#or the Neverland phonecall
starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Thinking about Wataei and how Eichi keeps Wataru grounded to humanity and how they're so in love it hurts and have the entire story could not have happened like this were it not for Wataru and Eichi
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
YESSSS ive heard!!! that is my main reason for wanting to read it skdjsmdjsm
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mmmmulbery · 10 months
Es 2 watatori to me is just that brief neverland phonecall esp a) its short! God knows these boys have so much to do, yet its such a small and simple talk between them that just gives a little nod to hoe theyve both grown in terms of viewing eachother - even if we cant hear what tori is actually saying, assuming wataru isn't blatently making shit up, tori inviting wataru to have dinner with his family (and going as far as to consider him family, however this is where wataru could be doing a little hehehaha wordplay or whatever on Tori's actual statement, but i personally dont think he would esp considering his reaction) is a huge huge difference from es1
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dailykai · 4 years
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[Trans cr: 1. 2. 3]200314 LYSN Star Chatting with KAI
1&2: "It's lagging Everybody [typed differently] I can feel how you miss me as soon as I entered the chat But it's lagging. There It was a problem with my phone I fixed the wifi [setting]" 
3: "I also like bears but, we have to hold voting That is a must There is also something I want to do again Let's do drawing [bear drawing contest] again" 
4: "Face check or something? Then there Always Kwim Jon-gwin? Kim Jon-gin! Is it Jongin? Jongin (in English) Jon-gin? [likely making fun of typos fans are making of his name] No...is it Jongin?"
5: "I understand They said god What god Where do you find a God like this If your legs are 100 meters, that makes a god? Looks like a ghost [pun, 신 god is the second character in 귀신 ghost]"
6: "Recently, I am spraying Celine [perfume] No, Gucci I am spraying Gucci? I am a gucci model? Can you forget about Celine? I misspoke"
7: For movies, I think I have watched everything on Netflix. Recommendation: Conjuring. It’s a fun healing movie, beautifully unraveling the past of a married couple. 
8: Annabelle: an adventure movie about finding the true owner of a cute baby doll
9: 28 Weeks Later is also not bad. A family reunion movie that you can’t watch without tears. Catch Me If You Can, favourite movie.
10: if you watch that (catch me if you can) and Gatsby consecutively, it’s like watching DiCaprio grows up and becomes Gatsby. Watch it consecutively. It’s fun.
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Kai: I don’t watch any drama after Ato. I only watch movies. Something sky.. what’s that drama? Sky Castle? Because of that, it‘s hard to search my name. That’s how I knew about Sky Castle. If I typed Kai, Sky Castle (스*카이*캐슬) appeared. During that time I didn’t search for “Kai”
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Kai: at night I will eat 뚝닭 (chicken breast shake). Eat that too. I know you say you will eat it but won’t eat it. You write “jongin-ah i’ll eat well!!” with a picture of spaghetti
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Kai: Today, it's Saturday right? It's White Day today~ Is it the day to receive or give? Is it the day for the guys to receive? I am the Candy~ 
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Kai: Tiramisu [From the vlive with Ravi, Moonkyu] It was made by an EXO-L I said it was like rice cake, I'm sorry But honestly it was [like] rice cake It's a relief it was made by an EXO-L So I can say this with ease, that was definitely rice cake"
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Kai: I wanted to brag about this. I had a hard time holding it in 
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Kai: Please don't say things like "There is nothing Jongin can't do" The instructions are inside. Don't make me seem like a Genius. The real Geniuses would be Sad 
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Kai: Your Bank Account Password, please don't tell it to me. It's not like I would take your Account either. It's alright as long as you guys know (the Password) Don't tell it to me 
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Kai: The Masks is at the Company. However, the funny thing is even the wrapper of the Mask is Pink. It seems like SM really likes Pink
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Kai: However, in the situation when my Phone goes missing, it's just missing. But if the Phone goes missing with my Phone Case, I'll need to spend even more money 
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Kai: (You guys) did Donation? Well done~ Pretty~ 1248 (Everyone's) an Angel 
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i got a phonecall from my friend from trivago my mom asked me  'where's moonkyu today?' i said 'why? we aren't meeting today' so my mom said 'your wife will be sad' (she calls him that) because we see each other too often
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Kai: Next year, I will have been dancing for 20 years
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Kai: 10 years is short. Let’s keep going. I love you
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Kai: Fan meeting, I really wanna do it. Please go to the company and make a suggestion. Really, I wanna do it too. 
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Kai: should I make youtube and do Vlogs? Please press like, notifications and subscribe~ 
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Kai: I won’t do it
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*talking about comics* for Conan.. ugh please stop killing people ugh why are there so many criminals. Is this Gotham city or what?
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Tell me what you’re watching right now. *skipping some parts bc tbh i don’t watch anime * I watch Haikyu. Prince of Tennis is a no, that’s fantasy. Kyungsoo hyung cried. *recommended cartoon/webtoon "약속의 네버랜드/The Promised Neverland"*
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“I had a photoshoot yesterday for those who likes interviews, there is also an interview”
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"An hour has passed (since he started the LYSN chat). Originally I wanted to do the chat and Instagram live together"
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Kai: I like Power Rangers Mystic Force
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" i need to go now..." " even i can't do this, i will come back in a short time!!" " heheehehe "
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bluelric · 3 years
I was even hoping Yuugo and Lucas are at Goldy Pond, stuck there all these years. Or just Lucas like canon. Yuugo just left the letter there for any future escapees and died. The Minerva phonecall is an automatic thing when that door opens...Or something like that. These were all my thoughts after last week's episode. Then yesterday's episode made me just lose all hope and now I dont even know if I want to keep on watching....
* hug hug *
It’s okay if you don’t want to keep watching, I don’t want either. At least not now, maybe later.
You know, my only hope now is that maybe in the future we do have a The Promised Neverland Brotherhood (I’ve been even thinking about names aksjakskaks)
But maybe for now, especially if the anime is making you feel bad, it is a good idea to try to forget this season of the anime even exists and stop watching it. Just focus on watch makes you feel better
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melisfits · 7 years
Get two know me
basics what’s your name ➔ Melissa do you have a nickname ➔ Hobbit do you have a middle name ➔ - do you like your name ➔ No do people often mispronounce your name ➔ No do you like the meaning of your name ➔ 'Honeybee’ like why when is your birthday ➔ 21 December how old are you ➔ 22 do you like your age ➔ No, responsibilities ew.  what’s your zodiac sign ➔ Sagittarius
appearance what’s your hair colour ➔ Half blonde, half brown is your current hair colour your natural hair colour ➔ The blonde is a bit lighter, but I am naturally blonde do you dye your hair ➔ Yes do you have natural highlights ➔ No idea when was the last time you had a haircut ➔ Few months ago what length is your hair right now ➔ Just a little longer than my schoulders do you have straight, wavy or curly hair ➔ Wavy do you have frizzy hair ➔ Yes do you use a curling iron ➔ No do you use a hair straightener ➔ No do you braid your hair ➔ I am too lazy for all of this what’s your eye colour ➔ Green/Grey/Blue do your eyes change colour ➔ Yes, because of the light do you wear contacts ➔ No if so, do you use colour contacts or regular contacts ➔ - do you wear glasses ➔ No do you have naturally long eyelashes ➔ Yes do you wear braces ➔ No do you have dimples ➔ One, which is odd do you have moles ➔ Yes do you have outstanding cheekbones ➔ I am known for my cheekbones. I don’t like them though. do you have freckles ➔ Yes, but I never go in the sun so they’re not that visible. do you have piercings ➔  Used to have a nosepiercing. do you have tattoos ➔ Yes. do you wear make up ➔ Yes. do you paint your nails ➔ Yes do you wear jewelry ➔  Sometimes. are you happy with your height ➔ Yes. personality would you consider yourself outgoing or shy ➔ Shy are you sarcastic  ➔ Not at all *coughs* what’s your biggest fear ➔ People what’s your guilty pleasure ➔ K-pop & Backstreet Boys are you religious ➔ Nah. do you get easily along with people ➔ I usually don’t get into any fights and I think it’s not that hard to be friendly, but at the same time I often feel extremely different and an outsider. do you cry easily ➔ Yes, highly sensitive.
school do you go to middle school ➔ No do you go to high school ➔ Already graduated do you go to a private school ➔ No are you home schooled ➔ I wish have you gratuated from school ➔ Yes what grade are you in ➔ Last year of college have you skipped a grade ➔ I could have, but my mother decided not to because of my fear of failure. have you been held back a grade ➔ No have you ever failed a class  ➔ Yes have you been sent to the principals office ➔ Yes but funnily enough I had been chosen as the ‘most trustworthy’ person and had to represent my class along with a few others. We had some problems with two teachers and our mentors wanted honest kids to repesent the class. No idea how I got chosen, as I were heavily bullied.  have you skipped school ➔ Surprise, I have. On several occasions actually. Mom had allowed me to skip school a few times when I was very depressed and suicidal, or when I was on my period and I also accidentally skipped school a few times. Furthermore I am that kind of person who skipped school in order to meet Slash, but my teacher knew about it and understood haha. have you cheated on a test ➔ Once, but the girl had a lower grade than I had hahaha. family do you live with your biological parents ➔ My mom do you get along with your parents ➔ Mom do you tell your parents everything ➔ No do you have strict parents ➔ Sometimes do you have siblings ➔ 3 are you the oldest ➔ Yes are you in the middle ➔ No are you the youngest ➔ No are all of your grandparents still alive ➔ My grandfather is friendships do you have a best friend ➔ I decided not to call anyone my best friend after my first best friend didn’t want to hangout with me anymore. The first day of high school had been terrible and I accidentally ran into an older student. The entire group started to bully me and I was already being bullied a lot. I sat down and started crying and told my friend to just go home, that I would call my mother because I felt really bad. My mother however received a phonecall from my ‘best friend’ and she told her that I completely misbehaved myself and that she didn’t wanted to be seen with me anymore. My mother got angry at me, but after explaining what happened she was just as clueless as I was. This has actually been quite traumatic for me, especially because I needed a friend and she ran away, probably out of fear of being bullied herself. So no best friends for me. do you have more than 10 friends ➔ Yes. I consider every person who I like to be my friend. do you have at least 2 friends you can trust with your life ➔ Luckily enough yes.  do you have a lot of guy friends, a lot of girl friends or equal girl and guy friends ➔ I never really think about their sex tbh. Probably equal? do you text with your friends a lot ➔ I can, but I am not always that talkative. Forgive me if I don’t message you.  relationships what’s your relationship status ➔ Single, hitting the music charts. have you ever been in love ➔ Ew yes. do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No, I believe in crushes at first sight, but not love. have you ever been in a relationship ➔ Yes have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yes xD have you ever been asked out on a date ➔ Yes have you ever been kissed ➔ Yes have you ever made out with someone ➔ Yes have you ever been cheated on ➔ Several times (thanks for giving me trust issues) have you ever been proposed to ➔ YES HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA. BY STRANGERS do you want to get married ➔ Yes do you want kids ➔ No comment. country where were you born ➔ The Netherlands where do you live right now ➔ In a house, wow. have you ever been out of the country ➔ Yes. do you prefer country or city ➔ Country. do you like sightseeing ➔ Yeah is one or more of your parents from another country ➔ No, but I have a Dutch and German nationality. It’s a mystery to all of us. what places would you like to visit  ➔ London (again), San Diego Comic Con, Download Festival, The Harry Potter themepark, all Disney World parks.  are you fluent in more than one language ➔ I wouldn’t say I am fluent in English so no. what languages can you speak ➔ Dutch & English, and I can understand German. health do you have any allergies ➔ Sun, dust & wool are you lactose intolerant ➔ No have you had surgery ➔ Not yet (help, my wisdom teeth is being a pain in the mouth) have you had stitches ➔ No have you broken a bone ➔  No (I am a magical creature) has someone close to you died of a disease ➔ Yes, cancer do you exercise a lot  ➔ Yeah my mind experiences have you ever had a near death experiene ➔ I think an abusive father who wants to kill you, your mother and sister counts right? have you ever been on a plane ➔ No have you ever had an allnighter ➔ That’s staying up the entire night right? have you ever been to school/work after a sleepless night ➔ Yes. Haha, I once just came back from London (by bus) and had to go to college right away. have you ever been in a physical fight ➔ Yes have you ever been to a wedding ➔ Yes have you ever been to a funeral ➔ Yes have you ever lived in a different country ➔ No have you ever been drunk ➔ No have you ever been trick or treating ➔ We don’t do that in my country :( have you ever been in a school play ➔ Yes have you ever been to a camp ➔ Yes have you ever driven a car ➔ No skills how many languages are you fluent in ➔ 1 have you ever read a book in another language ➔ Plenty  can you roll your tongue ➔ Yes can you braid hair ➔ Yes, but I suck can you do a handstand ➔ NOPE habits do you crack your knuckles ➔ Yes do you bite your nails ➔ No do you bite your lips ➔ Not that I’m aware of favourites what’s your favourite movie ➔ Oh no, not favourites. Rip me. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, The Lost Boys, Interview with the Vampire, Frankenstein, The Crow, Scream, Finding Neverland, Runaway Vacation (HAHAHHAA), Edward Scissorhands, Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Maleficent, Cry Baby, Ten Things I Hate About You, Pocahontas, Mulan, Hercules, what’s your favourite tv show ➔ Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Jessica Jones, Charmed, Game of Thrones, That 70s Show, Friends, Once Upon a Time, Scream, Reign, Stranger Things, American Horror Story, Bates Motel what’s your favourite book ➔ Harry Potter (I grew up reading the books and I feel like Harry Potter has always been there with me) what’s your favourite song ➔ November Rain - Guns N’ Roses, The Chain - Fleetwood Mac, Flesh for Fantasy - Billy Idol (don’t judge omg), Lovesong - The Cure, Rebel Rebel - David Bowie, What Difference Does it Make? - The Smiths, The Sacrament - HIM, Kashmir - Led Zeppelin, People Are Strange - The Doors, Iron Sky - Paolo Nutini, Atmosphere - Joy Division, Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd, Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen, All Ends Well - Alter Bridge, Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys, Little Miss Disaster - The Damned. I have more help. what’s your favourite colour ➔ Black what’s your favourite animal ➔ Sloths what’s your favourite season ➔ Spring this or that summer or winter ➔ Summer  day or night ➔ Night cats or dogs ➔ Dogs rain or shine ➔ Shine. Rain ruins my hair and I can always hide in the shadows for the sun. coffee or tea ➔ Tea reading or writing ➔ Both humorous or serious ➔ Also both brown or blue eyes ➔ Both are pretty single or group dates ➔ Single texts or calls ➔ 100% anti calls. Texts please. driving or walking ➔ Sitting while somebody else is driving because I can’t drive. last last phone call ➔ Mom last text ➔ Erica last song you listened to ➔ Always Where I Need to Be - The Kooks last thing you ate ➔ Vegan burger last thing you drank ➔ Water last purchase ➔ Fred & George Weasley funko’s omg. last time you cleaned your room ➔ Help last time you’ve been on a date ➔ 6 Months ago I think. But it was very confusing. I was pretty much trying to trust a person after having been single for 6 years and I have no idea what we had. He didn’t want a relationship because he wasn’t ready and I was fine with that. But I was not fine with him messing with my feelings the way he did. Receiving mixed signals is just messed up. The one day he was talking about ‘if we ever get married’, then another day he says ‘I saw this girl walking yesterday and fell in love’, another day he is begging me not to go home, and yet another day he is openly flirting on Facebook on a post which I also replied to while he is ignoring me. He didn’t really treated me bad when I was with him, he was actually really kind to me. But I can’t deal with mixed signals. It makes me feel like I am not good enough so I got out of it. Actually quite proud of this, as it means I am really progressing and I have become more immune to manipulation.
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Tori's solo is so good for the soul
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Tori Himemiya
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mmmmulbery · 2 years
Small fine moments that broke my heart and let me put it back together
1. Neverland watatori phonecall
2. Sanctuary "I am a clown!" mini talks
3. Hot winter watayuzu conversation
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Every time Tori calls fine his family ten years get added to my lifespan
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mmmmulbery · 2 years
Are you truly alright with that? (Yes - so let me be selfish)
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
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Wait where's that phonecall Neverland chapter?? Because like,,,character development,,,,,
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mmmmulbery · 2 years
I saw the how I appear in your eyes spp and out came a lot of incoherent rambling abt tryzwt and the pedestal tori used to put wataru on / small notes abt yzwt??? if anyone knows any good stories for them.. Please lmk
going thru my head is the fact that yuzuru doesn't have any expectations of wataru as far as I can tell, besides his remarks of wanting wataru to be at least a role model(?) for tori
I know tori used to see wataru as a sort of thing to reach for,, since he was able to stand next to eichi
Anyways this being said the whole "how i appear in your eyes" card may apply directly to wataei but it's also the fact that so far fine has also seen him in various other "roles" + then factoring in the neverland phonecall, tori is taking the time /now/ to see wataru (talk to wataru, in real)
And yuzuru still doesn't hold a personal placement/pedestal viewpoint of this man (as far as I know??)​ we don't get to see his thoughts often but yuzuru and wataru have a very dont touch dont talk abt it And then u remember offscreen tempest + whatever the hell is going on now w the new spring voicelines (so cute...) + old homescreen voicelines
Hot winter changed sm + the more recent stories w fine rly RLY highlight wataru growing into allowing himself to love them = that changing tryzs view of him / just. Adding to it
Hot winter was so good for just.. General sweetness
Also sanctuary "im a clown!" mini talks and the current spring voicelines rly. I'll make myself coherent abt this another day
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mmmmulbery · 2 years
read neverland wttr phonecall tori asked wataru to have dinner w his (tori's) family and wataru cried genuine tears + "I hope your reality remains as sweet as your dreams, himegimi"
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