#people pt.2 sub ita
[SUB ITA] Agust D - People (사람) Pt.2 (feat. IU) https://youtu.be/dJn7AbCIL_A
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seoul-italybts · 1 year
[✎ TESTO ♫ ITA] D-DAY - Agust D⠸ 06 ❛ People Pt.2 (feat. IU) ❜⠸ 07.04.23
[✎ TESTO ♫ ITA] 
👥 ❛ People Pt.2 ( 사람 Pt.2 ) ❜ 🎹
𝄞 Gente Pt.2 𝄞
SUGA | AGUST D (feat. IU)
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Scritta da: Agust D , EL CAPITXN
Prodotta da: EL CAPITXN
“Mi è stato detto che l'impressione è che questa sia, sì, una canzone in cui racconto la storia che volevo condividere col prossimo, ma che sembra anche un dialogo con me stesso, ed è vero. Questa canzone è nata quando non potevo fare nulla, a causa del Covid-19. Quando pensavo di aver perso tutto. Quindi contiene un messaggio e le emozioni che volevo trasmettere a me stesso.” __ SUGA
Quindi il momento è gia ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Lo so io, lo sai tu, tutto lo sa
Quindi il momento è già ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Non c'è più nessuno che ormai non lo sappia
Questa parola, 'amore'
Forse è solo una lista di emozioni passeggere
È condizionale, che cos'è che amo?
[Ero] Un bambino che non ha ricevuto abbastanza amore
Ecco perché sono un tipo, prima di tutto, prudente
Ma, per quanto mi riguarda,vorrei connessioni serie con la gente
[Lo] Sai, l'eternità è un castello di sabbia
Crolla anche sotto l'onda più calma
Cos'è della perdita a renderci tristi?
In realtà è la paura a renderci tristi
Sei andatə così lontano
Ti stai allontanando
Sei andatə troppo lontano
Lo so, lo so bene
Quindi il momento è gia ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Lo so io, lo sai tu, tutto lo sa
Quindi il momento è già ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Non c'è più nessuno che ormai non lo sappia
Cos'è che ti rende così triste?
In realtà è la paura la cosa più spaventosa
Quel 'noi' che sognava un futuro insieme non c'è più
Quel castello di sabbia che avevamo costruito
siamo noi ad averlo distrutto
Si dice non ci siano vinti né vincitori, in questo gioco,
ma io sono sempre il perdente
Avevamo detto che avremmo dato tutto noi stessi,
ma abbiamo distrutto tutto
E poi ce ne andiamo, perché sia l'amore che le persone sono egoisti
Sei andatə così lontano
Ti stai allontanando
Sei andatə troppo lontano
Lo so, lo so bene
Quindi il momento è gia ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Lo so io, lo sai tu, tutto lo sa
Quindi il momento è già ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Non c'è più nessuno che ormai non lo sappia
Gente che si allontana, amore che si allontana
Che cosa c'è alla fine dell'amore?
Persone a non finire, un amore ormai finito
Può l'amore essere perfetto come l'amore stesso?
Già, l'abnegazione può, di fatto, sfociare nell'egoismo, è vero
Quando dico che tutto ciò che faccio è per te, in realtà è la mia brama a parlare
Sarei felice se rinunciassi alla mia ambizione?
Una mezza illusione che non potrà mai essere realizzata
Si dice la vita sia una lotta tra resistenza e sottomissione
Per come la vedo io è una lotta contro la solitudine
Se non riesci a trattenere le lacrime, puoi piangere, miə carə
(puoi piangere, miə carə)
Sei già più che abbastanza per essere amatə
Quindi il momento è gia ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Lo so io, lo sai tu, tutto lo sa
Quindi il momento è già ora
Proprio qui, pronto
Non c'è più nessuno che ormai non lo sappia
⠸ ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS | eng: come da sub eng ufficiali & © btsbaragi_jk⠸
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skammovistarplus · 5 years
Culture and Translation - S01E09
SKAM+ Clip 4 will get its own post because it’s a fairly long clip and also really dense in terms of content. For now, let’s all marvel as Eva’s life goes fantastically off the rails. 
CLIP 1: “Now I have really shit the bed,” Eva says. But that bed will be further soiled soon.
Yo soy Lara y le parto la cara, pero mucho más. Se ha quedado corta (“If I was Lara I’d smash her face harder. I mean, that wasn’t enough”): “Partir la cara” literally means to “break Eva’s face in half,” like you would with a cinder block if you were a martial artist. “Quedarse corta” means that, in the speaker’s opinion, Lara didn’t go far enough and further violence would’ve been socially appropriate in order to make things even between Lara and Eva.
La sueltita (“the trollop”): “Sueltita” literally means “loose,” but the suffix “-ita” makes it a diminutive. So the speaker is calling Eva “loosey,” if that were something you’d say in English.
Ahora sí que la he cagado bien (“now I have really shit the bed”): The literal translation would be something like, “Now I have really shat it out but good.” Don’t mind me, I just enjoy every instance of poop-related language.
El mierda seca que lo ha soltado todo (“the shitstain who ran their mouth”): “Mierdaseca” is literally dry turd, lol. So the literal translation is, “The dry turd who let it all out.”
CLIP 2: Shitting the bed, pt. II
It’s really hard to make out what the boys are saying in this scene. Lucas does say that they (presumably his parents) “están hasta los cojones.” As I’ve mentioned before, “cojones” is the rudest way you could talk about somebody’s balls. It is a lot ruder than saying “balls” in English, but there’s no real good equivalent in American English.
¿Te crees que soy gilipollas? (“Do you think I’m a moron?”): “Gilipollas” is a dual purpose swear word in Spanish. It can either mean “asshole” or someone so dumb that it’s a wonder they can walk and breathe at the same time. It is not ableist language, it has never been a scientific term for people with intellectual disabilities.  
¡Yo no he dicho una puta mierda! (“I haven’t said shit!”): More specifically, Lucas says he hasn’t said “fucking shit.” 😂
Es que me parece flipante (“I’m tweaking out”): Again, Eva uses “flipante,” which is the adjective form of “flipar” (to trip, in a drug sense). Since Eva is having all these (completely wrong) epiphanies right now, I thought I’d do her one better and phrased it as “tweaking out.”
¡Es que me la suda! (“I don’t give a shit!”): Okay, so when Spaniards really, really don’t care about something, we say that whatever it is we don’t care about “me suda la polla” or “me suda el coño.” This literally means that thing you don’t care about is… sweat dripping down your dick, or your pussy, depending. So. Yeah. That’s how little Lucas now cares about Eva’s opinion of him. Sweat off his dick. For the record, yes, this is a fairly rude thing to say, but as you might’ve gathered from these posts, and just from watching Skam España… We use this idiom on the daily. It’s shocking coming from Lucas, but only because he uses it as a Precision F-Strike, not because it’s any stronger than the way the characters usually speak.
CLIP 3: Squad no longer
¿Esto no sera verdad? (“This can’t be true?”): So, right away, Viri has a belligerent tone, and also asks Eva this question. The literal translation is, “This isn’t going to be true?” As in, “this had better not be true, sis.” So Viri puts Eva on the spot with her opening line.
I think the Skam España crew should’ve waited a little longer before shooting this scene, lol. Unless Viri was tagged on one of the pics, there is no fucking way she’d have seen the hate ig unless she was present when it was created. It’s only been three minutes since the pictures were posted.
Ya son ganas de meter mierda (“You really have to be a shit stirrer to pull this”): A more literal translation would be, “You gotta be eager to shit stir.” I reworked it so the meaning came across more clearly.
So I guess a good question is, is what the girls did and said in this clip true to Spanish teens? I think that’s a very complicated question, but worth asking. Obviously, it depends on the person. Viri has her own character arc that we’ll deal with through subsequent posts. When it comes to Amira and Cris, though, my take is this. Spaniards will go hard for a friend. Amira and Cris have needed to be held back from telling Inés what’s what, if not outright fighting her. But, if you go so hard for a friend, you expect reciprocity. You don’t expect to have the rug pulled from under your feet, which is the way Amira and Cris feel. If Eva had told them about her history with Inés beforehand, there’s a chance they’d have told Inés to get over it and fuck off. Eva just didn’t give them the chance to process the info and then make the choice to defend her.
CLIP 4: We’ve reached peak Youth’s Daughter
It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to use “copying” or “cheating,” and it was a total waste of time, because I clearly should’ve gone for “cheating” and not “copying.”
How many remakes have used Youth’s Daughter at this point? It’s even on the soundtrack of the movie Lisa Teige starred in, Battle. Hopefully the remakes avoid song fatigue in the future, although some artists, such as Billie Eilish, Troye Sivan or Mona Haydar, seem almost compulsory.
CLIP 5: Puns are a translator’s nightmare
After squinting at Eva’s exam for a good while, I feel pretty confident about saying that the high school is named after Margarita Manso. Margarita Manso was a painter and general eschewer of rules. It’s worth noting that she was close friends with Federico García Lorca, who was killed by fascists during the Spanish civil war. García Lorca stood accused of being a socialist, a freemason and a homosexual, and was executed. His body has never been found. However, Margarita Manso also married a fascist, Alfonso Ponce de León, who was himself executed by the faction supporting the government. Here’s a pic of Margarita:
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No, that’s not the actual name of the high school where they shoot the show. As mentioned elsewhere, Spanish fans can be very intense and it’s in the cast’s best interests to avoid a Nissen situation.
Lucas was not done with that exam, lol. And Eva wasn’t even close to finished, yikes.
Nora sings Lo Malo to Eva. Lo Malo was written by Brisa Fenoy and performed by Aitana (again!) and Ana Guerra. Since the lyrics are a key element of the scene, they’re included in the subs. I just want to explain some of the puns in the lyrics.
Tira porque te toca a ti perder (“Roll because it’s your turn to lose”): “Tira,” in this context, would mean “get out of my face,” but also, “roll the dice.” So, roll the dice because now it’s your turn to lose, but also, get out of my face, I’m over your shit. I hope “roll” helped convey both meanings.
Tiro porque me toca a mí otra vez (“I roll because it’s my turn again”): Another pun about rolling dice. I’m rolling the dice, because I got a second roll of the dice, but also, I’m leaving because I got rid of you, and this time it’s about me.
Pero si me toca, toca, tócame (“But if it’s my turn, touch-a, touch me”): “Toca” can also have several meanings. In this case, it can either mean that it’s my turn (“me toca”) or begging to be touched/stroked/caressed (“tócame”).
As for whether Lo Malo fits the role Baby played in the original… First off, I have to say that William, in that scene, is styled to look like Baby-era Justin Bieber, what with the hood pulled up. Julie Andem is making a connection between the music Noora is embarrassed to listen to, and the boy Noora is ashamed to find hot. There’s nothing embarrassing about liking Aitana and Ana Guerra as artists, per se, other than they got their start at a talent show and dueted on this song because they were contractually obligated to do so. That said, the lyrics fit Nora and Alejandro thematically and, on top of that, the song was really. Seriously. Incredibly. Overplayed in Spain in the summer of 2018, much like Baby was in its time.
Lo llevo muy jodido (“I have a fucking F in it”): I fought with this line so hard, and even as the episode was rendering, I knew I would regret my choice. Alejandro is also making a pun. He says he’s been consistently getting bad grades in English, but he also means that all his efforts to hook up with Nora have failed. There isn’t really a good translation for his line, but if we ever fix our subs, I’d go with, “I’m fucked, if I keep this up.” Or something akin to that!
CLIP 6: Queen Lara
“Hey, dude, give me a sip.” Why did I sub this line? Because it was oddly clear, and it just… seemed like I should… 😬
Tú sabrás el rollo que te llevas con tu novio (“Whatever deal you have with your boyfriend, that’s up to you”): This is one of those lines that took me a while to settle on a translation for. I’m happy with the line, but I’ll expand on what Lara means. She means to say that Eva’s relationship with Jorge is not Lara’s business. When it comes to the part that affects Lara, she doesn’t blame Eva, and fully blames Cristian. Whatever led Eva to kiss Cristian, and whether that’s something Jorge is cool with or isn’t, Lara thinks it’s not her place to judge or speak about.
I think it’s kinda funny that the fandom is chill with Lara reading Cristian’s texts and not regretting doing so, despite the show making it clear that’s not kosher, but thinks Viri is an asshole for posting the Cristian/rando pic (which the show also looked down on when it was the hate ig doing it, to be clear).
CLIP 7: Kicking Eva when she’s down
You don’t know how much I want to know where those stairs are.
Y habíamos quedado (“And you were supposed to come to the party”): Eva says she and Jorge “habían quedado,” which as I explained last post, means they had arranged to meet. In this case, they had arranged that both Eva and Jorge would party at Nora’s. So, not the exact translation, but the best option, given how vague the original sentence is.
Si Quieres Volver by El Imperio del Perro is the song which closes the clip and plays over the credits. I translated the lyrics that are used on the show:
You should understand That I’m in deep shit Any decision Smells bad where I stand
And now I’ll carry The shame on my back And I’ll be yet another person Who’ll apologize wordlessly
Tell me if you want to get back together (5x)
It’s so simple To ruin everything And watch as it burns
Something forces me to go on and Enjoy when it leaves I felt the need To jump in the well There was something else, I couldn’t see it
Tell me if you want to get back together (10x)
Social media:
Some people watch Skam and the remakes without keeping up with the social media aspect of the show. In general, I feel like you can watch Skam without the social media, and not miss anything of importance. But if you watch Skam España season 1 without the social media, you’ll miss a couple important details.
First, while the show was airing, the hate account felt inescapable. It updated very often and at random times, so that the real-time viewer first felt shocked, then tired, then massively over it. Someone who comes into the show late, needs to know that we would sometimes get excited because there was an update, but oh. It was yet more abuse.
Second, a viewer who watches the season without the social media, misses the actual chain of events, which is as follows:
Viri shares the following pic with Inés privately at some point during the week:
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Clip 7 drops at 20:40.
Inés uploads the pic to her insta stories at 20:43.
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By 20:45, the instagram profile @eva_la_z0rra or @eva_the s1ut, has taken the picture from Inés’ ig stories and cropped it, so that Eva and Cristian are the focus of the pic.
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As a sidenote, Inés captions the pic like so: “wow, alex and alba came out cute… 🙊” Álex and Alba are Lucas’ and Eva’s actors’ real names.        
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“AgustD-People pt.2 (con.IU)🚶🚶‍♀️ Ah che bello essere dal vivo”
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“People Pt.2”
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"Clip Live (60'') di People Pt.2 (con IU) di Agust D (https://youtu.be/4y-jbO8mGP0)
#SUGA #AgustD #D_DAY #People_Pt.2"
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“Ascolta ‘People Pt.2 (feat. IU)’ su ‘It’s a Hit’ @spotify 🎧https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DWT1y71ZcMPe5?si=25f82075518741e2
#SUGA #AgustD #D_DAY #People_Pt2″
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“[Episode] Rivelato il set del dietro le quinte per il video musicale di ‘People Pt.2 (con. IU)' di #AgustD! 🐱🐕🎹#DenunciamoMinYoongiPerAverIndossatoUnaCamiciaBianca❗️#SUGA #D_DAY #People_Pt2 #BTS #BangtanSonyeondan  (https://youtu.be/yrGbD3ADlQc)”
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“Andate ad ascoltare 'People Pt.2 (con. IU)' (nella playlist) ‘K-Boys’ di @amazonmusic! 🎧 https://music.amazon.it/playlists/B088QYLTRQ
#SUGA #AgustD #D_DAY #People_Pt2″
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“Ascoltate 'People Pt.2 (con. IU)' (nella playlist) ‘New & Hot in K-Pop’ di @TIDAL! 🎧 https://tidal.com/browse/playlist/7f55d313-07f8-4ef3-bfee-5927f87a1b49… 
#SUGA #AgustD #D_DAY #People_Pt2″
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Ele)
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“Andate ad ascoltare 'People Pt.2 (con. IU)' (nella playlist) ‘This is Agust D’ di @Spotify! 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX5wcLXSDDcgy?si=d3e8895c213943c5… 
#SUGA  #AgustD #D_DAY #People_Pt2″
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Ele)
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“Scatti dal Video Musicale di 'People Pt.2 (con. IU)' di Agust D su (https://weverse.io/bts/media/4-116594140…) su (https://facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=bangtan.official&set=a.823959565754763…) 
#SUGA #AgustD #D_DAY #People_Pt2″
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“Unitevi al Listening Party per 'People Pt.2 (con. IU)' di Agust D su @Stationhead! E non perdetevi la sorpresa! 😸💜
📅 8 Aprile, 5.00 am*  👉 http://stationhead.com/btsofficial
*Richiesto il Log-In a Stationhead e una connessione ad un account di Spotify o di Apple Music”
(N/B: *Ora Italiana)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Ele)
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*Storie senza testo*
LINK ALLA CANZONE: Agust D - People Pt.2 (feat. IU)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©ImVali, ©Xina)
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“Ascoltate ora ‘People Pt.2’🔥🔥 @dlwlrma”
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina)
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“FUORI ORA ‘PEOPLE PT.2 FEAT IU’ @AGUSTD🔥🔥 Non sono abituata ai rilasci alle 1PM* 🙉”
(N/B: *Orario coreano)
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina) | Trans ©IUteamstarcandy
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