#ough crispy
sailahina · 3 months
It's annoying how good fried spam is. My weakness. I just put some in an omelette and it was incredible.
Constantly fighting my conscience with my wallet😔
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crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
Re: Sun on the sun and Moon on the moon, what about Sun on the moon? Definitely imaging him skipping around in low gravity having a blast...
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What is it like, I wonder, to see the world for the first time? To see your home in a way you never could have imagined, from a vantage point so terribly far away that the mere thought makes you dizzy. And how wonderful it is to share that moment - a quiet moment following a roaring wind - with the ones you love the most.
I think it would be nice.
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ch3shire-rabbit · 2 years
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Screenshot redraw except I use my own Bumblebee design (which is. basically Bee’s 2018 movie design but stylized/simplified) because I don’t like the one they gave him in Rescue Bots all that much
Here, some Transformers for you —————
Do NOT repost, edit, trace, or use my art in any way. Thanks.
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pls i would eat so many vegetables if they weren’t such a pain to cook
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kastimere · 2 years
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I put a cool TikTok filter on my drawings and now they look hot
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catmemey · 1 year
"ough" is SUCH a good onomatopoeia. it's just. ough. permanent member of my lexicon
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
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mikshroomthesilly · 7 months
Me and my dad talking abt how Cameron Lew should do game ost covers
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lynaferns · 5 months
I'm going to make a list of my art traits and their possible counterparts (?)
(gonna be updating this whenever I come up with something or someone adds something)
Pointy edges -> round edges (this one's easy to come up with)
Brown lineart -> blue(?) lineart (or just black)
Crispy textured brush -> soft (?) brush
Thin lineart (usually) -> thick lineart
Autumn/warm colors (ough) -> mute(?) Cool colors(?)
Detailed/realistic -> cartoony/simple (ough... :'))
Shading and lineart in the same layer (don't know how to call it) -> cell shading (this anti-artstyle is gonna make me cry)
Wait, since my art is mostly the lineart, should the counterpart be mostly coloring? (I'm going to think about this)
That's all I can think of for now
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OUGH speaking of chicharrones, my fav are the type that are shaped like pinwheels. also called duritos. that shit is so yummy….. AND can be fried, air fried, or microwaved, making them as easy of a snack as i want them to be. i, too, tired of them sometimes because texture and crispiness and sometimes the sound is too much but every once in a while i just get a fuckin hankerin for them and am up for gnawing down on a whole bag. ESPECIALLY if i’ve gotten them from a flea market/local farmers markets, because they always taste better from them for some reason. love ‘em.
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i dont know what they're called in tagalog, but i especially really like the ones fried with still a little bit of meat attached! adds an extra texture and bite imo
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hopper-parker · 26 days
[Log 13]
«*places plate of toast on his lap* Enjoy.»
*Noah looks over at Harry who's still snoozing*
«What about him? *gestures to harry*»
«*Ruffles his hair* he's still asleep. When he wakes up, he gets toast too. How's school been?»
*Hesitantly, he took off his mask and bit down into his toast, enjoying the taste of Nutella and warm crispy bread.*
«Norm won't teach me any more things cause I'm too little to know stuff from the next grade, so I been reading. Talkin' is tiring.»
«If you're at the next grades level, then I think you should learn what they're learning.»
«I don't care about it! I wanna build stuff, not sit n' learn stuff all day. It gets boring.»
«Darling, you're only 5 and a half. Too little to be around tools and big people things. These little fingers *he hold up Noah's little hand* could get hurt.»
«They don't! I know what to do!. I make stuff in the workerer room all the time.»
*Noah crunches into the rest of the slice of toast and then messily starts eating another*
«Who was watching you?»
«Did pa say not to go in the work room?»
«Yes. He says it's Gatos room and I'm not allowed near the thingos he accidentally left there.»
*The room grows quiet, aside from the sound of crunching and chewing. Mer was pretty sure Gabe got all those android parts and his tools out of the workroom. He was scared of what was left that Noah had been tinkering with.*
«What did firelight leave behind?»
*Mer takes a tissue and wipes the Nutella off of Noah's face*
«Two tool thingys and a android foot that I'm turnin' into a leg for Norm.»
«sweetie, doesn't norm already have a leg?»
«Yes but hims android needs a new one cause of the lady he loves...I'm cold.»
*mer takes the plate for a moment, before wrapping Noah up in the blanket snugly*
«No, no. I want a hug.»
«Well, finish your toast and then I'll give you a biiiggg hug.»
«*Shakes his head and buries himself under the blanket* You eat. I'm full.»
«Im not hungry kiddo. Its all for you so you grow up bigger and stronger than me.»
*he peeks out and looks somewhat confused*
«Daddy did you eat today?»
*Taken aback by the question, mer places the plate on his lap. He decided to lie.*
«Yeah. I had chips earlier when you were fast asleep in your little hidey hole.»
«Norm said you've been asleep for 48 hours.»
*Mer takes a piece of toast off of the plate and looks down at it, feeling his stomach churn like he might vomit. The idea of eating was about as appealing as staring at a rotting body. Wincing, he took a small bite, chewed and swallowed it.*
«ough... I mean... Yum! Wanna hug now? Maybe we could go back to sleep.»
«Whats an invader mean and why does it hurt your organs?»
«*He pauses and pulls his jumper tighter around him and lowers his voice* it's... Uhh... Something that enters where it's not supposed to be. Like when someone breaks into a house or takes over a country that isn't their own without permission from locals.»
*He picks Noah up in the blanket and hugs him tightly*
«But why are there people in your body hurting your organs?»
*Mer let's out a small giggle and wraps the blanket around both of them*
«There's no people in my body kiddo. I'm just infected with a parasite.»
«What kinda parasmite?»
«I don't know. I think I picked it up from Oscorp.»
*The goggles holding mer's fringe back pinged and norms voice came out of the speaker*
[Recommendation: Seek medical advice immediately. (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)]
«I'll be fine. We aren't going to listen to norm right now. Let's go back to sleep.»
*With that, mer hops up and weaves a web hammock to the best of his abilities before picking up Noah and the blanket, hopping in. Hugging Noah and covering them both with the blanket, he starts to rock the hammock back and forth so that the motion would help them both get back to sleep.*
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kn1ght-l1ght · 3 months
What's your favorite thing to cook/bake?
Ough I always forget to answers these but I think my favorite is cookies when they turn out perfectly soft on the inside yet crispy on the outside
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wastelandsghoul · 5 months
Gifting Simon Aloe Vera for when he does get crispy. But thinking of vacations with he and Soap, and choosing the mountains or something so he doesn’t burn but also late night fire in the fireplace and hot coco and Johnny making snowmen with you and snow angels
Ough 🥺🥺🥺👉🏼👈🏼 fuck yes pls it hasn't snowed for SHIT here that's stuck like,,,tf
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enjoydotnet · 7 months
OUGH. dirty ass diner. cigarette gmilf waitress. 2 eggs scrambed. scrapple CRISPY, nay, burnt. pancakes instead of toast 99% syrup. table is wrecked after. 2 dollar tip (sticky from syrup)
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gengarpng · 8 months
1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, and 27 for those Halloween asks? That's a lot oops I tried to restrain myself though they're all very good questions KJHDFGKJ
on a scale of 1-10 how spooky are you? Physically? like a 2. im not v spooky, otherwise i put myself at a solid 7.
2. Horror movies or silly cartoon spooks? Horror movies!
3. When does spooky season start for you? P much right when september starts baybie, wild to me that they started putting stuff out in august. Just a Touch too early imo.
5. Do you have any halloween traditions? Not really ;w; lately tho i've been tagging along w my sister and her kids when they do the trick or treat event at our local zoo! Otherwise I usually just put on one of my kigus and kinda hang out
9. Do you enjoy carving pumpkins? I prefer painting them!
10. How much decorating do you do? describe your spooky decoration/style! We do a lot of decorations, mostly indoor, tho we have a few outdoor inflatables! It's a lot of kitty cats and witches in our house, plus a lot of those window cling stickers.
13. Witches, vampires, or ghosts? Vampires!!!
14. Dark, spooky fall or breezy aesthetic fall? Ough tough choice, honestly i feel like they kind of go hand in hand, dark spooky breezy night? *chefs kiss*
17. crispy crunchy leaves or creepy twisty gourds? Creepy twisty gourds! I love looking at the "ugly" gourds in stores theyre so cute.
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18. Favorite spooky season smell? Cinnamon smells! cinnamon apples, cider, stuff like that
19. What's the soundtrack for your fall? Admittedly I don't have one, i might look into some 'fall aesthetic' music now tho, sounds intriguing.
27. Candy corn... yes or no? Yes! Admittedly only in smaller doses though lol i can't eat it like i used to.
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