#papa louie avidra
soulsoffairlight · 1 month
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Original intention: to simply put a full body drawing of my au radley design on paper
The outcome: whatever the fuck happened here. I liked the pose too much I couldn't go without rendering it and slapping together a shitty background using ibis paint materials
*throws this to you guys like pigeons* enjoy
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soulsoffairlight · 1 month
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"I miss you, I'm not gonna crack..."
Half comic style practice, half backstory stuff for my AU. Maybe one day I will be comfortable sharing it publicly. But for now, have this. It was gonna go on priv but I put too much effort.
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soulsoffairlight · 8 days
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Making some more au shit and this one is absolutely crazy
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soulsoffairlight · 2 days
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I was dreading finishing it because I have no idea what people are gonna think about this pairing that started out as a joke but I eventually grew to love
It only works in my au tbh LMAOO
16 hours, 94 layers, ¾ of my sanity gone
Also subtle lore drops for the au
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soulsoffairlight · 1 month
I love your Radley fanarts! What's the au about?
I'm so happy to see that people are interested in my au!!!
I haven't developed it fully, but I can give you what I have so far!!
Warning: yapfest ahead
Note: this is like, a draft of the backstory ig? So it's not done, it may not fit canon much, and characters like Sarge and the baddies aren't present yet
Tl;dr: radley but he's more biology science oriented than tech science oriented and adopted radlynn ig?
I should start off by introducing the general au itself. 'Avidra' is a large worldbuilding/multifandom AU project I've had for years on end, and the project itself is far too bit to explain fully 😭, but one of the main catches is that there is a race of shapeshifter living amongst humans in the au known as 'Tierkno' (TYAIR - knah). In addition, Avidra is the 'singular universe,' where gods from all over the multiverse came together to rule one world after the brain-death of one all-powerful God who left an empty universe behind. As far as Radley and Radlynn go in the flipline section of the AU, that's just about all the Avidra context you need.
In this au, Radley was only one of a group of 'superior Radishes,' aka his family. What set these Radishes out from the rest is that they held a mutation that allowed them to carry cambiregen (essentially the hormone that allows Tierkno to shapeshift), allowing them to take on a humanoid appearance and gain human intelligence, unlike their 'wild' counterparts, the radish enemies we see in the games.
These Radishes, living on one of Avidra's moons known as Calyx, fought fiercely with the headworld of Avidra in an attempt to overthrow them and restart the universe completely from scratch. They believed that if they could wipe out Avidra and return to it to its initial state of vast emptiness, they could build what they believed to be the 'optimal universe.'
However, in order to protect Avidra from this mass destruction (threatened by the technology these Radishes had), the head goddess of Avidra, named Oblivion, sent a mass freeze to the moon of Calyx... wiping out the 'superior Radishes' in the process... all except for one.
And that was Radley.
Everything was gone, it seemed. He felt lost and aimless, having nothing to refer to that could help him pick up again ... and he thought he lost all hope. That was, until, he found one of Oblivion's feathers that had been dropped. He quickly found out that this feather gave him the ability to open a portal to Avidra itself... and that there pretty much saved his entire life. With this, he could find a way to thaw the thick layer of ice that had frozen over the underground lab that the Radishes used. And at the time, that was his only priority.
He was able to safely shelter himself in the lab, and read up on the resources left behind. And as that happened, the freeze finally came to an end. The other creatures the Radishes had shared the moon with began to restore, and it made Radley wonder. What was life like in Avidra?
He quickly designed himself a disguise to blend in so he could make way to Avidra again, this time to observe the life that was there, taking some specimens home as well. He saw the plants there that just sat in the ground, seemingly lifeless... and it made him think about his family's original goal. If the plants were so... lifeless here, unlike himself and his smaller counterparts... then something must be wrong.
Radley's knowledge of life on Avidra grew increasingly complete. He was able to teach himself how to read... and at rapid rates as well due to his nature as a plant. He studied all sorts of specimen he could find, mostly insects, reptiles, and these... lifeless plants. He learned that his ability to 'see' was not what sight truly was at all, and that he relied on a combination of gravitropism, phototropism, and sometimes tactile methods (using roots) to observe his surroundings. And that was when he realized that just maybe the answer to his fallen family's goal was hidden in Avidra's life. So many species with so many abilities... maybe he just needed to find a way to gain these abilities. And with the resources left behind, he was able to pick up the pieces and do just that.
Using a method that was sort of slow yet extremely effective, Radley began to apply the DnA of some species he found to himself. He took some plants he found thriving in caves without any light and took some of their traits, and he found that he could photosynthesize without any light. He then found some ants and took their traits, later finding himself able to lift extremely heavy objects with ease. Finally, he found a lizard and took its traits, and he grew sharper teeth and claws, alongside a long, vine-like tail similar to the leaves on his head. It was then that he knew what he was called to do: become the 'ideal organism' and take over Avidra, just like the Radishes intended.
As he started to move toward human and Tierkno civilizations for observations, he noticed that they had a much easier time performing close combat... meanwhile, he could only really fight from a range, as his poor vision didn't allow for much. Then he saw Tierkno... and he knew they were perfect. If he could get one in his possession, apply his own DnA to them, thus passing all his mutated abilities in the process, he could have someone to assist him in not only close attacks when needed with access to the abilities he already has, but to blend in with the rest.
He continued to watch silently from afar, until one day he spotted a blind, seemingly tierkno, 9-year-old girl named Aster sitting next to some crates containing specimens he was trying to take back home with him. And he thought that was a perfect opportunity. If he just cured this girl's blindness, he'd gain her trust like the flip of a switch... and he could go through with his plan. He had already been doing research on how to care for tierkno.
He approached Aster, and he told her that if she could just sit and guard the crates for just a few more hours, he'd cure her blindness. The girl, whose life had seemingly crumbled apart since she became blind, took on the request without question. Soon, Radley took the tierkno back to Calyx to give her what he promised... and to take her under his wing. As Aster vanished, her brother, Zak, noticed near immediately.
Radley did end up curing her blindness with a method he'd found in the resources his family had left behind. And Aster was overjoyed. She became extremely loyal to him, and he felt some sort of connection to her... a familiar one. And so he adopted her, and together they agreed that her name from then on would be Radlynn.
Radley raised Radlynn, educating her and caring for her the best as he possibly could. But one day, when Radlynn accidentally cut her arm on a sharp rock, leaving a deep gash and didn't notice, Radley realized that there was a side effect to this method he didn't consider. Testing his theories, he took her in to stitch up the wounds without any form of numbing or something of the likes. While she was really scared about it, she... wasn't feeling any pain. This was pretty dangerous for her... but at the same time, it would make his plans significantly easier. He figured that if he watched her very closely to make sure she didn't get hurt, he could keep her safe while still keeping that side effect.
From that point on, the plan began to unfold. It began with some smaller experiments to slowly funnel into the main one-- Radlynn was scared, but not unwilling. It started with him applying small genetic samples of a certain Tierkno species he had managed to get his hands on, and she grew scenting glands on her neck and arms that she could use to recreate just about any scent-- a unique ability of this species that had piqued his interest. He was fascinated. He trained her to control it.
His next experiment was definitely more stressful for Radlynn-- but again, she was determined to push through for him. He replaced her left forearm with a false one-- something left behind by his family. It could easily be disguised as a real one and functioned just like one, even being able to experience touch, except it was bionic and had extremely sharp claws. Radlynn adapted quickly and was even able to teach herself some interesting strategies with it, something he was very impressed by.
Everything seemed to be going well until the main experiment finally took place. When he applied his own DnA to give her a radish form, it worked... to extents beyond his intentions. The cambiregen (reminder: tierkno hormones giving them ability to shapeshift) had combined with this DnA aggressively, and he accidentally created a reckless, 10-foot-tall beast that tried to attack him. He was quick to corner her, but he still started to panic. But then he got an idea. He was able to gain control over the beast by tricking it into falling into obedience any time he said the name "Aster" to it. And it worked. He had turned a dangerous mistake around to his favor. He spent weeks training Radlynn and her new form, and everything was going just as planned.
Hearing of a group of people that had a life force surplus that he could take advantage of (Papa louie and em), he set that as his first target. He sent Radlynn to capture Papa Louie and his customers+workers, and she was a fierce fighter. She managed to capture every single one... except for three. That was Ember, Olivia, and Hacky Zak (her brother). These 3 had unique abilities that allowed them to resist capture, for they were Monster (yes, msm) tierkno. Olivia, the Humbug tierkno, could simply zip into another dimension to escape, and she could pull Hacky into one as well regardless of where he was due to some sort of mind link. Meanwhile, Ember was some sort of Fire monster (not a tierkno, just straight up monater) similar to a Candelavra made of wax that could reach temperatures of up to 3,000+ °F giving that conditions could allowed, and she could take the shape of practically anything (she had decided to take on a human form and use her resistance to fire to help save people.) And so, these 3, having an ability to communicate through a dimension only accessible by Monsters, teamed up to rescue everyone... including Radlynn.
Olivia and Ember had a rough time trying to simply free everyone, much less get to Radley.. because of Radlynn. She was a fierce fighter with overwhelming indurance and a bold attitude that refused to step down.
But when Hacky came about, everything changed. Memories of the life she had left behind had hit her like a train wreck. She hadn't seen him in years. She was 9 when she last saw him ... and she had just turned 19. 10 whole years.
The three were able to contain Radlynn as they freed everyone and eventually fought Madish, resulting in his defeat... while poor Radlynn watched.
He was someone so important to her... so of course, she snapped. She morphed into her radish form, screeching and destroying things in the area in enraged grief. Everyone was horrified, and they were convinced they'd just die right then and there.
Until Hacky called out her real name, and the beast fell still for a few seconds... before it approached him slowly, falling to his feet.
... while Hacky still really hated Madish for what he'd done to her ... he had to admit, he was a really good father.
After word had spread of the rescue, a group known as Starlane assisted Radlynn in starting her life up again.
They were impressed with the amount of education she had received behind closed doors despite being gone for so long, and determined her ready for college. She was moved into an apartment with a new roommate named Elaine who still supports her through her healing process to this day. As Radlynn realized that her ability to see took away her ability to feel pain, she began to cover her eyes at all times and adjust to getting around without sight. Being blind was much better than not being able to feel pain, she realized. She began to study horticulture in college… and while she still misses Radley dearly and is still healing from the traumatic memories she has of the experiments, she’s made significant progress in adjusting to her new life. She still has long ways to go, but that doesn’t stop her. She lives the large chunk of her teen years she didn’t get to live through her youthful enthusiasm, and many find her to be a beacon of nothing but good vibes.
So yeah, that's the backstory so far!! I hope you like it :3 and a fun Lil piece of trivia, it was heavily inspired by the Powerman 5000 album "Tonight The Stars Revolt," particularly this song:
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soulsoffairlight · 16 days
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I absolutely love this rarepair of mine they're so stupid
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soulsoffairlight · 2 months
avi!radlynn lore is fucking crazy guys you should see it
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soulsoffairlight · 5 days
If I wrote a fic that follows the plot of my 'Operate, Annihilate' AU, would you guys be interested in reading it?
Think a fic like Animal Flow, except it's far more developed and I put more thought into it than I did with AF lol
It's dominantly an organized crime / shapeshifter au taking place in my worldbuilding project called Avidra that loosely follows the story of Papa Louie 3. And it also has some crossover aspects with my singing monsters
Here is some of my works/designs associated with the AU so you can get an idea of what it is:
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