hausofneptune · 6 months
(repost) [the astrology of pedro pascal] - hard moon aspects (major) | moon square pluto
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hey y’all! in this series we’ll be covering major hard/challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) to pedro’s moon. minor challenging aspects to his moon (semi-squares/sesquiquadrates and semi-sextiles/inconjunctions) will be covered in an upcoming series, as well as the rest of the major and minor aspects to the rest of his planets, and asteroids in his chart! i also want to note that when it comes to these aspects, they have to be examined through the lens of the entire chart, as they’re influenced by a myriad of factors within it.
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moon square pluto (5°13’)
– discussions surrounding plutonian themes can be heavy so content warning for violence, (childhood) trauma, death, and abuse. nothing detailed or explicit, just an advisory for those who want to avoid these topics. we do discuss parental loss at length in this post, so if that’s a subject anyone would like to avoid feel free to skip this one. ♡
in this aspect, the planetary bodies are in conflict with one another. the moon represents our subconscious feelings, our feminine (light/yin) sides, how we show up emotionally, how we crave nurturement, as well as our home and familial dynamics. it’s also indicative of our mother/maternal figures, our relationship to them, and how we perceive them to love and nurture us. pluto is considered the co-ruler of scorpio in modern astrology, and is representative of sexuality, the taboo, fears, death, control/domination, destruction and rebirth. pluto is also a generational planet, and stays in the same sign for 12-32 years, therefore people born within that time frame will all share the same placement.
this aspect indicates a struggle within the emotional subconscious. these natives tend to be private people, and constantly operate on offense. they’ve experienced turmoil in their lives, and therefore tend to assume all good things must come with a “catch”. there’s an innate fear of being controlled or overpowered by others, and they may isolate themselves for long periods of time as a means to maintain a sense of control. they may also self-isolate to gain a better understanding of themselves. their inner world is tumultuous, but they don’t typically show this side of themselves. 
pluto is in an everlasting battle with their moon. their emotions, desires for nurturement and security, are constantly being overpowered by pluto’s need for control and deconstruction. these natives may suffer from stress as a result of subconsciously feeling like they’re always under threat, they tend to see others’ motivations through the lens of their own negative past experiences. they may anticipate being emotionally ambushed or attacked, and when they find themselves in a situation where that’s the case, their repressed destructive emotions will come to the surface in full-force.
the mother/maternal figure plays a significant role in the native’s life with this aspect. similar to having the moon in the 8th house or the moon in scorpio, the mother’s lived experience may have been 8H related, scorpionic, or plutonian. she may have been a caretaker to someone who was sick or struggled with addiction, experienced abuse or trauma, been a practicing occultist, worked in the sex industry, or (in the case of pedro’s mother) been a psychologist, social worker, or counselor. in extreme cases, this can also manifest as having a mother who was a source of trauma for the native. the mother could’ve been abusive, manipulative, or neglectful. she may have also been sick, struggling with addiction, or may have passed away when the native was young, the latter unfortunately being something that pedro experienced in his early 20s.
he discusses what the loss of his mother entailed for him emotionally in the Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso podcast: “‘it was summer in Chile as well. so it was very beautiful out, and a very beautiful day, and none of that seemed to coincide very well with what was happening. and so i remember it being an unbelievable thing to get through, to be honest with you.’ what do you mean by unbelievable? ‘i just love her so much, and she’s just kind of the love of my life in a way. the world doesn’t stop, and the sun doesn’t stop shining. [emotionally] it was hard for me to register, just to comprehend that you could be in a car going to a cremation service and see family playing in the yard, experiencing something so drastically different, right in front of you.’ that other people could be experiencing joy. ‘not even mildly, you know, like a beautiful summer day, and I remember that more than anything - everything stopped, and I was very resentful that nothing stopped.’”
apart from the maternal side of this aspect, moon square pluto can also manifest as disruption within their immediate family or in the home, as well as extreme separation anxiety, alongside fears of losing the parent(s) or home. this is also another part of this aspect we can see the manifestation of with pedro, not only in his parents escaping Chile when he was a child, but as well as the fear he had in relation to his parents’ safety, specifically his mother’s. this is something he also mentions in the Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso podcast: “‘[there’s a] Costa-Gavras movie called Missing with Sissy Spacek and Jack Lemmon, which deals with the military dictatorship in Chile at the time. it’s a true story where an American journalist went missing and was found dead. i remember watching this at home on cable, and there was a moment where Sissy Spacek‘s character - she doesn’t make it home before curfew, and she just kind of gets trapped in the city. and, again, sort of a beautiful, small framed woman that reminded me so much of my mother, i sort of projected these kind of images of my mother into these characters’ circumstances.
“‘and i just remembered completely falling apart when she was in danger, when she was so afraid, and imagining that that could’ve happened to my mother. i remember having a little bit of a breakdown,’ it’s like in the house, no one in the family talked about it, ‘no,’ and it took a film from Hollywood to kind of give language to something no one was giving language to. ‘yeah, and you know, i could sit through anything at the time and i remember, like, just starting to cry and being like ‘i can’t - i can’t watch this.’ and i was like, gosh, i don’t know, i must’ve been like eight [years old].’”
in youth, these natives may have felt like their emotions were bigger than them. this, alongside the turmoil within their households or families, could’ve made them hypersensitive or anxious. their childhoods tend to be a source of wounding, resulting in their deep-rooted insecurities and fears. their need for control comes from a place of feeling as though they never had it, and therefore, they feel they need it as a means to feel safe and secure at all times. throughout their lives they will encounter dramatic changes and growth that will inevitably bring them closer to their families. over time, they may end up feeling like their family members are the only ones that truly understand them and accept them for who they are. 
because those with this aspect tend to “protect” this intense side of themselves, pressure will inevitably build under the things that they attempt to keep a lid on, and burst when push comes to shove. while their innate desire for control may be understandable, they struggle to recognize that repressing this side of themselves is ultimately working against their best interest, their internalized anguish will end up controlling them in the long run. 
in relationships, this may manifest as a fear of intimacy or a refusal to show up emotionally. they’re emotional hermits, and can be aloof when it comes to their own feelings. their preconceived notion that others innately want to hurt them typically manifests the most in this area of their lives. they may want their partners to “prove” themselves, and can be very expectant of others to adjust or change themselves to best suit their own desires and needs. they can come off as emotionally demanding, and tend to be non-reciprocal in return. 
they hate feeling restricted/controlled by or subservient to their partners, and when this is the case, they can grow resentful and may resort to manipulative, subversive behaviors. these behaviors are triggered by their deep-rooted fears of heartbreak, loss, and rejection. it can be difficult for those around them to understand the way the natives’ emotions overwhelm and restrict them. unfortunately, they may even subconsciously sabotage their own relationships as a result of their insecurities and fears. they could encounter power struggles frequently in relationships, and must work to know when to mediate and compromise with their partners.
mastery of this aspect takes time and patience, there is a metamorphosis that these natives must go through. as mentioned, they tend to self-isolate to work and heal themselves, they may also favor being single or alone for the most part. it takes time, maturity, and healing through what they’ve experienced to reach a point of self-actualization, they could benefit from therapy or counseling as well. they grow to have a great understanding of the dark side of life, as they’ve lived through so much of it. they must productively channel their energy into self-growth or servicing others, rather than intense reactions to the people and situations around them. when they learn to trust life and unlearn the expectation of betrayal, they can become amazing mentors, teachers, counselors, etc. and have the capacity to nurture and help others, especially the most vulnerable among us. 
i mentioned before how i’m a (virgo) moon in the 8H girly myself, and i find the similarities between the moon in the 8H, moon in scorpio, and moon square pluto to be so interesting. my mom was actually a scorpio moon and struggled with an illness since she was born, which in turn made my childhood pretty turbulent, and she actually ended up passing away when i was a teenager. i also have the “emotional hermit” trait as well. i tend to self-isolate a lot and getting me to be vulnerable is the equivalent of pulling teeth:). it should go without mentioning that these placements aren’t going to manifest the same for everyone, though. you could have these placements and have the perfect relationship with your mom or a great childhood. every part of your natal chart has varying degrees of influence, so the impact will be different for everyone!
but as always if anyone has any of the placements or aspects mentioned in this post i’d love to hear how it personally manifests in your own life and how it impacts your personality, or if anyone has anything to add in general feel free to reach out and let me know! 
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hausofneptune · 6 months
(repost) [the astrology of pedro pascal] - hard moon aspects (major) | moon opposite saturn
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hey y’all! in this series we’ll be covering major hard/challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) to pedro’s moon. minor challenging aspects to his moon (semi-squares/sesquiquadrates and semi-sextiles/inconjunctions) will be covered in an upcoming series, as well as the rest of the major and minor aspects to the rest of his planets, and asteroids in his chart! i also want to note that when it comes to these aspects, they have to be examined through the lens of the entire chart, as they’re influenced by a myriad of factors within it.
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moon opposite saturn (within 9.0°)
with the opposition, there is a polarity between the planetary bodies and they are at odds with one another. the moon represents our subconscious feelings, our feminine (light/yin) sides, how we show up emotionally, how we crave nurturement, as well as our home and familial dynamics. it’s also indicative of our mother/maternal figures, our relationships to them, and how we perceive them to love and nurture us. saturn is representative of long-term goals, how we approach those goals, and more specifically the restriction and difficulty we face in meeting these goals. most often you’ll hear saturn referred to as the “teacher” or the “father” of the planetary bodies, it is the “bar” you set for yourself. 
moon opposite saturn is one of the most difficult aspects in astrology. there’s an internal struggle to find harmony between one’s emotional needs and their responsibilities. for those with this placement, they crave fulfilling and nourishing relationships, but there seems to be various obstacles between themselves and feeling loved and valued. they crave affirmation and seek validation from others, and can feel isolated or lonely when they aren’t receiving it. they may find it difficult to express or share their feelings, and could be perceived by others to be emotionally aloof or distant. softer aspects in their charts will be their saving grace, as those with this aspect can feel pessimistic and overly-pragmatic too often.
as with all moon aspects, the connection to the mother/maternal figure will play a crucial role in how an individual approaches relationships in adulthood. in the context of the moon opposite saturn, the father may also play a role as saturn represents the father/paternal figure. the parents/guardians may have been authoritarian, demanding, cold, distant, struggled with illness, or were absent in some way shape or form. this can also manifest as the parents/guardians being at odds with one another. there could have also been an authority figure or teacher who held high expectations that the native may have felt they could never measure up to. these standards tend to be something they carry with them as they age, they may seek validation from those in authoritative positions, all while loathing the way they feel constricted by them. they can be over-workers, and can be overly critical of themselves and their own work ethic as a result. this could also simply manifest as feeling self-reliant or unsupported as a child. 
depending on the level of emotional support these natives were granted in their childhood, they will either maintain healthy, productive relationships in adulthood, or stagnant, difficult relationships instead. in their youth, they may have been hindered emotionally or struggled to express themselves in a childlike manner, resulting in fears of rejection or abandonment. their partners could find that they encounter wall after wall when attempting to emotionally engage with these individuals. they may avoid being vulnerable as a means to maintain a sense of “authority” in their relationships. 
their saturnian traits tend to manifest in these relationships, they could expect their partners (and loved ones in general) to be just as self-reliant as they are, or they could attempt to control them under the guise of “knowing what’s best for them.” this approach will often lead them to limiting themselves from new opportunities and connections, and there should be effort taken to maintain an equal amount of give-and-take in their relationships. 
they must evolve past their fears of growing close to others. they may find that it’s easier for them to connect with people who are much older than them or much younger. this is an aspect that tends to get easier with age, so long as they’re putting in conscious work towards healing. those with this aspect would benefit from therapy and self-help practices. eventually, they will grow to become more secure in opening up to others, and find the balance between their drive for success and need for stability and comfort, leading to emotional liberation. these natives are extremely determined people, and have immense drive to accomplish their goals despite whatever roadblocks or barriers they may face. 
as always, if anyone has any of the placements or aspects mentioned in this post i’d love to hear how it personally manifests in your own life and how it impacts your personality, or if anyone has anything to add in general feel free to reach out and let me know! 
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hausofneptune · 6 months
(repost) [the astrology of pedro pascal] - hard moon aspects (major) | moon square jupiter
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hey y’all! in this series we’ll be covering major hard/challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) to pedro’s moon. minor challenging aspects to his moon (semi-squares/sesquiquadrates and semi-sextiles/inconjunctions) will be covered in an upcoming series, as well as the rest of the major and minor aspects to the rest of his planets, and asteroids in his chart! i also want to note that when it comes to these aspects, they have to be examined through the lens of the entire chart, as they’re influenced by a myriad of factors within it.
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moon square jupiter (1°03’)
in this aspect, the planetary bodies are in conflict with one another. the moon represents our subconscious feelings, our feminine (light/yin) sides, how we show up emotionally, how we crave nurturement, as well as our home and familial dynamics. it’s also indicative of our mother/maternal figures, our relationship to them, and how we perceive them to love and nurture us. the phase of the moon the native was born can also offer context, in pedro’s case, he was born under a disseminating (waning) moon, meaning he may be seen as an innate storyteller and teacher. he could be someone who’s journey during this lifetime involves sharing his story and experiences, and in turn organizing and inspiring the collective to work towards their own objectives and intrinsic desires. jupiter is the traditional ruler of pisces and sagittarius, and is representative of wisdom, expansion, philosophy and theology. it’s also indicative of optimism and good luck, hence why traditional astrologers refer to it as the “great benefic.” 
those with moon square jupiter tend to be charismatic and popular. they make friends easily as they have a very outgoing, magnetic nature about them. they have a “bigger than life’’ aura, making others drawn to them. they’re all about experiencing things at the utmost level, and want to engage with all things grandiose that life has to offer. they would travel to every country, read every book, watch every movie, and learn every language if they could. these natives tend to feel things, both good and bad, intensely. they can struggle with tempering their enthusiasm and may come off too strong at times, and they could express themselves in ways that they may regret later. 
this could also indicate some form of instability in their early youth or home life. they may have moved around a lot growing up and lacked general consistency in their homes. in pedro’s case, we do know that outside of what his parents and family went through in Chile when he was born, he also ended up moving from Texas, to California, to New York while he was growing up in the states. he also in his day to day life travels on a regular basis because of his career path, something that’s also indicative of this aspect. 
relationships are also of great significance to these natives. while they are extremely encouraging and supportive partners, they tend to be disappointed and feel “unlucky” in love. they tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves and may look at things through rose-colored glasses, and in turn, be manipulated or taken advantage of by those with bad intentions. they want to see everyone in a “good” light. they overextend themselves and give so much, emotionally and materially, for the people that they love. this can also manifest in the opposite direction and make them emotionally insatiable, making their partners struggle to satisfy their emotional needs. these natives need to find balance and not overcompensate as a means to find harmony in their intimate relationships. 
they’re also prone to mood swings and experience extreme highs and lows. when they’re excelling, they feel on top of the world and like nothing can stop them. but when they’re struggling, they may feel like it’s a never-ending ordeal and it will never get better. they can also struggle with people-pleasing, something pedro referred to himself in his Wired 2023 interview: “i want people to feel comfortable. i don’t know how to function at the expense of anyone’s comfort level. i’m a people pleaser.” their self-sacrificing attitudes can actually lead to confrontation, as those who benefit from them constantly saying “yes” may wind up frustrated or irritated when they finally say “no.” fortunately, their loved ones will more often than not know that they mean well and won’t react in entitled ways.  
these natives can also be over-workers, and struggle to prioritize rest and recovery. they have grandiose goals and aspirations that can keep them from tending to their internal, emotional needs, and have them biting off more than they can chew at times. they can overpromise without recognizing their own limitations, which can manifest as them being “unreliable” in some circumstances, something that tends to get overlooked with jupiter’s luck on their side. 
they have a natural inclination towards spirituality, and enjoy feeling as though they’re working towards a greater good for the world. they’re typically very warm and embrace others with ease. they’re independent souls who jump from one thing to the next, and bounce between feeling extroverted and feeling introverted. they’re inclined to explore outside their comfort zone and desire to take risks towards expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world as they know it. 
they must master self-discipline and practice discernment in relation to their emotions, as their lack of self-control can result in self-destructive behaviors. they need to actively engage in setting boundaries between themselves and others. ultimately, they must grow towards learning how to balance operating from their heart and from their head. 
if anyone has any of the placements or aspects mentioned in this post i’d love to hear how it personally manifests in your own life and how it impacts your personality, or if anyone has anything to add in general feel free to reach out and let me know! 
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hausofneptune · 6 months
(repost) [the astrology of pedro pascal] - hard moon aspects (major) | moon square mercury
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hey y’all! in this series we’ll be covering major hard/challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) to pedro’s moon. minor challenging aspects to his moon (semi-squares/sesquiquadrates and semi-sextiles/inconjunctions) will be covered in an upcoming series, as well as the rest of the major and minor aspects to the rest of his planets, and asteroids in his chart! i also want to note that when it comes to these aspects, they have to be examined through the lens of the entire chart, as they’re influenced by a myriad of factors within it.
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moon square mercury (5°50’)
in this aspect, the planetary bodies are in conflict with one another. the moon represents our subconscious feelings, our feminine (light/yin) sides, how we show up emotionally, how we crave nurturement, as well as our home and familial dynamics. it’s also indicative of our mother/maternal figures, our relationships to them, and how we perceive them to love and nurture us. mercury is the traditional ruler of gemini and virgo, and it represents our mental processes, and the faculties of the mind. it governs how we communicate our thoughts and ideas as well as our intellect, and how we think and learn. 
with moon square mercury, there is a conflict between one’s emotional instincts and their logical thought process. this can manifest as hyper-analyzing and questioning their own thoughts and feelings. while this aspect can manifest in beneficial ways, it can cause these natives to act on their feelings without thinking them through. there may be a “pendulum” effect in terms of communication, one moment they may be operating from a subjective, sentimental place, then the next they could be operating from a place of blunt, objective logic. they could also have difficulties communicating their emotions in a productive, healthy manner. moodiness and indecisiveness are common traits, their subjective nature could cause them to be hypersensitive as they’re taking in so much from their environments at all times. their sensitivity could obscure their ability to be open-minded and objective, they may require some space to work out their emotions. 
on the flip side, these individuals are very charismatic and captivating. they tend to be gifted storytellers and can be very animated when they speak. you can usually tell their emotional state by how much or how little they’re communicating, they may speak more when they’re excited or nervous. they’re often knowledgeable, creative, and wise people, and tend to have active minds that absorb information very easily. although, they may struggle to engage with information they lack emotional investment in, and could misrepresent themselves through what they say at times. they’re extremely close with their families, and extend a sense of belonging to those around them. they could fear looking weak or being wrong, or have fears stemming from childhood that actively influence how they communicate in adulthood.
it’s also worth mentioning that in pedro’s case, his moon is in capricorn and his mercury is in pisces. both of these planets are in detriment in these signs, meaning the planets struggle to express their innate energy in these placements. it’s interesting because with these placements it’s almost like this aspect is expressing itself backwards. because his moon is in capricorn, the way he approaches his emotions may actually be more pragmatic and objective. while on the flip side, his mercury being in pisces means he might think and communicate in a romantic and evasive way. while the push-and-pull between the mind and heart part of this aspect still manifests itself, his emotional side might actually play the practical role, while his mind could play the overly-sentimental role. 
these individuals can also be very opinionated, which may manifest negatively in their relationships, as it can be hard to sway their feelings on certain topics. there can be communication problems between these individuals and their partners, they could come off aloof or too blunt when it comes to the matters of the heart. they may say things in the heat of the moment that they regret later, and therefore avoid conflict as a means to not “blow up” on people. they require time to process their feelings, and may prefer to verbalize them or put their emotions into words to better rationalize them. 
these natives must work towards acquiring methods that keep them from becoming too deeply entangled in their emotions. this aspect requires conscious change to overcome the conflict between their rational mind and emotional body. they need to put in greater effort than the average person to maintain clarity to manage their day to day life and have positive interactions with others. because they’re extremely cerebral creatures, they have the skills to understand concepts on levels deeper than others. they should put their effort towards developing these skills, as they will lead them to evolve and grow both in their personal lives and careers. 
as always, if anyone has any of the placements or aspects mentioned in this post i’d love to hear how it personally manifests in your own life and how it impacts your personality, or if anyone has anything to add in general feel free to reach out and let me know! 
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