#of lancre etc. etc.
pourablecat · 1 year
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The Carpe Jugulum coven! Maiden, mother and (extremely unwilling) crone. Nanny gains all of Granny's extra wrinkles and dark circles when she's not here. Marks the first time I used a brown gel pen that does not - and this is very important - leak all over the page, and also the first time I bothered to scan my doodles instead of using my crappy laptop camera.
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miss-shotover · 2 years
Granny Weatherwax has such powerful Old West gunslinger vibes sometimes.
There's that moment in Carpe Jugulum where she makes her dramatic entrance at Lancre Castle and it's basically a CLASSIC Western. The town (Lancre) has been overrun by a gang of bandits (Vampires). They've taken the Mayor (Verence) and the Marshall (basically everyone else but let's say Shawn Ogg) and they plan to settle in and stay, controlling the town from now on (drinking everyone's blood etc). The doors of the saloon open. A figure in black stands framed against the sunlight. She can barely stand up, but she holds herself together, her hand hovering over the holster on her hip.
The stories have so many influences and of course the comparison falls apart later on as new influences enter and get woven in. But there's always a High Noon Weatherwax Showdown.
If I could draw, I would draw so many gunslinger Weatherwax AUs.
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juliaanoia · 2 years
Eurovision, but Discworld !
Okay, nobody asked for this, but here are my headcanons. Feel free to add.
Traditionally, the contest is attended by most nations on the unnamed continent. One year, however, Fourecks inexplicably joined and nobody questioned it.
The City Watch girls meet up to watch it together. Cheery Littlebottom loves it completely unironically and gets really heated when her faves don’t do well. Sally is “just here for the memes”, that is rating the outfits, drinking games, sarcastic comments, asking “why is that piano not on fire??!!” etc. Angua hates it with a burning passion (or so she says). However, she always ends up watching it every year.
Detritus is also very much into it for some reason. Like Cheery, he takes it very seriously. He likes the ballads.
Lancre: Recently sent some very strong, modern entries with traditional ethnic elements mixed into. However, most of the disc still remembers them for that one entry from the Year of the Pensive Hare, which involved some very naughty butter churning*.
Llamedos: Famous for sad, folky ballads. They take the contest a bit too serious and tend to send very skillful, emotional singers as solo acts who get high scores from the jury, but most of the public takes a bathroom break as soon as they’re on.
Überwald: Sexy Vampires, weird opera singing
Quirm: Same as Llamedos, but more boring. Always high up, score-wise, though.
Sto Lat and Sto Helit always give each other 12 points.
Ankh-Morpork: nil points, always. This has several reasons: The obvious one is that nobody wants Ankh-Morpork to win. The more covert one being that Lord Vetinari puposely makes sure they send the worst entries possible, since he does not want to host the contest (financial reasons)
Please add more to this post, I cannot wait to hear what Ephebe, Genua, Borograwia, Zlobenia etc send in and what you imagine other Discworld characters to think about the show
*Nanny Ogg may or may not have played a role in that.
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lurking-latinist · 11 months
reviving a meme I previously got from @swinging-stars-from-satellites
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
158 (one currently unrevealed).
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
103,185. I cracked 100k recently!
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
All the Doctors Who + Gallifrey + Iris Wildthyme + The Time Travellers + GoR etc.; Ancient Greek Religion & Lore; WtOVPIC; Blake’s 7; Dracula; Discworld; Windrose Chronicles & Sun-Cross series also by Barbara Hambly (one crossover); All Creatures Great and Small; Lost at Christmas, heaven help me. That makes nine as I count it. Most only for one small thing or crossover.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Skipping kudos bot victims:
Ms Smith (13 and Sarah, fun with fake names)
don’t worry, he’s with me (Ten and Donna five-times-fic)
Vicarious (Six & Martha drabble)
Time Flies Like an Arrow (witches fly on a broomstick) (Discworld, Lancre Witches, having a philosophical conversation about time) (I have come to detest this title but I’m glad people enjoyed the fic)
to all our nights and days to come (Seven/Romana Time War AU)
It’s helpful to include extremely popular, well-known characters in your fics. Or, apparently, to write a slightly darker twist on your rarepair OTP and happen to plug it one day on a relevant popular post.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I do, because I love getting comments and I am always genuinely grateful to hear that someone has enjoyed my work!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Wow, last time I did this meme I said it was That Which We Call. That’s changed. It might actually be to all our nights and days to come, or else one of the Six-post-Trial ones.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Apparently! But not much, and not well.
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Nope, touch wood.
9, Do you write smut?
Not my thing.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! @sci-firenegade translated Making History into Portuguese! It is so cool.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Sort of, with Moki! We more tend to write sequels to each other’s stuff, but we also have listed ourselves as co-authors on a couple of things.
13. All time fav ship?
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Never say die! Probably the Eight/Charley babyfic AU, though. If I go back to it it’ll be as a very different writer and I’ll probably want to rework what exists and it’ll be technically a different fic.
15. Writing strengths?
Character voices & dialogue. Also, focalization. I always know what A thinks of B and what B notices about A, which is hilarious as I absolutely do not know any of this in real life.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Used to be length; I’m still very brief but I feel like I have more control over the length of a fic now. Like it comes out more or less the length I expect it to; I can tell what size something’s gonna be. Probably now I would just say plot. I’m not great at Things Occurring. And like everybody else I get hung up on how to describe basic actions like walking across a room.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
Don’t do it if you can’t get the other language right (as well as how code-switching actually tends to work). Also, translation convention exists for a reason. Probably don’t pull an ‘opening lines of War and Peace’ unless you are in fact Tolstoy, in which case you don’t need my writing advice. Nothing inherently wrong with it though.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially, DW. Unofficially, probably something as a kid before I knew fandom existed. Redwall or something.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
to all our nights and days to come, probably.
Not tagging anyone, but memes are for stealing!
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anglerflsh · 2 years
Poking u with a stick until u infodump about ur special interest. Come on share the info. Top 5 favourite facts or something /lh /g
I started reading that book I got yesterday so you come just in time for New Information. Under a cut etc etc. Sadly these aren't my top 5 facts but that's because I dont want to repeat myself
This is specifically information of the more historical side of things and less on direct methodology by the way. Because I haven't spoken about this yet ^^
So, despite the middle ages having a reputation as one of the darkest periods in european history on the side of witch hunting it was actually pretty tame! In the Canon Episcopi the very existence of witches was debated - it was instead believed to be hallucinations and tricks directly from the devil (as evidenced in the Corrector et Medicus of the XI century). Witchcraft was only spoken about by church authority after the 1400s with several 'Bolle' from popes, starting from Sisto IV in 1483, with Innocenzo VIII the next year being the most famous and then being mentioned again in 1492 by Alessandro VI.
Things like Inquisitors/Witch hunters in europe only operated after the XIV century (with these specific titles at least) - and had their golden age from 1550 to 1650, but back at the ends of the XIII century the legal system was already changing to make room for the crime of heresy and witchcraft: the system was already switched from the previous accusatory one to the inquisitial one around the 90s of that century, and civil tribunals were starting to try these matters along clergy tribunals. (There's a pretty huge difference between these two legal systems by the way but I can go in depth later on that)
Some Inquisitors in the later 1500s were appointed directly by the king, like Pierre de Lancre, and most of them had direct control over non-religious authorities such as soldiers or guards, which would often assist in the arrest of accused witches: essentially it wasn't just an effort from the clergy, it was also a very civil matter. (I could also go in more depth about how those arrest were made! This book talks quite a lot about it)
Also one last fun fact uuh the death sentence for witchcraft was only common past the XV century! Beforehand it was more likely to get your tounge cut off, to get publically humiliated, whipped, or non-lethally burned (as per another Bolla in 936 from pope Leone VII)
I lied get one more fun fact It's believed that Judge Torquemada executed 10.220 witches in the span of 18 months, and about 90k in his entire career.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Yeah, I know there are others too, but I wanna make another one about the "standalone" stories (ie. Small Gods, Pyramids, etc.) after this one's run its course.
PLEASE reblog this one as far and wide as you can to get it out to as many of Pterry's faithful as you can, I'm DEEPLY curious to see what people think about THIS ONE ...
GNU Pterry!
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glamourweaver · 1 year
Discworld cinematic universe idea - Keep Esk around as a character in Unseen University after Equal Rites. Drawing on the parallel between how old witches and young wizards think about magic in quantum terms (unlike old wizards and young witches who are obsessed with symbol and ritual), she and Simon found the High Energy Magic department and reappear going forward when young wizard characters in the books present the theoretical physics perspective to the senior faculty, invent HEX, etc. She replaces Ponder Stibbons in Lords and Ladies letting her return to Lancre and see Granny again.
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hermitknut · 4 years
reading night watch with sarah
notice (again) the fact that both Vimes and Vetinari are described as being able to do that fade-into-the-background bit on occasion
The other character we know can do that is granny weatherwax
which got me thinking about the use of worldbuilding as a tool for coherence
so discworld is built out of multiple different threads - City Watch, Death, Witches, Rincewind, etc - and it would be very easy for them to feel like totally separate things that exist in the same world merely by declaration only. Maybe with some little references to each other, like The Truth’s reference to the king of Lancre or Lu-Tze and Lobsang stealing a witch’s broom in Thief of Time. Maybe even with whole crossing characters - again, in Thief of Time, we see Susan meet Nanny Ogg, for example. Pratchett does all these things.
But he also makes sure we know that the world - the rules of the world, the fabric of the discworld itself - is internally consistent (for, y’know, a given value of consistency that is possible in a world where trees talk sometimes and libraries lead to other libraries). Because this magical or apparently magical thing that Granny Weatherwax can do, fading into the background, notably demonstrated on several occasions but my favourite being when they’re sneaking around the office in Maskerade - this thing is something that two other totally different people, coming from totally different angles, have figured out how to do. 
It folds perfectly back into the idea that 90% magic is simply knowing one extra fact, and that most of what you have to do as a witch is Get Your Mind Right - if I wanted to do some kind of systematic explanation, I’d probably say that Witches aren’t for the most part using magic that is inherently part of themselves (ie: I’m a witch and therefore I have personal magic that I use), they are perhaps most of the time simply capable of understanding how to properly interact with the natural background magic inherent on the Disc. Which explains why these other two characters, Vimes and Vetinari, can under the correct circumstances access the same skills. They got their minds right.
I could do that systematic explanation. I like it. But I don’t need it, because it just... works, smoothly, serving as one part of an undercurrent that helps weave each story into the same tapestry and I LOVE IT OKAY
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inkedroplets · 3 years
Question Time!
Thanks for the tag @from-a-recklesswriter and @thebetterluthor
Rules: Answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 others you wanna know more about (or ya know tag whoever u want)
Name/nickname: Sarah
Gender: Female
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 5"10
Time: 3 in the morning (When else am I supposed to write?)
Birthday: Today is my Unbirthday. My birthday is July 7th
Favorite band/groups: The Amps, Boygenius, The Platters
Favorite solo artist: Mitski
Song stuck in my head: "The Body Is a Blade" by Japanese Breakfast
Last movie: A re-watch but 'Shoplifters' (2018) Definitely give it a watch if you were a fan of 'Parasite'
Last show: Supergirl (I don't watch a lot of TV and I know I could be spending it on better shows but here we are)
When did I create this blog: 5-ish months ago, I think???
What do I post: Whatever my trainwreck of a brain deems postable
Last thing I googled: Moleskine (I need my monthly notebook fix)
Other blogs: This blog is poorly maintained I have no time to ruin something else
Do I get asks: A handful a week?? Mainly people very politely asking for updates. I am so so sorry that I am the slowest writer in the world
Why I chose my url: I chose a username that I semi-regret on ao3
Following: Uhhh I think about 150+ but that has to ballooned up, I follow anybody that posts something even remotely gay
Followers: 600-ish last time I checked
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 (Lately 4)
Lucky number: 7
Instruments: Violin. I wanted to be Sherlock Holmes when I was younger
What I'm wearing: It's 3 in the morning, I'll let you draw your own conclusions
Dream Job: Curator or Librarian (Possibly adventure adjacent without being obligated to do any unnecessary moving)
Dream trip: In Covid-times? Back to Italy, I think.
Favorite food: Self-loathing
Nationality: French
Favorite song: "Nothing Can Change This Love" By Sam Cooke. Do yourself a favor and listen to the live version.
Last book I read: Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah. Absolutely wonderful collection of short stories that I can't recommend enough. It explores black identity and is sadly still just as relevant as it was when it was first published in 2018.
Top 3 fictional universes I'd like to live in: 24th century Star Trek would be the most comfy. Not worrying about money, food etc. Lancre in Discworld or for funsies a comic-based universe. I weigh the chances that I'll die from a supervillain attack against the chance of a meet cute with a superhero and I find the odds acceptable.
im tagging: @ayeti @white-daylily and @tsunderegirlfriend
Feel free to ignore if you want to be productive today
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ceescedasticity · 4 years
At some point I will remember at an opportune time that I want to look through the Lancre books to find the passage that starts out talking about how some witches get very particular with finding the exact right mix of spell components and details of rituals, etc., and finishes with "Granny was a better witch than Magrat because she knew it didn't matter. Magrat was a better doctor because she knew it did."
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noirandchocolate · 4 years
(More from this list.  Thank you to people sending me these!!)
✿ How many Discworld books have you read?  All of the novels, the Science of Discworld books, and several additional materials types of things--the in-universe books like Where’s My Cow, World of Poo, the Mrs. Bradshaw’s train guide book, Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook, etc.; resources like Turtle Recall, the atlas, and the Ankh-Morpork City Guide book; the Lancre map; some of the yearly journals (which do have interesting material in them and I’m so grateful they’re putting out those complilations of them bc since they’re yearly things the original books can be hard to find and expensive); and the mostly-art books Art of Discworld and Discworld Imaginarium.  I also have some graphic novels!  I...have quite a collection, and it still isn’t everything!
💀 Who is your favorite Discworld villain?  Oh dang, let’s see, ‘cause a lot of them are pretty interesting and well-chosen to be villains (as in, Pratchett being like ‘and the villain in this one is a racist bully’ is pretty great).  Still...okay I have a tie.  Because I love Small Gods so much, Vorbis is the first one I’ll name.  He’s so very creepy and yet, as with many of Pratchett’s characters, he really feels like someone you could meet out on the street (albeit with more power behind him).  Vorbis is AWFUL and that makes Brutha’s actions that much more meaningful.  And the second one I’ll name is the Cunning Man, who ties with Vorbis as a fave because he/it in design and concept is the scariest goddamn thing ever to appear in a Discworld book imo.  The dungeon dimension demons have nothing on this creature.
✗ Which novel do you like the least?  Oh nooooo, this question is probably the hardest one because I do genuinely enjoy all of them.  Hmm...  The thing is, I CANNOT bring myself to say any of the very last books before Pratchett’s death are what I ‘like the least,’ because we all know WHY the writing style (not the story quality but the writing itself) changed at the end and even mentioning it like this feels like giving my hero a very unfair kicking.  So...I will say that the ones I haven’t felt as strongly compelled to reread are Moving Pictures and Pyramids but that could just be their more standalone nature and the fact that I didn’t get my hands on copies in the first place until later.   Aah!  But I did enjoy rereading Pyramids somewhat recently and I’m looking forward to rereading Moving Pictures out loud with my gf eventually and!  AAAAAH! okay I give up on this question I’m sorry!
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fefeman · 4 years
Idée de crossover: Perceval qui voyage sur le disque monde et s’extasie sur tout les vieux mystérieux qu’il rencontre. 
Je veux dire, le disque monde a pleins de vieux super important (Mémé Ciredutemps, Nounou Ogg, Cohen, Vimaire, etc...). Et Perceval, c’est pas la première fois qu’il se retrouve sur un autre monde, donc bon. Je le verrais bien arriver à Lancre et aider contre une invasion Alien elf.
Ptet même pousser le truc plus loin: Perceval qui raconte, a sa maniére, son aventure sur le disque.  
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rem-ir · 5 years
Disc Gen-Z people are called “anchovials” after the century of the anchovy and they include:
Sam Vimes Jr
Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre
Tiffany Aching and contemporary-aged witches in training
Roland, Letitia, Preston, Geoffrey, etc
They are united by their utterly incomprehensible clacks memes
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i’ve played discworld mud off and on for years, with all kinds of characters i’d have for a few weeks and then forget about or get bored with because i didn’t know what to do with. it’s such a big game, with room to explore which i love in theory but makes it hard to keep focused in practice, so this new character has a plan:
i started in djelibeybi, (my favorite area!) got some decent equipment, money in the bank and a few levels in ephebian language, and headed off to ephebe. i plan to kick around there, maybe go back and forth a few times, find the oasis, etc. until i’m fluent. then i’m headed to ankh-morpork, get a few levels in the language, money in the bank, etc. when i’m fluent in morporkian i’ll work my way through the sto plains, to lancre, join the hunter’s guild, get enough ass-kicking skill to go to uberwauld and bes pelargic and genua, learn all the languages, etc
i think ‘work my east to lancre’ is enough of a goal to keep me going until i’ve got my interest established and a character i can stay with, and once i’m a hunter i’ll train and all and yknow. play the game
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indigoire · 6 years
I wish Discworld had gotten as big as Harry Potter did. I wanna go to Discworldland (obviously divided into Ankh-Morpork, Lancre, etc.) or watch a film adaptation of Night Watch, not deal with this reverse Misery situation with JKR.
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skepticaloccultist · 6 years
The Witch’s Toad as “Irreplaceable Confederate”
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"For a witch the toad was the irreplaceable confederate in the fight against the god-fearing humanity, a never failing factotum, which was able to bring to life the evil intentions as well as protect his mistress from unfamiliar evil actions. De Lancre talks about various manipulations which should protect from evil magic and names amongst other 'remedia praservativa': “Mole’s bones, bat’s wings, toad’s stones, menstrual blood etc.” “In regards to the stone that is found in the toad’s head” reports Collin de Plancy, “Most authors are of the opinion, that such a rare object exists, but a few disbelieve the existence of this stone. To Thomas Brown (Essai sur les erreurs populaires, volume I, book III, 13, p.312) the stone’s existence doesn’t appear to be impossible because, he says, various rocklike substance are found every day in the heads of various fish. Some think that these stones are the mineral concrements that toads secrete to harm people. To get this stone one has to allow it to be devoured. One source promised the toad as having wound healing properties and being able to indicate poison through sweating. Interestingly “the toad’s ring” was not mentioned, which is still today preserved and displayed in the castle in Dessau and about which there is a legend that it was gifted to the Dutchess of Anhalt by the creatures of the ‘underground’." - from Ernst Hentges, “Die Kröte” translated from the German by E.H. Wormwood
A small sample of the translation of Ernst Hentges' “Die Kröte” or “The Toad: The perspective of the occult and the history of culture” that I translated for Alkahest Press. Preorders of the very limited edition are currently open at alkahest.press/shop
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