#oh well it's still his bday so hehe JUST KIDDING i DID in fact make something for him it was planned all along ofc 💁🏻‍♀️
leetaehwan · 1 year
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jihoon ✧ HELLO mv
↳ happy hoonie day !! 💓
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taejeonie · 4 years
moments that markhee stans live for
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everytime they sing or rap as a duo (e.g. go)
their stage presence>>>>>
like they blend well together but they still have their own spotlight, u know what i mean?
and then back in mmc they were like the mom and dad of the group
“oh we’re just same-age friends”
the mcs always tease them too
so when fans found out taehee was gonna debut with the boys they were ECSTATIC
every time someone would avoid or not notice mark’s high fives, taehee’s got his back ;))
but when mark asks her for a high five she just stares at it
but then she’s like “just kidding!!! hihihi” and high fives him back
when they went to award shows, taehee would make mark laugh by dancing to the others’ performances
like she’s not mocking it she’s just eXTRA EXTRA
when they danced whip nae nae they were so cute :<<
in their weekly idol episode with nct 2018, they stood next to each other and helped each other out in the language thingy game
but then that part in “superhuman”
that’s a whole different mood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
like they both got flustered at first but they just got used to it
like there was this one concert where there faces were SO close
the venue was screaming
speaking of flustered
everytime taehee tells a pickup line it would always be directed @ mark unless stated otherwise
but mark just got used to that too
taehee joins in on teasing him with the dreamies
“just five more days, she could’ve been a 00’ liner”
“and i’m cool, you loser :ppp”
but sometimes when the babies get too out of control she helps mark calm them down
“guys, please focus :)))”
in the new weekly idol episode, taehee’s question was “if you would have one roommate forever, who would it be?”
and so she hugged mark
“is it who you want to date?”
“someone you like?”
“taehee-ssi, why did you choose mark?”
and taehee has her head on top of mark’s so it’s c u t e
“other than we’re the same age, mark takes care of me but there are other times where i take care of him,,,,so it’s kinda nice”
“ooooo it is who would you date”
“i would get in trouble if that was the question”
mark couldn’t keep his eyes off taehee when she did her facial window
mm what else
there was this one interview in america that got markhee speaking in their own language
“like,,,like yeah you know what i mean”
“yeah it’s like,,,like jsjd you know?”
“they talk like this in the dorms it’s confusing sometimes”
mark and taehee are each others’ seratonin boosts during performances
but also when they’re not performing ofc
taehee mentioned she and mark would practice a lot predebut
and that when mark is alone, she would watch him practice and join him later on
“mark really works hard,,,it makes you want to be like him in a way. that’s why when we were trainees, whenever he was alone while practicing i would accompany him and watch him,,and then join him later on”
whenever mark calls taehee “joanie” it’s so soft
cute counter 39482993
they posted a cover once and it was just mark and taehee goofing around while making the video
taehee sang while mark played the guitar, but he joined in once in a while
dreamies would always want to hear their thoughts during recording
“i want to hear what mark-hyung thinks about this”
“noona, i’m not sure how to do this. how should i do it?”
there was this one interview where taehee thought mark looked the cutest at that moment
so she stuck around him the whole time
there was this one vlive where they jammed to just disney songs
“mark you wanna make a ‘let it go’ remix and you rap?”
there are times where mark would ruffle taehee’s hair
and during those times she would be like -_-
but the fact that her dimples show make mark laugh because he thinks she’s cute
taehee was mark’s number 1 supporter when he was in “high school rapper”
they laugh at each other’s jokes
but you know that thing where you laugh too hard you have to lean on somebody so you won’t fall?
yeah that’s markhee too
you would hear stories from the dreamies how markhee went to bring them food on set
“mark-hyung brought us churros and taehee-noona had drinks”
when they were in the dreamies’ live after their ridin’ performance eVERYONE WENT WILD
the parents + their babies uwu
they have matching shoes
mark used to be the member with a different contact name on taehee’s phone while the rest were just plain
“what are the members’ contact names on your phone”
“lee donghyuck, lee taeyong, kim doyoung-“
taehee continues to answer the question like they’re not complaining atm
“jung jaehyun, markly with a heart, johnny seo-“
hyuck: <//3
“nO WAIT LET ME EXPLAIN!!! so at first all your names were,,just your names but mark saw his on my phone and he asked me to change it-“
mark smiles nervously bc of the host’s reaction, “hey it’s not like that”
“nonono, it is like that!! so i changed it and showed him and he was like “ah better :>>””
the way she imitated mark made everyone in the studio laugh
“mark doesn’t like affection but he has his moments where he’s the one giving it.”
mark being flustered pt. 29842894
they also are in-sync almost all of the time it’s creepy
they also say the same things at the same time
when they were at the ama’s she was wearing heels
so when she stood next to mark, taehee was like
“hehe i’m taller than you”(╹◡╹)
so mark stands on his toes for the whole interview
when he would lose his footing bc of that they would both laugh
sneaky glances during interviews
hearing things wrong
being dirty minded
there was this one time taehee almost slipped on the stairs while going down from the stage but mark caught her
when mark mentioned that taehee was one of the people he wanted to grow old with
everyone cRIED
“one person i want to grow old with? umm, taehee? taehee because she’s always been there for me. she teases me a lot but then she takes care of me like an older sister would. she’s very understanding and thoughtful of others. and even if we fight, we still have a strong relationship bc we get each other,,in a way. so,,yeah :)))”
besides johnny, mark loves to imitate her australian accent
“i wanna go home”
mark, with an accent: “Oh, yOU wAnT tO gO hOmE?”
they’re also cute roommates lol
they’re either jamming hard to their favorite songs
or having deep talks from their respective beds
lastly, their graduation from dream
they prepared a video for the dreamies
it was filled with their off-screen moments
mostly inside the car while they were going somewhere
and then jisung’s bday predebut
and there were pictures of them too
and then the prank taehee pulled on renjun and jisung,,where she pretended she was mad at them
“i think i cried,” jisung said in the video
and then the vcr ends with markhee saying they would continue to support dream and cheer for them
and then now is their ending ment
mark was kinda serious and is on the verge of crying
taehee was too but she was trying to lighten up the situation
“don’t criiiiiiii”
but then she ended up crying too
when taehee was saying her ending ment,,mark put an arm around her shoulders
and then they group hugged
but even when they left they still are mentioned in dream’s videos/lives
*on a phone call* “mark-hyung, is taehee-noona there?”
“noona? ah taehee-“
“you forgot her name? HAHAHA”
“-is here”
“they fight like an old couple”
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ubemango · 4 years
commission 1: soft and silly dad!seokjin
this was for his bday hehe!!!!!! Thank you to anon for your help+request :)
“How long have we had that table?”
You pause with your drying, bowl cold from Seokjin's rinsing. The oakwood isn't as scrubbed clean as you'd hoped but Seoyoon isn't as meticulous with a dish rag as you like to be. "I don't know. Eight years?"
"Lasted a long time," he says. "Ikea stuff is nice. We got our bed there too right?"
"And we've been pretty rough with that bed."
Seokjin feigns concentration with soapy hands on the pile of dishes to hide from your glowering. At the very least he saved the joke for when the kids have left the dining room. "Your point?"
"Just thinking about the—durability of our household items."
"Very introspective of you."
"I try," Seokjin sighs. You hear the tumble of building blocks just beyond the door frame, the squeal of a frustrated toddler and her little brother incapable of keeping the tower upright. At least that's what Seoyoon had complained about earlier; who knows what Junsu's been up to with his newfound 6-month-old motor skills. "Should I check on them?"
You shake your head. "Nah. Seoyoon's old enough to scream for us if she needs the help."
"Maybe Junsu's knocked over."
"He knows how to sit up."
"But those cheeks. Weighs him down so much he'll be hunched over at the back before I hit fifty."
His shoulders rumble with laughter he wants you to join in on, but you just elbow him out of the way to reach the shelves. "You think you're funny making fun of your own son."
"Nothing wrong with big cheeks," Seokjin clarifies. He tosses the sponge into place, rinses the rest of the plates. Then he slaps your ass with a still-wet hand. "Like these ones right here."
"I will kill you."
"You won't."
"You bought those fancy knives to cook, I use them to kill you." They stay slotted in the wooden holder, just an arms-reach away. You'd threaten him more if all your effort wasn't going into tippy toeing the cups into the highest shelf.
"You won't," he laughs again. "Babe you've been reaching to put that glass up there for a billion years, I'll do it."
"I can reach it."
Seokjin squeaks the water off. You can feel him watching your struggle, the squeak of his drying rag interfering with your quiet attempts to get the glass standing. He doesn't say anything when he walks over to the other side to stack the plates away. Not until he's right up against your back, bumping your hand away with his own to place the glass away for you. "Now what kind of husband would I be if I let my wife struggle like that."
"You think this gets you points." Your retort doesn't stand a chance against the warmth of his mouth on your neck. In the blanket of dark evening and dimmed kitchen lights, you melt. "Honey..."
He squeezes around your stomach. "C'mon. I call putting Seoyoon to bed."
"Whoever's done first gets the wine out after," you barter. Seokjin leaves one more kiss of agreement before you both go out to corral the kids, one of whom is, in fact, sprawled on his back because of those goddamn cheeks.
"Oh my baby," you coo, grabbing Junsu by his armpits. "Seoyoon, go with daddy to brush teeth okay?"
"M'kay. Can I ki-iss Junsu bye night?"
You crouch in the heap of multi-coloured building blocks, Seoyoon hobbling over for her obligatory kiss good night. Junsu's hair isn't as thick as his sister's but she ruffles through it like it is. "Ni' night!"
Seokjin grabs her hand, gaze soft. "See you in twenty?"
"I want the Currant tonight," you challenge, and you hear Seoyoon question mommy's choice in wine with a small what's coo-want? as her dad whisks her away up the stairs. Junsu stirs in your embrace, mumbling low noises as you follow. "You'll shower tomorrow bubba, I see your eyes closing already."
It doesn't take long for Junsu to go down. He feeds fast, and you realize it's because he'd pooped dinner out during playtime. Made for a thorough clean-up and a giggling Junsu because wet wipes make him feel happy. 
His full hamper of laundry remains untouched. You'd promised yourself you'd do it tonight for the sake of a cheaper water bill but the dryer is too loud for Seoyoon to sleep to. The contemplation of failed household duties can wait, though; you've got red wine to indulge in, a husband to complain to if he’s in the mood.
The building blocks are stowed away in the box of toys by the time you come downstairs. Seokjin's just about done pouring wine in a second glass when you settle in the couch, bones aching with the phantom pains of a long work day. Netflix stays idle on your TV screen. He hands you a glass, and you both take a quiet sip.
"Seoyoon really likes that book about spiders." Seokjin rests a lazy arm on the back of the sofa. It's an unspoken agreement as you sidle right into his side. "Did your mom get that for her?"
"I think so." 
"She likes to read like she knows how to read."
"Big brain. Gets it--"
"--From me," Seokjin says at the same time. He heeds to the pinch in his ribs with a yelp. "You may have a big forehead but who has the bigger brain cells?"
"You don't have to be rude!" You snort. He won't listen to the command, you know he won't. But he nods because it's what a nice husband does, and a nice husband also probably wants to get in your pants but he won't say it outright. Not at this hour. Half-asleep with the blur of a tipsy beginning and the paranoia of two slumbering children a floor above. 
"You don't have a big forehead," he admits to silence. You're both too lazy to reach for the remote on the side table. It's sweeter, the mindless atmosphere you soften under. Without all the static nonsense of movies you won’t pay attention to because the baby monitor sits as priority on the coffee table. "But even if you did it's not a bad thing."
"Stop talking about my forehead."
"Yes ma'am." 
The wine is slick along your throat. Seokjin doesn’t complain when you burrow deeper in his shoulder. “A year older, huh.”
“Still as sexy as ever,” he adds. You’re too tired to snark back. He’s not lying anyway. “If you still feel bad about not throwing a party, I’m telling you again: it’s okay.”
“Honey, look how tired you are.”
It’s almost funny because you didn’t even notice your eyes had closed. “You know I would’ve been happy to host something.”
“Yeah. And I’m just as happy making dinner and washing dishes with you and reading to Seoyoon about spiders,” Seokjin says. 
You want to spite your boss for making you work overtime on your husband’s birthday. But coming home to your family is still as untouched a feeling as ever, and Seokjin gave you the gentlest smile and Seoyoon squealed into your tummy in her hug, and Junsu—well, Junsu was napping. All your worlds tucked into the walls of your small home. Everything’s alright when you feel them near.
“Are you happy?” You ask.
“Always.” Seokjin takes your glass by the stem, sets them beside the static of Junsu’s snoring. “Lie down with me.”
His chest is warm against your ear. “Sometimes I forget you’re my husband.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Like you married me,” you clarify. “I don’t know. Just—coming home today was really nice.”
“I was thinking about that today, actually.”
“I was born. And then I met you. And now we have our own kids to take care of.” Seokjin sighs. “Crazy how our lives pan out, huh.”
“Right,” you agree. 
“I’m thankful for you. And Seoyoon and Junsu. And that our furniture holds up, and we have a house to live in.”
“Christ. That wine made us sappy.”
“You started it,” he argues. In the corner of your eye, Junsu stirs his neck to the side. You linger in your red-tinged breaths combined. “It was a good birthday.”
“I promise. I mean you rode me first thing in the morning—you know you have the best hips on this Earth?”
You burn. With pride mostly, but you steal a bite to his jaw for an angry effect. “You’re welcome.”
“I love you,” Seokjin kisses into your hair. “Even though you work too hard.”
You won’t disagree. It’s hard to come up with a coherent response, too focused on his lungs swelling with yours. Twined in his warmth like you both wanted today. He starts again with a funny story about Junsu and falling over, and you don’t say anything when he grabs your hand to fiddle with your wedding ring. 
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combat-wombatus · 3 years
uHm if you do these and if you want to do it I’d love a bnha matchup <3?
• my name is Aubri, I’m bi but prefer MHA boys tbh. I go by she/her, too.
• I’m a very Gryffindor person. (Sorry if you don’t know Harry Potter - 😖)
• I’m a June cancer, and I have ADHD and anxiety. My anxiety can be literally crippling somedays, but it’s gotten better overtime.
• I’m a bit of a class clown and usually just a clown 🤡 but that’s irrelevant. My teachers all hate me but like school-wise I do well so we have a love and mostly hate relationship 🤧
• I’m usually the ‘entertaining’ friend, in elementary the popular kids would invite me to play games with them because, “you’re funny” and it was like the biggest achievement ever 😭👍🏻 then they’d ignore me but that’s another therapy session
• I’m usually made fun of by people for being ‘weird’ and ‘insane’. Like all through elementary everyone thought I’d be a criminal when I grew up JUST BECAUSE I HAD UNDIAGNOSED ADHD - I hate it here 😐🦶🏻
• I’ve always been super into crime stories/true crime (where my anxiety comes from, I’m always worried about a pesky serial killer just killing me. It’s usually being kidnapped tho lmao) so I knew and still know like all these murder facts and sometimes I’d just randomly be like;
“Hey did you know it takes 12 hours and 2 days to dissolve a body in acid?”
“If you bury a dead deer over a dead body you buried deep in the ground, when police dogs sniff it and people dig they’ll just think it was the deer and won’t dig any farther.”
• So maybe people had a reason to be scared of me and think I’ll be a criminal someday, i dunno.
• I love love love reading and writing, and also debating. The things I’ve wanted to be when I grow up are basically: Dog shelter worker, actress, FBI agent, politician, and a writer. But usually I just want to do something that makes a positive impact on people. Like i wanted to be an FBI agent to solve crimes for people. I wanted to be a politican so I could actually help a lot of people. The entertainment industry also seemed like a way to make people happy. Idk, but then I decided I couldn’t be a politican at 10 because they were all corrupt and to be one I would have to be too. 😫🤌🏻 we love some good childhood angst
• the only subjects I’ve ever excelled at are ELA and Social Studies aka History, and Math I can’t do to save my life. ELA comes easy for me and I usually don’t have to work that hard and/or get too stressed over it. But I always get the meanest teachers for some reason. For example, one time I did my final essay for like 30% of my grade in 30 minutes the day it was due and I got an A+ 🦟🦗🦟🦗
• Uhhh id describe myself as a pretty loyal friend, I’m a ride or die type of girl. A story from my childhood that summarizes it pretty well is when I was in 2nd grade my friend wet her pants and she didn’t want to go to the nurse for it alone so I peed my pants so I could go with her and she wouldn’t have to be alone. Like, you know, a professional problem solver
• and I have genuinely attacked people for fucking with my friends but don’t snitch pls 🕳🏃‍♀️💨
• But also just anyone, people at my school tend to come to me with their problems for me to either help solve them by reasoning, or just to confront the other person like the bad bleep I am 😈😈
• I also have a huge daydreaming problem, it’s literally maladaptive daydreaming. So paired with my ADHD I don’t get shit done like ever.
• I have really high empathy levels I guess, like I always say hi to everyone I see on the street, especially if they look sad 😔 I’ve done it ever since I was a little kiddo.
• My fashion sense is very much a preppy/alt style. I wear those ripped tights and fishnets, I also have the MOST BIZARRE JEWELRY- like who allowed me to buy the gummy worm glittery earrings, hmmm???????? and those Mary Janes???????
• But I love crew necks and pleated skirts so I always obide by the National “hoes dont get cold” policy 🇺🇸😫🦅
• I wanna move somewhere someday, I don’t want to stay in America for very long
• I can speak Latin, French, and my native language which is English.
• My music taste varies, but my all-time favorite artists who all of their music they’ve ever put out has been my favorites are, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, and Conan Gray.
• I no-joke have a sign in my front yard that says;
In ✍️ this ✍️ house we ✍️ don’t ✍️ worship Jesus ✍️ but instead ✍️ Melanie ✍️ Martinez
• My favorite shows are MHA (duh), The Promised Neverland, and Malcolm in The Middle.
• and I’m not going to tell you what I prefer in a partner, because that ruins the fun 😤
• but I will say I cannot be friends with someone who doesn’t really make me laugh. Like I’m used to doing most of the talking in convos but if you’re just boring I’m sorry it’s nothing personal but no thanks 😐✌🏻
• About my physical appearance, I have fluffy n curly brown hair, but when it’s in the sunlight it looks sort of brown but golden yk?? It’s shoulder length :) I have bleach blonde streaks in the front. I like wearing eyeliner most days, too. I’m pretty average size/ on the skinnier side. Kinda high key inscure abt my body bc I got flat shamed in elementary EVEN THOUGH I HAVE TIDDIES NOW- whatever 😤🙄. I also have crystal type blue eyes, and I do have fairly big eyes. But, like, not weirdly big. A good big. My cheekbones are ALWAYS PRESENT so sometimes I get called a Tim Burton character but it’s cool ig ☠️☠️ oh and I’m kinda short. I’m 5’3, even though my doctor said I’d be 5’7. I feel like I was either tricked by the doctor or someone just stole my destined height while I was asleep. It’s probably cause I didn’t keep an eye out for Selener 👁 😔😔
• I’m a definite night owl, like all of my energy comes at night which really sucks cuz I can’t do much since everyone else is asleep.
• My love language is touch starved so I’ve never figured it out ✌🏻😗🔫
• but I am an attention whore so idk 😏
• I’m a huge introvert with social anxiety. It isn’t as bad as it used to be cuz I used to not be able to like go to restaurants but now I’m much better.
• I’m a huge history person, mostly like sad history LMFAO. Uh but a lot of my hyperfixations have been on history. Some examples are The Roman Empire, Julius Caesar himself, Anne Frank, The Titanic, the Black Plauge, Helen Keller, Marie Curie, Slavery in the US, Joan of Arc, and just a lot more. I always love talking about these things if someone would let me ramble to them but no one ever does 😖 it also got to a point where for all these subjects I’d go to the library and try to find a book on them but usually I’d either have already read it or I’d read it and know all the information.
• I’m super into Greek Mythology, I have 7 books filled with the stories, I’m going to Greece maybe this summer to see it’s history, and named my hamster Aphrodite but we call her Aphie. I also will talk about this forever and ever if you let me.
• My favorite color is yellow, my favorite food is literally nothing I never have an appetite, my favorite planet is Saturn, favorite song is Tag Your It by Melanie Martinez atm but it changes like everyday.
• Music is a huge safe-space for me if I’m feeling down or having a panic attack. It calms me down n is overall my coping mechanism 💃🏻💃🏻
• Biggest fear is spiders, even looking at one gives me a panic attack and I cannot sleep at all for that night, adding to my insomniac ass 🧎🏻‍♂️🏌️‍♀️
• I’m mature for my age, I don’t exactly like hanging around kids my age and I get along better with older crowds.
• i don’t like conventional dates, (I PROMISE IM NOT TRYING TO SOUND ‘QUIRKY’ AHAHA) I kind of like having a best-friend type partner more so dates that aren’t as romantic as like the movies or a fancy restaurant suite me better. My dream date is playing Monopoly on my bedroom floor 🦧
• Also I hate getting gifts. End of story. If someone gets me a gift like awe that’s nice but never again, I’d prefer to get you one. Especially in a romantic partner 😐 i keep a journal of my friends’ interests and hobbies so I can get them the perfect gifts for their bdays and Christmas’s. Been doing this ever since 4th grade.
• Though I don’t have much actual experience with relationships🧍🏻‍♀️
• I’m a huge believer in ‘family isn’t blood, it’s who you make it’ because I have a pretty shitty family life and my childhood has been trash. My friends are my family to me.
• Also if my friends don’t like my romantic partner ✨ GOODBYE ✨. Sorry girlie, bros before hoes 🦨💨
I was going to put more but I’m so so sorry for how LONG AND COMPLICATED THIS IS- idk if this is a autobiography or a matchup at this point 🤦‍♀️ don’t feel pressured to do this and if matchups aren’t open IM SO SO SORRY LMAO uh yeah ilysm 🦎🎂🧃
🥺 i’m so sorry bby but matchups are closed ;-; my 100 follower event was over while ago (i guess i should’ve specified that in the asks i answered LKSAJHFLKJAHDS SORRY IT’S MY BAD) but you sound so cool?? i had a lot of the same hyperfixations interests (heLLO helen keller was badass AF and the roman empire was messed up but still v cool, anne frank was awesome too) i also may or may not have wanted to be a politician when i was younger alskdjfhalkdhj but now i’m just 🧍🏻‍♀️ lost and anyways you’re amazing >.< love u lots and don’t forget to drink water and eat a lil something hehe :p 
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