#paldin danse
danseinthefallout · 1 year
Danse’s Monologue (Terminal Entry)
November 26th, 2287
Entry Written By: Danse, former Paladin.
I feel as if I am a rubber band ball. It’s hard to explain that feeling. Getting stretched so thin. Until I eventually snap and my skin begins to sting from the impact.
The Brotherhood was my home for so long. I had such a narrow world view. How could I be to naive? That is the reason for why the world now burns. Nativity.
Paladin Danse. A name I use to know. Now I’m just Danse and everyone believes I have dealt with this change well, I have not. My brothers and sisters hate me for something I didn’t even know myself. They too, are naive, but not for me. The Elder was such a close friend of mine and for him to throw me away like I was nothing? What happened to no man left behind? I know that I am one of those *things* but having that conversation with [Player Name] made me realize what I was so blind to see and what my brothers and sisters, whom I still hold with such love and respect, may come to terms with as well; It’s not about wether you’re plastic or flesh, it’s who you become, what you feel.
It’s hard, to feel that is. I have to constantly second guess myself if my feelings and thoughts are *mine* or made up by 1’s and 0’s. That is what breaks me the most. I want to be blissfully unaware. I want to forget. But if I forget then was everything I have done before this, worth it?
I need to lay down and rest. I need to get my mind off of this.
*note from OP: I wanted to write something inside the mind of Danse, I hope I did a good job at that—I also wrote this late and on my phone so apologizes for any misspellings or errors*
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sketchymoray · 2 years
me: *does something somewhat okayly*
the small Paladin Danse that lives rent free in some dusty corner of my brain: Outstanding.
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saradika · 7 months
Trick or Treat!!! Ahhhhh this is SO CUTE Jess 🖤🖤🖤🖤
my favourite characters include Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Elder Maxson, Paldin Danse, Din Djarin and Boba Fett- I will let you choose which ones!!
And my comfort spooky movie is 100% The Addams Family!!!
Sending love and spooky vibes this holiday season🖤🎃
happy (early) halloween, sweet margo! 🎃 Thank you so much, and ahhh I LOVE your ideas (it was so hard to pick)! And I love the Addams Family, too - I was imaging a RDR2!AU where the gang lives in the house together, as the previous owners (so sort of a dark western vibe)!
thank you so much for sending this in! I hope you like it! 🦇💖
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red dead redemption 2 x addams family
Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc - We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us
[saradika’s trick or treat celebration]
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slashy-mcslashkins · 4 years
Okay, hot take.
Tom Ellis as Paladin Danse?
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xphantasmagoria · 4 years
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thekeyboardguy · 5 years
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A brotherhood knight convincing Paladin Danse to live after finding out his true identity as a synth (circa 2287)
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bloopbloopsworld · 4 years
Merry Christmas @elizabethtaylor9!!
I was your secret santa! You gave me a lot of creative freedom with your gift and I noticed that you liked Danse, MacCready, and Deacon, so I decided to cook up a fic starting them! Enjoy!!
Summary: Sole sends Danse, MacCready, and Deacon to run some errands in Diamond City. If they don't kill each other first.
"For the record, I never agreed to any of this. It's Sole's fault."
"Pussy. C'mon! What, don't you want to spend some quality time with me?"
“Fuck... Shut up Deacon." 
"Soldiers," Danse whispered, his brows furrowed with disapproval, "quiet."
"We're not soldiers, tin-can." Deacon said, rolling his eyes. Danse flinched at that comment. "... Sorry."
"I told Sole, I said to them, "hey, it's alright, I can do this run by myself," but noooo, they had to force me to drag you..." MacCready looked at his companions. "... You idiots."
"Still too scared to curse? It's good for the soul McCready." 
"I am going to shoot those glasses off your face Deacon, then, I'm going to do the same to that stupid grin on your mouth!" It too all of Danse's might to pry off the sniper from Deacon side as he attempted to tackle him to the ground.
"What the hell's the matter with you two? Can't you act like adults?!" MacCready muttered and recollected himself while Deacon shrugged. "Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we? Before one of you kill the other." They continued down the road in silence for a moment before Deacon spoke again.
"Gotta say, I'm surprised Danse," he said, his arms up and behind his head. "I thought you hated me--thought you would be the first one to crack." 
Danse shouldered his laser rifle and grunted. "Believe me,” he said, "I'm nearing that point."
They arrived to Diamond City before noon, though barely. MacCready had to do everything in his willpower not to snap again while he and Danse argued about directions constantly--MacCready would point out a shortcut and Danse would stubbornly say that they needed to keep to the roads. It always escalated into arguments. When they would finally quit, Deacon filled the silent points in their journey with whatever he could to annoy them both. Danse even at one point told him to "shut the hell up" before he "fed him to a mirelurk" and Deacon had asked who then, would fill their empty lives like him? 
MacCready told him to put a sock in it.
At the entrance of the city, Danse gave them each a list from Sole and instructions.
"Don't take too long with your lists. We'll meet back here at three. If you can't find something on the list, mark it, and we'll make sure to get it next time. Five-hundred caps each. Do not spend them all. Understood?"
"Yeah, yeah, you're not my mom," MacCready muttered shoving him aside. He watched as he ventured down the stairs in a huff and fought off the urge to yell for him to get back in position.
"Careful around here," Deacon said, appearing next to him. "Folks don't take too kindly to synths." Danse looked at him in surprise. Deacon's voice sounded genuine.  
"Thank you. I can take care of myself."
Deacon patted his shoulder. "Alright big guy, good luck." He jogged down the stairs after MacCready and Danse let out a small ‘hm.’
It took Deacon three hours to meet back with the others. He decided to use the excuse of him trying to find a bathroom if they asked (and they most certainly would) and trotted back towards the entrance of the city, his findings in tow. He mentally ran through the list once more and remembered Danse’s warning of not going over the budget and also remembered the pack of cigarettes he bought. Maybe MacCready would ask him for some. 
MacCready. He frowned. The guy had been pissy since they left Sanctuary. God knew what was up with him. Hopefully he’d get over it.
He hiked through a small alleyway, passing the Valentine Detective Agency and thought about popping in to see if Nick was there, but decided against it. He was probably on a case, or maybe he’d gone to visit Sole, or maybe he was asleep. 
‘Can synths sleep…?’ He’d seen Danse sleep before--and Glory. But Nick… 
He’d have to ask next time he saw him, he decided. Well, not now. He was too lazy to turn around and tonight, he was in the mood for some noodles.
Danse paced anxiously near the entrance of Diamond City while MacCready smoked a cigarette and leaned against the wall of the baseball stadium. He stopped pacing every once in a while to look up to see if he’d arrived and then cursed and then looked back down and continued pacing. 
MacCready was getting annoyed.
“Give it a rest, will you? He’s probably at Home-Plate with some hooker or eating noodles or something.”
Danse gave him a look and glanced back up to the entrance. “That first accusation doesn’t seem like him. He’s careless but he cares.” MacCready ‘hmphed’ at him and took a drag.
“I know his type.” Said one guard to Danse, suddenly impeding on the conversation. “Acts like he cares then turns around and sells your sister to a raider.” Danse raised a brow at him. “Okay, that last bit might’ve been a bit specific, but you get my drift.” He grunted once more and looked back to the entrance. 
“Listen, Danse,” MacCready flicked his cigarette to the ground and crushed the butt with his heel. “Deacon’ll find his way back. He’s crafty like that. Let’s just go before it gets any more dark.” Danse looked one more time before turning back to MacCready. 
“Okay. Let’s go.” 
“Hey!” The two turned around and there was Deacon, booking it up the stairs and to the entrance. He stopped for a minute, wheezing, before taking a breath and jogging the rest of the way to them. When he reached the two, he stopped once more, hands clutching his knees, gasping for breath, before looking up at them. His glasses were crooked and he let a lopsided grin spread across his face. “Sorry I’m late… Couldn’t find the fucking bathroom.” 
Danse stared at him for a minute before kneeling down to his level. “Do you need me to carry your load?”
Deacon coughed and smiled. “Yeah, sure. Don’t worry, I won’t treat you like a pack brahmin.”
They had to make camp for the night, as per Deacon’s request and Danse’s agreement, stating it would be too dangerous to make the trip at night. MacCready called them sissies but helped Deacon set up their tents while Danse went to chop some firewood. MacCready grunted in frustration, attempting to unbuckle his pack. Deacon watch from afar in amusement, almost thinking of helping, but decided to set up his tent instead. 
“Stupid piece of junk…!” MacCready hissed before finally unbuckling it and throwing it to the ground.
“Careful with that,” Deacon called. “Wouldn’t want to break Sole’s…” he quickly took the crumpled list from his pocket and scanned it. “... fertilizer. Why the hell do they need fertilizer?” 
“Deacon, shut up.” He said. The spy huffed but did so, continuing with his tent. They were both silent for a moment before the snapping of branches was heard in one direction. Both snapped their heads up and grabbed their guns and aimed towards the noise. From the brambles emerged Danse, hauling multiple logs. He stopped for a minute, looking confused.
“Oh, it’s you.” Deacon said, lowering his weapon. MacCready did the same. “Thought you were a raider or something.”
“No raiders in this area, but I have yet to scout,” Danse said lumbering forward and dropping the wood on the ground. “And I appreciate the attentiveness--both of you.” He wiped his hands off on his pants and looked to MacCready. “MacCready, start the fire. Deacon, finish setting up the tents. I’ll go sweep the area, I’ll be back soon.” He hiked off back into the woods, leaving his companions alone with one another. Deacon cleared his throat. 
“You heard the man, Mr. Mayor.” 
MacCready whipped his head in his direction. “Who told you about that?! Sole?”
Deacon just smiled and began on Danse’s tent. “I’m a spy, Mr. Mayor. I see everything. 
“Deacon, I swear to God…!”
Danse had taken first watch that night. In his tent, MacCready could hear Deacon snoring peacefully, the crackling of the fire, and the light glow of fungi in the distance.
He had been trying to sleep for about an hour now and had, so far, failed miserably. He’d tried to counting sheep, reciting the alphabet, even just squeezing his eyes shut, but nothing. He was tired and annoyed and just wanted to sleep, but he just couldn’t. MacCready flipped to his side and look out. The fire allowed him to see Danse’s shadow, still and somber, reflecting on his tent. In another hour, it would be Deacon’s turn, then his, and he hadn’t even slept a wink.
‘Stupid,’ he thought grouchily. ‘Just go to sleep.’ He turned again and put his hands under his head. He shut his eyes for a moment before reopening them. He couldn’t. 
With much loathing in his bones, he rose out of his sheets and crawled out from his tent. He exited to find Danse looking at him, a brow raised.
“MacCready, it’s not your turn yet. Go back to bed.” MacCready gave him a yawn before reaching for his satchel and pulling out a hip-flask. 
“Can’t sleep. Figured I might as well look at the scenery.” 
Danse looked at him for a moment before turning his gaze away. 
“Fine. Just don’t make too much noise. And keep the drinking to a minimum.”
“Roger that, Paladin,” he muttered. He expected Danse to shoot him a dirty look but instead, he just sighed. MacCready tensed slightly. Shit. 
He took a drink and sat in the quiet for a moment, the awkward tension only growing, despite his hopes for it to maybe go away.
“Hey,” he began, “sorry about that Paladin comment. I thought maybe you had thicker skin.” Danse now tensed. Shit, shit, shit.
“It’s fine.” He finally said, shifting his weight. “Throw another log in the fire, will you?” MacCready obeyed and kneeled down, grabbing a piece of wood from the pile nearby. He’d made things worse, he could feel it. 
“Look,” he said, throwing the log in. “I’m not the best at this stuff, but Sole’s helping me with it.” He went back to his seat and turned to Danse. “Sorry. Sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, or whatever.” Danse took that in for a moment, looking up at the sky before turning back to MacCready. 
“I’m not the best with it either. Apology accepted. Though there really wasn’t any need for it. I know you probably didn;’t mean any of that--”
“Danse, just, shut up, okay? No one gives a crap about your “high-and-mighty-act, okay? So just drop it.” He’d said it before he could even think about what he was saying. It was only until the words were floating in the air and had passed through both their ears until he realized what they meant. “Shi--shoot, sorry. I’m so sorry, Danse. I don’t know where that came from--” Danse stood abruptly and held his rifle. 
“It’s okay. But I think you should head back to sleep.” MacCready almost did. He hung his head and was about to get up when another sentence spewed from his mouth, breaking the silence.
“I used to hate you.” MacCready said, looking down. His hands were clasped together. “I made the excuse that every Brotherhood of Steel soldier was just a hardass… a stubborn person who refused to look at things any other way other than what the big man told him to.” He chuckled dryly. “But not really.” He looked up at him. “I hated you because you were so much better than me. You’re brave, you’re strong, you protect people.” He glanced back towards the fire. “You don’t run away from things. You’re everything I’m not, Danse. I ran from Duncan, from my wife. Because I was scared. I was a fucking coward--I am. I am a fucking coward.” He swallowed back the lump beginning to form in his throat. “Geez. Sorry. I’m sorry for being a bitch… a jerk this whole trip. I’ve just been… intimidated, I guess. Deacon’s a spy, a great one, he saves lives. You? You’re a soldier who doesn’t leave anyone behind. You’re fearless, Danse. Me? I’m just a hired gun Sole picked up in a bar.” 
MacCready coughed again and just stared at his boots. Danse sighed deeply, sat back down, and took the sniper’s shoulders. “You’re wrong.” He looked up. “I’m not brave. I’m not fearless. When the Brotherhood found out I was a synth, I ran. I ran as fast I could. I hid, Robert. I didn’t confront them like I should have. I hid, like a coward.” MacCready looked at him. “I’m not fearless, Robert, I’m terrified. Every waking moment, because…” He hesitated for a moment before swallowing his nerve. “I’m human--we’re human. And human’s make mistakes.” 
MacCready was quiet for a moment before nodding.
Danse nodded.
“Okay.” Danse let go of his shoulders and they sat in silence once more, it being a lot more comfortable. Danse looked back up at him from the fire. “You know, I think Deacon has a heart too. He told me to be careful in Diamond City before I went in. Hardly anyone tells me to be careful. I watch out for others, not the other way around.” MacCready laughed.
“No way, Deacon? Caring about someone else besides himself?”
“And his disguises.”
“Right, those too.” He laughed again. “Dang, I really have been a jerk, haven’t I?” Danse nodded.
MacCready gave him a look. “Well, you’re not supposed to agree with me.” Danse chuckled. 
“But there's time for growth. The Commonwealth's safe. And we have at least a day until we make it back to Sanctuary.”
“I don;’t think I’ll make it.” MacCready joked. “If Deacon lets anymore garbage out of his mouth.”
“My jokes aren’t that awful.” Startled, they both looked up to see Deacon standing near his tent, coffee tin in hand and glasses still on. “Admit it, you love them.”
“I hate them.”
“You love them.”
“Deacon,” Danse said, “we don’t hate them, we despise them.” 
Deacon scoffed. “Whatever. I’ll make you both fall in love with my comedy routine. We still have, what, a day left until we reach Sanctuary? You two will love it by then.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“We’ll see,” Deacon said, wiggling his brow. “Go to sleep, both of you. It’s my turn.” Both nodded and stood, walking back to their tents.
“Night, Danse.”
“Goodnight, MacCready.”
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gold-and-rubies · 4 years
double decker ask: hi for the music shuffle thing, and paladin Danse for the character :D
For the music thing Bruised by Jack's Mannequin was the first thing to play.
My favorite line is, "There's so much sun where I'm from. Had to give it away. Give you away."
As for Danse, if they had actually finished his character arc I think he would have been one of the best written characters in the game. Him being a synth is a better twist than the whole thing with Shaun. He's the only reason I join the Brotherhood, honestly. He is a dick though, but that could have been solved if Blind Betrayal had a proper ending. I also feel like his romance is bit rushed, like there should be another talk.
I obviously ship Sole with him, I think once he starts becoming less of a jerk either Preston or Curie would be cute with him. The idea of him and Haylen is nice, but there could be some weird power dynamic stuff there.
DOGMEAT. DOGMEAT. DOGMEAT. I really think he's an animal person
Hmmmm. I don't have an unpopular opinion about him as far as I know
I will repeat this as many times as I need to. I wish his character arc was properly finished. I think becoming a more accepting person and joining the Minutemen would be the best for him
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undercovercow · 5 years
Just thinking about PALADIN DANSE.
I don’t give a shit if he’s a fictional character IM STILL GONNA DIE FOR HIM. Pft. Amateurs
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“There is no me without a you.” (Paladin Danse x Reader)
(Au! Where Danse doesn’t read rivet city and the reader is a friend of his and Cutler’s. Also I guess the reader technically isn’t sole..so enjoy! It’s an idea I had brewing for a long time.)
The thought made your stomach turn. That was putting it lightly.
For years it had been just you, Cutler, and his weirdo buddy- Danse. You were family, the only one you’ve known or at least cared to consider as such. So many nights had passed where your friends laughter was the only thing that kept you willing to face the next day, both of their grins forever imprinted in your mind and usually serving as the only things you could trust in the life you led.
It was rough. You had came to the shelter of Rivet City seeking to make a fortune as a merchant, having left home and everything you once knew to do so. The first couple of weeks hadn’t been easy, you had barely even gotten by but..then, by some miracle, some flame-haired man with a seemingly permanent smug grin came strolling up to your stand, a tall- handsome fella with dark hair close behind him. That fucker that interrupted your business introduced himself and his bashful friend, Cutler and Danse were their names...and of course, you started the beautiful relationship off by asking them just where the hell they came up with such “crap-tastic” names. Indeed, it was the start of a beautiful friendship.
It was the recollection of memories such as these that made tears blur your vision, each step you took forward feeling more labored than the one before. Days ago those same goofy men you met all those years ago, the ones you’ve grown to love so much, had said they were going off to join some crazy ass organization in the capital- begging you to come along as well.
As much as you adored your friends, neither of them were all that bright. At least not if they couldn’t see just how dangerous this thing they wanted to run off and join was. You had an uncanny gift of being able to see when something was a catastrophically bad idea, and this was certainly one of them.
Shaking your head, you did the best you could to blink away the built up tears- having realized that you were at your desired location.
Danse’s rickety shack.
The poor man really needed to brush up on his building skills.
At least that made you laugh, even if it was choked up and sounded more pitiful than anything. Regardless, you carefully knocked on the door- unaware of where to begin. All you knew was that your time was limited to figure it out, the much expected rattling of metal being able to be heard from the other side within seconds, signaling that Danse was both indeed home and also on his way to answer the door.
Much too soon, the door opened up and revealed the man you once ridiculed for his unfortunate name. His stoic, yet lovely amber eyes softening as soon as they fixated upon your familiar form. Damn, he was such a sight to behold. Even wearing a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up and some ripped jeans, he was undeniably attractive. The acknowledgment of this fact made your heart skip a beat, your breath hitching in your throat as your eyes met his own.
Over the years you’ve known him, danse and yourself had became close- very close. You grew as people together, spent a couple nights out alone while Cutler reaped the spoils of being able to trick some person from the bar into bed with him, and even danced around the line of becoming a little more than friends every once in a while.
“(Y/n)..? What’s going on? Is something amiss? Nevermind that, please, come inside.” That deep, raspy voice tore you away from the invasive thoughts you were so deeply enthralled with. With a graceful like motion, the bulky man stepped to the side and allowed you to enter the his humble little home.
Of course you obliged, your knees growing week as you bumbled to his beaten up couch- sinking down into it’s plush as soon as you sat. However you weren’t alone long, Danse quickly following you, having no problem with sitting right beside you.
Funny, years ago when you first met, he barely seemed to be able to talk without Cutler doing the legwork of the conversation.
Now here he was, his arm resting on the back of the couch right behind your hunched over body. Practically beckoning you to just say “screw it” and cuddle right up into his side, hell, the man practically radiated warmth so there was very little holding you back at the moment. There were more important things to tend to now...
Steadying yourself, you tried your very best to put on a strong face. Straightening your back and giving him the “serious” look, or as Cutler called it, your “bitch face.” Whatever the look would be called, you just hoped he couldn’t see right through you. Because as it stood now, anxiety courses through your veins like a terrible icy brook- threatening to steal your spirit itself and make you retreat and forgo this plan of your’s.
For just a moment, it almost won. Your gaze shifted over to Danse’s coffee table, taking notice of the disassembled pistol that laid upon the horribly scratched wooden surface. Heh, he might’ve been a terrible architect but Danse sure as hell could modify guns. It was cute really, how invested he’d become in something so complex. Sometimes you’d come over in need of a friend and he’d keep you company by explaining how to modify a 10mm pistol’s barrel, all while doing so.
Your eyes fell close now, a hollowness in your chest. It was time. It was now or never. Later wouldn’t exist, especially since you refused to run off and join the brotherhood.
“D..danse..?” Your voice stammered out in a way that you despised, sounding so scared..like you truly were. That in its self was enough to make the relaxed look on danse’s face morph into one of concern, his weight shifting as he leaned more towards you.
Did he feel it too? Did he also want to embrace you as badly as you wanted to embrace him?
After a moment of waiting, he audibly gulped. Your obvious distress filled the poor man with worry, he..he didn’t like seeing you feel this way. “Yes?” Now even his own voice was demure as it urged you to continue.
The muscles in your legs clenched in response, adrenaline beginning to run its course.
Why was this so hard? All you had to do wa-
“I can’t stand it Danse.” Real Nice. Real good start. God you hated yourself already. “You two..you two asshats want to go play soldier and I can’t stand it..” oh yeah, only getting better, but the words just wouldn’t stop coming..and the affects of them wouldn’t heel either. “You-you’re Just going to leave me..and I..I get it because you want to find purpose b-but..”
Now you truly felt foolish, your face contorted and the anguish you felt deep inside made itself blatantly apparent by your expression. As though that wasn’t enough, those tears you thought were gone away came back with a vengeance. The longer you looked at the now confused man, the more your chest hurt and the more obvious the feeling a hot tears rolling down your cheeks became.
Everything just hit you all at once and it wasn’t fair. How could they just decide to leave what you all had together? Was it not good enough? Was it not what their purpose was? Better yet, how could he leave you like this? How was it right for him to swoop in one day, make you feel something and fall for the bastard, only to one day down the road decide that no, this isn’t what he wants? How was any of this fair?
“I..I um, I didn’t realize how much this affected you..” Danse’s shaky voice replied, his hands cautiously reaching out to pull you towards him. Countless times before when he felt emotional distress, you had grabbed him, embraced him without second thought and each time you did it, it crazily enough brought some degree of comfort to him. “I apologize but I’m not the-..oh (y/n)..” His chest heart seeing you cry.
In a way, as it stands now, you’re not the only one in need of a hug anyways- so as he pulled you close to him, the relief was felt on both ends.
For you, he’d try anything to help ease the sorrow you felt. However it was no secret Danse was absolutely terrible at these kinds of things, any extreme display of emotion generally made him uncomfortable..but seeing you like this? It made him feel a deep, sorrowful pain in his chest. Why? He didn’t entirely know the answer, at least not a straightforward and simple answer at that. You somehow always managed to elicit such passionate emotions in him, ones that he hardly understood- after all he was not by any means an overly emotional man.
As sobs wracked your body, he couldn’t help but feel the compulsion to shed a tear as well in response to your pain. A pain that he knew that ultimately, he caused. That hurt. That hurt really bad. Before he could even process what it exactly was he felt, a single tear slid down his cheek as well, his arms tightening and squeezing you the slightest bit in search for the comfort your embrace usually brought.
Time slowed down in an almost ethereal manner suddenly, all that pain you felt facing reality slowly began to subdue to a throbbing ache in your chest- sobs transforming to soft sniffles and a vivid embrasser blush as you hid your face in his form chest- his scent providing a minimal amount of comfort despite reminding you of how much of an idiot you probably seemed like.
Now there really wasn’t anything to say...except what you came to say anyways. Well..it was somewhat of a sad win/win situation. If you confess to your more than platonic feelings for the brooding man, he could either return the feeling and maybe, just maybe you could convince him to stay....or he doesn’t and then at least you won’t have to live with the shame of ruining your friendship for long seeing as he’d be leaving with Cutler soon.
Feeling as though your whole world was on the brink of shattering right before your eyes, you withdrew from the man- not daring to go back enough to break away from the comfort of his arms around you, instead only enough so that you could get a proper look at his dumbfounded- almost heartbroken looking face.
“Please..Danse, don’t..don’t leave me. I can’t take it. You- you mean the world to me..” your voice was barely over a whisper but you knew he heard you loud and clear, his eyebrows scrunching into a slanted, concerned look as guilt flashed in those beautiful puppy dog like eyes.
He cleared his throat, carefully contemplating his next words as he licked his lips- his eyes unconsciously gazing down to look at your own as he did so. “I’m sorry (y/n), I..I didn’t think I’d hurt you so badly..I should’ve been more considering..” for a second he paused, the next words sounding painful to even utter. “Especially considering how close of...friends..we are.”
That’s it. That’s fucking it.
Without better sense, you leaned forward right after his words- knowing words would get you nowhere with him. Actions. Actions worked. As such, you willed yourself not to scream as you finally connected your lips with his own- the very thing you’ve wanted to do since he first lowered his walls and let you get to know him all those years ago.
A muffled groan of surprise could be heard but you didn’t care, he wasn’t trying to push you off yet..so that was good. In fact, unbeknownst to yourself, Danse’s eyes fluttered closed as soon as the shock of the situation subsided and suddenly he found himself pressing back and trying his very best to let you know he returned the affection before it was too late.
Damn, he’s wanted to do that since he first laid eyes on you at your stand. How crazy..
As the kiss deepened, Danse could feel his heart pounding in his chest, all the feelings hitting him like a charging raider in power armour. Regardless of how confused he was, he couldn’t help but follow his instincts- which landed him laying back on his raggedy old couch with you laid lazily on top of his body, his legs on either side of your hips. For it being an entirely innocent moment, it surely was a provocative position and had he been in his right mind- he likely would’ve flipped out and had a heart attack.
Eventually you had to end the fantastical moment, the need to breath becoming too great to deny any longer. So, with a viciously bright red blush and pure terror in your eyes despite your watery grin, you gazed down upon him.
“A..actually, that’s what I wanted to..to um talk to you about.” It was about now, as you panted, you realized just how you were sitting. “Danse, I want to be something more than just your..your friend.”
The very second he processed what you said, his thick eyebrows practically ascended half his forehead, his jaw dropped and his eyes became the size of saucers.
Boy, his expressions never ceased to amuse you. Even now when shame should’ve been consuming you, he made you giggle.
“Are you...are you saying that you’re in love with me?” He asked in pure disbelief, his hands courageously settling upon your hips to rest despite his sudden urge to fidget and twitch his fingers. Nerves making his stomach tighten painfully even though you just plainly made your intentions clear.
“Yes Danse, I’m in love with you..you fucker, I wouldn’t act so crazy if I wasn’t..”
Once again, words usually didn’t suffice with Danse..so, you leaned in for another kiss. This time he was prepared and he sure as hell wasnt going to disappoint.
He loves you too, you truly are crazy if you think he’ll ever leave you now.
Who knows, maybe one day you and Danse will get to live the happily ever after. Run a decent stand, Get hitched, maybe even have a couple babies way down the road and be the parents you both wished you could’ve had. Cutler, that bastard, was just going to have to stay too if he liked it or not.
Besides...what fun would it be to be whatever the hell a Brotherhood of Steel soldier is? Pfft, what even is a Paladin?
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targoats · 3 years
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In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, my current WIP! I adore Paldin Danse, and he needs all the love he can get 🥰
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danseinthefallout · 1 year
why’d you only call me when you’re high? high…
since you guys want more fan cams!
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pandasspace · 8 years
me: *playing fo4 and does something i know Danse wont like*
Danse: *hated that*
me: 🎶Why does the sun go on shining🎶
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danseinthefallout · 2 years
All Fallout players are so fucking hot n sexy like wtf one of you date me ����😤😤😤
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danseinthefallout · 2 years
all gifs and shots of Danse are not mine, they came from tumblr! :) more Danse edits?
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danseinthefallout · 2 years
what gave you that idea?😳 (All gifs, photos and videos are not, they all come tumblr -besides the intro part-)
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