#otherwise go ham
heartofaspen · 2 years
i wanna do the draw 6 characters thing if you guysll send me some dsmp characters!!
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stigmatvm · 2 years
i should probably add how i feel abt shipping to my rules bc its a big thing but my rules are so long but the tldr is ill ship anything with good chemistry im just shy about initiating because i have le problems. also obviously this doesnt go for creepy shit + sometimes im incredibly hesitant on ships that may be turbulent/toxic. not against them i just REALLY want careful planning on those
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I love how I spent so long organizing the songs in my album to flow from one to another in chronological order and y’all are out here listening to it on shuffle smh (/j, lh)
Oh, but yeah, my album is out now! So that’s a thing. You can listen to it here if you want lol https://spotify.link/OLO8x8FMXDb
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queerofthedagger · 6 months
general reminder to all my lovely gif/edit-maker and artist moots (and honestly even if we're not mutuals) that i'm tracking #queerofthedagger, and you're more than welcome to tag me in things <3
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taro-wong · 2 years
pov reigen discovers small business tik toks
audio by latermedia on instagram! 
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dennisboobs · 1 year
Tumblr media
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The different Spider-Men (mostly from Into the Spiderverse) as people at a family reunion
Original Spider-Man from Miles’s universe is the dad, Peter B Parker is the queer uncle, Spider Noir is the fresh out of jail aunt who has had like 5 glasses of wine since he got here, Penni is that one cousin who no one can say no to, Miles is the son who is just so done with everything, Spider Ham is the stray that no one really knows how it got here but hey he’s not tearing up the house so it’s fine, Gwen is the friend Miles begged to come along so that he didn’t have to do this alone, Tom Holland Spider-Man is the cousin who just spends the entire time talking to his friends/helping Penni build a Lego set, Tobey Maguire Spider-Man is the uncle who just wants to sleep, Andrew Garfield Spider-Man is the oldest cousin who spends the entire time talking shit about the adults and then goes for a walk and just doesn’t come back but nobodies worried cause he does this every year, and Ultimate Spider-Man Peter is the middle cousin trying to cause as much chaos and drama as he can without getting in trouble
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boyjoan · 7 months
job interview.
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
Hey for no reason in particular are you okay if ppl draw fanart of Bailey (with proper credit)
I don't think I'm even the 10th person to draw the concept of transfem hunter you do not need to ask for permission djfghfjg
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enslaughts · 1 year
like for. . . something. . .
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devourable · 10 months
Is it possible for any of your poly ocs to be attracted to each other either before, while in the middle of wooing, or after getting with their darlings? If so who would have just romantic, just sexual, or both? Also are you okay with getting request for platonic yandere? Checked your guidelines and didn't see anything against my questions however if I overstepped I apologize.
for some reason i can’t find the specific ask answering the first question but i have more or less answered that before! all of my poly yanderes bear some level of attraction to one another but it varies from group to group. the alt kids are all actively dating one another, the delinquents are mostly platonic but occasionally sleep together if the mood strikes, and the boys next door have affection for each other but it isn’t really romantic or sexual in nature (its moreso they just associate one another with their darling). the mermaids’ dynamic can’t really be described as platonic or romantic; they see each other as more than friends but not quite girlfriends or mates. their mutual adoration for their darlings would strengthen their bonds regardless of what type of relationship they have with one another.
and i am totally okay with platonic yandere stuff! generally if it’s not content i outright blacklisted/am not okay with writing then it’s fair game to ask for. yandere friends are fine 😌
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punkrock-bottom · 1 year
Can a bi person use the f slur? /gen
I’m not a cop just don’t be a cunt about words and you’ll be fine I really don’t think it matters outside of the internet
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
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Prompt: Gratitude
Friendship: Yasmine & Demetri
Yasmine untangles herself from Demetri as soon as her mom’s footsteps leave the room. The front door shuts and she exhales.
“Fucking finally.”
“Do we have to keep insistently demonstrating you’re ‘straight?’” Her pretend-boyfriend gives her a cheeky set of air quotes as he says it.
“Uh, yes? Have you met my mom?”
Demetri frowns, and she gives his chest a reassuring pat.
“Thanks for covering for me, by the way. Don’t need…this whole thing getting out.”
“Likewise.” He smiles weakly. “Now. Which painfully heterosexual Christmas romcoms shall we roast all evening?”
“The Princess Switch.” Yasmine cackles. “All of them.”
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captainkingsley · 7 months
I still haven't been able to stop thinking about the Ashton situation
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flatstarcarcosa · 8 months
your fave is problematic: slade. refuses to choke me into unconsciousness whenever i ask.
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