#oh and my two hetalia blogs that I love with my life but I barely see
twpsyn-who · 1 year
I love how I follow over 400 blogs but all I see is posts from the same 5 people aghdhdbans
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The Heart Gambit (Dennor): 5-Too Clever by Half
Word Count: 1,460
Lukas and Mathias agreed to go to the park together, but are bogged down thinking about personal issues.
Author’s Note:
Yessss more Dennor.  I’m having so much fun writing so I hope you guys like it.  I’m so excited to write more this summer so let me know what you want me to write more about!  Notes, asks, and comments mean so much!
Also check out my new writing blog @thechosenburrito where I post all my writing both Hetalia related and original writing!
Previous: 4-Treat me like a Fool
The sun peeked between the curtains in Lukas's room.  He stirred a bit, regretting the promise he made to Mathias.  He pulled himself out of bed and started heating some water for coffee.  It was, unfortunately, instant coffee but it was the best thing he could do considering the circumstances.  He threw open the curtains to let the light fill the room and was met with complaints from Emil.
"You know, just because you get up at the ass crack of dawn, doesn't mean the rest of the world does." Emil groaned as he rolled over in bed.
"I'm making coffee."
Emil set up and started pulling on some day clothes.
"I hate you."
Lukas poured two cups of instant coffee and left one on the nightstand next to Emil.
"I hate you less now."
Lukas sat at the edge of his bed and looked out the window.  He sipped his coffee and began thumbuming through the book at the foot of his bed.
"I take it you're up this early because you're going to the park with Mathias," Emil said, blowing on his coffee?
"You heard that?"
"I had my ear pressed to the door of course I did."
Lukas closed the book.
"Well, I did promise to go.  That doesn't mean I wanna go," Lukas replied in a bit of a huff.
Emil stood up and pulled on a shirt.
"Yeah but you can still say no."
"I know that."
Emil sat back on the bed and started trying his shoes.
"Well, then if you don't wanna go, call him and cancel."
"I'm not gonna do that."
"Why not?"
"Because you wanna go."
"I didn't say that-"
"Admit you wanna go with him!" Emil almost screamed, pulling on a jacket.
"Why are you like this!?...and where are you going?" Lukas said, looking up from his book to see that Emil was fully dressed and heading towards the door.
"You need to admit that you have feelings for 'that asshole' because you keep repressing it and messing with your brain!   It's just gonna make your life worse to ignore it."  Emil said opening the door.
"And I'm going sightseeing.  We're in Italy, and I'm probably never coming back here again so I'm gonna enjoy it."
"Have fun on your little park date or whatever."
Emil stepped out and closed the door behind him.
Lukas stood up from the table and threw himself back on the bed, burying his face in his hands.
"What's wrong with me?" he muttered under his breath.
Was this a date? No, right?  Definitely not a date.  It was just two people going to a park to hang out.  Two people who just so happened to be competing in the biggest Chess competition in the world.  Two people who also happened to share an oddly intimate moment yesterday.  Wait that sounded wrong.  Not like that.  He rolled over in the bed.  It's fine, they're just friends.  What's the worst that could happen?  If Mathias didn't have feelings for him then everything would be fine.  Lukas would just keep living his life and after the competition, he would never have to see Mathias again.  But if Mathias did have feelings...things would be much more complicated.  As much as spending his life with Mathias, maybe getting a house somewhere, or traveling the world, it just wouldn't work out.  The media would be all over it.  Not to mention what would happen to Emil.  But most of all, when Lukas really thought about it, he just had too many flaws to be in a relationship.  Maybe but Mathias did like him, but not really him, some kind of strange idealized version of him.  Maybe that's what happening, Lukas didn't love Mathias, did he?  Was it even real?  If it wasn't real, would he think about him this much when the literal biggest match of his life was only days away?
Lukas let out a long sigh and rolled out of bed. He pulled on his clothes and made his way to the door.  He wasn't getting Mathias out of his head by sitting around in his room.
- - -
Mathias rolled over in bed to snooze his alarm.  He'd already done this 3 times and regretted telling Lukas to meet him so early in the morning.  But he figured that Lukas was probably more a morning person and would think he's weird for getting up at noon.
Mathias groaned and dragged himself out of bed.  He hissed, half-jokingly, as he drew open the curtains to see that the sun had just barely risen completely.  He made his way to the bathroom, catching a glance at a notepad he had been writing on the night before.  Last night's phone call with Alfred came back all at once.
"So you're telling me you DIDN'T talk to him yesterday."
"I...no I didn't get to.  His brother showed up, but Lukas never did."
"*sigh* ...you're killing me here Mathias."
"Hey, I tried!  It's not my fault he didn't show!"
Mathias started brushing his teeth.
"I know I know...look you just need something on him!"
"I thought this was about getting in his head and figuring out his strategies.  You know, so I can actually win?"
"Look there's been a change of plans."
He started styling his hair.
"What kind of change?"
"Well...I've been thinking about it, and you don't have to win the match on Sunday."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look, if you win on Sunday, everything will be great!  You'll have the title, maybe you do a few commercials, a couple of brand deals, the whole shebang! ...but if you lose... it doesn't have to be a deal-breaker anymore!  If you can dig up something on the other guy we can maybe... um... make it so that... you know..."
"You want to frame him for cheating?"
"Woah Woah Woah!  That's your idea, not mine haha...  Of course, we wouldn't frame him for cheat... but we could sure take the wind of his win you know... make you look like you were against the odds..."
Mathias started pulling on his clothes and putting on his shoes.
"Look I don't need that, man.  I'm a good player."
"No yeah no I know that.  I'm not talking about that.  I'm talking about finances., deals, the money!"
"And I'm talking about me winning the match."
"Since when did you care about winning?"
"I don't!"
"Well, you don't care about winning, and it's sounding like you don't care about money, so what do you care about then!?"
Mathias checked his reflection and headed to the park.
- - -
Lukas was huffing and puffing.  He hadn't realized how much walking with going to the park would involve.  He looked around and came to the realization that he was so far into the park that he had no idea where he was.  He just kept wandering around until he eventually saw a small lake.  There was a bench at the edge of the lake with someone sitting on it.  Lukas didn't care who it was, at that point, he knew his knees were about to buckle.  He made his way over to the bench and sat down on it.
"Sorry... if I bothered you... I just really... needed a break," Lukas said, trying to catch his breath.
Lukas turned to see that it was, in fact, Mathias.  He was digging in a paper bag for a slice of bread.
"I mean, you're not bothering me!  Considering I asked you to come!" Mathias beamed, passing him a slice of bread.  "I was getting a little worried 'cause I realized that I forgot to tell you where to meet me.   But hey!  You made it!"
Lukas smiled a bit.  He looked at the slice of bread Mathias handed to him.  It was a bit stale, but he wanted to be polite.  He took a bite of the bread.
"Woah what are you doing!"
Mathias laughed.
"No silly!  That's for the ducks!"
Lukas swallowed.
Mathias started tearing pieces of bread and tossing them into the water.  Ducks and their ducklings paddled their way over to the edge of the small lake and started picking at the pieces of bread.  Lukas did the same, occasionally holding his hand out to Mathias for another piece of bread.
Lukas yawned, remembering that he only had one sip of coffee.  Was he really sleeping that badly all the time?  He rested his head on Mathias's shoulder and felt himself blush.
"Heh... uh... you know I think I heard somewhere that you're supposed to feed them seeds and not bread.  I think bread is bad for them or something..."
Mathias's voice faded out as Lukas drifted off on Mathias's shoulders.
Next Chapter: 6-Someone else’s Parasite (Coming Soon)
This is technically late but I had fun writing it that’s all that matters!
I’m going to take this time to plug my non-hetalia work “ Intro to Love ” (on Wattpad) about a college student who struggles to keep her superpowers a secret and while making new friends.  How much of her normal life will she give up to save her friends from a mysterious villain that drains students’ brains and turns them into zombies?  The complete Chapter 1 is out NOW AND so is Chapter 2.1-'The last of the Good Days’!  Go read them!  Right now!   They’re waiting for you!  Chapter 1.1 is here on my tumblr!
Thanks again for reading! Send some feedback my way! Can’t wait to continue this story!
Also, again, check out my writing blog @thechosenburrito!
Quotev link: here
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another-mexico-oc · 4 years
💖 What your favorite Mexico´s ship/OTP says about YOU ...
Spanish version —> AQUÍ
Hello everyone! The month of love is finally over, but before that, inspired by the “What your Favorite Hetalia ship says about you” and related; and since Mexico is one of the most shipped countries (at least by the Hetalia and Countryhumans latin fandom), I decided to make this in collaboration with my cousin. If you are not familiar with this, basically it is a recopilation of facts some people share when they ship Mexico with another country.
- This post is for both, Hetalia and Countryhumans fans. I clarify that in this blog we don´t discuss which one is better than the other, we enjoy the healthy part and avoid the toxic part. 
-  This is just for fun, and IT SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Think of it as a horoscope, you can share some of the facts, maybe not. The main purpose is to have some fun. 
- We are aware that not all the ships will be here, or that not all of them will have the same extension. We tried to gather all we could. 
- This is an extra warning for the English translation: This post may contain a lot of mexican and latin american modern references. Also, the best known historical periods are going to be mentioned, so if you are not familiar with the history of Mexico, we invite you to watch this video, and to consult other articles and media.
Without further due, let´s begin: 
- You are mexican, I don´t have a doubt. You have a Mexico OC and you make fanarts and write fanfics about him/her with your favorite character.
- You are latino, and you came from the Latin Hetalia fandom, or you are from the latin fandom of Countryhumans (obviously, Miss Sherlock Holmes).
- You are neither mexican or latino, but still you like Mexico. 
- If you are from Hetalia, you are still waiting the day Himaruya publish the official design of Mexico, so he/she can interact with your favorite character. 
- Favorite fanfic genre: Angst.
- Your guilty pleasures are the toxic love, the impossible love or the unrequited love. Or perhaps you like stories about people who fall in love with their chilhood friend. Or you like the phrase “From hate to love...”
- If you are from Hetalia, (also applies to Countryhumans) probably you also like FrUK (France x UK) or SpUK (Spain x UK). Or you simply don´t support USUK (USA x UK).
- If you are mexican, probably you are from the North, and you love the North and South Mexico OC´s. (And obviously, you ship North Mexico with USA).
- If you are mexican, you probably have visited the United States or your have relatives living there. Going further, you are chicano.
- You love the states personifications of both countries, and you are fascinated by the idea that Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California are the USA and Mexico kids. 
- If you are from Hetalia, you like cowboy America, and you also like Mexico dressed as a revolutionary or adelita.
IF YOU LIKE 🇷🇺 RUSMEX (Russia x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You hate USAMex and surely you don´t like United States if you are mexican.
- Your favorite historical event: the Cold War.
- Favorite word: Tripaloski.
- You like couples with a lot of height difference. Lil Mex is the most adorable thing in the world. 
- If you are a Countryhumans fan, probably you also ship Perú with USA.
- You like love triangles stories. (Cough… cough… USA x Mexico x Russia)
- You have seen Youtube videos of “Rusos Reaccionan a…” (Russians react to), and of mexicans in the Russia 2018 FIFA. 
IF YOU LIKE 🇨🇦 CANMEX (Canada x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You like fluffy ships.
- You think Canada is a better suitor than the toxic USA and the distant and cold Russia. (Or if you are from Hetalia, you think Russia is too mad and unstable for Mexico)
- If you are mexican, you have visited Canada, you want to work or study there, or you have relatives living in Canadá. 
- If you´re from Hetalia, it is likely that you don´t like CuCan (Cuba x Canada).
- Also, if you´re from Hetalia, you got excited when in the anime and the manga, Kumajiro mentioned Mexico, and then you got mad because he/she was never showed up!
- If you´re mexican, you were into the memes of Peña Nieto and Justin Trudeau. 
- Like Russia case, you adore the love triangles, but in this case you like stories about brothers who have a crush on the same person.
IF YOU LIKE 🇪🇸 SPAMEX (Spain x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You like sugar daddies. (Daddy Spain 😏)
- Your guilty pleasure are stories about possesive couples and couples with secret lovers. (Okay, that´s not healthy...) 
- If you´re from the Hetalia fandom, you do not like SpaMano (Spain x Romano), and if you are mexican, you will never accept (or you ignored) that canonically, Romano received better treatment than the rest of Spain colonies.
- If you are mexican, you like when Mexico (or New Spain) is represented as the spoiled kid, as daddy´s little princess, and as the best colony of Spain. (Sorry, the other Spain former colonies.)
- Your favorite Mexico periods are the Conquest, the New Spain colonial era and the Independence. 
- Probably you not only ship Mexico with Spain. Actually for some reason you like Mexico cheating Spain with another country, either England, France, a latin country and, why not? with the United States.   
IF YOU LIKE 🇫🇷 FRAMEX (France x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You like to live the expensive life: Eating in gourmet restaurants, buying brand clothes, expensive trips with a five-star hotel stay. Or if you had money, you would love to live the expensive life. 
- You like fashion and architecture.
- Favorite Mexico period: The Porfiriato. If you´re mexican, you think that outside of the bad things, Porfirio Díaz made great contributions to the country, and his remains should return to Mexico.
- If you are mexican, you live in the capital, or/and you love to visit Mexico City downtown. 
- You like stories about characters who made the casanova to fall in love with them, or stories about the stalker gaining his crush´ heart. (Creepy...)
- If you like male Mexico, you like him to be a flirt and gallant. If you like female Mexico, you like her to be very femenine and dressing pretty outfits.
IF YOU LIKE 🇬🇧UKMEX (England x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- If you are from Hetalia, obviously you like tsundere characters. 
- You are fan of Harry Styles, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Queen, the Beatles, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, or any other english celebrity. 
- You´re a big fan of gentlemen like Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice or Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre. In fact, you have readed a lot of books from that period and from that genre.
- You like black humor, wordplay and double entendre phrases. 
- You hate Spain and you think England would have been a better sugar daddy. (Why would you think that?)
- You think England would have been a better colonizer than Spain (Why would you think that?)
- If you´re from Hetalia, you like pirate England.
IF YOU LIKE 🇩🇪 GERMEX (Germany x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- If you´re from Hetalia you think Italy doesn´t deserve Germany. In other words: No GerIta.
- You like dogs, and you want to adopt Paco from Countryhumans.
- Favorite historical period: WWI and WWII.
- You are one of those who think the Zimmerman Telegram was a love confession letter from Germany to Mexico.
- You think England and United States are the worst for intervening on your OTP. 
- You like stories Romeo and Juliet´ type: Two people who are from opposite groups who fell in love with each other.
- Also if you´re from Hetalia, besides you like the Doitsu, you like his BDSM side. (Fifty Shades of Germany, coming soon to your nearby bookstore)
IF YOU LIKE 🇦🇹 AUSMEX (Austria x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- If you are mexican, you think Maximilian I of Mexico would have been better governor than Benito Juárez. 
- If you´re mexican, you think Mexico should have been an empire since it´s independence.
- You like stories about arranged marriages, or stories about a poor character who marries a rich one, like in telenovelas!
- If you are from Hetalia, probably you prefer PruHun (Prussia x Hungary).
IF YOU LIKE 🇮🇹 ITAMEX (Italy x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- Congratulations! You are 1000% unique and different. Oh, and you are alone in your fandom too.  Barely there´s someone who shares your ship. 
IF YOU LIKE 🇯🇵NIMEX (Japan x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You´re mexican and you are 100% otaku.
- You are tired of Mexico being shipped just with europeans, latinos and north americans. Asians also deserve time y admiration.
- You love cats. (You may be also in the furry fandom)
- If some of the previously mentioned ships have this feature, with this one you confirm that you like complete opposite couples.
- You love long distance relationships.
- If you´re from Hetalia, you like Japan quiet, shy, inocente tiene la mirada… 🎵 🎵 🎵Le tomo la mano, y siente algo extraño … 🎵(Okay, i´ll stop singing)
IF YOU LIKE 🇨🇳 CHUMEX (China x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You don´t like neither USAMex or RusMex. 
- Or maybe you like the Rusia x México x China love triangle. You can add USA, and now you have some kind of love square.
- You have seen the Chumel Torres on HBO videos, specially those that are titled: “Mexicanos al Grito de Trump” and “Latinos Enemigos”.
- You like the apps Wish and Tik Tok.
- Unlike those who ship FraMex, you prefer to save money by buying good, pretty and cheap things. You have bought in Miniso and in other Chinese low-cost variety stores.
- You like couples with a lot of age difference (If you are an Hetalia fan, you know what I mean). In other words: 🎵A mí me gustan mayores, de esos que se llaman señores … 🎵
- You prefer Huawei rather than Iphone.
IF YOU LIKE 🇰🇷 South Korea x Mexico 🇲🇽
- It is more likely that you came from Hetalia than Countryhumans, and you think Korea needs more recognition alongside China and Japan, even more when this character was censored from the anime.
- If you´re mexican, your ship started when: “Hermano coreano, ya eres mexicano”. (Korean bro, you are already mexican)
- You like K-Pop.
- You have seen videos of El Coreano and Coreano Vlogs on Youtube.
IF YOU LIKE 🇧🇷 BRAMEX (Brazil x Mexico) 🇲🇽, 🇦🇷 ARGMEX (Argentina x Mexico) 🇲🇽, 🇨🇱 CHIMEX (Chile x Mexico) 🇲🇽, 🇵🇪 MEXRU (Mexico x Peru) 🇲🇽, or ANY OTHER LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRY X MEXICO.
    - If you are from Hetalia, obviously you are from the Latin Hetalia fandom. If you are from Countryhumans, obviously you are mexican and/or latino.
    - Your favorite characters are without doubt the latinos, and you prefer that all stays in family. In fact, you don´t like to ship Mexico with first world countries, or you use these last ones to create love triangles, love squares, or any other love geometric figure. 
    - You like Mexico being the dom of the relationship.
- BRAMEX: If you are from Countryhumans, you are most likely to be a fan of @torakashu. You don´t like Argentina x Brazil, or maybe you like the Argentina x Brasil x México love triangle. You also ship Argentina with Chile.
- ARGMEX: You don´t like Argentina x Brazil, or maybe you like the Argentina x Brasil x México love triangle. You also ship Brazil with Uruguay.
- CHIMEX: You live with roomies. You love tsundere characters like those who ship UKMex, but maybe not too tsunderes. And people who don´t like your ship, you smack´em with your guitar! ( 😁)
- MEXRU: If the people who ship RusMex like lil adorable Mexico, you think that Peru (who is even more short sized) is the most mega super 1000% kawaii thing in the universe. Probably you also like the Rusia x Peru x USA x Mexico love square.
IF YOU LIKE 🇺🇦 UKRAMEX (Ukraine x Mexico) 🇲🇽 or 🇧🇾 BELMEX (Belarus x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- Your favorite historical event: the Cold War.
- You think that RusMex is very overrated, and similar to the CanMex case, you think Russia siblings are better suitors.
- You don´t care to ship countries which do not share a lot of history and interactions compared to others.
- If you are from Hetalia you are a Belarus fan,and you ignore or hate her canon personality in the manga and the anime. 
IF YOU LIKE 🇳🇱 NEDMEX (Netherlands x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You are from the Hetalia fandom, without doubt. 
- Favorite Mexico Historical Period: The New Spain Colonial era.
- You like mysterious guys and with aura of "bad boy" but romantic on the inside.
- Eh… you like tulipans???
IF YOU LIKE 🇵🇭Phillippines x Mexico 🇲🇽
- Favorite Mexico Historical Period: The New Spain Colonial era.
- More probably you are from Hetalia than Countryhumans. 
- You like dom Mexico.
- Is probably that you ship, both Phillippines and Mexico, with other countries, since this two have their own harems.
IF YOU LIKE PRUMEX (Prussia x Mexico) 🇲🇽,  🇵🇹 Portugal x Mexico 🇲🇽,  Scotland x Mexico 🇲🇽
- You are an Hetalia fan.
- PRUMEX: You don´t like GerMex.
- PORTUGAL X MEXICO: You don´t like SpaMex.
- SCOTLAND X MEXICO: You don´t like neither UKMex or USAMex.
- IN GENERAL: You don´t like popular Mexico ships, and you prefer to ship Mexico with the siblings of the popular countries. 
IF YOU LIKE 🇲🇽Mexico x Any other country which is not on this post 🌎
You like random ships, you are unique and different, or you simply are a mexican who has visited or likes certain country. 
IF YOU LIKE 🇲🇽 Mexico x Mexico 🇲🇽
- You are a 100% patriot mexican.
- You like the North, South, and even Central, Mexico OC´s. 
IF YOU LIKE 🌎THE MEXICO HAREM (Everyone x Mexico) 🇲🇽
- You are mexican without doubt.
- You like submissive Mexico, or you like the flirty Mexico OC´s. 
- You think Mexico is the best country in the world and everybody should know it. 
- You get excited everytime a foreigner speaks well about your country. You often read the news about Mexico and it´s negotiations and agreements with the other countries.
- You have thoroughly investigated the history of Mexico and its relations with other countries. You've watched the YouTube channels of MainWatchers, Yolo Camotes and The Nopal Times Tops
- You are studying or you are interested on the next careers: International relations, History and Languages. 
- If you´re a fan of Hetalia, you like all the male characters and you fantasize about them. 
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We finish! If you like it and you had fun with it, I invite you to reblog it with this emoji: 💟. We also invite you to reblog it so you can share it with more fans :) 
I still have a lot of work and it seems it will get more hard, but I´ll do my best to keep active. Without anything more to say, see you all on the next post. 
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linchxpin · 4 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: i go by masha online :v
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: when i was five years old, my family and i lived in a nursing home :oc or a. i guess technically it was more of a. oh. i mean it was a nursing home, but it was one that was specifically Set Up to handle seniors and Others with. erm. psychological issues coughs
i still remember some of the residents, and i also remember occasionally helping out with some of them, too. you know. in Very Small Ways bc i was just barely Not a literal toddler lmao
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: uhhhfjfkea;gerrr???? i’m automatically drawn to noses for some reason, particularly if they’re. A Certain Shape. also eyebrows/eyelashes thinking emoji and uhhhhh idk i guess maybe hands/wrists?? idek dude i’m frickn asexual as hell lmao
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: so i usually say dumplings of any sort and from any cuisine (potstickers, ravioli, empanadas, pirozhki, steamed buns, u name it), but i was recently reminded that scotch eggs are A Thing and
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: HOMINY......... CAULIFLOWER............. whispers asparagus hhhhh i also can’t do stewed tomatoes oh g o d
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: right now it’s probably dollmakers and watching hetalia mmd videos on youtube lmao lies down
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: whatever clothes i wore the day before finger guns
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: i mean probably neither, but if i had to choose, i’m. a little bit. ??? toward flings 6_6
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: g o d. the two biggest things i can think of are that i wouldn’t have dropped out of school rip i guess maybe in the long run it wouldn’t have changed much in the way of my schooling, but. idk. maybe i’d still have a friend or two rip
the other is that i wish i’d managed to live alone longer than i had
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: to those i know well, yes
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: fjife;a kung fu panda 2 lmao also honestly a lot of the x-men movies fall under this for some reason
12. FAVORITE BOOK: a little princess, house of leaves, on the beach, and almost anything by h.g. wells, but especially war of the worlds. also i can’t not mention the secret garden and little women
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: i mean, i admit i am the type of person who is inordinately happy keeping dogs as pets bc they pretty much hit every one of my Needs for a pet, but the idea of owning like. something really really Big and fluffy Sends Me ngl
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: oh lord UHHHH don’t judge me ok but my favorites are probablyyyy 
) beerus/whis (dragon ball) ) euroshipping kaiba/bakura (yugioh) ) sora/kairi/riku (kingdom hearts) ) i think it’s called stormshipping now?? fubuki/manjoume (yugioh gx) ) bad friends trio OT3 (hetalia)
y. yeah. tried to go with a Variety of different fandoms rip
15. PIE OR CAKE: whichever one cheesecake counts as >8| but honestly probably pie, bc i frickn love pumpkin pie, chocolate silk pie, lemon meringue pie, cherry pie, key lime pie, hershey’s cookies & cream pie-- i mean the list is practically endless lmao
16. FAVORITE SCENT: SO MANY. cucumber melon, aloe vera, lysol, rubbing alcohol, BLEACH......... sweet pea, gardenia, actual rose, actual vanilla, ginger, white tea g o d you will find me literally standing in the soap and body wash aisle for a good thirty to forty-five minutes just smelling what they offer there lmao......................
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: idk uhhhh weird al? lmao
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: I WANT TO GO TO RUSSIA SOMEDAY but also i’d love to revisit sorrento and capri and florence and assisi 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: in the middle-ish but leaning somewhat heavily toward introvert :v
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: i am a very Jumpy person lmao but. other than that, it really depends on what you’re doing to scare me thinking emoji history has shown me i tend to keep a cool head in emergencies
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: telegram. ya whippersnapper *tapdances out*
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: at the moment? no orz but i still consider myself fans of games like animal crossing, kingdom hearts, twewy, uhhhhh monster hunter, super smash brothers, MARIO KART.... and also majora’s mask is probably my all-time favorite game thinking emoji
i’m also a big fan of star fox and any number of survival horror games, but they’re generally too Difficult for me to actually play rip
23. DREAM JOB: god for probably like ten years or more i’ve dreamed of being a comic creator lies down i’ve pretty much given up on that one tho. but i’d also just Love being able to do something related to drawing-- especially in animation. i also will always mourn not being able to be a teacher bc i love the act itself of teaching, but. well. mornings and me Do Not Mix. so. when i’m feeling more practical, the truth is i want very much to be a hospice nurse
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: l o r d firST THING-- get my education squared up and out of the way >:u and probably also pay off my student debt i already have. hrmmm. maybe buy a house. definitely move out, that’s for sure. take my mom to italy and/or ireland
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: iiiiiii. er. i mean, i can’t think of any off the top of my head?? i don’t tend to hate characters tbh scratches head the most i get is neutral toward them lmao
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: well. i kinda tend to cycle through old fandoms, so i can’t really think of any that i was once part of that i also have no interest whatsoever in going back to
i guess there’s some that i hesitate to get drawn too deeply into, just bc of their reputations or. honestly sometimes just bc i’m Just Not That Into It lmao
i could maaaybe put star wars here? bc it was technically my very first fandom back when i was like ten years old and the phantom menace had just come out fjfie;ahg YES I AM THAT OLD SHHH i was really into it at the time, and i still enjoy the universe itself and all, but. i can’t say i’ve felt compelled to really Join The Fandom
tagged by. whispers stolen from @sakuraari​
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