ofmdrarepairweek · 1 year
I would like to thank everyone for participating this week! It means so much to me that folks have enjoyed rare pair week.
For some reason tumblr won’t let me reply on this account so I apologize if I have seemed distant toward anyone. I am genuinely thankful to all of the amazing writers and artists who helped make this little fandom event a success. 💜
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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Izzy wondered what his hair looked like when it was free from his tie and he was about to find out in this god forsaken inn Bellamy had taken him to.
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 02:  Tattoos / Piercings / First Time [art & 1.2k oneshot]
Inspired by this post by @doks-aux + I hadn’t drawn my Sam with his long hair before this.
You can read the fic on [AO3 HERE] or you can click read more and read it here!
Sam Bellamy was famous for many things. He was a highly successful pirate captain who had captured a lot of vessels. Everyone knew how Bellamy captured Whydah after three days of a game of chase. His success also made him the richest pirate in the Caribbean. He had fifty ships under his command and a group of loyal captains who would do anything for him. He was also generous and fair. He gave his crew their share. He treated his prisoners with respect. He was unlike other pirate captains who regalled in violence and debauchery. Sam Bellamy was a different kind of man.
He was also famous for his long black hair. It was clear he took great care of his hair. For someone who spent the majority of his life in the sea, Bellamy's hair looked soft and healthy like the hair of wealthy people who had a horde of servants and oils. Bellamy usually tied his hair into a ponytail with a ribbon. Sometimes he braided his hair although it wasn't clear if he braided it himself or he asked his long time friend and first mate Paulsgrave to do it. Whatever happened, Bellamy always had his hair in a perfect condition.
No one had caught Bellamy with his hair down. It had become a joke within the pirate community that Bellamy's hair was like Samson's hair. People said if someone managed to untie Bellamy's hair tie or get it free from its braid, Bellamy would lose his power. It was a ridiculous notion, but people seemed to believe it.
Izzy wondered what his hair looked like when it was free from his tie and he was about to find out in this god forsaken inn Bellamy had taken him to.
"Has anyone told you that you're beautiful, Israel?" Bellamy asked as he kissed him sweetly.
Izzy snorted, trying to act coy despite the rapid heartbeat and the blush that was coloring his cheeks. "Don't be a twat. You don't need to seduce me to get your hands in my breeches without getting a black eye."
Izzy wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation. He did what he always did when on shore leave, drinking his weight in rum. He hadn't seen Edward since yesterday, but it wasn't something new. The twat was probably spending his money on whores and rum. The rest of the crew had fucked odd somewhere Izzy didn't care about. He was having a nice evening, slowly getting drunk, when a rowdy group of people entered the pub. Izzy noticed Bellamy among the men and Bellamy noticed him. One rum led to the most interesting conversation Izzy had ever had in the past decade. Any notion of platonic interest was thrown out the window when Bellamy put his hand on Izzy's thigh. Slightly tipsy and very horny, Izzy returned the gesture by kissing Bellamy's lips.
And now they were at the inn near the pub, the outer layer of their clothes laying on the floor. They both somehow managed to get rid of their footwear. Izzy didn't know when Bellamy undid his red sash, but he didn't want to complain.
Bellamy chuckled and put his hands on Izzy's waist. "Oh, you're a fierce one, I can tell. No wonder Blackbeard keeps you around."
Izzy grinned at him. People finally called Edward Blackbeard now. Blackbeard, the scourge of the seven seas. It was such a big achievement for both Edward and himself.
"Are you sure you don't want to work for me?" Bellamy asked with a teasing tone.
"Shut up and fucking kiss me, twat!"
Bellamy obeyed and oh, how unfair it was for him be a fucking good kisser. For a moment they got lost on the sensation of their lips meeting and their tongues dancing together. Bellamy kept his hands on Izzy's waist, grinding their lower parts together. Izzy's hands were moving on his own to find anything to grab. Before he knew it, his fingers came in contact with smooth silky hair and felt the bump of Bellamy's hair tie. Izzy pulled away from the kiss.
"Is there something wrong?" Bellamy asked.
"No, it's just…" Izzy stared at Bellamy's face, so handsome and so charming. A few hair strands draped over his forehead. His cheeks and lips were red, making him look so enticing and debauched. "Can I touch your hair?"
The smile was still there, but Bellamy looked a bit confused by his question. "Why not?"
"You seem to be so peculiar with your hair," Izzy said.
Bellamy chuckled at him. "Israel, we're going to fuck. Of course you can touch my hair."
The way Bellamy said that sent a whiplash through Izzy’s system. Bellamy was such an articulate man, it was strange to hear the word ‘fuck’ from his mouth. Not only that, Izzy couldn’t believe he was allowing Izzy to touch his hair.
Suddenly Bellamy plopped down on the floor near the bed. “Come sit on the bed.” He patted the mattress.
Izzy did what he was told to do. The softness of the mattress momentarily distracted him from the fact that he had Bellamy sitting on the floor and between his legs. The position felt so intimate and it terrified Izzy. Showing your back unarmed to other pirates was borderline suicidal. It would be easy for Izzy to snap Bellamy’s neck or to stab him without him knowing. This was a show of trust, a willingness to be vulnerable.
It was thrilling.
“What are you waiting for?” Bellamy asked. “Untie my hair tie.”
Izzy was aware his hands were trembling as he pulled the string that kept Bellamy’s hair in his ponytail. He almost gasped when the hair glided effortlessly. Izzy marveled at how smooth Bellamy’s hair felt against his finger. It almost felt like he was touching silk.
“How the fuck your hair is so smooth?” Izzy gaped while running his fingers into Bellamy’s thick black hair.
“Excessive hair routine,” Bellamy answered.
“But how?” Izzy brought Bellamy’s hair to his nose. Fuck, why did it smell so good? “We’re pirates! How can you find the time and resources to keep your hair clean and smooth?!”
“I’m the captain,” Bellamy said.
“How the fuck can you afford clean water to wash your hair instead of for drinking?!”
Bellamy laughed at his bewilderment. “Some pirates flaunt their rings and gold necklaces to show their power and wealth. Me? I keep my hair clean and healthy.”
That was unheard of. It was true pirate captains liked to wear jewelry to show off their wealth. Bartholomew Roberts wrote diamond cross for that reason, that fucking twat. It all made sense though. For someone that was allegedly the richest pirate in the world, Bellamy dressed so modestly. Keeping his hair in good condition was a testament of how wealthy he was. He needed a dedicated water supply for his hair.
“I feel like tainting your hair now,” Izzy commented as his fingers scraped Bellamy’s scalp.
“Don’t worry. I can wash it again,” Bellamy told him. “Besides, I like having your fingers on my scalp.”
“Like this?” Izzy started to massage Bellamy’s scalp.
Bellamy’s answering moan was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He did it again until Bellamy was melting under his care.
“You’ll be the death of me, Israel,” he rasped.
Izzy grinned at him. “So Sam Bellamy turns into a pile of goo when his hair is untied.”
Bellamy leapt at him and quickly straddled him to the bed. His long hair framing his face. The effect was both sensual and terrifying.
“It’s your turn to be a pile of goo, darling,” Bellamy promised.
None never said that Sam Bellamy never delivered his promise.
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ofmdrarepairweek · 2 years
Hello and welcome to the Our Flag Means Death Rare Pair week 2023! This event will take place around Valentines Day but it’s never too early to start getting the word out!
What’s a rare pair week you might be wondering? It’s a week long event where we celebrate under-appreciated or noncanon ships.
I’m looking forward to sharing the prompts as we get closer to February! Rules and guidelines coming soon.
You can find us on Twitter at @/ofmdrarepairwk and help vote on dates. Please share with your friends. Thanks!
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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He never failed his mission until he was tasked to kill Duke Samuel Bellamy.
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 05:   Paranormal / High Fantasy / Only One Bed [art & 1.8k oneshot]
The link to AO3 post for the oneshot - that kept getting longer - is [AO3 HERE]
You can click read more and read it here!
Izzy was a seasoned assassin, highly in demand for his service by various greedy nobles, jealous wives, or even insecure kings who just wanted to get rid of their competitor. His affinity to darkness manipulation enabled him to be one with shadows, making it easier to execute his targets. It also made him useful to The Kraken Company, a band of mercenaries under the leadership of the infamous Blackbeard. After some disagreement that involved one twat noble named Stede Bonnet, Izzy decided to go solo as a killer for hire. 
He never failed his mission until he was tasked to kill Duke Samuel Bellamy.
The one who hired him to kill Duke Bellamy was, of course, the king himself. It was a classic reason, Duke Bellamy became too popular so the king feared he would try to usurp him. The man was a war hero, known to be generous and fair to his subjects. There was a rumor that he wasn’t the biological son of the previous duke, but no one in the dukedom cared. When he went to court, he charmed everyone with his humor and easy smile. Of course it made the young king’s blood boil. Just a king being insecure and paranoid. So he hired him to do his dark deeds, promising him golds that could last Izzy a comfortable winter in his lonely cabin without needing to take any job. He hated going out during winter.
It was supposed to be an easy job; infiltrate his castle at night, find the duke, then kill him. Plenty of dark corners in a castle. The shadows of patrolling guards made it easier for him to hop his way to the duke’s bedchamber. It should be easy, really. He had done it a lot of times. Of course, it went wrong so quickly.
So here’s the thing, Izzy actually did a quick recon and tried to find information about his target. He knew Duke Bellamy’s schedule. He knew that his trusted advisor Paulsgrave usually left him alone after the dinner bell. He had planned a way in and a way out. He knew the duke was an exceptional strategist even though his swordsmanship was average. People said he was a good archer, but Izzy doubted Duke Bellamy stashed bow and arrows near his bed. There was no mention of Duke Bellamy having magic affinity. It should be easy.
Izzy wanted to murder whoever said Bellamy didn’t have magic affinity.
One moment Izzy was slipping through the gap below the door. Bellamy was hunched on his desk, probably working on something. Izzy hopped to his shadow with his dagger in his hand . Suddenly he heard a low hum followed by a rumble before he was forcefully shoved away from Bellamy’s shadow. He could feel the sigils he painted on his body an hour ago had ceased to function.
“I can’t have you hiding in there,” Bellamy said so casually. His eyes were still trained on the parchment on his desk. “Let’s just calm down and we can talk.”
Izzy felt himself relaxing after he heard that deep soothing voice. Something wasn’t right.
“I know you’re confused, but there’s no need to be hostile,” Bellamy continued, still with a calm, pleasant tone.
Izzy felt himself going even more relaxed. He lost the edge that kept him on guard. The grip on his dagger loosened a bit before his long year of training kicked in. “You’re using magic to charm me!”
“And you were using magic to kill me,” Bellamy argued. “I’d say we’re even. Don’t you agree, Mr. Assassin?”
While he didn’t feel the urge to compel, the relaxed and calm emotion that suddenly flooded him made it hard for him to disagree with Bellamy. What kind of magic did Bellamy possess?
Bellamy finally put the parchment down. He turned to meet Izzy face to face. Izzy had never seen the man up close, so he was struck by how good looking the man actually was. There was a healthy shine on his long black hair. And his eyes. By the gods, he had a set of dark kind eyes.
“Listen,” Bellamy said, “I know that you’re here to kill me. I’m going to guess it’s the king because my cousin won’t be able to afford your service.”
Izzy frowned. “You know me?”
“I have heard about an assassin that can travel from shadows to shadows,” Bellamy replied. “It’s actually an honor to have Israel Hands himself sent to kill me. I want to say it’s nice to see you, but you literally are here to kill me.”
A surge of pride washed over him before he clamped it down. Bellamy was affecting his emotion to make him more agreeable. “How the fuck did you do magic that without activating any sigils or doing gestures?”
Bellamy chuckled. “I’m not going to spill my secrets to my killer.”
Izzy thought hard to find a way out of this mess. First, he needed to guess what kind of magic Bellamy was using against him. It was clear Bellamy could disrupt his magic by some sort of vibration, but vibration magic required the caster to create vibration. He had seen casters punch the ground as they chanted the spell to triple the strength of the vibration. But Bellamy didn’t require any spells or sigils. He could also charm him without using any spells. So what did he actually do?
“Fuck,” Izzy mumbled as he realized what Bellamy was doing, “you have sound magic affinity. That’s why you don’t need sigils or hand gestures. Your voice is your magic.”
He had heard stories about earthquakes happening in the battle led by Bellamy. People assumed one of the war mages in his command was the one creating the earthquake with vibration manipulation. Who would have thought it was the duke himself who created the earthquake with his freaking voice.  
“Very good, Mr. Hands,” Bellamy said, smiling widely as if he was so impressed with Izzy’s guess. “Your ability to make a correct assessment under duress is remarkable.”
Fuck! He was fucked indeed. The fact that Bellamy could use his voice to disrupt his magic sigil was proof of how adept he was in using his magic. Sound magic combined with vibration manipulation could create a very volatile effect.  The only way to defeat him was by using a silencing spell, but Izzy couldn’t do that. If he knew Bellamy had sound affinity magic, he would have brought a silencing spell scroll.
“Do you like your job?” Bellamy asked.
The question caught him off guard. “The fuck?”
“I’m just curious,” Bellamy replied. “Do you like your job as an assassin?”
Izzy frowned, but he didn’t say anything. He was on guard, bracing for Bellamy’s charm again.
“Is it money or anything else?” Bellamy guessed. “Is it fulfilling?”
Izzy gritted his teeth. He wouldn’t say it was fulfilling. It was lonely. It paid well but he was so lonely. There was something missing in his life after he walked away from Edward’s life. Well, he was forced to walk away after he lost the duel to Bonnet on ‘technically’ that wasn’t even technical.
“Why do you kill people, Mr. Hands?” Bellamy took a decanter of wine and poured himself a glass of wine.
“It’s none of your fucking business,” Izzy hissed. Why didn’t Bellamy call for his guard? What was his game?
“Just trying to figure you out,” Bellamy replied. “Do you want wine?”
Izzy eyed the wine with skeptical eyes. “No.”
“Eh, more for me,” Bellamy said. He sat down on his desk. “Do you want to work for me?”
Izzy once again found himself perplexed. “What?”
“Do you want to work for me?” Bellamy repeated. “I keep getting death threats from my cousins, the king’s relatives, and now the king himself. Having a bodyguard that can hide in my shadow sounds great.”
That was probably the most idiotic thing he had ever heard. “You want an assassin who is hired to kill you to hide in your shadow all the time?”
“I could use the company,” Bellamy said. “I won’t say no to having a handsome man like you to accompany me wherever I go.”
Izzy’s mind stopped working. Did Bellamy flirt with him? Was this flirting?
“You’re very skillful and clearly knowledgeable,” Bellamy continued. “You can be like an anti-assassin. You know how an assassin works so you can anticipate how people are going to kill me.”
That was… not wrong. But still, employing an assassin as a bodyguard sounded dumb.
“Are you from this kingdom?” Bellamy asked.
“Do you have any plan to pledge your loyalty to my king?” 
Izzy made a face. “No!”
“Oh, strong reaction. I like that,” Bellamy said. “Is it money? I can give you money. People say I’m fair with my payment so there’s that. You can also have some benefit if you work as my bodyguard. Access to my castle amenities. I have a healer on call, top notch potions.”
Was Bellamy being serious right now?
“And I’m not lying when I said I could use the company,” Bellamy admitted. “It’s a bit lonely here.”
Izzy could relate to that. He was lonely. He knew how it felt. He longed to have a connection with someone. Maybe working with Bellamy wasn’t that bad. Wait. Was it all him or did Bellamy affect his feelings?
“Before you ask, I don’t do anything to manipulate your emotion,” Bellamy told him. “My voice has a weird vibration when I use my magic. It’s noticeable if you focus on my voice.”
Bellamy was giving away his secret willingly. It was a sign of trust. Shit. Bellamy was serious about it.
“Can I think about it first?” Izzy asked.
“As long as you think about it here,” Bellamy replied.
Izzy snorted. “So it’s agreeing to work for you or getting executed for trying to kill a duke?”
“No. If you don’t want to work for me, I’ll  give you ten seconds to run before I alert my guards,” Bellamy said. “It seems like a fair trade considering you can jump between shadows.”
Well, he had tried to escape from worse situations than this. Izzy took another look at Bellamy. He wasn’t ready to be greeted by Bellamy’s hopeful smile. He tried to ignore how his heart started to beat faster. He wanted to pretend it was due to adrenaline, but he was aware his cheeks were starting to get warm.
“Ok,” Izzy finally agreed. “Yeah, I’ll work with you. Why not.”
Bellamy gave him a wide smile. “Excellent! Your service would help me tremendously.”
Izzy frowned. “I’m just going to be your bodyguard, right?”
“That’s true. And having an invisible bodyguard that can be with me all the time allows me to move with my plan.”
“Your plan?”
“I’m going to usurp the throne.”
It turned out the king was not just an insecure and paranoid man.
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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“It’s in my wikipedia page. Sam Bellamy’s special talent; singing.”
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 06:   Music / Magic / Fake Dating [Art + Fic 1,7k]
This belongs to the Billionaire AU that I wrote for Day 1 Prompt. The link to AO3 post for the oneshot  is [AO3 HERE]
You can click read more and read it here!
If someone told Izzy that he would date one of the richest man in the world five months ago, he would tell them to shut the fuck up. What a fucking joke. Just because his cheating ex-husband was now dating (and also cheated) a rich entrepreneur Stede fucking Bonnet, it didn't mean he needed to find himself a wealthier boyfriend just to piss Edward. He was just the owner and manager of Queen Anne's Coffee, a small coffee shop in London. He was too old to use dating apps like tinder or Grindr or whatnot. How could he find himself a rich boyfriend when he was trapped in his cramped office almost all the time? Izzy didn't have the time to entertain that bullshit so shut up.
Of course the world decided to conspire against him and brought Samuel Bellamy to his shop aka the 6th richest man in the world.
He wasn't sure how they ended up dating for real. One coffee led to the most romantic dinner date Izzy had ever had. A casual hook up led into a romantic relationship that was surprisingly normal, except maybe the occasional gifts he received from Sam. When Sam wasn't in London, they video called everyday, just to say hello and catch up with life. And then there was a full month where they didn't see each other at all because Sam was going to Australia for business. The timezone made it tricky for video calls. They tried to video call at first, but Sam looked so utterly exhausted and Izzy didn't want him to get sick.
Izzy won't lie that he was afraid at first with the fact that he's dating a billionaire. At the beginning of their relationship, the only rich person he knew was Bonnet and Bonnet was a twat. Izzy was delighted to find out that Sam is modest for someone who has a 63 billion net worth. Sure, he lives in a far better neighborhood than Izzy and has assistants and also wears designer suits, but he was very down to earth. He only wears expensive suits to dazzle his business partner. Aside from that, he likes to wear t-shirts and jeans. He doesn't really eat in Michelin restaurants because 'you can get delicious food with affordable prices in the deli'. His gifts to Izzy are all practical things that Izzy needed for his coffee shop or flat. He never looks down at Izzy or assumes he knows what's best for Izzy. Izzy has visited Sam's flat in London and New York and it's hard to believe a billionaire lives there.  Maybe it's all because Sam came from a blue collar family and grew up poor. It's great to see money doesn't really change him. 
"Money can make you happy," Sam told him one day when Izzy asked him about his modest lifestyle. "It seems ignorant to say 'money can't buy happiness' because money can bring you comfort, which is crucial for your physical and mental health. What people fail to understand is there's a certain threshold where money stops bringing you that sense of fulfillment and happiness. It can lead you to the urge to gain more money and reputation to fill that void or you can say some bullshit like 'money can't make you happy'."
"Is that why you reject the rich man stereotypes?" Izzy asked him.
"Having enough is the key to my happiness." Sam smiled at him. "Especially when I have someone like to share it with me."
Izzy still remembers the slow love making that followed that conversation.
And now five months later, Izzy and Sam's relationship is still going strong despite the distance, time zones, and social status. How do they make their long distance relationship work? Two words; mutual devotion. Izzy came from a relationship where he was the one who devoted his life for his partner. Having someone eagerly devoting his time for him is great. Sam is super busy but he always has time for Izzy. 
"Ooh, someone is missing his boyfriend," came Lucius' annoying voice.
Izzy turned to glower at him. He regretted agreeing to Fang's request to hire Lucius. He already works for Bonnet at Gentleman's Dining, but he needs more money this month to fix his boyfriend's PC. He's super chatty and nosy and he pissess Izzy off. His friendly charm is good for the business though.
"Shut up, Spriggs," Izzy grunts while keeping his eyes fixed on the coffee shop's visitors.
"I'm going to shut up if you tell me who's your boyfriend," Lucius says.
Izzy doesn't know how Lucius found out he had a boyfriend. Thankfully, Lucius doesn't know who he is - he  needs to thank Ivan and Fang for keeping it a secret. He and Sam are both private people. And considering Sam is a public figure and one of the most influential men in the world, it's safer for them both to keep their relationship a secret.
"Can you show me his picture?" Lucius tries again. "Come on, I just want to know. If he's hot I'll tell Stede and Ed so they're going to be jealous."
"It's not your business," Izzy grumbles. Hearing those names still makes his blood boil.
Lucius rolls his eyes. "You're not fun."
"We're here to work. We're not supposed to have fun."
"Ugh, I bet your boyfriend is as boring as you."
Boring? Sam Bellamy is far from boring.
"Oh my god, did you just smile?" Lucius teases him. "I really need to know who he is now!”
Speaking of the devil, his phone vibrates, notifying him of a new message. Izzy takes his phone and smiles when he sees a message from Sam, asking if it’s ok to do a video call now.
“If you need me, I’ll be at my office,” Izzy tells him while walking away.
“Ooh, are you going to call your boyfriend?”
Izzy flips him off before he disappears behind the back door.
Once he’s finally alone in his office, he plugs his earphone then presses the video call button. It only takes three rings for Sam to answer his call. His irritated mood is gone completely when he sees Sam’s face. It seems he’s fresh from the shower, considering his hair is all wet. Sam looks a bit tired though. Despite all that, Sam still looks so breathtaking.
“Hello, darling,” Sam greets him, “how are you doing?”
“Lucius has been a twat all day,” Izzy tells him. “How’s the flight to New York?”
“The flight itself was great. The actual city though.” Sam gave him a thumbs down. “Traffic is bad. It’s cold.  I can’t believe I miss Melbourne just because it’s warmer.”
Izzy chuckles at Sam’s misery. “Man up, Bellamy. You just need to wear more layers.”
“Screw you, I’m a Southerner. Thirty degrees is too cold for me,” Sam complains.
Izzy does a mental calculation to convert Farenheit to Celcius. American and their imperial unit. “Does it mean you’re going to wait until Spring to come here?”
“For you, darling? I’ll go through a snowy mountain if you need me,” Sam says. 
That was so cheesy. Izzy should cringe at how bad it is, but he finds himself smiling. Fuck. He’s really smitten with this utter buffoon. “You better be. You’re the one who can afford a plane ticket from London to New York.”
Sam chuckles, warm and low. It sends a pleasant tingle to Izzy’s entire nerve. “I’m going to London next week. I should be there for 2 weeks, if Paul can help me with my schedule. Why don’t we do something fun together? What do you want to do?”
Sam always asks him that when he’s in London. He always asks, ‘what do you want to do’ or ‘what do you want to eat’ or ‘where do you want to go’. It really feels nice to be someone’s priority. Izzy tries to balance it by giving all his best to Sam in return.
“You twat, you’ll be here for work,” Izzy reminds him. “You won’t have time to have fun.”
“Correction; I’ll be there for business and pleasure,” Sam argues. “Why don’t we watch a concert? Will there be any good concerts next week?”
“I’m too old to go to a concert,” Izzy says.
Sam is giving him an unimpressed look. “I’m older than you by three months. Stop making me feel so ancient.”
Izzy takes a deep sigh. He really doesn’t fancy the idea of going out. Sam is an extrovert who thrives in public places. “Can we just spend our time together quietly?”
Sam nods his head. “I guess we can spend our time at your place.”
“Let’s just go to yours. Your flat is better than mine,” Izzy says. He then remembers something. “You promised to play your piano for me the next time you’re back in London.”
“Oh, right! I need to prove to you that the piano is not a decoration,” Sam says. “I can give you a mini concert. How about that?”
Izzy smiles at the thought. “A private concert from Samuel Bellamy?”
“Your man here is a singer. Don’t you know that?” Sam teases him back. “It’s in my wikipedia page. Sam Bellamy’s special talent; singing.”
Izzy laughs again. “Didn’t you pay people to make your wikipedia page look good?”
“I did but the singing part is true,” Sam insists. “I’ll show you.”
Oh, this is interesting. “You’re going to sing now?”
“Hey, I sing every time I have a shower,” Sam says.
Before Izzy can say anything, Sam starts to sing.
Holy fuck, Izzy isn’t ready for that.
Unforgettable that's what you are
Unforgettable though near or far
Izzy is not ready for Sam’s bass voice. It’s so warm and rich and it’s just incredible. Izzy has suspected that Sam can sing judging by how he talks, but he didn’t expect him to be that good.
That's why darling, it's incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable too
There’s a period of silence when Izzy is trying so hard to process what just happened. That voice is just so… good. And that song combined with his intense eyes? No wonder his cheeks are flaming hot right now.
“How is it?” Sam asks with a smirk. Oh, he knows e
“Fucking twat,” Izzy murmurs. “You better do that private concert once you’re here.”
Sam beams at him. “It’s a date.”
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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"Why do you cut your hair?"
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 07:   Free Day [Art + Fic 700 words]
The reason why I draw my old Sam Bellamy with short hair instead of long hair. It can be seen as a missing scene for The Last Voyage.
Ao3 link [HERE]
You can click read more and read it here!
Izzy had been working as Sam's first mate for a while now. He really enjoyed working for the man because he was always clear with his direction and goal. He valued Izzy's input and never dismissed his concern. He never played guessing games or played tricks on him. Izzy liked how Sam could separate business from pleasure. Sex didn't have any real effect on their professional relationship. Izzy really appreciated how structured Sam was so ready to do anything to help Sam.
One thing that he was required to do was cut Sam's hair. Sam had thick straight hair that would be a hassle if he kept it long. Well, Sam used to have his hair long. Edward also had long hair and beard, but he was an outlier. Izzy respected Sam's decision to keep his hair short even though deep down he thought long hair really suited Sam. He remembered seeing young Sam - pre Whydah - and his glorious long black hair. That was how he got his nickname Black Sam. Sam Bellamy and his long black hair.
He wondered how Sam would look now with longer hair. The man had a peculiar gray hair pattern that was concentrated on his bangs. Sam's hair was also strangely healthy and soft despite the fact they were on a pirate ship. Izzy really enjoyed running his fingers through Sam's hair during sex. It felt like silk.
Would Sam be even hotter with his long hair framing his face? He tried to imagine Sam leaning to the bulwark as he pushed some loose hair strand away from his face. Izzy found himself hot and bothered by his own imagination.
So one day, when Sam asked him to cut his hair, Izzy dared himself to ask him a question.
"Why do you cut your hair?" 
The question caught Sam off guard. "For practical reasons. It's hot here and I don't really want people to know that I'm still alive."
Fair enough. "Long hair didn't bother you much when you were young."
Sam took a moment to think about how to answer that. Sam tried not to keep any secret from Izzy. He seemed reluctant to do it. There must be a good reason for the hairstyle change. 
"Three things," Sam suddenly said. "First, to make me less recognizable. Second, hair loss. Long hair is making me lose more hair.  It became gradually worse over time. I don't think I can pull a bald look like Paul. Would you still like me if I'm bald?"
"Shut up," Izzy snorted, smiling.
"And third," Sam continued, "I can't tell you. It's between me and the sea."
Although he was still smiling, there was something melancholic in Sam's eyes. The palpable sadness tugged something in Izzy's chest, making him want to protect this man from any harm that would come his way. 
“It’s not like I don’t trust you,” Sam continued. “It’s just…”
“Yeah, ok,” Izzy cut him. If Sam wanted to keep it a secret then it was his choice. He could take care of his captain without knowing all his secrets. The fact that Sam allowed him to cut his hair was enough to prove that he trusted him. “When do you want me to cut your hair?”
It wasn't until that time Sam told him about the dark days he had after Whydah that Izzy finally learned Sam cut his hair during one of his breakdowns. His long hair reminded him of his failure. His once pride and joy now brought him terror to his heart. He blamed himself. The guilt tormented him. Sam cut his hair to help him get through the guilt of being the only survivor.
"Do you like me better with long hair?" Sam asked one day when Izzy was cutting his hair.
Izzy's put the scissors away. "Would you like to grow it back?"
Sam didn't say anything at first. "I don't know."
Izzy put a hand on Sam's shoulder and leaned down to kiss Sam on the top of his head. "Do what you want with your hair. I don't care."
Sam snorted. "Even when I go bald?"
Izzy chuckled. "Yeah. I bet you're still hot with a bald head."
Sam reached out to touch Izzy's hand. "Thank you, Israel."
Sam probably wouldn't grow his hair back anytime soon, but who knew? Maybe one day, when the wound had healed completely, Black Sam would have his long beautiful hair once more.
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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“Sam is here for you, Boss,” Fang called from the manager office’s door.
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek​
Day 01: Coffee Shops / Roommates / Confessions [art & 1.5k oneshot]
You can read a quick oneshot for this fill on [AO3]  or you can read it under the cut
“Sam is here for you, Boss,” Fang called from the manager office’s door.
Izzy looks up from Queen Anne’s Coffee daily cash book on his laptop and takes a deep sigh. For four weeks on every Wednesday around 4-5 PM, a man dressed in nice suits always visits their coffee shop and makes the same order. A medium size cup of hot black coffee. He’s polite, charming, and always leaves a big tip. 
Sam only wants Izzy to brew his coffee.
Four weeks ago Izzy was forced to cover the afternoon shift because Ivan needed to go A&E due to food poisoning. Around 5 PM, a man dressed in an immaculate suit entered the slightly crowded coffee house. Although he was accompanied by a tall bald man who seemed to be his assistant or bodyguard, his presence stole everyone’s attention. He walked with the confidence of a man who was used to living in the spotlight. He smiled at Izzy when it was his turn to order.
“Hello, one black coffee please,” the man said with a low rumbling voice that managed to shake his core.
Izzy didn’t believe in love at first sight, but maybe it was possible for someone to fall deep for someone’s voice.
Izzy learned the man’s name is Sam and he also learned that Sam was very peculiar with his coffee.
“God damn, this is the best coffee I’ve had since I arrived in London,” Sam told him with a big smile. He sounded American. “You, sir, are a genius. Can you tell me how you brew this?”
Since there was no line, Izzy humored the man and answered his question. By the end of his explanation, Sam was so happy with him, he left a tip in the tip jar.
“What the fuck? That’s enough to buy another cup!” Izzy pointed out.
“For your excellent coffee and your excellent impromptu tutoring,” Sam told him. “Until we meet again,” he said with a wink.
That wink almost gave him a heart attack.
Sam’s next visit was during Fang’s shift. Because Sam asked Fang so nicely for Izzy, Fang did his best to drag Izzy out from his little office. The next one was during Ivan’s shift and Ivan immediately came to find him without being asked by Sam.
And now is Sam’s fourth visit.
“Boss, your crush is waiting,” Fang teases him.
“I don’t have a fucking crush!” Izzy denies as he walks out from his office. He does have a crush on Sam, but no one needs to know.
“You should ask for his number,” Fang suggests while following Izzy.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Izzy dismisses him. “I’m not a fucking teenager.”
“Why not? He seems to be around our age,” Fang argues. 
“He’s a customer.”
“Then why were you two flirting with each other all the time?”
Izzy’s steps come to a halt. He turns around to face Fang. “What?”
“You chatted with him even after you gave him his coffee,” Fang explains. “You hate small talk.”
“It’s not small talk. He asked me about coffee!” Izzy insists.
“Sure.” Fang nods his head even though he has a mischievous smile on his face. “Just ask for his number, Boss. It’s been five months since your divorce with Ed.”
Izzy grumbles. He doesn’t like to think about his ex-husband Ed. Thankfully, their divorce wasn’t that messy because he could prove Edward was cheating on him with Stede fucking Bonnet. Edward was also happy to give the ownership of Queen Anne’s Coffee to Izzy since he claimed he was bored of managing it. Edward lived and worked with Bonnet in Gentleman Dining now, off with his fancy rich boyfriend. Good fucking riddance.
“Just ask, Boss,” Fang says, “the worst he can do is saying no. I’m pretty sure Sam likes you as well.”
The thought of someone like Sam liking him makes his heart soar. “You think so?”
“Me and Ivan think so,” Fang says.
The coffee shop is a bit crowded at this hour, yet Izzy finds his eyes falling on sam. It’s hard to ignore the man since his double breasted suit looks too expensive for the neighborhood. His easy going smile greets him, making his ridiculously good looking face shine even more. Izzy tells his heart to stop beating too fast.
“Welcome to Queen Anne’s Coffee,” Izzy greets him as he puts on his apron.
“Hi, Izzy,” Sam answers, “one black coffee as usual, please.”
Izzy immediately moves to the coffee machine and starts to make Sam’s coffee. He’s acutely aware of Sam’s eyes on him. He doesn’t understand why Sam’s gaze makes his hands tremble.
“You don’t need to be nervous,” Sam says to him.
“Fuck, yeah. Sorry,” Izzy mumbles.
“Is something wrong?” Sam asks, voice fills with concert that compels him to tell this man his woe.
Fuck, fuck. How should he approach this? It’s been too long since he asked someone out. Can he just ask for someone’s number out of the blue?
“Izzy?” Sam asks again when Izzy seemingly has stopped working. Izzy looks up and stares directly at Sam’s eyes. “Can I ask for your number?”
Sam is still smiling at him, but his eyes look a bit confused. “My number?”
Shit. Did Ivan and Fang misread the whole situation? Fuck! “Yes. Your number,” Izzy confirms. Fuck, he hopes this won’t be too embarrassing.
Sam leans to the counter. The confusion is gone, replaced by amusement. Izzy doesn’t know if this was better or worse. “You want my number?”
“For fuck’s sake, if you don’t want to give it just say it!” Izzy cut the chase, face starting to get warmer. “No need to be a dick, you twat.”
Surprisingly, Sam breaks into laughter. “Oh my god, this is the best day of my life. No one has ever called me a twat right to my face.”
Izzy frowns. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make fun of you,” Sam explains. “You caught me off guard with your question. People don't just go to me and ask for my phone number. They usually go to my assistant first."
Izzy stares at him dumbfounded. Is this a rich people thing?
"Do you have a napkin so I can write down my number?" Sam asks.
After he gives the napkin, Izzy continues to prepare Sam's coffee while the other man jots down his number. At the end, they swap the coffee with Sam's phone number written in a neat big number.
"That's my number while I'm in London," Sam tells him. "Do me a favor and don't give that to anyone. There are only four other people who know that number."
Ah, so this must be his personal number. Izzy feels honored to get this number. "How long are you going to stay in London?"
"For another month at least," Sam replies. "But I just closed a big deal so I'm sure I'm going to go back and forth between New York and London pretty often for a year."
That sounds promising. Another reason why Izzy was reluctant to make a move was because he wasn't sure how long Sam would be here.
"If I don't immediately reply to your message, it doesn't mean I'm not interested," Sam tells him. "I'm probably busy. Having clients all over the world also means I have virtual meetings at odd hours so I have a weird work schedule. But rest assured, I'll reply as soon as I have the chance. I promise. I really like to get to know you better, Izzy."
Izzy wants to say more but a new customer has entered the coffee shop.
"That's my cue to leave," Sam says. "I'll be waiting for your text."
With Sam's gone, Izzy goes back to his office to continue his work. It's close to seven when he's finally done with administrative work so takes a break by browsing through the newsite. It's good to keep updated with the recent news. Who knows what fucked up shit the British government is brewing right now.
His eyes catch a newly published article about how a big American holding company would start their business here in the UK. The article includes the photo of smiling people whom Izzy mostly doesn’t recognize except for one person.
Sam was there in the photo.
Izzy already feels  his brain is short circuiting when he sees Sam. His mind makes a mental somersault when the article said that Sam is none other than Samuel Bellamy, the founder and chairman of Bellamy Group, a multinational corporate group from America. 
His mind is completely blown when he googles Samuel Bellamy, he’s not aware of Fang knocking on his door.
“Boss, I’ve been calling your name but you don’t say anything,” Fang says. “Are you ok?”
Izzy turns to Fang. With a look of horror, he says, “I just asked the phone number of the sixth richest man in the world.”
Izzy doesn’t know whether he should be thrilled or horrified by this revelation.
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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Sam didn't believe in soulmates. Well, he no longer believed it.
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 03:   Soulmates / Heartbreak / (Found) Families [art & 1.6k oneshot]
This is also a backstory of Sam Bellamy from my long Bellhands The Last Voyage [AO3 HERE]
As usual, you can read the fic on [AO3 HERE] or you can click read more and read it here!
Sam didn't believe in soulmates. Well, he no longer believed it.
He once believed in true love and soulmates, when he was still an innocent country boy making his name in a big town. As an orphan living alone in the harsh busy town, the thought of there was someone out there for him was a comforting thought. Isn't it great how the universe creates someone to accompany you for the rest of your life? He only needed to look at his ma and pa and how the love they shared helped them to get through the agony of dying slowly from starvation. Love couldn’t sustain their physical body, but at least it brought comfort knowing that they had someone to get through the hardship together.
So young Sam Bellamy dreamed of finding the right girl for him. He worked hard, learned his letters and numbers on his own, begged people to teach him things he didn't know, and tried to become better. He saved his money. He only bought things he needed. He only ate to sustain his body so he could wake up and repeat the process. He did all that because he believed that if he lived an honest life then surely gods or the universe would reward him, right?
Time went by. The innocent boy grew into a naive young man. He still looked at the bright side of the world and dreamed of finding his soulmate. For years he worked and educated himself with borrowed books from the library. For years he found friendship with his boss' son Paulsgrave. Years went by and the right girl had yet come into his life. Maybe he was just too young. Maybe when he was older, he would find that girl.
He was eighteen when he finally met someone who made his heart leap and his world brightened simply by her smile and soft words.
Maria Hallet was her name. She was the daughter of a wealthy farmer who just moved to Cape Cod. She made his heart skip a beat when she smiled at him. His bleak world suddenly had colors in it. He loved her way too much and she loved him back. Young Sam was convinced she was the girl fate had given to him and he was determined to marry her. If only her father allowed him to do that.
He didn't blame her father for not giving her hand to him in marriage. After all, he was nothing but a poor man who made a living by working odd jobs here and there. But it didn't deter him. It was nothing but a test to prove his love, wasn't it? In the fairy tale books he borrowed from Paul's house, a prince must slay the dragon to get the princes. He just needed to find a way to get more money.
So he dragged his best pal Paul with him for a treasure hunt. He had worked in the dock long enough to know a lot of sailors who were willing to go to his endeavor. Treasure hunting was not as profitable as he thought but he didn't give up. Every night his soul yearned for his soul mate and it motivated him to press forward.
When his ship was boarded by pirates, Sam joined them, thinking that piracy was the quickest way to get rich. Paul - his loyal best friend who got dragged to his messy life - told him he got used to piracy too quickly, it terrified him. Sam pitied him a little. As a son of a merchant, Paul never knew real hardship. Sam's hard lonely life had prepared him for this. He had spent his childhood hungry most of the time. His teenage years were spent on the street, fighting for food. He knew how to use his fist to defend himself. He could do it all over again. Learn, adapt, survive. All for love.
Sam believed things would work out in the end if he gave his best. Everything started to go accordingly. Captain Hornigold took a liking on him and made him his first mate. When they captured a new ship, he gave her to him. He was sure he made the right decision when he led the mutiny and took over Marriane with Paul as his first mate. He captured more ships, got more money. It was great. After five years, he finally had enough money to marry Maria.
He came home too late.
Maria died alone, starving, and in poverty three years ago. Her father disowned her after he found out she was pregnant with Sam's baby.
Why was Faye so cruel like this? Why did the universe give Maria to him and take her away? And his child! They were conceived and then died like that? Why? Why promised a life full of happiness and love just to take it? Was it a punishment for all the bad deeds he had done as a pirate? It couldn't be, right? Maria was a good person. Her only sin was probably sleeping with him. And maybe some little petty things. But surely it didn't mean she needed to die so miserably like that. 
Was it all his fault? He wasn't a good man. Even though he tried to be good, his hands were too bloodied. Was she punished because of his sin? Was that how to work? You did good and good would come to you and vice versa.
No. No, he wouldn't accept this.
There was no god, only humans. Their neighbor deceived his parents and forced them into poverty. Her father was the one that sent her to the street to die. Men hurt each other. Real humans were the reason for his suffering. Men's cruelty and greed for money. 
Money. He needed money if he wanted to protect himself. It was the reason why he was hungry when he was a child. If he had money, Maria would still be alive.
The naive young man grew into a vindictive and avaricious man on the day he watched Mr. Hallet was stripped for all his wealth and status and was forced to live on the street. Those who wronged him must suffer.
If fate was so cruel to punish good people then he swore he would go against Fate itself.
Paul told him he had changed, but he didn’t care. He raged against the world. He captured more ships, amassing his wealth and influence. People knew him. People feared him. He paved his way on blood, trying to minimize collateral damage while doing so. He took people who were victims of the system like himself and showed them a new life. He was hungry to learn more so he kept the company of people more skillful than him. 
For almost two decades, he raised from no one to become The Prince of Pirates, the Robin Hood of the Sea. He was richer than the governors in the Bahamas. He had more influence here than the king of England. The universe tried to screw him and he gave it his middle finger and became the most successful pirate in history. He chose his own path.
Then the universe came knocking on his door.
The storm hit his ship. His crew sank with Whydah. His money lay forgotten at the bottom of the ocean. A lot of people died yet he survived.
Maybe it was the way the universe humbled him. He had gone astray for far too long. The anger he had before was gone, replaced by sinking guilt and depression. He was just a man trying to fight against the world and failed. Maybe it was all in vain. There was no escape from this cruel world. Maybe there were gods and they were all cruel and liked to play sadistic games.
He had lost all hope. His days were bleak. He just wished the time could just stop. He felt the world was moving on without him. Something was missing in his life, but he didn’t know what it was. He decided to sail again, naming his ship Last Voyage. He told his friends that it was another chance to be happy again. One more voyage. If the void in his life was still there after this then maybe… maybe it was better for him to just…
He met Israel Hands and suddenly the world was not so bleak anymore.
Sam didn’t believe in soulmates. He didn’t want to believe someone was made specifically for him. Fate was cruel and gods like to play with you. But Israel made his heart beat again. He made him feel something. The moment he lied his eyes on Israel’s bruised knuckles and feral grin as he punched people away from him, a spark ignited within him. He hadn’t seen anyone as beautiful as Israel. He was utterly besotted with that little angry man.
Maybe gods indeed like to play sadistic games because how on earth did he fall for an angry feral man like Israel Hands?
Israel Hands was a complicated man with a short fuse. Learning his tick and buttons was fun at first. Then he became genuinely obsessed because he wanted to see Israel smile. He wanted to hear him laugh. He wanted to shower Israel with affection because it was clear the man was underappreciated before this. He wanted to buy him things. He wanted to cherish him. He wanted to make him his.
Sam didn’t believe in soulmate but he was sure Israel Hands was the missing piece of his life.
He wouldn’t let anyone take the love of his life ever again. Those who attempted to do that would suffer.
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reinarandraw · 1 year
Please please please do the billionaire AU!!!! It's so cool!!!! The duke one is also awesome!!!
Hello anon! I'll definitely write one of those after I finish writing Last Voyage. I'm more partial to the Billionaire AU for now because I'm pretty sure it'll be easier to write than the Duke's Bodyguard AU. But idk I'll try to make a poll for it I guess.
For context: these AUs are my fills for ofmdrarepairweek which you can find on AO3 [HERE]
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