#one day they’ll have the showdown of the decade and then it’ll all be over
keekry · 6 months
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mizu sketches :)
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
Sing For Me - Chapter Thirty-seven
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Fandom: Marvel Avengers AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X OFC (Sasha)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, OFC Sasha, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, OFC Zoe, OFC Kat, OFC Maddie, Princess Shuri
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2400
Format: Series (Complete)
Warning: Language, angst.
Summary: Sasha tries to wake up. Kat has a chance to talk to Zoe.
A/N: Not consistent with Marvel canon. The first chapter of Sing For Me went up at the end of February 2018. I’m trying to get the story completed by that anniversary. To that end, the next chapter is almost finished and should be up within a few days. I never intended for this to become a novel, but here we are. If you’re still reading, I love you.
Banner by @hellzzzbelle
Sing For Me Masterlist
Chapter Thirty-six here
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Chapter Thirty-seven
Sasha had no idea how long she'd been hacking away at vines and branches when she finally broke through. All she knew was that she was hot, sweaty, and exhausted. The dress she'd started in was torn near to shreds, thanks to the rapiers disguised as thorns lining the pythons masquerading as briars. Between that and the time she'd taken to cut the skirt as short as possible to give her more freedom of movement, not to mention tearing off the sleeves, she was almost nude. Her bare skin no longer pristine, she was covered mostly in head to toe scratches and welts.
What fabric was left kept changing from blue to pink, however. She figured the afterlife was either weirdly symbolic or her hallucinations were weirdly straightforward. As she wiped at the sweat on her forehead, she couldn't help but wonder at the sharpness and realism of the experience.
With a final burst of energy, and profanity, along with a few more swings of the now filthy and green-stained blade, she slashed through the last few branches that stood between her and freedom. Laughing with not a little relief, she stumbled on bare feet and legs into a wholly unfamiliar forest.
The laugh dying on her lips, she looked around in stunned and furious disbelief. "Son of a goddamn motherfucking piece of fucking garbage bitch! What's this fucking bullshit supposed to mean?" As she muttered further obscenities, she hefted the sword over her shoulder and took off into the forest.
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Kat was looking down at the serene façade that cloaked Sasha as she ignored the debate that raged around her when she felt a small hand on her arm. She turned her head to look at Zoe and smiled gently.
She had a lot of complicated feelings regarding her half-sisters.
Katya had hated Sasha with a vicious and bitter envy. The eldest of Alexandra’s daughters had been given everything, a family, a life, a choice. The others were left with nothing but neglect and pain and, at least in Katya's case, utter subjugation. Knowing Sasha was not to blame for the agonies she'd endured had made no difference when she'd looked into her sister's eyes and found no more recognition than when she'd looked into her mother's.
That lack of recognition had allowed Katya to hold on to the resentment long enough to complete her mission. Using her version of their talent to manipulate Sasha into seeing her only as a romantic rival helped to keep that hate and resentment solid. Those hatefully familiar eyes had felt like wasp stings on her skin, watching her with hostility and distrust. It hadn’t been difficult to maintain an answering hostility.
Once Katya had been able to drop the manipulation and show something more closely resembling her true self to Sasha, however, she’d been shocked by the change. Rather than feeling like needles, the sensation of Sasha’s regard became like gentle, teasing nudges. As Sasha’s captivity had dragged on, the more charming Katya had found her.
Not that Sasha was charming in her captivity, far from it. As a matter of fact, she was a raging bitch the vast majority of the time and she only got worse the longer she remained under Valentin’s thumb. Katya had loved every fucking second of it.
Every clench of Valentin's jaw, every snarl that curled his lip, every flush of rage that stained his aristocratic cheekbones, once daily terrors, became sources of dark triumph under Sasha's influence. Even when he took his anger at Sasha's defiance out on her, Katya internally did an entire cheerleading routine every single time she heard her tell the tyrant no.
By the time Valentin had given her the mission to kidnap Zoe, she had seen him defied so many times in so many ways, she’d seriously considered doing so herself for the first time in over a decade. Though her courage had ultimately failed her, escape had started to seem not just possible, but necessary once Valentin had collected the set.
Because despite what she had wanted to believe, the younger Alexandra did not resemble their mother in anything but eye color. Aware they were being monitored, and thus unable to speak freely, they'd nonetheless developed a form of communication no less powerful for all it was silent.
One day a few weeks in, while guarding Sasha as she waited for Valentin to arrive with new torments, Katie was comforted, if only for a moment, that she was no longer alone in this nightmare when Sasha surprised a laugh out of her.
Sasha had been psyching herself up for the showdown with Val by complaining loudly and with her usual plethora of colorful profanity of her disappointment in her archnemesis. Not that he wasn’t evil, just broadly drawn, she assured with astringent condescension. It was just that she had hoped for a higher caliber of villain. That’s all.
That moment, able to laugh at the man who’d made her a slave, to tear him down and see him as human and thus vulnerable, was a seed planted in her mind.
Immediately following that feeling of comfort, the gratitude at no longer being alone, was a wave of guilt stronger than any she’d felt before. No one deserved this hell, let alone anyone decent, and her sister was a fucking decent human being. In Katie’s world, decency was a rarity more precious than diamonds.
That may have been part of why she had been so astonished to feel an answering sensation of compassion from Sasha in response to that wave of guilt. Her power was concerned with perception. She had the ability to not only see herself through the eyes of others, she could also manipulate how they saw her. Neither Sasha nor Wanda used their powers on Karen because she had manipulated their perceptions so that they saw her as utterly harmless.
Katya had felt Sasha's contempt. Katie felt her kindness. Kat was going to pay the debt.
As for Zoe, she couldn’t really explain it, but Kat had had a soft spot since the day they met for the little girl who now spoke quietly inside her mind.
They'll be at this all day. Kat was fascinated by Zoe's mental voice. It was an astoundingly unusual sensation to have thoughts form inside her mind to which she felt no connection. They can't agree on an acceptable level of safety for me. Bucky has the final say while Sasha's out, but he'll argue it to death with Nat and Steve first.
How do you think it'll go? Kat was entirely uncertain as to how this worked so she tried to think more loudly in response.
Nat'll say yes. Zoe’s face was still a little swollen and stained with the tears she’d shed as Sasha lay dying, but a fierce little smile played at the corners of her mouth. Steve will say it's too dangerous. An indulgent eye roll at that. If you can convince Bucky it’s safe enough, he’ll probably let me try.
Zoe’s palm skimmed down Kat’s arm to trace the gold lines that shimmered softly under her tattoo. The phoenix was fresh, the colors vibrant, the tail feathers covering the back of the hand and curling over the webbing between thumb and forefinger to her palm. The gold lines wove through and were several degrees warmer where they rested lightly on their still lost sister. Rather than the condemnation Kat expected, Zoe’s face held open curiosity and understanding under the conspiratorial smirk. Do you really need my help, or did you just want to talk to me?
Kat stifled a laugh and pushed out a little more power to keep the others’ attention away from their silent interaction. She didn't want to admit it, but she now needed this for more reason than just the care to keep secrets safe. She needed to know that she had ultimately done more good than harm in abducting her little sister at Valentin's direction, if for no other reason than that she’d brought Zoe and Sasha together. She smiled gently. I think I need your help, but I might be able to do it myself. I also want to talk to you.
What do you need? As she asked, Zoe tilted her head to rest it lightly against Kat’s arm in a gesture of affection and support. Zoe could hear the mutter of Kat’s worry, fear, and guilt and hoped to ease whatever she could.
Kat was stunned by the simplicity of the response, the trust it took to offer so openly. Her throat tightened as both grief and gratitude tangled inside her. Though she mourned their inevitable estrangement, she was nevertheless grateful for the chance to see Zoe assured, compassionate, and unafraid.
Even more confident that Zoe would have the answers she sought, Kat rushed to ask the most important question. I need to know how far I can trust King T’challa and Princess Shuri.
Kat was not disappointed. Rather than answering immediately, Zoe seemed to mull it over before her response slowly sounded in Kat’s mind. It depends. With what?
Kat scanned those in the room to see if anyone was paying attention to them. She pushed out a little more power, determined to finish this conversation. The gold lines warmed slightly, and Zoe’s mouth spread in a conspiratorial smile as she looked up at her sister, her quick brain putting the pieces together.
Kat shrugged a little and looked sheepish. I have all the data on Morozov's vibranium project. It could help the princess heal Sasha, but it could also be used to rebuild his weapon if someone had access to enough vibranium.
Sasha trusted them with what’s left of the weapon, even the intact part. Zoe’s face had fallen into serious lines, her memory of being strapped into the ghastly machine one of her most horrific and pernicious nightmares.
Okay. Kat took in that information slowly, already feeling better about what she'd revealed to Her Highness. Judging by the speed with which Shuri worked at a table along the opposite wall, Kat had already given the scientist more than enough information. Still… But what do you think?
Zoe turned a confused and slightly concerned expression on Kat, the mutters of Kat’s worry beginning to infect her. Kat responded with the truth, not sure she knew how to sugarcoat it even if she thought she should. The chair wasn’t made only for Sasha. Me in the chair caused fear. Sasha caused pain. What do you think you could do?
Zoe’s eyes widened and Kat could tell this was the first time anyone had considered the possibility. That alone made her feel better about trusting these people with the source of her worst nightmares.
Valentin had made Katya do terrible things.
Kat watched her little sister’s gaze turn inward and grieved a little at the entirely too adult expression on the child’s face. She wondered if Sasha also felt torn between the need to shield Zoe versus the reality of her ability to do so.
Zoe’s face was set and determined when she looked back to Kat. Shuri is smart and decent. I’d trust her with it, and I’d trust the King to protect it. Kat fought the urge to laugh out loud at the look of sly amusement Zoe shot her as the next words appeared her mind. And yes, Sasha worries about that all the time.
Kat didn’t quite suppress the snort. Good to know. Especially as the princess already has the scent. As she thought the last, she tilted her head in Shuri’s direction. Zoe’s eyes followed to find the princess already had the image of something that looked like a necklace spinning in the air in front of her. It was clear she was on a roll.
Zoe turned back to Kat, her face a study in confusion. Kat shrugged. I couldn’t let Sasha die when I knew how to save her. Maddie’s attention skimmed over her skin, leaving both comfort and exhilaration in its wake. She glanced up to meet her beloved’s warm whiskey eyes. She could never distract her Mads for long. I owe her everything.
So… what are we waiting for?
Kat turned to meet her sister’s gaze once more and couldn’t help but notice a definite tendency towards recklessness. Cooler heads to prevail?
You sound like you think there are cooler heads in this room. Zoe’s expression had become downright smug in her amusement.
Kat thought about it for approximately three seconds before giving in. She recognized an iron will when she saw one as she lived with it. There was no stopping Maddie when she put her mind to something. All that could be done was to either minimize the damage or mitigate the danger. Everything she’d seen or heard of her younger sister told her she’d found another of her kind.
Keep your palm on my tattoo and put your other hand on Bucky’s arm. DO NOT let go. I’m going to both boost and buffer. The vibranium is going to shield you so you don’t get dragged under again. You’re the conduit, though, so you need to reach out and call her back.
So casually Bucky barely glanced at her as her hand made contact with his metal arm, Zoe moved to stand between where Bucky stood at Sasha’s head with his hand on her neck, and where Kat stood at Sasha’s arm, holding her hand. She moved in the ways she’d been taught to avoid drawing attention, not that she’d needed to worry. Between the intensity of the argument raging around them and Kat’s talent working at almost full power to shield them from the attention of the others, no one in the room was giving them even the least thought. How?
How did Sasha wake you after the explosion?
Zoe thought back to that moment, when she heard Sasha calling her, promising she was safe. For the first time in her life, she’d trusted wholeheartedly and had started the ascent. It had felt like swimming up through molasses, or clawing through cotton, and she’d had to sink back down and rest a few times, but she’d been willing to try because of that voice drawing her on. She called for me. I heard her and climbed out.
Same channel. Only you’re doing the calling now.
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Chapter Thirty-eight here
@marvel-lucy @cheekygeek05 @lbouvet @lovely-geek @wantingtobekorra @diinofayce @ashesandfire @suz-123 @theresaskankinmyboot @ddysis @caplansteverogers @getbuckylucky @california-grown @rnr1274 @capandbuck @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @magellan-88 @mizzzpink @curiositywillbethedeathofmee @colie87 @bibliophile1773 @henrietteoaks @hellzzzbelle @same--old-shit @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @rishlo @eyesfixedonthesun22
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Dark curse season three episode titles
The Cult of Alice. Now that she’s got control of the Vorpal sword, Dizzy is the figurehead of a cult dedicated to Alice Liddell. Alice herself (Catherine Zeta-Jones) teaches her the history of the cult. Needless to say Devie doesn’t take to kindly to it. But dizzy shoots them down asking how different or more dangerous could it be than being the queen of witches (Evie) or the saviour (Doug). The flashbacks take place five months ago when Hadie lands in Arendelle and seeks out the help of queen Eloise, Elsa’s niece, (Liz Gillies) in taking his father and brother down
The Lord of Hell. Harry ends up in the fields of Asphodel after his demise. He wills himself to Persephone’s palace and demands his spot on the throne. Hadie’s immortality was stripped by hades and given to Harry making the first mate his mother’s heir. Therefore. Harry is the rightful lot of hell (hence the title). Persephone can do nothing but reluctantly let him sit on the throne. Flashback. Rene (Stefanie Scott) faces her mother Rosemary (Jennifer Morrison) for the first time in years
The tinkers. Tinker bell centered. She (Leven Rambin) finally meets Terence (Lucas Till) for the first time since the curse happened. Both present day Auradon and the flashbacks cover their story. At the end of the episode just before the smoke engulfs him Terence tells her to “keep the boy safe”. The boy in question is Peter Pan. Who is currently in care because of Uma’s old revenge plan
The Lost Boys. This episode recounts Peter Pan’s history before the curse. No Wendy here though. It’s mostly his run ins with hook and his adventures with Harriet Harry and Cj (who here take the place of Wendy John and Michael) each time he and the Captain fight one more of the Hook siblings join their fathers side until only Harry is left. And eventually even he leaves Neverland with Uma
Hellfire. Harry’s return to Auradon. With his sister stepmother and Charon in tow. He’s pleasantly surprised to find that Hadie is nowhere to be found. But he’s heartbroken to see that Uma is now friends with Mal
The return. Hadie comes back to Auradon with Eloise (Liz Gillies) who offers her help in taking out Wilhelmina (Victoria Justice) and Rosemary (Jennifer Morrison). The ice queen and the white tyrant immediately dislike each other. Wilhelmina sees her as weak and ineffectual. Eloise sees her as needlessly bitchy and cranky. Rosemary tries to diffuse the tension (read: tries to kill Eloise) but the ice queen escapes. Meanwhile Hadie and Harry duke it out to the tune of this is Halloween by Marilyn Manson
The nanny. Uma makes Mal and Ben reprimand Hadie. So now he’s the nanny for all children in Auradon. Dizzy Squeaky Squirmy and Nimue (Millie Bobby Brown). In flashbacks Hadie first meets Harry and Mal. By discovering the reason hades left him and his mother Danae (Anne Hathaway)
The dwarven vanguard. Doug and his cousins are the focus of this episode. Auradon parts have Sadie’s wedding to CJ Hook. The flashbacks focus on Doug’s attempt to plan his own wedding to Evie over a decade ago in la bete.
Poor sweet child. Peter Pan (Jacob Tremblay) is still in care. He can feel himself aging with every passing day and he hates it. The flashbacks follow how James lost his hand.
Cousins. This episode follows the childhood of Rene (Stefanie Scott) and Wilhelmina (Victoria Justice). Their mothers are constantly at odds with Rosemary (Jennifer Morrison) threatening to expose Willow’s (Lana Parrilla) affair with the mad hatter. Which resulted in Taran Hightopp (Charlie Rowe)
Celia. Uma’s half sister (via Facillier) arrives having used a hatters hat to dimension hop into our world. This reveal sends Jane off on a tirade demanding to know if anyone else has secret siblings who could cause trouble. Celia has a way to defeat Wilhelmina. But it’ll take the combined powers of Hadie Harry and Mal to do so. Mid season finale
Tarot. This mostly focuses on Celia bonding with Dizzy the twins and Nimue. When she’s not sending the adults into a panic with her voodoo fortune telling
Arachne. A “what do they fear” episode for Harry. Turns out one of the undead he releases for his underworld army was Arachne the spider goddess. And she’s pissed off at being disturbed from her eternity of boredom. In flashback it’s shown why Harry’s scared of spiders. The boo box, how James punished him, was filled with spiders (non venomous) but the enclosed space and the sheer number of them scarred him for life
Nottingham. This focuses on Silas of Nottingham (David Mazouz). In Auradon he’s interrogated for information by Ben Evie and Carlos. In flashback his father (David Harbour) teaches him that only the gentry are worth his time. If they’re poor. Make sure they know they don’t matter. Then the sheriff loses his life in a duel to Robin Hood (Ben Barnes). And Silas vows revenge
Family. Celia trains Mal Hadie and Harry to work together to defeat Wilhelmina. Hadie’s necromancy. Harry’s pyromania. Mal’s chlorokinesis. Celia notes that if all else fails Mal can always send Wilhelmina into a death sleep. In flashback Celia learns voodoo at her fathers knee. He promised her that when the time came she would be the new dark one. Keep it in the family so to speak.
Wilhelmina. Death in the limelight for the white tyrant. Flashbacks show her drawn to her aunts vileness. Her death sees her wrapped in thorny vines (Mal) dunked in Lethe and Cocytus water (Harry) and finally dragged down to hell my zombies (Hadie).
Blood for blood. Rosemary vows revenge on the children of hades for doing away with Wilhelmina. By targeting the two things they all care about. The Smee twins. Flashbacks show how gilumarry adopted the twins
Safe house. Evie’s on babysitting duty. Squeaky and Squirmy just want to know why their mother is crying all the time. And why their papa is angry at uncle Hadie and aunt Mal. Meanwhile Ben tries to play mediator between his wife and her brothers. Rosemary has gone full on child catcher in her attempts to get the twins. The episode ends with Hadie yet again crossing the line where Harry’s concerned. And he wakes up in his fathers palace with his teeth kicked in
Imprisoned. Two hander this time. No flashbacks. Just Harry torturing his older brother they also get in a good talk. That goes absolutely nowhere because they’re both stubborn mules. It ends with Harry getting a panicked call from Uma saying the twins beds are empty
Showdown. Carlos has had enough of being on the sidelines. He knows his pack was brought over in the curse cause he can hear the midnight bark. So he assembles them. And assures Uma they’ll get the twins back. He personally carries them out of the warehouse on his back before his subjects tear Rosemary limb from limb. When asked why he saved them by Uma he replies that they’re his nephews as well. Flashbacks take place just after Smee’s death and just before Harry’s decision to take the twins in
Break the slumber. Hades reveals that one of Mal’s longest running spells is coming to an end. Adam is awake in la bete. And he’s pissed. The flashbacks show how belle and Adam reacted to Ben becoming the dark one. It’s not pretty
Home again. Bal leave Auradon to face Adam (Guy Pearce). He’s still in his castle. Obsessing over plans to as he puts it “make the worlds safe for mortals all over”. He plans to round up every single magical creature good and bad. And place them on an island of his own creation. Cut off from food. From magic. From basic human decency. Until only regular humans are left. Ben points out the absurdity of this plan of course. But his father is too far gone. In th morning Ben finds the dagger gone and Mal wrapped in iron chains with her wings slashed. Adam’s gone to Auradon. And he’s putting his plan into affect
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
"He's the man who could break Liverpool hearts" - Fan Predictions: The title showdown
The final day of the Premier League season is upon us, and what a campaign it has been for both Manchester City and Liverpool.
Nobody thought anyone would get near Pep Guardiola’s title-winning centurions, but Jurgen Klopp’s resilient Liverpool side have run them extremely close – they may even snatch their crown from them if Brighton perform a miracle and the Reds can beat Wolves.
Just a point separates City and Liverpool, and having lost just one game all season with 94 points under their belts, the fact that Klopp’s men may not win the title just goes to show the quality on offer in arguably the best title race in years.
Ahead of the final day, we’ve taken time to chat with Football FanCast’s assistant editor and Manchester City fan, Jack Saville, and staff writer Charles Jones, a Liverpool supporter, to discuss the big talking points as a truly memorable campaign reaches its conclusion…
Q: They’ve barely put a foot wrong all season, but Liverpool look like missing out on a maiden Premier League title. Where do you think they lost it and what could they have done better?
Jack: “I’m in danger of sitting on the fence here but I think it undermines what Liverpool have done to suggest that they have in any way lost it. Jurgen Klopp has performed miracles with his squad this season and they will only be thwarted by virtue of Manchester City’s unfathomable supremacy. They have, of course, had some huge strokes of luck along the way, but you need that to have any chance of coming close to Pep Guardiola’s side.”
Charles: “Liverpool definitely lost the title back in January and February. We’ve lost just one game all season, but the draws against West Ham, Leicester, Man Utd and Everton were really costly.”
Consecutive 1-1 draws against Leicester and West Ham look like they’ll cost Liverpool in the grand scheme of things, which will really disappoint Klopp as his men simply didn’t look up for it in those two games. Squandered chances against Everton and a stuttering game against United also haven’t helped, and you simply can’t afford any minor errors when it’s Guardiola you’re up against.
Q: Pep Guardiola’s men seem virtually unstoppable, but Liverpool have ran them admirably close this season. What do City need to do in the summer to record three titles in a row next season and become the first team to do so in over a decade? (If they win on Sunday that is!)
Jack: “Regardless of whether City manage to achieve a monumental feat and defend the Premier League title for the first time, they’ll need to ensure they add a defensive midfielder of immense quality in the summer as well as a new left-back. Benjamin Mendy needs a serious challenger. As much as I admire Oleksandr Zinchenko I don’t see him as a solid long-term option and I doubt Guardiola does either.  It’s a romantic story but not one which will run for much longer. Ilkay Gundogan has been incredible in the holding role in recent weeks and his run of games in the side has facilitated an impressive transformation, but it’s no secret that more depth is needed to ease the burden on Fernandinho. If Nicolas Otamendi packs his bags then I imagine a new centre-back will arrive.”
Charles: “City seem unstoppable. They have incredible depth in every position but if they are to strengthen anywhere they need a new left back and a new midfielder. Fernandinho isn’t getting any younger and Benjamin Mendy looks to be too injury prone. If Kevin De Bruyne can go all of next season injury free then it’ll be tough for anyone to overcome them.”
How do you improve one of the Premier League’s greatest ever sides? Well, there are a few areas that need some polishing. Like Charles alluded to, Mendy’s fitness problems and constant off-field antics seem to be causing Guardiola some angst, whilst the pivotal Fernandinho has just celebrated his 34th birthday.
Q: Where do you think Brighton can hurt City this Sunday? And likewise, where do you think Wolves could cause Liverpool problems?
Jack: “Chris Hughton is an excellent defensive tactician and Brighton are capable of frustrating the very best in the division on their day. Expect a deep line and plenty of bodies behind the ball. City are well accustomed to breaking teams down who play in this manner but the enormity of the occasion will add an extra layer of intensity to the challenge. Wolves’ strength lies on the counter-attack, as the top-six clubs have discovered this season. Technically they are strong and they have players with the vision to carve Liverpool open in the blinking of an eye, and equally the players to finish clinically inside the penalty area. Watch out for goal-machine Raul Jimenez: he’s the man who could break Liverpool hearts. “
Charles: “Brighton have had a tendency to get results against big teams, beating Man Utd and drawing twice with Arsenal. Glenn Murray is exceptional when it comes to putting away chances so that’s where City will have to be careful. Wolves have an incredible record against the top six and their strengths are well documented; depending on whether or not Andy Robertson will be fit after his injury against Barcelona, Matt Doherty could have a great day at Anfield.”
The Seagulls will be starved of the ball inside their own stadium on Sunday, no doubt. Their best bet at causing an upset will be to focus on set pieces whilst staying solid at the back, where the likes of Lewis Dunk and Shane Duffy can be a real force when they’re up for it.
Wolves have beaten every European Cup finalist this season in Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal and Chelsea, which goes to show just how good they can be against the top sides.
Q: 90th minute. The scores are level. Who do you choose to score an Aguero-esque title winner for your respective side? 
Jack: “Wow, what a question! I was there when Aguero scored against QPR and I don’t think my ticker has ever quite recovered. Given everything that has happened in recent years I simply cannot look beyond Raheem Sterling. Imagine that, the former Liverpool player – routinely booed by the Anfield faithful and slandered in the media for almost the entirety of his short career – scoring a last minute winner to steal the title away from his former club. It’s truly the stuff of fairytales but I think football has had enough miraculous drama for one week already…”
Charles: “Sadio Mane. He may not score as many goals as Mohamed Salah but he doesn’t shy away from the big occasion; his goals in the Champions League over the past two years have shown that.”
We would be extremely lucky to see another moment of that ilk ever again, as Martin Tyler famously exclaimed. I’m sure that most Liverpool fans would like to see Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain net a goal of such importance, having endured the toughest time of his career injury wise, or the inspirational Jordan Henderson.
City? Well, City don’t deserve another one of those moments. One per lifetime is enough, don’t be greedy!
Q: How big of a challenge will it be for Liverpool to pick themselves up and go again next season from a mental aspect, considering they’ve lost just one league game?
Jack: “The way this Liverpool team are playing I’d have to say it will make them stronger. They are relentlessly determined and I don’t see them easing up until they clinch the title. Perhaps the double blow of losing in the Champions League final and ending the season with nothing would damage them mentally, particularly given they lost against Real Madrid last season as well, but I think they’ll push Man City all the way once again whatever happens. I backed them to fade away in the early stages of the season and they proved me wrong, so I could be way off the mark once again here…”
Charles: “Losing just one league game all year and not winning the title will hurt Jurgen Klopp’s side, but they recovered from losing the Champions League final last year by reaching the final again this season. There shouldn’t be a problem in terms of motivation for Liverpool, just watch the second leg against Barcelona to see what mental grit they have.”
To add to Charles’ point, Klopp has lost all three finals that he has led his Liverpool side to, and always seems to improve them and get them going again next season; finishing 2nd this year will be tough to take, but you can expect the Reds to be back chomping at the bit next term.
Finally, what are your score predictions for the two games?
Jack: “Brighton 0-3 Manchester City & Liverpool 3-1 Wolves.”
Charles: “Brighton 1-4 Manchester City & Liverpool 2-0 Wolves.”
from FootballFanCast.com http://bit.ly/2E0EUMM via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2JAZasa via IFTTT
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mancitynoise · 5 years
The final day of the Premier League season is upon us, and what a campaign it has been for both Manchester City and Liverpool.
Nobody thought anyone would get near Pep Guardiola’s title-winning centurions, but Jurgen Klopp’s resilient Liverpool side have run them extremely close – they may even snatch their crown from them if Brighton perform a miracle and the Reds can beat Wolves.
Just a point separates City and Liverpool, and having lost just one game all season with 94 points under their belts, the fact that Klopp’s men may not win the title just goes to show the quality on offer in arguably the best title race in years.
Ahead of the final day, we’ve taken time to chat with Football FanCast’s assistant editor and Manchester City fan, Jack Saville, and staff writer Charles Jones, a Liverpool supporter, to discuss the big talking points as a truly memorable campaign reaches its conclusion…
Q: They’ve barely put a foot wrong all season, but Liverpool look like missing out on a maiden Premier League title. Where do you think they lost it and what could they have done better?
Jack: “I’m in danger of sitting on the fence here but I think it undermines what Liverpool have done to suggest that they have in any way lost it. Jurgen Klopp has performed miracles with his squad this season and they will only be thwarted by virtue of Manchester City’s unfathomable supremacy. They have, of course, had some huge strokes of luck along the way, but you need that to have any chance of coming close to Pep Guardiola’s side.”
Charles: “Liverpool definitely lost the title back in January and February. We’ve lost just one game all season, but the draws against West Ham, Leicester, Man Utd and Everton were really costly.”
Consecutive 1-1 draws against Leicester and West Ham look like they’ll cost Liverpool in the grand scheme of things, which will really disappoint Klopp as his men simply didn’t look up for it in those two games. Squandered chances against Everton and a stuttering game against United also haven’t helped, and you simply can’t afford any minor errors when it’s Guardiola you’re up against.
Q: Pep Guardiola’s men seem virtually unstoppable, but Liverpool have ran them admirably close this season. What do City need to do in the summer to record three titles in a row next season and become the first team to do so in over a decade? (If they win on Sunday that is!)
Jack: “Regardless of whether City manage to achieve a monumental feat and defend the Premier League title for the first time, they’ll need to ensure they add a defensive midfielder of immense quality in the summer as well as a new left-back. Benjamin Mendy needs a serious challenger. As much as I admire Oleksandr Zinchenko I don’t see him as a solid long-term option and I doubt Guardiola does either.  It’s a romantic story but not one which will run for much longer. Ilkay Gundogan has been incredible in the holding role in recent weeks and his run of games in the side has facilitated an impressive transformation, but it’s no secret that more depth is needed to ease the burden on Fernandinho. If Nicolas Otamendi packs his bags then I imagine a new centre-back will arrive.”
Charles: “City seem unstoppable. They have incredible depth in every position but if they are to strengthen anywhere they need a new left back and a new midfielder. Fernandinho isn’t getting any younger and Benjamin Mendy looks to be too injury prone. If Kevin De Bruyne can go all of next season injury free then it’ll be tough for anyone to overcome them.”
How do you improve one of the Premier League’s greatest ever sides? Well, there are a few areas that need some polishing. Like Charles alluded to, Mendy’s fitness problems and constant off-field antics seem to be causing Guardiola some angst, whilst the pivotal Fernandinho has just celebrated his 34th birthday.
Q: Where do you think Brighton can hurt City this Sunday? And likewise, where do you think Wolves could cause Liverpool problems?
Jack: “Chris Hughton is an excellent defensive tactician and Brighton are capable of frustrating the very best in the division on their day. Expect a deep line and plenty of bodies behind the ball. City are well accustomed to breaking teams down who play in this manner but the enormity of the occasion will add an extra layer of intensity to the challenge. Wolves’ strength lies on the counter-attack, as the top-six clubs have discovered this season. Technically they are strong and they have players with the vision to carve Liverpool open in the blinking of an eye, and equally the players to finish clinically inside the penalty area. Watch out for goal-machine Raul Jimenez: he’s the man who could break Liverpool hearts. “
Charles: “Brighton have had a tendency to get results against big teams, beating Man Utd and drawing twice with Arsenal. Glenn Murray is exceptional when it comes to putting away chances so that’s where City will have to be careful. Wolves have an incredible record against the top six and their strengths are well documented; depending on whether or not Andy Robertson will be fit after his injury against Barcelona, Matt Doherty could have a great day at Anfield.”
The Seagulls will be starved of the ball inside their own stadium on Sunday, no doubt. Their best bet at causing an upset will be to focus on set pieces whilst staying solid at the back, where the likes of Lewis Dunk and Shane Duffy can be a real force when they’re up for it.
Wolves have beaten every European Cup finalist this season in Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal and Chelsea, which goes to show just how good they can be against the top sides.
Q: 90th minute. The scores are level. Who do you choose to score an Aguero-esque title winner for your respective side? 
Jack: “Wow, what a question! I was there when Aguero scored against QPR and I don’t think my ticker has ever quite recovered. Given everything that has happened in recent years I simply cannot look beyond Raheem Sterling. Imagine that, the former Liverpool player – routinely booed by the Anfield faithful and slandered in the media for almost the entirety of his short career – scoring a last minute winner to steal the title away from his former club. It’s truly the stuff of fairytales but I think football has had enough miraculous drama for one week already…”
Charles: “Sadio Mane. He may not score as many goals as Mohamed Salah but he doesn’t shy away from the big occasion; his goals in the Champions League over the past two years have shown that.”
We would be extremely lucky to see another moment of that ilk ever again, as Martin Tyler famously exclaimed. I’m sure that most Liverpool fans would like to see Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain net a goal of such importance, having endured the toughest time of his career injury wise, or the inspirational Jordan Henderson.
City? Well, City don’t deserve another one of those moments. One per lifetime is enough, don’t be greedy!
Q: How big of a challenge will it be for Liverpool to pick themselves up and go again next season from a mental aspect, considering they’ve lost just one league game?
Jack: “The way this Liverpool team are playing I’d have to say it will make them stronger. They are relentlessly determined and I don’t see them easing up until they clinch the title. Perhaps the double blow of losing in the Champions League final and ending the season with nothing would damage them mentally, particularly given they lost against Real Madrid last season as well, but I think they’ll push Man City all the way once again whatever happens. I backed them to fade away in the early stages of the season and they proved me wrong, so I could be way off the mark once again here…”
Charles: “Losing just one league game all year and not winning the title will hurt Jurgen Klopp’s side, but they recovered from losing the Champions League final last year by reaching the final again this season. There shouldn’t be a problem in terms of motivation for Liverpool, just watch the second leg against Barcelona to see what mental grit they have.”
To add to Charles’ point, Klopp has lost all three finals that he has led his Liverpool side to, and always seems to improve them and get them going again next season; finishing 2nd this year will be tough to take, but you can expect the Reds to be back chomping at the bit next term.
Finally, what are your score predictions for the two games?
Jack: “Brighton 0-3 Manchester City & Liverpool 3-1 Wolves.”
Charles: “Brighton 1-4 Manchester City & Liverpool 2-0 Wolves.”
0 notes
cornvest1-blog · 5 years
Patriots-Chiefs Preview
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- It seems football fans everywhere are suddenly on the Chiefs' bandwagon, enthralled by Kansas City's record-setting young quarterback and exciting playmakers and hopeful the amiable coach can finally win the big one.
Then again, maybe they're just fans of anybody facing New England.
The Patriots have dominated the AFC for nearly two decades, and the coach-quarterback combination of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady will be playing in an eighth consecutive conference title game Sunday night when New England visits the Chiefs at frigid, hostile Arrowhead Stadium.
But whereas Brady& Co. once instilled awe in their opponents, the Chiefs view their showdown as an opportunity for Patrick Mahomes to take the baton as the league's best quarterback and for Kansas City, seeking its first Super Bowl appearance in 49 years , to surpass the Patriots as the NFL's ''it'' team.
''It'll be huge,'' Mahomes said. ''When I got here, the goal was to win the AFC championship and get to the Super Bowl, and win that. To do that early in my career, it would be a huge thing.''
There aren't two more dichotomous teams than the Patriots and Chiefs.
New England has won five Super Bowls during the Belichick-Brady era, setting all kinds of records along the way. The cruel efficiency with which they've sliced up the AFC has made them the bane of fans everywhere but New England and given them the kind of unbeatable aura that accompanied the New York Yankees teams of Derek Jeter and the Chicago Bulls teams of Michael Jordan.
It's not just petty jealousy, though. Many fans have been turned off by Deflategate, Spygate and other instances over the years that have saddled the Patriots with a rather unsavory reputation.
Brady has mostly shrugged it off. So has Belichick, who almost seems to embrace the villain role.
''I don't think about it too much, what people might say or think,'' said Brady, whose team is a rare playoff underdog Sunday. ''I know we're playing against a very good football team. They're the first seed for a reason. They've had a great season and we're going to have to go into a really tough environment and play our best football, and it's a great opportunity for us.''
On the flip side are the Chiefs, a team that dominated the AFC throughout the 1990s but reached only one conference title game. They were the league's worst franchise six years ago, when Andy Reid came aboard , but have become a perennial playoff team that was always missing that certain something.
They found it when they drafted Mahomes nearly two years ago .
The quarterback shattered just about every franchise passing record in his first season as a starter, and his down-home style has made him a fan favorite. Kids dressed up like him for Halloween, his curly Mohawk has become the trend at local barbershops, and the aw-shucks way Mahomes has embraced his stunning success has only made him more endearing.
''I think he's a great player on a great team that's very well-coached,'' Belichick said. ''They have a great scheme and a great system. He's got a ton of weapons, so he'll be tough to handle, as will their entire offense, as will their entire team. We'll need our best game.''
As the Patriots (12-5) try to advance to their third consecutive Super Bowl, something only two other franchises have accomplished, and the Chiefs (13-4) try to make it for the first time since winning the title in 1970, here are some things to know:
The Patriots beat the Chiefs in a 43-40 shootout in Week 6, but both teams are different these days. The Patriots lost wide receiver Josh Gordon to personal issues, and the Chiefs waived Kareem Hunt because of off-the-field trouble. Kansas City also is poised to have linebacker Justin Houston and star safety Eric Berry back from injuries on Sunday.
''I mean, that was Week 6. That was a long time ago,'' Patriots safety Patrick Chung said. ''We can't really worry about that. They're a better team and they're on a roll. It's the two best teams in the AFC, so you can't really worry about, 'Well, we beat you guys last, so we're going to win.' If we have that mentality, we'll get kicked - they'll kick our ass, pretty much.''
Brady and Mahomes get plenty of attention, but they don't do it alone. Pats running back James White tied Darren Sproles' postseason record with 15 catches in their 41-28 divisional victory over the Chargers, while Sony Michel has become a breakout star and Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edelman remain dangerous downfield threats . The Chiefs counter with running back Damien Williams and the pass-catching trio of All-Pro speedster Tyreek Hill, Sammy Watkins and sure-handed tight end Travis Kelce.
Story continues
New England hasn't lost at home since early last season, but it's been a struggle away from Gillette Stadium . The Patriots were 3-5 on the road this season, their worst mark since 2009, and lost back-to-back games in Miami and Pittsburgh in December. They haven't won a postseason game on the road since 2006, and away teams have lost 10 consecutive conference championship games.
''I don't get caught up in all that,'' Reid said this week. ''They're a heck of a team. I mentioned that before, if you're talking about a dynasty in the National Football League, they're that.''
The Chiefs were founded by Lamar Hunt, the namesake of the Lamar Hunt Trophy awarded to the AFC champion. But they will be hosting the AFC title game for the first time after ending a 25-year drought in divisional playoff games last week against Indianapolis. They are 8-1 at home this season with their lone loss coming on a last-second 2-point conversion to the Los Angeles Chargers.
''You know it's going to be a playoff atmosphere there,'' Gronkowski said. ''I've been there in the regular season and it felt like a playoff atmosphere. So I just can't imagine what it's going to be like going into a stadium like this.''
While snow is expected Saturday, the forecast for frigid temperatures Sunday has improved a bit and it could be in the 20s much of the game. There will also be a ''super blood wolf moon'' later in the night, a rare total lunar eclipse in which the moon turns a rusty shade of red.
''There's not really much you can do with the cold,'' Patriots linebacker Dont'a Hightower said. ''I think Trey (Flowers) and Bill said it best, give us a ball and a field and we'll be there.''
More AP NFL: https://apnews.com/NFL and https://twitter.com/AP-NFL
Source: https://sports.yahoo.com/chiefs-bandwagon-rolling-mighty-patriots-arrowhead-183859224--nfl.html?src=rss
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junker-town · 6 years
17 stats that tell you everything you missed from Christmas weekend in the NFL
Three playoff spots remain up for grabs, Todd Gurley is surging in the MVP race, and the Bears remain undefeated (against the AFC North).
It’s OK if you forgot there was a full slate of NFL games this past weekend. Thanksgiving is the NFL’s holiday, while Christmas usually belongs to the NBA.
Or maybe you wanted to watch, but you couldn’t for various yuletide reasons. Family obligations, travel, your annual tradition of marathoning Die Hard, or Elf, or A Christmas Story, or alternating between Home Alone and Home Alone 2 à la Victor Oladipo (Home Alone 3, you ain’t canon).
If you couldn’t keep up with all the action from this weekend, then you missed quite the ride. There was a butt interception, Butt Fumble 2: Lost in New York Orleans, Andy Reid dressing up as Santa, and DeAndre Hopkins coming down with one of the best touchdowns you’ll ever see.
For everything else that happened, let’s hit the numbers and catch you up.
The playoff field got mostly settled this weekend. The Saints, Panthers, Chiefs, and Rams are in, the Cowboys are officially out, and there are now six teams left fighting for three open spots.
Next week will decide who gets the final wild card spot in the NFC (the Falcons or Seahawks) and who will be the Nos. 5 and 6 seeds in the AFC (Ravens, Titans, Bills, or Chargers).
Either way, we’ve got some new blood in the playoffs this year:
2017 will mark the first time in the Super Bowl era that the Cowboys, Giants, Redskins, Packers, and 49ers all missed the playoffs. The last time all 5 of those teams missed the postseason was in 1964.
— NFL Research (@NFLResearch) December 25, 2017
And some familiar faces as well ...
The Steelers grinchedly beat up the Texans on Christmas Day, guaranteeing themselves a first-round bye for the third time this decade. That could end up being the best Christmas present they could ask for:
Steelers clinch a first-round bye. Each of the last two times they've had a first-round bye they've reached the Super Bowl (won in 2008, lost in 2010)
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) December 26, 2017
But they’ll have to wait until New Year’s Eve to see if it’s them or the Patriots who earn home-field advantage.
Todd Gurley has made a strong case for his MVP campaign lately. Following up a career day against the Seahawks a week ago, he hurdled all over the Titans on Christmas Eve:
Gurley hurdle count: 2️⃣#LAvsTEN
— Los Angeles Rams (@RamsNFL) December 24, 2017
More like Todd Hurdley:
Gurley accounted for 118 yards on the ground and a whopping 158 receiving yards and two touchdowns as the Rams clinched the NFC West for the first time in 14 years. He became just the third player ever — along with Ollie Matson and Herschel Walker — to put up 100+ rushing yards and 150+ receiving yards in the same game.
Gurley, who leads the league with 13 rushing touchdowns, also has six TD receptions under Sean McVay this year. It should be noted that he had zero receiving TDs in two seasons under Jeff Fisher.
The Bears are staring down a potential 5-11 season after Sunday’s win over the Browns, but they’d be much, much better if they played in the AFC North instead of its NFC counterpart. Four of their wins — 80 percent — have come against the Steelers, Ravens, Bengals, or Browns. At the same time, Chicago is 0-5 in its own division.
This season, they’ve beaten two teams that have clinched playoff spots (Pittsburgh, Carolina) and one more in line for a postseason berth (Baltimore). At the same time, they’ve lost games to:
a) the five-win 49ers
b) the four-win Buccaneers, and
c) the Brett Hundley-led Packers
So all hail the true AFC North champions, the Chicago Bears. If 2017 turns out to be John Fox’s last as a head coach, at least he can take solace in the fact it made no sense whatsoever.
The Vikings’ 16-0 win over the Packers on Saturday was Minnesota’s first shutout in 24 years. They last blanked a team in 1993, when they beat the Lions 13-0.
They’re close to clinching a first-round bye. If they do that, they’ll only need two wins in January to be the first ever team to play a home game in the Super Bowl.
Adam Thielen’s hometown hero rags-to-riches story, Case Keenum’s emergence, Teddy Bridgewater’s return ... it’s getting harder and harder to unlink the Vikings from being a team of destiny.
4 years, 11 months, 24 days
The Jets made the bold decision to go for an onside kick on the opening kickoff of their game against the Chargers. The Jets recovered.
It’s been a very long time since any team has tried an onside kick within the first 30 seconds of any game. It hasn’t happened since Dec. 30, 2012, which was the Eagles’ 42-7 Week 17 loss to the New York Giants. Like the Jets, the Eagles started the game with an onside kick and recovered. The drive ended with a Michael Vick interception, so it was all for naught.
The Jets didn’t gain anything from their successful onside kick, either. The drive fizzled out on the 50-yard line, and the Jets were forced to punt. The Chargers won 14-7.
Drew Brees became just the third quarterback in NFL history to pass for over 70,000 yards in his career on Sunday. He still trails Peyton Manning, who’s on top with 71,940 yards, and Brett Favre at No. 2 with 71,838 yards.
Brees is first in this group in one category.
Drew Brees becomes the fastest player to 70,000 passing yards in NFL history (248 games) Peyton Manning: 258 games Brett Favre: 293 games https://t.co/m6Nh5ybhRm
— NFL Research (@NFLResearch) December 24, 2017
Provided that Brees doesn’t shock the world with an unexpected retirement announcement after the season, he should land at the top of the list sometime next year.
Damiere Byrd has come on strong for the Panthers when they’ve needed him the most. The former undrafted free agent hadn’t scored a touchdown in his two-year NFL career before Week 15 when he hauled in a pair of Cam Newton passes in the back of the end zone to propel Carolina to a 31-24 win that ended Green Bay’s playoff hopes. On Sunday, he came through in a different facet of the game, setting a franchise record with a 103-yard kickoff return that gave the Panthers a 12-6 lead in the second quarter of their game against the Buccaneers.
That score being huge, not just because it set a record. Carolina eked out a 22-19 win and is now headed back to the postseason.
Four starts. Four wins in a row. That’s what Jimmy Garoppolo has done so far in San Francisco. The 49ers also boast the NFL’s longest current winning streak. It’s quite a turnaround for a team that won exactly one game this season before Garoppolo took over as the starter.
But Garoppolo didn’t just ball out this week in the Niners’ 44-33 win over the Jaguars. He went 21-of-30 passing for 242 yards and two touchdowns against the top pass defense in the NFL.
Garoppolo remains perfect as a starting QB in the NFL, dating back to his two starts for the Patriots a season ago:
Jimmy G is still undefeated as a starting QB! http://pic.twitter.com/fPWzvVyKCe
— SB Nation (@SBNation) December 25, 2017
He also managed to help out his former team. The Patriots clinched a first-round bye thanks to the Jaguars’ loss.
New England went into Sunday’s showdown with the Bills down two running backs, but Dion Lewis made sure his team wouldn’t miss James White or Rex Burkhead. The 5’8 tailback was the latest man to star in Bill Belichick’s backfield rotation, carving up the Bills with a career-high 129 yards. He’d score one touchdown on the ground and add another through the air to keep the Patriots in the AFC’s top spot.
Lewis stepped up when his team needed him the most, playing bigger than his frame to grind out tough yards throughout the second half.
35 (of 36)
The Seahawks have scored 36 offensive touchdowns in 2017. Russell Wilson has either thrown for or rushed for 35 of those. Seattle’s inability to develop an offense outside of its Pro Bowl quarterback has never been more evident than this season, where a disappointing rushing attack has gotten just 3.3 yards per carry from its tailbacks. Only undrafted rookie J.D. McKissic has found the end zone without Wilson being heavily involved.
They still got the win over the Cowboys this week, but it wasn’t thanks to the offense:
Seahawks are the first team to win a game with more penalty yards (142) than total yards (136) since the Eagles in 1966 (also did it against the Cowboys).
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) December 25, 2017
Larry Fitzgerald hauled in his 100th catch of the season for a 13-yard touchdown on Sunday afternoon against the Giants. By doing so, Fitzgerald became the only member of an exclusive NFL club.
That 13-yard TD catch gives @LarryFitzgerald 100 catches for the season. He becomes the first player in NFL history to record 100 catches & 1,000 receiving yards in a season he began at age 34 or older #NYGvsAZ
— Mark Dalton (@CardsMarkD) December 24, 2017
It was a big day for Fitzgerald, who also completed a pass for the first time in his 14-year career on Sunday. Fitzgerald’s score also snapped an 11-quarter streak without a touchdown for the Cardinals.
Sunday may have been Fitzgerald’s last home game with the Cardinals. He signed a one-year extension that keeps him under contract through the 2018 season, but he hasn’t decided if he’ll actually return to the field next year. If this was Fitzgerald’s last home game in Arizona, it’ll be a memorable one.
Keenan Allen is such a good receiver, he’s catching passes from opposing team’s quarterbacks. The Chargers’ No. 1 wideout shut down Bryce Petty’s half-ending Hail Mary against the Jets, ripping the ball out of the sky and returning it 34 yards as the clock expired.
It wound up being Allen’s longest reception of the day. He finished the Los Angeles win with five catches for 53 yards.
The Bengals entered Week 16 with the worst rushing offense in the NFL. For symmetry’s sake, they also had the worst rushing defense.
So with their playoff hopes on the line, what did the Lions do? Give up 142 yards on the ground and rush for a paltry 87 yards in a disappointedly limp 26-17 loss to Cincinnati. That put the bow on their season — and potentially Jim Caldwell’s job.
And FYI, the Bengals now have the second-worst rushing attack and running defense.
Joe Flacco has a reputation for turning it on in the playoffs and it looks like he’s gearing up to walk that road again. Before December, he had nine touchdowns and 11 interceptions through 11 games. In four games during the last month on the calendar, Flacco has seven touchdowns, one interception and a 98.2 passer rating.
On Saturday, he led the Ravens on five scoring drives of at least 10 plays, and looked calm, cool, and collected every step of the way.
The Ravens haven’t been in the playoffs since 2014, but a win over the Colts put them on the doorstep. All they need to do is beat the Bengals in Week 17 to lock up a spot.
If Flacco keeps playing the way he has in December, the Ravens might not be as easy as an out as everyone says they’ll be.
The Baltimore defense leads the league with 22 interceptions and has added 15 forced fumbles on the season. But when the Ravens beat the on Saturday, they did it without forcing a single turnover.
That’s the first time that’s happened since Week 1 of the 2016 season, when the Ravens managed to squeak out a 13-7 win against Buffalo despite not getting Tyrod Taylor and the Bills to turn the ball over.
The Colts are 3-12, but taking care of the football is one of the only things the offense has done moderately well this year. Jacoby Brissett has thrown just seven picks and the Colts have only six lost fumbles.
The Eagles’ 19-10 win over the Raiders was sloppy. The two teams spent much of the second half trading turnovers, starting in the third quarter and ending on the very last play of the game. The two teams gave the ball away a combined seven times, which is the most in any half this season.
Two other games this year have come close:
The Raiders and Eagles have combined for 6 turnovers in the second half - tied for the most turnovers in a half this season. Week 14: Lions & Buccaneers combined for 6 turnovers in the first half Week 6: Lions & Saints combined for 6 turnovers in the second half
— NFL Research (@NFLResearch) December 26, 2017
It looked like the Raiders and Eagles might finish with six in the second half. But the Eagles’ Derek Barnett scooped up a Jalen Richard fumble on the Raiders’ desperate series of laterals at the very end of the game, and he ran it into the end zone. That gave the Eagles a 19-10 win and home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.
0 notes