#paul (ntn)
wofworld · 1 year
yeah so sorry your boyfriend and i fused into a whole new person. yes it was consensual and it represents our agency as characters who refuse to be doomed by the narrative any longer. yes we picked a new name. what is it? uhh
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onefleshoneend0 · 1 year
Ok. So. This is a question i have about tlt
So you know how tazmuir said pal and cam are second cousins…
ummm doesnt kiriona say “marry an idiot and die, i get the urge” or something along those lines referring to cam and pal before becoming paul?
does marriage mean something different in tlt?
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puffywiz · 1 year
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"It’s finished, it’s done. You can’t take loved away.”
- Tamsyn Muir, Nona the Ninth
💝 Thank you for 1k. Special thanks to my lovely friend @sessjudoodles for helping sketch the line work for the Albertaceretops :)
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hadalzonee · 8 months
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ending of nona the ninth got me like
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zombie-bait · 2 months
happiest girl in the whole entire world
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thinking about my favourite kind-hearted eldritch horror trapped in the body of my favourite traumatized goth girl
(+ purple variant)
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mayasaura · 3 months
I do not now, nor have I ever, expected Gideon to take a principaled stance on the forever war. I just don't think it matters to her. Ostensibly she's on her dad's side because her dad has been on a parenting kick lately, and the best she ever got from her mum was goodbye with a stay of execution. But if she were confronted with the ethics of the situation? Asked her opinion? I don't think she'd have one. She may be a prince, but at heart she's still the abused eighteen year old girl who fought tooth and nail to join the army just for a way out
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lilliankillthisman · 9 months
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God... she says this to him and by the end of the same day he and Cam are gone forever. Perfected, complete, graceful. And singular.
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ancientannoyance · 1 year
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happy new year the grief is never-ending but the good news is so is the love (x)
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palamedeeznuts · 1 year
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So I made an Alecto the Ninth bingo card.
By the way, Paul's BOE name is And Then a Plank in Reason Broke and I Dropped Down and Down A Trian n-Aill Oc Imbirt Ḟidchille My Heart It Pounds Yeah You Got Me.
[Emily Dickinson's "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain"; a line from the Táin Bo Cuailnge, Old Irish for "[he spent] a third [of the day] playing chess"; "Tik Tok" - Ke$ha]
Reason for short.
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henreyettah · 1 year
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Warden and Scholar
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a-decrepit-house · 1 year
Harrow in her own body for the first time in months being like “Strange, I feel stronger somehow. I have a strange absence of pain in my abdomen. I can stand up quickly without throwing up. And my mind and senses are so much sharper. This must be Alecto’s doing”
And Paul’s gonna have to be like “It’s because we made your body eat, sleep and exercise regularly for the past six months you’re fucking welcome”
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pencildragons · 1 year
literally inconsolable about cam and pal and paul btw. what do you mean you loved each other so much you ate each others souls and consumed each other so utterly that in that instant the two of you were destroyed and made anew as one. like what the fuck man
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meat-loving-meat · 6 months
My silliest, most pointless, and least helpful pet peeve in the Locked Tomb fandom is that the t-shirt Pyrrha was going to give Nona advertises CHEAP (not free!) mustache rides! She is making a joke about how everyone thinks that she is Nona’s pimp! Paul even says that they think mustache rides “should be free” in opposition to the t-shirt! It is a joke about sex work! The fact that they are cheap and not free is important!
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patient-779h41-n7 · 25 days
Imagine being born. Imagine you didn't exist one minute ago and now you exist and you are on fire (!) and there's a lot of people staring at you. You are naked and you have the memories of two people in your brain and everybody was expecting them to save the day, but they died of codependency and left you at the helm. Also outside it's raining huge insectoid monsters. Nobody wants you there and they are mourning the people whose memories are now yours. Despite being born like 5 minutes ago, you have to drive a huge truck into the afterlife and save a bunch of people. Oh, and you have to persuade the spirit of the Earth not to commit suicide killing you and the aforementioned bunch of people in the process. Also everybody hates the name you chose for yourself.
For some reason, you are in a good mood.
I must hand it to Paul: they might have a terrible name, but I really, really envy their "working under pressure" skills.
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vulpes-aestatis · 1 year
Listening to the HtN audiobook and just got past the past where Jod explains the origin of the RBs.
Did Paul commit the "indelible sin"? Will the RBs hunt them like the other lyctors?
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fortjester · 1 year
you know what i DO want to talk about? that scene on top of the truck where nona’s arguing w varun, and varun asks “do you love?” and nona says, “yes - no yes. i don’t know what it means. i say it, but i dont know what it means. did i ever know what it meant?” which is truly heartbreaking to hear from a character who’s spent the entire book up until now loving most everything she lays her eyes on with nearly reckless abandon.
and fifty pages later - after paul’s birth (pyrrha saying, “it’s not love, what you’re about to do. it’s a mistake.” being almost immediately replied to with, “the perfect friendship, the perfect love.”/”life is too short, and love is too long.”), and kiriona’s interrogation (”okay. different question -- do you love her?”), a near constant barrage of “what does love really mean?” and “what is love?” and “what would love make you do?” “what lengths would you go to for love?” when she’s already struggling with the idea of knowing if she’s felt love at all - she very nearly gives in to that despair, the lack of certainty that she knows what her feelings mean and that she’s allowed to feel them. she’s mourning, and she’s not able to reach pyrrha through her grief, and everyone else she’s with is more broken than she’s ever seen them before. but then paul reminds her of noodle. and nona, in a moment of lurching panic, decides to live, if only just to save noodle.
to me, that’s a devastating moment of raw, human love. it’s like that moment in alien (1979) where ripley’s about to abandon ship, and then goes back when she realises jones (the ship cat) is still on board. nona was ready to let them all die, hopless and lost and sad, every one of them-- but noodle, a sweet yet unimportant pet, is what brings her back.
and i think that’s what make’s paul’s statement of, “it’s done, it’s finished. you can’t take loved away.” hit as hard as it does. she’s just had this crisis of faith in her own personal belief system of loving-things-for-the-sake-of-loving-them, only to have it reaffirmed, and is now facing the abyss of personhood, facing returning to a self who was hurt and was deeply angry, going so far as to say, “i’ll be different...and palamedes -- i won’t love him...i won’t love anything, i won’t know how.”
paul says, “don’t worry,” (even though she just explained why she was worried), “we loved you too,” because maybe nona’s right and she won’t know how to love anymore, but she needs to know that she did. she did love, and she was loved, and there was never a doubt in anyone elses mind that she loved them fully and completely and genuinely. maybe she thought she was faking it, maybe she thought she was just making it up, but it was real, and now it’s done, and no one can take it away. no one.
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