#one of the reasons I'm so upset that I never dated in my teens
wasteofart · 1 year
I know I’m probably way older than the intended target group for Heartstopper but I finally gave in and started watching it and I’ve been bawling at how adorable these kids are. What would I give to be 15 again and have a love so pure and sweet
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mixelation · 9 months
some itachi + romance meta for reborn au ->
so, my personal headcanon for itachi is that he has a lot of little idle romantic fantasies about a nondescript fantasy partner, but it takes a pretty big push for him to go "oh, i love this person." he's open to sex if his partner wants it, but he doesn't really care about it otherwise. in other words, he'd be into a romantic partner if he happened upon one (and, like, he didn't have four thousand other high-priority problems the relationship would be incompatible with), but he's not actively looking and he doesn't really need one to be happy.
in an AU where the massacre didn't happen, I think he'd be open to dating. but in mutagenicity, he DID live through the massacre and being in akatsuki, and he IS mentally 20+ years older than he looks, and oh my god, please don't make him talk to children. especially uchiha children he killed in previous life. please.
i don't think all ninja clans necessarily cling to old fashioned traditions about marriage and bloodlines, but i like the idea of some of them hanging around for Shenanigans. like no one would really care if itachi were gay, as long as he quietly kept his boyfriend as a boyfriend and married someone capable of childbirth and made that new heir. they don't even care if the heir is female! progress :)
but also itachi has a mysterious genetic disease so they're like. hmm yeah okay you may marry outside of the clan. (desperately start researching if there's some sort of Test for sharigan babies)
mikoto has of course Noticed itachi just like.... isn't interested? in even talking to other teens?? so she wants to get him started kind of early. listen itachi, marriage will be SO much easier if you've dated your bride and figured out someone you actually like. also if you don't find one i will simply find one for you at some certain age and you will have no say in the matter.
the first few times she sends him on dates she just socially manipulates a situation where somehow he ends up alone with a girl mikoto likes. the girl is almost always very accomplished for her age, polite, pretty. literally nothing is wrong with her except she's 16 and itachi hates strangers. like, he's fine with them. he can put on a smile and be polite for a limited amount of time. but Inner Itachi is so fucking mean and fucked up, getting socially close to people almost always makes them hate him (for valid reasons) and then also his date is 16. so mikoto keeps putting him in a position where he's inevitably going to make a poor teenaged girl cry because he told her she'll never get promoted to jounin because her mission completion rate is mediocre, which he does often feel bad about, but also he cannot do anything about his horrible personality and cannot help himself. and then even if he likes her, what is he supposed to do? be like "yeah i'm just going to tell you my opinion and it will come out blunt and mean and also i'll be right and refuse to apologize, it's because of my deeply fucked up past life where the state told me i had to pick between murdering my entire family or letting my family destroy everything i care about, sorry about that." no! obviously he can't do that!!!
and his feelings about mikoto in general just, like, insane. she had her hand in supporting the coup in his previous life, but she raised him and loved him, but also she let him kill her so he'd see it in his nightmares constantly, and this mikoto didn't do any of that but he still sees her in his dreams and she is EQUALLY socially manipulative in this timeline, and honestly this is sort of making his feelings about her even more insane, but obviously he can't talk to her about it. so he needs to figure out way to dodge this whole dating situation in order to avoid uchiha massacre #2
so one day he's stealing dango right off tori's plate while she's in the bathroom, and he's like. holy fuck. tori is a girl, and she's not even going to get upset i'm about to do this to her. and then she comes back and is like "why the fuck did you steal my food" and he tells her it's because she did a disproportionately low amount of substandard work on the mission and hence deserves less of the mission budget. and she DOES rub the inside of his sleeping bag down with poison ivy but she also doesn't fucking cry.
itachi, flipping his sleeping bag inside out: perfect. we're dating now. <3
tori is NOT mikoto's top pick because she's a wild card and not the easily controlled nice girl mikoto was aiming for, but. at least itachi seems to actually like her? and she hasn't come crying to mikoto about how her son horrible yet, so. she's even got a decent amount of social clout for (checks note) a defector from another village who seems to go out of her way to be annoying and unlikable. mikoto isn't really thrilled but she backs off
dating is basically nothing like itachi's idle fantasies because tori is also deeply messed up, and also itachi spent a VERY long time in the other timeline convinced she was going to blab his secrets and Ruin Everything and he really wanted to kill her, but also that DID translate into a weird sort of respect pretty early on in this timeline, and they can have actual conversations about stuff. she helped him kill danzo, no questions asked. they like watching bad movies and dragging them to pieces together. she willingly reads his favorite book. they say mean shit to each other and it's fine because they've mutually accepted the other is just like this. it's comfortable. also pointing tori'a ability to ruin everything for everyone is so nice when pointed at someone itachi doesn't like
so even once itachi is old enough he can date Actual Adults, tori is like, "hey are you going to break up with me?" and he's like, "........no?" and she's like "okay." and they move in together and have separate bedrooms and tori attempts to kill him at least twice over burning food so bad it won't come off the pot, but it's comfortable and they're both happy
(and also itachi realizes tori fucking loves going along with bits, so if he tells her he wants to do some stupid romantic thing, she will just go along with it and have fun. wild)
i think they get married kind of late For The Setting (like very late twenties) because it takes tori years to figure out their illegal test tube baby and they just don't really see the point without the baby. mikoto finds this immensely frustrating. but at least they're on the same page, even if it's the WRONG PAGE
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Hi I have some concerns regarding your server. I don't think it's a good idea to have your Outlast server be all ages... Outlast is a very adult game and isn't appropriate for teens to be discussing with random adults in a discord server, even if the discussions aren't necessarily bad, ie just gushing over a character or whatever; it's because of the nature of the game itself that makes it inappropriate. Red Barrels themselves don't want underage ppl interacting with their content either, their website has you put your date of birth in to even look at anything, and their official server actually is 18+. There's a reason why they do that. If there are minors in the server that get upset over not being allowed in anymore, if you do decide to make it 18+, then they can create their own Outlast server only for people their own age, so that its teens talking to teens with less risk of anything sus happening. I could never tell a 14 yr old to stop liking Outlast because I was a 14 yr old who loved Outlast, but being in the fandom and discussing aspects of the game with adults wasn't appropriate for me then and it still isn't now. I'm saying this from experience. Honestly I don't think any discord server even if totally SFW and clean should have both adults and teens in it because theres too mush risk involved. I think having a server for fans of Outlast is great and I'm sure fans in the server are happy with how it is, but making the server safer for both adults and minors in the server would probably make people happier
Hello! Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you, I just saw this today and needed some time to collect my thoughts because I wasn’t exactly sure how to approach this in a way that aligns with my own personal values for the server and also tries to adhere to what you are asking of me. I take the safety of people, especially minors in my server extremely seriously. I also got into Outlast at a young age and have had my fair share of experiences in the fandom with creeps, usually adults or just plain weird people. My server is 13+ to be the most inclusive, while trying to simultaneously make the space as safe as possible for everyone involved. While I agree that there are absolutely sus people in this fandom (more so than others) and that it can be extremely dangerous for minors to even coexist in the fandom with these people, as i’ve literally spoken about in the past, it’s very easy for bad situations to happen. That being said, I personally find it easier and more safe to curate my space in a way where it’s inclusive to minors while also keeping it as safe as I have control over making it. The rules are specifically designed to make sure that weirdos DONT get in, and we have a very active community with moderators enforcing these rules. We don’t allow anything NSFW to get in the server outside of the specified channels, which BY THE WAY are role locked. You HAVE to be 18+ (unless you feel comfortable lying to me which I can’t really control and i don’t want to completely lock minors out of the server just over the potential of a person lying to me which will result in an immediate ban) We don’t allow any sort of discussion about anything NSFW in any channels, including conversations about sex, drugs, etc. The rules are insanely fine tuned to make things as safe as possible, and as of right now myself and mods feel it is safer to keep the server the way it is, than to kick all the ppl who are younger than 18 out to go find some other worse server or make their own which i personally don’t find to be a super safe option either. Here they are more protected imo than if they went to seek out other servers/made one that was ONLY minors. This is my personal stance on the matter, and I understand that this isn’t what you wanted to hear. For that I apologize but I will always be prioritizing the safety of the people in my server in the best way i feel that I can. I feel like under the rules we have and the safety measures instated they are the most safe in this server than one that’s completely lawless and i feel like one minor lying to me about their age is less dangerous than a creep lying about THEIR age to get into a server full of fucking minors. Doesn’t sit right with me, once again I am sorry. I will consider making the server age requirement older and speaking to the mods and members about putting even more safety things in place but like i said I just feel safer with the way things are. My dms are open for concerns btw 🤞 There is more I could say on this but I feel like this gets my feelings across the best way I can :) to me it’s like banning smthn like abortion. (weird example i know) it doesn’t stop ppl from getting them but it just makes for a safer, more sterile environment! Remember it is a FANDOM server at the end of the day and this is a very different situation than Red Barrels putting an age thing on their websites (which ppl can just lie to with yr logic lol)
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Let it go, she has.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!reader (no physical descriptions) reader dated eddie major plot line
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Summary: Reader and Eddie break up and Steve is there to pick up the pieces. (so original of me i know....)
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: arguments, eddie being kind of a jerk oops, changed s4 outcome, cursing i think, minor sex references.
English is NOT my first language. Not proof read.....
A/N: so.....this is so not original of me but idk I wanted to try making a Steve x reader and incorporating Eddie idk. Based on dawson's creek again, if you get it, you get it. I apologize to Eddie fans and yeah. Pls don't hate me. k enjoy <3 i really enjoyed writing this.
Eddie Munson and Y/N L/N have known each other since they were small beans. Soon they became best friends and like every cliché teen story, they started dating in high school. It was now their senior year and everything seemed great, at least for a while. Y/N then started drifting apart, not because she didn't love him but because she couldn't deal with much at the moment.
It has been a couple of weeks since Eddie and Y/N really hung out; they mostly had small talk conversations or study dates, and for some reason they just seem to avoid the dating topic. That is, until one friday night when Y/N had enough. She missed her boyfriend and she knew she had to make it up to him for giving him mixed signals the last few weeks.
That brings us to Steve Harrington's house party. They were friends now. 1986 was an interesting year to say the least, with a lot of fighting and reconciliation...
Eddie was feeling overwhelmed with everything going on at the party, so he decided to leave for a bit.
Soon enough, he found a spare bedroom in which he crashed, yet when he laid down, he heard this too familiar voice.
Eddie turned to find Y/N sitting at the desk. 
He would be surprised, but he remembered that Y/N and Steve were neighbors now, and she also crashed there when she partied sometimes.
"Hey," said Eddie in an almost whisper-like voice. He was kind of shocked. He was getting used to not having her around, as bad as that sounds...
"Rager downstairs, huh?" Y/N was trying to lighten up the mood before the big conversation she knew they both needed to have.
"Yeah. Almost finishing senior year, and already my life's in complete and utter upheaval."
"Then I'm probably the last person you want to see." The nerves were getting to her, but she knew she couldn't back down now.
"You're a lot of things, Y/N/N. But you're never the last person I want to see."
Y/N gets up and moves to sit by him on the bed, giving him a shy smile.
"Eddie, um, I'm sorry, not just about today. About everything. In a total moment of adolescent anger and upset, I lashed out at the one person who cares about me the most. Who I care the most about."
"You should have called me, Y/N/N. Or written. You should have contacted me."
She had no good excuse, and that she knew for sure.
"I should have done a lot of things. But I was so... ashamed. I figured I'd ignore life for awhile. But you can't do that forever, can you?"
"No, you can't." Eddie couldn't help but answer in a dry tone.
Even if she was being honest, he didn't like hearing all of this or how much control she still had over him.
"Who is she?" Y/N didn't want to sound jealous or malicious. Eddie could hang out with whoever he wanted, but she was still intrigued.
"Chrissy? I just met her." False. His hands started sweating like he had been caught doing something wrong, which unless thinking someone is attractive is wrong, he should be in the clear. Yet he didn't feel that way at all.
Insecurity got the best of her. "Are you two..."
"Hardly." Eddie cursed himself for answering way too quickly.
Y/N decided to change the topic, truth is that was all the answers she needed. 
"Did you miss me?" she said, hopeful.
"You know I did." Eddie looked her in the eyes while saying so. He was telling the truth.
Y/N couldn't help but smile wide at the statement. "Good, because I miss you, too."
She moved up, standing above him. The truth is, Eddie and Y/N had never slept with each other, always waiting for the right time, and in some way, Y/N thought by giving herself to him right now, that would prove how much she missed and wanted him. Boy, was she wrong.
Eddie looked at her in disbelief. "It's not the same anymore, Y/N/N."
Y/N didn't get the hint.
"It doesn't have to be the same, Eddie. It's a new year. It can be different. It can be better."
"What is it? What's wrong?" Y/N was truly confused. Wasn't this what every guy wanted?
"Everything. This is not you."
"I can be sexual, Eddie." she deadpanned. The lust she was feeling was slowly fading away.
"I know you can, Y/N. But we can't do this. Not now. Not like this. Put your shirt back on please."
To say Y/N was embarrassed would be the understatement of the century. She put her shirt back on as fast as she could, thinking about how much of a fool she had made herself.
Eddie couldn't help but feel a little guilty for the now sad-looking girl in front of him.
"I'm sorry if you're hurt."
Y/N was suddenly seeing red. Was he being serious? Nah, shit was about to go down.
"Hurt? Why would I be hurt, Eddie? I hope you're not delusional enough to think it was some embarrassing attempt at getting you back. Besides, if sex is all you're about these days—"
"Sex is not all I'm about, Y/N. And you, more than anyone, should know that."
"I am not responsible for your sexual inexperience." Yep. She went there.
A side of people’s beliefs Eddie Munson and Y/N L/N were very much still virgins. Breaking the stereotype high school relationships has gotten through the years. 
"I'm not blaming you…" 
"I never stopped you from being with someone else." Y/N was suddenly on a defense mechanism, which consisted of slowly but surely attacking the other person. They were lucky she didn't get angry often.
"That was particularly clear when you stopped talking to me. Twice." said Eddie, knowing Y/N wasn't going to back down anytime soon.
"You had time, Eddie. There was plenty of time for you to have all the fun you wanted. It's not my fault if you're still a virgin." Silence. Complete and utter silence. 
Eddie's eyes softened; he knew that as much as that probably hurt his ego, Y/N was just frustrated and angry. He couldn't lash out at her for having different emotions. So he decided to be the bigger person and try to end this argument, if you can call it that...
"I love you, Y/N. What happened between us or didn't happen was because both of us wanted it that way."
Y/N's vision started to get cloudy. She knew the tears were coming.
"What's wrong? What's so wrong with me?" She whispered, not being able to look him in the eyes.
"It's not you. It's us. I can't go through all that again. You say it will be different, but it won't be."
"You don't know that." She really didn't want to give up on them just yet.
"Yes, I do. and so do you. Y/N, another year like last year, and I can promise you that there will be no more love left between us."
Y/N was upset; it gutted her if she had been honest. She knew things weren't great but to lose someone you have so much history with? That's just brutal. 
"So is there anything else?" she said with hope in her eyes.
"So you love me...you just don't want me?" Try making sense of that at eighteen...
Eddie didn't answer, but Y/N knew the answer already. That's when she finally started crying and exited the room through the window. She couldn't stay there any longer.
Three months later...
Following their "for the best" breakup, Y/N grew closer to his neighbor Steve Harrington. Little did she know that he'd had a crush on her since the day she moved next door. It's been two years. Steve would see Y/N when he was leaving for work, making him late most of the times because he ended up chatting with her. Soon enough, they became best friends too, always going on their own adventures. Steve even stopped going on dates because he knew no one would understand him like Y/N did. How he wished she could see him the same way, but he knew it was too much to ask after how hurt she was in the last and only breakup.
Talking about breakups...
Y/N and Eddie haven't talked at all since that day. He wanted space? She was going to give him that. She honestly needed the space too, even if she didn't want to admit it at the time. As the weeks and months went by, Y/N would understand what he meant and be finally okay with the decision.
Y/N decided to ask Steve to her prom. She was nervous. Why would a 20-year-old want to go back to high school? But to her surprise, Steve said yes.
He said yes, and they could not be anymore excited. They pictured dancing to ABBA or Queen, maybe a little Wham! But be totally chill about it. They pictured taking prom photos that would later be framed in their rooms. They pictured meeting at Y/N's house and being left in awe at the sight of one another.
Of course, all of this would never be shared; this was for them to imagine by themselves. Because that's how oblivious they both were.
Cut to the school gymnasium, where If You Leave was playing in the background. This truly was a Pretty in Pink moment, at least before Eddie saw Steve and Y/N being so close that he got suspicious. Of course, there was nothing going on...yet. But he didn't know that.
Eddie and Chrissy decided to go together, which shocked everyone. People didn't know if they were just friends or were actually dating. It was the first one.
Yet Y/N didn't notice. She was having fun dancing with Steve while discussing things they both loved. She found so much comfort in him, she was even catching feelings, which scared her because she didn't think Steve would ever feel the same. Again, such oblivious teens.
"So when did you and Steve discover your love for dancing?" Chrissy asked Y/N after everyone took a dancing break. She was obviously teasing, but somehow Y/N didn't find it very funny.
"Obviously just moments before you and Eddie did." she said, her best polite smile on.
While Steve was getting more punch, Eddie decided to interrogate him which of course made sense...right?
"I can't get over how weird it is to see you here. What's going on?"
Well, wasn't that just straight-forward and nice of him to say?
"What? Not everybody's got the dazzling array of electronics available that the school does." Steve decided to do a little teasing of his own. Eddie's facial expression was just gold.
"And that's the only reason you're at my prom even though you've already graduated?"
"No. There's always the lure of the Hawkins High food... which has lost its luster since I left, to be honest."
"So, you're not dating Y/N/N?"
"Dating who?" Steve tried to play dumb. How he wishes he was...
Just as Steve was thinking of what type of answer to give him, Y/N showed up to ask him for another dance. They were going to play that Top Gun song that everyone loved so much, and she wanted to slow dance to it. So when she went to grab his arm, Eddie got in their way and stole Y/N for the dance himself. Oh how he hated this song...
"So when did you discover your love for dancing?" Ironic. 
"Well, hello to you too. It's like a requirement for prom, Munson. Is that so hard to believe?" She was annoyed.
Eddie didn't answer. What was he going to say? He didn't think this through.
"And I needed a date, so..." Y/N said interrupting his thoughts. 
"But why'd you ask Steve? Why didn't you just ask me?"
This honestly seemed like a terrible joke if it was one, yet she went along with it.
"I have been spending more time with Steve. He's a good dancer. I enjoy his company. So yeah, I needed help with this, and he was there for me. That's what friends do, Eddie; they help each other."
"That's all you guys are, friends?"
And the song suddenly stopped. Techical difficulties. 
Eddie was confused. How had he missed all of this? Sure, Steve and Y/N were friends before, but now... he didn't believe that was the end of it. And he knew he would get more answers out of Steve than Y/N.
Eddie went back to Steve to finish the conversation they were having before they were interrupted.
"Do you wanna tell me what's going on?" Eddie had this serious expression on his face, like he didn't want to be messed around anymore.
Steve sighed. 
"It's not what you think. Not even close." He wished, though.
"How do you know what I think?"
"Because it's written all over your face. Yes, me and Y/N have spent a lot of time together because we're friends. What's interesting to me is that of all the blonde and brunette combinations of women I know, the first one that popped into your mind is Y/N--"
"You're not getting out of this by psychoanalyzing me."
"I'm just asking a simple question. Eddie, you and Y/N—she's not your girlfriend anymore." It was now Steve's turn to look serious. He wanted to make sure this was addressed.
"You're right, she's not." Eddie spoke without any specific emotion hidden behind his voice.
"Right. So then, why are we having this conversation? You see where I'm going? You're the guy who said that you two needed to go your separate ways."
"Yeah, we do. It just never occurred to me that--"
"That what? That she would actually go her separate way too? Or perhaps it didn't occur to you...her separate way would include a stopover at me. Is that what it is? God, this is the way it always is with you. You talk, but you don't listen to yourself. You say you're over her, but you're not. The words don't mean anything."
"Look, you don't know what you're talking about." Eddie was slowly getting defensive. Yeah, Steve was his friend, but how much did he know about lasting relationships?
"Look at that girl, Munson. Take a good look. She's a freaking goddess. How long did you think it would take before a guy came along and expressed interest in her? I mean, really, dude. And when that happens, what are you gonna do?"
"I'll take it as it comes." Eddie said cooly.
Steve couldn't help but scoff.
"You'll take it as it comes. Perhaps you should start now, because the guy who comes along won't be your friend. He won't ask permission. The guy that comes along will take one look at her and cut right in on you."
Sure, Steve wanted that to actually be himself, but he was not about to say that.
"What are you hiding, Steve?"
"What?" Steve was confused. Was he too obvious about her everlasting crush?
"All this analysis of my love life...doesn't change that you didn't answer me. Why are you really here with Y/N/N?" 
Steve rolled his eyes and walked away. He couldn't be held accountable to what would happen if he continued to have that conversation.
"Why do I bother?"
surprise ending kinda sucks i know... feedback is greatly appreciated love u all <3
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karizard-ao3 · 8 months
Hello Kar! I love your fics and the ideas you write here, and I'd love if you could help me with a loose concept I've been thinking about. Idk if you've read the aot junior high manga or watched the anime, but there's a huge - huge - implication of a love triangle between Eren, Mikasa and Annie. It kinda surprises me that they chose Annie since she has her thing going on with Armin in the original (but then again Ereannie was a thing by some fans right in the beginning of aot as well). She clearly has a huge crush on Eren, that's never really epxlored on his side, probably because he's a very dense boy. It's hinted that Mikasa is aware of Annie's crush on Eren and doesn't take it too well. (And poor Bertholdt gets sidelined real bad)
Here are a few examples:
I've been toying with the idea of Annie having a crush on Eren and how this plays out with Eremika and Aruani. Like Armin being jealous of his best friend? Maybe Eren gets jealous of Armin spending some time with Mikasa as they both feel left out by Eren and Annie? Obviously I'm not asking for Ereanni, but instead how this impacts Eremika, because I sincerely don't know what to think! 😅 I feel this has a lot of Clueless Teens vibes, even though they aren't strictly the same characters. I'd love to hear your take on this, especially how they all deal with it and how Eren and Mikasa finally end up together
I have both read and watched AOT Jr. High so I know exactly what you mean!
My thoughts are this: Annie would be trying to invite herself along to hang out with EMA, which Armin is very excited about until he realizes who it is precisely that Annie is trying to get close to. He gets mad at Eren but won't tell him why because he's afraid if Eren figures out Annie likes him he'll go for her. Mikasa has similar fears but is mad at Annie. Both girls are constantly butting heads over Eren while he's just like, "Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo!" Mikasa could probably end this whole thing by telling Eren she likes him, but she doesn't know that. She believes if she gets a concrete rejection then Annie has won, so she can't risk it.
Maybe as far as Eremika getting together, Annie finally manages to get Eren to go out with her on a date (he does not know it's a date). When he gets home from it, he calls Mikasa to tell her Annie was acting really weird (flirting) and what does she make of that? Mikasa realizes Eren was on a date (he still has no idea) and thinks he's trying to get Mikasa to tell him if she thinks Annie likes him. She bursts into tears and Eren starts panicking. She's like, "Why would you go out with Annie when Armin likes her?"
This is news to Eren on two fronts. He was on a date? Armin likes Annie? And also, why is Mikasa so upset on Armin's behalf? Unless... DOES MIKASA LIKE ARMIN? Now he's upset for some incomprehensible reason! "Why do you care so much about Armin's feelings?" he demands.
Mikasa hangs up on him. He's flabbergasted. He's hurt. He is mad at Armin. He doesn't know why.
It's not until he sees Annie at school and starts ranting about how he thinks Mikasa might like Armin because she was acting so weird last night and what the heck is up with that, etc, that he gets some clarity.
Annie is all, "I guess she's the one you really like. Thanks for the date. I give up."
Eren is like, "Whaaaaaaat?" Spends the rest of the morning telling himself he doesn't like Mikasa, but then he sees her and, Oh boy. It all hits him at once.
So, then he goes to bitch at Armin for stealing his girl and Armin is like, you dumbfuck! Mikasa likes you!
So then Eren goes to get his girl.
My kid has a different take on this ask. He thinks Annie should ask Eren out at knife point and was very adamant that I share this option with you.
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mytvd · 4 months
why is caroline's hair and lingerie post-vampire bite her cutest look so far
omfg toe ring closeup
why is vicki so upset at jeremy feeling like she hooked up with him for "the drugs" after she accused his motives. what is her deal. my initial dislike is morphing into a burning need to figure her out
have elena and stefan even been "dating" for 24 hours yet? this bff/bf bonding hang seems so sudden
i like matt's instincts to leave elena alone, wow. so rare!!
why is mr. tanner's class now on the end of ww2??? i need to see the syllabus
he's the football coach too???? D:
if i didn't already know matt lives i would definitely assume he was destined from how decent he's acting to elena and stefan. why is he friends with tyler
i mean i get that in high school friends are often proximity-based but ugh
"stefan and i have watched every single person we've cared about die" lmao what a natural thing to say
is it important for the vampires to stay on the down low or what?? they are not being subtle at all lol.
if damon is supposed to be 25 why tf he is hanging out with these teens like this?? i get it is to mess with stefan but it's creepy. also what would jenna think about this. where is she
damon could be doing literally anything with his immortality and super senses. so far i am buying that stefan is trying to live a "human life" but damon could be sowing true chaos somewhere with a lot more going on than a small town in virginia. and amongst people with more interesting lives than high school students
the crow im speechless
i think i would find stefan much more boring if i had seen this show at an earlier time in life (especially while it was airing) but at this point i'm so beyond fatigued over seeing woman brutalized in the media and real life and the state of the world that seeing this sensitive guy trying to [presumably] genuinely appreciate small human moments and support his girlfriend is nice? and i like how invested he is in bringing damon's humanity to light (although it doesn't seem like he's doing anything to really keep him from killing non-elena citizens). maybe he gets more boring? also watching the way caroline and vicki are being treated by men is disgusting.
"you can have her when i'm done" dear god how does vicki stomach the presence of tyler!!!!
"yes it is, otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say" okay elena!!!
tbh one reason i never watched this show is because i hated mia on degrassi so much that i didn't think i could handle a show where nina dobrev is the protagonist but i like her a lot on this so far! i was wrong
can stefan even pretend to be upset about damon killing mr. tanner
it gets addressed in btvs that the sunnydale cops are aware of the existence of vampires so i am wondering if the mystic falls cops do as well? like how many bodies with identical neck wounds could they bring in without connecting them to each other? also i guess i know sunnydale is a hellmouth full of monsters and idk if there are atp other vampires killing people besides damon.
oops i spoke too soon i guess stefan doesn't believe in damon after all lol
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I had a man who was almost 25 flirt with me at the renfaire when I was 17(turning 18 at the end of that season) I thought he was around 22ish. He found out how old I was the week before I turned 18 and decided he was okay with dating me. We dated for about 6 months (I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and was on high alert and broke up with him at the first major red flag) Over the course of our relationship he tried to convince me that I would want to have kids eventually despite my anti kid stance. Asked me if I saw us being engaged or married 5 years from now on one of our earlier dates. He told me I love you over text which I was uncomfortable with I set a Boundary and when I jokingly said a week or two later "you know you love me" after I had been a bit of a gremlin and immediately jumped at the opportunity to say "does that mean I can say it?" The thing that made me break up with him was when I got accepted to live on campus at college(which was eliminating a 4hr plus commute) the first thing he said was what about me.
There was a reason I was his first girlfriend. It's especially dangerous out there when you're a teen. The manipulation tactics weren't even that subtle but a lot of minor red flags went excused because it was his first serious relationship, and it wasn't abusive the way my previous relationships had been
However I will say that not all age gaps are predatory or bad. It's been a few years and I'm in my mid 20s now, and engaged to someone 8 years older than me. We have very similar life experiences when it comes to previous relationships. We forget about our age gap all of the time. He does nothing but support me and my career and education decisions. It's entirely different than my other age gap relationship. We were just friends for a couple years prior and we just had our 2 year anniversary. It's the healthiest relationship either of us have been in. It's a very queer relationship as well. Context is everything and as an adult I couldn't agree more with who I see as children and off limits to me the older I get. Sometimes it isn't even the length of the gap but where you are in life.
I just wanted to throw in my two cents as someone who has had an extremely unhealthy and an extremely healthy age gap relationship. As well as experience with multiple forms of intimate partner violence. To the person who is older than their partner who messaged please fuck off. If the shoe fits wear it. Like I hope your relationship is healthy, but get over yourself. If the stuff in this conversation applies to you, reflect on your behavior. If it doesn't then why are you so upset? My partner has never felt weird about our age gap or guilty because he hasn't done anything wrong. He knows that.
I say this as someone who feels guilt over nothing and or easily. Your guilt is your responsibility to deal with no matter where it stems from.
If you're in your mid-twenties now, then you're BOTH established adults which means that nothing I have said about age gaps apply to you. There's nothing toxic or harmful about a 25 year old dating a 35 year old or a 30 year old dating a 50 year old. My issue is when an established adult (25 or older) seeks out relationships with people who are barely legal adults
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
You know what was not fun? Suddenly out of nowhere developing eczema when I was in my mid teens.
1, it gets bad every time the season changes—every summer I'm like no yeah it gets really gnarly when it gets all hot and humid and every winter I'm like no yeah it gets really gnarly when it gets all cold and dry.
2, I'm horrible at the not-scratching thing. Do I know it will make the problem worse, and probably also cause some bleeding/weeping? Yep. Does that make it easier to resist? No. It itches. When things itch I want to scratch. I often do it without even thinking and oh shit now I feel bad because I should've "just not scratched" and also now my hands hurt more.
3, I fear even scratching what appears to be a regular itch on my hands, the insides of my elbows, or the backs of my knees, because I have it predominately on my hands but it's been really horrible on the backs of my knees especially, like before I realized there was actually something going on there I scratched so much it hurt when I ran soap over the skin while I was showering, and there were always these big red bumps with little spots of blood, and if I scratch in one of those places what if I cause it to flare up by irritating the skin?
4, I feel bad for complaining about it, because I feel like people are going to see me feeling sorry for myself about my (legitimate) skin condition and say okay dramatic bitch it's just a skin thing it's not that big a deal, and because I sometimes feel that way towards myself about it even though I live in my own body and I know it is a big deal; it itches all the time and it hurts and as you can clearly see by this post that all effects me mentally.
5, it makes me feel ugly sometimes. When I had it on my knees it was summer, and therefore I was wearing shorts, and it was visible and I knew it. I was so worried that people were going to look at it and be revulsed or make fun of me or just laugh about how ugly it was, because it's not pretty—and it's a medical condition, it's not supposed to be, but it still makes me feel lousy. On my hands, depending on how long my sleeves are, I can cover most of it, but I still know it's there and I worry that if I shift my hands too much while talking other people are going to see it and wonder ew, what's wrong with you, and not want to be near me.
6, it started at the worst possible time. I was a teenager with my first boyfriend, a very hard-won boyfriend mind you, talking to him in the first place was the boldest thing I'd ever dared to do not just because I knew he was cute and smart and that he liked superheroes, but because he was a human being and speaking to other humans is one of my greatest trials, and it was all well and fine until our second date was coming up and suddenly I had these horrible red patches all over my skin and all I wanted out of life at the time was to hold hands with my boyfriend but I felt incredibly self-conscious and sad about the idea that my eczema might gross him out and he wouldn't want to hold hands with me. (In case you're saying poor Martian, hunny did he let you down? no. he did not. I drove myself crazy not scratching and was lotioning day and night to try and get it under control and for the most part I did so I suppose I'll never know if he would've, given the opportunity, but I didn't have to worry about it on the day of the date itself so that's what counts for me.)
7, it's something I had to adapt to. not very good at doing that tbh. Every time I have a flare up I'm can't help thinking it wasn't always like this and being upset, because my skin used to act the way skin is supposed to and for some reason I don't even know, it stopped.
8, I was prescribed medicine (one that will literally do permanent damage to my skin if I use it too often but that's barely here or there), but if I forget to put my preemptive strike on for a couple of nights and there's a change in the weather and I don't use my anti-eczema lotion enough during the day then I have a flare up anyway.
9, once a flare up starts it's really hard to stop. Nine times out of ten one of the problems is that my hands are too dry to start with, but the medicine only makes them dryer, which while it does help them heal, it also creates a different secondary sort of problem that stymies the healing at a certain point. So I take a break from the medicine to focus on getting my skin to a healthy moisture level but that's really hard to do, I don't know why, and the eczema is getting worse because I'm not applying the medicine and I'm kind of stuck.
So...yeah. Eczema sucks and I'm not even a little brave about it, I'm just tired and sad.
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thegreymoon · 10 months
Your post about gynaecologists judging you for not being sexually active really spoke to me. I felt like I was a weirdo for being disgusted at the idea of people's bodily fluids during sex, having a low libido and not being interested in most men. I'm still exploring whether or not I'm actually asexual or not. Sometimes I feel physically attracted to people in a way that's different from just wanting to go on dates and hold hands with them, but the idea of seeing them naked or having someone's genitals near me disgusts me. idk. Maybe I'm just verrryy selective?
Hey, anon!
Honestly, it took me a long time before I started identifying as asexual (mostly because I didn't know asexuality was a thing for the longest time), but in my case, I feel like it fits.
Trust me, I know what it's like to feel like a weirdo because your experiences with sexuality are so different from that of your peers, what you are shown in the media and what the adults around you model as "normal". In my early teens, I was convinced that everyone was faking it for attention and for clout. Later, I realised, OK, so maybe they are not faking it after all and it was just me not feeling the same things, at which point I assumed that my sexual maturity was just a little bit late in developing and that it would arrive eventually so that I too could hop on the "normal" train.
Spoiler alert: It never did.
I made peace with being "weird" until I discovered that asexuality was a thing (thank you, Internet!) and it was such a relief, knowing that this also existed and that this too was "normal" and that there were so many other people like me out there!
The thing is, nothing about sexuality is black and white. You have to find the label that fits for yourself. If you feel comfortable with it, then it is what you should identify with. If it feels wrong, then you should keep searching for one that does fit. There is a whole spectrum. In my case, my libido is very low, but not non-existent. There are things I find erotic and I can get aroused, but it almost never translates to the men around me. I just don't like them (honorary mention to the few exceptions). I have considered that I might be a lesbian because all the meaningful non-familial relationships in my life have been with other women, however, I feel no sexual attraction towards them either and I feel like the only reason I was able to form deep bonds with my good friends was because there was no pressure, societal or otherwise, to fuck them in order to love them. It is all very subjective and personal and I feel like no two people are going to have exactly the same experience.
As for gynaecologists, I just find their generally conservative manner of thinking very surprising (and upsetting), considering that they at least should be aware that there are multitudes of different expressions when it comes to human sexuality. Asexuality isn't even particularly rare, it's just that so many of us are pressured into conventional marriages, so it skews the numbers. One of my previous gynaecologists (whom I subsequently dumped) was so irritated with me because I was not sexually active in my prime breeding age, he went off on an entire rant about ~biological needs~ and I very much got the impression that he considered me abnormal and would have loved to classify my asexuality as a mental illness. We did not part on pleasant terms. I specifically requested a woman for my next check-up because gone are the days when any man could be called upon to tell me what I should do with my vagina, but she was also off-putting and dismissive of my symptoms because I was not and had no intention of being pregnant. This newest one is the best so far, but she also made off-colour remarks that I laughed off but felt she should not have made.
Anyway, TL;DR, asexuality is a perfectly normal variation of human sexuality and embracing it is good for your physical and mental health. We should all learn how to love and embrace ourselves as we are and make room for other people in our lives based on how comfortable we are with the roles we give them. Sometimes, sex just isn't a part of that equation and that is OK.
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borderlinesatou · 1 year
I'm so sick of her. She's making me hate you. All you do is complain about her and I genuinely don't think you realise it.
Do you know how miserable you've become since you moved in with her? Everything's about her. It's never about you. You won't let yourself be upset because "she has it worse". You're literally pitying her, that's all it is.
She gets upset at the smallest things and you beat yourself up over it like it's your fucking job to make sure she's happy.
I know I got extremely lucky still being with my teen sweetheart. We grew into full functioning adults together after going through a ridiculous amount of shite together thanks to my family. Never once have I ever felt pitied by her but I know for a fact she feels pitied by you. You said it yourself, she got mad at you for being concerned for her wellbeing, because she thinks that you don't trust her judgement. Even though you have every reason not to since she's the way she is.
I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's not being malicious purposefully but that doesn't excuse the fact that she is manipulative often.
The fact that you feel guilty about having your own interests and hobbies is such a huge issue I don't understand how you can't see it. It's another reason for the pile of why I think you shouldn't be dating.
You shouldn't have to force her into spaces and activities that are yours alone to enjoy, shes literally going to ruin cons for you for the rest of the time you go, which I feel like will stop eventually when you realise you can't be around your friends since she'll cry if we start talking about cock and balls.
You love talking shite and she turns you mute. It sounds like the most dull, mind numbing conversations to have with anyone ever. Like what is there to even talk about that doesn't involve her, that's solely yours? God forbid you have interests she isn't a part of because that'll upset her 🥺
Its ridiculous. You're such a warm bright colourful person with so much personality and humor and you're just grey with her.
I can never say any of this to you directly because I think it'd finally be the end of our friendship but honestly I don't know how much longer I can see you like this, it's genuinely hurting me.
She didn't know you were suicidal and you've been together over 2 years. Is that not alarming? The lack of knowledge of your mental state bc she never looks outside herself. I know you deny how unwell you are because you never let yourself be the one with issues but if she really knew you she'd know that without being told.
I think you should break up.
I know you're lonely, and I know you want a relationship, but God, you're not meant to be on eggshells at every turn, wondering if you've something wrong or done something wrong to upset her. You're not supposed only care about her feelings and never check on your own.
I really think you should end it.
Obviously you live with her so that's a complication but you know your mam would take you back in a heart beat.
I think you should go. I'm saying this with the most sincerity I can. I am saying this as your oldest and closest friend. Please leave her to better yourself. It'll hurt, obviously. But in the long run you deserve to really be happy. Happiness is not what you have. You wouldn't be this way if it was.
These feelings aren't new or sudden. I've felt this way for well over a year. She made you a completely different person while you're with her, then when you finally get time to see us you complain about her in some sort of way
Of course no relationship is perfect, I've gotten annoyed at 🐰 before, most were due to outside forces (primarily my family) but we've always talked it out. You keep stuff from her, you feel like you can't be honest with her out of fear. None of that is normal or healthy.
You really really should consider breaking up.
I just want you to be happy again.
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revelmaven · 2 years
im using my blog for its intended purpose now: dramatic teen girlie's diary
so this is what i realised today -
i dunno who put this there, but something in me still holds the belief that women can't have male friends without it being inherently romantic/sexual. (this possibly applies to all genders, but thinking about it in the abstract i think it's ridiculous, and it shouldn't matter, so im not sure what my subconscious thinks about it bc by that logic i oughtnt care about f/m friendships and apparently i ((that is the royal i, not my conscious self but someone internal who informs them, that is)) do)
the thing that's brought this up is that we're about to put on a show at my local theatre. the players in this scenario are myself, my partner who i'll call rose, and our mutual friend who i'll call tucker.
last week, rose and i were meant to go shopping to get him some stage makeup bc all of his is out of date. i was gonna help him get some new stuff. instead, i got sick, and that trip didn't happen. i figured vaguely he must've gone with our other mutual friend fay, since she'd offered as well, but i never followed up on that bc i forgot. (it turns out she did take him, on the day we'd planned and everything.)
until tonight.
so, tucker mentioned he didn't have any stage makeup either, and knowing he has tomorrow off i offered to take him in to get some bc we live near each other and he doesn't have a car.
(i should at this point pause to say rose did not take this badly in any way, so if you're here for drama scroll away. this is an internal zero problem, not an external partner problem. rose is the best partner i've ever known anyone to have)
so, after i made that plan with tucker i drove home and texted rose goodnight and that is when paranoia suddenly set in, and this is the part i'm curious about. as mentioned in the parentheses, rose is about the best partner anyone could ask for, and has never put a rules/punishment system in our relationship. but i have had relationships where that was the case (shitty father), And i grew up in a highly religious setting built on framing everything as a sin to keep control, AND i grew up with the stigma against m/f friendships (toddler boyfriend culture, if you follow), AND i'm autistic so there are all kinds of secret rules i have to be afraid of in neurotypical society.
so suddenly i was terrified rose would be angry i was going to go shopping with tucker for the same thing i was going to take rose in for but didn't get to.
(disregard i got sick and couldn't help it, disregard that fay already took him, disregard that tucker is significantly younger than me and rose and we both treat him as our kid brother and it's absurd to suspect i'm prioritising him bc i fancy him, disregard all of it-)
for some reason i was afraid i was going to be in trouble bc taking my mate shopping for supplies for a job could not possibly be appropriate bc everyone could only ever conclude that i was doing this bc i am secretly cheating on my partner with our mutual friend bc im doing an activity i said i would do with my partner - and no sane person would ever think it is anything but a cover for sexual infidelity bc tucker is male and im female(*)
alternatively, no one would think it's anything innocent bc i said id go with rose and then i went with tucker instead - all circumstances disregarded
so i think ultimately i'm trying to blame this on an outside force and Not the main toxic relationship from my childhood bc i'm tired of finding More ways he fucked me up and i'm tired of being upset by realising how toxic that relationship actually was
but frankly having written it all out i think it's pretty obvious this is a layover from my father again, bc one of his key habits is getting offended when people (specifically i) do anything with someone (regardless of gender, but usually male) that he thinks should have been done with him instead. he holds a belief that i find extremely creepy that rose "replaced" him in my heart, so now anything i do with rose is a direct loss bc without my partner i would have no reason not to spend all my time with him, my father who i obviously idolize. this applies to things that don't even relate to him, and he gets extremely upset when things that don't concern him are done without him or his input, and takes people doing things without him as a personal insult and throws tantrums about how he wishes anyone loved him. (i am aware all of this is astronomically toxic, btw. he terrifies me to the same degree i find him pathetic, and i don't excuse any of the shit he pulls. i was just a literal child for most of it and am only now realising the extent of the inappropriateness.)
(also if it needs to be said - yeah the replacement thing is creepy as fuck and i'll probably make a whole post about just that bc i have shit to say, but just in case anyone worries about this - in short no, my father never did anything to me that an intimate partner would. i wouldn't bother being diplomatic when speaking about him if that were the case. he just doesn't think id have a life where i did anything without him if i hadn't got a partner. i have no fucking idea why he thinks this; we were never close to begin with)
anyway to end the tale, i apologised to rose over text and scrambled to make up for doing this to him, to which he essentially replied asking what i was worried i had done and assuring me he doesn't take it that way at all and it's every bit as innocent as it looks
and so i am left to dissect this new fucked up aspect of my psyche and wonder who or what is responsible for this fear - society or my father
open to suggestions if you know me in person or have experience
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bpd-angelcake · 2 months
guess who's back 🙃
tw: lots of ed mention
hi lol where do I even begin first off like... lmao every time I come back on this blog I think of that one ask that I got that was like "do u come back on here when things are bad??" and no lmao not always
life hasn't been bad it's just been busy im always busy i work a full time job and my social life has been the busiest it's ever been and im thankful because I love my irl friends so much and I do love my job as annoying as it can be and idk things aren't bad. they're not.
but I know my mental health hasn't been the best lately and I can't even blame my bpd. I had a really bad episode at the beginning of February and I tried pushing all my friends away because I thought they were over me and didn't take me seriously and they all came back to me literally crying wondering what was wrong and I felt so shitty and they don't know I have bpd (I don't talk about it in person unless we're going to date because I hate when people perceive me a certain way once they find out I'm not normal lmao) so we had to get in a circle and talk it out it was so rough but honestly I have never felt more secure in a friend group before in my life it makes me so sick thinking about it because idk what I'd do if anything were to change but whatever.
but idk I was doing so good with myself I was on top of my skincare and keeping my room clean and following through with things and idk everything just fell through the cracks and I feel like I have no control over anything in my life once more. I'm trying so hard to be better but it's hard. I just started saving money again because I spent so much of it the past few months and I'm so disappointed with how bad my spending got and it wasn't even for a good reason lol so I am trying I promise but ugh I feel like I was up there!! and I'm back at rock bottom.
Another thing that's been bugging me a lot is my weight too... back in 2020 I was so thin and I looked good and I had done it the right way by dieting and exercising but covid came and I got into that toxic relationship and I gained so much weight back and I look in the mirror and I am so disgusted with myself and I hate it. I see all these cute plus size girls on social media and I literally love them and think they're so beautiful but I look at myself and I can't even deal. I have to be a bridesmaid for a wedding in October and im dreading it because I'm going to look so bad....
I ordered a cosplay a few months ago and it came a week ago and it didn't even fit 🙃 I almost had a full mental breakdown about it and tbh I am 90% sure it ran small (not cutting myself slack because I know I'm fat but I also know how to measure clothes) but it made me so upset I literally relapsed and I've barely eaten this whole week. I tried to eat a spoonful of rice because I was so lightheaded the second it touched my mouth I threw it up.
And now I feel so fucking lame because I'll go on edtwt and see these girls posting their stuff and they're all in their teens and it's like.... I'm in my 20's dude I shouldn't be doing this shit anymore but I do and I hate it because it's all I know and it's so comforting because I'm literally a professional at it like I know all the tips and tricks I know what to do when I accidentally binge I know how to curb cravings and what excuses to say when I don't want to eat in front of people it's so sad because I thought I was over this but I guess not.
I haven't weighed myself yet, I was going to do it tomorrow but ugh all I need is to see that number go down or else I might kill myself because I can't do this anymore!!!! this is my life I feel like I'm 14 again in the worse way. IDK I might start posting more about it (with tags ofc) so if that's not your thing I understand but it's all I have to make me feel better and I'm not looking for advice I'm not looking for tips I just want to vent and if you're going to judge me do it kindly please lmao bye
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madlymine · 4 months
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Episode 6 - Recap
♠ MAIN CHARACTERS: Aono the ghost (ML) Yuri the airhead (FL) Fuju the victim (ML's best friend) Mio the horror-enthusiast (FL's potential best friend)
♠ EP6: Yuri and Fuju meet at Mio's house to discuss possession theories. *points at the picture below* Mio thinks that the ghost left Yuri's body because of impurity the 1st & 2nd time. 3rd is related to impurity because of Yuri's nosebleed during that disgusting kiss. But the trigger for the 4th possession of Fuju's body is a mystery to them.
~back to teen-fiction~ [Aono & Yuri in her bedroom] In order to lie about the reason for the meeting, Yuri tells Aono that they talked about ghosts in general and the theory of ghosts flying if they strip... Of course, our leading lady and her puuure thoughts. Never disappoints.
A: "should we test to see if I can take my clothes off?"
*Aono starts unbuttoning his shirt, while Yuri staaaares*
A: "you'll keep watching? it's embarrassing." Y: "you're right. I'll face the wall so take it off please. A: "eeeeh"
Anyways, she turns her head away and he continues with the shirt. This must be the most unanticipated moment in my entire life... sorry kid.
A: "isn't it unfair for only me to strip? won't you strip too?"
LOL! damn. teen hormones over the top. God grant me patience.
*Yuri pretends to be shocked but internally giddy*
A: "to keep it fair." Y: "are you embarrassed to strip alone?"
HAHAHAHA what is this conversation! I need air.
A: "I am." Y: "it wouldn't if I did it too?" A: "YEsh." (he didn't show enthusiasm but he is definitely excited..)
&nd the undressing begins. at least they are not facing each other so that's something.
A: "can I turn around?"
Well, we all know that he can't undress and he used this method to see her naked :p BOOO~ He sulks afterwards because Yuri refuses to continue undressing.
A: "I can't look? one more layer? I'm getting nowhere here..."
The girl feels bad for him and gives him a back-hug and tells him to put his hands on hers. Then she moves her hands on his body and he follows (while imagining that she is touching him)... alright, kids, lets move on before I go to hell for this. The manga must be much worse.
[NEXT scen-o] Back to the Blue Cheer squad, where Yuri invites her friends to spend a day out with her and her ghost. Fuju and Mio both opt-out.
Fuju: "let it be a date. it will be more fun with you 2 alone, right? you can go to a hotel afterwards." *Mio and Yuri shocked* Fuju: "I'm kidding."
Love him. honestly, the whole thing is ridiculous and he knows it lol
Y: "we can unexpectedly do lewd things..." F: "how? you can't touch him." Y: "creative ingenuity..." F: "do you masturbate while he gives you directions?"
Another shock for the girls. Fuju go easy on them. Mio changes the subject by bringing snacks and the gathering ends shortly after.
[Aquarium date] near the end, Aono tells Yuri that his little brother got lost in this aquarium. but he is glad he made happy memories with her here. she gets upset that he didn't tell her beforehand so they can change the date place. he apologizes and promises to share all his thoughts in the future. she feels bad for sulking. & I want to kill myself but lets move on from this very important happening.
[last scene] we get introduced to a new female character talking to Yuri's mother at home asking about Yuri. the mother tells her she is out with friends. the good-looking stranger: "she has friends?"
a year ago
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theglitchywriterboi · 9 months
Okay, I've never told this story before, mostly cause the kink in question has A LOT of discourse [NOTE: I don't have an issue w/ the kink myself, but I don't participate in it anymore] & I don't want people focusing on that part [when I was a dumb kid who didn't understand what the kink was or even what kink was].
Also parts of this story are just cringe & :/// & it's like embarrassing to share-
Okay so-
I was 14 & this dudes FRIEND messaged me [I was on those teen dating tumblr pages for context. Also it was a page for ddlb [or ddlg, cgl, mdlb, mdlb, etc] for teens] asking if it was okay for him to message me. Allegedly he saw my post on said friends tumblr & liked me, but didn't have tumblr himself, so he asked his friend to message me on kik - which he had. So idk why his friend messaged me on kik instead of him messaging me, but I digress. [But now that I think about it, I don't think either of them SAID "He doesn't have tumblr" so he might've had one]
She was like "My friend saw your post & wanted to know if you wanted to talk ?"
So I was like "Sure, whats his kik ?"
An important thing to note is my age range was 14-15 MAYBE 16, since I was 14 & didn't want to talk to people older than me. Also I expressed several times I was strictly SFW & didn't want to be I'm a polyam relationship.
Okay, back to the story.
So I message him & was like "Hey is this [him] ? [His friend] gave me your kik. Sorry if this is the wrong person
IMMEDIATELY after confirming he is that guy, he is like "So are we dating ?" Like ?!?! Mind you I don't know this guys age, anything about him, etc
So I was like "Uh we just started talking- How old are you ? Where are you from ?" & he said his age: 17 [Seventeen]. [He also gave his location, but that doesn't matter]
Again, I made it clear I preferred someone 14-15 MAYBE 16
But I was 14 & had no backbone so I decided to give it a shot.
After giving his age he asked if we were dating AGAIN, & I was anxious, so I was just kinda like "Sure".
Now a lot happened, so here are the major things:
-Tried to pressure me into getting a third, then when I agreed & we found someone, he lashed out at them [apparently the third in question had a BF [somehow he found out but I didn't ?] & the BF was chill w/ him having a second dom [me] but not anyone else. Idk]
-Pressured me into sexting [again, after me expressing wanting to be SFW only]. It basically went
Him: "Pllzzzzz"
Me: "No I'm not comfortable w/ that"
Him: "Please"
Me: "No"
Then back & forth until I relented
-Weirdly got upset that I roleplayed having a dick & was really hung up on the fact I didn't IRL [he knew I was trans but he was like "But you have a pussy ://"]
-Tried to pressure me into sending nudes/videos of me masturbating [basically went the same as the sexting - I'd say no, he begged, I'd say no again. BUT the GOOD news is my dumbass couldn't figure out how to take pics/vids of that, so I didn't send any [Thank fucking god] & eventually he dropped it]
-Again I was the hhh dom :/// so he'd have me stay up late writing him bedtime stories
-Sent me a video of himself jerking off w/o me asking [& we weren't like sexting]
& probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
I was so much of a pushover, I had to send an ask to a DDLB account I followed at the time [idk the account] basically explaining the situation & asking "Is this enough to break up over ?" [Hint: You don't need a reason to break up. If you aren't happy, that's reason enough to leave. But even more so if the relationship distresses you !!!] & obviously they were like "Yeah ofc !!!"
So I DMed him & tried as nicely as I could to call things off [I don't remember what I said but I don't think I brought up any of these issues] & I remember being in the lunch line, trembling, sending the messages & reading his reply [which was basically "What the fuck fuck you" & other similar unkind things].
This happened a while ago, but I still think about it a lot, mostly due to the fact I'm always worried I'm overreacting ? Like obviously it wasn't a healthy relationship/dynamic, but I see some people say 14 w/ 17 is 100% fine & other say it's gross & I think it's gross, but do I only think that because of this specific instance ? Does it class as grooming or am I grasping at straws, which doesn't make sense for me to do cause it's not like I want it to be grooming or something, but still. Was this enough to have triggers from ? [His name, which I'm kinda over [became a fan of a band w/ a guy who has a similar name, so that helped], & an emoji, which I won't disclose cause while a lot of people I know use it, its easier to just scroll past than to ask people not to use it. Especially since there are assholes who would use it just to upset me [I don't think any of my friends/mutuals would, but I mean strangers who see] ]
Idk the point in making this - I don't think I've told the story in full, besides my NSFWtwt account, but still......
Theres one other similar story I've been wanting to tell, so idk maybe I'll tell that one too. But this post is long enough, so not here [maybe a second post or a reblog]
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I hate that swifties just turned against Joe without any actual evidence and when the pictures of him looking rough came out, they were celebrating and going after his looks (like they are doing with Matty) and it made me want to punch them (not literally) and I'm not part of the fandom at all, it simply was trending on twitter and checked what happened. And now recently they've been putting Matty against Joe and while the majority is hyping Joe up again simply because they hate Matty, the ones who prefer Matty instead also get on my nerves because they are like "he's problematic but at least he displays affection publicly" and the reason why that upsets me so much is because everyone likes really shy introverts when they need someone they can trust but then suddenly we're "cold" and "too reserved" and "should change" the minute we're no longer useful and seeing those tweets just makes me so fucking sad because I am so quiet in public and I really don't do the whole PDA thing but my heart is feeling with love for the people I'm close with and I sympathize with how Joe must be feeling. There was a video going around of Joe at her show and you can see the heart eyes filled with emotion but you can also see that he's so shy and anxious about being in public.
And people being like "she deserves more" has broken my heart. it just triggered something in me. Everyone who's just a little bit like Joe knows the feeling of dating an extrovert or simply someone with a lot of friends and trying so hard to overcome our limitations and still seeing our efforts being ignored. And then people acting like Taylor did him a huge favor for dating him because in their heads "no way she'd be truly happy with someone like that"... We're not all bad, we've got our flaws but we deserve love too and we've got a lot of love to give... (sorry this is more like a personal rant)
As the self-appointed queen of introverts, I completely agree with you. In fact, now you're making me wonder if that's the reason I like joe? haha. I had never psychoanalyzed my soft spot for him, but, when you mentioned the videos of Joe standing in the audience and watching Taylor, you reminded me of a moment from my teens when we were at some big family party and...well, I get anxious asking the Barista for a straw at starbucks, I'm not a dancer. So, I was just kind of in the corner, clapping. much like Joe is in that clip, still having a good time in my own lil way, and my mom came up to me and gave me this whole ass speech about how I don't know how to have fun, lol.
BUT, whatever the swifties or Joe haters say, the facts speak for themselves. Fact: This has been Taylor's longest ever relationship. Fact: she literally wrote him a song that says "people think loves for show but i would die for you in secret." Is that not the best response to these idiots? Fact: she said she'd give him a child if he wanted. Does that sound like someone who isn't truly happy? Fact: one of her songs promises to marry him with paper rings even though she "likes shiny things." If the literary scholars who analyze every single word she writes and its meanings are ignoring these facts, it's because they're looking for someone to hate. Doesn't matter. Taylor and Joe know the love that they shared.
In fact, I'm feeling kind of the opposite haha. people are hating on joe's introverted nature now that he's left Taylor, but im enjoying Matty's weird nervousness around her friends now that he's enter her space. Sure he's sweet when he dances and wears her merch, but what's more important is that he's unsure and out of his element but trying his best anyway. which is how I feel in all social situations hahahaha.
everyone is just trying to get through this miserable life giving love and hoping to receive it in return. why would we make things extra hard on each other by comparing partners or deciding what Taylor should value or whatever? its dumb and pointless and breeds misery.
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venus-pjo · 2 years
The Halfblood Chronicles- Part 7
I never thought that my loud and strange self would love such a calm and cute little place. It didn't have things that spoke out, which was good because it wouldn't remind me of the ginger-traitor. Who had a personality so similar to me, so its nice. 'Evren who are you on the phone to?' Maria asked my boyfriend in confusion. 'Oh? Its just my little sister, Danae' He smiled thinly. I nodded at the both of them, While Maria curled up into a ball on the bed me and her would share, because i do love Evren, but i ain't trynna get cooties by sharing bed with him. Evren went of into his room at that moment, so he could have peace to check up on his siblings. I turned of the lights and bolted to the bed. I hadn't slept properly in ages, so it was good to actually feel myself falling asleep. But of course that didn't happen, because the god of nightmares was like; "Oh! Yeah, I'm just gonna go and confuse this person who's on a quest to save me and my friends". The scene switched from a blurry view of me and Marias bedroom, to the forest i'd started dating Lydia. Mitchell stood theere with a familiar woman and an unfamiliar group. Thats when it hit me, Evrens mum and sister didn't die, they'd been taken hostage. I could tell that Alethea was the teen girl as she looked like a female version of Evren. Except she had sky blue eyes instead of his dark ones. The woman had unkempt waves of rich brown hair that went to her elbow. Her eyes were Electric blue, and she held a look of disappointment towards her younger son. While Alethea just looked angry with her brother. 'Honey, i know that your upset, but that doesn't mean you become a villian and take your family hostage' Emma craggs attempted to tame her son. It made me giggle, because of how she phrased it. A guy dressed in all black and a mask came forth with another girl, who appeared to be around 14, short black hair…familiar, oh my gods, Mitchell had taken my cousin hostage. Marias little brother was there as well, proving what they were doing and a guy i didn't recognize was led on to the little platform and made to sit beside Emma. 'Em? Its me, Keith' He whispered to her. Emmas mouth opened in shock. From what i remember from the last time Emma spoke of her husband, his name was Keith. I put the pieces and was unsurprised by the fact that this was most likely Evrens dad. He looked more like Mitchell, with curly hair and mischievous brown eyes. Speaking of Mitchell, he looked guilty of taking his military father hostage, but seemed to put the thoughts aside. Actually, Mitchell looked utterly terrified of what he had done. I don't think he thought through his actions before hand, so hes only realizing the possible outcomes for this now. Because he took my cousin hostage, i am not going to care! Luckily, i was waken just as a scream erupted in the dream. Maria stared down at me. 'Theres people here to see you'.
I honestly didn't expect to see azalea, Perseus, Cameron and Cecil at the door. It was obvious Maria and Evren didn't either. We all sat around the kitchen table, except Perseus who was making tea to calm his nerves. I explained my nightmare to them, while they wrote down theories and plans. I felt like the ceo of a large company holding a meeting, It felt weird as heck. Evren and Perseus swapped places, so Evren could make his legendary nutella donuts while Perseus quietly sipped his tea. Azalea was currently planning how to get the hostages to safety without going along with Mitchell and Lucianos plans. Perseus hugged Cameron closely, while Cecil comforted her. Maria was silently slumped in her chair. She was shocked by the kidnapping of her brother, by the way his name is Lucas, you may have forgotten but he was one of the warriors that joined Moons army a week after me. Lucas was pretty cool, and really hot. His hair is wavy and black, kind of going to one side, and he has the same dark skin tone and brown eyes as Maria. The reason behind Camerons sobs was that it turns out that her grandparents who had raised her were also taken hostage, along with her 9 year old brother, Callum. Yeah, he was also one of the newly added soldiers. Perseus was angrily slurping his tea as his brother had been taken hostage. Azalea was silent, but it was obvious that someone she cared about had been taken as well. It had happened to all of us, Especially Evren. He was ecstatic about the news that his mum and sister were still alive, but worried at the fact that there lives were being threatened. The more i thought about it, the more i realized. 'Maybe we should get sleep' Cecil looked up from a crying Cameron. 'Yeah, we'll eat the donuts tomorrow' Evren smiled as he put them in a little box. I kissed him on the cheek before speeding out of the room. Perseus threw some device into the girls shares bedroom, that turned into an extra bunk-bed. Cameron and azalea would share the bunk-bed. While me and Maria would share the bed we had shared the night before. I flopped down on my bed, falling asleep instantly. Which i regretted almost immediately, as the nightmares hit me, and i was engulfed in another episode of evil. I was standing in a room, two people were sitting at a small table, talking about….me?. Then i noticed the scar on the feminine figures' hand. Lydia, i realized. 'Your plan is working, Zelda and Maria are really falling for the huge impression of Mitchell being the traitor' She cackled. Gods, did i make a traitor mix-up again? I really hope i didn't do that again. 'Lydia Blair, the potion will be completed within 9 days time, you must hurry in getting Cameron Daunt's blood' the second person aka Queen Crazy, stated, seemingly smirking. 'Yes, Sadie, i have already tracked her down. As long as she wears her charm, the device shall lead me straight to her. I have one on Zelda aswell' Lydia cackled with delight. Then i woke up.
Why do i have to have a life like a main character? i'm seriously starting to hate it. My stupid brain thought that last nights dream, was really just a dream, and because of that stupidity, we were attacked unprepared. 'ZELDA! Get you and Cameron to safety!' Evren screeched as him and Maria slashed at one of the stronger attackers. Azalea was jumping about on top of the little furniture, then one of the attackers made a huge mistake. They made her break a nail, and she went absolutely bonkers. She jumped of the highest shelf and jumped on the dude in the face with her stilettos. Ouch, thats gotta hurt. A large smirk plastered her face as the attackers head bled out in one single hole where the heel had pierced his brain. Disgusting, Ehh? I assume it was, as thats how i felt when Cecil burst into details about it. I did as Evren said, I grabbed Cameron and shapeshifted to a Pegasus, and let her climb onto my back, which felt really weird. Then, just as the final scream erupted and an eerie silence fogged over the random cabin in the middle of a forest, we flew away from the others. Hours passed, and i finally found safety. I had finally found Moons palace again, thank god. I dived towards the ground, whispers, gasps and surprised voices echoed in the night. Cameron slept on my back, her breathing coming in an almost soothing motion. I landed on the bridge leading straight to the humongous double door, just as Moon and Piper ran out to greet us. They obviously didn't know that the pegasus was me, which i found hilarious. 'Oh my lord! Who-?' Piper was interrupted by Maziar suddenly jumping out of nowhere and scaring the life outta her by chasing her away. I transformed back to human, surprised them hugely. 'Deirdre? Woah….' I heard Naomi Barr say out loud. 'Pinch me' Cora vixen breathed, but recoiling immediately as Echo Romero did as she said. 'I didn't actually mean it!'. Raven ran up and hugged me. I hugged the daughter of persephone right back. The newlo twins were nowhere insight, which probably means trouble. But i didn't care now, i was home and thats what matters. 'Oh! Deirdre! Come inside, come inside' Moon led us in doors, while i carried Cameron. 'Straight to bed' Moon chided as she showed us to the estaghlit. Which was this device where we stand in it and then we burst into colorful smoke without effort. I stepped in and felt my neck heating up as i appeared in my room. I dropped Cameron down on Marias old bed, before changing out of my sweaty clothes. I ended up just going with my huge t-shirt that used to belong to Mitchell. It was too warm. I fell asleep before i hit the mattress.
'Cameron winch'. The whole room fell silent as Moon introduced her. All eyes were in Camerons direction as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. I tightened my grip on her hand. 'Alright, We have other important matters' Moon went on and on about traitors, attacks and plans. I ignored her, my thoughts drifting to Maria. I realized that Moon didn't know that my best friend wasn't a traitor, and just as i was thinking about that. I heard her make an announcement that worried me, a lot. 'Once Maria Berman is brought to the torture room, she'll be on the rack, after that we'll lock her up, we'll throw away the key!' Moon laughed at the idea. But even Piper looked uneasy, and she was basically Moons bestie. 'Cameron, come with me' I grabbed her wrist and we sprinted out of the room. I could see Rosalie and Piper sneaking after us from the corner of my eye, but i knew that they were going to help if we told them about what Mitchell was doing with our families. I led Cameron to the same spot i had seen the weird guys a few weeks back. We sat that for a few seconds, then we heard rusting in the bushes. Piper rolled out like a ninja, Rosalie was nowhere insight. 'Tell me everything. I won't tell moon' Piper stated, looking from me to Cameron. I told her as much as i knew, she agreed that Moon was bonkers for planning such a horrible death towards Maria. Then she told me something that left me absolutely shell shocked. 'Moon is my mom, she tried to marry me of to some rich guy, failed, now shes trynna do the same to Zia, I'm definitely helping you two' She lay on the ground in a starfish position. 'Lets get planning then' Cameron pulled out her notebook and we started getting more and more ideas as we talked. Piper was actually pretty cool, which surprised me more then it should have. 'Wait…….its that forest over there isn't it? Last night i heard someone yell from around the clearing me and Zia always go' She realized. I noticed that you could see the forest from here. That will help a lot. I missed Evren, a lot. As i was daydreaming of him, i remembered his desperation to get Cameron to safety. That was a bit weird, like he said for me to get myself and Camie some place safe, but why Cameron? Why not Azalea or Cecil? Even Perceus? And the shocked silence when Moon introduced her. Something wasn't adding up. 'Deidreeeee! Hello?!' I looked up and a familiar green face was looking down at me. 'Varian!' I screamed as he dropped down. I ran up and hugged him. 'I'm so sorry' i sobbed. The guilt of not going on that walk with him kicked in. 'Deirdre, its alright, it wasn't your fault' He hugged me tighter. 'Guys..? I can see Moon coming over, and she doesn't look happy'.
I looked up at the clock. It was just a few minutes past six, i would be called for dinner at half past. I had maybe twenty minutes at the most to finish my letters to Evren and Maria. Since i was done, i flicked my wrist and an Opera Hamster appeared, ready to deliver my letters. 'Take these to Wicklow, Look around the mountain area, there will be a cabin nearby' I looked it in its eyes and it scampered away, out the window and through the forest. I hope the squads alive. I was starting to miss them more and more, every minute, of all the hours i've been here. A sudden idea crossed through my mind, i sat down at the desk and began to search the internet for an explanation on Cameron. Then i found something that shocked me more then finding out that Piper was Moons daughter. Cameron was the heiress to a humongous empire that went the half way across the map. I leaned back in awe. No way, that…. That meant she would have power over me. I didn't like that, the jealous side of me kicked in, and suddenly my best friend was my worst enemy. All the built up anger was beginning to show. I closed the laptop, just as someone knocked on the door. At first i thought it would be Cameron, then i remembered that she didn't know where my new room was. Piper stood in the doorway.' Dinnertime, wanna walk with me?' She smiled. I agreed, and so i walked with Piper the whole way. We even sat together at Moons table for only important people. Zia nodded at me in a business-like way. I smiled in acknowledgement. I recognized a few others. I could see Cameron down in the left corner from my seat. I couldn't help but snort knowing that she was a princess, completely alone and unaware. She was the main character, while i was of to the side. Usually the first to die. 'Deirdre? Hello? You've barely touched your food' Piper looked at me in concern. I laughed it of, and then i quickly eat my food. I had a coke with it, and while i was drinking that, Moon mentioned a meeting soon. 'The meeting will be on the twenty-third of December, Deirdre, you must come, it is incredibly important' She said as we all finished our drinks and meals. I ran to my room, had they replied yet? I didn't know. But i screamed with happiness when i saw two letters piled on my bed. I decided to read Evrens first. It said that they were safe, and currently on their way, along with him recruiting his other siblings for the fight when they arrived. Marias said that she had applied for school like 'Hethos academy'. I felt happy for her, but also sad that i wouldn't get to see her and Evren for a while. Maria had finished her letter with 'Merry Christmas:)', only reminding me of the date. It was the eighteenth of December, so seven days till Christmas. I put the letters in my drawer, i'll write back later. But of course i fell asleep.
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