#people who put out a study or something that Absolutely shakes up society's perception of something
naskarism-blog · 6 years
Science behind ESP
ESP or Extra Sensory Perception. One of the most controversial human experiences on earth. It is a topic on which a lot has been discussed and debated yet very little has been known. So, in this article I shall bring you all the plausible scientific explanations behind this bizarre phenomenon of the human mind.
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The first thing you need to know about ESP, is that we scientists have not yet fully understood the phenomenon. Moreover, many scientists except for those who are somehow connected to the field of parapsychology, turn a deaf ear to all the possible scientific explanations. That’s not really the concern of us Neuroscientists. Our purpose is to unravel the mysteries of all kinds of human experiences, no matter how bizarre they look on the outside. So, we cannot completely defy something so fascinating as ESP. Explanations for the most bizarre phenomena on earth most of the times are very hard to find, but that doesn’t mean there is no explanation. It all depends on how far one is able to go, in the pursuit of finding the explanation.
To be honest, all humans on planet earth experience some kind of extra sensory perception in their daily life. But before we proceed, I should give a basic introduction to this idea of ESP, for those who are hearing it for the first time. ESP is a kind of perception which is perceived not with the five senses of the human body. It is what many people call Sixth Sense. It manifests in the human mind in many ways.
You’ll probably get it more easily if I give you some examples. How many times has it happened that you are for no specific reason thinking about someone and the person arrives at your door or gives you a phone call!
How many times has it happened that you had a dream of a relative, and the next day you find out that the person has been in some kind of trouble. Or perhaps while doing your daily chores, quite out of the blue, your heart starts racing, hands shaking and you start sweating. And along comes a feeling that something bad is about to happen. And later you find out that somebody you know or one of your blood relatives has been in an accident.
All these bizarre phenomena fall into the category of ESP. Some of us neuroscientists and the parapsychologists have been studying these phenomena for a long time. And the evidence is too significant to call these phenomena as coincidence. ESP do indeed occur.
So far we have developed several possible scientific hypothesis for ESP. But the most plausible one is that human brains are capable of sharing information through Earth’s geomagnetic field. And we have countless clinical reports that show, any kind of anomaly in the geomagnetic field affects the neural functioning of the brain. So the link between Mother Earth and the human brain has already been proven. And that’s the link we scientists are following to understand ESP. To have a detail perspective on all the scientific explanations behind various ESP phenomena you can read my book Your Own Neuron A Tour of Your Psychic Brain. The book deals with all kinds of apparently paranormal phenomena, such as ESP, vivid near death experiences etc.
But you must remember, despite the fact that we have highly plausible scientific explanations for ESP, it is still all hypothesis. We haven’t yet been able to prove it as a fact of Science. The biggest problem with understanding the Science behind ESP, is that until now we have no way to replicate an ESP phenomenon. Because they happen naturally in the human mind, and mostly in incidents of crisis. And we cannot take the unscientific risk of triggering an ESP phenomenon in the human mind by putting another person into a crisis.
Such phenomena are unpredictable. And in most cases they occur out of the blue. So it is close to impossible to trigger such phenomena in a controlled environment.
And as I said they happen to everybody. And in quite unexpected ways. So, all those people who claim to be real psychics are actually either con artists or pathologically delusional. We can classify those psychic claims into four categories of people. In the first category, we can put all the fraudsters. These people cover the majority of the psychic claims. In the second category, we can put naive uneducated lay people who due to superstitious reasons believe that they possess psychic abilities. Mostly they make their psychic claims based on gut instinct which they believe to be ESP. Now comes the third category. In this category, we can put the people who claim to be psychics due to some kind of pathological condition. Which means an anomaly in their brain makes them believe that their hallucinations are some kind of ESP. Now comes the fourth category. Even though I am calling it a category, we simply don’t have enough evidence to back up the theory. Based on everything we have seen through decades on parapsychological research, there could a slight possibility that there are a handful of people in the whole planet, who probably have some sort of grip over the natural phenomenon of ESP. But again, it is our hunch, not a scientific fact. And in usual circumstances these true psychics, which we might call them, would be so rare, that you may never meet them in your lifetime. In most cases whom we do come across in our daily life as psychics, are con artists.
If we talk about psychic abilities, even you have such abilities. How many times has it happened that you think of a word and suddenly the person in front spits out the very word. These are random incidents that occur in everybody daily life. It cannot be controlled or simulated. It is something that happens when you least expect it.
So don’t fall prey to all the fraudsters around you claiming to be psychics. In most cases they use what we call in psychology Barnum statements. Astrology, tarot card reading, and all those hocus focus stuff around you, use these statements. The special feature of these statements is that they happen to be true for almost any human being. And especially when a person goes to a psychic expecting answers to various confusing questions, his or brain automatically embraces the common statements from the psychic as exclusive remarks about the person. Your brain always keeps anticipating a pattern even in the chaos. So unless you have a true rational mind filled with scientific curiosity it is very likely for you to become a prey to those predators who are always looking to feed on the sufferings of good and gullible people.
However, if a grieving person visits a psychic to get in touch with the departed soul of his or her dear one, in the hope for having solace, then I really don’t have any idea how to convince the person that the so called psychics are frauds. Because to the grieving person, the psychic acts as a ray of hope – the last resort to say good bye to a person whom he or she cared about.
But for this very purpose we have the field of psychiatry. We have developed highly advanced anti depressants, mood stabilisers and various other medications that can help in easing the grief. Now it is upto a person’s own conscience, which one to choose.
As far as the human mind is concerned, when it is in distress, all it cares about is finding hope. And it doesn’t matter to the mind where that hope comes from. It is all about self preservation. And above all, it is about survival. When the mind is weak, it is easy to succumb to all kinds of fantasies and superstitions. But when such fantasies and superstitions become barriers in the path of the civilization’s progress, then it is imperative that we the modern human beings do our best to shake them off.
The point is, your brain always constructs various cognitive mechanisms to reinforce superstitious belief systems. Every human being is neurologically predisposed to be superstitious. However, to counteract such superstitions the brain has also developed the feature of reasoning in the neural network of the frontal lobes. But in times of distress, that feature gets highly suppressed by the overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety. Hence, lack of reasoning leads the mind to seek absolution in the supernatural domain of the society.
However, those who practice reasoning and rational thinking in daily circumstances, are much more likely to avoid the hocus focus stuff in times of distress, than those who don’t. It is all about realization of the self. Understanding your inner potential. Get acquainted with various domains of your mind. And that’s the purpose of my work. To make you familiar with your inner self.
(This Article was originally published on Goodreads)
Further Reading
Abhijit Naskar, 2015, The Art of Neuroscience in Everything
Abhijit Naskar, 2015, Your Own Neuron: A Tour of Your Psychic Brain
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carryabyrd92 · 6 years
Super Suggestions To Motivate Your Photography Passion
Anyone can enjoy photography. The simple reason is because people put lots of work into pictures. Keep reading for a selection of insights and ideas that are commonly used by successful photographers.
You need not stand directly in front of an object to photograph it. If possible, take a spectrum of shots from many angles including from above and below.
In the scene before you, frame a select part of it to create a good composition. A quality photograph should mimic a small frame that surrounds certain features of your subject. Avoid trying to get too many things within the frame. In fact, sometimes it’s better altogether if you take multiple photos of a subject instead of struggling to get that one illusive shot of perfection. This works especially well when you’re trying to capture the essence of something.
When your perfect shot is in view, stay still and hold your breath when you push the shutter. Movement will cause your photo to be blurred. Make sure to square up your shot and hold your breath before hitting a shutter button.
Keep in mind how intimidating it can be to have all eyes focused on you as a model, so help your model to feel comfortable with you by creating a relaxed atmosphere. A lot of people look at someone taking pictures as a potential threat. Be friendly, strike up a conversation and ask permission to take pictures. The simple act of conversation can change the perception of the camera from an invasion of privacy to an expression of art.
You MUST have a professional quality camera to take professional quality photographs. A DSLR is a great choice of camera if you want to take top-quality photos. This style of camera is the one chosen by most professionals, so purchase one of your own to help you to take those perfect pictures.
Whether you want to pursue photography as a profession or just want to take better amateur photos, you should learn everything there is to know about photo composition. As with any type of art, poor composition can seriously degrade the quality of the work. Composition requires you to find lines and patterns in your images. Learning about it will truly improve the quality of your photos.
There is an erroneous emphasis on placing your subject in the center of your photograph. Perfection is highly regarded in society, but to create shots full of drama, point your camera at your subject in a manner that positions them slightly off of center. Turn off the auto-focus, which will make the lens zero in on whatever it is pointing at. Override this by focusing manually, locking the focus before you capture the shot.
Find other photographers whose work you admire, and look to them for inspiration. Studying them will show you the vast variety possible in creating photographs that capture instants in our lives.
Experiment with perspectives, scale, and expressions in your photographs. Even an ordinary object can be transformed into a work of art if its setting makes it appear dramatically magnified or diminished in size or placed in a situation that is humorous or unique. Play around with different photo composition ideas to get new takes on everyday objects.
In most instances, your subject will be looking right at the camera. Shake things up a bit by having your subject look away from the lens and focus on something in the distance. Another great idea is to have the subject focus on someone or something within the frame.
Try all kinds of different approaches when working with your camera, including altering the angles and colors you use. You can get an interesting, artistic photo without having an amazing subject to shoot. A skilled photographer with an artistic eye can turn a mundane subject into an exceptional picture. Experiment with your photos until you discover your personal style.
Many people think they’re helping the photographer by wearing white clothing. However, white clothing items often cause problems for photographers. Modern cameras are equipped with auto-focus. When the camera tries to auto-focus it looks at all the different shades of color in the field. White clothing usually gets washed out in these pictures.
Try to take your photographs quickly. To capture good action shots, you need to have your shutter speed feature set to high. Don’t miss a golden opportunity before it leaves once more. Some special moments are only available to photograph for a few seconds and then they are lost forever. Don’t fiddle with your camera so much that you just miss the shot altogether.
When preparing for a trip, pack your equipment carefully. Also important is to remember to bring all the extra items that you might need including lenses, batteries and cleaning supplies. Don’t take more with you than you absolutely need.
Your camera is a tool, and should be used as such for your shots. Learn how to use the different features. For instance, play with the depth of field to draw attention to your main subject.
A tripod is your best option if you’re looking to photograph the landscape. If you have a place to put your camera that is steady, you can take much better quality photographs. It is important to getting a shot that is not shaky. This is very important when you are taking landscape shots.
Make sure to find an interesting subject to photograph. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are, or how great your equipment is, you need a great subject to photograph. Choose your subject carefully, whether its a model who can pose or just a still object.
Get your subject into the most flattering position. You have noticed but many family photos you look at do not turn out the way people want them to because of quick surprise pictures and candid photos. This increases the odds that more of your subjects will look good in your photographs.
You do not always need to use your camera in the horizontal position. Turning your camera 90 degrees to take a vertical picture can make for striking photos, and it may even be necessary to frame some subjects properly. Don’t forget to use your zoom to accentuate the effect, either zooming in on a detail or zooming out to get the full picture.
Consider becoming a member of a photography club. You could also meet up with another photographer and take photos with them. You could learn a lot from other people, but do not let their style influence your pictures. Compare the stylistic differences between photos you both took of the same object.
Digital Zoom
When you are trying to take close-up shots you should use optical zoom instead of digital zoom. While most cameras let you zoom in very close, once the zoom is switched to digital from optical, it makes the quality of the image worse. When you are using digital zoom, many cameras are set up to interpolate pixels, while adding them to your image. This will result in a decreased image quality. Check your camera manual to find out how to disable this feature in your particular model.
In most parts of life, we are trained to make things even and centered. Perfection may be the desire of most, but shooting a photograph which is slightly less than perfect, off center, for example, can create an effect that is astounding. Some cameras automatically focus on whatever appears in the middle of the field of view; disable such features in order to take off-center pictures. You should be able to set the focus manually and lock it down before actually shooting your picture.
The next thing you must do is simply take your camera and begin practicing these tips. As you take more pictures and spend more time reviewing them, you will quickly develop your skills.
Chris Fisher Photography http://CFisherphotography.com
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laurenschwind · 7 years
Lets dive a little deeper
I posted a photo to my social media that showed off my leg hair and under arm hair with a shallow attempt at a deep dive into my personal questions towards perception of self. At least myself as an artist and how I present myself. Because of the word limiting format of Instagram I realized looking back over my words that I didn’t do justice to certain areas of my concerns so I decided this was worth doing a blog post about. So here is my honest attempt at swimming into this area with more depth and compassion. Because I think it deserves more input and more love as a subject. Its not unusual to see a sponsored post by other female artists on my newsfeed and when I see them I usually take a gander at what their work is like to get insight into what other artists are working on. I follow many artists already and take personal notes in my head about a range of things from how they present their work, what setting, the subjects, how they light their work, how they talk about it, even down to the hashtag as a study of those I admire and look up too. Some of these people I know and some I do not but the ones I follow are all artists I would say have innovative work or deep reaching concepts that propel their work to a pure genius I enjoy and fawn over through my little screen. However when it comes to these sponsored posts more often than not I notice a familiar pattern about their feed rather than the work itself. Many of these artists follow a pattern of tightly controlled esthetics. A perfectly lit studio, with the makings of a free people catalog, including hip clothing with just the right wear and tear, in a studio space that reflects the same. Selfie’s take up almost 60 to 80 percent of the overall posts sometimes paintings included sometimes not. Usually with a vague quote by a dead artist to act as a caption. Flawless makeup and perfectly disheveled hair to match the breathtaking amount of detail put into each little snapshot of this artists body of work. I usually spend some time going through posts to get an idea of what her work is about or what inspires her and am saddened to find most of the time absolutely no substance. Nothing but quotes that seem picked at random or hashtags that relate to the medium or day. Yet 100 + likes per image, over 1,000 followers on art that, though wasn’t bad, just seemed ok. Just large scale abstracts or paintings of dancing white girls or horses. Every post that was captured seemed more about how they were presented than the art itself. I have seen so many of these. So many just like the one before and after going through at least 7 of these. It was at this final one I found a little cord had been struck within me. What am I doing? I found myself analyzing these feeds as if a new question loomed in my face that had always been in the back of my mind. What am I doing? As an artist, a female artist, a woman, a sister, a daughter, who am I as I am presented and am I doing the right things? Do the things I think matter or is it just how I use the power of esthetics? How do I present them, the people I am made up of? Am I vain for taking a selfie or am I just sharing the person I am? In a voyeuristic world sometimes I feel like we aught to be more self aware, but at the same time we also aught to just be honest, less contrived. But this balance is hard when we are constantly exposed to other peoples lives, or work. Being a female artist who’s work is recently diving into female identity the cord stuck by this series of sponsored posts made me really dive into my own existential spiral of self. Eventually leading me to question how I view my own self worth/success. How do I view myself and for an artist what really counts as success? I began to ask myself so many questions. Why don’t I take more selfies? Is this a sign of self love or just perpetuating narcissism? Am I a good artist if I have under 1,000 followers? Do I need likes to validate my mission as a visual artist trying to make the world a better place? Is that question alone just another misdirected use of vanity? A good amount of questions kept swimming until I decided to say fuck it. I took a series of absolutely absurd selfies that showcased my no care body hair from my legs and underarms. After selecting what felt like the best showcase of both I edited said image and proceeded to go on a rant about the whole process, going into as much depth as I could with such a limited amount of space. I of coarse paired it with a comment that enlisted the help of all the hashtags needed to make this post more seen. Then left it out to the universe to see if these thoughts resonated with anyone at all. A day later I came to find that the message did indeed resonate. Messages of love and appreciation were gifted from women across the instaverse, some from those I knew and some I did not. The image ended up getting more likes than anything I had ever posted and it made me realize some simple truths that were obvious. Being raw and honest resonates, speaking your truth is appreciated and maybe more so because we live in a time where what we see on different forms of social media can be very contrived. Like a forced smile or a fake laugh, we are surrounded by these things but they are not substance enough to make us really connect or feel. Its easy to forget that because of how often we overtly or subconsciously compare ourselves to one another. With all our lives on display its a thin line being walked between being honest and being the idea of honest because of how we want to be viewed. Sometimes its hard to even just be honest with ourselves. What I ended up coming back too where how I viewed the artists I followed personally. How they shared their work and lives while being brutally sincere or just letting the work speak for itself. In the end these were better teachers because I don’t compare myself with them but rather enjoy them for who they are or for their work. This is what I feel art itself is supposed to do. Open you up to a perspective or understanding and allow you to simply exist with it. Be with it or in awe of it. Simply be. But as female artists this is a struggle we tend to go back and forth on because how we view ourselves or present ourselves is very much under scrutiny. This little social experiment left me with a deeper understanding of my personal truth. One that comes directly from the same vein of my most recent work dealing with perception of self. We live in a world of compare and contrast. How do we want to fit in, or stand out. Its very common that we as women compare ourselves to others and its something that takes real mental gymnastics to shake. The fact that the female form is used as a marketing tool is where I believe this all takes root and that simply grows from there. Our own president uses women in conversation like a commodity. Calling a woman a 9 when she used to be a 10 because she got old, calling one woman a pig because she is larger and on and on. Some tend to overlook this and others tend to act like its the worst thing that a man in power can say. But the truth is this is not a trump problem but a systemic one of our society and how we as a culture treat the female form and her being. When a woman is treated as commodity she stops being a person with an identity. A Commodity can be compared and rated based on whatever grading system seems fit to the viewer. But empathized with? Obviously not if she fails to meet the criteria. An entire industry thrives off of female insecurity and obsession with being able to be desirable. Sure make up is not just for the insecure but no body is buying cellulite cream because they love the way it looks on them. We bombard young girls with idealized images and tell them to love themselves and yet don’t expect this to have a strange impact on them? Its as harmless as can be and yet more insidious than imagined when throw in the fact that 1 in 3 children have come across internet porn by the age of 10. Then we have an even more distorted image to worry about. ( Roughly speaking about 85% of porn features violence in some way 97% of this violence is acted out against a women ) From a young age we see this programing affecting both men and women but as a woman who grew into an eating disorder and self mutilation I can attest to the severity of this distortion from the female side. Sure not everyone will be impacted in this way but the impact on some is very real. And as I said before this programing takes real dedication to unlearn and rewire. We are surrounded by it on all sides from t.v. to magazines to just an add on a bus stop. The language is there the images are fake and distorted like looking at little creature under glass. We forget ourselves because we forget our natural nature. We forget to be authentic and over time its easy to see that the impact is deep even if the effect on you seems minimal. Its still in your subconscious like it or not thats the magic of marketing. Its designed to be that way and its growing more and more effective because it is finding more ways to infiltrate, even news stories are adds. We can see it in how we market ourselves or even the little comments when say when no one is looking. With the added use of social media we see an ever exacerbated problem of self image. Its an issue that is being studied and examined but really is easy to see without any scientific exploration. We post a selfie and get a sense of validation if we get likes. (myself included) We are seeing more and more people live streaming horrific events or taking pictures rather than taking action to help because the feeling we experience when we get views or recognition seems to take ultimately the priority. Our desire to feel connected/validated in competition with our sense of humanity. We might want to down play it but that wont change how real it is. And though we live in a time where there is a surge of body positivity and acceptance lets not forget the work is far from being over. When our own leader is a man that objectifies his own daughter lets not forget that we have to continue to fight as women to reteach our society what our significance is really. That we can no longer compare ourselves if we want a better future for our daughters. Share yourself, like that girls selfie and post your own but remember that we as a collective are putting out how we want all of us to be viewed for. So do it with love, do it out of pure self love, show off your leg hair and rolls and extra chins. They are the flags of victory over a society that wants you to consume more and question less. One girls beauty dose not diminish your own. (And I say that as a reminder to myself) But let it be know that we are not just the companion that is the fleshy meat sack we inhabit, but the soul of earth’s mothers, sisters, daughters, who should no longer be limited to just a commodity but a key component in civil society that will not be subject to self scrutiny. Except in how we help to build a better impact. Perception is important how we are perceived is important but it should not be the only thing of significance. As we women continue to swim in these waters of the wild unknown it is important to reflect and keep asking ourselves why we do what we do. And always asking, are we supporting our fellow women enough? I hope that the work I put out in some way can and in a way be a reflection to those who need it. Its time to reclaim our identity.
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