#pelle wwi
bigmack2go · 2 months
Here are some of the ships of my book. Including non-canon ones, past ones and unrequited ones. Shipnames were all made by my bsf but she doesn’t have tumblr so i cant tag her. Anyway see the tags for more of them
Sentio/queshio(/ghostseeker): sasha x Quentin x levio c (sorta p)
Penne: Parker x nevio ur c
Pelle: parker x levio p
Royalfighter/fighterprince: peter x diego c
Smash: smilla x sasha c p
smashio: smilla x sasha x levio (c(?)) p
Lightweight: liv x parker hc (I honestly have no idea where that even came from)
Lesther: liv x esther c
Tilo: lilo x tom c (p(?))
Smom/smombie: tom x sam x smilla (basically just all the bad guys lol) hc
Ghosthunter: levio x Quentin c p
Quasha/lonleyghost: sasha x quentin hc (sorta p)
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barrenwomb · 4 years
Hello, darling. I'm learning Italian but it's all a bit artificial when I'm just learning vocabulary and phrases. Do you have any films or tv series that you could recommend? I'm not very picky but I'm not really interested in granny shows or things for teens. I'd be grateful for any help but I'd most appreciate things that are on Netflix or other platforms as it'd probably make it easier for me to find subtitles. Also, I adore your blog and you seem to be such a lovely person. I adore you x
hi, honey. first of all, thank you so much! you’re an absolute sweetheart. this is probably one of the nicest asks i’ve ever got. it makes me incredibly happy when people want to learn italian :)! i don’t know if i can help, but let’s try.
tv shows/films you can find on netflix:
happy as lazzaro/lazzaro felice (i highly recommend it)
boris (this one is a comedy! it makes fun of the directors, actors and production teams involved in a popular fiction (an italian soap opera). if it’s not on netflix, you can watch it here with english subs)
luna nera (it tells the story of a teenager accused of witchcraft in 17th century Italy. i don’t find it particularly brilliant story wise, but it’s perfect for italian learners)
on my skin/sulla mia pelle (it’s about one of the most controversial cases of police brutality in italy. i highly recommend it, especially if you like true crime documentaries)
suburra (a crime drama and one of my favorite italian tv shows. i love it. characters mostly speak romanesco, the local dialect, so i wouldn’t recommend it if you’re a beginner. it’s worth a try, though!)
tv shows/films you can watch on rayplay and mediasetplay using a VNP (not sure if english subtitles are available, though) or you can find online:
they call me jeeg (a superhero movie, but make it italian. definitely unusual compared to the superhero movies we’re used to. oh, luca marinelli is the villain!)
capri revolution (historical drama set in pre wwi capri. characters often speak neapolitan, their regional language)
l’amica geniale/my brilliant friend (HBO drama set in post wwii naples narrating the turbulent friendship between lila and lenù. characters almost exclusively speak neapolitan (it was aired on tv with italian subtitles lol), so it’s not the best tv series to learn italian to. however, i love it and i think everyone should watch it)
che dio ci aiuti (it narrates the adventures of suor angela, a nun who gets herself involved in all sort of things. you can watch it on rai play)
il giovane montalbano (a young detective solves mysterious crimes in sicily)
volevo fare la rockstar (a family drama about olivia, a 27 year old single mom dealing with an existential crisis. i used to watch it on tv! it’s quite funny and lighthearted)
elisa di rivombrosa (probably the best known historical drama in italy. you can watch it on mediasetplay)
you can find many others tv series, films, reality show, etc. on rayplay and mediasetplay.
if you’re interested in italian lgbt movies, check this post (and follow the op! he’s a lot more helpful than i could ever be).
you could also try to watch tv series, films and cartoons dubbed in italian with english subs! italian dubs are the closest to standard italian. i’m sure you can find something on netflix. i also recommend listening to italian music and anime openings.
@ my italian friends: please feel free to add! it would be highly appreciated.
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aci25 · 7 years
The Way We Talk About Puerto Rico is Bullshit
Yes, Puerto Ricans are Americans, but not in any way that we should be celebrating.
When we accept that Puerto Rico is only part of America in a backwards, colonialist way, the sooner we can start solving problems:
My intention with this post is to educate those who think that we have a debt of gratitude for the economic help we receive from the USA on a yearly basis. So please bare with me while I prove that it is the USA that should have a debt of gratitude towards us and not the other way around. There is a huge misconception that Puerto Rico is being maintained by the USA! 1) USA sends Puerto Rico $4.6 billion a year for welfare, pell grant, roads, etc. This supports 42% of the population. This amount is not enough to support this population. 2) They send $13 billion a year for Social Security. This is not unilateral! This is money that is RETAINED FROM OUR PAYCHECKS!! Yet the USA reports this as help and money they send. On top of that, our Medicare benefits are the lowest in the nation, even though we contribute exactly the same percentage as every other state in the nation. 3) Puerto Rico buys from the US $22.6 Billion a year in goods, making PR a huge customer for the USA. 4) Jones Act is 100 years old! We do not have the freedom to choose who ships to Puerto Rico! We have to ship in US Flag ships, which happens to be the most expensive in the world! This act 100 years ago was implanted with logic, to patrol the seas! But today it’s just an abuse and Puerto Ricans suffer by it adding huge costs to our products. We spend $1.5 billion a year on this added cost. We are 90% of the business of US ships!!! 5) Out of the business done in Puerto Rico, $34 billion leaves the island toward bank accounts for US businesses. No other territory in the world allows that much money to leave. 6) In summary: USA to PR $4.7 Billion; PR to USA $72 Billion. 7) So, when Puerto Rico gets hit by a hurricane and needs help, USA should send the help. They cannot act as they are doing us a favor. The truth is that it is in their best interest. If you have a gold mine that produces $72 billion dollars a year and it gets hit by a hurricane, you will want to get that gold mine up and running again!! 8) So when Donald Trump states that we "are taking his budget into whack!!", it should be because this year they will be $72 billion short!! As for our $72 billion-dollar debt: 1) This debt starts with the removal of the 936 law that granted tax exemptions to companies in USA. It was done to keep these companies from leaving USA to a foreign land and keeping them in US soil!! Puerto Rico 2) Puerto Rico flourished and then the law was taken away way before its term expired!! 3) Unemployment raised and Puerto Rico started borrowing. 4) Puerto Rico has borrowed nothing near $72 billion!! But interest and foul play by brokers in the US have raised the debt to an unplayable figure. 5) Brokers started selling stocks to subsidiaries (something illegal in the USA) but since it's Puerto Rico, it is allowed!!! 6) Vultures (politicians, well established businessmen) then bought the debt at pennies to the dollar and now wants to cash back!!! On top of that, they are not willing to negotiate the debt even though they would make huge profits if they cut the debt in half!! 7) They want to cut funds for our kids education, and food!! 8) Donald Trump is the person Puerto Rico should ask to pay our debt!! Have him pay the $32 million he took from Puerto Rico taxpayers to build a golf course, bankrupt it and leave the taxpayers paying the $32 million!!! 9) Puerto Rican politicians are also to blame! But the island was preyed upon by a corrupt system. Puerto Ricans are US Citizens that have contributed to the USA for more than 100 years!! 1) We have fought in every war for the USA since WWI. 2) 65th Infantry is all Puerto Rican volunteers. 3) The 65th were the first to fire against Japan in World War II. Why? Because they where always the first ones to be sent in. The Torres’s, the Rodriguez’s, Morales, etc. where the first guys in, clearing the path for the Smith’s, the Johnson’s and Captain America. 4) USA will not grant Puerto Rico statehood!!! To many business interests that would lose money! Puerto Rico would have a huge voice in congress and Presidential vote! Not everybody wants that. So in summary, Puerto Rico contributes greatly to the USA. We have astronauts, engineers, scientists, researchers, musicians, artists, and many other professionals that all contribute. Our parents, grandparents and great grandparents paved the way for us to be US Citizens! So now we have the right to live in USA and vote (if you live on mainland!) and be an American!!! Let us not forget where we come from. Let us not be disrespected and that our perception be that we are maintained, lazy or being helped because of the good warmheartedness of the USA. It's is our right as US citizens!! Let us not speak ill of our island even if you don’t live there!! If you do, you're disrespecting yourself!! "Aquel que no está orgulloso de su origen no valdrá nunca nada, pues comienza a despreciarse a sí mismo."- Pedro Albizu Campos 🇵🇷✌🏽❤️ He who is not proud of his origins will eventually be worthless since he will eventually begin to despise himself - Pedro Albizu Campos 🇵🇷✌🏽❤️
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