#okay sappy sad post done just needed to get it out there cus i feel like other people feel the same
elsadventures · 6 months
it’s just setting in that f1 is done for the season and we won’t have it for the next 97 days…like this is my first year, i started watching in june and fell in love. the fans, the drivers, the community, its all amazing vibes and there’s some bad but also so much good and i actually felt a part of myself heal a little with everyone i’ve met this year through f1 🥹
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dimpled-doll · 7 years
All the acting asks??
Dream role & why?: Probably Katherine Plumber from Newsies, at least at the moment. I have a whole list of dream roles but Katherine definitely tops it. She’s such an amazing character as she’s this woman fighting for a place in a man’s world which makes her both incredibly strong and hard-willed, as well as vulnerable and desperate as she strives to be successful and follow her dreams. And she’s also such a badass?? She takes crap from no one and is just so quick witted, she could sass me to my grave and I’d thank her. 
Dream role that you’ll probably never play & why?: Probably Michael Mell from Be More Chill or Jesse Tuck from Tuck Everlasting, which is very annoying because I’m a female and they are not (more often than not I'm too old, too white or too female to play a role which makes me sad but that's okay I know I can't play every role)
Favorite role you’ve played?: So far, definitely Heather McNamara in Heathers. People are probably getting so tired of me talking about it, but she’s just such an amazing character who goes through so much character development and ahh I’m so happy to have gotten to play her.
Favorite show you’ve been in?: If I mention Heathers again someone is gonna throw something at me, so my other favorite is probably the show I’m in now. Into the Woods is a really fun and interesting show that’s been presenting some unique challenges as an actress that I’m enjoying tackling at the moment. Plus I love fairy tales so it’s lots of fun to get to bring them to life and live through them.
Favorite costume you’ve gotten to wear?: I got to wear a beautiful green medieval-style dress when I did The Wizard of Oz a few years ago, though it was paired which a horrendous green wig and painful green heels. (But the Heathers blazer outfit can’t be matched and will forever hold a piece of my heart)
Favorite line or lyric you’ve had?: “I want a squirrel, and what I want, I get!” -Willy Wonka 
“If I say the wrong thing, or I wear the wrong outfit, they’ll throw me right over the side!”- Heathers
First show you were ever in?: I was in a lot of church “musicals” when I was young, but the first ever MUSICAL I was in was The Wizard of Oz. (which I then did again a few years later as the same ensemble role, so if I ever have to hear “The Merry Old Land of Oz” again I will probably smash my head against a wall) 
Do you have a type cast?: Definitely young, and apparently mean/sassy (?) in some way/shape/or form.
Favorite show & why?: I have so many favorites it’s so hard to choose! Two of my favorites are probably Les Miserables and Newsies though. I guess I just love the idea of young people banding together to fight an oppressive power? Seriously though, I am such trash for so many musicals that it would take me too long to list.
Biggest on-stage fail?: I haven’t done anything too drastic, but I had to get lifted during a dance number recently and the guy picked me up bridal style and my dress flew up and the whole audience got a nice look at my underwear (it was an ending pose too so I couldn’t really fix it quickly). Another great story that didn’t really involve me but was in the show I was in. At the end of Act 1 of Heathers in Our Love is God, JD was about to shoot Kurt when, all the sudden, “Take On Me” by A-Ha blares through the theatre (as it was cued up to play during intermission along with various other 80′s songs) and everyone backstage lost it. The actors on stage had to play it off though, so JD starts dancing subtly while Kurt watches in horror, Veronica is trying to disguise her laughter as tears, and Ram’s body is suspiciously convulsing in a way that is definitely not laughter because he’s dead)
A role you weren’t right for (if any)?: I don’t think any large ones so far because I haven’t had that many, but I played a nun in The Sound of Music once which most people would probably say is pretty unfitting for my sinful ass.
Have you ever been a part of tech or a different production aspect of a show rather than acting in it?: I’ve assistant directed for a few children shows at my church, but other than that I’ve only really done small bits and pieces when someone needs help, but I’m really hoping to learn more and engage myself in different parts of theatre soon because I find everything that goes into a production fascinating and just as important as the acting in a show.
Pre-show rituals?: It depends on the show because a lot of different companies develop traditions and rituals for before a performance, but for me personally I just like to take a couple minutes to myself to breathe, drink some water or tea, say some quick prayers for myself and everyone in/involved with the show because it helps calm me, and just try to relax and go over my line/lyrics/choreography and just anything I need to remember and just tell myself that it’s okay to mess up sometimes as long as you’re doing your best and to just try to give everyone the best show that I can.
Vocal class (ex. tenor, alto, mezzo, etc.)?: Mezzo-Soprano, maybe Soprano 2 on a very good day.
Dancer or mover?: MOVER
Favorite script-marking method (ex. page markers, highlight, underline, circling, etc.)?: I usually always use page markers (color-coated and marked with the song or scene if possible) so I can easily find a scene, and I like to highlight if it’s a copied script or one I’m allowed to mark permanent marks in, but if not I just underline and then make character notes on the sides.
Favorite tongue twister?: A Big Black Bug Bit a Big Black Bear (Bubblegum was one of my favorites growing up though).
Favorite warmup?: Lip trills and humming are amazing on the go and when you need a soft introduction/haven’t warmed up yet, and Never Never Never Never No (idk if anyone else knows it but it’s one from my vocal instructor) is always good in the type of young, sometimes bratty roles I play to get my mixed belt going.
Favorite part of being in a show?: I love the community it creates, every time I’m in a show I get to create and be a part of a little family and it’s a wonderful feeling. Performing just also gives me such a rush because I love creating and telling a story to people and evoking emotions in an audience and making people think and feel things, theatre can have such an impact and awake so many emotions in people and it’s so thrilling and exciting to get to be a part of that.
Least favorite part of being in a show?: A lot of times, especially in less professional theatre, there is a lot of drama that is caused that is hard to escape which can get super frustrating when you’re just trying to have a good time and put on a great show. It’s also really difficult when you have other things going on at the same time as when you’re in a show because, for me at least, I tend to focus most of my energy into a show, but then my outside work and obligations pile up and things can get really tiring and stressful.
Worst audition story?: There are so many. I’ve shaken and cried when I was younger though the whole thing, I’ve messed up lyrics, messed up accents, chosen terrible songs, I’ve literally had people on the production team tell me how bad my song choices were or say “I hate that song and I hate the musical it’s from” and I also completely chickened out at an audition once and had a panic attack in the bathroom and had to have my mom come pick me up.
Funny show story?: I probably have plenty but I can’t think of any off of the top of my head right now, but I literally have a full post of funny quotes (+more in the comments of said post) on my blog already from Heathers with things ranging from a full minute long Yea Boi to “You call capital letters thick?” 
Tips/advice you have for anyone just starting in theatre/are thinking about trying out theatre (if any)?: If you’re passionate about it, don’t give up. You’re not gonna start out perfect, and most likely you’re never going to be 100% perfect, but you have to push yourself and keep trying no matter what. If you work hard and believe in yourself (as sappy as that sounds) it get you so much farther. You’re not gonna get every role, and not everyone is going to love you, but even when it seems like it’s hopeless and that you’ll never get a role or get cast and you’re doubting yourself and your talent, you have to keep pushing through and persevering. If you are passionate and determined enough, it pays off. It takes time, but never give up on your dreams, and never give up on yourself.
Why do you do theatre?: I kind of answered a bit above, but a huge part of it is because theatre has had such a big impact on my life and helped me through some pretty rough times and I want to share and help others as well. There are so many shows that have such powerful and important messages that deserve to be shared and heard and I love being the voice delivering them. It’s so exciting to get to build a world and a story and just take an audience on a journey. I’ve always loved becoming a completely different person and experiencing and developing a whole different world and view on life, it’s so exciting for me when I get to create a character’s history, psyche, and world. Most importantly though, theatre unites people. It’s a group of people experiencing the same thing through different eyes and different experiences, but still receiving the same ultimate messages. Theatre can make you laugh, theatre can make you cry. Theatre scares, theatre excites, theatre relates. Theatre brings awareness to issues from mental health to racial equality. There are characters for everyone- from a teenage boy with social anxiety to a high heel loving drag queen. I have seen theatre touch so many people’s lives and bring them hope when hope was gone, and I’m so blessed to be a part of that power and magic.
Wow that was very sappy and very rambly….. whoops?
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