grapeswrathed · 6 years
✖ ☢ ☀ ❣ lets get Salty
did you order some salty shoojs?
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
people have become more selective, generally more drama over the smallest things. People call others out for the smallest things, and even for a muses problematic traits ( serial killer muses, even pedophile muses or whatever. ) Basically people just… muse = mun ??? Like when did we establish that damn rule? Am I not allowed to have a problematic muse?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Exclusives. They’re pretty much useless, imo
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
50 x 50 icons, where i can’t see the face, themes that have too small fonts ( anything less than 7 pxs ), “Mob Mentality” in call out culture. Also the fucking fact that I cannot roleplay problematic muses.
❣ How salty are you feeling right now?
Not really, but god this meme is getting me salty GASIFEW
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websnare-blog · 6 years
the dialogue is definitely spot-on, everything screams alois !! and your portrayal of him is literally bringing me back to my high school days when season 2 first came out. he's the same insensitive kid who gives zero fucks and that's a good thing.
tell me what you think about my portrayal !
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  Alois was always my favorite little snot, I loved his character and no-good attitude, so I’m very happy that I can do this boy justice without woobifying him, which is a problem most of the fandom has. Alois is not irredeemable, no, but he does need to learn from his actions and sit down, even if he is fourteen. Thank YOU !
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sevenlockets · 6 years
"My friend was cold, so I told them to stand in a corner. Corners are 90 degrees."
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“Heh heh!  That’s a very cute one, Othello!  Ha!  But I think someone clever as you could do better…”
He actually thought the joke was quite funny as it was — there was an art to simplicity, after all — he only wanted to see if he could goad more laughs out of his fellow Reaper.
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veneficc · 6 years
@oflicorice || Cont.
Don’t knock it untill you try it isn’t really the best of things to say to someone like him of all people, is it? There is an audible sigh while Coco wonders just how he gets himself into these kinds of situation. 
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“There are things that you don’t really need to try to know it is going to end poorly” Maybe not from Othello’s point of view, but for someone like the Gourmet Hunter, who would rather keep a low profile whenever possible things could turn really troublesome.
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grellrot · 6 years
@oflicorice gets a Rare Grell™
“Forensics, hm? I wasn’t aware we had that department.” It’s a miracle Grell’s aware of any department in the Dispatch, considering she had spent her trainee tour of HQ with her eyes locked onto her group’s exceptionally gorgeous guide. But this department must be particularly obscure, if the odd little imp of a man she’s addressing now is any indication. “Doesn’t seem to be much point to it when everybody’s already dead.”
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contueor · 6 years
26-29 !!
‘lBork Character Development | @oflicorice | Accepting
26. How do they view and feel about relationships, and how might this manifest in how they handle them, if it does?
It honestly never affected him at all before. He didn’t think about it and kinda blew it off as “something humans do” that has nothing to do with him or his emotions. He’s never felt the pull or desire to pursue anything with anyone, especially someone he’s never met. 
This affected the relationship between him and Aku later on because he genuinely had no idea what the hell to do or feel or understand as normal. He had literally had ‘relationship blinders’ on his entire life and never even really observed other people or couples. He had no role models or adult figures in his life that were in relationships either so it was a complete and utterly new concept for him that he sorta had to define along the way for himself. And is still putting together now.27. What do they strongly like and dislike, in any category? Why?
Food. Food is probably one of his strongest likes. Unlike a typical dog he likes steak the best, in his mind it’s the one that draws out the strongest predatory feelings in him. Though I have a feeling he’d probably feel the same about venison too. Rashomon just loves to eat and is basically a bottomless pit for food.
Oddly enough, Rashomon strongly dislikes cars. He hates riding in them as he feels almost claustrophobic and upset from the movement all around him yet inaccessible. He would much rather walk or use his tendrils to move himself or Aku places.
28. What are they likely to do if they have the opportunity, resources, and time to accomplish it? Why? 
Read extensively or do calligraphy. He’s like his host in his love for both. He doesn’t have any grand scheme to accomplish anything major, just hobbies of his.
29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative? 
I guess this is similar to above. He likes Japanese calligraphy and reading. He also enjoys keeping small plants even though his host hates them. Mostly they’re kept on the roof of their home so Aku doesn’t have to deal with or think about them. 
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veneficc · 6 years
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship,italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse (???)  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
( @oflicorice )
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perosamundi · 6 years
if othello and mai have met in Okay terms, he'd call her "mai-mai".
Give my muse a nickname!
Make it cute, embarrassing, or annoying- anything goes!
Even on good terms she would hate it, but tolerates it when her sister Rimma picks it up and only starts calling her that. Good job Othello.
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contueor · 6 years
hey kui ?? you're one of the talented and sweetest people i've come across in this site !! i admire your dedication to making rashomon become a fleshed out character and you've gone beyond than just being aku's ability. you've given him the depth and a personality i never even imagined and i'll forever be in awe of what you've came up with for your bork. stay as who you are and we all wuv you
anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal. i can’t respond; i can only publish.
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Dear future me,
Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person
I have to say it is quite laughable to write a letter to my future self, especially considering the fact I’ll be long dead and I most likely won’t be the one digging this up. What do I even say? Don’t die so easily, take care of the family you barely made happen? I already know all of that. I suppose this should just be a reminder to value what little I have, that I allowed myself to have, to not toss away this life so easily even though that it exactly what I’m doing in the long run. I just need to appreciate everything a little more before it all disappears, before I disappear. I suppose this doesn’t have to be too long? This is so weird, but whatever.
      ~Charles Grey
Finished, the letter it tucked away for him to forget about and to later find, or for his lovers to stumble upon in the future.
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sevenlockets · 6 years
"Flashback" :^)
「✦」Send “Flashback” for a glimpse into my muse’s past.
‘Sibyl Mortimer,’ Elias read from his death-list, squinting through blinding overhead sun, ’dies of disease, 23rd July, 1348, at 3:07 in the afternoon’.  Smiling, he tucked his list away, safe in the inner pocket of his tunic, which wore a deep, flagstone gray.  Excitement rushed through him, fingers curling in anticipation.  This was another chance to look at it up close; to examine the sweeping, unshakable sickness digesting the Isles without lifting a finger.  
His first exposure to it had been just at the beginning of Summer, but his — or any Reaper’s — assignments since then had consisted of little else.  Thank God he had been able to use the abundance of deaths to his favor; until just a week ago he had been forced to keep a partner with him at all times while reaping.  But The Black Death, as the living folk were calling it, had provided him an escape from that dead weight.  Forced to spread their ranks thin, Elias had convinced the Dispatch that with just over a century’s experience, he was perfectly capable of going it alone.  
And capable though he was, the real reason behind his persuasion was so he could take his time, study and catalogue those stricken by this plague.  Nothing he’d seen in his time at Dispatch had ever sparked a grotesque curiosity quite like this.  Instead of seeing the sheer ghastliness of the pox-riddled faces and gangrenous appendages, Elias saw the pieces of a puzzle.
Wonder bubbled through decades of what had quickly become banal, unstimulating work. Divine retribution was quick to enter his mind as to why this epidemic may exist, but he had his doubts.  Purgatories, he had learned firsthand, were tailor-made, and misfortune alone was a different, simpler beast altogether.  But God’s punishments, whether thrust upon the living or the dead, always fit the crime- and while he knew there was rarely such thing as a true innocent, there was no singular crime committed by all afflicted alike.   What really caused this?  What was different about this sickness?  Could it be prevented? Cured?  Weaponized or reversed?  
Certain others, he quickly realized, must have had the same questions. He had seen doctors in strange masks and thick robes using herbs, tonics, and salves on the disease’s patrician spoils.  What was their meaning?  He wanted — needed — to know.  Every question burned brighter than the last.  This had to be part of his purpose, a guiding thread through the maze of his own punishment.  The scientific efforts of himself or those doctors, as he saw it, were not defiant to the acts of God; but reading deeper into His work through the ciphers.  The Lord helps those who help themselves.
Now he peered, ever-intrigued, over the wet earthen edge of a mass grave, the smell of rot and clotted blood filling his nose.  Looking down at the pile of flies and purple bloat, and not seeing his quarry on top, he was vaguely surprised the cause of death hadn’t read suffocation.  The bodies of the sick no one claimed or knew what to do with were dumped in plague pits like these; and sometimes unlucky creatures like Sibyl — a widow with no family to speak of — were thrown in before their heart’s last beat.
This assignment would prove a challenge.  Plague’s fevered and final delirium may be too thick for Sibyl’s mind to fathom her fate, but her soul would undoubtedly be angry.  A soul in the raw, unconstrained state Reapers dealt with them in were powerful entities, especially when charged with emotion.  Good.  Today, he had been doubly blessed.  Not only had he a chance to study the prey of this outbreak, but completion of these tougher assignments, he hoped, would bring him quicker toward the end of his time in his own purgatory of reaping day in and out.  
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oflicorice replied to your post “Ah yes Today is a good day For me to talk endlessly about The Fitz...”
this is the best way to start the day and be passionate about their growing dynamic
look I’m not saying it’s a truly genuine dynamic
but it is
And it benefits them both so well asdfghjkl
i just want to see more of it bUT YA KNOW
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sirendrowns · 6 years
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              for such a young girl, death is an almost constant thought and fear, both for herself and those around her. something of an honorary knight, she had trained with the likes of grown men since the tender age of six, and has therefore become accustomed to the idea that at any time, one who has been sent off to actually fight may die. on top of that, she’d dealt with the deaths of her aunt, uncle, and two best friends all on the same day ( even if one came back ). 
              it is fair to say that the little sunshine girl is used to death and the thought of it, yet it is so taboo a topic. perhaps that was why she felt so inclined to ask now, while not surrounded by a family to squash her curiosity in the morbid. death was not a topic meant for the ordinary little girls of the rose state, but then again, elizabeth liked to think of herself as not particularly ordinary at all.
              and so suddenly, her head has been patted, and she’s so sure that she’ll have to find a mirror as soon as te exchange is over. did he ruin her so perfectly coiffed curls ? or perhaps knock the pinned in flowers around ? god, she hoped not. it had taken paula so long !
              “ well --- i’m not so concerned with myself as i am with my FRIEND. mummy always said that one can only cheat death so many times, how am i supposed to know when his chances have run dry ? children ought to be immortal, but we prove time and time again that we aren’t. ”
cont // @oflicorice
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