#otp: what I had with liv was special
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make me choose @userlaylivia asked s3 spelivia or s4 spelivia
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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[email protected] a lovely human! QUEEN of Fic Recs. Like, holy hell. How does she do it?? This lady can make a rec list at the drop of a hat, I stg.
So many themes! So many asks answered! Lots of Drarry, but not just Drarry! Rare pairs galore, too! Not to mention all the fandom love! She is so incredibly supportive, generous, and kind. Liv is such a blessing to fandom. Not only for the incredible (and frankly insane (but like in a good way)) rec lists, but for her very precious presence. Thanks for being such a great person, Liv. And thanks for being here! (Also: thanks for letting me pester you!)
Had to include this, which I stumbled upon while looking for another rec list. One: isn't Dark!Harry such fun? Two, lots of familiar author names! And a few fics I've read, even, though I don't read much Drarry! So we're starting this one off with the list I decided to include on a whim LOL!
My oh my! I can never resist Albus Severus/Draco. And what a list this is! I can second like...all of these, basically. With a special OH HECK YEAH for Make Your Own Bed and The Mark of a Good Man!!!!
AHHH DRACO/RON I LOVE THEM OH GOD. I am so obsessed. It's one of my favorite Draco ships for sure. And probably my favorite ship where both parties are the same age hahaha. If anything could sway me away from my love of age gaps, it's this bratty blond and riled-up redhead! And gosh, this list has so much good stuff on it!!!!! Seriously, all of them. Also my fic Collateral Damage is on here which ???? I cry.
I swear I'm not reccing this list for selfish reasons, though. Plumage??? Excellent. A Rush of Blood to the Head?? Oh god HOT. A Fine Foray Into Fashionable Fellatio???? God, this lady has taste. TASTE, I tell you.
Oh. oh.
This one is a fun story for me. Drarry is a ship I struggle with. Much to my dismay! The Drarry fandom has such talent!! I'm in awe. Yet, I never could get my head around it. Partly due to my mostly monogamous feelings for my OTP, Snarry. Partly, it just never spoke to me. No matter how well-written a story, no matter how gorgeous an art, I never felt it.
Until Still Life. On this list! The title was familiar. Folks had mentioned the author not long ago and how they'd orphaned their works. And me being curious, I went digging, even though I didn't read any of them. Then Liv's list popped up and I suppose it felt like fate. It was the second time I'd seen that fic's title in a short period, and it was a short piece. And wow oh wow! I had to run to blather in Liv's DMs about it, but that was the first time I really felt Drarry. What a lovely piece!
Also what a fun idea for a rec list, so definitely check it out!
So remember how I'm mostly monogamous to Snarry? I like to tell people that Snarry is my husband and Scarry is the hot poolboy. Lord, I have seen temptation, and its name is Scarry. Harry and SCORPIUS???? I need more of it in my life, for real. More to read, more to write, just MORE. The Claiming?? Oh wow. Getting Hard?? HECK. YES. A Temporary Reprieve???? ....Sorry, that was the sound of me hitting hitting the ground. Please read all of these, and then thank Liv for doing the Lord's work.
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
what are your OTPS OF 2022
Liv how dare you ask this of me, a girl who cannot recall last week--
buuuuut from what I REMEMBER
Stede and Ed, Our Flag Means Death--Obviously. I scouted them!!! I found them!!! But for real, I fell so swiftly for these two. The fucking romance novel entrance with Ed in his sexy leather getup. Stede admitting to his wife that he loved a guy named Ed. This love story was both very sexually charged and incredibly pure, which is a hard balance to strike. I'm so glad we got season 2, and they better get their fucking shit together.
Louis and Lestat, Interview with the Vampire--LMAO ALL THE TOXIC SHIT I WANT??? I love a messy, fucked up love story, and these two are GIVING. Sam and Jacob's chemistry is just... fucking magic. I think what strikes me most about this ship is that they simultaneously feel like immortals and people who live on my street? Like there's a decent chance that Louis is giving this new interview in the hopes that Daniel will post it online and Lestat will blow up Louis's phone about it. I sense a stunt. They're kinda horrible for each other, but I also feel deeply that they are madly in love and would be incapable of living without the possibility of each other. Like. Louis and Lestat can live with other people and apart, but if Lestat was TRULY GONE and vice versa, I think the other would just wanna die lmao. "Louis thought he killed Lestat" whatever I think on a soul level he knew Lestat was alive.
Marc/Steven and Layla, Moon Knight--What made this so special... obviously... was that you got both. Both of these personas loved Layla. As they should, because Layla is incredible. I really love the idea of love for someone transcending time, space, and persona, and I think this show got that really well. Even if the love and approach wasn't the same for each persona, it was real for both of them.
Evie and Walt, The Invitation--You know what.... she should've looked past it. That's all I'll say. Big mistake, Evie. HUGE.
Jack and Elsa, Werewolf by Night--Had me by the ovaries in less than one hour. THEIR POWER.
that's what I'm gonna say at this very moment, obvi not including bookssss
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
Sick Day
Rafael Barba x Reader.
CW: Mostly fluff; some language; some boob talk.
AN: Prompt #18 (Holiday Movie) from the @thefanficfaerie Christmas OTP challenge.
Tags: @madpanda75 @theenchantedgalleryofstories @ottosuricato @delia26 @sass-and-suspenders @dreila03 @melsquared79 @tropes-and-tales @mommakat32 @garturbo @southern-magnolia @zoeykaytesmom @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @imjustreallynosy @evee87 @sweetsummertime99 @niyashell @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid - lmk if you want to be added!
You threw the covers over your head and tried to sleep. You had a fitful night of sleep - every time you started to drift off, you’d be awoken by coughing. Your nightstand looked like a wannabe apothecary, littered with both prescription and homeopathic treatments.
After another hour of tossing and turning, you gave up and turned on the television. You scanned through a few channels before settling on Lifetime which was having a “Mistletoe Monday” holiday movie binge. You glanced at the clock and realized you were due for some NyQuil. You grimaced as you swallowed the purple liquid and chased it with water. The sedating cold medication made its way quickly through your system and not even thirty minutes into “Elf”, you were out like a light.
You woke up with a start, the sound of banging on your door in the distance. You looked at the clock - it was way later in the day than you expected. You then checked your phone - you had an obscene amount of missed calls and texts from various people, the most coming from your boyfriend, Rafael.
Quickly you emailed your office apologizing and advising you wouldn’t be in. You were about to answer Rafael’s messages but the pounding continued and was giving you a headache.
You sluggishly made your way out of the bed. “Coming,” you called out weakly while grabbing your robe. Your entire body ached and despite the heat being on in your apartment, you were shivering. The pounding continued and you called out again, before starting yet another coughing fit.
Looking through the peephole, you found Rafael standing there. Quickly, you opened the door. “Raf—“
“Y/N! Jesus fucking Christ, you’re okay! I was about to have Liv start a missing persons—“
“I’m sorry—“
“You’re sorry?! You haven’t answered your phone at all! I’ve been so worried!” Rafael nearly shouted, pushing past you and making his way into the apartment. He was about to continue his rant, when he took in the sight of your apartment which usually meticulous, looked as if a tornado had blown threw it. “What’s going on?”
“I’m sick. I probably have the plague, so if I were you, I would leave,” you warned, hoarsely. You were congested, so your threat didn’t sound menacing at all. A shiver coursed through you and you tightened your robe.
Rafael took a look at your disheveled appearance and instantly softened. He took off his coat and suit jacket, hanging it along with his briefcase on your wall mounted coatrack.
“Cariño, why didn’t you call me?” Rafael asked. He ignored your earlier warning, and pulled you close to him. He could feel that you were burning up.
“I took some NyQuil because I couldn’t sleep and promptly passed the fuck out,” you mumbled. You couldn’t smell anything but you had Rafael’s cologne committed to memory. He was warm and both solid and soft at once - you were an instant puddle in his embrace.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” Rafael replied. You nodded, and Rafael led you back to bed.
You climbed back into your fluffy bed and let Rafael tuck you in. He slipped off his suspenders, rolled up his sleeves, and loosened his tie. Rafael pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be right back.”
You nodded, and reached for the remote, turning the TV back on which had gone into sleep mode. You could head Rafael on the phone, but could barely make out what he was saying.
Reaching for a tissue, you blew your nose. You winced, your nose was irritated from the constant blowing and you could only imagine your nose was just as red as Rudolph’s in the claymation special that was on.
You tried hard to keep your eyes open, but found it hard to. You succumbed to sleep, hoping Rafael wouldn’t mind.
Rafael finished his call with Carmen, explaining that he had a personal emergency and that he wasn’t coming in. His paralegal seemed panicked and he reassured her that there were plenty of other ADAs in the building that could assist.
He poked his head back in, calling your name once more but found you sound asleep in your bed. He nodded to himself before busying himself. Opening up his Postmark app, he quickly had groceries and other essentials ordered to your apartment.
You woke up a few hours later. Bleary eyed, you took in the scene before you: your apartment had been straightened up, and Rafael was stirring a large soup pot.
“Raf? You’re not at work?”
Rafael turned around. “Cariño you should be in bed. I was going to wake you. I made soup and tea for you.”
“You made me soup?!” you questioned cautiously. Surreptitiously, you pinched yourself.
“Mi abuelita’s receta - sopa de pollo con fideos - chicken noodle soup. One of the few things I know how to make,” Rafael confessed as he continued to stir the pot.
“You’re not at work,” you repeated, slowly, dumbfounded. “I figured you would have left. I am Typhoid Mary after all. I know you are a man in demand.”
Rafael put the large wooden spoon down and walked over to you. “I am,” he winked. “You’re not well. You are my priority right now. I want to take care of you.“ He pressed a kiss to your forehead once more. “Are you hungry?”
You nodded. “Starving. Feed a cold, starve a fever, right?”
“How is your fever?” Rafael pressed the back of his hand to your forehead. Your skin was clammy and cool. He nodded once more to himself. “Good-seems to have broken.”
Your belly was full of comforting soup. You were now nestled against Rafael, watching “You’ve Got Mail”, your favorite holiday-adjacent movie while sipping some of the anise tea he made. You tried to stifle a cough but failed. You sat forward and Rafael rubbed your back until the fit subsided. When you leaned back against him, he reached for the VaporRub. He scooped some of the potent salve with his fingers, and tugged your shirt up. You didn’t protest, and allowed for Rafael to rub it on your chest. His hand and fingers just skirted the swell of your breasts and he willed himself to behave.
“Mmmm, that’s nice,” you hummed. “My favorite movie and my favorite human; I’m feeling better already.”
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princelee-chang · 4 years
chang for the character meme ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why I like them there’d been no one on his side since he was a lonely scared boy in the palace but it didnt stop him from being there for his people over and over again. he  saved his kingdom by listening to his people, the commoners, whom he respected and valued, those lower than him in status, who’d been forgotten, used, ignored and written off. he kicked down nobles to the ground and called them / o u t  / in broad daylight left and right. he refused for Anyone to die for his sake regardless of their social status. he was inexperienced, sheltered and unprepared to lead and protect and didnt always have all the answers, yet did what he Could do in the circumstances and Grew into his role of king even if he had to learn the hard way. also l i s t e n hes a handsome noble prince, a skilled swordsman a hero whos all heart and a lil bit of a mischievous shit honestly not only up my alley but down my driveway all the way up to the front DOOR i never a CHANCE your h o n or this was never a fair fight i - 
Why I don’t not to be a copy cat but theres also nothing i dont like about chang. even his ~flaws~  only serve to make me love him more. hes naive, idealisitc and emotional. even when he was being a spoiled lil shit in the beginning had its Charms and also added to him as a whole bec i think without that starting point in the beginning of s1, you wouldnt have fully appreciated how much he grew and how far we went at the end of s2. and it made him human. most prince archetypes are either like too campy in their rogueish and r E b e L L i O u S behavior or too Good and Altruistic and Perfect to the point where theyre like too distant and difficult to relate too. i like that chang wasnt always selfless and that he gives in so readily to his emotions. also i love how hes still so clueless and awkward and so Young in the ways of the outside world and so sheltered he knows how to navigate the world of politics and snakes and can cut down zombies left and right but he cant fish hes hopeless outside the palace walls skdhfalsk
Favorite episode (scene if movie) his crowning moment imho is s2ep6 where he specifically told them to choose mu yeongs son over him, told the historians to erase everything he did from the history books. he was willing to let go of what could have been his legacy all to ensure the safety, peace and stability of his kingdom and his people by taking himself out of the narrative, by sparing a life and not wanting power for himself. the haewon cho clan was so obsessed with legacy and power and lineage that they stole a child, murdered women and children, caused a famine and a plague,used the sick and dying to win a war and resurrected and demoralized the kings and innocents bodies and lied and did horrible selfish things in the name of the kingdom to ensure their bloodline. and here comes lee chang who didnt want the throne which is what he was told would be the only thing that wouldve ensured his life and he gave all that up HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Favorite season/movie SEASON 2 hands DOWN. even though it’s also the most cruel season to chang losing all the people he loved one after the other, it was SUCH a sight to see him slowly but surely step UP and fully embrace his role as King. plus so much sword action i just - [ s c  r e a m ]
Favorite line  my man is always delivering dramatic ass speeches and spirit stirring monologues like his life Depends on it and i honestly i love him for it but like where do i even B E G I N. if you can, then strike me down / because i wanted to liv e/  you said i was lucky. no. i was chosen / you are not only incompetent but endlessly v i l e / im different from those who abandoned these people. i will never abandon these people / who are you to decide whom to sacrifice? / i cannt let everyone die because of an incompetent official [by what right?] i am the crown prince  - 
Favorite outfit the one where chang and his squad were wearing all black and he had his sword slung across his back i -  😳
OTP chang/yeong shin, chang/seo bi, chang/sleep. (also i am Looking at the possibility of him and witch lady at the end of s2 >:) )
Brotp seo bi and yeong shin <3
Head Canon my man is Intelligent. my man is a Dumbass. no i will not elaborate <3
Unpopular opinion poppular consensus wanted him to be king and i did too but actually it would have been a nice way to further his arc and make it all come full circle if he had stayed in hanyang with mu yeongs son since chang was a boy all alone in the palace with three failed father figures/mentors and he’d be the mentor he wished he had. plus the idea of chang, yeong sin and seo bi raising their boy king together is T_T 
A wish for him to get some sleep, some rest, to be happy pls T_T
5 words to best describe them compassionate. benevolent. honorable. idealistic. Handsome ™
My nickname for them everyone on the show calls him Your Highness or Your Majesty so its special to me just calling him chang <3
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beccaland · 7 years
Fandom Tag Meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @tardisly, and then I wrote my answers to several of these on a lunch break, but ran out of time, so I saved it as a draft and only just discovered that I never finished it! Same thing happened to a bit of dinner I had to reheat in the microwave the other day, because I got distracted reading an article while I was waiting. I have really embraced the absentminded professor stereotype lately. ANYWAY.
1. Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s):
Shipping’s not my main fandom thing, but I’m definitely a Doctor/River shipper. I know it’s flawed and cheesy, but it just works for me. River and the Doctor are mad enough, and alike enough, and different enough for each other, and their weird timey-wimey relationship suits them perfectly. They feel balanced as a couple.
2. A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind (bonus points: who was that person).
I mean, Twelve/Clara sort of? I still really see them as a BroTP and don’t ship them myself, but I can at least see where the romantic shippers are coming from.
Also Five/Nyssa or Eight/Nyssa. Again, I don’t actually ship them in the sense of wanting stories where they’re a couple, but after listening to some of Nyssa’s BFAs and talking with @whovianhermit about people who’d actually make a good romantic partnership with the Doctor (as opposed to being exciting, fun, or adorable, but not necessarily healthy), I really think Nyssa is one of the few people in the universe who’d work. Except I can’t really see her giving up her own lifesaving work, or wanting to make a life in the TARDIS. So it’s definitely going to be a LDR, but really--what long-term relationship with the Doctor could ever not be a LDR?
3. A pairing you used to love, but it all fell apart for you.
LOL I feel like @tardisly and I are answering a lot of these shippy questions the same. Ten/Rose in principle is a good ship, though not one that I could imagine lasting even Rose’s entire remaining lifespan, let alone the Doctor’s. And that’s not a criticism of their relationship, because I really believe that some genuinely good relationships aren’t meant to last “forever.” Like, I sort of see them as a kind of college romance? A good relationship that runs its natural course and they both move on, forever changed for the better by the time they spent together, and forever holding a special place in each other’s hearts, but both OK with having moved on. But ten years on, I’m just kind of bored with it all now. HOWEVER, David and Billie are doing a Big Finish box set, so we’ll see if they can rekindle my excitement for the Ten/Rose ship at all.
4. Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Probably the Trees of Rassilon headcannon that @theenigmaofriversong​ and I sort of riffed on each other about.
5. What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Well, I joined rec.arts.drwho in the early 90s, though spent some years later on being a Whovian but not so much in fandom. But there’s no fandom that I’ve spent more time in than this one. I am constant in my affections.
6. Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it?
Probably Mulder/Scully. I can’t remember one before them.
7. Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over Tumblr.
Parks and Recreation
8. Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike).
The Sixth Doctor is way better in the audios than I remember him being from the classic series--much more thoughtful and a bit less abrasive. Also his flirting with River is adorable.
9. Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Eight, Liv, Helen fanfic & fan art
Enthusiasm for and content about Classic Who and Big Finish
More well-informed criticism and meta of all eras; less ridiculous hatred dressed up as legitimate criticism based on bad analysis of certain characters and showrunners.
10. Choose a song at random; which ship or character does it remind you of?
“Cosmic Love” by Florence + the Machine; Doctor/River
11. A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
This would be extremely unlikely to happen, since I pretty much don’t bother with ships that aren’t canon or at least heavily implied. 
12. Your most scandalous headcanon for your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s).
River never picks up her socks, and it drives the Doctor nuts when they’re living together for 24 years. Eventually in a fit of rage he gathers all the dirty socks up and instead of washing them and putting them away like usual, he chucks them in a black hole. It takes River a week to notice she doesn’t have any socks and another month to bother getting new socks. She doesn’t pick those ones up either.
I literally just made that up on the spot. I didn’t have any scandalous headcanons; this is the best I could do.
13. Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)?
The Doctor is varying degrees of asexual, depending on their incarnation. Some regenerations are demi, and some are sex-repulsed. Almost all the Doctor’s regenerations are panromantic, but a couple are aromantic. 
14. 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
The Doctor (all of them), from Doctor Who
Samantha Carter, Stargate SG-1
Susan Ivanova, from Babylon 5
Tiffany Aching, Discworld
Rupert Giles, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
15. 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Doctor/River, Doctor Who
Sam/Jack, Stargate SG-1
John/Delenn, Babylon 5
16. 5 brotps:
Twelve & Clara <3 <3 <3
Ten & Donna
Eight & Lucie
Leela & K-9
I strongly suspect that Benny and Warner!Doctor are becoming another...
17. Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged).
I listened to “The Auntie Matter” this morning. It’s a Fourth Doctor and Romana I audio in the style of a PG Wodehouse comedy and it’s hilarious and perfect and just way way too short; why aren’t there more Wodehouse/Wilde-style Doctor Who stories??? And then in the commentary at the end, the cast and crew talked about how Mary Tamm fell ill shortly before they were to begin recording, but she insisted on doing the audios despite her illness, and although they completed that run, she died six months before the first of them was released. Tom Baker talked about losing Lis Sladen and Mary Tamm and Caroline John all in the space of about a year, and I was crying, remembering what it felt like at the time to lose these people I never knew but loved nonetheless, and thinking how much more keenly those who actually knew them must have felt their loss. But also what a privilege we have, that in a way they’re still with us, because of this amazing body of work. 
Tagging (only if you wanna do it): @animate-mush @ravenskyewalker @theenigmaofriversong @evilqueenofgallifrey @mewiet
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All American || That 90s Show
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