#parent mention
corink · 5 months
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RIP Bo Burnham
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menlove · 8 months
I've been thinking a lot abt the ways in which society doesn't prepare people for parenthood lately
mostly bc I am 24 and my dad was 21 when I was born and my mom was 25 so I am right in that age range and I cannot stop thinking about how young they were, especially my father. because it is absolutely no excuse but I can't help thinking about what it would be like to have a 3 year old right now and how hard it would be. and I've gone through more therapy than he ever did and done so much more self reflection than him.
and I'm really very glad our generation is having less children and having them when they're older and like I said it's no excuse but... I can't help but feel sad for the ways society fucks over young parents and their children
no one ever taught my father how to be a parent and the world pushed him to be one when he was still too young to know who he was or how to Be a person. my mother was barely 18 when she had my oldest sister. she was still a child herself and didn't know what being an adult was, let alone how to be a mother...
like I keep thinking about how some of my most Traumatic memories of my father would have only happened when he was 29-31 and that's the age of my friends. that's almost my age. and none of us know ourselves at all, let alone how on earth to have been raising a family
I don't think that people shouldn't have kids and I think young parents can be really great but... idk. sometimes I remember that our parents just felt like children playing house. and my heart hurts a bit for the little girl and little boy that still existed and got eaten up by traumatized, scared, and selfish people
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blackholemojis · 2 months
Could you maybe do a wordmoji that says, "This is why mom doesn't love you" (/nf ofc)
It's a joke between me and my platonic partner :]
I made a wavy version too, so hopefully it reads as more jokey? Anyway RIP vine, lol
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[ID: “this is why mom doesn’t love you,” first in light mode friendly text, then in dark mode friendly text. /End ID]
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[ID: the same text, first in light mode and then in dark, but the writing is edited to look wavy. /End ID]
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People "blaming their parents for their trauma" are fucking right and I am so fucking angry that the dismissal of that is a thing that exists.
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I am a robot in my system and i think having npd makes total sense. I also think our flower is pretty and the low empathy/no empathy community here is just lovely. Your npd robot parent is proud of you. Have a self obsessed day.
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sandpapersnowman · 14 days
my dad will send me a racist meme and then when I tell him it's racist he'll be like "no it's not, because I'm not a racist"
and I'll be like "okay then can you examine for me why you're so threatened by *checks the link he sent me about woke culture destroying art* the black samurai being in the next assassin's creed?"
and then he'll stop talking to me for a few days
and then pick up conversation again with another racist meme
and we just go in circles from there dude
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coolerdracula · 7 months
everyone whose parents were below 40 when they had them and also are less than 5 years apart I will see you in the pit
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cryptidsandchamomile · 8 months
I will literally never know which horrific memories are actually true or not cause of the constant lies and gaslighting I've dealt with throughout my youth.
I will never know if I'm being fair or not and I'll never know if my feelings are valid and that I have reason for being so uncomfortable around my mother. It's exactly how she wants me to feel, so she has more control and I can't do anything about it cause I'll never get a straight answer from her
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dudefrommywesterns · 4 months
it's bizarre to me that i, 22, a grown adult capable of knowing what i want in my life, older than both of my parents when they first had kids, can say "i'm not having children ever"
and my parents will say "oh (birth name)'s going to have a lot of kids"
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Oh I feel so bad for the sweet babe. :(( But if it makes nonnie feel better, many of us usually make up our lack of friend groups in other ways. For example, I have my therapist and my queerplatonic partner for one. I also talk to my Mama and Daddy a lot. Many of us have very strong support systems! 💪💪💪 They just usually aren't compiled up of friends.
. Yeah, I'm also just adding that aplatonics and/or nonfriending people do not have to 'make up for' not wanting friends/ friend groups - it's important to me that people not see my orientation as something I have to 'make up for'. And additionally I believe support systems should not be just affinity based social relationships because that support is not usually unconditional and this leaves people who aren't in social relationships abandoned (i.e. people should be given support if they need it not just bc someone likes them).
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ama-ships · 3 days
Last night was rough. Didn't fall asleep til roughly 5am cause my mom went to the hospital yesterday and didn't get home til 3am. I thought she was sleeping up until my dad got up and told me where she went, so of course I went into worry mode and couldn't wind down til after she got home.
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dddemigirl · 1 month
My mom found a lump in her breast today because it was itching. She said when she had breast cancer when I was a kid it itched too. She has a mammogram in a few weeks at least. I already feel sick with worry. Yeah I’m not close to my mom like I once was but I am embarrassingly completely dependent on her. I’m still unemployed. Still trying to get a job through vocational rehab but they’re likely not gonna see me until June and my mom keeps asking me about a job. I haven’t told her how busy these people are. I’m almost 30 (28) and I have nothing to be proud of about myself. I only finished college because of my mom’s help. She really shouldn’t have helped at all. Most parents stop helping their kids when they’re adults, you know? My problem is that my mom did everything for me while I was growing up because she’s just like that and I was a disabled kid so I needed extra help anyway. Now I’m an adult and I don’t know how to do shit. I’m usually in my room being a recluse with my girlfriend because she’s too easy on us and didn’t kick us out because we didn’t have jobs. Now Wren has a part time job but it sucks and she’s trying to get a different one. She hasn’t gotten paid yet. We could really use that money because I’m tired of owing my mom. I’m the biggest I’ve ever been. I don’t think I’m overweight but I definitely look different, like in my face. I hate it. I want to change my entire life around but I’m too lazy and scared to do it. I hate that. I hate that I’m like this. I want to get better but I never have. I’ve never been proud of myself. I’ve never been happy with myself. I feel like I’ll never be someone important.
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arinakaard · 3 months
my mother acts like im the stupidest most incapable person on the planet whenever i mess something up (got something confused in my insurance) and is all hOW ArE U GoNnA SuRViVe On uR OwN like you wonder why i never tell you stuff
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butchdyke · 5 months
talking to my mom about tattoos is so funny cause she fully thinks that every tattoo takes like. 8 hours. no matter what
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inner-space-oddity · 7 months
I watched Everything Everywhere All At Once the other night
It was not what I expected because it somehow slipped mind that it's supposed to have comedy in it
But it was good. Ended the movie in tears :,)
Movies about child/parent relationships are so important to me. How can you be a good child? How can you be a good parent? How is it fair that you can fail even when you're doing your best?
Movies like this one, Inside Out, and Turning Red do so well in showing that growing up is hard and growing away from your parents is hard and even despite this, your parents are proud of you and they love you and they will tear apart the multiverse to show you that.
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coolerdracula · 1 year
every time I eat watermelon I think of my mothers funeral where they read a note she wrote about heaven and eating watermelon and strawberry shortcake and how the day after the service someone brought strawberries and cream and shortcake home and everyone silently ate them without acknowledging why they were set out on the counter and I start to think about other things but I stop because I'm still holding a piece of watermelon and it suddenly feels important to focus on it and savor the joy of a simple fruit in the summer. goodnight
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