#pauline pantsdown
twofoursixohjuan · 1 year
ugh pauline hanson is making noises with her mouth again somebody get her out of my headlines and call simon hunt
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cathyrossphoto · 1 year
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Gayleen Tuckwood serving Pauline Pantsdown at Cult The Show
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Pauline Hanson has been impersonated by drag queen Pauline Pantsdown, who had the hit song, I Don’t Like It (1998). Pauline Hanson and her political party One Nation became more well-known. Some people loved Hanson and others hated her. Simon Hunt, from Sydney, called himself Pauline Pantsdown and released the song I’m a Back Door Man on Triple J, which included excerpts from Hanson’s speeches. Afterward, Pantsdown released I Don’t Like It, which became a hit single.
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itsnothingbutluck · 6 months
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alexanderpearce · 4 months
and when i do the drag paul keating look? follow in the great tradition of pauline pantsdown and little johnny??? when i sing all of on the floor and i wanna do you slowly (already memorised) in my cunty drag keating lookj? what then?
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myrtaceaae · 6 months
When will batshit-auspol post Pauline Pantsdown. I think the Tumblr ecosystem needs that
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woxbirdie · 8 months
15 for the ask game!
15. a saying, joke or hermetic meme that only someone from your country will get
I'm personally fond of "she'll be right" (usually said missing 50% or more of the vowels) but if i had to name an iconic Aussie meme it's for sure Pauline Pantsdown's "I Don't Like It", which i fully forgot actually aired on Rage until I looked it up just now
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beefstrugglenoff · 2 years
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danielnelsen · 6 years
i keep forgetting that no one here would know who pauline pantsdown is and, even if they did, wouldn’t know enough about the context to really get the humour, damn...... soooo funny! and she performed at an event i went to today and totally made my night!
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satelliteaccident · 4 years
i did a crack. i might do more but that would require having actual, yknow, ideas. or time. hmm.
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unholybinchicken · 7 years
can we have an australian version of rupaul’s drag race hosted by pauline pantsdown?
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themurlocsrollingon · 7 years
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ash-soka · 6 years
ms hanson are you xenophobic?
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cureforbedbugs · 2 years
MIX 2: When the Gas Runs Out Just Wreck It
Jean-Jacques Perrey & David Chazam - What's Up Duck?
Cake - Never There
Soul Coughing - Circles
Beck - Tropicalia
Jimmy Ray - Are You Jimmy Ray?
Happyland - Don't You Know Who I Am?
Bran Van 3000 - Drinking in LA
TMBG - Doctor Worm
The Bluetones - Solomon Bites the Worm
Flin Flon - Kamloops
The Hives - A.K.A. I-D-I-O-T
The Monsters - Pony Tail and Black Cadillac
Andre Williams - Agile, Mobile, and Hostile
Silver Apples - I Don't Care What the People Say
Blink - Dead Little Bird
Cows - Finished Again
Ian Brown - My Star
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Barenaked Ladies - One Week
Catatonia - Mulder and Scully
Sheena Ringo - 歌舞伎町の女王 [Queen of Kabukicho]
Pauline Pantsdown - I Don't Like It
A*C* - I Respect Your Feelings as a Woman and a Friend
Adam Sandler - Somebody Kill Me
Offspring - Pretty Fly (reprise)
Fat Les - Vindaloo
I turned 14 in 1998 and was a freshman in high school. A lot of music memories I associate with 1998 are actually from 1999—I could have sworn I heard Eminem for the first time my freshman year but apparently not. When I heard “Are You Jimmy Ray?” I was slammed back into the real ‘98, though, since I probably hadn’t heard the song since then. Happened again when I got reacquainted with “Drinking in L.A.” This was a time when I was vaguely aware of people “liking music,” but was a lot closer to making mixtapes of alternating Weird Al and Metallica songs than I was to being a record collector. It’s a bit of a dead zone for me, tastewise. This mix is what that dead zone sounds like now, a bunch of goofy experiments, some of which inexplicably hit big (Cake, Barenaked Ladies, “Dragula,” Soul Coughing), some of which inexplicably didn’t (how did it take the Hives so long to take off?), and a bunch of new-to-me stuff I probably would have loved when I was 14.
The rest is what I call mix spackle, the kind of pleasant finds that just seem to fit between variations on the theme. There are a few sloppy neo-garage tracks, as was the style at the time, and a few novelty tracks across various ponds (one very British, one very Australian, both just on the edge of being unlistenable; both are 7's). There’s a funny song about a duck, and a funny song about a worm, and a less-funny song about a dead bird, and the only thing off of that Offspring album I can still get all the way through, especially since the guy from the 1-800 COLLECT commercials with David Spade is on it and it’s only a minute long. I still think that song from The Wedding Singer is funnier than the rest of the movie (sorry). I still think Beck sounds cool in this phase of his career, even though I no longer think he sounds cool a year later. I haven’t looked up who Ian Brown is yet, but I assume he’s from a British band I should know he was in by now. (Ah right, the Stone Roses guy. That makes sense!) I didn’t hear A* C* until college—hell, I may still not have been 100% positive there was such a thing as a “C” word when I was 14. Anyway, listen to this mix if you want to hear what I was actually like in 1998.
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beefstrugglenoff · 2 years
fuck this country no pride in who we are as a nation, but Pauline Pantsdown couldn't have happened anywhere else.
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beefbort · 3 years
there are so many classic Aussie songs that would probably get phil DMCA'd Sadge
I want to see the man react to Aussie jingle bells and home among the gum trees and I don't like it by Pauline pantsdown
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