#oriana batterbutter
silly-shady · 7 months
D (my anon/IRL self): *gives the Ultimate Batterbutter fusion (aka Tatiana DoubleBatter) head pats and their favorite drink*
Hmm... Before I answer this, I want to know what their favorite drink is first..
Oriana doesn't have a particular favorite drink, though she enjoys a lot of fizzy drinks. What do you think Sugarii? What is Toffifee's favorite drink, and should we just make that the favorite drink of the fusion?
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tessathegamefreak · 1 year
Oriana Batterbutter-
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This is my first digital rendition of the Sugar Rush Next Gen AU OC Oriana Batterbutter!
Oriana Batterbutter is the daughter of the recolor racer, Torvald Batterbutter. Her theme is based on Popcorn products, and she hosts the best movie nights in all of Sugar Rush!
As for Oriana's father, Oriana has never met him nor does she know his identity; No one but Torvald actually knows the father's identity. All that is known was that Adult Torvald had gone out on vacation across the Internet, had a one-night stand while she was out, and she had returned home with little Oriana swaddled in her little blanket. Since then, Torvald has done what she could to be the best mother she can be to Oriana.
For additional information on Oriana:
She has a fear of swimming,
Her cloak is her comfort item,
She is taller than the average Sugar Rush child, however, she is also younger than most of the children,
She is the same age as Pepo Orangeboar,
She actually doesn't get hungry; she will only eat if Torvald gets her to or if she just wants to,
Her mapping is different from the other children's, so she gets stuck when in crowds of people, oddly shaped corners, or even when she is trying to find a seat on a couch that to her is already filled,
She yells in gibberish when she gets angry or frustrated
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nintendoneko64 · 7 months
Neko, here is Olympia: the Oriana Batterbutter and Clara fusion!
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Her theme is based on white-cheddar popcorn :3
Awwww!! Olympia is so cute!! >w<
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genderlessjacky · 2 months
Which of Tessa's Next-Gen OCs would Vanillaian like to fuse with? You can choose more than one.
Florence Von Schweetz
Tootsie Fluggerbutter
Autumn Eve Orangeboar
Pepo "Fun-sized" Orangeboar
Jolly-O Wipplesnit
Brezziana Flugpucker
Oriana Batterbutter
Dade Brumblestain
Kaffe L'amato
Telrina L'amato
Sabrosita Chamoy Bing-bing
Cerecita Chamoy Bing-bing
Guard-It Gloria
Deidamia Calhoun
Felix the III
Cadbury Treat
Akai "Pez" Treat
ohhhh Steep 100% , the vanilla tea idea is amaizing , Felix the lll and Guard-it Gloria might be interesting!! maybe Kaffe L'amato?
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tessathegamefreak · 10 months
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Do the Next Generation AU children and teens want to ride da dragons? :3
(I just need to know who and which of the Next Generation AU children will ride which dragons)
(Like, one of the Light Dragons (Neko, Zachie, and Bridgette) and/or the Lunar Dragon @dib-thing-wannabe? Dragon Neko would love it if Steep was riding her. Or something.)
Drawn by @redscorpiocat
Honestly, there are too many Next Gen children, but the ones that I think would be willing to ride on a dragon would go to...
Neko: Steep is very quick to climb aboard [he has never driven a vehicle, so riding a dragon is the next coolest thing to him]; Tootsie and her best friend Autumn climb on together
Zachie: Jolly-O is quick to jump at the opportunity to steer a dragon [he brings along his phone so he could stream a TikTok and say some cringe anime quotes as he does]; Sourpat sneaks aboard [she would have rode on Neko with Steep, but she didn't want to miss the opportunity to push Jolly off hundreds of feet off the ground]; Cadbury and Pez both climbed on together for the fun of it.
Bridgette: Cerecita and her cousin Brezziana all climb aboard for the fun; Anatoly {I have yet to introduce him} eagerly climbs aboard as well; Telrina would have ridden on Neko, but she couldn't stand to be anywhere near Tootsie.
Dib: Pepo heard that Dib was a "lunar dragon" and immediately thought they would have some cool supernatural type powers, so he was quick to hop on; Deidamia immediately liked the challenge of riding on a dragon; Florence sees how overly excited Pepo is, so he joined on the dragon ride to help watch over Pepo.
The only Next-Gen kids that chose not to ride on a dragon were Oriana, Sabrosita, Kaffe, Abigail {Yet to be met}, Felix the III, and Guard-It Gloria
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tessathegamefreak · 7 months
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Eeee! Clara is seeing a dragon version of herself being born out of an egg! With different versions of her parents or Mama Dragon and Papa Dragon, as she calls them) present!
Now, if this happened in the arcade of the Next-Gen universe, what are the Next-Gen children's reactions to this?
(These were drawn by @redscorpiocat X3)
Tootsie Fluggerbutter: Aw! Look at how happy that family is
Autumn Eve Orangeboar: So awesome! And cute!
Pepo "Fun-Sized" Orangeboar: It's so freaky, but cool!!!
Jolly-O Wipplesnit: Whoa, this is like a really cool manga scene!
Telrina L'amato: Oh- The popping out of the egg is kind of gross, but... The baby dragon is so cute...
Kaffe L'amato: The miracle of life...
Sabrosita Chamoy-Bing-Bing: Ah, I see a new life force has been added to the world. Welcome
Cerecita Chamoy-Bing-Bing: Uh.... Clara, you do see the dragon looks like you, right?....
Cadbury Treat: That's where babies come from?? Did I come from a chocolate egg?...
Akai "Pez" Treat: ... No Cadbury... But, you gotta admire how happy the family is
Oriana Batterbutter: Oh, It's always so beautiful to see the start of life!
Brezziana Flugpucker: *cracks open a soda and sips* Nice.
Dade Brumblestain: *He watches the scene, his eyes wide* ... Baby?.. Eggie.... Babies come fwom eggies? I need to tell mommy, now!!!
Sourpat just watched. She knows babies don't come from eggs, but she does remember when her dad told her she was kneaded and stretched from gelatin. She wonders if this is how Sourbill and Coalette felt after she finished forming.
Guard-It Gloria: Well, ain't that just something?
Deidamia: Wow. It's like watching a baby Cybug hatch, except I don't want to kill it....
Felix the III: ... *He looks at the dragon, then at Clara* ... *He chose to stay silent about the resemblance*
Steep: Huh. S'o that's what it'th like to have loving parentth...
Florence Von Schweetz: Wow... I know this is a happy moment, but it makes me miss my own father...
Anatoly: WHOA! That is wild! I have never seen a live birth before! It's a miracle!
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tessathegamefreak · 10 months
Oriana! How do you feel about your new flag?
Oriana: I LOVE It! I'll gladly hang this up in my room above my big TV; that way, everyone can see it when we have movie nights!
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tessathegamefreak · 8 months
Reimune, using her glitch, performs a magic show to your Next Gen racers. Their reactions?
Tootsie rapidly claps in response.
Autumn Eve Orangeboar: Whoa!!! So awesome!!!
Pepo "Fun-Sized" Orangeboar: Do more, do more!!!
Jolly-O Wipplesnit: YOOO!!! That is so WICKED!!!
Sabrosita Chamoy-Bing-Bing: Well, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but it's not really "magic". I can see how it works...
Cerecita Chamoy-Bing-Bing: Hmm... Honestly, I have seen better.
Telrina L'amato: Whoa! You just, like, can do that?
Kaffe L'amato: Wow...
Cadbury Treat: Again, again!!! *He hopped up and down*
Pez "Akai" Treat: Ooooh! That looks so cool! I would show you my glitch, but... I can't really control it
Oriana Batterbutter: Whoa! So fascinating!
Brezziana Flugpucker: That's nice. Have you tried to do anything else with that ability of yours?
Dade Brumblestain: Oooooh~ *he tries to get a closer look at the show, walking over to observe the magic up close. His pupil-less eyes practically sparkled as he continued to watch Reimune's magic*
Sourpat sat patiently and watched. It was hard to tell whether she was impressed or not, since she watched with a straight face the whole time.
Steep: Ni'ce trick, hehe! *He gave her a wink and a thumbs up in encouragement*
Florence: That's a very good way of utilizing your glitch. Keep it up! I am sure it'll only get better with time
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tessathegamefreak · 9 months
So, Tessa. Remember when I sent you the ask involving Nala fighting her green-eyed state?
Well, now it's the Next Generation AU cast's turn!
What would their reactions be and what would they do to calm her down and help her.
Please note that two certain characters won't be able to help her, but I'd like to see their reactions!
Also, sometimes, while trying to fight her green-eyed state, Nala would feel an extreme pain shoot from her head to the rest of her body.
(Ah, now a new cast will be a fun one! It will definitely shake things up! Because this list is already very long, I will limit this to the children themselves)
[P.S. Sorry for the wait. There are a lot of children whose reactions I had to figure out]
Tootsie Fluggerbutter (daughter of Taffyta×Rancis): She would easily be the most concerned of all the children. She would be extremely scared for Nala, and she'd want to help calm her, but she herself would be more than too nervous to be of proper help.
Autumn Orangeboar (daughter of Candlehead×Gloyd): She is an easygoing, but not a very bright child. She'd probably try and calm her by having her sit down first, and figure it out from there.
Pepo "Fun-Sized" Orangeboar (son of Candlehead×Gloyd): Being one of the youngest children, he has little emotional intelligence. He'd probably place a toy by her side, hoping playing with it would make her feel better.
Sabrosita Chamoy-Bing-Bing (older daughter of Jubileena×OC Lord Lucas Chamoy-Amargo): She is the wiser of the children. She'd try and instruct Nala through some breathing exercises, until she successfully represses Distortia.
Cerecita Chamoy-Bing-Bing (younger daughter of Jubileena×Lucas): She is the most aggressive of the children, so she struggles with her own emotions. She'd probably point Nala to her big sister since she is very helpful with that stuff, and that's where Sabrosita comes into play.
Jolly-O Wipplesnit (son of Sticky×Swizzle): At first, he won't take Nala's green-eyed state seriously. As a weeb, he'll think her alter-ego is some very cool anime character trait. Then he'll realize this is serious AND too much for him.
Telrina L'amato (twin daughter of Crumbelina×OC Giul L'amato): She is usually a self-centered child, but she can't deny that she feels bad whenever someone is having a breakdown. She goes over and, reluctantly, hugs Nala.
Kaffe L'amato (twin son of Crumbelina×Giul): He prefers to let actions speak louder than words. If there happens to be a piano in the premise, he'll go over to it and attempt to play Nala a calming tune. Otherwise, he'd sit by her and hum a tune for her instead.
Oriana Batterbutter (daughter of Torvald Batterbutter): She is a very emotional kid. The same case as Pepo, she is actually very young compared to the other children and doesn't have the knowledge to actually help Nala. The only thing she could think of is to wrap Nala up with her comfort item: her hooded cape
Brezziana Flugpucker (daughter of Citrusella Flugpucker): She'd seem calm, although she is actually dying from her nerves on the inside. She does not handle being faced with conflict well, but it doesn't mean she won't try. She'd lend Nala either her phone or gaming device, and let her play a game to distract her.
Akai "Pez" Treat (twin daughter of Theresa×Mez[OCs]): Pez actually is very calm at this time. She is a composed child, so she is in a better state of mind to help. She'd take a moment to try and assess what had triggered Nala, before she tries to talk it out with her.
Cadbury Treat (twin son of Theresa×Mez[OCs]): He is the opposite of his sister. He is not calmed, and he is fumbling and stammering over his words as he tries to figure out how to help Nala. He will try to talk to her in the same way Pez does, but keep in mind he's not collected.
Sourpat (daughter of Sourbill×OC Coalette): She is the youngest of the Sugar Rush children and is not so prepared for this. Still, she does recognize something is wrong. She often carries a comic book or graphic novel on her person. She will sit on Nala's lap, she will pull out the comic or novel, and she will non-verbally signal to Nala to read to her. She believes that reading calms a person down, especially if they are made to read a book out loud
Steep (younger KC): He understands Nala's situation. Although he doesn't struggle with an alter ego [at least not to his knowledge], his defect is a burden and he had to come with grasps over how to resolve it. He could try to talk it out with Nala, he could hold onto her hand as he tries to assure her she is safe, or he could- last resort method- calm her with a smoke break.
Florence "Flo" Samir Von Schweetz (adopted son of Vanellope): Although he doesn't suffer from an alter ego, his Sequence Breaking Glitch can consume him too, so he knows how scary this is. He knows that he and Nala don't see eye to eye, but he still cares. He wants to make it clear to her that she is not alone. If he somehow played a part in Distortia trying to take over, he'll apologize as much as he possibly can. Whatever it is, he'll try.
Guard-It Gloria (Oldest child/daughter of Felix×Calhoun): She is very mother-like in her approach. She'll be panicked at first, but she'll smother Nala in a hug and hold her close, patting her back as she shushes her and tries to get her to calm down.
Deidamia Calhoun (Middle child/youngest daughter of Felix×Calhoun): She... she is not exactly the best person to be around if you are panicking. Deidamia is very loud, and she'll be shouting, thinking she is helping, but it more than likely has the opposite effect.
Felix the III (Youngest child/son of Felix×Calhoun): He is an anxious and soft-spoken fella. He'll be a bit nervous by Nala's panic, but he'll try and calmly talk her out of it. He'll try and keep his distance, but he is trying to be as respectful as possible
Anatoly (Son of Zangief; Ralph is like a mentor to him): He isn't normally a serious kid, but he can take a hint. He'll offer Nala a snack, something to eat, before he tries to help her relax and lay back. He'll talk her through it all the while.
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