twowink · 1 year
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36yearoldmeme · 2 years
And my family clearly doesn't give a fuck about me!
I'll clearly remember this next time I'm suicidal and they are the only ones I'm staying for 🙄
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suicideenthusiast · 26 days
OKK !!!
here’s my cat(his name is finn like from adventure time :D)
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may i share my friends cats as well?
cats are always welcome obny blog!!
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 103
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Gowasu.  That’s the joke.
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Last time, Android 17 eliminated two of Ribrianne’s team, so she wants payback.  Unfortunately, she can’t defeat the guy, and he finds her outrage ironic.  How is he supposed to be a villain when he’s fighting for his universe’s existence, the same as her? 
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Meanwhile, Rosie seems to have Goku cornered in... the Hellzone Grenade.  She’s just using the Hellzone Grenade.  Which is fine, it’s a good technique, and it’s impressive how she boxed in a guy like Goku, but we saw Piccolo do it in DBZ, and we just saw a jobber from Universe 11 do it recently.
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But 17 jumps in at the last instant and throws up a barrier to protect Goku.  This... this is literally how 17 foiled the original Hellzone Grenade in DBZ.  I mean, again, that’s not a bad thing.  It made sense then and it makes sense now, but... What was the point of introducing seventy new characters if they’re just gonna repeat old spots?
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Anyway, they split up again, and Goku seems to have Rosie scouted by now.  This time he surrounds her with ki energy and blows her up real good, but he manages to make it look different from the Hellzone Grenade, so bless that man.
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See what I mean?  I couldn’t follow it well, but I think the idea was that since Rosie can steer her ki blasts as she fires them, Goku got in really close to catch them before she could do anything fancy.  Then he positioned them around her, so it’s like a Hellzone Grenade, but in really close quarters. 
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17 and Goku seem to have the gals cornered, but then their teammate Jimmiz teleports in and teleports them to safety.  Goku and 17 part ways, since it’s not worth the risk of chasing them, and there’s plenty of other opponents to fight. 
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Goku happens across Piccolo and Gohan, and stops for a bit to watch Gohan take on Botamo.  I guess he and Auta Magetta got separated, but Botamo’s pretty dangerous by himself, since he’s impervious to strikes or blasts.  Goku only beat him by throwing him out of bounds in their last encounter, but the Tournament of Power stage is huge, so good luck dragging Botamo all the way to the edge without one of his teammates coming in to rescue him. 
Gohan starts throwing punches, which have no effect at all.  At first it seems like Gohan has no idea what Botamo’s all about, but Goku says he told him about Botamo before, so he’s not worried about Gohan.  Still, why would he was time on a useless strategy?
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The answer is that Gohan isn’t attacking Botamo at all.  He’s juggling the poor dope.  By angling his strikes, he can lift Botamo’s body up off the ground, and essentially suspend him a few inches off the ground.  Botamo can’t reach Gohan from that angle, and he can’t jump to safety because his feet can’t touch the ground.  I don’t know if Botamo can fly normally, but it’s not an option in this situation either way.  So he’s helpless to stop Gohan from knocking him out of the ring.
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Botamo does try to fire a parting shot on his way out, but Gohan sees it coming.  Everyone was worried that he might drop his guard, like we saw him do in his training sessions with Piccolo, but nope.  He’s on top of things.
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Goku’s like “Great job, son.  Welp, gotta go!”
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Then two more guys happen along and challenge Gohan and Piccolo to a fight. These are Obni and Rubalt, from the Universe 10 team.  Now you might be wondering, why would the U10 team be so aggressive, considering how many fighters they’ve lost already?  Well, it’s not that bad.  They still have one other teammate, Zircor...
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Oh, he just got taken out...
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Jimmiz strikes again. 
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So yeah, the U10 team is down to its last two members, and both of them have challenged A-Listers from U7.  Gowasu begins to despair, and suggests they all accept their impending nonexistence.
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But Obni still has a trick up his sleeve, as he stymies Gohan with a technique that allows him to project his ki and his appearance.  Gohan can’t tell where he is until the moment Obni strikes.
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And now Gowasu thinks they might have a chance after all.�� Geez, this guy can’t make up his mind about anything!
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Meanwhile, Rubalt takes on Piccolo, and he’s doing pretty well.  None of Piccolo’s ki blasts can touch him.  Wait... that sounds familiar.
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Oh yeah, the Hellzone Grenade.  Bold of Dragon Ball Super to have Piccolo bust this move out after two other characters just used it in the same arc. 
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Piccolo tosses Rubalt out and Gowasu is uncertain how to feel about this.  Should he be worried?  Sad?  Frustrated?  If only he had a cup of tea to sip while contemplating this dilemma.  Sadly, Gowasu has not been able to drink tea, ever since the guy who makes all his tea flipped the fuck out and tried to destroy the multiverse.
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So it’s all down to Obni, except by this point Gohan’s figured out how to defeat him.  If he can’t locate Obni until the moment he strikes, then Gohan’s only chance is to let himself get hit, then counterattack before Obni can move away.   In other words, he just has to slug it out with the guy until one of them drops.  My money’s on the guy who got fought Frieza as a kid. 
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Eventually, Obni weakens to the point where he can’t even maintain his illusion technique, and then Gohan can put him away with ease. 
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And that’s it for Universe 10.  The Zenos erase them all without hesitation. Good riddance, I say. 
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Before he fell out, Obni dropped a locket which contains a photo of himself with his wife and kid.  That’s a cute baby, but the locket vanishes along with the rest of Universe 10, and soon enough, it’s gone. 
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Gohan is haunted by this moment, which kind of says it all about Universe 10.  Their biggest contribution to this thing was to someone else’s character arc.  Their team sucked, and that should come as no surprise, since Rumsshi recruited a bunch of jocks without a shred of tactical thinking between them.  And Gowasu’s only contribution to the team was to film them in their black bathrobes.  
I was thinking about it the other day, and it occurred to me that I sort of understand what Zamasu was going through.  Without realizing it, he had the same frustrations as Zeno, who has “long believed that there are too many universes”.  What’s the point of having twelve universes if so many of them are stagnant or hopelessly corrupt?  But from Zamasu’s perspective, he only really knows the one universe he lives in, and so he projected all its faults onto the mortals.  Why don’t the gods do something about the mortals?  Because Universe 10 is run by an ineffectual do-nothing, that’s why.  So it didn’t take long for Zamasu to conclude that mortals and gods need to be wiped out altogether, because he knew of no other possible solution to the problem.  The major flaw in Zamasu’s logic seems to be that he thought he was too arrogant to realize that he was part of the problem, and not the solution. 
Universe 10 was a sinking ship, and Zamasu could see the water pooling on the deck, and the captain won’t take action because wants to “see how this plays out”.  Is it any wonder he went mad and lashed out in his blind panic?
Anyway, Gowasu sucks, and now he’s gone, and the only solace I have is that the Universe 10 fighters were all named after chemical elements, which is the only mildly interesting thing about them.
This episode is probably best known for the poignant scene with the locket, so we should wrap this up with a really emotional song.  A tearjerker, and I think the band the Grand Minister hired knows just what to play.  That’s right--
“Let’s Put the ‘X’ in Sex?”  What the fuck?  Well, it’s got an “X” in it, and that’s like the Roman Numeral ten.  So it kind of works...?
I got nothing.  Jimmiz, teleport me out of here.
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obiwans · 11 days
they addded frey i mean gry e to obni-wan's model i m gine im fine
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infoprovincia · 2 years
El 27 Festival de Música Sacra y Antigua apuesta por la variedad con grupos y solistas punteros
El 27 Festival de Música Sacra y Antigua apuesta por la variedad con grupos y solistas punteros
El 27 Festival de Música Sacra y Antigua de Badajoz recibirá en su XXVII edición a “Cantoría”, una de las principales formaciones referentes de la polifonía del Renacimiento ibérico; a la agrupación portuguesa “Iberian Ensemble”, especializada en el barroco ibérico; a la soprano extremeña María Espada y al “Ensemble OBNI”, fundado por la violinista Miriam Hontana. Propone a su vez la…
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teamwopo · 4 years
ALL ABOUT MY MONEY 💰 #wopomusic #moabitelifeclothing #gangster #wopoautosales #bangoutmusicgroup #tidal #spotify #applemusic #obny @mondotunes #Repost @hiphop__dance__ with @get_repost ・・・ Please like and comment👉👍👏💣💣💃💃 #hiphop#hiphopdance#hiphopdancer#dance#hip#hop https://www.instagram.com/p/CASfLSZlxDc/?igshid=cm7zkwvtd0o7
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iamtengobengo · 3 years
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"Count your Money Honey" on #Pandora too... Add me to your playlist! Let's Party #TengoBengo #Brazil #BrazilTrapMusic https://pandora.app.link/SryWOoPnbdb
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lilvillapub · 5 years
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🎙#BSMFX #Skyboxview watching @sadatx tear shit down #Hiphop in the atmosphere #OBNY #Mrbriefcase💸 https://www.instagram.com/p/BznglPghdr9/?igshid=w7005k004hsj
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i30-blog1 · 7 years
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New single available 3/6/2017
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escaso-de-emociones · 7 years
 Desear ser otra persona es desperdiciar a la persona que eres.
Kurt Cobain
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warriorsfam · 4 years
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🔥🔥 O.B.N.I 🔥🔥 #wf #warriorsfam #planetaoccidental #hiphopcolombia #engatirap #obni (en Salt Lake City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7aFAV4nc9l/?igshid=1dzi6695aq3on
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the-iron-fjord · 3 years
Obni’s got a pretty good fight gimmick, too bad that would work better in another anime that isn’t Dragon Ball
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doubleddenden · 3 years
Universe 10 angel: oh dear. Obni’s fallen too. 
*pulls out Twitter*
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giorollz · 5 years
The obny person that CAN drink sea water is foo fighters but that's stupid, I dont even think she exists right now, is there any other stand user that has anything to do with the ocean and is human? I'm genuinely confused.
No I just like to be dehydrated.
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lajwanti009-blog · 4 years
Satan suit hamari pyor obni shipping free 🤝🏻
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