#or send them here whichever works. and for my yugioh audience if you have any kaiba bros fics gimme gimme
laquilasse · 2 months
hi!! so happy to see you again!!!! im sorry if this is the second time you get this ask, i hope Tumblr didn't eat my first ask hahaha but i wanted to ask if it was okay to message you with fic recs and headcanons! you mentioned a few on here and in the narumitsu creators server and I'd love to talk to you but im also scared to bother you :) have a great day!!
Hey! Yeah it’s totally fine to send me fic recs, I’m always looking for good ones but I am way busier with life in general nowadays and I never have time to hunt them down. I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to get to them right away, but if you want you can ping me in any mutual servers and send them there!
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