#ok im dobe
girlhorse · 11 months
there's this one particular kind of pet owner that will brag about the size of their pets like my dog is 100+ lbs 😏 and then you meet said dog and the dog is morbidly obese
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newlife-whothis · 2 years
Ok, my mental preparations for tomorrow. I just recieved e-mail with details of my departure. I’ll be leaving at 13:30 which is too soon for me. I hoped for a later but why wait, right.
So I have to remind myself few things. I am used to this.
I already went to croatia by bus once and I was ok. 5 yrs back or so.
I went to Sicily 4 yrs back and I already had anxiety at that time but in Sicily I managed that perfectly. Abd that was really stressfull since we traveled from city day by day in country we dont understand the language and where english wasnt usual and buses were everything but on time.
When I was in my teenage years I went to netherlands with my uncle by car. There and back.
I went to england just by myself. Flying in plane without having friend with me and was in england like that for a month. And what is more surprising I enjoyed it so much I was crying when leaving. A little. Because I felt special being there? Because I was goung back to reality?
I was in germany for s month. It sas quite close to czech but I was there completely alone and to be honest I was counting days til I leave. But I managed that.
When I was only 16 I went to Ireland for a month first time without family for such a long time. And I loved every second of it.
I KNOW I CAN DO IT. I know I can even enjoy it if I want to. Everything is just in my head. I AM STRONG. I AM the freaking leader in most situations.
I love sea. The air, waves, the smell (food). I will be fine.
My friend with social anxiety who was afraid of going out just by herself to buy food just told me that yesterday she came home and realized she need something to drink and bread and that she just went without thinking. On her way she realized that she did it she just walked put of her apartment without thinking and stressing around.
That’s it. So simple.
It´s just some part of our brain that keeps holding us.
After I’ll come back I will be so much stronger. I think that after I’ll manage this trip I wont let my anxiety hold me back no more. I will be back completely.
Maybe it’s the whole plan after all. I thought this year will be the one where I will make it. Where I will get rich and succesfull. It seems like that in december. And january. But I guess you cant be succesfull when you keep your demons instead and you are afraid to step up. A d that is probubly why this year is supposed to be about building myself. Finding myself and letting go all of my fears. That’s why I was waking up every morning to spend half an hour comuting to school to “my” ukrainian kids. That’s why made a new identity and realite that now I’m building myself as a real mature persona. Without past that should bother me.
I’m not sure whether it was coco chanel or marilyn monroe (and im not going to search niw) who said sonething about girl cutting her hair and changing something. It couldnt be more true.
I was with kids for almost a week in mountains. My first big step. And I was perfectly fine.
Now this is the last test I’m going through after that I will be free and strong.
My plan:
CBD since morning, I will be bathing in cbd probably if i have to
Work - i will do all the things I need to get dobe and dont have time for them
I already made a playlist of music that U’ve been listening to before and make me feel good. Rocknroll baby.
I will draw john lennon (and some fashion sketches?)
I will download audiobook or something I can try to sleep to.
I will be chatting with eva and some friends
I will write
I will contact Vero - I just thought about it while writinf this- i want to be friend with her and I can lead really meaningfuľ concentration (and feel something else
I will be friendly -probably start conversation with others on the bus from the vegan group so we can get to know each other.
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insxparablxduo · 3 years
One of these days I'll post a plot call and hopefully another or the same day I'll talk about how twins are into history so they can find ways to kill gods. Knowledge is power folks
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vmprbat · 6 years
i need 2 uhhhh vent about apartment process thx
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sisybicth · 2 years
I was sdressed like that at when princess caugnt me in school woods and i actually said fuck me ill tell no one dont fuck meill scream rape i am not kidding so make me seen and heard as u grant me tge. Privledge of your sexual man acts are dobe to me as your FEMA but better i am becoming a sissy bitch and want everyone to know so i may get oyhrt males to have me do what i anyone will know i am not wanting to make it hard on any male that gives me the honor of being fed lie a bitch but the men can tell people and i hope that makes me more a easy one that i xant refuse any male i admited to i wanted all of them now i need to be always on my hands and knees naked omg not sorry i whish that some makeme prove im for reaal i would and i keep proveing it then i be doing what i was taught drom 9 on up and i seriously am. Grateful my male realities made this so in my head as observed with men soDIMISED ME AND I LET THEM 111 YEARS SO I am one of few that am not angry but i do it o er again but let them know i begged them for there makeing me this ok man i cant stop being so sissy and m5s awsome hope i got .en some places calling me sissy faggot queer mans bitch
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lusther · 3 years
I FORGOT TO DO YESTERDYA PRETEND THIS IS YESTERDAY Ok so today was a rlly bad day at first, both me n my gf were in a good mood until i started to get in a bad mood bc of this fuckin game that i kept raging at. i told her i was in a bad mood n needed a few mins, but when i came back she was in a badm ood aswell. SO FOR AWHILE WE BOTH WERE SAD Until later on i ws talkin to her and she fianlly told me why she was sad n i gave her advice n stuff n we ended up having a REALLY GREAT NIGHT we made so many plans for tmw were gna have a picnic tmw:DDD imsooooexcited tonight has been so awesome and were gna watch adventure time while we go to sleep its gna b so awesome!! Imm so happy Im so excitecd Help oka Im dobe with this but idk how to end it so Bye. 
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forthereaderinserts · 4 years
Sasuke: Hey dumbass get over here. Naruto: Ok- Y/n: Im coming. Naruto internally: I thought I was dumbass.
Oh m
Poor naruto, his nickname is and always will be dobe
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lokbobpop · 3 years
The word "arrest" comes from Anglo-Norman. It is taken from the French word arrêt. Arrêt means 'to stop or stay'. There are many slang terms for being arrested in different countries.
the taking or detaining in custody by authority of law The investigation led to his arrest.
Arrest a rest at rest,
Writing the word arrest
Ive been arrested for overstaying my visa in Australia in 1993 it was a big avent as i was in the middle of nowhere where no body was and only a small group of people and it was the cook that dobed me in only because i told a couple of people who couldn’t keep it to themselves but all worked ok ending i up in hk was the best thing for me anyway but the whole event of being arrested locked up court wasn’t without fear for me and i was upset at leaving
Reading the word arrest
I see a picture of protesters being arrested and being very roughly treated by the police feels so like unease within
I think of the police and police brutality fear of being arrested comes up fear of ive done something wrong and being in prison and wanting to get out.
Take a rest comes up
When you hear on the news they have arrested a criminal or villain
I think of hand cuffs and how that might hurt your wrists
Out loud
When i got arrested comes up again fear of this happening again.
I wish they’d arrest the right people the people that are getting away with murder in high places why is it so out of balance on who gets arrested and for what they get arrested for someone for dope when people in high places are getting away with murder how is this possible why have we aloud this to happen to us.
People who polluted our planet should be arrested who rape and pillage out planet who mistreat animal i feel a lot of blame come up within this word of others and not taking responsibility for what i do myself
When going through custom im always worried im going to get arrested for bringing in something like seeds or something and i feel fearful when walking through.
Cardiac arrest comes to mine when someone has a heart attach
Most a underlying fear of the police.
Does this definition support me no lots of fear of my arrest and of being arrested wrongfully police brutality and so on
Arrest a test
To take into custody for questioning over an event
How will you live this word ? I will live this with support of the words courage calm integrity to support me with thoughts of fear with the word arrest of being arrested and and past arrests
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permetscore · 6 years
biggest pet peeves in naruto fanfic go
ok anyway w those out of the way
its mostly just. yaoi trope bullshit. its impossible to find anything in character dkghdfkjg. this is exacerbated by majority fic anymore being au which like I CAN LIKE A GOOD AU BUT USUALLY THEYRE....... BAD.........
oh don't forget “pinkette” dfkjghkh
ty for the ask!!!!
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ourworldofwderlust · 7 years
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MANDALAY 12. November 2017 exgüsi, dassi mir solang nüt postet händ. S isch en Mix us Fulheit, viel Abentür  und Krankheit gsy. Aso minere sitens us, was de Oli für en Usred hät, weiss ich nöt. hahaha. Anyway, mir händ sither viel erlebt und ich freu mich scho, dass i eusem Blog festhalte z chönne. mir sind immerna in Mandalay. Aso ja, ezt nüme. Aber am 12. November simmer das na gsi. Hahaha. Au a dem Tag hemmer wieder mal gschlafe und nöt möge ufstah. AAAber mir händ zmorge im Zimmerpris inkludiert und das liebi Lüt muen mr usnütze. Aso simmer in 6 Stock ufe. De Lift gaht leider nur bis zum föifte, dass heisst Sport wird scho am Morge gmacht und mr laufet na en Stock ue. Dobe ah cho, Zimmernummere ahge und en Tisch usgsuecht. S zmorgeesse isch dusse gsi und mr hät t Sicht uf s Alltägliche Lebe vo de liebe Lüt in Mandalay gha. Au da isch de zmorge wieder nöt sooo de hammer gsi, drum hets nur en Banane gä und en Toast mit Gonfi (glaubi haha). Nach dere super Mahlzyt simmer abe at Reception um eus wege Usflüg z erkundige. Nachemne hin und her hemmer eus beschlosse am Namitag en Taxidriver z bueche und für de nechste Tag en Gruppetour. Alles buecht, super und wieder ab is Zimmer zum na chli uspfüsele und Sache z erledige. Tagebuech schriebe isch keis vo dene Sache gsi, wie mr gseht! :-D Frisch duschet, simmer abe und de Taxidriver isch scho döte gsi. Wooowie!! S schönste Taxi, wo mr bis ezt gseh händ und ja, sogar mit funktionierende Gürt! Nice!! De Taxidriver het sich en liste gmacht mit dene Sehenswürdigkeite, wo mir de Nammitag wänd gseh ha. S timemangament hät dä super im Griff gha und het eus mit sine 3-4 Englischwörtli sin super usdenkte Plan erklärt. Ich bin beeidruckt. Loos gehts! Chum sind mr 5 Minute am fahre gsi, holt er öbis us sinre Schublade use: Guetzli!  Nach namal 5 Minute; Schoggi. t Geschte isch herzig, t Schoggi gar nöt fein. Aber mir sind ja au verwöhnt mit eusere Schwizerschoggi. (Gern freuemer eus über Päckli mit schwizerschoggi und emne Grittibänz hahaha) Soo, de erschti Tempel staht vor eus. Us eusem bequeme, abeküehlte Auto usgstiege und usse bi 35 Grad. Da mir scho öbe 20 Tempel und Pagode gseh händ, sind mir nöt würkli motiviert gsi hüt haha.  Nichts desto trotz simmer die go besichtige. Bilder hämer natürli ahgänkt.  Nach öbe 20 Minute simmer wieder zu eusem Taxidriver. Chum ihgstiege, gits scho die nechst süessi überraschig; Peanutszeltli. Leck, sind die guet!! Händ mr sit denn stets es Päckli debbie vo dene.  Hüt Namitag simmer würkli vo 1 bis am Sächsi am Abig Sache go ahluege.  S Highlight isch aber Mandalay Hill gsi bi Sunneuntergang. Rechtzitig simmer scho döt ue gange. Nei, nöt gwanderet. Mr chan ue fahre, ihtritt zahle und bequem mit de Rollträppe zum Ussichtspunkt.  Viel Touriste händ mr döt öbe ahtroffe. Ich weiss nöt wieso, aber das Myanmar isch volle, aber würkli VOLLE FRANZOSE!! Wo mr hiluegt, links, rechts, ufe, abe: FRANZOSE und zwüschet ine na vereinzelti Engländer.  Gnosse händ mr de Sunneuntergang. Nachdem das Spektakel verby gsi isch, hämmer, wie siebetusig anderi Lüt, wieder abewelle. Was mr aber nöt bemerkt hend, wo mr uecho sind isch, dass t Rolltreppe nur ih ei richtig gaht. Sehr fortgschritte die Lüt da. Aso hend mr zerst en Halbstund müsse warte bis die Rolltreppe t Richtig gwechslet het. Und für alli Schlaumeier, wo das leset: Nei, s het kei Stege gha zum abelaufe.  Dune ahcho, wartet euse Taxidriver scho uf eus. Ihgstiege und versuecht ussezfahre. Erfolgrich!! Mir händ ihn gfraget, ob er eus is Central Resti chan fahrt (Ja, s gliche vo geschter, aber s esse isch uuuuu guet gsi! Don’t judge us!) Er hät gseit: oke, oke. But me not wait, is oke? So herzig, er het sogar gfragt, obs oke isch, wenn er nöt wartet bis mir fertig gesse händ. Ähm ja sicher!! Im Resti ahcho, hend eus scho alli mitemne breite Grinse empfange. Klar oder? die kennet eus ja ezt scho haha. De glichi Platz nebetemne grosse Fenster händ mr usgsuecht. s Esse bstellt, das mal hend mr t pizza als Vorspies gna. Wüsseder na, vom letzte Bricht mit dene Mikro Pizzene? Wo mir am esse gsi sind, bemerkt de Oli, dass en chline Bueb zirka 4-5 muess Gagi mache.. Da die natürli nöt sovill Geld hend und drum keis WC händ, beschlüsst de chli ih sones Loch sis Gschäft z erledige.. Nachdem er das gmacht hät, rüehrt er Stei ine. Natürlich brucht er au was zum sis Füdli z putze und durchwüehlt rasch de Güsel und als er nöt fündig wird, nimmt er es Blatt vom Baum :-( uu trurig!  De Oli het besseri Sicht uf das Ereignis gha und ich han mich immer wieder müsse umkehre zum das Geschehe z beobachte, da staht plötzli de Manager vor eus und fragt, ob mir Platz wänd wechsle, mir händ natürlich dankend abglehnt. Alli Ahgstellte händ sich s Lache müsse verthebe und zweine ischs nöt glunge, die hend sich innerhalb vo Sekunde hinderem Threse bückt und losglachet. Das kenned mr doch all? Das verbotene Lache. hahaha.  Nachm Znacht, simmer ussegloffe und die händ CHIIIIILBI gha! chli ähnlich wie mir mit all dene Ständ, wo mr was chan günne. Kenneder die?  Nur de Unterschied isch, dass sie volle Wasserfläsche müend abeschüsse und das seehr schwierig isch.  Na dezue isch t Musik soo luut, dass mr en Hörschade bechunnt. Chli dötdure flanieret, händ mr dörfe beobachte wie ihri Auge glüchtet hend und sie än riese Smile über s Gsicht gha händ. Wunderwunderbar!! Öbe sowie ich, wenni feini  Lindt schwizer schoggi gsehne.  Mir händ au Lüt gseh, wo uf de Strass Badmington gspillt händ, aber au Lüt, wo sich dusse duschet händ.  Ganz es anders Lebe als ih de Schwiz. Au hüt wieder versuecht nöt überfahre zwerde und päpäm, mir händs gschafft! Guet Nacht.
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bossykiwi · 7 years
Sam: oh no i love them
Sam: i love this style of art
Sam: im undone
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): U fukken furry
Sam: i love fairytale style animals ok
Sam: that eastern european art good shit
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): You eastern furry
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): Fuck
Sam: fuck
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): European
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): Furry
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): Samn
Dobes (KC/Mark/3Ring): Damn
Sam: Eastern European kind of furry
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liquid-gay · 6 years
If I had a vagina and I went into labour I would blast the peel the avacado song on repeat the entire 10 hours
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transenbyhollis · 7 years
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poolshack · 11 years
sjin buys teep a lotta silly gaming merch. they share a creeper scarf
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