#pac is absolutely doing this just more flustered. man knows what is happening and just waiting for fit to admit it to even himself
unfortunatelyreturned · 6 months
gotta hand it to him, qpac is engaging in my personal favorite part of the queer courting process with qfit rn: 'i know how i feel about you, and im almost 100% sure you feel the same, but i am going to see how long this drags out before you admit it. take your time, i can wait'.
its like playing chicken but far more agonizing. they will flirt and flirt more and more and the tension will be unbearable but it probably will come down to seeing who will break first and finally say what is happening out loud to the other. (qfit will have a breakdown and qpac will put him out of his misery by being very aware of whats been happening this whole time)
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Coffee Shop Au: Prompto’s Ending
Catch the first part here (Note: this strays very much from the coffee au beginning)
Catch Noctis’ ending here
You elected to stay with Prompto. He was a kind, passionate young man who you were having genuine fun with.
Noctis was your best friend, but you were starting to develop genuine feelings for Prompto, and you quietly knew that Noct was trying to give you the chance to act on them. 
As you saw Noctis leave the pizza joint, you turned back to Prompto, greeting his bright smile with one of your own. In the dim lighting of the pizza place, you could just barely make out a light blush on his cheeks, although you weren’t sure if it was for the same reasons as you.
There was a slightly awkward silence now that Noctis was gone, and you found yourself just a bit unsure of what to say now that it was you two alone. Prompto seemed a little flustered as well, but he was quick to try and talk to you.
“Oh, earlier you mentioned you like games other than King’s Knight, right?” Prompto asked, turning his body to face you in the booth. He seemed so much closer than before, especially now that there was nowhere else to divert your attention to.
You flashed him a smile despite your growing blush, “Yeah, it’s kind of hard not to, especially being friends with Noct.” You told him, suddenly having a hard time looking him in the eyes.
Prompto beamed, “Well, I know a good 24 hour arcade that’s only a few minutes from here if you wanna hang out there?” He asked, doing his best to sound nonchalant. “I heard they just added a few new games, too!”
You hummed slightly, a small smile growing across your cheeks. “... Sure. I haven’t been to one in ages.”
Prompto’s smile grew as he eagerly climbed out of the booth. He smiled at you, extending a hand to help you out, “Let’s go, then,” He said, his cheeks flushed with excitement and his voice positively bubbling.
You smiled right back at him when you took his hand, and the awkwardness faded as you both grew excited. As you two left the building, you realized with a start that he never dropped your hand.
Prompto glanced at you curiously at your moment of silence and followed your gaze, catching sight of your interlocked hands. He jumped slightly, his eyes big and cheeks flushing as he dropped your hand, “Shit--sorry! I hadn’t realized, uh, sorry…” He managed, stuttering left and right as he scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry, I uh, don’t usually do things like that…” He let out an awkward little chuckle, looking at you nervously.
You felt your own cheeks heating up, but you managed a small smile. “That’s alright, I didn’t mind.” You said with a shrug, meeting his eyes.
Prompto jolted again, caught offguard. He was quick to recover, smiling at you as you both headed down the sidewalk and launching into another conversation. Neither of you said anything when his pinky brushed against yours and you gently slid your hand into his. Your cheeks flushed a bright red as he gently squeezed your hand, smiling away while he talked despite his own flushed cheeks.
The arcade was all colors and blinking lights, full of aged game themes and decade old carpeting. It felt perfect, capturing the full arcade feeling from your youth, as though you were standing in a piece from a time capsule. 
You looked up at Prompto, your hands still clasped with his as your smiled. “Should we try Pac-Man, first?”
His responding smile and the twinkle in his eyes were bright enough to light up the entire arcade. “Let’s do it.”
The two of you bounced from machine to machine, falling over each other and laughing away as you both either failed horribly or feigned competitions. Sometimes you would reach over and nudge his joystick or block his view just to try and win, and he would always gasp as if it were a surprise and try to push you away with a massive smile spread across his flushed cheeks.
Eventually, you two found your way to the claw machines. You were pointing to a cute chocobo plush through the glass, smiling at it and gushing about how adorable it was. 
Prompto took one look at it, agreeing wholeheartedly. “I’m gonna win that--just for you!” He announced, getting that same determined glint in his eye from earlier. 
You smiled brightly at him, your cheeks heating up again as he pushed a few coins into the machine. Prompto was incredibly focused on trying to win that chocobo, his brows furrowed and his tongue sticking out of his mouth. You found yourself watching him more than the machine, wondering if it would be too weird to take a picture.
“Damn! I missed it…” He huffed, frowning. He paused. “I’m gonna try again.”
Prompto ended up trying three more times, losing each and every single time. You ended up dragging him away from the claw machine as he whined about that stupidly cursed game. You hoped that he would forget about it, but when you stopped to visit the restroom, you came out to find that Prompto had used up another three games-worth of tokens trying to win you a chocobo. 
This walk away from the claw machine was much more shameful than the last, although you managed to distract him with a surprising kiss on the cheek, blushing away. “You’re sweet, Prom. I can’t say anyone else has tried to do something like that for me, especially not that many times,” You said the last bit with amusement, although you were sure that the kiss on his cheek overshadowed anything else.
Prompto was blushing, too. “I can’t see why they wouldn’t.” He said softly, looking at you with his own sheepish expression. “Though it would be a bit better if I actually won.” He said, looking sadly back towards the claw machines.
You smiled up at him. He didn’t need to win you anything at all, just the effort and attempt was way more than enough for you. It was such a sweet thing to do, and the more you thought about it, the more you wanted repay the favor somehow. There was only one way to do so. 
When it was his turn to run to the restroom (saying something about a tiny bladder and too much soda), you were quick to run to the claw machines. You saw the tiny chocobo that he had been trying to get, but you wanted to go bigger.
And then you saw the unreasonably large, absolutely ridiculous sized plush toys in the largest of the claw machines. And there was a chocobo. It was easily the size of your torso, but you had never seen such a perfect stuffed animal for Prompto.
And unlike him, the Claw Machine Gods were in your favor. By the time he found where you were, you had a massive grin on your face and the world’s largest, plushest chocobo in your arms. And--it only took one game to win!
“Hey, Prom.” You beamed, “I got you something.”
He looked like he was going to cry. There were genuine tears in his eyes as he gently took the massive chocobo from you, giving it a massive hug and smiling as though it was the best thing to ever happen to him. The sight of his cute smile, the flush on his cheeks, and his glistening, cornflower blue eyes made your own smile stretch so wide that it hurt. “It’s so… fricken… CUTE!” He exclaimed, his grip on it tightening. And then, his arms were around you, giving you a bone crushing hug. “Thank. You. So. Much! This is--the best thing ever, oh my gosh!” 
You were blushing like crazy, your own smile bright as he let go. The hug had caught you off guard, but you craved even more of it the second his arms left you. “No problem, I’ve always been pretty good at those things,” You smiled awkwardly, feeling rather sheepish. “I would always win stuff for me and Noct when we were kids, it’s nice to see that I haven’t lost my touch.” You tried to brush it off like it was no big deal, but even your lackluster acting couldn’t keep down the butterflies in your stomach.
Prompto looked like he was about to say something else--something big, judging by that determined look in his eyes and the blush on his cheeks, but you were too shy to dwell on the subject. 
“Uhm, come on, I think there’s a ski-ball game calling our names!” You managed to say, grabbing his hand and tugging him away as you blushed furiously. He went along with you, dropping whatever it was he was going to say. You weren’t sure if you felt better or worse for it, but within a few more games, the thought was out of your mind.
By the end of the night, you were both leaning on each other, smiling away as you ate slightly stale arcade nachos, dipped in equally questionable queso dip. It was a mediocre snack at best, but it was the kind of mediocrity that helped make the moment so special.
“You know,” Prom began, “I always have fun at these arcades, but I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun.” He threw a smile towards you, grabbing another stale chip.
His statement brought a light blush to your cheeks yet again. “Me, too,” You said, looking at him. “I love these places, but I dunno, I guess tonight was a little different?” You leaned back a little bit on the floor, your hand a few inches away from his. 
You almost jumped when you felt his hand against yours again. Prompto’s smile was more gentle as he looked at you. “Yeah, I guess it was. You know, no one’s ever won me something before. Let alone a big, puffy chocobo.” His gaze slid to the third member of your apparent trio: the overstuffed chocobo that seemed to be precariously perched next to the cheese dip. It seemed to be remarkably indifferent to the mood of the situation.
“Well,” You said, throwing a smile at him, “I promise to win you all the chocobos, Prom.” You told him decisively, grinning.
He groaned, “But now I feel bad! I should at least win you something to remember tonight by!” He exclaimed, pouting.
You laughed a little, admiring the way his lips curled under his pout. Even now, you couldn’t help but gaze at him as though he were the most beautiful thing in the world. Although, you could easily argue that he was. 
"It’s okay, I think the memories themselves are good enough for me,” You told him, grinning. “That and… stale, questionable nachos.” You added, taking a massive bite of a chip.
Prompto smiled, but he gazed at you thoughtfully, humming slightly. 
“What?” You asked, laughing slightly as you swallowed. 
“You know? I think I do have something for you!”
“Oh, yeah?” You asked, playfully nudging him. 
“Yeah, although technically you did win it--”
“Oh my gods, I am not accepting that chocobo--”
“It’s not the chocobo!” He laughed, “Just, close your eyes. Trust me.”
As you looked at him, your own eyes meeting his blue ones, he looked serious. Far more serious than he had earlier. “Alright,” You began, closing your eyes with a smile on your face, “But if it’s that chocobo or those nachos--”
You were cut off by a pair of lips capturing your own. They were soft and slightly chapped, but you easily leaned into the kiss. It was slow and gentle, but a muffled sense of excitement followed it: the excitement of a new love and the energizing delinquency that accompanied an arcade late at night.
You two parted with reddened cheeks and wide eyes, foreheads still touching.
You only barely managed to stutter out a response, “I--thought you said that it was something I won?” You asked, stumbling over your words.
He managed a cheesy smile, “Maybe you won… my heart.”
There was a beat of silence as you stared at him, silent. Even the stuffed chocobo’s permanent gaze of gleeful ignorance showed its disappointment at his joke. And then, you cracked, a dumb smile appearing on your face.
“Oh my gods, you’re an idiot.” You managed, despite your massive grin. He was an idiot, but now he was your idiot.
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changeling-fae · 5 years
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So I played the alpha demo of @the-passenger-if The Passenger.
I absolutely love it and can’t believe that I’m romancing an eldritch being with the moniker of a cockroach.
Anyway my MC is named Luna and she’s pretty much always in an almost disassociated state of being while at the same time easily peeved.
Some facts about her:
She’s technically more of a demigirl, she’s ok with being referred to as female but is a bit agender as well. It fluctuates.
Had she been born later the doctors would have diagnosed her as being autistic but given the time period she’s just considered peculiar because “girls can’t be autistic”. (This happened to me in the 90’s)
She has an oral fixation and all her pens and pencils are chewed to bits. She especially likes the sensation of biting styrofoam cups.
She likes creepy crawlies, especially snakes and worms.
She loves rainbows and kaleidoscopes because it’s the closest she can get to her old range of vision before being trapped in her meat casket.
Ironically, Roach is making her closer to her humanity. He’s also the only one that can fluster her and make her feel squishy inside. She doesn’t know what to do with that information but it annoys her.
She prefers loose clothing because she doesn’t like feeling constricted around her chest and neck area.
Absolutely has the biggest sweet tooth and can be bribed with sweets. (Roach could probably use this to his advantage).
Doesn’t care about humanity as a whole but is protective of those in her orbit.
When Lilo and Stitch comes out in the future it will be her favorite film and she will take that to her grave. (Roach must never know).
Once made a jock cry in high school who was trying to bully her. No one knows what she did but he cried in public and she just looked serene.
Is a clingy sleeper and a surprisingly heavy sleeper.
Likes to paint.
Has never been on a date.
Prefers the cold.
Is fascinated with cats.
Is a champion at Pac-Man.
Is actually a really big Twin Peaks fan.
Has a celebrity crush on David Bowie and is lowkey convinced he’s like her.
Is not a morning person.
Doesn’t like doing drugs or alcohol because she doesn’t like feeling out of control and vulnerable.
Can only fall asleep around people she trusts.
Feels personally attacked by her menstruation cycle.
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