Could I ask you to gush about Impa? I really appreciate how she gets to be imagined in the series with all sorts of ages, skin tones, body types despite playing generally the same role in the story each time.
I'd even say because she's not one of the main trio, she has a lot more freedom in how they get to interpret her, so much so that it's a bit tragic. It shows what they could really do if they weren't held to the Nintendo standard.™
Thank you so much for asking!!! love opportunities to do that
I completely agree with you, I think she may give the strongest flair to the whole "reincarnation" spiel compared to the other... let's say mostly two, as Ganondorf is weird reincarnation-wise. Link and Zelda tend to mostly look the part of Link and Zelda (though Tetra is really cool for how different she is). Impa's role is much more subtle, but she does have this sort of design pillar where she is a guardian of knowledge, caring for Zelda --and there's often an ambiguity in her affection, as in: does she care in a genuine way, and/or in a more pragmatic "I guide you because I know what you represent and I understand the gods' plans for Hyrule and your importance in them" (which, in an extremely interesting way I somehow *never* put together until now, does kind of mirror the role of Twinrova in Ganondorf's life)-- but also, she has this role of "silent watcheress" over Hyrule past, knowing things the younger characters do not and giving them a rendition of the way the world works that will motivate their actions in the future.
I *love* this feature of her soft power over fate, where she does hold immense responsibility in how it ends up being shaped while also only ever being a cog in the machine (a fact that is even abused once by the bad guys in the Oracle Series if I recall correctly) --which is increased tenfold in her more overt sheikah appearances. Skyward Sword particularly comes to mind, as her entire existence ends up being tied to a specific rendering of events and making sure they go according to Hylia's design. What a strange existence. What a tragic one, living and dying --not even for somebody else, but for their specific divine purpose in a war that will far outlive everybody involved.
Deeply interested in that place she occupies, demanding her to be passive while also giving her immense weight over Light and its victory. Meanwhile, in OoT at least, she is Shadow, yet maintaining the influence of Light at any cost, including her own --but still, pushing it forward through Sheik, imparting (lolol) some of her own dying heritage onto the metaphorical cause of that heritage's sacrifice. I'd argue it's the most selfish Impa ever gets as a character (beyond TotK where she just... gives up and retires and goes on a fun lil vacation, and slacks and procrastinates like crazy instead of helping Zelda, and honestly?? good on you Impa!!! good on you, you go queen!!! take those days off!! go on a fun lil balloon adventures!!)
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artsy-moonwalker · 2 years
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link series pt 4
A Link to the Past
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thelittlelegends · 1 month
This is a blog for sharing and spreading love for the smaller Zelda games in the fandom!
For everyone crying over Spirit Tracks being forgotten, to people who wish someone else remembered the struggle to find a fourth player for Four Swords or sobbing at the end of online co-op for Tri Force Heroes – this is a home to join others in that love. Mainline and third-party Zelda games are all included!
The criteria for which Zelda games count as “small” is hard to quantify. To make things easier, we went by the numbers posted to Archive of Our Own, which has the option to disambiguate which game you’re writing for and is the current best-known fanfiction site. From there, we removed some things to try and narrow it down to core game fics and picked everything that was under 1000 works.
The resulting list of Zelda games is as follows:
CDI games = 14
Zelda cartoon = 29
Cadence of Hyrule = 50
Tri Force Heroes = 51
Oracle of Seasons = 76
Oracle of Ages = 85
Zelda II: Adventure of Link = 93
Zelda (1986) = 180
Spirit Tracks = 183
Phantom Hourglass = 191
Link’s Awakening = 256
Link to the Past = 260
Minish Cap = 290
Four Swords = 359
Four Swords Adventures = 423
A Link Between Worlds = 587
Wind Waker = 739
Some of this will be a case of poor tagging, and things winding up in the wrong place. (eg. Four Swords has 1200 entries, but upon removing all Four Swords Adventures or Manga story tags it reduces to 359.) Others may not be here at all because nobody has posted it under it’s own name vs a related game or “& Related Fandoms.”
While this means these numbers are not absolute, they still represent the problem: it’s hard to find content for your favourite games if it's in the list above, and we want to fix that!
The event we’re planning is very chill, very low-stakes way of building up interest and knowledge, and then collecting and sharing fanworks produced.
The event month will be AUGUST, 2024.
Every few days in August we’ll make a post for each game on the list (and any bonus games that were highlighted alongside the main ones), which people can reblog with a link to the fanwork they created! You can also make your own posts and tag the blog plus the game of the day but we cannot promise to see and reblog everything.
In the lead-up to August, we will be doing round-up posts for each of the above games.
Some will be doubled up and treated as “bonuses” due to their small pool of fans (CDI, the Cartoon), and if there are some we don’t know about we may take them on as suggestions!
Each of these initial game posts will include basic stats about the game: when they were released, on what hardware, where you can find them now, and what their story was. It will also include links to a walkthrough or two, for those without access to the necessary hardware.
The purpose of these posts is to be shared!
Reblog them with your favourite artwork, current fanworks you love and adore, your favourite AU they’re featured in! Share the lore you wish everyone knew, and the characters who get forgotten!
Share prompts you’ve never gotten around to using, or ones you don’t feel competent to handle!
Do not feel bad about doing this! Every exchange or event I’ve been in, people desperately wanted prompts and ideas to spark their own imagination!
The goal is for people to learn more about games that they may have never heard of before, or not had the time or ability to engage with in full on their own. And from there we can push up those numbers on AO3 for everyone to enjoy!
The scheduled games to be “main” features of this event, and their respective introductory dates, are as follows:
May 5th = Minish Cap
May 12th = Zelda II: AoL
May 19th = Oracle of Ages / Oracle of Seasons
May 26th = Cadence of Hyrule
June 2nd = Phantom Hourglass
June 9th = Four Swords Adventures / Four Swords [Game]
June 16th = Link’s Awakening
June 23rd = Zelda (1986)
June 30th = Link to the Past
July 7th = Tri Force Heroes
July 14th = Spirit Tracks
July 21st = Link Between Worlds
July 28th = Wind Waker
Exact dates for the posting schedule of new fanworks in August will be released soon!
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penpenpencil · 11 months
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Timeline of a Legend
(This is just my personal headcanons and how I imagine certain design details appeared + age headcanons. Don’t take this as canon for Lu or anything-)
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n64retro · 9 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages / Oracle of Seasons (Flagship, Nintendo, 2001) for Game Boy Color.
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nocturnalfandomartist · 10 months
oracle hype!!! now presenting midnight doodle ft. the dip pen again
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Just got the manga and plan on playing the game! In the manga, the Link in Oracles is not the same one from ALttP (as he likely is in the games), and this gave me many thoughts. I couldn't help myself...
For Zelda, I changed a few details to differentiate her from OoT Zelda just a bit more. I kept features more taken from ALttP Zelda and changed some shapes to match the sprite in-game (her tiara). Link has some patterns from Farore's design, as well as Roc's Cape. And yes, the feathers on his cap belong to Moosh. Of course I am choosing Moosh. Just look at it!!!
Program: Ibis Paint X
Time Elapsed: 1 hour, 41 minutes
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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More messy doodles of the hero of Legend! (Plus zelda!)
She is so much fun to draw! None of the designs are finalized, but I think im getting pretty close ^-^
(Don't know if I'll actually get around to finishing these but I guess we'll just have to see xD)
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bokettochild · 7 months
I am so normal about Legend and Impa
I love that Impa took one look at this kid, asked about what on earth his mother had been teaching him, and then the moment she found out he didn't have one proceeded to declare herself his aunt. Does she know he's the hero? Does she know he's the twin brother of the princess who's been living as a peasant his whole life? Of course! She knew who he was the moment she set eyes on him, but that didn't stop her from deciding he needed someone to look out for him.
Impa's are always chosen to protect the princess. Honestly, i'm pretty sure 'Impa' is a title bestowed on a sheikah woman as the highest honor she can achieve when she's appointed to be the princess' guardian and caretaker. Impa is a title that replaces their given nae, and they serve as an Impa until they die, they serve the princess until they die. But this Impa? This Impa was appointed when her queen was announced to be with child, and when two babies were born, a boy and a girl, she made it her mission to care for BOTH of them, even if no one said she had to.
She's there for Legend. She supports and takes care of him in his low moments during and after his second and third adventures. She scolds him about his manners and bad behavior but fawns over him for his successes and sweetness.
Sure, her little boy disappeared when he went to sea, and sure, since he came back he hasn't exactly sought her out, but that doesn't matter. He's a teenager now, he's going through things, but she's there when he decides he's ready to talk to her.
And Legend? She's the first woman in his life to take on a nurturing and caring role towards him. Her nagging bugs him sometimes and sure it makes him fussy when she gets after him for things he thinks are fine and normal to do, but he would die for her. He loves her. He hasn't spoken to her in years, but he has no doubt in his mind that he can go to her anytime if he needs a hug or a shoulder to cry on. His pride won't admit that of course, but he still knows she's there.
Impa may have been chosen to serve the princess, but no one could tell me that if forced to choose between Legend and Fable, she wouldn't at least consider putting her little hero first. Yeah, she's chosen as the princess' guardian, but Legend's more than just the hero, or the prince of Hyrule, he's HER little boy, and sometimes the love of a mother aunt outweighs even a duty trained into one since birth.
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ladytoallthelambs · 22 days
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twilightlux · 2 months
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A Link To The Past Link in an au I have, I made a whole list for all the magic items and design details
1: Moon Pearl isn’t visible but is kept in his hat
2: Roc’s feather coming out of the hat
3: Marin’s flower in his hair
4: Cane of Somaria and Byrna on back
5: Koholint Sword on his back
6: Isnt visable but now is in the center of his back
7: Visable eyebags from lack of sleep
8: Scars on face and neck, neck from not healing in a dungeon and the face is burns from lightning
9: Pendents of courage, wisdom, and power on back back belt
10: bomb bag next to his left arm
11: power bracelet on his right arm
12: magic and normal boomerangs in belt
13: The ether, quake, and bombos medallions and a hand stitched holder connected to his belt
14: the fire, ice, and seasons rod along with the hook shot are on a holder on his left
15: a quiver of arrows under the rods
16: the harp of ages is on his right
17: the magic mirror is under the harp of ages
18: the magic cape is being held up by his belt
19: he has the Pegasus boots on
20: in his left boot he has a bag of magic powder
21: his backpack to carry the other dozens of items I didn’t have room for as well as practicality
22: in the bag he has 3 bottles of fairy’s in case he enters battle and 4 bottles of magic restoring potions he chugs as fast as a gamer with Mountain Dew
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uncleskyrule · 6 months
@LU Legend fans:
is he still in possession of the Rod of Seasons and the Harp of Ages?
i'm writing a fic about the Chain being stuck in snow, but if Legend has the Rod of Seasons then the plot pretty much falls apart...
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Started playing oracle of ages and WOW this plot is already going so much harder lol. We've got possession! We've got mind control! We've got tree amnesia! We've got the gay best friend with a sword! We've got the amnesiac tree who we saved from an attack as a sapling swear to marry us and wait literal centuries for us to return! We've got workplace abuse! We've got!!! Toilet hand and the mailman!!!
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months
So no one was gonna tell me Legend has experience with weird hands asking for paper too??
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thelittlelegends · 17 days
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Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are linked games currently playable through Nintendo Online's base tier. Completing one game unlocks additional story aspects in the second! While they can be played in any order, I'd recommend starting with Seasons. Or you can read walkthroughs here and here, or watch here and here!
Reblog and add what you love about the game, things you would like to see, or other resources for those who would like to learn more about it! Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Links to existing fanworks
Most underrated characters
Your favorite gameplay mechanics, story moments, etc
Analysis of story themes, character arcs, and so on
Favorite game items
Best music moments
That art idea you don't think you'll ever get around to drawing
Story tropes that are perfect but no one seems to include
(Don't know what's going on? Check out this post!)
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penpenpencil · 1 year
also please draw black hair legeeend oelandeplenas ensklleasn pelalse
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Come get your soup @oliverbonez
The emo child <3
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tuliptxffi · 8 months
"You don't even post your art much anymore!"
I'm trying so fucking hard here
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Are ya happy?
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