#partly because ​i woke up late and got to lab late and was confused. and there's bad news in the world
gillianthecat · 2 months
Why does science keep trying to gaslight me??? The cathode is NOT the negative electrode in an electrolytic cell, the electrons are still flowing towards it! It's, by definition, still reduction, so electrons have to move towards it and it is therefore a positive electrode. It's attached to the negative terminal of the power source, yes, but that doesn't make the cathode electrode itself negative! I felt like I was losing my mind.
I guess they call the whole section between power source terminal and electrode the "cathode"? And name it based on the battery side? Which is fine, whatever, I'm sure there are valid historical reasons for those naming conventions, but you've got to explain that that's what's happening! Because just saying "negative electrode (cathode)" contradicts everything taught before and makes students (me) feel like we don't understand any of it.
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shychick-52 · 1 year
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Gyro: "You. What do you think you're doing here? Shouldn't you be Gizmoducking around out there?"
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Gyro: "Hmm!" *approving smile and nod* (deliberately as Fenton's back is turned, where he can't see Gyro's rare show of approval)
In the episode 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee', I always found it really interesting how Gyro went from merely confused and only mildly irritated (at discovering Fenton's random presence in the lab so late) to not only actually curious about what he was working on, but also genuinely pleased/approving... considering this was right after regaining consciousness and managing to escape from the closet he was trapped in following the shitty night he had: finding himself locked up by an unseen assailant (at the time, he likely didn't know it was Huey and Webby- who were helping organize Fenton's date- who locked him in when he was presumably already inside), then overhearing an intruder collaborate on the phone with someone about their plan to invade the lab (Gandra to Mark Beaks), and then suddenly getting electrocuted into unconscious to shut him up from alerting anyone (namely Manny and Lil Bulb, who had originally been the only other ones in the lab; he'd yelled out from inside the closet "You imbeciles! It's a trap! They're trapping us!") and locked back up!
Given the context, Gyro's calm reactions to Fenton really say he cared about him much more than he always let on! Because right after the horrible night he had, the sheer confusion of suddenly finding Fenton in the lab after-hours should've just added to his high-level emotions! But it's like as soon as he saw Fenton, he seemed to just forget or ignore everything that went down! When he demanded to know what Fenton was doing in the lab when he would normally be 'Gizmoducking' at night, he didn't even go on a rant to him about what happened (obviously unaware at the time that Fenton knew very well- and was partly responsible for- everything, except for Gyro being knocked out); you'd think he would've been all "I got locked up when my back was turned, overheard the plotting of spies, got electrocuted, then woke up and escaped to just find you here at this hour like nothing happened? WHAT IS GOING ON? Where was Gizmoduck when I needed him for once??" You'd think he wouldn't have been in any mood to be curious about whatever Fenton was working on, let alone pleased with it... XD
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Gyro: "What happened here?!" *end of episode*
Of course, Gyro reacted with appropriate horror and outrage immediately afterwards, upon seeing the utterly ruined state of his lab (from Mega-Beaks). I'm sure seeing the destruction immediately reminded him that his lab had taken over by spies, which- like I said- he'd overheard right before getting knocked out.
Fenton had a LOT of explaining to do. But the point is, Gyro's mild reaction to suddenly seeing Fenton after everything and the fact that Fenton apparently wasn't fired afterwards just says how much Gyro actually cared about or respected him if he was willing to overlook it (whether Fenton lied and said the destruction was from a lab accident or if he actually broke down and told the truth about how his selfish, irresponsible actions led to Gyro getting locked up and the lab getting destroyed).
And it's my headcanon Fenton did tell him everything because he's a terrible liar, probably felt super guilty, and knew he owed Gyro the truth.
(In this post, I analyze that there might've been more to Gyro's words to Fenton in that scene than he implied)
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thesoundofnat · 5 years
Still fixing all the cracks
Summary: When May reappears after the snap, it’s in front of a moving car. She survives, but needs to stay at the hospital for a while. Where else is Peter supposed to go but to stay with Pepper, Tony and Morgan?
A/N: I turned an angsty prompt from @insane-sociopath slightly less angsty by having May (and Tony!) survive. I hope you like it!
Warnings: Endgame spoilers, nightmares, hints at trauma and PTSD.
Words: 2 100
Tony had known May Parker had vanished after the first snap, and as awful as it sounded he’d been grateful for it. The pain he’d been feeling after Peter had turned to dust, disappeared right in front of him, had almost broken him. He couldn’t imagine how May would’ve felt, losing someone who was her own flesh and blood. If he was to lose Morgan now he was certain he’d go insane.
Not that his love for Peter was any less because of their lack of a blood relation. He would still kill and die for that kid.
Point was, he was grateful May hadn’t had to go through it. It hadn’t been fun.
“Mr Stark?”
Waking up at the hospital, a model of a prosthetic arm on a table across from him courtesy of Bruce, had been jarring. Partly due to the pain and the drugs, but he’d been so sure he was hallucinating Peter being back for the first couple of days that he’d hated his brain for doing that to him.
“How am I alive?” had been his first sentence. The second a demand to see Pepper and Morgan, even though Pepper had been sitting next to him, her trembling hand holding his own. Only something like this could’ve turned Tony Stark into a confused mess, Rhodey had joked, his eyes wet.
“Mr Stark?”
Tony’s body had barely been in any shape to keep his heart going. They all called him a miracle. A once in an existence type of survival.
“I did it for you, you know,” Tony had said to no one in particular, because truly it didn’t matter. It hadn’t mattered and it would never matter.
“I’m so mad at you,” Pepper had said one evening or morning or midafternoon (Tony hadn’t been keeping track). “You could’ve died.”
Tony had smiled, or at least had tried to smile. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“The worst part is that, if you hadn’t done it, you would’ve lived with that regret for the rest of your life.”
“I can’t seem to calm down, can I?”
Pepper had stroked his face. “I’m sure you’ll be calm now.”
“Mr Stark?”
Peter - the actual real life alive Peter - must’ve said his name at least three times before he’d realized. Tony focused his gaze on him; took in the tears streaming down his face. “Shit, Pete-”
“It’s nothing bad!” Peter said, sniffling, panicked, voice too loud in the quiet hospital room. “It’s just… well, Aunt May reappeared and-”
Shit, shit, shit.
“An accident and-”
How the hell could life take away the last blood relative that precious kid had?
“She’ll be out in a couple of weeks and-”
“Wait, hold on, back up.”
Apparently May had vanished into dust in the car and reappeared in front of another one, breaking several bones as Earth had welcomed her back. Typical. She’d be fine, but she was going into surgery and wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital for a while.
“I don’t know why I’m such a mess,” Peter said, still his rambly self, after everything.
Tony, only days into his new life post snap, blinked at him. It was, unfortunately, all he managed before the drugs knocked him out again.
When he woke Pepper had made a decision for all of them.
“He’s staying with us until his aunt is back on her feet,” she said. Tony didn’t protest. Why would he?
“I could just crash at Ned’s,” Peter said for the hundredth time, but Pepper shushed him. Tony could tell she’d handle teenage Morgan with no trouble.
By the time Tony got to go home, Peter had been staying there for two weeks already. May’s condition, though not entirely life threatening, had been worse than they’d thought. Peter tried to not let it show how worried he was, for some reason, but it was all but written on his face. Tony, weak and constantly exhausted, felt so helpless he nearly cried.
“I like him,” Morgan said, the two of them alone in Tony’s bedroom, just about avoiding spilling the juice of their melting popsicles onto the bed sheets.
“He’s nice, eh?”
“Very. He makes me laugh.”
“Ah, a comedian. Maybe I just never appreciated his weird gen Z humor.”
Morgan didn’t provide his to her strange remark with any response. Tony had to resist the urge to wrap her in his arms every other minute. As close as they were, he was sure she’d start getting annoyed at him eventually.
He had no idea how much she knew. How close he and the world had been to being entirely ruined. He prayed to god she had no clue, but she was smarter than any kid he’d met (and to be fair, than some adults as well).
If she knew, she hadn’t told him.
“What do you think about him staying with us?” Tony asked her, attempting to sound casual.
“I think it’s fun.”
“But do you miss it just being us?”
“A little,” she said, swallowing the last of her ice cream. “But it’s okay. I like him and he needs us. That’s what mommy said.”
“Mommy’s right, you know.”
“She says he’s like your son.”
Tony doubted Pepper had worded it like that, but he tilted his head anyway. “I care about him.”
“Why did he never come visit before?”
“He was away, for a bit.” Tony smiled, ignoring the sudden rush of emotions. “I’m happy you finally got to meet him.”
“Mr Stark, you have a daughter.”
“Yes, Pete, we’ve established that.”
Morgan’s feeling toward Peter were nothing compared to Peter’s delight and utter surprise at Tony having put a child into the world (or well - Pepper). Every so often, usually after Tony and Morgan had interacted in any way, Peter would repeat these words. Tony wasn’t sure if he should be offended at the awed tone or not.
“How was it?”
“How was what?”
“When she was being born?”
“Uh, I’m pretty sure you’re asking the wrong parent here.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “I mean, how were you feeling?”
Tony shrugged. “I was a complete mess, to be honest. Crying and laughing and pacing all over the place. When I first got to see her-” He broke off, clearing his throat. “It was the best moment of my life.”
Peter’s smile could light up the whole goddamn world. “I wish I had been there.”
Tony reached for him, pulling him into a half-hug. “Me too, kid. Me too.”
“But I’m here now, and I’m gonna be the best- uh.”
“What were you about to say?”
Peter had turned red. “I was gonna say big brother, but I felt like- well, I didn’t want to-”
“Of course you’re her big brother, you nerd.”
Tony snorted. “Well, she did call you my son.”
“Did you correct her?”
This time Peter’s beaming face was turned downward, bashful.
Tony ruffled his hair. “Come on. Let’s go make the queens of the house some dinner, shall we?”
The weeks of Peter’s stay had some dark moments, mostly consisting of Tony’s body not cooperating or Pepper’s heart breaking all over again if she remembered almost losing him or Tony thinking of the moment Peter turned to dust, over and over. It was sleepless nights and trips to the hospital for check ups and visits and all the while Peter feeling guilty for enjoying his stay when his aunt was alone in an empty room.
“You’re there about 90% of your days,” Tony told him. “She doesn’t expect you to do more. In fact, I think she’d kick both your ass and mine if I allowed you to sleep in those torture devices to chairs.”
Tony went to visit her without Peter at times, when he was in school. They didn’t say much because it wasn’t needed.
“I’m sorry you had to spend five years without him,” May said one day, her hand gripping Tony’s perpetually trembling one. The prosthetic one was steady.
“We fixed it,” he said, voice hoarse and slightly too quiet.
“I’m so glad you did.”
“We lost some along the way,” he added, his mind on Natasha, as it often was.
May gave his hand a squeeze. They didn’t speak again for a while.
Having a teenage superhero in the house meant helping them with - and forcing them to do -  homework and making them promise to not be out to late and “no, Pete, Spider-Man isn’t needed tonight.” Maybe he was being hypocritical, but at least he could laugh at each look Pepper shot him whenever he reprimanded Peter for things he’d probably done himself.
It also meant running into him when they were both wandering the house in their sleepless states, both confused, both feeling too much with no relief in sight. Tony had been surprised seeing Peter the first night, but, despite his saying he had nothing to make him feel like this really because the snap hadn’t lasted five years for him, Tony couldn’t blame him.
“I’m sure it was traumatic in ways you can’t explain,” Tony said, remembering the hysteria just before he vanished. “And to be fair, the whole goddamn battle was a mess. I’d be worried if you weren’t having trouble sleeping, as much as I wish you didn’t.”
“Does it hurt a lot?” Peter asked then, eyes on Tony’s trembling arm.
“This? Nah. It’s just my body not being as strong anymore. It’s getting better.” Tony hadn’t told any of them of the times he’d entered his lab trying to create something only for him to scream in frustration and not go back in days. His prosthetic arm was working just fine, but the rest of him, parts he’d gotten so used to using whenever he built or tinkered around, were still recovering. That was what Tony said, at least. No one had promised him his old body back. He reckoned he couldn’t really expect them to lie so awfully to him.
“I’ve never been as scared as I was when I saw you sitting there, arm practically crumbling-” Peter cut himself off. “Sorry. Jesus. You probably don’t wanna hear about that.”
“No, no, it’s okay. Talk.”
“I can’t.”
Tony understood.
Some nights, Morgan found them, blinking up at them in the light of the kitchen, confused. “Daddy?”
“Hey, pumpkin, why aren’t you in bed?”
“Why aren’t you?”
And Peter would grin, whenever the tiny little four year old would be smart with her genius father. Tony’s heart was never as full as it was in those moments.
And then, it was over. May, recovered, got to go home and bring Peter with her. They all knew it had been coming.
“You’re sad, aren’t you?” Pepper said the first night without him.
Tony nodded. “A bit. It’s silly.”
“It’s not.”
“Maybe not.”
“You can visit him this time, you know.”
Tony laughed, so loudly he must’ve startled Morgan, wherever she was in the house. “I know.”
“I’m gonna miss having him in the house,” Pepper said. “It wasn’t the same being in the Tower or the Compound. People feel so much closer here.”
“It’s because this is a normal house, which apparently is what normal people live in.”
Pepper laughed. “Domesticity suits you.”
“I try.”
“I know.”
She always did.
“How are you?” Peter asked a couple of weeks later. They hadn’t seen each other since he’d gone back home.
“Me? Doing better. How’s May?”
“She’s doing much better.”
“And how are you?”
Peter didn’t reply immediately, eyes finding the street they were walking next to. “I’m doing all right, mostly.”
“No new nightmares.”
“But old ones?”
“Always the same ones.”
“I know the feeling.”
If Tony could take all of Peter’s pain and trauma, he would, but he knew that wasn’t possible, so he did the next best thing.
“Let’s grab some ice cream. I think that daughter of mine has made me addicted to that stuff.”
Peter laughed. “I miss her.”
“Well, then I think it’s about time you come visit her, hm?”
“Just say when and I’ll be there.”
“No need. You can show up whenever you want, as long as it isn’t in the middle of the night. Unless it’s an emergency, of course.”
“You say that now, but I bet you’ll raise an eyebrow at me when I walk in on your date with Pepper.”
“As if we won’t have enlisted you to babysit Morgan to begin with.”
“Happy won’t be happy. Hah, that was unintentional.”
“Happy will have to learn to share his duties.”
They were gonna be okay.
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