#op Reiju
themetalhiro · 6 months
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Runs in the family.
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idrawstuffo-o · 11 days
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philandresi · 2 years
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blueberriena · 1 month
Pretty Reiju 🌷
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loudestcloud · 5 months
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faglegsanji · 6 days
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new official sanji art 🥺😭
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dinosauramon · 2 months
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Can u tell who my favorite character is?
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discordica · 3 months
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The GREATEST waifu of all time~ 💕💖
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itsjustnk · 3 months
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som reishigi
or taiju? what y'all decided
my favorites to draw: zosan / fem zosan
i think i have some preferences...
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ one piece - 🧑‍🎄.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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astralcat · 9 months
doin some more one piece digimon au thinking (and i decided on the name "digimon universe: one piece cross story" for the au bc that's what i think bandai would name it if it were an actual anime series)
so there's 3 parts. part 1 is the one where it's just litol sabo, ace, luffy, zoro, nami and sanji with their partner digimon
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part 2 is set after the one piece timeskip and we have 3 new tamers (and ace was reborn as a coronamon)
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(yes, chopper's lunamon does bully ace!coronamon)
and then part 3, which has more of an adventure 02 influence (feel free to throw tomatoes at me), with the new tamers' partners plus luffy, sanji and chopper's partners getting armor evolutions and jogresses
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here are the jogress pairs
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themetalhiro · 2 months
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stop crying.
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fawnnbinary · 8 months
If you want to - Reiju and Perona should be gal pals in my opinion. Pink lesbian older sister solidarity
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Girl time <3
I haven't made it far enough to meet either of these ladies but I do know who they are and they SHOULD be gal pals ^^ they have matching red capes and pink bows and everything sjchkjsfhcksjfh
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ekail · 1 year
they are talking about their younger brothers
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
For the follower event, can I request:
"A merperson who gets injured and washed up on the shore of a beach unconscious, and is found by B." + “Just kiss me already” + Sanji?
"She stood on the end of the pier, took a deep breath, and jumped into the freezing ocean. She was going to get answers, no matter what it took." + “So you’re really leaving?” “Ask me to stay.” “What?” “Ask me to stay, and I will.” + Reiju?
Something something loving merfolk siblings that are stuck in their dad's shitty underwater kingdom (Reiju) or have escaped it/are trying to escape it (Sanji) but still manage to stumble upon love with whatever freedom they've managed to steal for themselves.
So normally I'd at least have tried to write the first request first, but I couldn't possibly pass up the chance to write for Reiju! I'll likely still try to write the Sanji one, but I'm so, so, so happy for the chance to write for her.
Warnings: GN!Reader, Mermaid!Reiju
Word Count: 1585
     Reiju sighed as she looked out her window. Her father was in a ‘mood’ again, meaning that she needed to stay out of sight or risk his wrath. It happened from time to time, he’d get into one of his moods and she and her brothers would do everything in their power to avoid him, some more so than others. Honestly, she wanted out, Sanji had gotten out ages ago, fleeing to who knows where. She hoped he was happy, wherever he was. But now she wanted out too, wanted away from her father. She could, she could just swim out her window if she did so desire, nothing was holding her back. Looking around, she didn’t spot any of the usual maids. The tower was so high up that nobody would notice her leaving. Quickly grabbing a few things in a satchel, she took off out her window, swimming as fast as she could. Once she was far enough away she stopped to think about what she was going to do now. Her father would inevitably come after her sooner or later, but she needed a plan until then to make this last as long as possible. The best way to do that was to go to the surface, head towards land. That or find the furthest, deepest, darkest cave and eke out a life there. She was strong, she could handle any humans, so she’d head for the surface. It took some time, but finally she surfaced, taking her first breath of air. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for her to spot land, swimming over and looking at the beaches. While she wasn’t quite sure how she was going to remain hidden from her father here, it was a start, she could figure it out from there. Swimming around, she looked for somewhere to hide, her brow furrowing when she spotted a human standing on a strange structure, looking out at the ocean.
    Standing on the pier, looking out at the ocean, you sighed. You loved looking out at the endless ocean waters, finding the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach soothing. Running a hand through your hair, you took another deep breath. Closing your eyes, you didn’t notice the pink haired girl surface from the water, nor her pink hair as she cautiously swam towards you. It had been a long day, all you wanted was to enjoy the ocean waters. It probably wasn’t the wisest idea, the waters around here were freezing on the best of days, but you dove in anyway. The water was shockingly cold, but you managed anyhow, sitting under the water for a moment. While you had managed not to gasp in shock from the cold, managed not to breathe in water, the force of something grabbing you did make you gasp, your eyes widening as your vision was obscured by pink. As soon as you surfaced, you were coughing up water as you were tossed onto the beach. Looking around, you spotted a pink haired girl, but that wasn’t the part that had you gapping between coughing up water. What had you surprised was the bright pink tail from the waist down.
     “Are you okay? I’ve heard land creatures can’t breathe underwater. I was worried when you fell into the water.” she said, looking at you in concern. You let out a laugh between choked coughs.
     “I’m mostly fine.” a few more coughs, “you’re not wrong, we don’t breathe water, but I didn’t plan on trying.” the girl looked at you in confusion as you took a few deep breaths, having expelled most of the water from your lungs, “I was holding my breath, I was planning on surfacing in a second or two.” you said, giving her a smile, a look of understanding spreading across her face. 
     “I apologize, I thought you were in danger. My name’s Reiju.” she said with a small smile.
     “Y/n, and it’s okay, thanks for, uh, ‘saving’ me. It was sweet of you.” you said, hoping to make her feel better, “So what’s a mermaid doing on the surface? I thought your kind didn’t come to the surface anymore. No one’s seen a merfolk in so long we’re starting to think you became extinct.” you asked, wondering about the young woman.
     “It’s… a long story, but I was hoping you might have a place I could, uh hide out for a little bit?” she asked. You brow furrowed but nodded, standing up.
     “Yeah, there’s a small cove I know of. If you’re willing, there’s also a river, though if you don’t mind me asking, what’re you hiding from?” you asked, watching as Reiju looked away, a sad look on her face.
     “My asshole of a father. He’s…” Reiju closed her eyes and faced away from you, “I suppose unbearable would be the nicest way to describe him.” she said as you nodded in understanding.
     “So you ran away. Well for now, let’s try that cove, we can move to the river later if you prefer.” you said, helping her back into the water and leading her to the cove.
     You quickly got to know Reiju, spending as much time with her as possible. She was interesting, smart, funny, kind, and beautiful. Likewise, she grew to like you more and more with each day. Still, she knew her father would be looking for her, that it was only a matter of time before he found her. She couldn’t stay forever, no matter how much she wished to do so. You sensed something was off almost immediately, asking her what was wrong. But she only dodged the questions, didn’t answer them, or even outright denied that anything was wrong. She couldn’t tell you that she had to leave soon, couldn’t tell you that the bastard of a father she’d told you about was likely going to find her and raise hell once he found her. But at the same time, could she really hide it from you?
     It had been days since you’d started asking her what was wrong, since she started hiding things from you. As much as you asked, you never got a straight answer and it was bugging you. You cared for her, deeply, and you wanted to see her smile a real smile again, you wanted her to be okay, wanted her to be happy. Finally, you stood on the pier once more, you were going to get answers one way or another and if she wouldn’t talk to you then you’d find answers another way, no matter what. With that, you took a deep breath, jumping back into the ice cold waters once more. It was still just as shocking as that day, as the day you met her, but you had to, you had to get answers. You didn’t know how long you were under the water, only that your vision was beginning to swim, you were quickly running out of air. You weren’t sure if it was seconds or hours that you finally tried to breath in, choking on the water. The familiar feeling of strong yet feminine arms around you tugged at you, even as your consciousness blurred. Again, you were tossed onto the beach, coughing up water, Reiju sitting on the beach next to you.
     “What were you thinking? You can’t breathe underwater and you can only hold your breath for so long! Why would you stay under the water like that?” she demanded angrily, glaring at you.
     “I was” cough, “thinking that I’d… get answers.” you said, coughing up water again. After the first time, you hadn’t thought you’d be coughing up water like this again, but here you were. 
     “Answers to what? What could be so important that you would try to drown yourself?” she asked, still furious with you. She couldn’t lose you, even if her father dragged her home, she couldn’t let you do that.
     “I want to know what’s wrong. You’ve been avoiding it for days. This was the only thing I could think of. Please, don’t avoid my questions anymore, I need you to tell me the truth.” you said, caressing her cheek. Reiju leaned into your touch, closing her eyes. She didn’t want to leave, but what else was she supposed to do? 
     “It’s my father.” she admitted, “He’s undoubtedly noticed my absence by now, he’ll be looking for me. He’ll raise hell when he finds me if I don’t go with him. He’s got the resources to find me, I can’t escape.” she said, turning her head away from you.
     “So you’re really leaving? I could help you. He might have the resources to find you anywhere in the ocean, but you don’t have to stay in the ocean.” you offered, hoping she’d accept. She hesitated, staring into your eyes for a moment.
     “Ask me to stay.” she said, a longing in her voice.
     “What?” you asked, unsure if you’d heard her correctly. Would she actually stay? 
     “Ask me to stay, and I will.” she repeated, making you smile. She was taking up your offer to hide her from her father, to stay with you.
     “Then stay, for me. Let me help you. If… if you decide later that you still want to leave, I’ll let you go, but for now, please, please stay with me.” you pleaded with her. She smiled and nodded in agreement. She didn’t want to say it outloud, but she’d gladly stay for you… she loved you.
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theredcaptain · 2 years
Modern Au Idea Dump (Mostly Language Headcanons) #1
Reiju- Definitely had an altercation with her family at some point as a child where she was told not to eat something specific because of an allergy and more or less ate it out of spite and some sort of tolerance for it, started also eating other things she shouldn’t have as a bad unchecked habit and is now somehow unbothered by most things that could kill in larger quantities. She uses this as a party trick.
Sanji- Comes from a French family but when he’s adopted by Zeff it’s like if a France native moved to Louisiana. He didn’t have many problems with the changes at all. His mom was happy (Sora and Zeff got married in my Au sometime before she died) and that’s all that mattered to him, he was happy too.
Zeff- Had a dog before he took Sora and Sanji in. She was a Golden retriever and pretty much was Sanji’s nanny while he wandered the new neighborhood and played with his friends, she kept him distracted for the most part as Sora’s health declined, helped a lot with Sanji’s mourning. She wasn’t a young dog at all when Sora and Sanji came into their lives so she passed away sometime after Sora did. Which is when Sanji really didn’t take it well.
Zoro and Perona- Both speak semi-fluent Spanish thanks to being raised by Mihawk. The only time you’ll hear them speak it in public is when prompted or when they’re fighting amongst eachother and don’t want other people knowing whatever it is it’s about, probably something embarrassing. If their dad starts a conversation in Spanish they respond in Spanish, it’s a house rule, though it’s one of few rules they have, unfortunately this has caused a hardwired response that if one of zoro’s friends says anything in an attempt at spanish he won’t realize he’s speaking it until he notices they look confused.
Zoro- Somewhat speaks Japanese. Although he himself is Japanese, he barely understands it, he knows a minimal amount to hold an extremely brief conversation thanks to what he was taught by Kuina and her family as he grew up hanging out with her and learning at the kids dojo. He does end up taking courses over the years in school.
Luffy- Receptive Bilingual. Can understand fluent Arabic but cannot reciprocate it back in conversation, this isn’t Crocodiles fault. Crocodile spoke both to Luffy as he grew up, how he responded was encouraged but never enforced. Luffy understood whatever was being told but made no conscious effort to respond in anything but english. Although if he decided to and asked he’d have no problem learning, he has yet to do so.
Also Luffy- Little Shithead. Can tell you every possible curse word in both Arabic and Portuguese. Got in trouble in primary school for telling the whole class during a show and tell.
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