#ok i dont thing bloodgood is that neglectful
freaky-flawless Β· 2 years
I saw your post about Bloodgood not even trying to find Robecca lmao, and the idea of things being awkward between them is funny. But in Robecca's diary it's mentioned that Mr. Stein did want to try to put Robecca back together but feared that her father was too much of a genius and any attempt to do so would further break her. In Friday Night Frights we only see Ghoulia find a few peices of Robecca, and when she goes to take the last one she's already mostly together. (1/2)
"2/2 So it seems that Robecca was mostly put together already and just missing a few peices. These two facts combined make it seem like Robecca had already been searched for and *mostly* found back when she was dismantled but they weren't able to fix her completely yet. I hope that helps to clear things up a bit lol."
Ah that's very insightful, thank you! Honestly warms my heart that Mr. Stein took it upon himself to try and repair her, I can only imagine his joy when he saw her complete again.
Since we do see Ghoulia find some pieces, I wonder if the job seemed more daunting to him because he couldn't find those parts, nor replicate them. That would actually make a lot of sense.
God, Robecca's whole story line is so interesting, I'm still so shocked she never got her own movie or book.
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