full of beautifully photographed cocktails and helpful how-to videos.
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✨"Tartlet" 🍓 1.5oz Reposado // 3 Strawberries, muddled // 2oz Lemon Juice // 0.5oz Lime Juice // 1oz Simple Syrup // Pinch of Salt // Brut Sparkling Wine // Sour Candy Rope, for garnish⁣ on a @rawrutes tree pick of course!⁣⁣ 🍓⁣⁣⁣⁣ Petite but with a sucker of a sour punch! I was obsessed with sour candies when I was younger and wanted to emulate that mother pucker of a smack when you take that first bite…but boozy.⁣⁣⁣ 🍓⁣⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ #contest #supercall #mixology #cocktailporn #happyhour #cocktails #bartender #drinks #bartenderlife #craftcocktails #imbibegram #libations #liqpic #eeeeeats #drinkporn #eaterla #california #foodandwine #fwx #buzzfeast #bareaders #thekitchn #delish #boozytalk #BAReaders #FeedFeed #drinkstagram #tequila #sourpunch @sourpunchcandy @thefeedfeed.cocktails
A post shared by Dan Magro (@danmagro) on Jul 30, 2020 at 5:51am PDT
 Dan Magro is a West Hollywood-based mixologist, host of Sip&Stream, and author of “Suck It Up: Extraordinary Cocktails for Everyday People.” His cocktails are bright, fun, and always topped with impressive garnishes.
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Hey, you look thirsty 😛 throw some drink recs you’re craving in the comments and I’ll mix you up something in my IG stories later today! Lesssssssss get it! 🕺🏽👇🏽 #ApartmentBartender
A post shared by Elliott | Apartment Bartender (@apartment_bartender) on Jul 14, 2020 at 1:31pm PDT
 Elliott, an apartment bartender and cocktail recipe developer, has a feed full of colorful recipes and more. Check out his highlights for tips on everything from using bitters in cocktails to building a cocktail book library
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I really really miss @leyendabk and on days like today with May just around the corner I miss our patio the most. May has always been our biggest month with the weather being perfect combined with our anniversary and Cinco de Mayo. This year we were going to do a huge party for our five ( 5️⃣❗️) year anniversary as well as my book launch. Instead we won’t. Instead, rather than being in Leyenda’s backyard mixing up drinks and hanging out with the whole neighborhood, I will just post them on social media. Like this one— featured in my book with link in BIO!—Cereza Picante: With this drink, I wanted to create an exceptionally fruit-forward fall-like sour that highlighted spice and smoke to compliment its fruity notes. The result is what its name advertises: one spicy cherry. 1 oz Jalapeño @siembraspirits Valles blanco tequila 1/2 oz @delmagueymezcal Vida 3/4 oz @cherryheering 3/4 oz lime juice 1/4 oz simple syrup Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake and strain over fresh ice in a rocks glass. Garnish with a lime wheel and Luxardo cherry flag. . Photo by @Shannonshootscocktails
A post shared by Ivy Mix (@ivymix) on Apr 29, 2020 at 11:27am PDT
New York-based Ivy Mix is an author, bar owner, and drinks educator. Mix is the owner of Leyenda — a Latin cocktail bar in Brooklyn — and the author of “Spirits of Latin America,” a cocktail book full of diverse Latin American cocktail recipes. Follow her for educational Instagram lives, cocktail recipes, and more.
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The face you make when your 23 month old son walks into your super serious, ice cutting shoot and furiously waves at you👋🏽 while shouting “HIIII DADAAAAAA” – at the top of his lungs. . But hey… it made for a semi decent/authentic smiling photo. God I love that kid.
A post shared by miguel | HANDCRAFT (@holycityhandcraft) on Jul 9, 2020 at 6:25pm PDT
Based in Charleston, S.C., Miguel is a drinks creator and photographer. His feed is full of fancy yet approachable recipes you’ll want to recreate again and again. He’s also an expert cocktail party host and ice carver.
The article 15 Cocktail Influencers You Should Be Following on Instagram appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/15-cocktail-influencers-instagram/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/15-cocktail-influencers-you-should-be-following-on-instagram
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buttonholedlife · 4 years
Navigating Amsterdam Dance Event: Where to get the week’s best house, techno, bass, and electronica
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Words by Bella Bagshaw & Josh Stewart
The tick of the clock grows tantalizing as mid-October (16-20) draws nearer, and in turn, unearthing another chapter of Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE).
While ADE’s prodigious masthead may suggest something altogether singular, it is, in fact, massively multi-pronged. Since 1995, the music industry-geared celebration has been boasting conferences, workshops, and high-profile panels in tandem with its sprawling sonic agenda. In short, ADE tackles all things electronic music, from virtually every vantage point.
It’s easy to feel disoriented from the dizzying litany of dance music decadence on deck for ADE 2019, between the manifold menagerie of branded parties across the city—day and night—and the festival’s native events alike. No worries. Dancing Astronaut has it covered. We’re breaking it down nice and neat this year to help attendees find the best parties of the week.
Boris Brejcha x FCKNG SERIOUS [High Tech Minimal] Wednesday at Warehouse Elementenstraat
Things get pretty fcking serious pretty fcking quick at ADE this year, as Boris Brejcha and company plan to smash through Warehouse Elementenstraat with their distinct brands of minimal and techno on Wednesday night. Theydream, Ann Clue, and Deniz Bul bring supporting sets for head honcho Brejcha, whose pristine and textured productions are currently sweeping dance music worldwide.
Tickets are sold out.
For a taste of Boris Brejcha’s nuanced techno sound, checkout “Gravity,” the lead single from his upcoming album.
Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927) w/ live electric score [Experimental / Audio-visual] Wednesday at Studio K
If you’re looking to lose the rave gear and check out something on the artsy side, check out Studio K on Wednesday night, where Tomer Baruch and Alex Brajković will be performing a live electronic score to Fritz Lang’s 1927 film Metropolis. Regarded by many as the very first sci-fi film, Metropolis explores the blurred lines between man and machine. Now, almost 100 years later, Baruch and Brajković reexamine those very themes as they employ the machines themselves to conduct the film’s score (or is it the machines who are employing them?).
Richie Hawtin CLOSE & Modeselektor (live) [Techno / Live Electronica] Wednesday at NDSM Warehouse
Richie Hawtin, Modeselektor, and SOPHIE are about as eclectic as a three-act lineup gets, but there’s an admitted artistic synergy amongst the triad. Universally accepted techno overlord Richie Hawtin will bring his idiosyncratic audiovisual CLOSE show to ADE, where he is set to explore the technological meeting point between man and machine all while throwing down one of the festival’s most furiously raging minimal techno sets at the festival. Modeselektor also returns to their roots as live performers in their latest Who Else album tour, with an opening set from SOPHIE, who’s expected to bring her cunning performance art along for the ride.
Listen to Richie Hawtin’s latest release, “CLOSE COMBINED,” an amalgamation of sounds from live shows in London, Tokyo, and Glasgow.
The Rest is Noise X ADE: Tim Hecker + Caterina Barbieri [Ambient / Experimental / Live] Wednesday at Muziekgebouw aan t’ IJ
The Rest is Noise X ADE is an evening that explores live electronic music as an art form, recruiting the eminent talents of Tim Hecker and Caterina Barbieri for a standout sonic experience on Wednesday night. Hecker performs a live rendition of is recent work, Konoyo, which delves into the spiritual nature of traditional Japanese instruments and song structure, making for the perfect ambient adventure to open up ADE with. Barbieri should turn things up just a few notches, though, as her sequencing board and modular instrument prowess are both known to forge sets as hypnotic as they are energizing.
Spinnin’ Sessions [Big Room] Wednesday at Q-Factory
Spinnin’ has been a resounding force in the ADE domain—and electronic continuum at large— for years now. Organizers of the native Netherlands production powerhouse have lined up a multitude of their upper-echelon talent from across the house music spectrum. From big room-ready Bassjackers to Amsterdam’s syrupy club-floor connoisseur, Sam Feldt, Spinnin’ will be boasting a packed rotation on Wednesday at the Q-Factory. 
G-Star RAW RAVE [Electro / Instrumental] Thursday at Rijksmuseum
Beneath the Rijksmuseum’s immaculate bicycle passage on Thursday, G-Star RAW hosts RAW RAVE, the 30th-anniversary celebration of the denim company. With an all-embracing lineup—which includes German house hero and one half of the infamous, Skrillex-assisted Dog Blood duo, Boys Noize, Dutch alt-rock ensemble De Staat, and Amsterdam-housed DJ assassin, TITIA—this one checks all the boxes: a one-of-a-kind backdrop alongside an equally nuanced artist agenda. 
Netsky & Friends [Bass] Thursday at temp.
The multitalented Belgian bass purveyor, Netsky, will be accompanied by fellow heavy-handers, Fox Stevenson, NGHTMRE, Feed Me, and more this year at multifarious event housing, temp. in Amsterdam-Zuid. Bringing some of the very best international drum ‘n’ bass, pop, trap, dubstep, and hard house music, the Thursday evening affront plans for close-knit quarters accompanied by a high-voltage aural atmosphere.
Filth On Acid Pres. Reinier Zonneveld [Techno] Friday at De Marktkantine
If you’re coming from out of town, you owe it to yourself to check out the pulsating and vivacious techno of one of the Netherlands’ very finest, Reinier Zonneveld.  Known for productions that are as tantalizing as his live sets, Zonneveld plans to turn De Marktkantine into his personal studio on Friday night, allowing him to find synergy between his own tracks and improvisations over a marathon 12-hour performance.
Tickets are sold out.
STRAF_WERK X Kölsch Presents IPSO [Techno / House] Friday at De Kromhouthal
Denmark’s Kölsch teams up with STRAF_WERK to bring his lucid and ethereal wave of melodic house to the warehouse styled De Kromhouthal. The IPSO label boss tops off an impressive 2019, one that includes showcase sets at Tomorrowland and Creamfields, with an extended four-hour set at this year’s ADE, supported by label mates Henrik Schwarz [live], Patrice Bäumel, and Nicky Elisabeth.
For a sampling of Kölsch’s charming sound, checkout fabric presents Kölsch from earlier this year.
Defected [House] Friday at World Fashion Centre
London’s Defected imprint will likely prove all but adeptly titled for its 2019 tenure at World Fashion Center. Gearing up for an ultra-potent 12-hour blowout—with the likes of Low Steppa, Gorgon City, Robosonic, and more in tow—Defected is bringing its heaviest hitters and some scintillating special guests to appease ADE-ers from Friday night until the break of Saturday’s dawn. Easily accessible via public transport, with an industrial aesthetic to boot, Defected is primed to set South Amsterdam ablaze at the festival’s midway point.
Tickets are sold out.
Paradise x Loveland [House/Techno] Friday at Warehouse Houthavens
Among a number of Loveland’s scheduled stops en-route to ADE victory, the Paradise party at Warehouse Houthavens rests among the most enticing. Jamie Jones and a number of accomplished cohorts, Alan Fitzpatrick, wAFF, and more, are ready to bring the underground sounds of The White Isle (Ibiza) to Amsterdam on October 18. While landing at a new locale, Paradise plans to make good on its propensity for an intimate, up-close experience with some of the most in-demand names in the subtler house/tech realm.
Tickets are sold out.
Garrix Solo [Big Room] Friday & Saturday at RAI Convention Center
Martin Garrix brings his globally renowned skills home to ADE, the Dutch superstar is set to play an all-nighter to end the week’sFriday showcases at the RAI convention center. Last year’s ADE performance saw the world’s No. 1 DJ debut his ANIMA live show. Expect Garrix to drop the hammer as he hopes to, “Make these shows the best ones yet.”
Friday’s show is 18+, but Garrix runs it back on Saturday for a five-hour all-ages set starting at 5 pm.
Ritter Butzke x Multiversum [Live Electronic] Saturday at The Church of Ruigoord
What better place to worship the sultry sounds of minimal and experimental acts like Christian Löffler, Dominik Eulberg, and Janus Rasmussen (of Kiasmos) than at a literal church? On Saturday night The Church of Ruigoord turns into the holy epicenter of dance music, with six live sets, including a rare performance from the iconic Booka Shade, Ritter Butzke x Multiversum is positioned to be one of ADE’s most intimate and spiritual events.
For a sampling of that evening’s sounds, checkout Christian Löffler’s Cercle set at a castle ruin in the south of France.
Tickets are sold out.
Kompakt Party [Deep House/Left-Field] Saturday at De Marktkantine
Label co-owner Michael Mayer brings his Kompakt crew to ADE for a total showstopper of an event this year. Brazilian mastermind Gui Boratto’s live set alone puts this party near the top of the overwhelming pile of must-see shows at ADE, but back-to-back sets between Mayer and German electronic pioneer Roman Flügel as well as Pachanga Boys and Axel Boman truly make De Marktkantine the place to be on Saturday night.
DGTL x Bonobo present Outlier [Electronica] Saturday at NDSM Warehouse
Bonobo’s Outlier concept relies on finding distinctly different venues so that the performers can craft unique atmospheres that break the mold. This year at ADE the English-born musician has done just that, teaming up with DGTL to take over the shipbuilding warehouse-turned-neighborhood-art-haven in the NDSM Warehouse. Grab the free ferry from Central Station to NDSM on Saturday evening to experience not just Bonobo but an absolute all-star cast behind him, including Jon Hopkins, Catching Flies and The Black Madonna.
Listen to the latest in Bonobo’s ever-evolving nonchalant house sound.
AMF [Trance / Big Room / Future House] Saturday at Johan Cruijff Arena
To put the scope of ADE as a festival into perspective, some of the events held within it are festivals themselves. AMF is a big example; it’s a one-night indoor extravaganza at the Johan Cruijff Arena (capacity of 55,000) with a lineup that, on its own, justifies looking up flights to Amsterdam. The billing features crossover gods Armin van Buuren and Tiësto, as well as Don Diablo, David Guetta, and the icing on the cake, a back-to-back set between Timmy Trumpet and , two of the hardest-hitting acts on the global EDM roster today. Thankfully AMF is on Saturday night, as it’s hard to imagine having any gas left in the tank the morning after.
Dockyard Festival [House/Techno] Saturday at Havenpark
A festival within a festival, Dockyard stands as a longtime fixture in Amsterdam’s all-things-electronic week. With six sprawling stages showcasing both veterans and new names in the house/techno terrain, Dockyard promises a memorable jaunt amid the ADE-goer’s 2019 journey. Havenpark’s waterfront will this year house Dubfire, Nastia, Eats Everything, Ellen Alien, and more on Saturday, October 19. 
Tickets are sold out.
ADE Hangover [Food trucks / Hammocks / Market] Sunday at NDSM WERF
Visit NDSM Werf on Sunday afternoon to soothe your ADE Hangover with a waterside hammock and several servings of vlaamse frites. Cruise the pop-up market, grab a craft beer, or simply sweat out your ADE weekend woes in one of the event’s saunas or hot tubs as you come down from the tumultuous. Entrance is free, so feel free to drag your rave-worn, lifeless self (and friends!) to NDSM whenever you’re feeling capable.  Show up anytime from noon to 11 for a bit of post-ADE revitalization.
Entrance is free.
This content was originally published here.
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redcarpetview · 7 years
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Shirley Caesar
            Andra Day, Kirk  Franklin, Randy Newman, And Dwight Yoakam To Perform At Annual Awards  Ceremony And Tribute Concert; Tickets On Sale Monday, June 5 At 11:00 A.M. EST
                  SANTA MONICA, Calif. (June 2, 2017) — The Recording Academy  ®  will honor its 2017 Special Merit Awards recipients  with an awards ceremony and live tribute concert on Tuesday, July 11, 2017,  at The Beacon Theatre in New York City. This year's Lifetime  Achievement Award honorees are Shirley Caesar, Ahmad Jamal,  Charley Pride, Jimmie Rodgers, Nina Simone, Sly Stone, and the Velvet Underground. Led by GRAMMY®-winning industry  icon Paul Shaffer as musical director, the tribute concert will  feature rare performances by honorees and never-seen renditions by those  they've inspired. Currently scheduled to appear are past GRAMMY® nominee Andra Day, who will be honoring Simone; 12-time GRAMMY winner Kirk  Franklin, who will pay tribute to Caesar; six-time GRAMMY winner Randy  Newman, who will honor Ostin; and two-time GRAMMY winner Dwight Yoakam, who will salute Rodgers. Additional performers will be announced shortly.  Tickets for the event will be on sale via Ticketmaster beginning Monday, June 5, 2017  at 11:00 a.m. EST.
           Additional Special Merit Awards honorees to be celebrated include Thom  Bell, Mo Ostin, and Ralph Peer, who are this year's Trustees  Award honorees, and Alan Dower Blumlein, who is the Technical  GRAMMY® Award recipient. Also being honored is Keith  Hancock, this year's recipient of the Music Educator Award™.
           "We are thrilled to once again partner with THIRTEEN Productions and PBS  to bring our 'GRAMMY Salute To Music Legends' event to life in an  extraordinary fashion," said Neil Portnow, President/CEO of the  Recording Academy. "We look forward to celebrating the exceptional  contributions and accomplishments of our honorees at New York City's famed  Beacon Theatre, and the event serves as the perfect kickoff to the exciting  lead up to the 60th Annual GRAMMY Awards®, which will also take  place in The Big Apple for the first time in 15 years."
          Now in its second year, the "GRAMMY Salute to Music Legends™" event  will be produced in partnership with THIRTEEN as part of the "Great Performances" series on PBS, set to air later this year.  Previously held during GRAMMY Week, this is the second year the Recording  Academy has celebrated the Special Merit Awards with a stand-alone event and musical tribute. In addition to the tribute concert, special celebrity guests will present recipients their award statues and guests will enjoy never-before-seen video packages celebrating each of the honorees' contributions to the music industry and our cultural heritage.
         A production of THIRTEEN Productions LLC for WNET, "GRAMMY Salute to Music Legends" will be written by David Wild and directed for television  by David Horn, with Mitch Owgang as producer, and David Horn and Neil Portnow as executive producers.
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         Ahmad Jamal
           The Lifetime Achievement Award honors performers who have made contributions  of outstanding artistic significance to the field of recording, while the  Trustees Award recognizes such contributions in areas other than performance.  Both awards are determined by a vote of the Recording Academy's National  Board of Trustees. Technical GRAMMY Award recipients are determined by vote  of the Academy's Producers & Engineers Wing® Advisory Council  and Chapter Committees. The award is presented to individuals and companies  who have made contributions of outstanding technical significance to the  recording field.
         About the Lifetime Achievement Award Honorees:
A deeply spiritual and affecting gospel singer, Shirley Caesar's  emotive vocal talents were discovered in a church choir when she was 10 years  old. She is arguably best known for her eight-year tenure with the  Chicago-based gospel group the Caravans, whom she joined after appealing to Albertina Walker to sing a solo with the group. Electing to pursue a solo career in 1966 alongside her own choir, the Caesar Singers, she subsequently carved out a profile that earned her the title of First Lady of Gospel Music. Caesar's roll call of achievements includes 11 GRAMMY Awards, 14 Stellar  awards, 15 Dove awards, a NAACP Image Award, a Soul Train Music Award, and two recent 59th GRAMMY nominations.
       A prodigy who began playing piano at age 3, Ahmad Jamal started performing professionally at 14 and was signed to Okeh Records by age 21. Trained in both traditional jazz and European classical piano styles, Jamal has been  labeled as a jazz innovator who helped pioneer "cool jazz," which  had a significant influence on Miles Davis, among others. With a catalogue spanning seven decades, he is known for wonderful renditions of pieces such as "Poinciana" and "Dolphin Dance," original compositions such as "Ahmad's Blues," the fantastic compilation Complete Live  At The Spotlight Club 1958, and his most well-known album, 1958's At  The Pershing: But Not For Me.
       Three-time GRAMMY winner Charley Pride taught himself to play guitar  in his early teens, but he dreamed of becoming a professional baseball  player. After playing in the Negro American League, he was signed by RCA  Victor and in 1967 he became the first black singer to perform at the Grand Ole Opry. "Just Between You And Me" launched Pride to stardom, earning him his first GRAMMY nomination for 1966. In 1969 Pride scored his first No. 1 country hit with "All I Have To Offer You (Is  Me)." The recognition led to a long and auspicious career for Pride, who is considered the first African-American superstar in country music.
    Jimmie Rodgers* is widely regarded as the Father of Country Music. In 1961 he became one of the first three people inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. In 1970 he was a part of the inaugural class of songwriters voted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. In 1986, the first year of Rock and  Roll Hall of Fame inductions, he was inducted under the early influencers category. Rodgers has three recordings in the GRAMMY Hall Of Fame®  — "Blue Yodel (T For Texas)" and "In The Jailhouse Now"  (both from 1928) and "Blue Yodel #9 (Standing On The Corner)" (1930).
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    Nina Simone
            Dr. Nina Simone*, known as the High Priestess of Soul, was a child prodigy whose dreams of becoming a classical musician were deferred by the color of her skin. Her fearlessness and deep commitment to the civil  rights movement gave birth to such classics as "Mississippi  Goddam," "Four Women," and "To Be Young, Gifted, And  Black." Her approach to music was so versatile she labeled her  style black classical. From R&B and rock to jazz, gospel, blues, folk, and Broadway, Simone brought her unique style to each genre. Her interpretations of "Feeling Good" and "Sinnerman" are  classics that fans around the world still enjoy. Her version of "I Loves  You, Porgy," which became a Top 20 single in 1959, was inducted into the  GRAMMY Hall Of Fame in 2000.  Sylvester "Sly Stone" Stewart is an iconic American  musician, songwriter and producer most famous for his role as frontman of Sly  & The Family Stone. Classic hits penned by Stone, including "Thank  You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)," "Everyday People,"  "Dance To The Music," and "There's A Riot Going On," played a critical role in the development of soul, funk, rock, and psychedelia in the 1960s and 1970s. Sly & The Family Stone were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993. The group has four recordings in  the GRAMMY Hall Of Fame.
        Despite a relatively brief lifespan and limited commercial success, the Velvet Underground are now recognized as one of the most influential rock bands  of all time. Comprising Lou Reed*, John Cale, Sterling  Morrison*, and Maureen "Moe" Tucker, the band was,  perhaps, ahead of their time, both visually and sonically. Often dubbed the  quintessential proto-punk band, they have been continually cited as  the  benchmark for countless modern-rock movements over the past 50 years. The  Velvet Underground's seminal 1967 debut album, The Velvet Underground  & Nico, was inducted into the GRAMMY Hall Of Fame in 2008.
          About The Trustees Award Honorees:
     Producer/arranger/songwriter Thom Bell was one of the cornerstones of  the Philadelphia Soul legacy. He was a prime architect in the development of  a '70s soul sound that moved beyond the grit of Southern soul and the effervescence of Motown by building complex and sophisticated arrangements around smooth strings, elegant horns and a driving rhythm that anticipated  the rise of disco. With the Delfonics, the Stylistics, the Spinners and  others, Bell established his trademark sound with sweet strings and muted brass led by the French horn. Hits such as "I’ll Be Around" and  "Betcha By Golly, Wow" cemented his stature as one of the all-time  great songwriter/producers, and his partnership with Kenny Gamble and Leon  Huff helped create the quintessential sound of Philadelphia.
        Mo Ostin is one of the greatest record executives in music history.  While he started out at Verve, it was helming Frank Sinatra's Reprise Records  where Ostin came into his own. With Reprise Records and ultimately Warner  Bros., Ostin discovered and worked with the seminal artists of the generation, such as Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Prince, and Neil Young, while also developing a staff that was legendary in their own right. With an  artist-friendly disposition, Ostin led with the idea that great art made  great business — most of the bands signed under his watch made both critically  acclaimed and profitable records. Ostin was honored with The Recording  Academy's President's Merit Award at the 2006 GRAMMY Salute To Industry Icons®.
      Ralph S. Peer* was a successful recording executive, archetypal A&R man and music publisher whose career spanned from 1919 to  1960. Through his work as a music executive, he continually broadened  the palate of genres that music makers and audiences embraced. He was  the executive producer of the Mamie Smith’s “Crazy  Blues," the first blues record that sparked the genre, James P.  Johnson's "Carolina Shout," considered by historians to be among the first jazz piano solo recordings, and Fiddlin' John Carson's "The Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane," the first country  record released. He was the producer of the 1927 Bristol Sessions, considered  the "Big Bang" of country music, where he discovered Jimmie Rodgers  and the original Carter family. He broadened his focus by publishing  Latin music in the U.S. and around the globe. Fifty-nine recordings produced  or published by Ralph S. Peer have been inducted into the GRAMMY Hall Of  Fame.
        About The Technical GRAMMY Award Recipient:
    Alan Dower Blumlein* received 128 patents on his way to becoming one  of the most significant audio inventors of his time. His most noteworthy  patent was for the stereo in 1931, a development that was spurred by a visit to the cinema and being frustrated that the sound from a single speaker didn't match with the actors and action on screen. He also invented the Blumlein Pair microphones, a stereo disc-cutting head and a shuffling circuit, among other audio inventions.
        *Denotes posthumous award
      The Recording Academy represents the voices of performers, songwriters,  producers, engineers, and all music professionals. Dedicated to ensuring the recording arts remain a thriving part of our shared cultural heritage, The Academy honors music's history while investing in its future through the GRAMMY Museum®, advocates on behalf of music creators, supports music people in times of need through MusiCares®, and celebrates artistic excellence through the GRAMMY Awards — music's only peer-recognized accolade and highest achievement. As the world's leading society of music professionals, we work year-round to foster a more inspiring world for  creators.
      For more information about The Academy, please visit www.grammy.com.  For breaking news and exclusive content, follow @RecordingAcad on Twitter, “like” Recording Academy on Facebook and join The Recording Academy's social  communities on Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube.   
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A First-ever Collaboration With World-renowned Artists For Super Bowl LIV
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PUBLISHED: 04:22, 29 January 2020 | UPDATED: 05:28, 29 January 2020
To celebrate 100 seasons of the National Football League (NFL), Goldman Global Arts (GGA) – the curators behind the renowned Wynwood Walls – and the NFL have collaborated to make an artistic statement at Super Bowl LIV across Miami.
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A curated group of artists including Tristan Eaton, Dasic Fernández, Joe Iurato, Kelsey Montague, and RISK will be showcasing their work through various platforms all highlighting different pieces of NFL100.
"It was important to the NFL to celebrate the 100th season through décor in a special way. We're thrilled to bring this first of its kind partnership to Miami," said Daphne Wood, NFL Director of Events.
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"Each artist brought a unique perspective to help tell the NFL story in a way we've never told it before. The most exciting part of collaborating on a platform like this, showcasing Miami's enriched art culture, is creating once-in-a-lifetime memories for NFL fans while sharing the story of 100th season on a global platform."
For the first time ever, cultural relevance to the city and stadium will play a leading role in the Super Bowl Game Day Ticket and Commemorative Program. The NFL's Big Hits Program is being transformed with the GGA collaboration in a global way through art with a broader audience reach in celebration of NFL100.
The five artists have been commissioned to create and integrate large scale murals, sculptures, and building wraps into the Super Bowl LIV experience like never before. Varying in style and technique, this year's Super Bowl will bring together 100 seasons of professional football and thought-provoking art.
"I am thrilled about the collaboration between Goldman Global Arts and the NFL as it is one that celebrates creativity, encourages inclusivity and captures the spirit of the sport in unexpected ways," said Jessica Goldman Srebnick, Founder and CEO of Goldman Global Arts. "In our work together, the NFL has embraced the genre of street art and Miami's growing art culture in an authentic and powerful way. Super Bowl LIV is poised to push the boundaries of creativity, ignite conversation and bring immense joy, all while honoring the sport of football in one of the greatest cities in the world!"​
"GGA and the Wynwood artists have been great collaborators. Football means so much to so many and art is similarly transcendent," said Mollie Wilkie, NFL Creative Director in Global Brand and Consumer Marketing. "Our hope is we're opening up both football and street art to a broader audience and everyone takes away something a little different."
Spearheading this group of notable artists is Tristan Eaton who has created the face of the Super Bowl LIV ticket and two renditions of the program which includes a hologram version for ticket holders, both of which embody the excitement of the 100th season as seen through the lens of the Super Bowl in Miami.
Eaton will also take on a painting of the Lombardi Trophy at Super Bowl Opening Night presented by Bolt24 on Monday, January 27 showing his unique style. Eaton's large-scale mural work feature meticulous, visual collages of pop imagery mixed with his unique personal style, all executed with freehand spray paint on a colossal scale. His unique works can be found across the world, from Paris to Shanghai to the Wynwood Walls.
"This epic illustration captures the excitement and celebration of the Super Bowl over the past 100 years with a specific nod to Miami," said artist Tristan Eaton. "It makes me happy to see art being used as the catalyst to celebrate the 100th season at Super Bowl LIV. Football has brought my family together for years as it has for millions of fans across the globe, so it's an honor to contribute to that legacy with my own original art."
Chilean artist Dasic Fernández's mural will combine the Vince Lombardi Trophy with the passion and spirit of our fans—showcasing their role in defining the NFL as universal, on 27 stories of the Citigroup Center building in Downtown Miami. The artist's colorful work is inspired by nineteenth and twentieth century artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky and Roberto Matta. He believes street art contains the "essential" quality of providing space in which to connect with the public directly.
Artwork will not only be woven through the stadium and programming – Joe Iurato's individual pieces will be featured on the ground throughout the NFL's footprint in Miami, creating an organic scavenger hunt of 10 of the biggest moments in NFL history from the last century. Fans will be able to use the ONEPASS app to hunt for moments like the 1920 first owners meeting, the 1972 Dolphins Perfect Season and the 2008 Helmet Catch.
Joe Iurato is a multidisciplinary artist whose works are built on a foundation of stencils and aerosol. While Iurato's murals have adorned neighborhoods along the east coast of the United States for years, he's more recently have become noted for the unique placement and photography of miniature painted wood cutouts in public spaces. Utilizing the outdoor environment to create site-specific installations, Iurato creates windows into a narrative formed by personal experiences.
Kelsey Montague is an American mural artist who will bring her playful artistic approach to the NFL experience at the Miami Beach Convention Center with a family-friendly interactive mural combining the 32 NFL clubs and the AFC and NFC team represented in the Super Bowl into individual works. She is known for her wing-inspired artwork on the walls of major cities like New York and Nashville. The well-travelled muralist, who loves to incorporate her experiences into her work, has emerged as one of the most admired artists on social media. One of the biggest reasons behind her popularity among the younger generation is that she encourages them to express themselves on social media through her art.
Kelly Graval better known by his artist name RISK will embrace the fan engagement style with his 40-foot mural in neon font providing a backdrop for football fans that have come from near and far to celebrate Super Bowl LIV at the Super Bowl LIVE festival at Bayfront Park. Risk was one of the first artists to exhibit graffiti and street art in galleries. In the course of his nearly 30-year career, RISK has become one of the most influential figures for subsequent generations of graffiti artists and is considered one of the first artists to have painted on freight trains, as well as a pioneer of "painting in the heavens" — a graffiti term referring to highly elevated surfaces like billboards, rooftops, and overpasses.
For more information on the partnership, please visit www.goldmanglobalarts.com/nfl. 
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keithcooke3652-blog · 5 years
best web guy on the gold coast
Web architecture HOW TO BUILD A WEBSITE THAT SELLS Regardless of whether you are searching for a straightforward one-page site or an enormous custom site with several pages, we are there for you from beginning to end. All sites we make are editable sites. We trust that you ought not need to pay a website specialist to do basic updates to your site like including some content or including a page. All sites accompany preparing so you will know how (in the event that you want) to make changes to your site. WordPress and Joomla are the two fundamental Content Management Systems (CMS's) we prescribe. A CMS is basically the framework or stage you use to alter your site pages and control a large portion of your site's usefulness". The two stages have a huge number of modules or segments that are effectively consolidated into your site to include practically while sparing you cash as they don't should be worked starting with no outside help. For instance, including a module that deals with a photograph display or oversees memberships. Should you require custom programming, usefulness, SQL databases, Java contents or custom structures', it was nothing really for us. As a designer on the gold coast, we know the accessible modules well, so before we assemble a custom program, we may recommend an instant module (many are free) that will give you comparative usefulness at a small amount of the expense. Our visual creators will add that completing touch to make your site look incredible. We likewise configuration points of arrival, web pennants, digital book spreads, logos and anything identified with sites. We can likewise refresh your present site to the most recent renditions, include illustrations, structures or usefulness. We have likewise changed over sites starting with one stage then onto the next, for example, taking a HTML site and changing over it to WordPress. Our procedure for making a site is very not the same as most other website composition organizations. We don't begin by making the realistic components of your site first and after that endeavor to make sense of your message and what catchphrases to utilize. That has neither rhyme nor reason. That is totally in reverse. In the event that a website composition organization says they will do the structure components first, run! You see the reason for 99% of sites is to pull in new business and produce income. Having an incredible looking site that no one visits won't accomplish your definitive objective of expanded income. The achievement of your site begins with structure your site on a strong establishment. What's more, the strong establishment I'm alluding to is in structure and informing of the site, not the plan of the site. We begin with your final product and work in reverse. Here is our procedure. Work with you to clear up what your promoting message will be, the administration you will offer and why prospects would purchase from your organization. We additionally figure out what your optimal prospect resemble with respect to area, estimate, industry, needs and needs. Ultimately, we hear you out to discover what highlights, usefulness and inclinations you might want on your site. Since we comprehend what you are advertising and to whom you are promoting, we do watchword research to recognize what catchphrases ought to be showcased. This presumably the most significant component in structure your site on a strong establishment. From this examination, we plan your site structure, web procedure, and web stream. This is checked on with you. This where the choice is made with respect to which stage (WordPress, Joomla or other) is most appropriate for your site. We additionally pick which modules, expansions, parts or modules are to be introduced. We likewise select a layout (CSS) that has a portion of the visual depiction components to use as a base format before we redo the look and feel for your business. Once introduced we begin to make the pages as per the informing and watchwords set up. We likewise include the visual communication components. In the last stage, we change the site usefulness and plan components. When affirmed, we start on enhancing the site for web indexes and the webpage goes live. While we don't offer site facilitating, we do prescribe facilitating organizations. We trust that you should control your area and facilitating. Throughout the years, we have had numerous new customers come to us, not responsible for their space or facilitating (constrained by a past website specialist or ex-worker). We will get you set up, move your site and set up the majority of your messages, and so on. Should you have any troubles with your facilitating, we are there to enable you to deal with any difficulties. At Tell Media, we are advertisers first and fashioners second. We have extraordinary fashioners in house, they simply get their heading from advertisers. That puts us miles in front of other web composition organizations. In the event that you need your site to deliver results, you are in the perfect spot. Call us today for a discussion on structure another site or refreshing your current site. https://www.tellmedia.com.au/location/website-design-gold-coast/
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best web guy on the gold coast
Web architecture HOW TO BUILD A WEBSITE THAT SELLS Regardless of whether you are searching for a straightforward one-page site or an enormous custom site with several pages, we are there for you from beginning to end. All sites we make are editable sites. We trust that you ought not need to pay a website specialist to do basic updates to your site like including some content or including a page. All sites accompany preparing so you will know how (in the event that you want) to make changes to your site. WordPress and Joomla are the two fundamental Content Management Systems (CMS's) we prescribe. A CMS is basically the framework or stage you use to alter your site pages and control a large portion of your site's usefulness". The two stages have a huge number of modules or segments that are effectively consolidated into your site to include practically while sparing you cash as they don't should be worked starting with no outside help. For instance, including a module that deals with a photograph display or oversees memberships. Should you require custom programming, usefulness, SQL databases, Java contents or custom structures', it was nothing really for us. As a designer on the gold coast, we know the accessible modules well, so before we assemble a custom program, we may recommend an instant module (many are free) that will give you comparative usefulness at a small amount of the expense. Our visual creators will add that completing touch to make your site look incredible. We likewise configuration points of arrival, web pennants, digital book spreads, logos and anything identified with sites. We can likewise refresh your present site to the most recent renditions, include illustrations, structures or usefulness. We have likewise changed over sites starting with one stage then onto the next, for example, taking a HTML site and changing over it to WordPress. Our procedure for making a site is very not the same as most other website composition organizations. We don't begin by making the realistic components of your site first and after that endeavor to make sense of your message and what catchphrases to utilize. That has neither rhyme nor reason. That is totally in reverse. In the event that a website composition organization says they will do the structure components first, run! You see the reason for 99% of sites is to pull in new business and produce income. Having an incredible looking site that no one visits won't accomplish your definitive objective of expanded income. The achievement of your site begins with structure your site on a strong establishment. What's more, the strong establishment I'm alluding to is in structure and informing of the site, not the plan of the site. We begin with your final product and work in reverse. Here is our procedure. Work with you to clear up what your promoting message will be, the administration you will offer and why prospects would purchase from your organization. We additionally figure out what your optimal prospect resemble with respect to area, estimate, industry, needs and needs. Ultimately, we hear you out to discover what highlights, usefulness and inclinations you might want on your site. Since we comprehend what you are advertising and to whom you are promoting, we do watchword research to recognize what catchphrases ought to be showcased. This presumably the most significant component in structure your site on a strong establishment. From this examination, we plan your site structure, web procedure, and web stream. This is checked on with you. This where the choice is made with respect to which stage (WordPress, Joomla or other) is most appropriate for your site. We additionally pick which modules, expansions, parts or modules are to be introduced. We likewise select a layout (CSS) that has a portion of the visual depiction components to use as a base format before we redo the look and feel for your business. Once introduced we begin to make the pages as per the informing and watchwords set up. We likewise include the visual communication components. In the last stage, we change the site usefulness and plan components. When affirmed, we start on enhancing the site for web indexes and the webpage goes live. While we don't offer site facilitating, we do prescribe facilitating organizations. We trust that you should control your area and facilitating. Throughout the years, we have had numerous new customers come to us, not responsible for their space or facilitating (constrained by a past website specialist or ex-worker). We will get you set up, move your site and set up the majority of your messages, and so on. Should you have any troubles with your facilitating, we are there to enable you to deal with any difficulties. At Tell Media, we are advertisers first and fashioners second. We have extraordinary fashioners in house, they simply get their heading from advertisers. That puts us miles in front of other web composition organizations. In the event that you need your site to deliver results, you are in the perfect spot. Call us today for a discussion on structure another site or refreshing your current site. https://www.tellmedia.com.au/location/website-design-gold-coast/
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kodeinesquirrels · 6 years
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Just starting out with Git and GitHub? It gets easier, honest!
Undoubtedly you have known about Git or GitHub for source control, however what is source control?
This is an essential diagram of source code control and the upsides of utilizing it inside a group domain or utilizing it all alone, on the off chance that you do a Google look for source code control you can read how Wikipedia characterizes Source control, as:
"Modification control (otherwise called form control, source control or (source) code administration (SCM)) is the administration of numerous amendments of a similar unit of data."
Cool story br0! At the end of the day: Source control permits conveyed work in groups of any size, at various areas, while maintaining a strategic distance from clashes in source code changes.
Truly!? A debt of gratitude is in order for clearing that up!
Lets take a gander at it along these lines…
In its least difficult term it resembles a "Spare As". You need the new document without disposing of the progressions on the old one. It's an ordinary circumstance, with the exception of on a product extend there is the potential for a great deal of changes.
There are some fundamental ideas about form control I'll rapidly go here, these terms utilized as a part of numerous SCM frameworks some significant to Git and GitHub some to different frameworks.
Archive/repo: The database putting away the records.
Branch: Create a different duplicate of a repo for use on your PC.
Return/rollback: Go back to a formerly spared rendition of the codebase/repo.
Push: Push is a get to level on the repo, on the off chance that you have no push get to you should make a force ask.
Pull: If you have no Push get to you can make a force demand which will advise the repo proprietor you need to combine your progressions into their code.
On the off chance that you are quite recently beginning then your most utilized summons will presumably be :
git include .
git confer - m 'some enlightening message'
git push birthplace ace
Those summons have served me well in my beginning of figuring out how to recover my code up to GitHub.
Git and GitHub
Git and GitHub are two separate things, Git is a free and open source adaptation control framework while GitHub utilizes Git innovation to have your storehouses on the GitHub.com servers.
Git and GitHub were somewhat confounding for me when I initially begun with them, I knew about VCS before yet that was in the state of Microsoft's Visual SourceSafe and Team Foundation Server where you have a pleasant GUI to guide you through the registration and registration handle, for those the procedure was:
Registration: make a duplicate of the storehouse you needed to roll out improvements to on your machine, once you have rolled out your improvement then, Check-in your progressions.
Registration: add your progressions back to the store with a going with message itemizing the change you have made.
With Git it's somewhat less favor, all through the charge line, however practically the same as with VSS and TFS.
Clone the vault: Make a duplicate of the repo on your machine.
Roll out improvements.
Once the progressions are made then include them back with going with confer messages.
Push the progressions back to the repo on Github.
The documentation on GitHub is awesome for anything you need to accomplish and in this post I have referenced some the documentation.
It can get somewhat overpowering however, particularly in the event that you escape synchronize, i.e. neglect to pull a change made on the remote then attempt to check your progressions in before maneuvering the progressions into your neighborhood rendition. I'm in no way, shape or form certain if things go somewhat wrong yet I have built up a "Submit Often Perfect Later" approach so in the event that you do break something you din't lose excessively of you significant time attempting to work out what turned out badly where.
On the off chance that you investigate a repo you have cloned from GitHub you will see there is a document called .git this resembles a little database of the considerable number of changes you have made on your machine and it contains all the data it needs to associate with GitHub and roll out the improvements it needs to make to the ace repo [or whatever branch you're pushing the progressions to].
I made a cheat sheet Gist which I utilized each time I went close Git, it has now transformed into a repo of other cheat sheets despite everything I use once a day.
In it I cover these circumstances:
Make another venture on your machine that you need to add to GitHub? Look here.
Cloning a repo from another person's GitHub and driving it to a repo on my GitHub, or "I didn't make a fork, what do I do now!"
You have a fork which you have to refresh before rolling out any improvements.
Work process will be distinctive for varying circumstances, for me as a noob engineer I have attempted to archive anything I have gone over with Git so I can reference back to it for that one time I require it however can't recall what I did at 21:45 on a Wednesday just to get the code registered with GitHub.
There are numerous GUIs that incorporate with Git for use with GitHub the authority GitHub one is really pleasant however I rapidly got into circumstances that the GUI couldn't get me out of so I have stayed with the terminal since, well there is VSCode however which has a wonderful Git UI that I utilize day by day, yet there are a few things that regardless I utilize the terminal for:
git status
git checkout <branch-name>
git [push] labels
All entirely convenient, there is likely augmentations out there to help with these however for the present I'm quite open to doing it by means of the order line.
Any tips or deceives you use in Git you'd jump at the chance to share? If it's not too much trouble don't hesitate to leave a remark or better still add to the repo through a force ask.
On the off chance that any of this has helped you in any capacity don't hesitate to like the article and offer it via web-based networking media.
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mokatechgq-blog · 7 years
Mountain Lion AirPlay reflecting v. AirParrot: battle! AirPlay Mirroring functions admirably—yet just the length of you have a more current Mac.
Mountain Lion conveys AirPlay Mirroring from iOS to OS X, enabling clients to reflect their Mac screen to a HDTV or projector connected to an Apple TV. Past sharing your Mac's screen for showings, AirPlay Mirroring can be valuable in a few different situations: giving introductions (no VGA connector required), gushing the iTunes visualizer amid a gathering, sitting in front of the TV indicates through Hulu, playing Diablo III on your immense level screen... All things considered, you get the thought.
We took the element for a turn taking after Mountain Lion's dispatch last Wednesday, and found that it worked precisely as publicized—the length of you have a bolstered Mac. That "upheld Mac" impediment is imperative, in any case: just 2011 or more current MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs, Mac minis, and iMacs can utilize Mountain Lion's implicit AirPlay bolster. Have a 2010 MacBook Air? A Mac Pro? A more established iMac? Indeed, there's no Airplay Mirroring for you.
The reason, we found, is that the component depends on Intel's QuickSync equipment quickened video pressure innovation. QuickSync is an element of the coordinated illustrations incorporated with Intel's Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge arrangement processors.
In any case, in the event that you have a more seasoned machine or haven't refreshed to Mountain Lion, it doesn't really mean you can't stream your Mac's show to an Apple TV. An outsider shareware application that works with Snow Leopard or later on an assortment of Mac equipment is accessible, and we discovered it works great. It likewise offers some interesting components that Apple's execution does not.
There are upsides and downsides to every strategy for reflecting your Mac's show to an Apple TV; we'll detail both underneath.
Local Mountain Lion strategy
Apple has incorporated AirPlay Mirroring into Mountain Lion in an extremely Apple-like way. Once your settings are turned on in System Preferences > Displays, tap the AirPlay symbol in the menu bar, click Apple TV, and that is it (expecting your PC and Apple TV are on a similar system). On my test Retina MacBook Pro, the show naturally changed to a 1920x1080 pixel determination and began gushing video and sound to the 55" level board in my family room.
Of course, the screen determination changes to a "Best for AirPlay" setting. You can open the Displays inclination sheet (specifically from the AirPlay menulet, in the event that you like) and pick another determination—Mountain Lion will scale it to fit your HDTV. One intriguing piece we saw is that on the off chance that you switch on AirPlay Mirroring and let it naturally switch determination, it will switch back when you kill AirPlay Mirroring. On the off chance that you change settings while it's in reflecting mode, regardless of the possibility that you change back to the 1920x1080 setting, it won't consequently switch back.
(The way it works bodes well. In any case, on the off chance that it doesn't switch when you expect, now you know why.)In our testing, video spilled to the Apple TV was sharp, point by point, and refreshed with a smooth casing rate—notwithstanding when utilizing a non-1080p determination. With the MacBook Pro's desktop shown on the TV, it felt like a characteristic expansion of the inherent display.Everything we attempted worked easily, including playing iTunes, perusing sites, composing content, seeing Keynote slides, and playing QuickTime trailers. We attempted both 720p gushing and 1080p downloads for the trailers, and both looked awesome spilled to the Apple TV. Standard UI content was likewise effectively coherent from the lounge chair, regardless of whether utilizing the upgraded 1920x1080 determination or scaling the standard "Retina" resolution.Only QuickSync-perfect Macs require apply
Mountain Lion's coordinated AirPlay reflecting bolster just works with the accompanying Mac models:
iMac—Mid 2011 or more up to date
Macintosh small scale—Mid 2011 or more current
MacBook Air—Mid 2011 or more up to date
MacBook Pro—Early 2011 or more up to date
On the off chance that your Mac isn't on that rundown, your won't ever observe an AirPlay choice in Mountain Lion's menubar.
What isolates these Macs from other Mountain Lion-good machines is that these are the main models that have bolster for Intel's QuickSync innovation. What affirmed this necessity for me was the way that my Retina MacBook Pro changed to incorporated Intel HD4000 design notwithstanding when generally running on the discrete NVIDIA GT 650M GPU. Regardless of what you are doing or what determination you are running, AirPlay Mirroring in Mountain Lion requires a coordinated Intel HD3000 or HD4000 design processor and its QuickSync innovation to work, full stop.
The upside is that on the off chance that you have an upheld Mac and are running Mountain Lion, AirPlay Mirroring acts as publicized. The drawback is that more seasoned machines, and all Mac Pros, are let alone for the "official" AirPlay party.
The AirParrot technique
On the off chance that you don't have a bolstered Mac, be that as it may, you can at present stream media to an Apple TV. What you need is AirParrot, a $10 shareware application from non mainstream designer Squirrels. Dispatch the application, click its menubar symbol, and select your Apple TV. Like Mountain Lion's local AirPlay Mirroring highlight, your desktop is shown ideal on your boob tube.AirParrot keeps running on the most recent variant of Snow Leopard (10.6.8), and additionally Lion (10.7.x) and Mountain Lion (10.8). What's more, it keeps running on any Intel-based Mac (however the more seasoned the equipment, the more it will battle to stream at an adequate edge rate). On my 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, video was simply somewhat choppy.As a special reward, there's additionally a rendition of AirParrot that keeps running on Windows. Have an Apple TV however no Macs at home? You can at present stream non-iTunes substance to your parlor. Or, on the other hand, you can flaunt a PowerPoint introduction from your Windows tablet to the Apple TV in the gathering room at the workplace.
Beside more extensive similarity, AirParrot offers a couple favorable circumstances over AirPlay Mirroring, as well. Rather than reflecting your Mac's show, you can expand the desktop, utilizing a HDTV as a moment screen. You can likewise demonstrate a solitary window from a particular application, which is fixated on the screen—extraordinary for concealing all the additional things you may have going ahead in different applications while giving an introduction or demo, for example.
AirParrot's inclinations incorporate the capacity to change the video quality and edge rate to improve execution for your specific Mac. Different inclinations let you conceal the mouse cursor, restrain gushing to 720p yield, or extend application windows to fill 16:9 proportions.Audio yield can likewise be empowered or debilitated independently from video spilling, not at all like AirPlay Mirroring. Be that as it may, it requires downloading and introducing an additional sound driver to work. It's not a gigantic arrangement, truly, but rather the driver establishment required a restart.
Six of one, about six of the other
AirParrot offers fundamentally more adaptability and more extensive similarity than AirPlay Mirroring. Be that as it may, the distinctions highlight a philosophical refinement between the "Apple route" of getting things done and what clients may somehow need.
As we noted before, AirPlay Mirroring is dead easy to utilize. Beside alternatively changing the determination, there's essentially no setup or control included. You turn it on, it works, and you turn it off when you're set. The equipment based QuickSync pressure makes gushing smooth at high edge rates, and has next to no slack. Particular equipment is required to give the end-client this streamlined involvement, however, so Apple constrains the component to those machines.
AirParrot, then again, empowers a significantly more extensive assortment of equipment to stream to an Apple TV. In any case, the experience on lesser equipment isn't as clear or as smooth. There's more discernible inactivity, the casing rate might be uneven or conflicting, or you may need to make due with all the more very packed yield.
AirParrot's continuous scaling depends on huge CPU control which can make your machine's fans make a ton of clamor or different applications to back off. Mountain Lion's AirPlay Mirroring, then again, scarcely blipped the CPU when I tried it, as the QuickSync equipment does the greater part of the hard work. AirParrot's engineers take note of that setting your Mac to the local determination of your Apple TV (either 1280x720 or 1920x1080) can essentially diminish CPU utilization, as can constraining the edge rate or decreasing video quality. Yet, doing as such still requires client intercession.
Viably, Apple exchanges higher or later equipment necessities for a more straightforward, smoother client encounter. AirParrot exchanges many-sided quality and CPU use for more components and more extensive similarity. In the event that you have a perfect machine and are now running Mountain Lion, AirPlay Mirroring will most likely fulfill your necessities. Be that as it may, in the event that you don't have perfect equipment, AirParrot is unquestionably worth considering. Simply be set up to change your settings to suit your Mac's capacities.
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