zeroarmsgrani · 4 months
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[oc art] chúc mừng năm mới!🐉 🧧
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I meant how Ouryuumon would rank them, but hearing about Alphamon is fun too XD
My bad! Here's Ouryumon's rankings! Not including Alphamon, who's obviously #1 in his heart (except for in another universe).
As you can see, Ouryumon prefers a certain build of man.
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blue-skytan · 4 years
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gettit? O(u)ryo(mon)
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dailyroyalknights · 7 years
I heard that in one parallel universe Alphamon can transform into a car, how would the rest of the RK look like as cars?
This is actually something me and some friends basically joked, credit to @metalempire for these cause they are golden:
Duftmon would be a limo
Craniummon would clearly be a monster truck
Ulforce V-dramon would be a bugatti
Dynasmon would be the motobike
Magnamon would be a three wheeled robin
Dukemon would an aesthetic looking ferrari that looks like a hotwheels
RhodoKnightmon would be a pimp car
Omegamon would be a convertible car
Jesmon would be a trike
Sleipmon rides a skateboard
Gankoomon would be a 4x4 dad car (baby on board)
Examon would be a kite
Ouryuumon would be a tricycle
Imperialdramon PM a unicycle
As you can see, I took your question very seriously. No but really, I don’t know a lot about cars, so I cannot answer properly.
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Oh so Ouryuumon prefers muscles, yes?
Ouryumon: ...>//////> I don't know what you're talking about!
(Translation: Yes. Yes, he does.)
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Speaking purely on a hypothetical basis. If Ouryuumon wasn't with Alpha, how would he rank the Royal Knights in terms of who he'd date?
Well, they are technically on a break... but Alphamon would be too gentlemanly to rank them, so, yeah, let's go with hypothetical. xD
Alphamon: Here is a tentative ranking based on a variety of factors, including compatibility, shared interests, personality, how well we know each other, and other such things. There is absolutely no offence intended with this ranking, and it is not a definitive opinion on our relationship viability, as it is merely based on my kneejerk impressions of what I know about them. They are all have their own unique qualities that I could potentially grow to love.
Ouryumon: ... *soooo not jealous* ... *nope not all* ... *not even a little* >.>
Raijinmon: ... *wonders if he could commission an Alphamon dating sim with a Duftmon route*
(Edit: Oops! I misread the question. Ouryumon one coming next. xD)
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OuRyuumon from A Dragon in Shining Armour! Part of a two piece picture drawn by @tangy-sweetlove and posted on her Instagram (link above). I absolutely love this fanart; the lighting, the atmosphere, the emotion - it’s amazing. Thank you for drawing this!
Some of you may remember what scene this is referring to. It’s a great interpretation of it. I’m still impressed by the emotion captured in OuRyuumon’s face. It’s the exact mood I was going for in that scene.
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I’m a month late for sharing this on here, but here’s a piece of Valentine’s Day artwork that @tangy-sweetlove drew, featuring Alphamon and OuRyuumon from A Dragon in Shining Armour and Holy War, as well as her own awesome OuRyuumon and Dynasmon OCs, Pierre and Delphinium. They all look great! Thank you!
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OuRyuumon doesn't need an X form cause he's already perfect in my heart.
OuRyuumon: Hey, thanks! You’re pretty cool too. I’ve actually got an X-Antibody already built in, but... yeah, I am kinda perfect, huh?
Alphamon: This is going to go right to his head, you know
OuRyuumon: This person has good tastes, what can I say?.
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So, I finished a chapter yesterday, and I thought I’d start writing the next chapter today... but then this happened.
I’m sorry.
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Dear Griff, is there maybe a suitable favorite theme, song, anime character song or original sountrack you connect with OuRyuumon? If not, is there a piece of music perhaps for our couple Alpha & OuRyuu? Title and composer would suffice. Because I've listened to your soundcloud selection again, which I like and am interested in more music for more certain characters.
Thanks for the question. I wish I could add more to the soundcloud, but I run into licensing issues, so I don’t really know a good platform to share all the music I have.
As for the question, I have a few that I connect to OuRyuumon, though I wish I had more.
Hangeki no Yaiba - Wagakki BandThe traditional Japanese style mixed with rock fits OuRyuumon a lot, along with the lyrics. I can definitely imagine him in the thick of battle to this song.
Just A Day - FeederFor after OuRyuumon argues with Alphamon and leaves the Order
Threat of the Whale Shark - Tatsuya KatoTheme for pre-character development OuRyuumon
Let me know if you have any more!
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To Ouryuumon. Would you classify yourself as a tsundere or a yandere type?
OuRyuumon: What?! Not a chance! Like hell I would! *folds his arms*
Alphamon: ...So... all of your mood swings and your angrily denying your feelings for me... those weren’t signs of you being a tsundere?
OuRyuumon: ...Sh-Shut up, Alphamon! *totally is a tsundere*
Alphamon: Ah, yes, I heard a lot of that too. *chuckles*
OuRyuumon: >//////////> 
Alphamon: And when you decided to push DarkKnightmon off the tower...?
OuRyuumon: ...H-Hey! He was planning a coup against you! It wasn’t because I’m a yandere! It’s not like I was threatened by him or anything!
Alphamon: I should hope not. ...And?
OuRyuumon: ...And I promise never to do anything like that again. =///////=
Alphamon: Good.
OuRyuumon: *may have had some slight yandere tendencies too*
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The Daydream of a Digicore...
This is a lovely sketch of fanart that @capsicleandicecream drew and gave me permission to post here.
It’s a really cute drawing of two certain boyfriends from A Dragon in Shining Armour, and I really like how it looks. ^^ You can really see the emotion just from the pair of hands.
Thank you very much for taking the time to draw this! I’m really flattered that you enjoy the stories enough to draw fan art. A huge thanks on my behalf. ^^
Alphamon and OuRyuumon’s relationship has taken a bit of a back seat in Holy War since Chapter 8, but I’m planning to address it again soon in one of the coming chapters. With all the plot that’s going on, I’ve been meaning to have a bit of a breather chapter where I can just focus on some of the characters. Just have to figure out where to place it.
Thank you again!
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OuRyuumon: HEEEEY! Hey! Alphamon! There was this thing on twitter, where so many people were begging for me to be in a video game, that the makers of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory decided to put me and my entire line in the game because so many people were retweeting about it!
Alphamon: Oh? That’s great news, OuRyuumon. It looks like we’ll be in the game together. I’m glad for you.
OuRyuumon: We’ll be able to go Ouryuken too, probably!
DarkKnightmon: That isn’t even what happened, Alphamon. It wasn’t some mass campaign... It was a retweet-gathering post from the main Digimon game account and the threshold for retweets was only two thousand and eighteen - the next year on the human calendar. Insultingly low, if you ask me...
OuRyuumon: Nobody did ask you! What the hell are you even doing here, bastard?! I don’t see you in the game!
Alphamon: You’re on social media, DarkKnightmon?
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zeroarmsgrani · 7 years
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I wish Ouryuumon appeared more often… Even the Ouryuken is more popular than him!! Alphamon! Ouryuu deserves better!
This was the first time I drew him, soo. That’s why it’s a bit messy! It’s a WIP but I’m not sure if I want to keep working on this…
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Was there a reason why I call him “OuRyuumon” instead of “Ouryumon”? All of the source material now says “Ouryumon”, but I feel like it used to be that Digimon material called him “OuRyuumon”. I don’t think I’d just call him that for no reason... Digimon spellings keep changing. Now I’m wondering if I should change it or if that would screw up my muscle memory too much.
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