#op hongou
dilf-pirates-ask · 10 months
how many times a week do you guys get alcohol poisoning
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r0ttkins · 6 months
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So for a secret Santa I made for my friend this and this version is unfinished and without corrections cuz THE FINAL EFFECT IS FOR HER ONLY 🫡😤⭐✨
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softcenteregg · 1 year
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Pants meme and a silly little comic also I felt like doing some silly little related clothing doodles~
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marshmallow--shark · 28 days
I 100%'d Paradise, all without the use of a guide.. mostly. I mean I did try to use one but it was in Chinese so I had to use context clues. The way to get Takara's route is actually interesting because usually the choices will let you know which character it favors but there's none for him. You actually have to get all the previous endings and then start a new game to unlock new Takara choices with new scenes. Funny enough some of these include more Shimada with one of them where Azuma and Shimada just go adventuring together. And the other one is really cute with Takara, Azuma and Shimada playing cards together and Azuma gets tickled as a punishment for losing so bad. I'm not sure if it's the shortest route or if I played the hell out of it, but it went by quick and out with a bang. This route probably has the least amount of choices with only two times where the first part has only two choices and the second has three choices where the endings branch out, I think. Also in this route, Azuma doesn't do either boat building or food gathering and instead ops to help everyone while also doing his own thing. Takara and Azuma flirt around and explore and things are generally really positive aside from the whole trapped and starvation thing. Some new places are found such as two different graveyards with one looking nicer than the other. The tunnel from Matsuda route also gets discovered. The next day, Azuma goes back with Shimada to better explore those areas. Then Kido, Uchimaru, Shimada and Hongou all get sick with supposedly food poisoning. Azuma and Takara go to the tunnel which they heard water in and then its discovered that's where the bodies dissappear to. Mushroom guy's eyes are missing and he has bitemarks too... ooh kinky. They get the water and come back to the gang who think about how the others got sick. Thinking the food is contaminated, Azuma and Takara go to find food. Afterwards they get lost and have to camp in the woods, then while Azuma is trying to comfort a supposedly sick Takara who then pins him down since he's a lot stronger than he looks and bites him, really hard before nonconning him in a really great h scene. I loved the part where Takara relentlessly kisses Azuma, barely giving him time to breathe. You get nice cgs of Takara on top of Azuma, kissing him, biting him and another where he sucks him off. It turns out that Takara is a cannibal which made him 10x better even though I was already starting to like him. Does that mean that some of the people he killed he just, ate? I- Is that why Shimada's body was so mutilated in one of the Mitsugi bad ends? Because Takara ate m-.. him..? Even if not, thats fucking hot to think about and already giving me intense drawing/writing fuel. I need him to eat everyone else, now. Then depending on how you answer, there are three different endings.
There's a bad end where Takara just straight up eats Azuma because he's disgusted at Takara for being a cannibal. Just a really long drawn out death scene but it's so fucking goood with Takara's moans, Azuma's amazing screaming and all the kinky dialogue.. Top scenes for sure, even though no sex happens during, even though I was hoping it would. Also damn, Takara's going to wake someone up screaming about how good eating Azuma is so damn loud..
Then there's another bad end where if Azuma stays silent, Takara just knocks him out and then all of a sudden he's chained up in Takara's house off the island. Apparently Takara killed everyone else offscreen but decided to keep Azuma like he's reenacting Boyfriend to Death. What follows is the slow breaking of Azuma as Takara tortures him using his childhood trauma ie making him eat rotten vegetables and hitting him if he doesn't, cutting off Azuma's back scar and acting like his abusers in general. You get a lot of backstory of Azuma's abuse as he flashes in and out of reality. There's also a very brief h scene, but it's entirely dialogue and no new cgs, sadly. Though this end does give you the wonderful image of Azuma chained up and crying. Then eventually Takara decides it's time to eat Azuma and during Azuma snaps after remembering that he killed his brother to live and attacks Takara, poking out his eyes, which is a cg by the way. It ends with Takara writhing on the ground and crying out Azuma's name while Azuma escapes, deciding to keep living out of spite for the world. It was so fun to hear Azuma cry so much.
Then there's the good ending where Azuma tries to diffuse the situation with a joke, making Takara laugh. Takara then reveals himself as the mastermind, that he's the one who's been killing and that they're never going to be rescued and were all brought to the island to be killed by him. He was going to kill everyone immediatly but because he liked them, he didn't want to right away. Also Takara made Shimada and co. (as they're called several times) sick by poisoning the food storage with arsenic. He apparently also has poison that can kill instantly which probably explains what happened to Kido in Matsuda's route. Azuma is very stupid and takes a long time to process this, but then Takara says that he'll let everyone live if he can find his buried treasure. He'll also kill everyone if he tells them about anything he said. Azuma searches the island desperately for this treasure, he thinks it's the ledger that Mitsugi found but it's not. Takara does reveal that it's an account of the deaths that happened on the island and he initially used it as inspiration of how to kill everyone, which is what happens in Mitsugi's route. Azuma starts to lose hope and starts to doubt himself, thinking about swimming away to leave everyone to die. But then he remembers that Takara wanted to stay around at one of the graveyards and he finds a knife with Azuma's name on it. And Takara keeps his word and the sick people are taken to a hospital and everyone escapes, returning to normal life. Azuma also gets Matsuda and Mitsugi's phone numbers and they remain friends. But it doesn't end there! As he goes along with his life, he gets a text that Kido and Uchimaru were killed in an accident and Azuma realises that Takara is still going to kill them. So they team up to figure out why Takara is trying to kill them, there's even a cute moment with Matsuda, Mitsugi and Azuma having a sleepover..There's an h scene where Takara goes to Azuma's flat just to fuck and tease him. He says he'll spare him if he figures out why he's trying to kill everyone. Timeskip to Azuma meeting up with Takara, who by the way is really rich and the truth is revealed! Apparently the island was an exile for criminals but because it wasn't good for farming they became cannibals. Takara is their descendant. The government knew this but criminals would continue to be sent there because they would due. Because exile Islands and cannibalism is inhumane, the government sends in military to kill the cannibals and it turns out that everyone are descendents of those military people. I actually thought it'd be more a 'let's just throw these hot guys into a desperate situation so they fuck or kill each other as social experiment' situation so I wasn't expecting it to be revenge porn thing. But after this big reveal, Azuma isn't going to let himself or anyone else die and takes Takara hostage so they won't be killed. Takara is surprisingly okay with this and goes along with his plan happily. Azuma takes Takara to a car where Mitsugi and Matsuda and waiting for them and they decide to escape overseas to escape Takara's family. Takara is just having a great time, says that he chooses Azuma over getting revenge and that he doesn't want to eat him anymore. Also Hongou and Shimada apparently got away and went into hiding, presumably together and Azuma wants to reunite with them too!
It was the last route to unlock so Takara good end is probably the true end. I also like to think of it as the harem end since Azuma leaves with Takara, Matsuda and Mitsugi for an eternal roadtrip and implies that he'll collect Shimada and Hongou too which gives it end more true end energy. I think it's a really great end, the main guys don't die and they all basically elope together which is such a surprisingly cute end and just seems so great. And there's also the idea of Hongou and Shimada, the two main guys who dont get a proper route, running away together! What a pairing! Who would even be the dominant? The pervert photographer who's proficient in using drugs or the perverted old man who's into force feminising?
Ahh Paradise was such an amazing sexy titillating game, 9/10!! Not a full score because Hongou couldn't get it up for Azuma like a loser. I already want to replay it both to see the h-scenes again but also to see how Takara acts the whole time, now that I know everything. Oh and you get a special little pastel cg of everyone smiling for completing the game. And new voice lines in the title/extra. Oh and I forgot to mention this really cute detail but when you open up the game, the extra page or close the game one of the main characters talks to you. I love that idea, more of that in games please. I loved this game so much!!
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kazutakas-pinch · 1 year
Koimonogatari Playlist Master List
I've compiled a few playlists for Koimonogatari, so I thought I'd put together a hyperlink master post! I add to these playlists as I discover new songs that I think would suit them, so they'll grow over time!
Koimonogatari Playlist
A playlist inspired by the manga as a whole! Link includes a spotify playlist, youtube playlist, and a description walkthrough of why I chose each of the songs.
Genre: soft pop, indie rock, indie
Includes: Day6, Sleeping At Last, Finish Ticket
Koimonogatari OP/ED
Anime openings and endings for three hypothetical seasons of Koimonogatari! There is a spotify playlist and a description walkthrough of why I chose each of the songs. (Link will also include an original link with slightly different songs.)
Genre: general jpop
Hasegawa Yuiji
Songs inspired by Yuiji's character arc! Link includes a spotify playlist and a description walkthrough of why I chose each of the songs. A youtube playlist is here.
Genre: soft pop, alt rock, indie
Includes: Nothing But Thieves, Gaho, Hyukoh
Yoshinaga Yamato
Songs inspired by Yamato's character arc! Link includes a spotify playlist and a description walkthrough of why I chose each of the songs.
Genre: soft pop, pop, indie
Includes: Ben Platt, dodie, Finish Ticket
Hongou Kyousuke
Songs chosen based on what I think Hongou would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: upbeat, summery pop
Includes: Twice, Kelly Clarkson, One Direction
Seki Kazutaka
Songs chosen based on what I think Seki would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: ex?-emo punk kid, edgy pop, alt rock
Includes: The Score, Halestorm, Hyolyn
Mayu Nemoto
Songs chosen based on what I think Mayu would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: blue/alt rock, EDM
Includes: Rag n' Bone Man, Barns Courtney, Trivecta
Shibata Natsuki
Songs chosen based on what I think Nacchan would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: soft YA romcom pop, k-bands
Includes: Lucy, Lenka, The Rose
Songs chosen based on what I think Akiyama would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: power metal, alt rock, rap
Includes: Beast in Black, Disturbed, Agust D
Sakura Akito
Songs chosen based on what I think Sakura would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: indie, alt rock, soft pop
Includes: Sufjan Stevens, LP, Marina
Songs chosen based on what I think Hibino would listen to! Link includes a spotify playlist.
Genre: electroswing, k-indie, r&b
Includes: Mamamoo, DPR IAN, yama
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daiyanerd · 3 years
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Miyuki Ship month concludes with requested Hongou and Enjou. I hope everyone has enjoyed the variety of ships and come back next February: same bat time, same bat channel lol.
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And with that, I’ve finished Himitsu Sentai Goranger: the very first Super Sentai show, and as far as I know the second-longest running Tokusatsu show of all time at 84 episodes; not counting 5-minute things like Redman.
... I wasn’t particularly big on it.
It really does come back to that big problem I kept on saying and saying, and comparing to the original Kamen Rider: with Kamen Rider, it’s a very rough show that absolutely has many of the same issues as Goranger; but what makes it work is the very clear passion behind it and the core themes of anti-fascism. It’s certainly themes that wane and dumb down a little as time goes on and the clear demands of the TV network it was airing on, but ultimately the base story of Shocker and Takeshi Hongou is so strong it shines through that. It’s something so real and heartfelt in its message that that overrides everything else.
Goranger is just some military guys.
It just lacks anything interesting for me. It's all of Sentai's worst traits and very few of its positives; aside from a few scattered character-led episodes here and there that actually do a decent job, it's very much just stock plots and military men and it's very dull to watch. There’s no underlying themes here as it’s just some spies fighting ill-defined evil terrorists (which might be from space??), and that in particular can make it more uncomfortable to watch than the struggle of one man against a secret evil organisation seeking to infect humanity. And without those themes, all that remains is the ~craziness~ of Sentai and the strength of the characters and their relationships which... simply isn’t here. Really, this is a lot of words to get across the sense of nothing that was in the show. It’s not about anything, it doesn’t have anyone or anything interesting, it just sort of happens.
I can definitely see why it was such a hit -- multiple heroes in a toku show like this hadn't really been done much before, certainly not this many and to this extent and so dedicated. It sticks out as a very unique trait of the show at the time; alongside some of its comic relief, its Variblune/Varidreen fights, its real dedication to the spy theme... I can see why it would have engaged kids every week in the mid 70s! And obviously, well, that’s what matters the most! Surprisingly enough, the target audience for Goranger was not some scottish woman in her mid-20s who got attached to Toku through its heated drama between men and the scattered themes of kindness and anti-fascism! Sometimes, you know, it’s just fine for a mid-70s kids’ show to be something that’s entertaining for kids, and I can’t judge that!
But going back to it; watching it as someone who wanted to see Sentai’s roots... I don't know, this is one of the few times with Toku I actively feel like my time would have been spent elsewhere and that I just didn't get anything from this one. It's perhaps one of the worst notes to end on, especially with the aforementioned record length -- 84 episodes and a movie is nothing to sneeze at.
I wish there's more positives I could say of it, or at least anything interesting; but at the end of the day it's just... it's very dry Sentai. It's mostly a very boring show that does little to make most of its main cast likable, and it’s hard to recommend more than a few episodes if you’re purely interested in seeing where this franchise started. I’m certainly starting to get the impression that Battle Fever J is where Sentai owes most of its roots to (even beyond the whole giant robot thing), and that’s jumped up my watchlist a little because of that. And talking of this franchise’s roots? One thing I am going to take away from this is that Super Sentai is the Toku franchise that I am very glad to see keep evolving and not necessarily keep in mind what it started with. Ultraman’s modus operandi is basically capturing the magic of its Showa origins and Kamen Rider is something I feel could very much stand to go back to its core starting points more, but Sentai? When the original had no underlying passion or anything to say, and was just about a special ops unit of the military with some uncomfortable implications, where it seriously feels like Ishinomori wasn’t exactly trying with this one? ... I’m quite alright with it getting further and further away from Goranger with every season.
Farewell, Goranger. I may not have had a great time with you, but I am at least happy to have seen where everything started.
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pkjd · 5 years
A 2nd promotion video for the TV anime "Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo" is now currently streaming. Its broadcast will debut July 5th.
“Five girls in the literature club learn to navigate puberty.“
Director: Masahiro Andou, Takuro Tsukada
Screenplay: Mari Okada
Character Design: Kaori Ishii
OP: CHiCO with HoneyWorks
ED: Momo Asakura
Studio: Lay-duce
Kazusa Onodera (CV: Hiyori Kouno)
Niina Sugawara (CV: Chika Anzai)
Momoko Sudou (CV: Momo Asakura)
Hitoha Hongou (CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa)
Rika Sonezaki (CV: Sumire Uesaka)
Izumi (CV: Shimba Tsuchiya)
Jun Fukuyama
Yuuya Hirose
Shunsuke Sakuya
Haruka Tomatsu
Natsuki Hanae
via: araoto-anime.com/
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kuurechr · 4 years
Hyouka Ep 9-12 Review
Just a few notes I took, trying to figure out what the answer was. Just saying, you should watch Hyouka if you haven’t yet. 
Ep9 - The wine chocolate that Chitanda ate as a snack was something the animators made seem so important, like it was something you needed to know about to solve the mystery. 
The senpai seemed very on edge when Oreki asked about what he thought of the script... just seems suspicious. 
There was a shot where they showed Chitanda folding the wrappers, and I’m not sure if it’s a clue or something but it tells you a lot about her character. I do that quite a lot too because I like things tidy- even wrappers- and I’m really fidgety. It just made me relate to her more which felt nice. Just a really appreciated detail that I found. 
Also, she’s shown wrapping a lot ,which means she ate a lot . And they were said to be chocolates with whisky that was really strong. mEANING, a girl is gonna be tIPsY. They show her hiccuping to give you clues to that. Again, I really appreciate the little details. 
Just a thought about the mystery - wouldn’t Hongou, the writer, tell her best friend about how the script would end? I mean, that makes sense, right?
Chitanda is drunk. And it is adorable. (also called it.)
I’m getting hints to Oreki x Irisu. Please no. 
Ep10 - The one thing I can thank Irisu for is boosting Oreki’s confidence. But doesn’t mean I like her. 
Each character is so important in this show, and their personality is built so well. No one is plain. Satoshi isn’t just a confident, bubbly character anymore. They showed that he probably has the most self doubt and hatred out of the 4 main characters, which makes him so much more real to me. 
The culprit is the cameraman! Man, that was smart and such a surprise. Honestly, I don’t know how I didn’t get that at first, it’s so obvious but it’s not? Idk, this anime got me so confused. 
Haba reminds me of one of the virtuous 5 from assassination classroom and just is giving off vibes that me not likey. 
HE FORGOT ABOUT THE ROOOPE... omg. I think Mayaka made me lose my self confidence as well. i was so sure that Oreki was right and completely forgot about that. Also they just left it at that, when I am ON EDGE. Honestly, what a good cliffhanger, I would hate to have watched this as it came out. 
Ep11 - everyone in the classics club is confronting Oreki about the ending of the movie and that it isn’t what Hongou wanted and seeing Oreki lose all this self confidence is sad... 
Chitanda said exactly what I was thinking in episode 9 - why wouldn’t she tell her best friend?
Irisu is such a devil, i was honestly getting mixed feelings from her at first and now I have NO idea what to think of her. 
Also the scene where Oreki is mad and there’s no sound and it gets dark after is just cinematic beauty. Another reason you watch this anime.
Ep12 - There’s a new opening... honestly imo, nothing can beat the first one. It’s just too beautiful. Unfortunately the 2nd op seems like it’s a skipper.
Satoshi cheering up Mayaka! My heart just went doki doki.
Oreki is SO EFFING RELATABLE MAN. He isn’t a mastermind that can see through the best of masks. Mayaka was visibly upset and he confronted her about it because it was so obvious. She wasn’t all smiles and was like “Don’t pull that mask on with me” Again I love how relatable and real this anime is. 
The assembly made me remember that sitting crisscross is rude in Japan. Was kind of weird seeing students sit like that honestly. 
Distracted Chitanda is cute. (Honestly I could say this in every episode and it would be valid commentary)
The clapping gif (that i luv btw) of Oreki happened in this episode! I replayed it like 30 times even though I have the gif saved...
I like the 2nd ED more than the first though... it’s just cute... 
I’ve already watched episode 13 but I didn’t take any notes on that. It was a really enjoyable episode though, Mayaka struggling gave her more character development and I am a bitch for that if you couldn’t tell already. I’ll take notes for the other episodes so expect that after the new year along with demon slayer notes too? Maybe.
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dilf-pirates-ask · 7 months
What are all of you guys gonna be for Halloween?
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catcherkazuya · 5 years
✨⚾daiya s3, episode three liveblogging✨⚾
Ace of Diamond Act II, Ep. 3 “Blessed By The Baseball Gods”
(i was so busy yesterday that i didn’t have a chance to liveblog!! so i decided to  condense all my thoughts here, screenshots included!)
- RAICHI MY SON 💖😭😭 lmao raichi sticks out like a sore thumb the fuck they trying to hide in the stands
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- I love how the minute sachiko (seidou's manager) said the bus is here and they just moved like a fUCKING UNIT
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- oh shit hongou- the 👏🏾 bedroom 👏🏾 eyes 👏🏾 need 👏🏾 to 👏🏾 stop - side not: I will never not sing this OP   - side note part 2: i still dont like coach ochiai   - YUI KAORUUUUUUUU - wow kuramochi looks so good going up to bat WE STAN - seeing hongou in action fills me with indescribable joy because now people will understand how unspecial furuya is 👀 hongou is the same (if NOT BETTER) than furuya and produces a level amount of competition. I know that sawamura and furuya are supposed to be rivals, but let's be real - sawamura has more of a rival in narumiya than furuya - TOUJOU !!! my love for him is SO strong he’s somewhere ranked between kaoru and nori 
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- yikes hongou's pitching really is scary like what the fuck - MIYUKI'S EYES WHEN HE'S SERIOUS,, OH MY LORD SEND ME TO HEAVEN 
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- FUCK YOU FURUYA YOU HAD ONE JOB DON’T LET THE BATTER CONTACT uuuuuughhhh - LET'S GET IT KANEMARUUU - the komadai’s catcher is just a tamed version of miyuki and im cacklingg   - CARLOSSSSS 💖💖💖where have you been my love wow I haven't seen him in 3 decades wtf I NEED TO SEE INASHIRO ASAP - yo I forgot how much these reporters were apart of the dialogue (they're also like have of the manga too 😂) - OOOoooooHHH when miyuki puts on his captain voice iM GONEEEEE - komadai's little battery is adorable; I love when the catcher and ace follow each other from school to school and maintain that relationship; the dedication is real  - hongou is too fucking powerful; he's essentially super saiyan at this point 
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- MIMAAAAAA (@17:15) -  he pulled up to see his best friend swing lol 😂😂
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- omg my dedication knows no bounds; I instantaneously knew that miyuki was up to bat because I recognized the first note of ' neraiuchi', followed by singing the chant out loud 
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- YESSS MIYUKIIII COME THRU CLEANUPPPP (lol he always comes thru when the team is struggling) - fUCKING FINALLY furuya with an outside pitch 😤😤 ugh why does it take so long for him to get his shit together
and this week’s end card!  •
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rayrayswimusic · 5 years
Daiya S3 Episode 1 scream
I’m gonna keep most of this under a read-more to avoid spoiling people...I’ll post a more coherent response later lol just have to get ready for class
lol he fell omg wtf Eijun xD
ahhh I missed this bantering sooo much
Eijun you weirdly talented child I don’t get it!!
the tv coverage...furuya lololol
I’m very intrigued by Hongou! does he have beef with Furuya...does Furuya???
I’m very excited about everything i can’t even type it all i’m in such a rush
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izayamei · 5 years
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this episode needs to be watched a minimum of at least 10 times:
To enjoy the actual episode.
To listen to the OP, ED and music in general.
To appreciate the animation.
To appreciate Eijun.
To appreciate all the others in seidou(!)
To process all those cute moments, HOLD ME.
To take them screenshots and gifs.
To lowkey worship hongou (i know we‘re all guilty).
To spot the retired third years. (Or spot your fav character,lol. Saw raichi in the OP im happy.)
To enjoy the whole episode once again.
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[Manga] The Lion Doesn't Refuse
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Ficha Técnica
Titulo: The Lion Doesn´t Refuse.
Artista: Kiriyu Kiyoi.
Género: Yaoi, R-18.
Pareja: Satomi x Yuzuru.
Scanlation Ing: Ikemen-Scans.
Scans: Acchan.
Traducción: Kawaii Cómic Manga No Fansub.
Limpieza: Acchan.
Edición: Acchan.
QCer: Yoko.
Joint: Neko´s Love♥
Sinopsis: Hongou Yuzuru es un yanqui de mirada atemorizante. Pero en realidad es un subordinado serio, leal y de constitución física muy fuerte. Tiene una deuda en gratitud con su sempai, Satomi Haruto, lo cual lo ha llevado a tener una relación de hermanos a ¿¡Amantes!? A pesar de que su mirada es aterradora, al sonrojarse y romper en llanto… Es super lindo♥ Un amor entre Amo-Sirviente(?) Entre un sempai popular y de gran belleza y un yanqui aterrador! 
[Capitulo No.1] Mega // MediaFire // Online Op.1 // Online Op.2
[Capitulo No.2] Mega // MediaFire // Online Op.1 // Online Op.2
[Capitulo No.3]
[Capitulo No.4-A]
[Capitulo No.4-B]
[Capitulo No.5]
[Capitulo No.6]
[Capitulo No.7+Extra]
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dilf-pirates-ask · 7 months
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