#paw patrol lookin boy
idiocracyisreal · 2 months
HELP- I just asked my sister to name/ guess the name of jd characters 😭😭😭😭 (SHES 13 AND HYPED ON LOLLIES) AND THIS IS HOW IT WENT DOWN. Jackson was the best reaction ever so I saved him for last 🩷🩷🩷
EXER Her: “…he looks like an egg”
me: *dies
her: “his name is egg”
me: *while dead* “half point…”
her: “ooooh he looks like walker scobell!”
me: “is that his name or-“
her: “-yes”
me: “MOVING ON-“
her: “he looks like he goes around playing rock music and being scary but he actually listens to Disney music like princess songs, and gets his nails painted”
me: attempting to stay calm and failing* “so what’s his name?”
her: “…flounder.”
me: 💀💀💀
her: “she’s prettyyyy”
me: “and her name is…”
her: “Erica.”
me: “why Erica?”
her: “I don’t know she gives an Erica vibe”
me: …
her: “she’s emo but actually pulls it off damn”
me: …
her: “she’s… ✨PETUNIA✨”
me: *im having way too much fun rn*
her: (with no hesitation) “Gerald.”
me: “… can we give her a girl name?”
her: “nope :)”
her: (full minute of silence and then out of nowhere…)
me: *actually I cannot with Ken being called barbie*
her: “her name is lady sparklepants”
me: “…can it be Mr sparklepants?”
her: “THATS A BOY!?”
and now… the moment you’ve all been waiting for:
her: “Trick question- that’s just fanart of Ryder from paw patrol”
me: *fucking dies*
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
.:: in-character questionnaire
✨please repost, not reblog!
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‘default’ scent is kind of a light blend of grass, body odor and whatever deodorant he’s wearing. he’ll also sometimes carry faint traces of whatever animal form he’d just reverted out of, if their body naturally produces certain scents.
pretty often! even on ‘light-crime’ days, gar enjoys being outdoors more than he enjoys being indoors, and sitting still isn’t something he’s very good at. chances are he’ll come back to the tower with some kind of mess on him, be it mud, grass stains, salt water, sand, tree sap, etc. the boy loves adventures and being active.
he also enjoys the occasional bath + bath bomb combo and will just wallow in the water while listening to an audiobook or podcast for as long as the water stays warm.
not currently.
gar won’t get piercings due to his nerves and anxieties around needles. 
he DOES, however, get a silver-ink lotus tattoo on his left arm a few months after his 20th birthday. he gets it to cover a scar he received that year since the lotus is a symbol of growth through the world’s struggles and becoming a better person. ...it’s a long story.
lol a lot. depends on his environment. his ears will typically twitch and swivel toward sounds going on around him (sometimes this is voluntary, other times they just automatically react to a sudden noise). he definitely has a lot of nervous twitches, be it knee bouncing, fidgeting with anything he can get his hands on, scratching at his neck/chin/shoulders, tapping his fingers on table surfaces, etc etc. these body movements will get increasingly apparent the longer he’s forced to stay still.
boxers and an old, but clean, t-shirt. 
his ‘cool patrol’ jacket. it’s a faux leather jacket (black) with paw-prints on the shoulders, cropped to just above the bottom of his ribs, and has a howling wolf on the back with the phrase “raised by wolves”.
lie in bed for several minutes, watching the world outside his window until he decides he either really has to pee or he’s hungry enough to go find some food. sometimes he’ll reply to text conversations he’d been having the previous night before he passed out, too, or check his social media feeds for the latest dank memes.
depends on the mood he went to bed in.
if he was in a positive mood, he’ll generally starfish all over the place and adopt weird, uncomfortable looking positions with one leg hanging off the bed, an arm propped against the wall, etc etc. 
if he was in a negative mood, he’ll curl up so his back is against the wall and will generally hug a pillow or his stuffed shark, deep blue. if he’s sharing the bed with someone (and they’re comfortable with it) he’ll cling to them one way or another, be it by just holding their hand or hugging one of their arms.
a bit rough, nails are usually either chipped or slightly pointed (sometimes he forgets to fully form his human nails after changing back from a pawed predator). his hands are pretty lanky and bony and never without some kind of callous or small cuts and nicks. like i said, he spends a lot of time outside. he enjoys climbing shit more than nathan drake does.
i don’t?? fickin know, depends on what he last ate or drank? this shrimpy mint-lookin’ boy and his bad puns and awkward dork brain.
TAGGED BY: @karaoftomorrow​ (this is a trillion years late THANK YOU) TAGGING: idk who hasn’t done this so if you want it come and get it
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antlered-deity · 7 years
Random things said in the group chat sentence starters
"Yiff in hell"
"NO!! I went inside a butthole!!"
"I had an asthma attack and gave oral birth to a bath toy"
"Your cat was a foot in a past life"
"homosexual chemtrail fireants did 911"
"It looked like sans' dick made a child with a calzone"
"I goofed inside of my girlfriend"
"Because that's just the type of person I am. I'm impulsive and self destructive ad go down the isles petting bread"
"this post activated my almonds"
"Boyle nugget"
"that's some refried bean lookin shit right there"
"God is real and his name is GREEN LIGHT"
"If I stab this snowball fast enough it'll sound like a vagina getting fingered"
"That's why the world is in turmoil, because they don't listen to enough fall out boy"
"let the clown vomit wash over you"
"Canned dick, for your gay ass."
"You leave that banana hating cat out of this."
"Make me scream like a rubber chicken"
"I am composed of 100% raw diaper spoilage"
"fuck the melon"
"She looks like a plate of instant mashed potatoes"
"they doxed my grandma"
"Shit pants, do nothing"
"shut the fuck up your mouth buttface"
"Your teeth look extra buttery today"
"if you die in Wii Sports you die in real life"
"I don't know why edgelords flock to a game specifically designed to mock edgelords."
"oh-ho nooo he's not gunna be gay!"
"have you ever been so butt-frustrated that you insulted someone's stove?"
"they call me no nips mcgee"
"I'm starting to think Paw Patrol is a show aimed at adults who shit themselves and do nothing."
"If you still love Hot Topic, you're not an adult."
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badwolf1988-blog · 7 years
The Wolf Pack: Chapter Eight
Since Jack's preschool had a teacher workday, my (extremely excited) toddler had joined me on the thirty-minute private flight from the Pittsfield Airport to Logan International in Boston. From there we were driven to Brighton Music Hall where my manager/producer/best friend, Jagger met us in the deserted parking lot. I was unstrapping Jack from his car seat as he approached the car.
“Okay, I have it worked out with the stage crew and security where you will make your entrance to the stage from out in the crowd. The HBO producers just want to run through it a couple of times and then we need to hit the studio because I just finished arranging, Hark! The Harold Angels Sing for the holiday album and, if I do say so myself...that shizz is crunk.” I hadn't even had time to get a word out before the slightly older man started babbling. The blue-eyed, curly haired blond (who always reminded me of a perfect mixture of Frank Sinatra and Justin Timberlake...if Justin's bleach blond hair had ever actually been natural.) was a famous motor-mouth. All you had to do was give him a topic and listen to him go.
I laughed. “Hey there, Jagger. Haven't seen you since the tour started, good to see you...and for the love of my Catholic soul, please do not use the words “shizz” or “crunk” when referring to a song about the birth of Christ.” I requested as I lifted Jack out of his car seat.
“Oh, yeah, hi,” Jagger said a little sheepishly.
Ah, there was the sweet, southern boy that I knew was hiding behind the wannabe thug. I had known Jagger Thomas since before I was famous. In fact, I had known him my whole life. Our moms had grown up together in Georgia and even though my mom moved to New England after college, they had stayed close right up until my mom's death. Jagger was five years older but we had grown close as kids. The Thomas family spent every summer with mine in the Berkshires. When Jagger was eleven, he had landed a role on a popular afternoon children's variety show. When the show ended two years later, he had ended up as a member of the popular boyband, BLAZE. It was watching Jagger do his thing in Blaze that had pushed me towards the stage myself. When he was twenty and BLAZE broke up (as all boybands do), Jagger had left the spotlight to focus on working behind the scenes. He had been managing my career and producing my albums even since I had returned to the spotlight after Langdon was born.
Jagger had actually saved my career after I had Langdon. I refused to go public about my rape and in all court documents, I was identified as Jillian Doe so there was no paper trail for the press to follow. This led to a scandal of epic proportions. A sixteen-year-old pregnant pop star was NOT what the public wanted...or paid to see. Jagger had worked with my public relations team and spun a story of me making a mistake with my first love who left me high and dry when he found out I was pregnant. In the blink of an eye, I went from harlot to victim. This was right around the same time that I started ignoring everything the press and public believed about me...they were obviously fickle and would clearly believe anything.
“Hey, Jack! Do you have a hug for your Uncle Jagger?” Jagger held out his hands for his godson. Jagger was a doting godfather to both of my boys.
“Jaguar!” Jack pretty much jumped into his arms because he hadn't seen him in a few months and was excited to see him
“Alright, little dude, we have really gotta work on you saying my name correctly.” Jagger laughed.
“Jag, before we get started, can we talk?” I asked. I wanted to pick his brain about Wolf Carter.
Jagger knew me well enough to know that something was on my mind so, still carrying Jack, he led me into the music hall and backstage to the dressing room. Taking Jack's diaper bag from me, he set my son on the couch and dug out his LeapPad tablet. Once my boy was settled, playing a Paw Patrol learning game, Jagger turned his attention back to me.
“Okay, chicka, something's wrong. Tell me what's up.” He took a seat on the makeup vanity's counter.
“Have you ever heard of Wolf Carter?” I asked as I slowly paced back and forth in front of him.
Jagger gave me a weird look before nodding and replying, “Yeah...he's the bounty hunter that caught Loveitt.”
I stopped pacing so suddenly that I almost fell over. “Seriously?”
When Alexander Levitt originally went on the run, I hadn't paid too much attention. I was living with my older brother, Ricky, in Weathertree, New York so a rapist in the Berkshires wasn't something that I had wanted to think about after what had happened to me. When I was attacked, I didn't see my assailant's face. I didn't know that Loveitt was my rapist until after he was already back in police custody.
“You didn't know that? Wolf and his sons, Dawson and Langdon, tracked Loveitt down when he ran to Canada. I'm pretty sure they got their reality show because of that bust.” Jagger explained.
“No. I didn't know that.” I shook my head. “I was asking about him because I'm meeting with him and his family later. He's giving me some kind of award...I just don't know what for.”
“I wouldn't worry about it.” Jagger waved his hand dismissively. “From what I hear, Wolf and his family are good people...if not a little out there. His daughter Lacey ain't bad lookin' either.” He smirked.
I simply rolled my eyes at him. Maybe if he didn't work my nerves too much during rehearsal, I'd be a nice friend and slip Lacey his phone number.
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