#or if he has he slipper back into his old abusive behavior before the arc was concluded
krippe90 · 2 years
What's your issue with bakugo? Do you seriously fail to understand his character that horribly that you call him a fucking fascist? Sorry that people have anger issues and superiority complexes, not to mention a troubled home life
Nah, he's not ACTUALLY a fascist (although he seems to believe that people with superior quirks are the only ones worthy of human decency).
And nothing excuses the way he behaves towards people, especially Deku who he pretty much encouraged to commit suicide. Why? Just because it was fun! He derives pleasure from him making fun of the poor quirkless boy who wanted nothing else than to help people. All Bakugou wants to do is to surpass All-Might to stroke his already inflated ego.
Right from the beginning of the series, Bakugou is shown as someone who considers everyone as inferior to himself. He was praised right from his childhood about his exceptional quirk, something which went to his head immediately. Of course, the adults in his life are responsible for the way he turned out, but, at one point in time, Bakugou was old enough to be responsible for his own actions, yet he simply went from bad to worse.
As a result of his megalomania, Bakugou became more and more of a bully. Childhood praise bred superiority, and there was no reason for that superiority to translate into physical and psychological abuse. Yet, it did. Because he's a fucking asshole to the core.
Bakugou chose to be a cruel person who always picked on those who were weaker than him instead of challenging himself and his abilities by fighting people stronger than him. His violence towards Deku is especially troubling because Bakugou does it simply because he enjoys it.
I'm 100% certain IRL Bakugo would have been that disturbed kid down the street who tortures small animals for fun.
Classic abuser mentality is to never take responsibility for your actions. You beat up someone? It’s their fault. You got angry at someone? It’s their fault. Nothing in the life of an abuser is ever their fault, and this is portrayed time and again everytime Bakugou interacts with Deku.
Sure, he has moments (like a panel or two every now and then) where he shows compassion and a hint of tenderness. Reminds me of when an abuser tells his victim that "it'll be different next time, baby! I swear!" only for them to fuck them up the next time they can't control themselves.
Bakugou is always blaming Deku for his own foul temper, very rarely taking responsibility for his actions or admitting when he was in the wrong.
This happens despite Deku risking his life for a bully who made his childhood miserable and even almost pushed him to the brink of suicide, Bakugou didn’t think it was a big of a deal. All he ends up doing is insulting Deku, who, for some mysterious reason, keeps on taking abuse after abuse from Bakugou.
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Normally in a series, when a bully does something terrible, we all cheer when he gets punished for his actions.
However, not only is Bakugou never genuinely punished for all the lives he’s ruined with his constant physical and psychological bullying, but fans go berserk anytime anyone points out that Bakugou needs to pay for all the bad that he’s done. If he had a shit quirk and/or was drawn like Mineta, I wonder how many fans he'd have to defend this absolute shitstain of a human being.
Obviously he's not dead since it's a shounen manga and he's one of the most popular character in it because he's so "cool". But I truly hope that maladjusted little cunt dies in agonizing ways.
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