neonponders · 1 year
Okay so I did a thing. @passivenovember made an excellent post on twitter about kindergarten teacher!Steve and I indulged. ​
• • • • •
The first day of school should have been the red flag. Day One of kindergarten was technically a half-day, because the little ones might find their first day of school to be overwhelming. It was a fifty-fifty chance that a student had done preschool before kindergarten, so the day was only from 8am to noon.
Steve had been doing this job for long enough that he had developed a good eye for which kids would be problematic. It was never indicated by the children, themselves.
It was the parents.
The first day of school was an unofficial parent-teacher conference, with Steve meeting every parent and introducing himself and his classroom to them. Plenty of parents were sweet as could be and profusely grateful, because they had been waiting four or five years for this day: the day they’d finally get to have more hours to themselves. Hours for self-care. Hours at their workplace to make better money. An overall passing of the baton to someone else to raise their kid.
As for the kids themselves, they were easy to read in regards to who’d been in daycare or not. They were either very social or immediately minded their own business. The kids who looked around like they were lost were where he devoted the most of his time on the first day.
Lila Hargrove was one of the latter. She walked in, holding her dad’s hand next to her head while the other fiddled close to her mouth. She didn’t suck her thumb, but she seemed to be thinking about it.
Steve stood up from where he crouched next to a table, getting the others settled and extended a hand. “Good morning! I’m Steve Harrington.”
The father was able to shake his hand since he carried his daughter’s purple backpack on one shoulder. “Billy Hargrove. This is my cupcake, Lila."
Hearing her name, her head jerked up, but Steve smoothly knelt on one knee for her level. “Hi, Lila. I’m Mr. Steve. What’s your favorite thing to do?”
He liked giving the kids options on the first day. Coloring? Reading? Blocks? Anything to help them establish a comfort level with the room.
Lila hesitated for a long moment, long enough for Steve to almost stand back up to address her father, but she murmured, “I don’t know.”
“That’s okay,” he reassured. There was nothing wrong with being shy or anxious. Usually mothers or both parents brought their kids in for the big day. A dad on his own…Hargrove was hardly the first, but they were always a bit special. “I made a present for everyone on their first day. Do you and your daddy want to open it together?”
She sure did, looking up at her father with the most hopeful expression, it made Steve’s heart pinch. Billy smiled down at her but prompted, “I see name plates.”
Steve guided them through the room with a brief glance at his other students to make sure they were behaving and occupied. He’d gathered them in one spot, but for lessons, they’d sit in their designated seating arrangement. Pulling out Lila’s chair for her, he explained, “I folded construction paper for everyone’s name plate. One of your first projects, Lila, will be decorating yours. After that, I’ll have them laminated so you can collect stickers on it throughout the year.”
Lila’s name stood on a table in the corner of the room. The nook was framed by cubic shelves and hooks mounted on the walls, which also had names over them: less glamorous marker written on masking tape. Colorful backpacks featuring action figures already hung from some of the hooks. Hargrove took his daughter’s backpack off and set it on her table. “Everything on the school supply list is in here.”
“Great!” Steve said as he took a box bound up with ribbon from one of the shelves. “I try to supply some of the stuff myself, but the school always gives out the same list. Do you want to do the honors?”
Again, Lila looked to her father. Disciplined, Steve wondered in the back of his mind, but the alert didn’t go off in his head. Far from it, he smiled as Hargrove knelt beside her chair and pinched one end of the ribbon bow.
“One? Two…” he counted, and the smile that his daughter blossomed with gave Steve a wave of relief; both in the comfort she had with her father as well as a knowledge of numbers. She took the other ribbon tail and they pulled on three. Lila whipped off the box lid to reveal a small stuffed lion, a Lego block the size of her hand, and a box of glitter crayons.
Hargrove pulled out the soft lion and poised it on the table that she’d be sharing with three other students. “Well, look at him. Does he have a name?”
Steve opened his mouth to prompt Lila to name him, but she piped, “Panthera leo! Like daddy!”
Steve’s mouth froze open around a, “Huh?”
Hargrove grinned as his daughter shoved her hand into his dark blond hair, and then ruffled the lion’s mane. Then he looked up at Steve. “The lion was a good choice. She loves animals right now. She only knows like six, but that includes their Latin name.”
“I…’ve never met a kid who knew Latin,” Steve recovered. “I have a confession, though. The lion and crayons are for you, Lila, but the block is for me. I like for all my kids to write their names on a block so I can build something with them at the end of the year.”
Hargrove’s eyes immediately swept up to the Lego sculptures on top of the arts and crafts cabinets. A small smile ghosted over his face, but he didn’t point them out to his daughter. “Lila can write most of her name but struggles a little with round letters.”
“That’s okay. We do a lot of practice with writing. The block is a promise: I’ll keep it safe for you, and you’ll be able to write your name and help me build something in the spring. How’s that sound?”
Whether or not parents understood the promise didn’t really matter. It was always worth it by the end of the year to remind the kids of their first presents, and seeing their excitement at such a long awaited activity.
Hargrove got it, though. “You play the long game.”
Steve looked up and smiled, only to face the full brunt of Billy Hargrove’s gaze. Attractive was an understatement. Water blue eyes pinned Steve in place, a chiseled jaw but full cheeks giving the man a stop-traffic appeal as well as an approachable softness. His short hair was long enough to imply that he was due for a haircut or in between styles; the broken and wonky curls had been haphazardly shoved to one side of his head. The man wore an ironed button-up, but his shoes gave him away: dirty black Converse with ombré pink and purple shoelaces.
Steve responded on autopilot. “Delayed gratification can be a doozy. Might as well make it fun.”
Hargrove didn’t really answer. He just sort of nodded and returned his attention to his daughter.
Lila Hargrove was a good girl. She loved animals, showed an early propensity for math, and carried the collective sweetness, observation, and behavior skills that teachers longed for.
Billy Hargrove was a red flag. He exhibited over-protective, analytical habits alongside a bizarre talent for filling every minute of Steve’s time when he wasn’t directly managing the kids or other parents coming and going.
Going, being the key word.
Hargrove stayed at the school all the way until noon. Then he donned the purple backpack and carried his daughter out, encouraging her tiny fists into the air for completing her first day.
“Donalds! M’Donalds!” she chanted.
Some time later, as Steve cleaned his classroom, vacuuming the reading time rugs, disinfecting each table, and tagging each Lego block with another masking tape label—so nobody had a crisis in May like, “But my block was Blue in August! Why’s it yellow now?”—a knock sounded on his doorframe.
Steve looked up, prompting Billy Hargrove to stroll in with a familiar paper bag. “Delivery for Mr. Steve. One Oreo McFlurry with a medium fry.”
Steve leaned back in his seat. He’d been standing for most of the morning, he couldn’t be bothered anymore. “Uh, thanks. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Are you lactose intolerant?”
“Then it’s my pleasure,” he said with finality, giving the bag a shove to be a few inches closer to Steve. With the smell permeating the room, he couldn’t say no.
He asked while unpacking the bag, “Where’s Lila?”
“Her dance class. My P.A.’s got her while I get some work done. I just wanted to say thanks for catering today for the kids.”
Steve used the time to bite through four fries at once while he formulated an answer. This guy’s got a personal assistant?
“I’m happy to. Their first day in here is kind of the first day of the rest of their lives. It’s my job to help them feel safe and confident in here.”
A smile twitched on Hargrove’s face. “You’re playing nice, but I did notice the other parents leaving their kids in your hands.”
Steve allowed himself a harmless glare. “I can deal with a helicopter dad for a few hours. But after today, it won’t be up to me.”
The man held up a hand as if to gently move that aside. “I won’t need the principal escorting me out. I’m too busy to be here all day, anyhow. I just needed the full measure of the person who would be here with my girl.”
Steve looked up with the massive McFlurry spoon in his mouth. “Anph?”
Billy’s stoic bravado visibly dented as a laugh blurt out of him. “And you’re all right. But if my kid comes home crying, you might not be.”
Steve let exactly what he thought about being threatened ripple under his features as they steeled into what his best friend called, “Customer Service Harrington.”
And yet…he felt pinned in place again...because Billy’s eyes flashed, his expression opening as if he were intrigued—excited—by pissing Steve off. The spark settled as quickly as it manifested, making Steve wonder if he’d imagined it.
“The kids go home everyday with a progress folder. You’ll have my notes on the hottest kindergarten gossip.”
Billy laughed breathily, but it wasn’t as real as the rest of his emotive gestures. He lightly slapped the surface of the desk and dragged his hand away as he pivoted toward the door. “I’m looking forward to it, Harrington.”
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passivenovember · 2 years
Hi :)
Jaz here (nervoussis on ao3).
Over the last few months I’ve gotten quite a bit of messages across all platforms asking when/if I’m going to update my Halloween fic, “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark,” as well as, “If Snow Loves the Trees and Fields.”
If you’re one of the people who’s reached out to me, thank you so much for your support in my work.
My mom almost passed away this week. She had to go into emergency surgery and is now in recovery so I’ve had no time to write, which I hope to do more of soon.
At the end of the day, fandom is a hobby (and I know it doesn’t really matter, nor do I owe anyone an explination) but a lot of the people I’ve met here are also my friends.
I thought those who have been waiting and asking deserved to know.
I’ll definitely update both very soon 🖤
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hogblock · 1 year
Read List of 2022
To all the Cryptids and Humanoids of the World--
I come to you with my tail between my legs. 
With the dawn on January, I told myself that I would use this blog throughout the year to better catalogue my thoughts on what I read. My Goodreads account was only a month old and I’ve never been comfortable or crazy about the layout of that website. But as all New Years Resolutions do, my reading blog fell to the way side. 
So, I come to you in December, mere days before the New Year, with a list of gorgeous, heart-breaking, clever, and truly life-changing novels.
Last time around, I read 19 books. This year, I read 22. As a younger person I was always hell-bent on expanding that number each year but 2022 was an entirely unique beast. For me, this was the first trip around the sun since the pandemic began that felt like a real year, complete with the same amount of work, heartbreak, pain, and joy. I had to reconcile that I wasn’t going to hit my goal of 50 books (because I read 48 in 2020. What else were we doing in quarantine). 
However small this list may seem, I was enchanted. From this collection of Read Books I’ve latched onto some of my all-time favorites. I laughed, fought goosebumps, wept, and was forever changed by many of the heavy hitters on this list. All in all, I’d consider that a success. 
Just like last time, I have included the genre of each novel as well as a 1 out of 5 star rating. They are listed in no particular order.
Happy New Year and Happy Reading!
1. What Just Happened: Notes on a Long Year, by Charles Finch : Memoir : 4 out of 5 stars
Starting my year with a memoir that is, at is root, journals kept by the author during the pandemic, was not a wise choice. Battling seasonal depression all while living through act three of the very same pandemic that is examined in this book was difficult, to say the least. Nevertheless, I was still incredibly moved by the perspectives immortalized here. Finch made me laugh more times than I can count and cry until I was hollow, but he didn’t leave me that way. Mostly, I walked away from this book with hope. It’s gorgeous and forty years down the line, children will be reading it in schools, remembering those who were lost.
2. Tin Man, by Sarah Winman : Romance, Slice of Life : 5 out of 5 stars
This book absolutely destroyed me. Sad LGBTQIA+ romance is my favorite genre, and Tin Man has to top the list of books I’ve read no only in that category, but overall. My dear friend Lisa sent me a copy in late January, and I devoured the entire thing in a matter of hours. It’s gorgeous. The story between the two main lovers and their journey from childhood friends, through their torrid love affair in the summer of 1960, to their vicious breakup and the subsequent marriage of the main character to a girl they both knew from school and, finally, the deep, unconditional friendship between the three of them that surpasses grief, loss, death, and heartbreak--this novel is everything, EVERYTHING, to me. Read it.
3. What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky, by Lesley Nineka Arimah : Short Story Anthology, Slice of Life : 3.5 out of 5 stars
Gorgeous prose and breathtaking African Mythology wrapped in a cloak of familial expectations that the author ultimately sheds to take flight into her own becoming. So great, so powerful, amazing.
4. Diary of an Oxygen Thief, by Anonymous : Slice of Life : 1.5 out of 5 stars
This was one of my least favorite books this year. Imagine Holden Caufield with a college degree and more money than he knows what to do with. In my opinion, there’s room for one Holden Caufield in literature. It was incredibly repetitive and I lost interest pretty early on.
5. At Swim, Two Boys, by Jamie O’Neill : Romance, Historical Fiction : 3 out of 5 stars
HEARTBREAKING. Two childhood friends in Ireland at the height of the first World War fall in love and decide to swim the English Channel before the draft tears them apart. The vernacular explored in this novel made it hard for me to get into at first but once I did, it ruined me. Go read it!
6. The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek, by Rett and Link : Horror : 2.5 out of 5 stars
This one was a blast, exploring the whimsy of childhood and what happens when corrupt adults expect children to grow up too fast. Children deserve to have their angst and their pain. I wasn’t expecting such a good read for the GMM boys but here we are!
7. Filth, by Irvine Welsh : Slice of Life : 2 out of 5 stars
Horrifying. A disgusting cop abuses his power, his wife, and himself. This was another one that took me a while to orient to, but it was fun. More than a couple of scenes still make me sick to my stomach.
8. Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut : Fiction : 4.5 out of 5 stars
Ah, the adventures of Kilgore Trout. Breakfast of Champions was  first book my friend Jarin had me read for our book club and is often described as a must on the debate of Free Will. I loved this one so much. Vonnegut was one that we read in school, specifically Slaughterhouse Five, and he’s a classic American Existentialist writer who asks his audience to examine the world through the lens of people who are already insane or who are on their way. It was very enjoyable, and incredibly moving.
9. Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card : 4.5 out of 5 stars
Another book Jarin had me read. I’m much more of a Science Fiction person, and this classic dystopian novel combined all the things I love; corrupt institutions, hyper-intelligent children saving the world, and a morally gray antagonist. A true American Classic that paved the way for series like The Hunger Games. 
10. Stay and Fight, by Madeline Finch : Slice of Life, LGBTQ+ : 5 out of 5 stars
At its root, this book is about community, compassion, and survival. Two lesbians and a recently single woman decide to build a house together and live off the land. When the women decide to raise a child together, they must determine if it’s more important to live off the land, or keep their family afloat. SO good, I read this by flashlight during my two-week excursion in Yellowstone and it was the perfect read. I cried, I laughed, I was permanently changed. 
11. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café, by Fannie Flagg : Romance, Slice of Life, LGBTQ+ : 3.5 out of 5 stars
A CLASSIC. Anyone who was a child of the 1990s knows the film and I had never read the book so this year, Jarin and I read it together for book club. It says so much about womanhood, right and wrong, and what it means to be young. I love this book so much.
12. Gone to See the River Man, by Kristopher Triana : Horror, Splatter Punk : 4.5 out of 5 stars
This book is perhaps the most disturbing thing I read all year. A woman ventures into the woods with her sister in search of the River Man, who is known to grant wishes. If you’re looking for a fast paced, fucked up, nightmare-inducing adventure, Gone to See the River Man, might be the one for you!
13. Counting by 7′s, by Holly Goldberg Sloan : Slice of Life : 2.5 out of 5 stars
A young, autistic girl loses her parents and must find a new home. know this book is beloved by many people, but it was hard to get through for me. Maybe it’s because the protagonists story is too close to my own. But it was lovely writing.
14. A Certain Hunger, by Chelsea Summers : Horror : 1.5 out of 5 stars
Book club read! A world renowned food critic starts killing and eating men. I hated this book (oops!). Jarin and I read it for book club and something about the writing was so bland and one note. The main character, Dorothy, was evil for the sake of being evil and there was nothing interesting about her that compelled me to continue reading. Disappointing because this novel was incredibly popular this year.
15. The Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson : Horror : 4.5 out of 5 stars
A woman is invited to the infamous Hill House to aid in an experiment that aims to prove the existence of ghosts and slowly loses her mind in the process. ANOTHER CLASSIC! I absolutely love Jackson’s writing. The way she was able to craft such a truly chilling tale that provides no real answers or conclusion, that absolutely leaves the reader feeling like they’ve just walked off the edge of a cliff, is so masterful. Her other classic, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, is one I read a few years ago and I still think about it. 
16. Any Man, by Amber Tamblyn : Horror : 4.5 out of 5 stars
Six men from six distinct walks of life all encounter the same rapist and have the course of their lives altered forever. GORGEOUS. It’s told in various mediums from texts, to instant messages, poetry, stream of consciousness, and journal entries. I’m not usually one to love that method of storytelling, but it just WORKS here. Any Man is another one that I read in a matter of hours. So, so good.
17. Theme Music, by T. Marie Vandelly : Horror : 3.5 out of 5 stars
A woman returns to the home where, twenty years earlies, her father murdered her entire family on Thanksgiving morning. This was so camp. Hilarious, dark, and witty, fans of Scream will enjoy this. Such a fun time.
18. Bettyville, by George Hodgman : Memoir : 2.5 out of 5 stars
A gay man returns home to take care of his mother, who is in the final stages of her battle with dementia. Heartbreaking, a true testament to the relationships people have with one another and all the promises they can’t keep.
19. Loveless, by Alice Oseman : Romance, LGBTQ+, YA fiction : 4.5 out of 5 stars
The journey of self-acceptance that one asexual girl must take in order to be happy. In addition to serving as a poignant reminder that not every LGBTQ+ person is surrounded by allies or people like them, this novel was so sweet, it felt like licking the frosting from a cupcake. A must read.
20. Honey Girl, by Morgan Rogers : Romance, LGBTQ+ : 2.5 out of 5 stars
Recently graduated with a PHd in Astronomy, Grace and her two friends travel to Las Vegas and Grace marries a woman she just met. The relationships between the protagonist and her friends was beautiful, and the writing had many strengths and high points. These victories only made the plot’s shortcomings more obvious.
22. The Town of Babylon, by Alejandro Verela : Slice of Life, LGBTQ+ : 3 out of 5 stars
Andres is a public health worker married to a surgeon, Marco, when he returns home to his unnamed suburban hamlet to care for his ailing father in the midst of his own relationship challenges with Marco. It explores themes of change, queerness, and what it’s like to be the only brown face in a sea of white people. It was heartfelt and lovely.
21. The Cabin at the End of the World, by Paul Tremblay : Horror, LGBTQ+ : 5 out of 5 stars
Wen and her parents Eric and Andrew travel to a remote cabin in New Hampshire for Spring Break, only to be held prisoner by four reluctant captives who claim that the end of the world is coming, and only Wen’s parents and the sacrifice they make can stop it. I cried. The relationships in this novel, the use of violence and horror as a vehicle for INCREDIBLE, GROUNDBREAKING storytelling--go read it. Just do it!
What I’m reading now: The Stranger, by Albert Camus
For next Year: A Series of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket, Sometimes I lie, by Alice Feeny, Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield, and others...
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grey-sides · 2 years
I can’t believe you said dacres ass is not that impressive 😭 it’s tight and perky
It is tight and perky! It's just more of a cupcake than a whole cake. Still delicious, there's just not a lot of it 😅
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chrisbitchtree · 2 years
How did I not know your birthday just happened?????????? HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY IM KISSIN YA FOREHEAD
Awwwwww!!!! Thank you!!!!! Belated birthday wishes are always fun because then it’s like the party keeps going!! I love it!!! 💕💕💕☺️☺️☺️
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disdaidal · 2 years
Happy birthday, baby! I feel like it was just your birthday last week, but I don’t care. I’ll say it again: we love you so much! Thanks for hanging 🫡🖤
Oh my god, thank you so much, Jaz! 🖤😭🥺💞 I love you so so much! 💝 Thank you again!
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billyharringson · 25 days
Harringrove for Palestine
Hello again. This is a fundraising post for our siblings in Palestine. I'm going to keep it live for as long as possible, and will update when and if others wish to join.
Quick FAQ:
1. There is no time limit for this event, please contribute/donate for as long as you're able/willing.
2. The main donations that are being promoted are the vetted gofundmes from gazafunds.com but any Palestine charity will of course be thankful for your donations.
3. @mothellie has created a comprehensive list of Palestinian charities and events that should you not be able to take part here or if you want to help out more is a very valuable resource.
1. If you would like to join as a contributor then please DM me and let me know which medium you will be working with so that I can add you to this post.
2. If you have reached capacity/no longer have the time or energy to contribute let me know and I'll put a line through your name. Your mental health is important and I don't want anyone to put undue pressure on themselves.
1. Please see the list below of contributors and if there is someone you would like art/fic/mood boards from then DM them to discuss
2. For fics the base donation rate will be $1 per 100 words but you can of course donate more or discuss with your artist/writer for something specific.
3. Artwork donations are up to the artist so please discuss with them what they would like in return for their art.
4. Once you have agreed then please make a donation either here (gazafunds.com) or to one of the numerous Palestine relief charities of your choice. Then send a screenshot of your donation to your artists/writer so they can start on your request.
@billyharringson - fanfic
@lorifragolina - fanfic
@ihni - art/doodles
@crashingsuns - fanfic
@sepulchralsmile - fanfic
@house-of-chant - fanfic
@mothellie - fanfic, mood boards, gif sets
@autizmoeddiemunson - fanfic
@racketti - art
@hunnysfwart - art
@jellyfishloveletterghosts - fanfic
@greyghoulclub - fanfic
@californiaboytoybilly - fanfic/drabbles, mood boards, fandom manips
@anonymustelid - fanfic
@passivenovember - fanfic
If you can't take part or donate then please reblog this post to spread the word.
Free Palestine
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adelacreations · 2 months
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Billy almost flinched at the hand on his shoulder, he wanted to scream at Hopper to get his fucking hand off him. He just shrugged it off instead, rolling his shoulders back. He couldn’t help the chuckle that left his mouth, startling everyone. “Cap-” “What do you people want? A thank you? You all should have left me in that damn fucking ice.” He snapped, blue eyes turning cold as he stepped forward. Guns immediately were lifted up as if to aim and shoot. Yes, shoot me… kill me. You should have never brought me back. The ice was my prison, my grave. Don’t you all know better than to disturb the dead? Billy almost flinched at the hand on his shoulder, he wanted to scream at Hopper to get his fucking hand off him. He just shrugged it off instead, rolling his shoulders back. He couldn’t help the chuckle that left his mouth, startling everyone. “Cap-” “What do you people want? A thank you? You all should have left me in that damn fucking ice.” He snapped, blue eyes turning cold as he stepped forward. Guns immediately were lifted up as if to aim and shoot. Yes, shoot me… kill me. You should have never brought me back. The ice was my prison, my grave. Don’t you all know better than to disturb the dead?
For this @harringrove-relay-race Captain America Billy Hargrove and Winter Solder Steve Harrington anyone? I'm so excited to post this, I have been having this au rattling in my head for a WHILE now! Comes with a lovely fic as well!
Passing the baton to @passivenovember! ❤️ Please look forward to what they got! 🥰
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Here is the timetable for the Harringrove 48 Hour Relay Race!
The relay race will take place April 12th at midnight EDT and end April 14 at midnight EDT, but the time for each participant’s reveal in their time zone is in the subtext for convenience.
(Please Note: This timetable follows daylight savings time)
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Now remember, this event is low pressure, so the requirement is only 500 words (or more) for fics, and at least line art for artwork.
The Ao3 collection will open on April 12th at midnight EDT, if you intend to post your fic there as well.
🔗 Participant FAQs | Sample Post | How to schedule a post
If for any reason you are no longer able to commit, please try to let me know via DM by March 25th.
Please like, reblog and/or reply to acknowledge that you have seen the timetable ♡
Find the text version of the schedule along with an explanation below the cut!
༶ On April 12th, at 12:00 AM EDT (9:00 PM in your time zone) @lazybakerart will reveal their work and pass the baton to hunnysfwart 
༶ On April 12th, at 1:00 AM EDT (10:00 PM in your time zone) @hunnysfwart will reveal their work and pass the baton to dragonflylady77 ༶ On April 12th, at 2:00 AM EDT (6:00 PM in your time zone) @dragonflylady77 will reveal their work and pass the baton to lorifragolina
༶ On April 12th, at 3:00 AM EDT (9:00 AM in your time zone) @lorifragolina will reveal their work and pass the baton to camaro-and-smokes 
༶ On April 12th, at 4:00 AM EDT (10:00 AM in your time zone) @camaro-and-smokes will reveal their work and pass the baton to thatgirlwithasquid 
༶ On April 12th, at 5:00 AM EDT (10:00 AM in your time zone) @thatgirlwithasquid will reveal their work and pass the baton to medusapelagia 
༶ On April 12th, at 6:00 AM EDT (11:00 AM in your time zone) @medusapelagia will reveal their work and pass the baton to callieb ༶ On April 12th, at 7:00 AM EDT (12:00 PM in your time zone) @callieb will reveal their work and pass the baton to mangywayway ༶ On April 12th, at 8:00 AM EDT (1:00 PM in your time zone) @mangywayway will reveal their work and pass the baton to kaizenkhaos ༶ On April 12th, at 9:00 AM EDT (1:00 PM in your time zone) @kaizenkhaos will reveal their work and pass the baton to sepulchralsmile ༶ On April 12th, at 10:00 AM EDT (9:00 AM in your time zone) @sepulchralsmile will reveal their work and pass the baton to writer-in-theory ༶ On April 12th, at 11:00 AM EDT (11:00 AM in your time zone) @writer-in-theory will reveal their work and pass the baton to greyghoulclub ༶ On April 12th, at 12:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM in your time zone) @greyghoulclub will reveal their work and pass the baton to manwrre ༶ On April 12th, at 1:00 PM EDT (1:00 PM in your time zone) @manwrre will reveal their work and pass the baton to racketti ༶ On April 12th, at 2:00 PM EDT (3:00 PM in your time zone) @racketti will reveal their work and pass the baton to discodeviant ༶ On April 12th, at 3:30 PM EDT (3:30 PM in your time zone) @discodeviant will reveal their work and pass the baton to foxxtastic ༶ On April 12th, at 4:30 PM EDT (4:30 PM in your time zone) @foxxtastic will reveal their work and pass the baton to shieldofIron ༶ On April 12th, at 6:00 PM EDT (6:00 PM in your time zone) @shieldofiron will reveal their work and pass the baton to half-oz-eddie ༶ On April 12th, at 7:00 PM EDT (7:00 PM in your time zone) @half-oz-eddie will reveal their work and pass the baton to adelacreations ༶ On April 12th, at 8:00 PM EDT (5:00 PM in your time zone) @adelacreations will reveal their work and pass the baton to passivenovember ༶ On April 12th, at 9:30 PM EDT (8:30 PM in your time zone) @passivenovember will reveal their work and pass the baton to raven-cl ༶ On April 12th, at 10:30 PM EDT (9:30 PM in your time zone) @raven-cl will reveal their work and pass the baton to diandbon ༶ On April 12th, at 11:30 PM EDT (9:30 PM in your time zone) @diandbon will reveal their work and pass the baton to strangerthngs4life
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༶ On April 13th, at 1:00 AM EDT ( 10:00 PM in your time zone ), @strangerthngs4life will reveal their work and pass the baton to akichania ༶ On April 13th, at 2:00 AM EDT ( 8:00 AM in your time zone ), @akichania will reveal their work and pass the baton to ihni ༶ On April 13th, at 3:00 AM EDT ( 9:00 AM in your time zone ), @ihni will reveal their work and pass the baton to spaceofentropy ༶ On April 13th, at 4:00 AM EDT ( 9:00 AM in your time zone ), @spaceofentropy will reveal their work and pass the baton to Liverditty ༶ On April 13th, at 5:00 AM EDT ( 11:00 AM in your time zone ), @liverditty will reveal their work and pass the baton to kallisto-k ༶ On April 13th, at 6:30 AM EDT ( 12.:30 PM in your time zone ), @kallisto-k will reveal their work and pass the baton to kuroubojin ༶ On April 13th, at 7:30 AM EDT ( 8:30 AM in your time zone ), @kuroubojin will reveal their work and pass the baton to thissortofsorcery ༶ On April 13th, at 9:00 AM EDT ( 10:00 AM in your time zone ), @thissortofsorcery will reveal their work and pass the baton to billysblueeyes ༶ On April 13th, at 10:00 AM EDT ( 9:00 AM in your time zone ), @billysblueeyes will reveal their work and pass the baton to bigdumbbambieyes ༶ On April 13th, at 11:30 AM EDT ( 10:30 AM in your time zone ), @bigdumbbambieyes will reveal their work and pass the baton to fizzigigsimmer ༶ On April 13th, at 1:00 PM EDT ( 12:00 PM in your time zone ), @fizzigigsimmer will reveal their work and pass the baton to robthegoodfellow ༶ On April 13th, at 2:30 PM EDT ( 2:30 PM in your time zone ), @robthegoodfellow will reveal their work and pass the baton to nerodmcdevilslayer ༶ On April 13th, at 4:00 PM EDT ( 4:00 PM in your time zone ), @nerodmcdevilslayer will reveal their work and pass the baton to avalonlights ༶ On April 13th, at 5:30 PM EDT ( 5:30 PM in your time zone ), @avalonlights will reveal their work and pass the baton to desperate-not-serious ༶ On April 13th, at 7:00 PM EDT ( 7:00 PM in your time zone ), @desperate-not-serious will reveal their work and pass the baton to ariesbilly ༶ On April 13th, at 8:00 PM EDT ( 8:00 PM in your time zone ), @ariesbilly will reveal their work and pass the baton to chrisbitchtree ༶ On April 13th, at 9:00 PM EDT ( 9:00 PM in your time zone ), @chrisbitchtree will reveal their work and pass the baton to oopsiedaisiesbaby ༶ On April 13th, at 10:00 PM EDT ( 9:00 PM in your time zone ), @oopsiedaisiesbaby will reveal their work and pass the baton to imsodishy ༶ On April 13th, at 11:00 PM EDT ( 8:00 PM in your time zone ), @imsodishy will reveal their work and pass the baton to californiaboytoybilly ༶ On April 14th, at 12:00 AM EDT ( 9:00 PM in your time zone ), @californiaboytoybilly will reveal their work and conclude the relay race!
For the privacy of participants, the time zone names were not revealed publicly. 
Please like, reblog and/or reply to acknowledge that you have seen the timetable ♡
🔗 Participant FAQs | Sample Post | How to schedule a post
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shieldofiron · 6 months
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Steve's dream come true!
Thanks @passivenovember for agreeing to be Billy
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neonponders · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove's Daughter Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Kindergarten & Pre-school, Kindergarten, Kindergarten Teacher Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Protective Billy Hargrove, Soft Billy Hargrove, Overprotective Billy Hargrove, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Classroom Twelve attracts helicopter parents, and Billy Hargrove is not the exception. In fact, he's the rule. Probably the worst Steve has seen.
It's going to be a long year.
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passivenovember · 2 years
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twenty five! I can’t decide if I’m coming out of my flop era or if I’m just now entering
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weird-an · 8 months
Last sentence tag game (not matter if fanfic/fandom or original work). I got tagged by @sanguine-tenshi @dragonflylady77 @lorifragolina. Thank you,guys! <3
Post your last sentence, then tag as many people as there are words.
"His gut tells him Cherry Lane hides something ugly behind its door - and Jim already met it."
I'm not tagging that many people, only a few, because I'm lazy right now. Tagging, without any pressure but with hugs: @ihni @bigdumbbambieyes @thissortofsorcery @aeon-of-neon @chrisbitchtree @callieb @suometar @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @passivenovember @strangerqueerthings
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raven-cl · 2 months
🐎 thanks for the handover @passivenovember !! back for the second round of the @harringrove-relay-race and here's my contribution !! 🐎
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Passing the baton off next to the wonderful @diandbon !!
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i am no artist…and i forgot to badly photoshop a header…so take this even worse piece of scribble art instead. hope it makes you laugh :,)
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2023 HHE Masterlist
See You At The Bitter End by Antarc ( @rascheln ) - 1,358 words - for Starkstruck27 ( @starkstruck27 )
A Cortado (and a Muffin) by DragonsIre ( @kallisto-k )- 4,946 words - for hmg621 ( @hmg621 )
Three's the Magic Number (Or Five Times Billy, Steve and Eddie Were Idiots and One Time They Weren't) by Softhargrove ( @chrisbitchtree )- 6,005 words - for Finney13 ( @camaro-and-smokes )
night shift by nervoussis ( @passivenovember ) - 15,508 words - for Catharrington ( @catharrington )
All In The Hands by Carerra_os ( @jellyfishloveletterghosts ) - 6,181 words - for TheMadcapLaughs ( @lorifragolina )
Tender Touches by MerthurAllure(Kirbymatsu) ( @apple-juice-dreams ) - 1,452 words - for Hippiebuckyharrington ( @hippiebuckyharrington )
Treacherous by mourntheantagonist ( @mourntheantagonist ) - 4,098 words - for avalonlights ( @avalonlights )
Home is with You by Deathinasmalltown ( @billysblueeyes ) - 6,787 words - for DragonsIre ( @kallisto-k )
Are you awake, Sunshine? by Catharrington ( @catharrington ) - 1,654 words
When I’m Not So Alone by shantytown_bourgeoisie ( @sh1tbird-shantytown ) - 7,077 words - for Antarc ( @rascheln )
What happens in the shed, Stays there by Dovesadumass - 2,193 words - for shantytown_bourgeoisie ( @sh1tbird-shantytown )
And Since We’ve No Place to Go by Hippiebuckyharrington ( @hippiebuckyharrington ) - 9,799 words - for Softgrove ( @chrisbitchtree )
Lay down this armor by Medusapelagia ( @medusapelagia ) - 13,853 words - for Yikes_Writes ( @yikesharringrove )
sunset by avalonlights ( @avalonlights ) - art - for boltedfruit ( @boltedfruit )
Little Siren by Finney13 ( @camaro-and-smokes ) - 9,516 words - for Medusapelagia ( @medusapelagia )
Under The Mistletoe by Destroya_Destroya ( @destroya-hargrove ) - 2,120 words - for Deathinasmalltown ( @billysblueeyes )
Santa Baby (I’ll Wait Up for You, Dear) by Starkstruck27 ( @starkstruck27 ) - 6,968 words - for Kirbymatsu ( @apple-juice-dreams )
Have I Got the Person for You by hmg621 ( @hmg621 ) - 2,491 words - for Carerra_os ( @jellyfishloveletterghosts )
Problem Number Three by Yikes_Writes ( @yikesharringrove ) - 3,235 words - for Dovesadumass
Home by boltedfruit ( @boltedfruit ) - 1,521 words - for Destroya_Destroya ( @destroya-hargrove )
The fair by TheMadcapLaughs ( @lorifragolina ) - 3,980 words - for nervoussis ( @passivenovember )
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bigbangharringrove · 3 months
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Week 4 Wrap-Up (2/19-2/25)
It is officially posting month for this event, and some amazing creations have already been posted! Every week we'll be doing a round-up of every post so you don't miss anything. Also, be sure to check out the Ao3 collection here.
In the Water, With You - Fic by @azrielgreen & Art by @lemonhitsu
Let it Happen -Fic by @Romeren & Art by @applewillowstone and Art by @lemonhitsu
Highway Star - Fic by @discodeviant & Art by @cuepickle
An Affinity for Dead Things - Fic by @spaceofentropy & Art by @raven-cl and Art by @bigolemantiddies
Yuck - Fic by @passivenovember & Art by @imsodishy
He Who Holds the Devil - Fic by @fizzigigsimmer & Art by @alicetallula & @sketchy-scribs-n-doods
The Burrowing Kind - Fic by @.deathstranded
Squeeze your hands (around my bleeding heart) - Fic by @billysblueeyes & Art by @alicetallula & Art by @alicetallulaafterdark & Art by @dreaminginpencil
standing in the doorway - Fic by @whenyouwishuponastar7 & Art 1 // Art 2 by @applewillowstone
An Affinity for Dead Things - Art by @.Raven_Cruel
He Who Holds the Devil - Art1 and Art2 by @.ATallula03
Squeeze your hands (around my bleeding heart) - Art by @.ATallula03 and Art by @.ATallula03nsfw
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