#oc: stormyrain
layalu · 4 months
OC Summary
Woo look i'm finally making an oc intro post on here! This is def non exhaustive and a lot of these guys are old/inactive, but i tried to include the ones that are the most likely to come up xdd Might add more in the future, but this is them for now :]
[continues under the cut]
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first of, some og kiddos! most of these originated in rpg/growing species groups on dA but are just unaligned ocs now
the only exception to the above statement xd She's my avatar/mascot, essentially! There isn't much else to her honestly. Fun fact about her name origin though: My warriors.. sona, i guess? was called Morgenröte, or Dawnlight when i used her in english contexts, so Dawn's name is a callback to that c: I also considered naming her Morgan as a reference to "Morgen"
Used to be a very spunky kid before Trauma TM happened and depression beat her ass. She's been getting better though! Used to be best friends with Lacrima but they've since grown apart. Loves animals and started working on Sam's farm partime.
Smart, self-sufficient, maybe a liiittle fucked up by when she god hellbent on vengeance oops. Lost her closeness with a bunch of her childhood friends during that time. Still a bit all over the place but has found she enjoys administrative work.
Local theatre kid, and a freelance artist. Which art? That changes with the wind. He has trouble committing to things but that's because so many things in this world are interesting!
Bit softie with abandonment issues. Loves his family and LARPing and his asshole horse named Sir Samuel II. Works on his farm full time but tries making as much time for his friends and family as possible. Childhood friends with Tumble.
A gentle giant who practically lives in the water. Life motto: motto: can't be disappointed by life if you don't expect anything! Works as a life guard and swim instructor. Childhood friends with Sam
The swetest potato, but has trouble making friends. A casual but enthusiastic collector with a love for tinkering! Has a workshop together with Flora where he does repair work on mostly on non-mechanical things
Timid, but inquisitive and creative. Original founder of her now shared workshop which started as a mech repair shop and now entails "anything we can fix!"
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One of my oldest ocs! She's been (re)used a bunch and has been through some shit but always managed to keep finding beauty and love in life. She is. Very near and dear to my heart <3
Tbh i have not used him in a hot minute but i wanted to include him cos he's pretty u.u Also a very old oc; his og name was Schattenjäger (shadowhunter) lol. The first version of him drowned though rip.
Another fave :] Spunky and full of wanderlust. Her cat version has been inactive for a long time but i love reusing iterations of her cos she is fun and i love her.
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Smug little shit who is equipped with an ego that is way too big for his tiny body. Despite this he is not as bad as he seems! Mostly. He does mean well.
Big arms, big heart, big hopes. Grew up in a family of fishers and hopes to win lots of money at the coliseum for her family. Turns out that is Really Hard though.
Is here to avoid responsibilities out of boredom and because adventurers get paid well, right? Well wouldn'tcha know, adventuring is dangerous! oops.
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(Ex-)entertainer, professional bullshitter, and apparently a hero now? Ugh. Really just wants to get rid of the worm in her brain, please. Would love to say she doesn't care about anything but unfortunately for her she cares A Lot.
The Cooler Sister, bestie of Cove, aspiring marine biologist. If you see me call her Stormy, it's because she is an iteration of Stormyrain xd
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layalu · 11 months
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got some cheap off-brand poscas and honestly they're.. about what you'd expect lolol but hey, they're usable!
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layalu · 1 year
Thank you @exantivancrow for the tag for this picrew!! :3 Technically i got tagged on my side, but i already did these for my DA kiddos, so have some more of these idiots instead <3
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Once again Lacrima and Kiran at the top, then Tumble, Noé and Sam, and bottom is Stormy/Jamie :)
tagging @exotic-inquiry, @the-penguinspy, @bearsizedant, @the-iija @wonderofthemoon, @absyntthe, @apricot-sprites, and anyone else who'd like to! as always of course with no pressure (and also apologies if i tagged you for this before ^^")
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layalu · 1 year
i can be trusted with picrews i prommy (picrew in question)
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layalu · 2 years
For the oc asks, 24, 25, 29 and 32? (If you want)
[ask game]
Thank you for the ask!! <3
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Ooof good question..... I wanna say Flora? She's a kid still and I haven't done anything with her in a hot minute but she's a tinkerer at heart and i feel like we'd vibe really well when she's older
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Oh man i don't think I can say that there's any one OC who resembles me the most, cos they all do in some way or another, be it personality traits or habits or (dis)likes. Flora has my interest in tinkering and crafting, Stormy has a similar brand of self-image as me, Liam's got my sentimentality, Ari my love for citrus fruits, Nightscar and June my uneasiness around water, Leyla (and a couple other OCs too lol) my big sis/chaperone type tendencies, etc etc..... Appearance wise tho June's the one whose body type is the closest to my own
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Quentin. Everyone else would either not go or go with somebody else or at least tell somebody about it lol. Quentin though would just go because he's curious about it, he's not easily spooked and and often goes investigating by himself anyways.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Most suitable? Lacrima, Lilian or Kala. Lacrima and Lilian are probably the only ones of my kiddos who'd have the skillset and sheer determination to actually yknow. Not Die as a horror protag lmao. Both are well equipped to handle high stress situations, know how to survive on their own and also both intense (and unhinged) enough to deal with whatever craziness the setting throws at them. Kala would 100% be able to survive too because she is one tough mfer who simply refuses to die. When we're talking most entertaining horror game protags that would be June and Stormy, it'd be much more of a Buzzfeed Unsolved vibe lol. Tho their method of survival would be a combo of dumb luck and crafty improv
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layalu · 3 years
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wanted to do some of these but couldn't be bothered to make it an ask game, so i just doodled some ocs instead~
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layalu · 3 years
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posting the wips got me motivated to finally finish these lol so have some more artfight refs!
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layalu · 3 years
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might or might not be reviving my girl Stormyrain, so I've been trying to get the hang of drawing her again~
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layalu · 4 years
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Old ARPG characters (both mine and friends')
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layalu · 4 years
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~1h drawing for a test speedpaint (also lighting pracrice)
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