#ok wait im exaggerating going back a bit further and going well im glad i dont write like that anymore
lokh · 1 year
unfortunately i still write the exact same way i did at approximately age 13
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softsalome · 3 years
Repost from my old account, @/softperfuma.
2$ USD = 1.64€ = 5 UNY (United Republic of Nations Yuan)
The first time Mako didn’t show up for dinner should’ve been the red flag that finally caught Wu’s eye. They’d known each other for a few years, but in the past few months they had a silent agreement that brought them closer: some obscure foreign drama that they both loved and had no one else to talk to about. So every Friday night, like clockwork, Mako would pull up to the gates of Wu’s apartment complex with takeout in the passenger seat and the gate code quickly scribbled on his palm. Until it had gone on for so long, that he didn’t need to write it down anymore.
But despite all the Fridays Mako spent in Wu’s house, all the hours of dissecting the episode and picking up noodles that had spilled on the floor, something was stirring between the lines of their friendship. Something that Wu had been afraid to acknowledge, ignoring the growing wound in the hopes that it wouldn’t get worse, wouldn’t hurt him in the end.
But for him, hope wasn’t enough.
So there he was, sitting alone in his living room with his fingers tightly wrapped around his phone, trying to remember the last time his apartment felt so empty. He kept locking and unlocking the little block in his hand, hoping that the screen would eventually light up with a reply to the text he sent hours ago.
‘hey do you still wanna watch the show w me tonight?’
‘mako are u ok? u haven’t been answering me lately’
‘if u wanna talk im here ok?’
All read. All unanswered.
Wu finally abandoned his hopes and opened an app to order dinner. He decided that if he was going to be miserable, he should at least be full. Within the hour, he was pulling apart chopsticks and picking at chow mein, wondering why he was dumb enough to fall for a straight guy.
He’d been only flipping through his movie list for a few minutes before the doorbell rang again. Rising with groan and a scowl, he made his way to the door, dragging his feet the whole way. He unlocked his phone as he opened the door, hoping the lack of eye contact with the delivery boy would make him feel a little less on edge.
“Look man, I know 75Y isn’t the best tip, but I really don’t have any more cash on me right now-”
One word. His own name, at that. But it was enough to make Wu feel like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. It only took a moment for him to meet those amber eyes with his own before he silently wished he was facing a grumpy delivery boy instead. He choked out a response, trying his damndest to hide his discomfort behind whatever bravado he had left.
“Mako! There you are! I was- I’m- I’m glad you were able to make it tonight!”
Mako slowly shrunk at his laughter, the plastic bag in his hands rustling as he moved.
“And-and you brought food! That’s so great because I was so hungry I was just about to hunt the turtleducks in the pond out front-”
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better, Wu,” Mako sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I could smell the chow mein from the elevator.”
Wu swallowed hard at being caught, as if any more lies he might’ve told were trapped and sent back down his throat. He looked at his phone again, thinking the moment might pass sooner if he was looking at the clock. Then Mako spoke, the tips of his shoes sneaking into Wu’s line of sight.
“Can I- can I come in? Is that okay?”
Wu’s head snapped up as he swung his front door backwards, stumbling into the doorknob as he made space for Mako to walk in.
“Of course, of course! I can’t just leave one of my best bros stranded in the hallway, can I?”
Mako quickly passed the threshold of the door, stepping out of his shoes before walking deeper into the apartment. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.” Wu gasped at that, hand to his chest as he exaggerated his response.
“Mako! How could you think I’d do such a thing! What little faith ye have!” To further spoil the moment with his antics, Wu spun his way to the couch, sinking into it as he raised the back of his hand to his forehead.
“To think so lowly of me… I don’t think my heart can bear the pain!” Eyes closed, he couldn’t see the small smile on Mako’s face, but he wound up hearing it. A small laugh left his lips as he made his way to the living room, the glass table fogging as he set his food atop it.
“Would you mind bearing the pain a little less horizontally? I kind of wanna sit on the couch.” Wu laughed as a first answer, his hand still on his forehead. “Well you’ve bailed so many times, maybe you should sit on the floor.”
The silence quickly filled the room, and Wu sat up fast as he realized what he’d done. “Mako, I didn’t mean-”
“No, it’s okay. I deserve it.”
“No you don’t!” Wu shot back, challenging him with his eyes. Wu moved away from him then, making space on the couch for him as he continued to hold his gaze, daring him to let another drop of self-deprecation slip. Mako slowly sat beside him, his eyes moving towards the television. It took a moment before either of them spoke again.
“I’m really sorry I bailed, man… twice. I’m sorry I bailed twice. I should’ve told you I couldn’t come, that wasn’t okay.” Wu clapped him on the back, pulling his hand back fast as if he’d been shocked.
“That’s okay buddy! I half forgive you.” Mako bit back a smile, turning to look at Wu. For a moment, Wu pretended as if Mako was looking at him the way he always wanted him to look at him. But only for a moment. His eyes shimmered, molten in the lamplight. “Half?”
“Duh! I half forgive you now and then I’ll forgive you the other half once we watch the latest episode!” He punctuated his flawless logic by digging through Mako’s takeout bag, grabbing one of the small containers he saw peeking at him earlier. “Is this-”
“Sticky rice. With mango. And I’m really sorry, again.”
“Dude, seriously, it’s fine. Do you…. do you want to talk about it?”
Mako swallowed the bite of pad thai on his tongue, passing the remote to Wu without looking at him. “I don’t think I want to. Sorry.”
Wu bit off a piece of mango before answering, hoping the juice wouldn’t stain his shirt. “That’s okay! We can definitely not talk about it, I am so cool with that. We can just watch the show and not talk about it at all.”
Mako cleared his throat after he swallowed another bite. “I might be a little lost, just to let you know. I haven’t watched the last two episodes-” Wu cut him off, quickly flipping through the shows to look for the one they shared.
“Oh yeah, neither have I.”
Wu glanced over his shoulder, confused at his reply. “What do you mean, ‘What’? I wasn’t gonna watch it without you.” He laughed as he looked back at the TV screen, finally find what he was looking for. “You ready for me to play it or do you need to get something else?” Wu could feel Mako’s weight shift beside him, and he turned to see Mako settling deep into the cushion.
“No. I’m fine.”
Wu quickly turned to the TV and hit play, hoping Mako couldn’t see how his eyes widened, how he almost opened his mouth to answer. Because yes, yes he was.
They agreed to watch the past episodes back to back before discussing it and moving on to the latest one., and Wu was more than grateful for the time to process both the show and the boundless energy thrumming just beneath his skin.
It was annoying and frustrating and scary how good Mako smelt, how good he looked, and how even though he completely ignored him and didn’t show up for two weeks, Wu couldn’t even fathom being angry with him. At this point, he was only mad on principle. But in truth? He just wished that they would gravitate towards each other like they did three weeks ago, when their legs were touching, and then their arms, and then Wu woke up on Mako’s shoulder, jostled awake by Mako’s strained voice telling him that he needed to go home.
But as much as Wu wished for it, the reality was more along the lines of pausing to look for blankets, spilling sticky rice on his shirt, and rewinding scenes because he was too busy thinking about how he had a crush on someone who would never return his feelings. He hoped he could tuck it all within the folds of his persona: bright Wu, happy Wu, the dramatic and dopey and forgetful ex-prince that couldn’t be bothered to suck on a spoon that wasn’t sterling silver. But he was a fool to think that Mako wouldn’t be able to see right through him.
“Wu, you doing alright? You seem a little distracted.”
Wu sat up straighter, tugging the blankets closer to him as if they’d protect him. “No, I’m fine! Great actually. Just a lot on my mind, that’s all. But not like, in a bad way. Just a lot.”
“Do you- do you want me to go-”
“No!” Wu cut him off, driving the point home by grabbing his shoulder and looking him dead in the eye. “It’s fine, you’re fine, we can talk about it and then watch the last episode.”
Mako’s eyes widened, and Wu drew back, worried that he did something wrong, said something wrong. Mako kept looking at him, as if he was waiting for Wu to say something. So he did.
“That camera angle from the first episode was so crazy right? It looked like someone was watching him through the window, but the realtor said the house has been empty for years-” “Um. Wu?”
And then came the worry. It wrapped its vines around Wu’s heart and tightened, hard enough to make him feel like the beating would be dragged down into his stomach. Mako’s tone, his lack of eye contact, the fiddling with his hands. Something was wrong. The kind of wrong that Wu knew would leave him crying into his pillow for days.
“Uh… yeah? What’s up Mako, my good man?”
Mako’s hands clasped together tightly as he stared at them, as if they held answers he desperately needed. “I don’t think…I don’t think I want to be friends with you.”
And that was all it took. Just a few moments, a short pause, before Wu burst into tears. Mako leapt to his side, holding him close as he tried to talk him down.
“Wait no, I didn’t mean it like that, Wu, please!” But Wu was too far gone to hear him, crying so hard he couldn’t see through his tears.
“Is it because I’m gay?!” he wailed as his tears began to stain Mako’s shirt. Mako pulled his head away from him, trying to meet his eyes and failing miserably.
“No, that’s not it at all! Wu please-”
“Is it because I’m an earthbender?”
“Wu, I’m literally mixed, please-”
“I just don’t-I just don’t understand, I’m sorry-”
“Wu, please just listen!”
Wu was finally reduced to quiet whimpers and sniffles, his tears still obscuring his vision. He wanted to wipe his tears away but that meant moving from Mako’s arms, and as painful as it felt, he wanted to relish what he thought would be his last time there. A few seconds passed like that, in silence, as Wu looked through blurry tears and felt Mako’s labored breathing. It came to an end as Mako moved him out of his arms, bringing his hands to Wu’s face as his thumbs wiped away his tears.
“I said that wrong, I- I didn’t mean it like that.” Wu started to tear up again, and Mako was worried that his fingers wouldn’t be able to keep up.
“Then what- what did you even mean? Mako, why would you even say that?”
Wu tried to look at Mako until he realized how close they were. He started to pull away until Mako’s hands flexed and warmed against his cheeks, keeping his face in place as he mumbled something under his breath. Wu leaned a little closer, his vision finally clearing as he searched Mako’s face.
“What did you say? I didn’t hear you…”
Mako took in a deep breath before meeting Wu’s eyes.
“I wanna be with you, not your friend. I wanna be….I wanna be…” Mako trailed off, his eyes falling to Wu’s lips. “Can I-”
“Please,” Wu whispered, nodding as he leaned in to meet Mako halfway.
It took Wu a moment to realize that the salt he tasted between kisses were his own tears, streaming down his cheeks as he leaned deeper into Mako’s arms and silently begged to meet his lips again. After what felt like forever, Wu finally pulled away, sucking on Mako’s lip one last time on his way out. When Mako moaned, Wu giggled in response, giving a peck on the cheek before speaking again.
“Does this mean we can watch the last episode?”
Mako’s laugh rang through the apartment, so loud that it bounced off the walls and begged Wu’s to join in. His head fell back and tears gathered at the corners of his eyes before he managed to catch his breath and nestle close to Wu once again.
“Sure we can. But… is it okay if I kiss you again?”
Wu’s mouth fell into a lazy smile as he looked back at the TV. They’d barely started the end credits.
“Why are you so eager for more kisses?” He was so sure of himself, so confident in his retort. And it all came crashing down once he felt Mako’s lips graze the shell of his ear, whispering soft as if what he was saying was a secret.
“I can’t help it. You taste like mangoes.” Wu whipped his head to look at Mako, their noses grazing at the sudden motion. They sat there, breaths mingling, hearts beating, until Mako said the words he was holding onto.
“I’m really sorry I made you cry, Wu.”
“I forgive you. One and a half times… and I’m sorry for thinking you were straight.”
Mako grinned, lacing his fingers through Wu’s as he met his forehead with his own. “It’s alright. It happens. But… one and a half?”
“Why of course,” Wu jokingly huffed, grabbing the fallen blanket and laying it over the both of their legs. “I forgave you for making me cry but I also promised you one half forgiveness from earlier. It’s just the proper math.” Mako shook his head as he gazed at Wu, who realized that the look on his face was the exact one that he had wanted all along.
“Of course. Proper math.”
Gazing at each other, watching Mako’s eyes flicker to Wu’s lips ever so often, the ex-prince got around to asking the question that had burrowed its way through his head from the moment their lips met.
“Mako, what do you want from this? From me?” Mako leaned closer, Wu’s voice too soft for him to catch sitting deep in the couch cushion. He grasped Wu’s hand a little more firmly, rubbing his thumb across his knuckles as he spoke.
“I want to date you. Be your boyfriend. I like kissing you… is that what you want? Do you… wanna try that?” Wu brought Mako’s hand up to his lips, kissing his knuckles before answering.
“Yeah. I wanna try that.”
Mako smiled so hard and Wu felt like he could run to the moon and back if it meant he could always bring such joy into Mako’s life. He smiled back, but it fell fast as Mako leaned forward to grab the remote.
“Mako, what are you doing?” The firebender looked back at him, confusion marring his face as he slowly leaned back into the couch once more.
“I’m playing the last episode. Don’t you wanna watch it?”
Wu looked down at their hands. Still joined, still warm. He kept looking at them, as if they left his sight, if he looked away for just a moment, they might disappear.
“I do, I just,” he looked up at Mako through his lashes then, “I just thought you wanted to taste some more mango.”
The sound of the remote hitting the floor filled Wu’s lungs with laughter, but before he could begin to tease Mako, the mans’ lips were already on his own, kissing hard and biting soft and warming him in ways only a firebender could.
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localkatshelter · 3 years
Okame’s Underbelly: Reunification |4th|
Tumblr media
Katsumi’s POV (localvillageidiot#0870) and Shinso’s POV (hecker#8339)
Warning: Contains mentions of a breakup, minor alcohol consumption, mild anxiety, swearing, and a wild Denki and Mina
Preview (Shinso’s POV):
| “Dude...what the fuck! Why did you wait until now to tell me this?! I thought you loved me! “ Denki whined with an exaggerated pout on his lips.
I cocked my head to the side “When did I say that?” I questioned with feigned confusion.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know you love me so shut up. Third, wait we’re on three right? Right. Third, we're besties til death do us part so there’s some invisible contract that states that I get expedited dibs on all your dark, dirty secrets.” He concluded smugly, as if he made a point.
“Oops, I breached the contract." I stated apathetically. "but I told you now, so no need to cry about it.” I went to mock wiping a tear from his face and he immediately attempted to bite my hand. I reflexively shoved him away.
 “Why are you like this?” I choked out between laughter.
Denki shrugged. “My body literally microwaves my brain so...maybe that’s why.” |
Beautiful Artwork By: Sinfulhime
1st Chapter - Anticipation
(Katsumi’s POV)
I groaned as I fidgeted with the ugly student mover tee shirt that the volunteer coordinator had handed me to wear for move in day. I can’t believe that I got bullied into volunteering to help students move into the dorms today. Stupid RA asking me for help, stupid RD guilt tripping me into it, stupid students bringing way too much shit. I hate it here.
I was standing by the entrance hoping no one would ask for my help when I saw a small car pull up in front of my dorm building. A boy with wild purple hair got out and was greeted by a blonde, who practically tackled him with a hug. That's adorable. I love when boys aren’t afraid to be affectionate with each other. I watched the two of them talk for a bit before beginning to unload the car. The kid with purple hair felt oddly familiar to me for some reason. I moved out of my hiding spot and away from the entrance a bit to get a better look at him. I started to squint to try and put him into focus when he turned around and noticed my staring. He gave me a dirty look and something clicked in my brain. Oh shit, it’s fucking Edgelord! He turned back around and started unloading his car. I started to walk over, though I didn’t really know why. I guess I just wanted to say hi, maybe check in with him to see how he was doing. I mean, he did bawl his eyes out in front of me and sleep on my couch after all. As I got closer, a question popped into my brain. Wait... what was this kid’s name again? I know he told me.... Sato? Shido? Shit... I can’t really remember. I drank that bottle of soju pretty fast so I was a bit buzzed... Before I could wrack my brain any further, I was right behind him. Well, let's hope he’s still got a good sense of humor.
“Hey Edgelord.”
“Um, hey?” he said, looking confused, but not mad. Well that’s a relief. 
“Funny running into you here. How’ve you been?”
I could feel his confusion rise. Maybe he doesn’t recognize me?
“Uh, I’ve been good.”
Well, I’m already here, so lets roll with it. 
“Well that’s good to hear. You’ve been feeling okay?” 
I smiled at him to try and put him at ease, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. He looked at the ground and shifted awkwardly at my question. When he looked back at me I could feel the anxiety swirl around in his head. When I felt a slight realization from him, I tilted my head to the side as if to ask if he had recognized me yet.
“Y-yeah, I’ve been feeling fine.” he stuttered. 
Guess not. I giggled. I didn't really care whether he recognized me or not, but it was good to know he was doing alright.
“Oh good. So, do you need any help moving in? I got bullied into volunteering anyway, so I might as well be of some use.” I showed him the heinous shirt I was wearing and rolled my eyes. He looked at it and laughed.
“Nice, but I think w-” 
His friend came up beside him and poked him in the side, apparently really hard considering his clenched jaw, and cut him off.
“What my colleague means to say is that he’s super weak and could really use your help moving in.” the blonde said to me with a sweet grin. 
I laughed again and nodded towards the car next to us. 
“You got it. Is this everything?” 
I leaned down and picked up a box, leaning it against my hip. Edgelord nodded and I followed them upstairs to their dorm. I talked with the blonde as we made a couple of trips between the car and the dorm since Edgelord was being quiet and, well, edgy. His friend was an absolute riot though. I already loved him.
“Who knew Edgelord would have such cool friends? I honestly thought he was a figment of my imagination until I saw him again today. I mean, who even likes grapefruit soju?” We cracked up at the slight jabs I threw. 
“Yeah, I think me and Denki got the rest.” Edgelord said, cutting us off abruptly. 
I tuned back into his emotions. He was feeling really uncomfortable, as if something I said had shut him down. I was honestly a bit annoyed by his rudeness at first, but I decided to let it go. He clearly didn't want me there anymore.
“Oh, okay cool. I’ll be on my way then.” I said, trying to keep my tone cheerful. I turned to the blonde. 
“It was really cool meeting you though! I’m glad we got to talk for a bit. Hopefully I’ll see you around.”  I shot him a big smile and headed towards the door. 
“Hold on there, stranger! What’s your name?” he called out to me.
“Oh right! It’s Katsumi, but you can call me Kat, everybody does.”
“Hi, Kat! I’m Denki, but you can call me anytime.” He shot me some finger guns, which I found corny, yet endearing. 
“Okay, you got it.” I chuckled.
I made my way past Edgelord and left, turning the corner and heading back to the main entrance to help the stragglers finish moving in. I wonder what set him off like that... Weird. 
Once the student mover volunteers were released from duty, I immediately called Mina to hang out. She was always the best person to unwind with, especially when I was in the mood to drink a bit after a long day. I dialed her number.
“What it do babyyyyy?”
“My place, ten minutes, B.Y.O.B, I have a couple of beers left.”
“Down, be there soon.”
I hung up and pulled out some snacks for us. Mina arrived a little while later with two packs of our favorite beer and a big smile on her face. We just lounged around and talked some shit about people in our lives that the other one didn’t know as we drank. I loved Mina because she was so easy to be around. We didn’t have to do anything but enjoy each other’s company to have a good time. 
“Hey Mina.”
“Hmm?” She turned to me, away from the television that I had put on for background noise.
“Do you remember that guy that I told you about? The one from the summer with the fucked up purple hair that cried to me at a bus stop?”
“I mean, I remember you mentioning it, but I know a lot of people with fucked up purple hair that cry a lot so...”
“Well, I saw him again today. He actually goes to the same university as me.” “No fucking way.” She sat up a bit, seeming more interested. 
“Yeah, but he was acting super weird when I was talking to him. It was like he didn’t want to be around me or something... but his roommate was super cool. His name was Denki, I think.”
“Wait what did you just say? Did you just say Denki?”
“Um, yeah. I’m pretty sure that was his name.”
“Blonde, with a black bolt? Corny as hell?”
“Yep, that's the one.”
“Shut the fuck up. This whole time you were talking about Shinso? Like...SHINSO Shinso?”
“Oh my god you're right, that was his name... Wait, how did you know that?”
“We all went to high school together.” she said, leaning back into her lounging position, pulling out her phone. 
“That’s crazy, what a small world. Anyway, I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick, do you want me to grab you another drink on my way back?”
“Yes please!” she sang. 
What I didn’t know was that while I was in the bathroom, Mina was up to no good. 
                                                 Mina’s Phone
                                           ⚡️ Discount Zeus⚡️
Speak, wench
                                                    You’re living with Shinso this semester right?
                                                                       And some girl came over today? 
                                                                                                A little brunette?
...yes...spill… 👀
                                                                                 SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND 
You’re fucking w me rn???
                                                  IM LITERALLY AT HER PLACE RIGHT NOW
NO FUCKING wAY ahkswsuwdl
You know her and my son, shinso had 
a lil moment over the summer right??
                                                                        Yes omfg she told me about it
                                                                         Dude, fucking EDGELORD?? 
                                                                           Ok but on some real shit....
                                                                       Im tryna stir the pot.... You in?
Are you seriously asking me that??
You know I’m always down to rustle 
some jimmies 🤠
but like...what we doing?
                                                    Don’t tell Shinso anything, just bring him to 
                                                                                 Kiri’s party this weekend.
omg that sounds like a scrumptious idea!!
                                                                               Speaking of scrumptious,
                                                                            lets get food before. Imy bb
& let’s bring our children with us
Marley’s? you know that’s our spot 🤤
                                                              YEEESSS MARLEYSSSS im so down
                                                        I miss Marley’s I haven’t been all summer
then it’s a must
can’t wait 😈
(Shinso’s POV)
“Dude...what the fuck! Why did you wait until now to tell me this?! I thought you loved me! “ Denki whined with an exaggerated pout on his lips.
I cocked my head to the side “When did I say that?” I questioned with feigned confusion.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know you love me so shut up. Third, wait we’re on three right? Right. Third, we're besties til death do us part so there’s some invisible contract that states that I get expedited dibs on all your dark, dirty secrets.” He concluded smugly, as if he made a point.
“Oops, I breached the contract." I stated apathetically. "but I told you now, so no need to cry about it.” I went to mock wiping a tear from his face and he immediately attempted to bite my hand. I reflexively shoved him away.
 “Why are you like this?” I choked out between laughter.
Denki shrugged. “My body literally microwaves my brain so...maybe that’s why.”
I shook my head at him and hopped off the bed to continue unpacking. After a couple minutes, I realized that Denki was too quiet. That was a rarity for him. At this point, he would usually be asking me personal and/or wildly inappropriate questions to catch up on the summer where I went from seeing him almost every day to about once a week. This was a huge difference according to his standards. Yeah, he's kinda clingy like that, but I didn't mind, to be honest. There were a couple weeks in between where I didn't see him, because I was at the start of processing the breakup, using the word process lightly. I looked back at him to see him grinning devilishly at his phone. I assumed he was talking to a potential “date’’ and went back to what I was doing. 
About an hour later, I was pretty much done. The only thing that stood out on my side was one large Rorschach inkblot poster above my bed. I had always interpreted it as two kitties playing with a ball of yarn, but I left it up to the viewers interpretation. That and no one needed to know why I liked the poster so much. 
“Ayo, Shinso.” Denki called out to me. 
I gave him my attention and the look on his face made me a little uneasy. 
“Want to go to Kiri’s party this weekend?” 
I knew Denki was aware that I wasn’t a big fan of parties, but he seemed eager so it was hard to say no. Since it’s the beginning of the semester, I’ll play nice for now. This wasn’t the first excursion that he had dragged me out on and I was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Wait, really? That easy?” he questioned in disbelief. 
“What do you mean?” I asked, mild annoyance creeping into my voice.
“You usually don’t say yes the first time around. I always have to whip out my boyish charm to convince you.”
I rolled my eyes at Denki, laughing under my breath.
“Also, before the party, we’re gonna eat at Marley’s with Mina and her friend. Y’know, our beloved grease-bucket.”
I raised my eyebrows in mock excitement. I always had to mentally prepare for when Denki and Mina were in the same room. It was easy to get overstimulated with their relentless energy, especially because they build off each other. It was similar to being in a wind tunnel, I would say. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy their combined company. Just…in moderation.
It was finally Friday, and the first week of classes were done thankfully. I was tired of going over syllabi. Denki and I pulled up to Marley’s and she was looking janky as ever. I can’t lie, the food was disgustingly good. It sounds like an oxymoron but I assure you, it’s not. Your tongue and brain were in ecstasy but you could just feel the sludge forming around your heart and slowing it down. I tried not to frequent this place due to that reason. My mouth was already watering as I stepped out of the car. I immediately caught  a glimpse of Mina’s pink mop behind the window. The mess we call hair is something we could relate to each other on. She was prematurely flipping us off as we walked by her towards the entrance. Since Denki is an actual child, he immediately ran towards Mina, swiftly sliding into the booth. They embraced each other dramatically with a series of squeals. They pulled apart for a mutual cheek kiss, when a small flash of light connected them. 
“Ah! You bitch!” Mina exclaimed as Denki leaned against the table, chest convulsing with laughter. 
Mina began giggling reluctantly, before hovering a small bead of acid above her finger, eyeing Denki threateningly. 
“No no no, please! I’m sorry!” he sputtered. 
Mina raised her brow smugly at his pleading and evaporated the droplet. 
“Hey Shithead, I mean, Shinso.” Mina greeted casually. 
“Hey, Meanie.” I addressed her with my usual nickname for her, before sitting down.
We all looked over the menu, cracking jokes at eachother like usual. 
“Mina, when is your friend going to be here?” Denki asked. 
Oh yeah, I forgot there was supposed to be another person coming.
 “Uuuuuuuh, right now.” 
I followed Mina’s gaze to the entrance of the Diner. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I saw the same little brunette from earlier in the week. My head snapped back to Denki and Mina’s faces. They were deviously chittering to each other and tried their best not to look at me or else they’d lose all composure. I did not look back again and just fixed my eyes on the menu. I heard her footsteps approaching and realized the only seat available was next to me.
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