#ok goodnight thanks for coming to my tedtalk
glittiewings · 1 year
*takes a breath of my candy cigarette* yusuke is very much reduced to the gay shipping character to the point yusuke kitagawa gay is one of the first suggested google searches and i find that to be a great shame when he's one of the most obvious aroace characters ive ever seen. he doesnt seem to even grasp the concept of romance, see: him ignoring romance talk in the ferris wheel scene in strikers or him answering the "whats ur type of woman" question with a perspective of beauty rather than attractiveness in starlight, not understanding ann's flirting during the painting scene or other girls straight up flirting to him etc, which considering his upbringing is something he most likely wouldnt have been exposed much to from an actually romantic instead of artistic standpoint unless he was experiencing it firsthand. as shown in the boat scene he can understand the beauty of a romantic couple but when the tables are turned he doesnt even consider the romantic implications because thats not what hes there for and hes not a model for the beauty he's seeking and that scene is some of the most gay thing that happens regarding him from what i remember. its not solely a case of not understanding the hints and such but also a general lack of interest cuz we know yusuke's interests just because he's so passionate about them, in this essay i will-
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fl0tketz · 15 days
was kvetching to my mom about how annoying it is that i can’t be constantly productive all the time no matter what, and she offhandedly mentioned that if i were able to do that, i would be violating the second law of thermodynamics
and i think that’s the fastest anyone’s ever snapped me out of that downwards spiral, which is kinda funny
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
about to gts but i had a g/t thought.....ahahahahahhahahah another one to add to the pile
yk "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? imagine that but it's something like in relation to borrowers. so obviously a borrower would be a known species and seen as kind of evil,,,, maybe they're misconcepted as little creatures that sneak into your house and steal your valuables. anyway there's a borrower rhyme that parents teach kids
so there's this human that's grown up paranoid of borrowers. idk maybe they had a nightmare about them or swears they saw one. ANYWAY this follows them into adulthood where they're convinced a borrower is in their house. so they constantly practice what the rhyme tells them to do.
and maybe there is a borrower in the house but the beings are actually just some little guys looking for homes and mean no real harm.
and then my idea splits down the middle but kind of stay on the same route
there's route one: the practice that the human is doing is disturbing them (or they just hate it) and they eventually get fed up with it and confront the human, who out of fear traps them or just panics and accidentally hurts them
and route two: the practice that the human does is really helpful/fun and when the human tries to grow out of their fear/paranoia, the borrower misses the "ritual" and either a. does it themselves and leads the human to think the borrower is taunting them, or b. confronts the human and kindly asks them to keep it going resulting in again, some kind of panic
ok thanks for coming to my tedtalk goodnight tumblr ☺️
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belltrigger · 1 year
Clearly 2am before and early morning shift is the perfect time for blankshipping brain time. So uh. Disclaimer I'm no expert on this stuff and I'm prooooobably wrong on a lot if it last time I studied this was back in like 2017 and also I did an almost 12hr shift today so if it's a bit rambly or odd I apologize.
Anyways! You know how people have different love styles? Like. People will express their love in different ways and some hold more power than others depending on whether or not they align with the other person's love language right? And there's like. Gift giving and quality time and words of affirmation and stuff?
So I got to thinking . Cuz this is sort of the case with me.
What if Ingo and Emmet's loving style didn't really align with their love language? Usually people's way of expressing love will align with how they themselves prefer to feel loved but what if that wasn't the case for them and instead their love style matches the other's love language? Like.
Ingo's love style seems to be words of affirmation. He's very vocal and sincere and ENTHUSIASTIC with his praise. His cheerful "Bravo!" Always seem to fill people with energy and validation. He'll talk your ear off if you're having a bad day about how amazing you are! But if you try to do the same for him He'll just smile politely and nod along. Because that's not HIS love language. It's EMMET'S. Emmet LOVES hearing that he's doing a good job. That he's loved. Important. A good person and a talented trainer! Compliments and encouragement really get his engines going!
On the other hand. Emmet's not too good with words. Body language on the other hand is his specialty! Since sometimes words fail him, he'll just love the people he cares about with his whole body instead! And that translates through acts of service. It's not always something big, sometimes it's picking up a piece of trash before you get a chance to do so yourself. Sometimes it's helping out with some work. Sometimes it's running errands or doing favors. Regardless of what it is, he puts all his energy to it! He's so helpful! But people sometimes try to return the favor and instead of a sincere "thank you" they'll be met with a tense smile and a "it's ok I got this". Emmet might not look like it but he can be quite "territorial" over his tasks and responsibilities. He'll accept help but only when he asks for it, insisting that he got this covered until the last possible second. Ingo on the other hand always appreciates the odd favor done for him. It warms him up and tilts the edges of his frown slightly upwards. It doesn't have to be anything big for him to feel loved and appreciated. He's stuck in their office working on some pesky paperwork and Emmet will come in with a coffee and pick up one or two of the papers in the "to be completed" pile or pick up some papers that may have missed the trash can and Ingo was too busy to pick up right away and he'll just melt a little right then and there.
They got so used to being there for eachother as much and as best they could that in the end. The way in which they express their love to others ended up being the way eachother preferred to be loved by.
Emmet liked hearing praise growing up, so Ingo ended up with a words of affirmation love style.
Ingo appreciated it the most when people took the time and energy to be around and help him out in little ways, so Emmet ended up with an acts of service love style.
They had always been there for eachother and will always complete eachother. What one needs the most the other will happily give.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Goodnight
- Guilty
This is from a really long time ago, and I feel terrible about never answering it!! So for now, I'm gonna post it without commentary so others can see it!
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
*taps mic and clears throat*
tenhyeok canon.
ok thank u for coming to my tedtalk goodnight eberibadiiii
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softladyhours · 3 years
vent below read at own risk lol
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mccoy-says-yalldve · 3 years
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uhpocalypse9000 · 5 years
Do you have any advice on drawing teeth? I want to be able to draw individual teeth instead of the cartoony "fused teeth"
ok long post time boyz
So I’m assuming “fused teeth” means this:
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The way I’ve drawing teeth recently is kinda..
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yeah. There’s an emphasis on a kind of macabre feel. It’s intentionally kind of gross lmao. But there’s pretty much one rule I follow to differentiate between creepy teeth and normal people teeth.
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the thickness of the lines between the teeth make a huge difference. Side note, that mouth pose is really awkward, so it still doesn’t look that natural but y’know. 
Also, the crookedness of the teeth can make it more or less creepy, but a little goes a long way unless ur going for a meth addict look
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Important to remember that teeth aren’t straight and instead sit in an arch, resulting in darker shading the further in the mouth they are. Typically, the upper teeth are bigger than the bottom row, but underbites and overbites aren’t uncommon.
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If for some reason you need to draw gums, just keep in mind teeth are pretty long and creates ridges underneath the flesh. The more intense the shading, the more emancipated it looks so be careful lol.
Also, on the topic of fused teeth, there’s nothing wrong with that and I actually do it all the time too, like in my header or in this pic
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but if u want to be more spicy, u can go for like, this…
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(observe the teeth further back are darker than the ones upfront)
anyway thanks for coming to my TEDtalk, I’m not a master of drawing, but I am the teeth master so goodnight
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transhitman · 6 years
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People seemed to like my feather headcannon so I whipped this up real quick with no real purpose. It’s gonna get pretty headcannony from here on out so bare with me.
Ok so like the second one is how they fit the feathers under the hood thing. But if they’ve got those feathers, then why even wear a hood in the first place? Well, capitalism. Basically my thought process is that the lower class has to wear the hoods to keep their feathers hidden, and only the upper class is allowed to have the feathers on full display. This effectively forces the lower class to constantly have their feathers in a display of submission to their rulers and suppresses them from showing other emotions publicly. (I mean they don’t have eyebrows so like, it must be harder to emote.) 
Then if this is true, why does Razer keep the hood in his Red Lantern outfit? Well, gender. Birds generally have different coloration based on sex. Males generally have larger/more colorful feathers (google female vs male peacock). If aliens have human sexual traits, then they’d probably share them with other Earth species too. If you notice, I drew Razer’s feathers less colorful and pretty small, typically female traits. Listen. He’s trans. He wears the hood to keep it hidden. Since sexual dimorphism seems pretty consistent throughout different races, other aliens would probably be able to recognize avian dimorphism. When he gets the blue ring though, he’d probably be at a place where he can accept himself more and thus doesn’t try as hard to hide it, hence how I drew his blue outfit sans hood.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk. Worldbuilding and useless headcannons are my passion folks. Goodnight.
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