#overwatch rank boosting
noerblanc · 1 year
Everything You Need To Know About Internet Game Boosting
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Video games have become an increasingly popular form of entertainment for quite a while. People play video games to have fun and beat boredom, or simply to pass the time. But, e-sports have made gaming a spectator sport that brings in large profits as well as sponsors. This has led to it becoming a popular career for many young gamers.
In the wake of this, eloboost boosting services have emerged and are gaining wider acceptance and recognition from the public. Continue reading to learn more about these services.
What are online game booster services?
Online multiplayer games are extremely competitive. There's a ranking system that displays how competent each player is. These games are full of avid players who wish to succeed. It could be challenging to improve your game when your abilities or play style isn't identical to theirs. Winning more games than you are losing is essential to improve your status.
This is the place overwatch boosting, services come in. They can quickly rise to the top for you without needing to spend a lot of time playing games. They can save you a lot of time and assist in your endeavor. These services are extremely popular for those who work job schedules that don't leave enough free time for gaming.
What's the secret to their success?
They function in a very easy manner, as all you have to do is locate a reliable online service and pay to get their assistance. The cost varies based on the type of game you play and the difficulty of making progress. You can also choose to accept or deny the offer.
What is the timeframe?
It is entirely dependent on the level you want to attain however, generally it will take less or more than a week for the task to be completed. The job is extremely popular, so you might be waiting to get your turn. Once the job is complete, there is no doubt the value will be there.
What are the benefits?
Time-efficient: As stated earlier, not everyone has the time to sit at a computer and play games. These services can help you rank up, grow and develop your characters.
Equal playing field - having the necessary abilities and weapons could put you an advantage. They are usually acquired by completing various missions or tasks which are difficult and time-consuming. Boosting services can help you unlock these and make you a player with other players.
You can become a better player by working with a coach. Playing alongside boosters can aid in improving your game and help you learn new strategies. They are skilled players who possess a great deal of experience in the game.
Security - Your information on your account won't be used for any illegal purpose. You can also be sure that the leveling process is performed with real-time gameplay and not using bots or hacks.
Online games boosting services are extremely useful, efficient and beneficial, and it is not surprising that they're becoming more well-known in the world of gaming. It is possible to find and pick the one that's right for your needs, and they will help you to achieve whatever goal you want to achieve.
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K I love Lancer, but I’m gonna complain about it for a bit:
The Tactician talent annoys the hell out of me.
For one, the limiting of the first two ranks to separate weapon types. I get it’s for balance purposes and it’s alright mechanically already, but it makes the talent have negative synergy with itself unless you’re going for a combined arms build. No matter what, one of those levels is gonna be a filler level.
Next, the final rank. Why on earth does that consume Overwatch? It makes the talent resonate even less with its flavor, as tactically you’d rather use other sources of Overwatch that deal full damage rather than half.
Finally, why on EARTH is this called Tactician? If anything it’s an *Opportunist* talent, taking advantage of the situation and environment, like a Rogue in D&D. A Tactician should be coordinating its allies to everyone’s benefit in more of a support role rather than from a purely striker role.
Like the one modification I’d make, minimum: make the final rank give you a Tactics Die that ticks up every time you use the first two ranks. When it’s charged, you can use it to do stuff like allow an ally to boost with your as a reaction and/or lock on as a reaction or some stuff to better coordinate positions.
Tactician has its place, and despite my minor mechanical gripes I’m sure they have their justified reasons. They make sense. But the fact it’s *the* Tactician talent and is the *worst* Talent for fulfilling that archetype pisses me off. It should just be called something else. You wanna play a true support Tactician? Take Leader or Field Analyst. I guess.
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luvrsux · 9 months
a/n: take this until i’m done writing requests and other fics luvs ♡
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Overwatch Mains!
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❝ giving each strawhat + more an overwatch hero they'd play. comment on suggestions i should do! :3 ❞
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╰┈➤ I feel like Luffy is so simple enough to play the icon of Overwatch. Luffy was so baffled to see that she was able to teleport and immediately fell in love with the kit. Considering Tracer is also a flanking character, he'd be in the middle of the enemy team causing havoc. Will NOT touch support
Other Choices: Reinhardt as Tank, Junkrat as second Damage
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╰┈➤ This is such an obvious choice, there's no need to explain. He rocks the Sentai skin on Genji or just his regular no-skin outfit just for the green. He's the only hero he has with gold weapons and the highest ranked. He insta-locks this man whenever he's playing.
Sanji: Do you play anyone else Mosshead???
Zoro: Just shut up and heal me if you want to win, cook
Other Choices: Doomfist as Tank
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╰┈➤ I feel like Sanji connects with Cassidy's charm and smoking habits so he plays him often. He knows Cassidy is the lover boy of the Overwatch community and everyone obsesses over him so he took that as an opportunity to main him. Sanji's second-best class is support but only really pays attention to Nami's health. Won't heal anyone else (especially Zoro) unless they're shouting at him.
Other Choices: Mercy and Ana as Support
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GOD USOPP - Widowmaker
╰┈➤ This choice is so obvious. Widow is a sniping character, and so is Usopp. He is a menace to Widow and doesn't even know it. He likes how Widow isn't meant to be on the actual battlefield but more on the sidelines picking off the enemy teams. He screams like a bitch when someone flanks behind him though.
Usopp: Okay, I killed their supports we should be good- *A Tracer comes up from behind* LUFFYYYYYYYY THERES SOMEONE ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Luffy: Oh sorry Im in spawn :p
Other Choices: Lucio as Support, Hanzo as second Damage
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NAMI - Kiriko
╰┈➤ Nami definitely loves Kiriko for her more angsty personality that no one likes. She'd rather help in the backlines than deal with fighting up front, but she puts the kunais to WORK. Sanji is always on her tail and targets anyone who tries to or manages to kill her.
Nami: Dang it, I died. Try to hold out a little longer guys-
Other Choices: Brigette as second Support, Ashe as Damage, D.va as Tank
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╰┈➤ Chopper will mainly play any support but Mercy is his top choice. He tries to revive anyone he can even in the tightest of situations. He is the best healer you can get, but he can also be a great tank. But our lil baby gets stressed...
Zoro: Chopper, can you damage boost me?
Chopper: YEAH IN A SEC-
Sanji: Chopper revive! That Zenyatta is so low!
Other Choices: Orisa and Wrecking Ball as Tank
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╰┈➤ There is no possible way Nico doesn't play Moira. I feel like she's more DPS Moira than anything but still upholds good support for her team.
Other Choices: Sombra as Damage, Lifeweaver as Support
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FRANKY - Reinhardt
╰┈➤ Franky is 100% the crew's Tank main. He knows every tank playstyle from top to the very bottom but his favorite is of course the loudest one there. Franky is the most reliable tank you can get. He insta-locks Rein and adores him to the very end.
Sanji: I think you should switch, Franky they have a few counters-
Franky: Ill still kick their asses, I dont care Im playing Reinhardt
Other Choices: Bastion as Damage
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╰┈➤ Brook finds ruining people's day by playing the most annoying character on the roster the funniest thing ever. He laughs when Junkrat laughs manically. It's such a fitting choice for his personality
Other Choices: Reaper as second Damage
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PORTGAS D. ACE - Solider: 76
╰┈➤ He is such a straightforward person enough to play Solider but be dope good at it. Ace would be the type of person to get ahead of themselves and over-extend though.
Ace: Huh? *dies* Oh my bad
Sabo: Ill get off right now.
Other Choices: Torbjorn for second Damage
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SABO - Baptiste
╰┈➤ Sabo is definitely a good damage support hero. He loves Bap for his sweet personality yet dark backstory similar to his own. He can't stand playing with 2 reckless damages every time though (Luffy and Ace)
Luffy: Saboooooo why didn't you heal meeeeeee :(
Other Choices: Zenyatta as second Support, Echo as Damage
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╰┈➤ I see Law playing the most complex Tank in the game but Law can play almost anyone on the roster if he feels like it. He barely gives out any callouts unless he is raging like crazy
Luffy: Imma go in and kill everyone
Law: ...
Zoro: I need help over here not gonna lie
Law: ...
Sanji: I think Im gonna switch-
Other Choices: Reaper as Damage, Mercy as Support
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╰┈➤ Kidd is definitely a one-trick and only for the most annoying tank in the game. Killer is definitely his pocket healer and will yell at anyone who comes after his skills in the slightest
Law: Kid please pick another tank, you're doing terrible
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thats all! i hoped you enjoyed the little dialogues hehe
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bibi-cdnc · 2 months
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Now lastly, My personal favourite to play is the Supports. The support heroes are, in my opinion, more important than the tanks in a team. The support is needed to help convey health to all their teams Tanks and DPS heroes. The more you heal, the more your team can push on. Let's get onto the best-ranked Support!  Ana, who is my Main out of all the heroes in Overwatch, dominates the support category, especially with how she can bully the enemy tanks. While she was effective in the original Overwatch, the shift to a single tank setup in Overwatch 2 has further added to her effectiveness. Even after a year into Overwatch 2, Ana remains a powerful force. Her two abilities play a strong role in countering tanks: the sleep dart cancels enemy abilities, leaving them vulnerable to your team's attacks, while her grenade inflicts anti-heal, preventing enemies from being healed for a short duration. Also, her rifle's long-range healing is unmatched among supports. With her ultimate ability, nano boost, she can significantly enhance a teammate's damage output and damage reduction, making it a very powerful combo with many other ultimates. For those seeking to master a single support hero, Ana is an amazing option. Now, when it comes to the lowest-ranked support, that seems to be Moira. Moira is a decent starting support hero for new players, but her reliance on limited abilities and a resource-based healing system makes her a weaker choice compared to other supports. While she can provide solid healing, her kit lacks variety. She can deploy healing or damaging orbs, and her primary healing is restricted by a meter that refills slowly over time or by dealing damage. Unlike healers like Mercy and Lifeweaver, Moira's reliance on resources limits her ability to sustain high levels of healing. Additionally, she can deal damage effectively without needing to reload, but her close-range attacks put her at risk. Now, I know that all of these Heroes have powerful abilities that are very hard to rank.
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gameing-time · 4 months
Another battle!
Paladin Danse vs Sheeka
Paladin Danse info:
Height: 6 foot 6
Weight: 220lbs (normally) 700+lbs (in Power Armour)
Weapon: Laser Rifle, know your enemy perk (20% damage to synths ghouls and super mutants)
Armour: T-60 Power Armour
Strengths: One of the highest ranking and most respected of Elder Maxon’s Brotherhood of Steel, Above peak human strength (As a Synth Danse is stronger than natural men, Able to lift more and hit harder than natural men), Above peak human durability (As a Synth Danse is tougher than any natural men, In his Power Armour he can withstand bullets/lasers/explosions), Well versed military tactician,being a gen 3 synth he's immune to radiation and highly resistant to poison.
Weaknesses: Despite being tougher than natural humans, Danse is as mortal as them upon realisation that he is, in fact, a Synth leaves Danse suicidal. Synths are canonically weak to energy weapons and Emps he's wearing the 'basic' power armor while strong. it's still the weakest power armor set aside from the T-45 amrour it's based on Dosent wear a helmet.
Sheka info
Height: 7 foot 4
Weight:96lbs without the body 997lbs with the body
Weapons:Solar powered laser drill,Orb of molavalence (a broken orb like zenyata uses that she made magnetic as a thrown projectile),modified architect arm(creates hardlight Sheilds and weapons mostly Axes considering the pinkish blue hue she's using some bio-light she found mixed with Vishua's hardlight tech.) A fire hose full of nanites (somehow self replicating)
Amour:whatever scraps she could find but mostly broken omincs and discarded broken armour peices from anyone she could find. Calls it 'Army mode'
Strengths:Despite not being part of any faction of the overwatch world she's well known by all of them and is concerned a threat to most of them due to her skills prone to reverse engineering technology she dosent have and is always on the road to find more things to add to herself. Superhuman strength(can use either arm to damage D.VA's mech and Reinhart's amrour. Can throw around bastion who's at least 800lbs if her body schematics are correct she could be on par with Winston the genetically altered Moon gorilla who can fight Doomfist) Superhuman durability (her body can take being burned by torbjorn's molten metal,bullets,bombs,and lasers her armor lessens damage and has self replenishing sheilds.) Peak speed (despite being slower then most omnics she's capable of running at nearly normal human speed. Can give herself a short dash forward with a rocket engine on her back.) Smart enough to reverse engineer hardlight is a skilled hacker can do matanince on her body and heal herself and other omnics Somehow is a skilled doctor. Despite her being a young teen at the time she's claimed she fought in the omnic crisis and overwatch does have records of her being part of a local militia for a few years has survived the omnic crisis the null sector attacks a human omnic war and is currently in sybira fighting in the second omnic crisis became a Shambalie monk at somepoint. Skilled their robbing multiple multi national organizations for tech and weapons. Having an artificial heart lungs eye and intestines she's immune to disease and unable to be affected by poisons has a resistance to radiation.
Weaknesses:she's slower then most of the overwatch cast, her boost is in a straight line, according to Genji and Mercy most of her weapons aren't built for combat, weak to electrocution, missing most of her body. (Thanks to a 3 truck pile up she was in the middle of she lost a eye both her legs a arm and had to have her lungs stomach and heart replaced she also replaced her intestines to stop a particularly bad illness. She's also missing a back and neck vertebrae meaning she can't move her back or neck along with needing a brace to keep herself upright.)
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oops i made a whole-ass Overwatch OC
Name: Rosalyn Ursenhoff
Nationality: Swiss
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 24
Role: DPS
HP: 225
Primary - Unnamed Rapier
Rosalyn strikes in a straight line in front of her, dealing 60 damage to enemies in close range (abt the same as brig or rein)
Secondary - Flurrying Strikes (CD 6sec)
Rosalyn unleashes a rapid flurry of blows with her rapier in front of her, dealing large burst damage (150?) to an enemy in close range (slightly further than primary). When doing so, her movespeed is slightly increased.
L-Shift - Quick Trip (CD 12sec)
Rosalyn feints an attack at her enemy before tripping them momentarily (mimics rein shatter but with half duration, super close range, and no damage)
E - Riposte (CD 9sec)
Rosalyn brandishes her rapier in a defensive parry, enabling her and her allies for a counterattack. Rosalyn takes no effect from the next attack or ability she's targeted by within the next 3 seconds. If she deflects an ability in this way, her next strike deals an extra 20% damage.
Q - Rapier's Rhapsody
With a cheer and a flourish, Rosalyn emboldens herself to challenge the enemy head-on. She gains 50 overhealth, and for the duration, her move and attack speed speed are increased by 30% and her damage is increased by 25%. When she makes an elimination, she gains 25 overhealth and the duration of the ultimate increases by 2 seconds.
+} Mother was a Crusader with Reinhardt
+} Grew up being trained by mother in the art of fencing
+} Currently honors the Crusaders in her ideals for fairness and justice
Character Select (match start) - Here's to a swift victory!
Character Select (mid-match) - Looks like my expertise is needed.
Ultimate (self/enemy) - Fear the crimson rhapsody!
Ultimate (friendly) - Dance under the flag of honor!
Damage Boosted - A fearsome duo, you and I!
Witness Friendly Genji Elim - Impressive technique!
Hanzo: Are you confident a rapier is the smartest weapon of choice?
Rosalyn: Mmm. Rich, coming from the man with a bow and arrow.
Hanzo: ..Touché.
Kiriko: You're pretty good with that. Who trained you?
Rosalyn: My own mother, of course!
Kiriko: Oh. I wonder if she would have gotten along with mine.
Rosalyn: If she bore any sense of justice and honor, I guarantee she would have had a strong ally in Adaleigh Ursenhoff.
Lucio: So, I'm trying to ask everyone this.. what's your favorite animal?
Rosalyn: The noble lion. A grand huntress imbued with an unwavering motif of honor.
Lucio: Uhh, yeah, I can see it!
Ramattra: The Crusaders are a group long dead. Why do you continue to live in their shadow?
Rosalyn: Many good soldiers composed their ranks. I intend to honor them all until my own last breath.
Ramattra: How admirable, yet still quite foolish.
Rosalyn: I will not take such rabble from the kind that took their lives.
Rosalyn: Reinhardt! Glad to see you're honoring your kin.
Reinhardt: (excitedly) Ah, of course! And none of them more than your mother!
Rosalyn: Ha! Let's hope her guidance brings us both success.
Rosalyn: Reinhardt! Glad to see you're honoring your kin.
Reinhardt: (solemnly) Ah, of course. And none of them more than Balderich.
Rosalyn: Yes. Let's honor his memory in the method we do best.
Rosalyn: You find it.. amusing, to sabotage fights in your favor?
Sombra: Well duh, it makes them soooo much easier to deal with.
Rosalyn: ..What a repulsive point of view.
Winston: Does anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
Rosalyn: I really don't think now is the time for this.
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kunikloj · 1 year
Overwatch 2 is making me sad because I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Here’s the timeline of what happened:
I was low Plat in support during OW1
My laptop broke and it took about two years to finally get a new PC
After playing console during the limbo period, I finally started playing PC again on the account I had previously used
Got placed in Bronze 5 (oof)
Healed my ass off and started looking at Mercy guides to improve my rank
Got to Bronze 3
Greatly improved positioning, healing output, and damage boost in hopes to rank up
Went from a split of about 10k healing/800 damage boost on average to a split of like 13k/1,800 (with some games as high as 22k/3k)
Finished my next 7 games with a 7/3 win-loss ratio
…and I’m still Bronze 3. I’m not just trying to boost my numbers indiscriminately either; I’m actually trying to make an impact with my decision making. ;_;
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hugeresolve · 1 year
My goal this season is to climb to Diamond on support in Overwatch 2, I'm going to keep track on how it's going for fun...
Current Rank: Gold 4
Games Won: 2 of 2
Wins needed for next rank up: 3 (4 of 7)
I was high plat many seasons ago in Overwatch 1, so for now I'm just working back towards Plat. I do like this new system of "win seven times and rank up," but man is it a slog when your placements place you well below where you belong... I got placed into Silver 4... Like... Why...
Map 1 - Dorado (Win)
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Decent damage amplified for this one, but could be better. Part of it might be that gold dps don't have Amazing aim. I had DPS who were having a really hard time getting kills even with my help, but we stabilized defending the last checkpoint and then snowballed our picks on the enemy in the attack round thanks to good mobility and damage boost.
Map 2 - Ilios (Win)
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My movement was CRAZY this map. Only died once, and it was from accidentally slingshotting myself off the map to avoid a D.va bomb. 💀 I helped the DPS secure a lot of kills this round while avoiding an enemy Sombra who was on my ass, and prevented her from getting a lot of picks on my fellow support, which always feels good.
Sadly, no more time for overwatch today!
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dodgebolts · 1 year
i still don't really understand what 'co-owns the team' means. he didn't appear to have a lot of insight into exactly what the team was doing or what they were up against. is it like those billlionaires who own hockey teams and just show up for games once a season and really don't know a lot about it? or is he just tangentially involved in that he kinda hangs out with them but there's a boss/subordinate relationship? or is he treated as part of NRG itself? i just don't get the vibes.
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that he co-owns the organization itself—NRG is a fairly well-established esports org that doesn’t only have a valo team, but their twitter and website also show they have top-ranked Apex, Rocket League, and Overwatch teams, and iirc also recently disbanded their Fortnite arm!
The way it seems to work is that he doubles as a content creator in addition to helping with growth on the admin side (take for instance, him getting the NRG twitter login to boost them to 1mil on there) and just gets opportunities through them for himself! So I would say it’s kinda like what you described w the sports team owners but more hands-on, since he actually does make content with NRG and seems genuinely friendly with all the guys!!
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winsoongi · 1 year
Tell us about. Ur OCs
i have a lot of ocs! they are all professional gamers that play Fantasy Overwatch in FOWL (Fantasy Overwatch League) and the vast majority started out as joke ocs that i ended up getting really attached to. some are characters in the webcomic im currently developing called Ad Terra (which i talk about a little bit here) and some are in the same universe but unrelated to that story. there's way too many to talk about here and also i dont want to spoil too much about that story, but i can tell you about the main trio of ad terra (under a cut bc itll get long)
First up is nyangi, real name Jeon Hyeon-je! He's a flex dps who busted onto the early scene with his flashy Farah (Fantasy Pharah) play... and fell out of the spotlight just as quickly due to his limited hero pool and a lot of inter-team drama. Now 18, nyangi's been a professional ever since he was a young teenager. he's very attached to his teammates, especially those he's played with since the beginning, and considers them as much of a family as his bio family (even if his teammates don't necessarily feel the same). He loves mind games (he’s not as good at them as he thinks) and chose his tag because he assumed it would give him a tactical advantage in ranked by angering gamers on the enemy team. nyangi is an aries (with all that entails) and his blood type is AB! if i had to give him a pokemon partner, it'd be a mimikyu, but his starter would be a shiny litten. Another fun fact is that Hyeon-je is a homophone for "now/the present/at current" in korean, which is so other characters can make him mad with really bad puns.
Next is PRinCe, real name Lee Seon-jin! He's a flex tank (FOWL takes place in 2018 when that role actually meant something) with insane mechanical skills. While he's the same age (but a few months older) as nyangi and has been in the scene just as long, he's a polarizing figure due to his original team-- Beatsports Green. BsG was one of the most promising teams coming into the scene, but was dissolved after it came out that the players were supplementing their salaries by boosting. While PRinCe was never directly implicated, he still ended up having to play on mostly NA and AUS teams and moved to the US to do so at 16. He’s bounced around a lot and has a massive chip on his shoulder, but he knows just about everyone and is friendly with most. PRinCe is a Capricorn and his blood type is O. His starter is also a litten, but his partner mon is a crobat. One fun fact is that... he’s the hardest character for me to draw :pensive:
Third is Roadster, real name Park Seong-mo! He’s also a flex dps, but with an ever-deepening hero pool. He came onto the scene about a year later than his same-ages buddies nyangi and PRinCe. While he’s an absolute beast in scrims and in online play, he’s... not as good when he has to play in front of a crowd. For that reason, he’s usually benched, but his coaches and teammates fight to keep him on the team because he has serious promise... if he could ever get over his stage fright. Roadster is deeply grateful to all of his teammates for this, and especially to nyangi and veteran Seung-soo “SPLINTER” Yoon, who often go out of their ways to help him get more comfortable. While not the most mechanically gifted player, Roadster’s gamesense is unmatched, so much so that he could easily go into coaching, but he’s determined to make it on the big stage before he decides to stay behind the scenes. He’s a Pisces and his blood type is also AB. Roadster’s starter pokemon would be an Oshawott, and his partner mon would be a togetic! One fun fact is that his original tag when i created him was balta, but i quickly realized that means something like “walk by foot” in korean which is not the vibe i wanted. he’s also the character that’s grown the most on me over time
ok this is getting too long and i have to do stuff but other characters i love and would love to talk about more at another time are pestle LXVIZ judy and judie. and also fleck my friend fleck. thank you again for asking i love talking abt these guys
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thejohnwicky · 1 month
Game Boosting Industry: Why Its Big?
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The game boosting industry has emerged as a significant force in the world of online gaming, catering to a growing demand from players seeking to enhance their gaming experience and progress more quickly. This multimillion-dollar industry has flourished due to a variety of factors, including the competitive nature of online games, the allure of exclusive in-game rewards, and the desire for players to showcase their accomplishments.
At its core, game boosting industry revolves around the concept of skilled players or services offering their expertise to help others advance in online games. This can take various forms, such as Power Leveling (leveling up characters quickly), Boosting (completing difficult missions or raids), or Account Boosting (temporarily taking control of a player's account to achieve specific goals). The services provided by boosting companies range from simple tasks to complex challenges, allowing players to bypass the time-consuming grind or overcome obstacles they may find too difficult.
One of the primary drivers behind the growth of the game boosting industry is the competitive nature of many online games. In titles like World of Warcraft, Overwatch, or League of Legends, players are constantly striving to reach higher ranks, unlock coveted rewards, or simply keep up with their friends and peers. For those with limited time or skill, boosting services offer a tempting shortcut to progress faster and attain goals that might otherwise be out of reach.
The allure of exclusive in-game rewards and cosmetic items has also fueled the demand for boosting services. Many online games incorporate rare or limited-time items, such as mounts, skins, or gear, that can be challenging or time-consuming to obtain. By utilizing boosting services, players can gain access to these coveted rewards without the substantial investment of time and effort required to earn them through regular gameplay.
Additionally, the game boosting industry has tapped into the human desire for recognition and achievement. In many online gaming communities, a player's status and prestige are often tied to their in-game accomplishments, such as high ranks, rare loot, or completion of challenging content. By acquiring these achievements through boosting services, players can quickly elevate their standing and gain respect among their peers, satisfying the need for validation and a sense of accomplishment.
The rise of the game boosting industry has also been facilitated by the increasing accessibility and affordability of these services. With the proliferation of online marketplaces and dedicated boosting websites, players can easily purchase boosting services from a wide range of providers. Furthermore, the competitive nature of the industry has driven down prices, making boosting services more affordable for a broader audience.
However, the game boosting industry is not without its controversies and ethical concerns. Many game developers and publishers view boosting as a form of cheating or exploitation, as it undermines the intended gameplay experience and can provide unfair advantages to those who utilize these services. Additionally, there are concerns about account security and the potential for account theft or compromise when players hand over their login credentials to boosting services.
Despite these concerns, the game boosting industry continues to thrive, driven by the insatiable demand for faster progress, exclusive rewards, and a sense of achievement in the highly competitive world of online gaming. As long as players seek shortcuts and developers incorporate desirable in-game rewards, the boosting industry will likely continue to evolve and adapt, catering to the needs and desires of gamers worldwide.
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friedwinnertragedy · 2 months
Elevate Your Gaming Experience with Boosteria's Boosting Solutions
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Are you ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? With Boosteria's cutting-edge boosting solutions, you can elevate your gameplay, achieve your desired rankings, and conquer your gaming goals like never before. Imagine a world where you can effortlessly climb the ranks in popular online games and showcase your skills with confidence. Boosteria's boosting services are here to make that dream a reality.
What is Boosteria's Boosting Service?
Boosteria's boosting service is a specialized solution designed to enhance your gaming experience by providing professional assistance in achieving your desired rankings and goals in various online games. Whether you're looking to climb the competitive ladder in League of Legends or improve your skills in Overwatch, Boosteria offers a range of boosting services tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements. To learn more about cheap prices on valorant rank boosting, visit on hyperlinked site.
By partnering with Boosteria, you gain access to a team of experienced and skilled boosters who are dedicated to helping you reach your gaming objectives efficiently and effectively. These professionals are well-versed in the strategies and tactics needed to excel in different games, providing you with the guidance and support necessary to elevate your performance and rankings.
Boosteria's boosting services go beyond just improving your in-game performance; they also offer valuable insights and tips to help you enhance your gameplay skills and overall experience. With Boosteria's assistance, you can progress faster, achieve higher rankings, and unlock new levels of gameplay that you may not have thought possible.
Benefits of Using Boosteria
When it comes to enhancing your gaming experience, Boosteria's boosting solutions offer a myriad of benefits that can take your gameplay to the next level.
Let's delve into the advantages of using Boosteria and how it can elevate your gaming journey:
Faster Progression: With Boosteria's boosting services, you can accelerate your progress in the game and swiftly climb the ranks. Say goodbye to tedious grinding and hello to swift advancements towards your desired goals.
Higher Rankings: By enlisting the help of Boosteria's skilled boosters, you can significantly improve your in-game rankings. Whether you aim to reach the top of the leaderboard or simply want to climb a few tiers, Boosteria can help you achieve your desired rank.
Improved Gameplay Skills: One of the key benefits of using Boosteria is the opportunity to enhance your gameplay skills. Through expert guidance and support from experienced boosters, you can learn advanced strategies, tactics, and techniques that will elevate your performance in the game.
Personalized Approach: Boosteria offers a personalized approach to boosting, tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences. Whether you require assistance in a particular game mode or seek guidance on a specific aspect of gameplay, Boosteria's boosters can provide customized support to help you excel.
Round-the-Clock Support: With Boosteria, you can access boosting services round-the-clock, ensuring that assistance is available whenever you need it. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, Boosteria's team of skilled boosters is ready to support you at any time.
Overall, the benefits of using Boosteria extend beyond just improving your in-game performance; they encompass a holistic approach to enhancing your gaming experience and helping you achieve your gaming goals with efficiency and excellence.
Professional and Skilled Boosters
When it comes to enhancing your gaming experience and achieving your desired rankings in online games, having professional and skilled boosters by your side can make all the difference. At Boosteria, we take pride in our team of experienced and dedicated boosters who are experts in various popular games. Our boosters undergo rigorous training and are selected based on their exceptional gaming skills and in-depth knowledge of game mechanics.
One of the key advantages of working with our professional boosters is the personalized approach they provide to each client. Whether you are looking to climb the ranks in League of Legends or improve your performance in Overwatch, our boosters tailor their strategies to meet your specific goals and requirements. They work closely with you to understand your playstyle, strengths, and areas for improvement, ensuring a customized boosting experience that maximizes your gaming potential.
At Boosteria, we believe that the success of our clients is a reflection of the expertise and dedication of our boosters. That's why we place a strong emphasis on professionalism, reliability, and skill when selecting and training our team. Our boosters are not only proficient in gameplay mechanics but also excel in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, making them valuable allies in your quest for gaming success.
Furthermore, our professional boosters are equipped with the latest strategies, tactics, and insights to help you navigate the competitive landscape of online gaming. They stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving meta, patch updates, and gameplay trends, ensuring that you receive the most effective boosting solutions that give you a competitive edge.
When you choose Boosteria's boosting services, you can trust that you are in good hands with our team of professional and skilled boosters. Whether you are aiming to reach the top ranks, improve your skills, or simply enjoy a more rewarding gaming experience, our boosters are here to support you every step of the way. Elevate your gaming journey with Boosteria and unlock your full potential with the help of our dedicated boosters.
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What Do You Need To Know About Overwatch Boosting?
Games like Overwatch are fun to play because they give you the chance to engage in a shooting fight with your fellow gamers. The gameplay is so addictive that people spend hours at it and not get bored.
However, it is not the easiest of games and requires a good deal of practice. Otherwise, you might get stuck at specific levels and not make progress. This is why Overwatch Boosting is a thing and many players use it to gain undue advantages in the game.
If by chance you are intrigued to know more about game boosting in Overwatch, read the post below.
What Is Overwatch Boosting All About?
To put it in simple terms, Overwatch boosting involves assigning a high-ranking gamer to play on your behalf. These are professional players who help you achieve top ranks and make quick progress.
Anybody can use boosting services and take full advantage of them. With the help of these services, you can boost your ranks, unlock rare items, obtain exclusive in-game content, and so much more.
However, you cannot just choose a random game-boosting service and expect desired results from them. You must choose a reputable service to give you the support you need.
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Why Use A Game Booster In Overwatch?
There is more than one good reason to use a game booster in Overwatch. The reasons include:
Solid Advantage
When you use a game booster, a professional controls the game on your behalf. They finish missions and hard tasks to level up your ranks so you don’t have to.
More Fun
When using a game-boosting service, you don’t need to stress yourself about handling the game. The player assigned to you will take care of everything.
If you love playing Overwatch and want to increase your levels, you should use a game-boosting service. These services are no doubt great, especially for players who are new to the title.
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gaming-performance · 4 months
Why Should Gamers Learn More at Boosteria Website?
Gamers always look for ways to boost their gaming performance. Even experienced gamers look for ways to boost their performance to rank better.  Thankfully, Boosteria website can help. With many websites claiming to boost game performance for gamers, here are some reasons why they should learn more at Boosteria Website:
Boosteria Offers Boosting Service for Different Games
You can buy boost for different games on the Boosteria Website. So, it is better to know about Boosteria. When you gain knowledge about this website, you can get to know the games for which you can buy boosts. Here is the list of games:
Diablo 4
COD Mobile
HS Battlegrounds
Wilf Rift
Rocket League
Mobile Legends
Dota 2
Demo Version Available
In addition, from the Boosteria website, you can get a demo version of each boosting service. This is an added advantage of this platform. You can try out any boosting service before you pay for it. This will help you judge how the boosting service works. If you are satisfied, you can continue to go for the paid version.
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Assures Complete Refund
Further, Boosteria offers a complete refund service. In case, the boosting service is yet to start, the website offers a complete refund of your money. In case, the service has already started, you will get a partial refund of the money you spent on buying a boosting service from this platform.
Boosting Service from Expert Gamers
For every game, Boosteria selects gamers from the top 1% of players in the ranked system. So, you will get the boosting done by an expert gamer irrespective of the game for which you buy boosters from this platform. Most boosters on this platform have been with this platform for many years. They have established themselves as excellent professionals. In turn, you will get the right kind of support from them to improve your game performance and ranking on any game of your interest.
Easy to Contact
You can use the convenient ticket system that the website offers to contact. Otherwise, you can also use Facebook Messenger or the customer area that this platform offers. The platform makes sure that gamers get responses typically within a few minutes to hours. You can get a response within a maximum of 24 hours. However, this can happen only rarely.
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valorantboosts22 · 4 months
Ascend to Victory: BoostMyElo.com and Your Gaming Odyssey
In the dynamic and expansive world of online gaming, the pursuit of excellence spans multiple universes. BoostMyElo.com stands as a versatile and comprehensive solution, offering top-tier boosting services across popular titles such as Valorant, Wild Rift, League of Legends, CS:GO, and Overwatch. In this blog post, we'll delve into the unique benefits of choosing BoostMyElo.com, a dedicated platform designed to elevate your gaming experience across a diverse array of games.
The All-In-One Gaming Solution: BoostMyElo.com isn't just a service; it's a gaming companion that caters to enthusiasts of various genres. Whether you're diving into tactical shooters like Valorant, mastering the lanes in Wild Rift, conquering the competitive landscape of League of Legends, fine-tuning your skills in CS:GO, or orchestrating victories in Overwatch, BoostMyElo.com provides a one-stop-shop for your gaming journey.
Benefits of Choosing BoostMyElo.com:
Expertise Across the Spectrum: BoostMyElo.com takes pride in its dedicated team of boosters, each specializing in different gaming realms. This diverse expertise ensures that you receive personalized assistance tailored to the unique dynamics of each supported title.
Time-Efficient Progression: Say goodbye to the grind. BoostMyElo.com empowers players to save valuable time by entrusting their gaming progression to seasoned professionals. Whether you're chasing higher ranks or honing your skills, BoostMyElo.com's efficient services pave the way to achieving your gaming goals swiftly.
Top-Notch Account Security: Security is paramount at BoostMyElo.com. Advanced measures are in place to fortify the protection of your gaming accounts, guaranteeing a worry-free boosting experience across all supported games.
A World of Games, One Platform: Enjoy the convenience of a single platform catering to your diverse gaming interests. BoostMyElo.com facilitates a seamless transition between games, allowing you to explore and excel in different gaming universes without the hassle of multiple platforms.
Transparent and Competitive Pricing: BoostMyElo.com believes in transparency and affordability. The platform offers competitive and clear pricing structures, ensuring that you receive value for your investment regardless of the game you choose to conquer.
Conclusion: BoostMyElo.com isn't just a boosting service; it's your companion in the ever-expanding universe of online gaming. With expertise across multiple games, a commitment to account security, and a transparent pricing model, BoostMyElo.com is your go-to destination for an elevated gaming experience. Embark on a multi-game journey to excellence with BoostMyElo.com – where every victory is within reach.
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addictedtoparesthesia · 5 months
Understanding Game Boosting Providers: Devices as well as Performance
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Game boosting companies have ended up being progressively popular in the video gaming community, giving gamers a quick way to achieving much higher ranks, much better devices, or strengthened in-game efficiency. These companies normally involve proficient gamers, recognized as enhancers, playing on account of a client to help them achieve their intended in-game goals. While lol elo boosting solutions may be actually effective, there are each perks and risks connected with utilizing them.
Just How Video Game Boosting Services Function
Proficient Boosters:
Video game boosting companies use experienced and also strongly competent players that master specific video games. These enhancers take command of the client's account and also use their account to attain the desired purposes, such as focusing up, acquiring in-game currency, or even unlocking special items.
Custom-made Services:
Boosting solutions often offer individualized answers based upon the customer's demands. Whether it is actually achieving a particular position in affordable play, finishing demanding purposes, or accumulating in-game sources, the services could be modified to comply with specific objectives.
Account Security:
Reputable video game boosting companies focus on profile security. They utilize various steps, such as VPNs and also encrypted interaction stations, to secure the customer's profile coming from potential risks like hacking or even unauthorized access.
Boosters normally work anonymously, and also their identifications are actually kept discreet to sustain the integrity of the client's video gaming account. This guarantees that the elo boosting lol process stays subtle.
Performance of Game Boosting Services
Opportunity Efficiency:
Video game boosting solutions are efficient in conserving opportunity for gamers that may certainly not have the luxurious of costs hrs on end to accomplish particular in-game goals. By allowing enhancers to take care of the tough duties, clients can swiftly reach their intended landmarks.
Skill-set Improvement:
While some criticize video game boosting for undermining the principle of ability development, others suggest that enjoying enhancers play can give useful insights as well as strategies, permitting clients to learn and boost their very own abilities gradually.
Accessibility to Exclusive Content:
Video game boosting solutions can open special in-game information that may be actually complicated for the typical player to acquire. This features uncommon things, high-tier equipment, or even minimal version rewards.
Dangers and Considerations
Profile Suspension:
Making use of overwatch rank boosting companies is actually frequently against the regards to service of several video gaming platforms. Clients risk having their profiles suspended or disallowed if captured using these companies, as it is considered an infraction of fair game.
Dependability of Service Providers:
Certainly not all video game boosting solutions are credible. Some might weaken profile surveillance or involve in illegal activities. It is actually crucial for players to completely investigation as well as pick trusted provider along with favorable evaluations as well as a tested record.
Honest Concerns:
Utilizing video game boosting companies increases reliable questions, as it may be considered threatening the very competitive integrity of on-line games. It may trigger an uneven arena and reduce the feeling of success for those who attain their objectives via legit means.
To conclude, video game boosting solutions could be helpful in helping players obtain specific in-game targets promptly. Nevertheless, individuals need to carefully consider the dangers involved, featuring potential profile revocation and reliable concerns. It is actually important to select professional solution companies as well as examine the perks versus the prospective downsides just before making a decision to make use of game boosting companies.
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