#oh yea by the way frank lives two floors down from eclipse in this au and eclipse doesn't know abt this till later
itsahotminuteinbetween Β· 2 months
okay so solar's dead in cannon but yknow what guess what i will NOT be emotionally shattered by this i REFUSE to be emotionally shattered by this and so in response to this i need to properly explain my dentist au because honestly that one's just for the sake of fixing the show but uh
yea so solar does actually exist in the dentist au-he only shows up at Eclipse's place when he has to pick up or drop off Lunar cuz the others are too busy to do it. He and Eclipse are veeeery cold towards each other, something Lunar is trying to mend by showin up more and more at the place in hopes of Solar understanding the situation. This one time he drops lunar off and leaves and one of Eclipse's neighbors mistakes him for Eclipse- and ofc as all Eclipses do for some reason instead of actually explaining that he's not Eclipse and is i dunno his relative or smthn he pretends to be Eclipse. Which means he's now nodding along and pretending he knows why on earth they're associating him with a dentistry (when did Eclipse get a medical degree???) and it's from this that he learns that surprise surprise! Eclipse has somehow managed to get people to like him! And they're not even evil people either!
Anyways this gets Solar to basically go 'well if the old lady next door isn't fearing the active threat to her life and instead making it cookies then i guess it can't be ALL bad' and so he ends up being a little more respectful (barely so) and lets lunar go more often, seeing as he's completely okay with it.
Eclipse is pretty baffled by this entire thing, but he tries to maintain the cold persona-he wants to scare Solar off because he's secretly afraid that his neighbors and everyone else (Lunar especially, though he will never admit it) will like Solar more than him. He does eventually realize that the people he cares about aren't gonna just up and leave him and they manage to develop a better relationship. though it's still a little tense, it's not outright hostile, something lunar heavily appreciates.
(Also when Lunar isn't dropped off by Solar and doesn't stop by on his own accord, Earth takes him-which has resulted in strange interactions with his neighbors as well. She accidentally knocked on the wrong door and ended up making friends with Alma, the old lady next door, and her own opinion on Eclipse increased after hearing the lady go on about how sweet of a boy he is and how he's always offering to fix her pipes for her...when earth gets back to the daycare and moon and sun ask her about how it went, she tells them this-eclipse doesn't know how lucky he is that he hasn't seen moon yet or else this would be held over his head for all eternity.)
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