#our cultures aversion to nonsexual nudity has really warped our perception of bodies
fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
As we move towards the summer months, this is a healthy reminder that:
BMI is misapplied at best and pseudoscience at worst.
That genetics have far more affect on body type than any other factor.
That a "healthy weight" varies wildly from person to person.
That your body's actual healthy weight shouldn't require constant dieting to maintain.
That some studies have shown that being slightly "overweight" based on BMI actually makes you more resilient against injury and illness.
That unless your weight is actually directly causing you mobility issues or pain, it isn't a problem.
That movement and food should be a source of joy, not self discipline and stress.
That everyone looks better in clothes that fit properly.
That being hydrated and well fed is far more important to your health than you realize.
That fed is best.
That chiseled abs are only really visible if you are dehydrated.
That feeling the sun on your skin and bird song can heal the parts of you that years of dieting and weight watching and self criticism has injured.
That you have no obligation to be sexy or beautiful.
That you should never say things about your own body that you wouldn't say about a friend's or a partner's.
That it is not a moral imperative to be healthy or mobile or skinny.
That the people who judge you for your weight are fighting their own demons.
That People are absolutely terrible at guessing a person's weight. How you dress and carry yourself has far more impact on perception.
That You don't have to be beautiful to enjoy a beautiful day.
Better happy than skinny.
Feeling good is better than looking good.
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