#ok i run away wahhhhh
thunderc1an · 6 months
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hacked-by-jake · 11 days
I'm currently in my third run and one thing doesn't give me peace. In the conversation between Ash and Charlie. Charlie asks Ash if she told us he could help us. But damn, what does he mean by that? 😟 I always rack my brain when I read this passage.🤔 what is your theory about what Charlie could mean? how could he help us and with what? 😩🧐 I wish you a nice day and look forward to your thoughts! 💜
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Okay, joke aside. 🤭
Yes!!!! This is bothering me sooooo much as well. Like, do not do this, Everbyte! Don't throw this in front of our feet and run away! We wanted a piece of cake! Not only the crumbs! 😭
I seriously have no idea what this could mean. We know that we don't have contact with the group anymore. And we also know that out case was everywhere on the news. So the question is, what did they say there? What kind of information did they share which made Charlie belive he can help us?
I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Jake. Ash told us they never mentioned Jake. But this could also be a lie since I don’t really trust her yet.
I could maybe imagine that the group... Even if I don't know if it makes much sense... But maybe our lovely friends had to join Phil in prison, lol.
Sounds weird and unlikely, somehow, I know. But if we remember all the crimes they did. Breaking in, keeping informations a secret, lying to the police, driving under the influence of alcohol 👀
Oh, and of course hiding a government-wanted hacker. I guess that could be a huge problem. And maybe it's not even the fault of the Duskwood police. We all consider the FBI not really kind. So maybe they don't like it if you hide their main suspect and that's why they had to join Phils little prison party.
I don’t know, this could be one thing.
The other thing, but I don’t know if that could help the others... 🤔
But I mean, we still suspect that Michael Hanson is alive. He just left and started a new life. And maybe this new life happens in a small city called Redlog Pines.
But as I said, I don’t know why this should affect the others in any way.
And it seems not logical enough to me that Charlie means he could just drive to Duskwood to talk to them. That would mean they know we don't have contact to the group anymore. But I don't think that's something they news would report. xD
Wahh, I don’t know. I mean, what if Charlie is a hacker as well? Not as good as Jake. Just someone who learned about it and is able to hack some websites and systems etc.
But somehow... Another hacker? I don’t know.
WAHHHHH, this question is killing me. xD
OK wow wow wow wow wow, I had just remembered something.
Whaaaaat if... Okay that's weird now and it's complicated since it's only a thing male MC experienced at the end of Duskwood. If I remember correctly, it was even you who told me about it.
But anyway.
At the end of Duskwood, Jessy tells make MC that she had a boyfriend but it wasn't a very good relationship.
And I mean, why was that mentioned? Sure it fitted the story but what if there's more behind it..
What if... What if Jessys ex is one of the new guys? And that's why there's a connection with duskwood? 🤔
Could that be? I mean, it sounds unlikely, even to me. But somehow... 🤔
Uhh, I don’t know, I'm guessing a lot.
Of course I was hoping it has something to do with Jake but I don't really think that's how it is. Not everything can be about him and it would rarely have to do with the Duskwood group.
But maybe Charlie has a connection with one of them. Maybe Dan or Thomas? Oh, maybe Thomas? As I remember correctly, Thomas did not grow up in duskwood.
But then again, Charlie's shock when he realises that we're the MC from Duskwood.. I mean, would you still react this way when you know someone who was also part of it?
And also, Ash seems to know as well that Charlie can help us. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked it this way.
Oof, I don’t know. Right now I sadly can't think of anything else but I'm dying to find out what is meant by that. And I hope we don't have to wait that long to find out. :')
Have you any idea for it? I love to read it soo..
And thank you so much for asking, it was very interesting to think about it and I feel honoured I was the one you asked, hehe. Does that sound weird? 😅 Anyway. I hope my thoughts are entertaining or similar.
And of course, I hope you will have a wonderful day. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe 💚🫶🏻🥰
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heesgf · 5 years
sleepover w/ lee byounggon
 this is just a fun lil bullet scenario i put together bc i think everyone is in need of some cute fluff💘 the next thing i have coming out will be more sophisticated LMAO!! stay tuned :’) also read pt. 2 of drunk neighbour gon if u haven’t already!!!
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Hello cyuties!!!!💕💕
So!!! It’s a thursday night, and you’re doing your physics homework bc damn,,,, it’s due tomorrow morning and you really should’ve started a little earlier :///
But its ok bc you have some candles lit on your vanity, and you’re snacking on some jolly ranchers; the lighting is dimmed and sexy (for urself!)
You are minding your own business, and getting ur physics on in ur own little world, when suddenly:
 shortly followed by a quiet, ‘o shit!’
You whip your head around to look at your window, which now has a large crack running through the middle, and you see the head of your bashful boyfriend peaking through from outside
“Gon?!? Is that you????”
You rush toward the window, quickly push it upward, and byounggon’s just standing there like :’(((((
and ur like “rlly ???? :////”
“Im sorry, baby. This was supposed to romantic and i messed it up” he mumbles 
You want to be mad but he’s pouting, and looking so cute right now
he’s wearing a green flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, and the black beanie he’s wearing makes him look extra cute!!
so you end up smiling back at him :’)
plus the window was half broken anyways??? hmm i guess you actually have a reason to get a new one now....
byounggon grabs u by ur hoodie collar and he pulls in to kiss ur lips!! 
You kiss him back while giggling😚😚
When you pull away, he’s waving a little bag in your face with a cute smirk
You would recognize That Bag™ anywhere!!!!
now he’s trying to shove himself through the window and u plant ur hand on ur hip and ur like:
“Ah ah ah!!!” and waving ur finger
He’s like: w u t t
That’s when u hit him with the: “u broke my window, so if you want me to grant u entry, u have to freestyle rap. The theme is: me.”
U think he’s going to groan and make a Big Fuss
so ur smirking deviously like ‘hehehehe i win’
But then he starts going:
“Yeah.... yeah.... My baby is the best, they’re so cool! My baby is the best, they go to school!”
Tbh ur about to close that window and pretend none of this ever happened! 🤦
But u have Mercy today
And let him inside...
That boy knocks down every single bottle of ANYTHING u have on ur vanity!!!!
Ur giving him the Evil Eye like “shhh gon!!! my parents!!!!”
He just smiles and comes closer to you, and he wraps his around your waist
“Whaaat? Your parents love me?”
“My parents love you at a consensual dinner when you’re two feet away from me at all times, okay? Not when you’re... doing...”
Byounggon’s smirking up at u; he’s placing kisses on your collarbone and his hands are circling tighter around your hips
“Doing” *kiss* “what?” *kiss*
He’s making you bite your lip, and now he’s looking up at you
“This!!!” You whine, and your waving ur hand at everything he’s doing right now....
Eeeek!! U Love It
But also,,, he needs to STOP🚫🚫🚫  
He thinks ur whining is so cute!! And now he’s laughing into ur neck and he’s like:
“Ok, ok, i’ll stop, i’ll stop”
Thank u Lord. 
So now you and gon lean back into your bed, and you just cuddle under the covers
Sometimes you like to face each other and have random little conversations about your day:
“U know, hyunsuk put ketchup on an apple today”
“That’s disgusting”
“Honestly, it didn’t taste thaaaat bad?”
“U TRIED it?!??!”
“Well he asked,,”
etc. , etc.
 Other times, he’ll be perched upward, and his back will be against your bed’s headboard
You’ll be sitting between his legs, and he’ll have his arms around your waist, and his head nuzzled by your neck
You guys will watch something on Netflix!!!
Probably something goofy like Teen Titans lmao
He gets sulky when u tell him that robin is kinda hot????
A Mess™
you place a kiss on his neck and u whisper, “ur hotter thoo”
now he’s smiling❣️❣️❣️
 At one point, you guys ditch Netflix, and you’re just lying side by side
When you hear footsteps down the hall, and the bathroom light turn on, you lose ur Damn Mind!!!!
You grab the covers and you pull them all the way over gon’s head
He does not know what’s going on
You lay back down on your bed and you’re pretending to sleep, but like, one eye open so u can keep watch on the door
When nobody whips into ur room, u let out a sigh of relief!!!
#false alarm!!!!
You remove the blanket off byounggon’s body,,,, but his eyes are still closed and he won’t move???
You’re kinda like: “Huhhh??”
You wave your hand in his face, truly believing that he might have fallen asleep in that literal 30 seconds
But then, All of A Sudden, he’s like:
“Lee Byounggon”
“Time of Death: 1:38 A.M.”
“ommygod u dORK shut U-”
“Cause of Death: asphyxiation” 
“You are such a drama queen!!!”
Now, u have done IT! 
Byounggon starts laughing and he wraps his arms around you, and tickles your sides!!! 
he’s like “huh?? What’d you say??? I didn’t hear you?????”
You’re BEGGING!!!!
“I take it back!!! I take it back!!!!”
How are your parents NOT awake right now LMAO?????? 
Honestly, the time you guys spend together wastes away in many fits of giggles and the cramped movement of ur bodies (u have a twin bed!! 😩); you guys are both a little high off each other’s muffled whispers and slow breathing
At one point, you’re so tired, you’re basically half asleep already
And you’re staring at the little glowy stars you’ve had on your ceiling since you were like... 5 years old
You start smiling at the stars and all of a sudden:
He’s rubbing his hands over your sides; he knows you’re out of it, so he’s softing lulling u back and forth in his arms
“You know,,,” you mumble softly, and point upward. “You’re like... one of the stars on the wall?”
His interest: Peaked
“Oh yeah?” 
He’s grinning so hard
“Mhmmm.... You’re a star.”
He leans forward and plants a sideways kiss on your cheeks
“Thank you, baby... now go to sleep, okay?”
“Mm okay.”
The next morning, around 5am, byounggon wakes up
to be REAL, he spends a couple minutes just staring at you; moving the hair out of your face, running his finger down the bridge of ur nose, caressing your cheeks with his thumb
THIS MIGHT BE GROSS BUT LISTEN i think he’d stick his finger in ur nose (u can hate me but i believe IT) and see if u wake up LMAO
Breaking news: you do
 When you wake up he’s a little shook and very pouty, because honestly he was just trying to play around and admire ur cuteness, not wake u up!!! He knows u need ur sleep!!
But,, you’re waking up with gon’s arms around your waist, so you’re not mad at all 
And even though your blanket is riding down a little bit, his body is so warm you feel completely fine???
When ur eyes pop open and u catch him looking at you, he lurches even closer to you, and nuzzles his face into your neck
He plants a really sweet little kiss onto the side of your neck and then just stays there for a little bit
You hear a really soft “morning, baby” 
His voice is a little scratchy, a little raspy, and VERY, sexy
U kinda have to fight the urge to 🤤🤤🤤
 Because his face is in your neck, his hair is just underneath your nose, and mmmmmmmm... he’s giving u oaky old spice
“Im sorry for waking u up :((((“ 
“Its ok baby,, i want to spend as much time with u as possible before u have to leave”
This genuinely makes him so blushy
 He’s like: “u like me, huh?”😏
Sometimes he’ll just say things like that? 
And u have to remind him like: hello, yes, we are dating, and i do in fact, like you! 
“yeS i like u, you dork!!”
You guys are getting a little more comfortable, and now, the sun is rising a little bit
You can hear the birds in your neighbourhood starting to chirp, and the light peeking through your blinds is shining on half of gon’s face
Ur quiet for a little bit bc ur just staring at him, and taking in everything that you see
Ur so whipped!!!! Ur giving him straight heart eyes
His heart is beating 394039403 miles per hour and he thinks ur being so cute 
Ur rlly just in ur own world like: ‘wahhhhh he’s so pretty (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧’
Byounggon interrupts ur lil moment and he’s like:
“U know, u were talking in your sleep a little bit...”
This peaks ur Curiosity™ 
Because what if you accidentally revealed the fact that you’ve been stealing his grey hoodies for about four months now, but you’ll only do it every two-three weeks so it’s less noticeable,,, he really has SO MANY that u doubt he’d ever find out... currently, u have successfully obtained 5
Mission Success!!!✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Or at least that’s what you think LMAO
Gon has been knowing about this since the beginning....
Ur really NOT as sneaky as u think you are yikes :/
You’ll walk into his room with ur bag empty, and suddenly, when ur leaving, it’s all rounded up like a giant balloon???
Not Slick smh 😞
Ur trying to act natural, and ur like, “o yeah?? Did i say anything.... Weird?”
He’s smiling and looking goofy!!!
He’s all like: “hmmm nothing weird, pretty predictable honestly?? U were like... ‘oh gon, ur so sexy~~~’”
I think he thinks you’ll deny it? And make a big fuss?
But honestly you’re just smiling at him
And you lean into his face, and you glance at his lips, and then you just lean forward and kiss him 
And into the kiss, ur like “mmmmmm yeah, u are sexy”
U conclude ur affections with a kiss on his nose, and then u plant your head on his chest, and wrap your arms around his waist
he leans down to kiss the top of ur head and he’s feeling a lil sad bc he knows he has to leave in a couple minutes
lil baby :’(((
“I’ll miss u when u go” you whine into him 
He’s ruffling the hair on the top of ur head and laughing at ur clingy-ness;
“don’t miss me baby i’ll be back before u know it”
It takes a little too long for him to untangle himself from you, but he really needs to leave, and you should really get back to sleep so you’ll be ready for school
 He’s leaning toward the window, and you’re sitting on the edge of ur bed, biting ur lip as he tries to make his hair not look like you’ve been playing with it for hours 
Before he leaves, he reaches into his back, and he whips out an XL.....
**** drum roll plz ****
He throws it in your direction with a little bit of a giggle,,,,ur mouth kinda dry rn because,,,, does he know about the secret collection?
Y e s 
H e 
D o e s
Your gulping, and pouting ur lips; 
“u know?”
“Yes, u loser, i know. One time u legit stuffed one of my hoodies under your shirt and u thought that would do the trick”
Damn .... he got u 🔥🔥🔥
So byounggon runs over to you, wraps the hoodie around your head
He squishes your cheeks together and gives you one last little kiss
It’s slow, and he’s biting at ur lower lip, and when u pull away, he lingers a little....
God, ,,, , why does he have to leave??? :(((
So then gon finally starts to head out the window!!! 
He flashes u a wink (the audacity????), and as he climbs down onto the ground, he mouths “i love you”
U sleepily blow him a kiss, and shut your eyes, mouthing the words right back
When his figure disappears from your frame of sight, you lay back onto your bed, and let out a sigh
You take gon’s hoodie, pull it up to your nose, and you snuggle back into your bed
It’s still warm in that one spot he was lying in
You take a deep breath of his hoodie....
 Ahhhh it smells just like him!!! 
A little woody like his cologne, a little fresh like his laundry detergent, and a little spearmint-y  like the gum he’s always chewing
In only a few minutes, you find yourself falling back to sleep; thinking of your boyfriend’s unbelievably warm embrace, and dreaming of his slow and sweet kisses ✨✨
ok so when ur morning alarm rings, it’s go time!!! ✊✊✊
bc now it’s mission: hide this whole thing from your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to speed clean your room because it definitely looks crazy???
All the things gon knocked over when he came into your room are STILL on the floor omymmogod
You grab a plastic bag from the kitchen and ur rummaging through your room to find those bubble tea cups......where tf are they????
One is under your pillow and the other is under ur bed????
You and gon are BOTH bed eaters (if u have a problem with this u can take it up with me personally, eating on ur bed is VALID!)
So ur a little weirded out, but not too bothered 
You shove the plastic bag into the garbage can!! And you clean your room as best you can!! You even make ur bed which is wild bc.... U never do that smh
At around 8am, your mom POPS into the room and she’s like
“Good morning angel!!!!!💕💕” 
She’s acting pretty normal, and seems to be in a pretty good mood, so you’re smiling really hard rn because it seems like,,,, you have done IT!
She’s about to turn around and head out for work 
And you’re about to jump on the damn bed bc u are genius mastermind LMAO
But then she whips back around, and her laser vision zooms in on something in the distance; now she’s stepping back into your room and tilting her head to the side a little bit 
*gulp* “yes mom?”
“Why is there a crack in your window?”
jogidjog this was just for fun!! i hope u guys liked it :’)💘
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The Wedding Banquet Benefactor (Part 4)
“come I guide you…” …... I tried not to make a sound…. he connected his penis to my butt! his face as now beside mine, whispering to me on what I should do… he smelled my hair… “your cheongsam is too tight la. I better unzip it slightly for you…”
 I felt calm and relaxed... the alcohol really did help... I would be very nervous if not for it, but I guess my idea of a simple and regular wedding and then a normal marriage was just a hopeless dream...
 he slowlyyyyy unzipped the back of my cheongsam down…... then he stopped, at the area above where the bra hook will be… that’s it? I thought he would do a lot worse… I really don’t care anymore… what more could I do... there’s no going back anymore... I can’t afford it... my family can’t afford it either...
 “try again...”
 I bent forward and tried to hit the wall… wait... I mean ball…. the alcohol is really strong! I’m not such a bad drinker myself... not drunk... just tipsy… relaxed and calm!
 “your cheongsam it’s too tight at the bottom too... need to raise it….”
 I felt him pull the side of my cheongsam and raised the bottom up… I held in that position, I didn’t dare to move at all… he lifted my cheongsam up high enough to expose a fifth of my thong, the ends of my nylon stockings could be seen too…
 “ohh…” I moaned… he stuck his fingers into my thong and adjusted them… he was making them proper again, after the wedgie he gave me and I tried to readjust but to no avail…...
 “nice…” he complimented...
 “huh, I haven’t shoot yet…” I was puzzled.
 “Of course, not yet… but you will…” he laughed…
 The bride was surprised! she was in full anticipation for something else, and definitely not this!
 she felt violated!! so violated!!! he has got his tongue licking her vagina! she pressed her upper body weight on the pool table... subconsciously, the bride spread her legs more, an action which invited his tongue to go further in…
 was she enjoying it too?
 she felt HUGE mix of emotions…
 the bride cried...
 the bride moaned out at the same time…
 she couldn’t hold it back…
 the licking stopped! she lay flat on the pool table... legs still spread….
 the bride did not know what to feel. she was still deeply disturbed by whatever that has just happened... she was still in the relaxed state… she knew she should run before it gets any worse… but somehow... she remained still… very still….
 she heard him get up from the floor...
 she knew he was getting up!
 she knew!
 she could not bring herself to move at all!
 she felt him got closer behind her, heard the sound of his boxers being removed… felt his hands on her waist, adjusting her body angle. She could feel his hard penis poke her butt a few times…
 she felt it… in between her legs….
 she knew…. she had to do something soon….
 if not…….
 “mmmmm….” she tried not to moan... she was so scared... so nervous….
 his penis head was right at her vagina hole!!!
 By HER:
 “hold the stick... come I teach you how to hit the ball...” he said cheekily... couldn’t hide his pleasure…
 “huh….” I was completely lost…… took a moment... then held the cue stick with just one hand... I had ZERO intentions to learn how to play pool!
 “That’s right…. now follow my motion ok… just push as hard as you can…... ready? one… two… three!”
 PIAK! / “AHHHHH!” I screamed!
 gosh… gosh…... he pushed it in already!!! why didn’t I stop him?? why???
 gosh…... ahhh… he’s slowly pulling it out…. it’s so thick!! shit….
 shit… shit…... this feeling…... I can’t take it…... oh shit…...
 “ok… I show you how to shoot again… get ready!” he said, panting too...
 PIAK! “AH!!!” I screamed again…
 shit…. it was quite painful also… his penis is long! oh shit… what should I do…. shit…... can still feel tears dripping down my cheeks... but I don’t feel like crying so much anymore…
 PIAK! “AH!!!” (a beep sound)
 “am I good a good shooter?” he asked cheekily… keeping his penis fully inside me… PIAK! he smacked my butt… “answer me!”
 I…... nodded my head…... wait… what’s wrong with me!! was I just trying to make sure he’s pleased??? or ……
 gosh… gosh……. what should I do now…...? I need to stop this….
 “do you want me to shoot more times?” he asked......
 what should I say??
 what should I say????
 I was panting hard… I think I’ve stopped crying… why am I not crying anymore…
 what should I say?? what should I do??
 “answer leh… how… are you guai anot??” he asked again… slowly pulling his penis out…. making me shudder…
 I nodded my head… “AH! … AH! … AH! … AH!... AH! AH!”
 he started to ‘shoot’ his penis into me faster and faster…. the pool table was shaking… my waist area hurt from his thrusting and banging me against the pool table!
 “AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!” wait… why am I moaning!! I need to stop…. “MM... MM... MM... MM…….”
 He realized that I’ve stopped moaning too….
 he pulled out his penis…
 he moved away for a moment… then came back and pulled me to stand up…. I was so weak…. so weak and violated… I didn’t know what I should do… or even had any motivation to move…. he leaned forward and pressed on something…. I realized…... it was his camera…. he then hugged me and kissed me… like we posed for the camera… I don’t know why… I couldn’t bring myself to move… my hair was in a mess… I really don’t know why….
 he continued to take a few more photos… raising my cheongsam higher and higher….
 he looked at me, took the camera and got me to walk beside him… I was completely listless and emotionless… I was not calm... I was not sad or in despair…
 I simply felt nothing….
 he walked me to the bed put me to sit down… I didn’t even realize that his boxers were off until then……. gosh… I finally saw his thing…….
 and now…
 I can’t get the image out of my head…. even though my eyes are fully shut now!!
 “ guai girl… all the money on the table will be yours…. “he stroked my hair and touched my cheeks… “don’t worry… I will take good care of you from now on…”
 he started to kiss my neck…. I merely sat still……. he kissed down wards... both hands went behind my back and slowly moved my cheongsam forward, and then down my front……… yet…… I still didn’t move……I just closed my eyes…... felt him kiss down to my chests… he cupped one breast up and started to lick my nipple…
 oh nooo… the sensation…. feels sooooo WRONG!!!!
 By HER:
 “oh… so someone likes my licking….” he said with such glee and delight, I leaned backwards as he started to kiss me down, spread my legs and his head appeared in between my legs... he took my hint when I pushed his head down as he sucked on my nipples…
 this felt SO WRONG!
 but somehow….
 having his head in between my legs gave me a sense of satisfaction…
 there he was... this asshole old man….
 I felt so helpless! so weak! so much fear!
 but then, that moment…
 it changed things…
 when I…... felt his tongue licking me!
 I was SHOCKED! never thought he would even do that for me… considering how he only wants to use me!
 it was my way of getting back at him!
 I so BADLY WANTED to pee into his mouth! as REVENGE!!
 oh shit……….
 oohhhh shitt…………
 I couldn’t hold it……
 “ohhhhh…… ohhhhhhhh…...”
 oh no …. I’m moaning……. I can’t seem to force myself to urinate!!!
 I clamped my legs tight on his head... used my hands and pressed his head down on me… hoping to make him suffocate!!!!
 shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!!
 “AHHHHH!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” I couldn’t help but moan out loud…. I stopped pressing his face down… instead, I was pulling whatever hair he had left……. oh shit oh shit…. SHIIIITTTTTT!!!!
 I felt my body arched upwards……
 I lay on the bed……. exhausted…… no energy…. couldn’t bring myself to move……
 even though he was spreading my legs wide……
 even though he was getting closer in between me……...
 even though……. he had a camera in his hand…... pointing it down at me!
  By HIM:
 I really can't believe it.... she actually nudged me downwards to lick for her! she can be quite rough in bed, quite surprised! to be honest, I kind of loved it when she pulled my hair, loved it rough.... because now...... I'm going to give it to her rough!
 I stood in between her legs, at the edge of the bed... she's so young and tender, unlike my wife... Her pussy hair was trimmed. how thoughtful.... loved how soft the skin was.... I stroked her thighs...... she laid completely motionless...... just looking up at me... but not directly... more of at my neck area... she wanted to avoid eye contact... the look on her face... That expression, I could not tell what was on her mind. It was definitely not love.
 was she confused?
 I should think so.... I continued to stroke her thighs.... she was still panting, alcohol she drank keeping her calm. I took some photos of her topless body, bottom with cheongsam... ... she never reacts, just shut her eyes. completely docile, at my mercy... I slid my fingers into her and fingered her a few times… NO RESISTANCE AT ALL! she shut her eyes and her faced look stressed…
 I really cannot believe it!!
 I thought I had to consistently threaten and blackmail her!!!
 Giving her money did not make her compliant with me…
 I thought it will be……. never thought it will be THIS EASY!
 I couldn’t wait… pulled out my fingers…
 “wahhhhh…” I moaned…. as my penis pushed into her wet and tight pussy again!!!!
 I only pushed my half my penis in… she was already reacting… laid restless... breathing increased…
 I took a few more photos, her face, boobs and my penis inside her!!
 gosh this experience is making me SO HGIH!
 I set the camera to video mode…. there was a beep which I did not know how to turn off. she frowned, but still wasn’t doing anything about it...
 I really wonder why…
 what has made her changed so much?
 has she just accepted this fate?
 she simply loves my cock???
 By HER:
 he placed on hand beside my waist, the other hand still holding on to it… the white camera… he was definitely video recording now! I recognized that sound it made, now I was sure… he was recording earlier too. at the pool table! he tried to mask the beep sound as he jammed his penis into me from behind!
 “mmmmmm….” I bit my lip… not wanting to moan… not wanting to give him the satisfaction that he was making me feel something…. he was now ramming me quick and fast!! trying his best to make me moan. I saw the excitement and glee in his eyes! he was filming me! wanting to make me moan!
 I am losing my control!! quickly grabbed a pillow and covered my face. I moaned into the pillow… heard him chuckled in the arrogant manner. he knew he’s had me!
 “hurhhh!” I blurted out... opened my eyes and saw him smiling, filming me still… he had grabbed the pillow and tossed it away on the floor! I gave him a started, but the angry stare melted into a soft tender moaning look as he started to ram me hard and fast again!
(Original thread: http://tiny.cc/ovxxbz) (To be continued…)
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notaperfectprefect · 6 years
Ok how about this modernAU:
Billy is the son of Neil Hargrove, who happens to be a leader of a biker gang. Billy is also part of it because like father like son or some shit.
Steve just started school at the university in the same city. He isn’t openly bi, but after talking to one of the gay guys he met in his frat- he decides that he actually might be interested in men. Or at least he is accepting it better (but he still a little sore from nancy) OH! Did i mention that Steve is a preppy frat dude? Well, he is...
anywhoo, this gay guy from the frat takes Steve to a gay dance club in the town over or something. I imagine it to be like the episode in teen wolf where they only have blacklights on and everyone has neon glow in the dark paint on their bodies. So, Steve’s friend puts some white paint on steve’s face and arms. Steve is overwhelmed and quickly loses track of the frat dude.
Then his eyes catch the blue eyes of a certain shirtless blonde. He is also covered in paint on his torso and has paint on his lips or his face or yeah. Cue the song: Call on me by Eric Prydz going on in the background. The two boys dance up against each other after making ‘fuck me’ eyes from across the room. Eventually, billy pulls steve into a secluded corner and starts kissing him everywhere (steve is still new to his liking guys so he is fine with billy taking over). Mayyyybbbbeeee a bj occurs in the bathroom with steve just staring down at this beautiful boy in awe.
Anyway, end of the night, steve has all these kiss marks and hand prints on him when his frat friend finds him. Says something like “had a good time?” Idk. They go back to the frat.
Then like a week later, steve is at this gas station getting gas while there is also a certain biker gang hanging around. Steve goes to pay inside the stopmart thing and pops back out dropping his wallet. Billy runs over to give him his wallet back and their eyes meet and their both like “wahhhhh.” Steve says “hey” or something and billy blushes and looks over at the gang all antsy. Before he turns to walk away however, steve gives the biker his number.
Long story short (it has already been long), the polar opposite boys fall in love but neil can’t have the gang find out his son is gay and angst occurs then fluff and lots lots lots of smut.
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holographicbutch · 5 years
Me thinking about my band teacher: cries
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