#one day i’ll draw something not monochromatic lmao
forourtomorrows · 1 year
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klap..klapollies… (or some drawings i never finished because colors are haaaaard)
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ashiftingworkshop · 7 years
The Smaller Assistant
I’m not dead woooo!! Just. Very bogged down with school work at the moment. So there’s that... but nonetheless, I figured I’d treat y’all to some more Little Assistant, so I hope you enjoy, and apologizes for any errors! I hope I can get back to my art soon lmao
Have you ever had a day where you felt so over-worked that you thought you could just fall over and collapse?
Shop was having one of those days, but her problems were about to get…bigger. She’s a size shifter, and one would think she would take advantage of this fact in her endeavors working for Dark, but she knew better. She knew that if Dark ever found out about her ability, he would use it against her. Somehow. She was cautious that way, only shifting in small increments when she was sure she was alone, which didn’t happen very often under Dark’s watchful eye.
Today was utterly exhausting for Shop, and Dark seemed to enjoy every bit of it, per the norm. On top of normal chores she did, which would include cleaning, dish washing, and other menial tasks of the sort, he also decided to, quite literally, dump other tasks on her, namely washing Wilford’s clothes, which that day seemed to be absolutely drenched in blood. Shop, of course, was fueled by her spite towards Dark and was determined to complete every task to her fullest extent, but all her burst of energy did was work to make her even more tired when she was finally able to call it quits for the night.
In the that time however, Shop had little control over how much her size shifted, adjusting itself in an attempt to make her more feel refreshed when morning finally rolled around.
Dark, of course, woke up first, ready to start his day as he was reminded by the quiet buzz of his phone on the bedside table of a meeting later that morning. He growled at the thought of having to deal with all the other egos for an extended period of time, but straightened himself out as he reminded himself of Shop, whom he used during long meetings as a distraction from the other’s bickering. He sat on the edge of his bed overlooking Shop’s, noticing that he couldn’t see her at all under her blanket. He stood with a grunt, deciding to change before he woke her. He was cold, but he’d like to think he wasn’t THAT bad towards his little friend, although Shop would be quick to disagree on most days.
Dark came back around towards Shop’s bed and knelt down, grabbing her comforter with a solid grip before lifting it up, letting himself be surprised when she wasn’t under the thick blanket, and even more surprised when he felt something move in his grip. He slowly turned his hand over and unfolded the blanket, his brows furrowing in confusion at the sight before him. It was Shop, he was sure of that much, but he didn’t remember her being so…small. At least, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand without much trouble. She still wore her black hoodie and shorts she often fell asleep in, and Dark could tell she was at least half her original height as he slid her still sleeping form out of the blanket, depositing it on her bed as he stood back up.
Shop had been asleep through the ordeal of Dark finding her, only waking up when she felt water hitting her face, to which she quickly realized she was not in her bed and jolted up in a panic to find that Dark had been dripping water onto her to wake her up. She wondered why he was looking upon her in, what she could only describe as a mix of intrigue and worry, which was something she was not used to seeing on Dark’s face as he spoke, his voice rattling her tired frame with it’s ringing and unchecked volume. “Well, I see SOMEONE’S decided to wake up, would you kindly explain how you came to be smaller and weaker than ever before?”
“D-dark?” Shop groaned and laid back down, still tired from the day before. “Could you tone it down? I’m like, half asleep here.”
Dark rolled his eyes with a growl as he lowered his voice, along with the ringing that accompanied him. “Yes, you also seem to be over half your already diminutive state…” He walked back out into his room, sitting on his bed as he looked his now tiny assistant over.
Shop was confused by what he was saying until her tired eyes finally woke up with the rest of her body, realizing where exactly she was. Shop mentally cursed herself for letting her power slip out of her control, but as she dared to look up at Dark’s face, she could tell he didn’t think that she could have done this to herself, and decided to count her blessings as Dark continued. “I swear if this is some kind of practical joke Wilford, or anyone else has done to you I’ll…” Shop gasped as his fingers began to curl around her body, his grip slowly but surely beginning to strengthen until she started gasping for air.
“D-Dark!! T-t-too tight!!” She managed out with a squeak, maybe this isn’t gonna be so nice Shop thought as the gray grasp loosened a bit. She didn’t want to end up his stress ball, especially at her current height. But, at the same time, Shop thought, she couldn’t just grow her way out of this situation, lest she wanted Dark to pressure her later. Guess I’ll just have to grin and bear it until tonight-
Shop’s planning was interrupted when she felt the hand around her tighten once more as she was lifted up to eye level with Dark, his cold, steely eyes shooting daggers through her tiny body, sending a serious chill up her spine. She had grown used to his imposing nature, but in this smaller state, his face filled her vision, which only worked to scare her more, though she dared not show it.
“And what were you thinking about there little one…?” Dark knew his whispering worked to unsettle Shop further when he felt her shrunken form shiver in his grasp.
“N-nothing, just trying to think about how I got like…this,” Shop lied. She let out a silent sigh of relief when Dark nodded, seemingly pleased with her response as he stood.
“Perfect. Don’t think that this…predication has saved you from your job however. I’m sure there are still MANY jobs you can excel at~”
“Oh come on Dark, really?” Shop tried to stretch in his hand in an attempt to shake off her tiredness. “You work me to the bone, let me get like, what? 5 hours of sleep, then except me to bounce right back when I’m suddenly half my size?!” She yawned and rubbed her eyes. “That’s just cruel man.”
Dark sneered at Shop, he always hated when she talked back, and hated it even more when she proved a valid point. Dark of course, already knew what he was doing was ‘cruel’, as Shop had said, despite his deal with her, which entailed that he would act more kind towards Shop to keep her happy, and thus, allow her to work more efficiently as his assistant.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he had begun to grow fond of her snarky attitude and quirky antics, which often added a new bit of commentary to his days. His favorite quirk of hers, however, were the comments she often would mutter under her breath when she thought no one was listening; those were always the ones that would catch Dark off guard, and offered him a chance to chuckle at something else besides another’s misery.
Dark sighed as he opened his palm flat for Shop. “Well, I suppose you are correct there dear. But I cannot allow you to neglect all your duties today on account of your…condition. There is an important board meeting today that I simply will not be able to get through without your help, dear assistant.”
He watched as Shop shifted her weight in his hand, obviously uncomfortable with her current predicament as she weighed her options. Which weren’t very many.
“Welp, guess I don’t really have much of a say, do I?”
“That you do not dear.” Shop sighed.
“Alright, well, I hope you don’t expect me to wear my ‘uniform’ today then.”
“No, I suppose not little one, I believe I can allow you a… lazy day, as it were, until we manage to get you back in proper working order. Besides, your hoodie makes it much easier for me to lift you in a pinch~” Before Shop could question him, Dark took hold of her hood between his thumb and index finger, pinching it tightly as he let her dangle in front of him, silently reveling in her panicked cry.
“D-DARK!!! DON’T DO THIS IT AIN’T FUNNY!!!” Shop cried out as she felt Dark’s hand slip out from underneath her. She quickly moved her hands to her collar, so she could breathe as she dangled helplessly in front of the monochromatic man.
“Wait a minute.” Dark could practically see the gears turning in Shop’s itty-bitty head. “Did you… did you just make a pun?...”
Dark chuckled as he brought Shop to his shoulder, dropping her off as he started down the stairs. “Who knows. Just try not to draw attention to yourself while we walk to the board room. I don’t need one of the others trying to steal my little assistant when she is so vulnerable.” Shop huffed as she sat, readjusting her jacket.
“Sure thing boss, but if you don’t want folks seeing me, why not just stuff me into a pocket instead?”
“Perhaps because I don’t want to have to dig around to pull you out in the middle of the meeting and cause a distraction from the subject at hand. Or perhaps it’s because you could use the fresh air to wake up a bit quicker.” Dark noted as Shop yawned again.
“Well maybe if I was rooming with someone who let me sleep I wouldn’t be so tired hm?”
“Don’t push your luck Shop.”
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