#percabeth stans we ate
zipadeea ยท 5 months
i just can't believe we're getting the perfect adaptation of the beginning of the greatest love story ever told. The Notebook, what? Romeo and Juliet who? Have you seen 1x03 of Percy Jackson and the Olympians yet because it is a masterpiece
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timelesslords ยท 3 years
๐ŸŽต + Percabeth
omg tumblr gave me back the ask(s) it ate a week ago!!!! scream okay I'm so excited
I'm gonna do my top five Percabeth songs because I literally have a spreadsheet but we don't have time for all that lolll
1. Change Things - Abby Hamilton
Okay so this is my dark horse ultimate Percabeth song and I feel like it almost describes their whole relationship at several stages:
- the whole first verse is so reminiscent of their first meeting ("it's about time boys finally did what they were told" is SUCH a 12yo Annabeth line, especially considering the next line is about running away lol)
- the next verse kind of plays on the conflict with Annabeth's mom and in general the pressure they were facing before they got together... and then the next line is "then you looked at me/and asked if I'd like to have this dance" like LITERALLY the end of titans curse
- the chorus of "Nothing says better than I was/like coming home from war and still holding up a gun" is so apt considering the trauma they both have from everything and the way that plays into their relationship especially post-Tartarus
- the other part of the chorus "nothing gets you feeling on me, quite like another chance to be free/maybe you and I could change things" is just like. a perfect encapsulation of the way they maintain hope that things could be better despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary precisely because they love and trust and believe in each other!!!!!
- and the last part of the outro/bridge "maybe if we dream it will be it/and maybe when we get there we'll never have to leave it" is like their dream of living in new rome together and finally being free of ever present danger and getting to just live their lives with each other
Thank you for coming to my Abby Hamilton stan ted talk please listen to her guys she is so underrated and I love her
2. Mine - Taylor Swift
I mean, Annabeth's abandonment/daddy issues and Percy's loyalty and all rolled into a neat bop of a song that I also wrote a one shot for a few months ago lol
3. You & I - One Direction
A little on the nose but "not even the gods above/could separate the two of us" does describe them pretty aptly LOL
4. Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
I mean, "hit me with those green eyes baby when the lights go down" do I need to say more
5. Saturn - Sleeping at Last
yes I am a sucker for imagining Percy and Annabeth looking at stars together and marvelling at the wonders of the universe together and yes the title of UFS does have something to do with that lol
send me a ๐ŸŽต+ a character/ship and I'll reply with songs that remind me of them!
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