#numerology 1 July 2022
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Lucky Numbers of 1 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों को 1 जुलाई को मिलेंगे शुभ समाचार, धन- लाभ के योग
Lucky Numbers of 1 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों को 1 जुलाई को मिलेंगे शुभ समाचार, धन- लाभ के योग
ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2, 11 और 20 तारीख को जन्मे लोगों का…
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the9numbers · 2 years
Your WEEKLY #NUMEROLOGY FORECAST ~ July 9, 2022. Your #numbers are speaking loud and clear. #numbers #motivation #inspiration #metaphysics ~ know where you are in your journey ~ ~
WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2022? TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2022, simply add 6 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: April 27: Month: 4 Day: 2+7=9 Year: 2+0+2+2 = 6 4+ 9 + 6 =1+9=1+0=1 (Keep adding until you get a single number). In this example, the Year Number for 2022 is 1. Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and…
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gendecoder · 2 years
Decode #15
Notice the emphasized phrase, it equates to 190, 19th triangular #.
King of the Zulus=67
67, 19th prime.
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19 the chaos number. Chaos=19. She's mentioning "disrupt" and the news itself is controversial.
'First white Zulu queen'=101
Zulu queen=101
Persona=101 (she has an alter ego called Amelia)
Gauteng, South Africa=101
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101, 26th prime
Also look how the words 'queen' and 'avril' are nearly a perfect match in 3 out the 4 ciphers:
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Crown also has a gematria value of 73
He was born on 23 September 1974 (age 47):
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He is currently 47 years old born in 74
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And from his last birthday, 23 September 2021, to his coronation day 20 August 2022 (which is also the day the Gauteng woman made these remarks) is a span of 47 weeks:
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And from 20 August 2022 to his upcoming birthday is 1 month, 3 days, like 13:
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Crowning=41 (coronation)
Character=41 (she has an alter ego called Amelia)
Zulu king=41
41, 13th prime
20 August 2022 is the 232nd day of the year leaving 133 days left.
The first white queen=232
Alter ego=133
20 August 2022 has date numerology of 14: 8+2+0+2+2=14
Zulu queen=43
Alter ego=43
43, 14th prime
From his coronation 20 August 2022 to the anniversary of his father's coronation date 3 December is a span of 105 days. 105, 14th triangular #.
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The day also has date numerology of 34: (8)+(20)+2+0+2+2=34
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Also a date numerology of 50: (8)+(20)+(22)=50
Great wife=50 👀
His father died 12 March 2021 (aged 72)
White Zulu Queen=72
From his father's birthday 27 July to the day the news broke, the day of the crowning is a span of 3 weeks, 3 days, like 33.
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(One could also say a full span of 3 months, 4 days, like 34)
Gauteng=33 (she's from Gauteng)
Race war=33 (her alter ego Amelia is used to spark race debates)
Wedding=33 👀
Teacher=33 (33 is highest degree in Freemasonry and also the master teacher number)
Lastly, to recap, Avril has ambitions or dreams of becoming the first white queen of South Africa, the first white Zulu queen.
South Africa=121
Zulu King=121
Amelia=121 (her alter ego)
Shot her shot=121 (ALW Kabbalah)
121, square root of 11
11 is the master number.
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
And so we enter a new chapter. In Greek numerology the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are known as the master numbers. ⁠⁠
Master numbers are said to hold spiritual significance. If you see these numbers it could be a message or sign.⁠⁠
Twenty-two is the number of new beginnings. The astrological new year begins in Aries on the 22nd of March. Each month we step in to a new sun sign on the 22nd. ⁠⁠
Twenty-two has been associated with the divine feminine symbology. Pythagoras said that 1 was the origin of all things, 2 was female, and 3 was male.⁠⁠
The feast day of Mary Magdalene, one of the most powerful symbols of the divvied feminine, is the 22nd of July. ⁠⁠
✨For me 2022 feels like we are stepping across a threshold. We are stepping in to a world that is kinder, greener, and more spiritually connected.⁠⁠✨
The divine feminine is rising in all of us - especially women.⁠⁠
Lightworkers, witches, healers, teachers ... we are being called to midwife this new age. It is our time to rise.⁠⁠
Give me a 🌹 if you are being called to rise in 2022.⁠⁠
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lwt28brave · 3 years
LT2 masterpost
If it was up to me, we would get an autumn or winter EP. Since it’s not up to me at all, here, enjoy this post with everything we know so far of LT2, which is to say, not much at all. Everything here is hypothetical. I’ll be updating every time I see something relevant. A little disclaimer that while this is a masterpost (kinda), it could be read as discourse (duh, it’s also a theory), AND it’s also by me, and you shouldn’t expect me to be serious at this point.
Due to me restraining myself, there’s no reference to any of the times he’s mentioned his guitar skills and him improving but I hope you know I cried every single time.
I’m also linking my old pinned here. It was written before AFHF and around the free merch thing that didn’t lead to much, but I still think I made some good points.
Possible tracks:
Copy of a Copy of a Copy
Faith in the future??
Possible names:
Faith in the future
When is the album coming out?
Your guess is as good as mine
Friday 28th of January 2022. Almost two years after Walls. It’s a Friday. It’s a 28th. What else can I say?
Here you can find @want-to-be-loved timelines for every month.
Here you can find @berlinini’s timeline of what Louis has been up to this year (2021).
The rest is under the cut. And here you can find a PDF version where Tumblr can't tell me how many pictures I can add.
He said back on May 2th 2020 he wasn’t writing anything new yet.
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Interestingly enough, he’s said many times after that that the album’s not ready cause he has no new experiences to drawn from. I won’t call him out because he does it himself.
May 4th. He liked a tweet from DMA’s Johnny Took saying they had to go write together again. Louis has been credited as an influence for them and (kind of) participated in their previous record, so I’m assuming he meant for their music and not his, but you never know.
Nothing(literally nothing??? how did we survive) until 11th of July. We all know what happened that day. We all celebrated it. Nonetheless, that’s not what I’m talking about here.
(x) So, by the beginning of July 2020 he was working on concepts and ideas for the new album. That was fifteen months ago. I know perfection takes time but…
Brief summary of important things that happened from then until the next mention of new music:
Louis left Syco!!!! 10 days later he rescheduled the tour for the first time. He followed Matt Vines on Twitter, probably so we could publicly shame him into doing something. Also, the 10thanniversary. He followed more people I wish he hadn’t.
Then more nothing until September. Not even a single tweet. The first merch drop was on the 28th of August but he just RT’ed the tweet. He first mentioned Free my Meal on the 25th of September. Then on October 1st Walls hit #1 on a lot of countries and Louis was incredibly happy and excited about it ^^
And then, that same day, October 1st, 2020, he dropped this bomb:
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He also said it was too soon to be sharing new lyrics with us (x)
And, obviously, this tweet which is actually what made me start this whole post. I would hope you know mate.
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He also told us he was cooking "banger after banger" and that he was incorporating more social themes into his music (x)(x) (I believe any social issue is a political issue but that’s not the point rn).
These next paragraphs are brought to you by my mind not remembering things and me not having any links. I’m assuming COACOAC came from those writing sessions that supposedly happened in October. Or in LA but I have no idea if he actually was in LA at any point other than a Daily Mail article putting him there on December which would have been too late, but I do remember that someone said he was in the studio in LA last autumn???? A rumor. Maybe. IDK. Did I mention already all of this is very hypothetical?? Well, this is it. I can’t even remember if this was October or November or what. So, take this with a grain of salt.
I’m also… taking the liberty to assume, if you must, that Copy wasn’t meant to be a Walls reject because it sounds more mature and darker and it has a vastly different tone that Walls songs. I know he’s said that song probably isn’t getting into the album, but I want to have faith (in the future) that I’m getting a studio version. (But also, Louis, if you’re reading this, first of all GET OUT OF MY BLOG second of all, please don’t ever feel pressured again to add a song to the album because we have already heard it before. It’s your art and it should always be under your own terms).
So yeah, I believe that Copy is either one of those four songs (then imagine the other three??!!) or was written around the 1st of October date.
---End of the Intermission---
Then not much important (other than sharing more about Marcus Rashford fight against food poverty and the 2nd merch drop) until he announced the livestream on the 24th of November. (x)
It wasn’t until a few days before the livestream date we even thought again about new music (jk, I know we’re always thinking about new Louis’ music). So, December 9th/10th, 2020. Nine months ago. We got our first taste of new music!
He made sure we knew Copy of a Copy of a Copy isn't a cover! (x) (x)
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Ok, so that’s it for 2020. (I feel like I’m missing something from September 17th because tweet was deleted but maybe he was still talking about cucumbers. We might never know. Unless I understand how Tumblr tags work). Expected, cause Walls was released in 2020. We needed to let it sit for a while.
Another Summary: Louis third tweet of the year was telling the UK government off. So was the fifth. What a good beginning. On the 26th of January, he said he prefers pancakes over waffles. I hope he meant pancakes other than his own. More importantly, he tweeted the infamous “you lot read into things too much”. Don’t get me started, Tomlinson. Don’t. Then the 31st came around and Walls was one. He tweeted this. How wise. And Project Defenceless happened!!
15th of February!! Who cares about Valentine Day when the next day we got this? ♥
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“I’m sure I will have something out this year but unlikely that will be the album”. Unlikely but not impossible. Also. A single would be good. This is the second time he mentions releasing something in 2021 and he sounds surer about it than the first time around.
He also said that he isn’t sure we will get a studio version of Copy. And that the best bridges from Walls to LT2 are Walls, OTB, KMM and Copy. Can’t wait!
Then we jump to March 6th when he announced he was going to create his own management company. “Sometimes action is needed first to encourage the motivation and belief”. As we can tell he was already manifesting some stuff which will lead us to the numerology stuff/Tesla… kidding. Or not. We might never know.
On the 22nd of March he answered some questions:
He told us music was still his main focus ♥ mwha. (x) I included this tweet to guilt-trip him into giving us music in case he’s reading this even after I told him to leave. ILY.
(x) I’d love to get a visual EP this autumn. Just saying. It sounds like a lovely concept.
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…next (I will get into it, I promise. I’m just mad).
On the 25th he left for Mexico until April 10th. You could assume it was just for the documentary where we got ten seconds of footage or admit the obvious: LT2 its a Mexican baby!!
On the 26th (so, not so far apart from that first 369) we got the first Faith in the Future mention: (x)
Back then we were innocent people who had no idea what was coming upon us. We still have no idea because what the fuck does he mean with these. Please explain. I have one braincell and I don’t use it enough for this. I’m linking some theories.
On the 30th of March he confirmed he was already working on the documentary. So AFHF was already on the works. Will it take this long for us to get the Veeps numbers? We also got this tweet: "Got a decent chorus idea down" (x).
Same person that got the “something out this year” exclusive. If you know something share with the class. Also. Is this Change? I feel like this could be Change but I also assume he wrote Change after hanging out with his friends or being in Doncaster. But who knows.
(x) And the second mention to 369.
(x) 15th of April. The second "Faith in the future".
On the 19th of April he announced that he had something BIG for us later on the year which turned out to be the Away From Home Festival ♥♥ (x) I love him so much.
Then on the 28th he announced the 369 merch drop (which it’s probably the Walls drop? Except that the TOU and KMM ones were “drop 1 and drop 2” and this was drop 369 which, again, makes no sense) but we still don’t know what 369 means.
Into May’ 21 we go.
He rescheduled tour again. And dropped another bomb (x).
He announced he has signed with BMG as an independent artist by RTing this tweet on May 10th. The article also says that he’s already working on writing and recording LT2. The timing… we don’t know. What this deal involves… we don’t know either. Bear with me here because I have a lot to say about this.
I think the deal is only a distribution one, but that BMG are interested in Louis and what he (us) could bring to the table. They were either present at the festival or watching it, but officially they had no involvement at all with it (everything is credited either to Louis own company, 78 Productions, or Charlie Lightening’s company). That’s the case for both giveaways too; the vinyl one and the tickets for the festival.
I think it would be an unbelievably bad move not to test the waters with BMG now or soon-ish. At least a single, to see how it performs. Due to the circumstances, it’s obvious there’re certain limitations on place but I want to see how they push it, whether the radio play exist this time around and if the song is playlisted and promoted and all that… I would also love to know, since it says he signed with BMG UK, but it also states it’s a global deal, how things are going to go on the US and other countries.
Yes, yes. I know those are all questions and no answers. But I know the same as you, sadly. If any of you know more than you’re letting on… again, share with the class.
Where was I? Yes, on the 25th of May Louis had a great day writing (x). Since the first time he had mentioned he was officially writing to this date there’s almost eight months. And I believe he was writing before October’ 20.
He followed Robert Harvey that day and, on the 28th of May (why is it always the 28th???) he was spotted at the studio for the first time.
June was an interesting month for the fandom ♥. Lots of LHL content which I will love and cherish for the rest of times. On June 4th, June 9th, and June 10th he was spotted at the studio, but I believe he was there more days.
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This was posted on June 6th and captioned Studio. Charlie also shared it with “Mega tunes being put down, can’t wait for this @louist91 #louistomlinson #LT2” as the caption. This gives me 2019 (Elton-Joint) vibes. I like it. Feels like we’re getting closer to something.
He added the Milano date on the 9th too which I’m mentioning because I’m going alone. Anyone wanna go with me please? I’m nice and I never eat anything before a concert so you can have my food. On other news. It didn’t come home.
During July he was at the studio at least three days too. Probably more. Feels like more with all the fan pictures we got. Or was that June? Anyway, July 1st and 9th we got some videos from Robert Harvey and wearesuperhi, which is who Louis has been working with the most, that we know of. I don’t know for sure they’re from that day. And on July 5th we got an article and lots of pictures of Louis looking really good outside the studio.
On the 12th of July the first fans started getting the free, 369 bucket hat and print. We still don’t know what the purpose was other than to thanks fans. Maybe that was it. I want answers and I still think it relates to a future project (see theories above), but it could also just be a bridge with the Walls breaking.
He didn’t tweet about anything interesting for a while, mostly because he lost his phone (he either throwed it in the air or smashed it who knows). Then on the 29th of July he announced the festival!
I’m glossing over it because there’s already been a lot of talk about it (rightfully) and while it was a wonderful thing, it doesn’t have much to do with LT2.
Let’s talk Change!
On August 3rd he tweeted this about the setlist.
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And this (x) on the 28th! I can’t stand him.
We didn’t get it, obviously. Because who was going to get that. But we read too much into things. Alright.
On the 16thof August Dave Gibson shared this post tagged #LT2 with the eyes emojis 👀👀👀. I believe this has to do both with Change but also with whatever else came out of that Mexico trip.
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(x) Last relevant tweet related to LT2 is this one.
So, on the 30th of August we got Change and we cried, and we know that Change is going in the new album. He said it. With those exact words. He also said he was “getting a feeling for it”. This has to meant he already has a general idea of the vibe of the new album and what’s going in it!!!!!! (Right? RIGHT?).
Anyway, let’s go back a few weeks because some other things happened on August. He was at the studio a few more times. Or it was suggested that he was there. On the 17th and the 18th. (Why was it so time-pressing to be at the studio instead of rehearsing for the festival? There was no studio at all on the documentary. Which makes sense, but again, then why?).
On the day of the festival we got another mention of Faith in The Future that made me feel part of a cult ngl. The words were flashing on the screen for less than a second. Okay.
And then he tweeted those words again after watching the livestream/documentary on the 4th of September (x). This is what makes me suspect it's either the name of the album or of the single.
On the same day, we got some interesting quotes about LT2 on the documentary.
“Soon I’ll have to think about me second album, which in my head I’ll get the tour out of the way and then I’ll address that. So, I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest”.
“When every day is the same is hard to feel creative and it’s hard to have any kind of proper inspiration”.
“As season started to come back, I started writing again and it was great and some of these songs turned out alright”.
And I think this is it. I might be overlooking some important details but that’s what we know and what we don’t know.
So. Conclusions. That’s what you missed on Glee. I do believe the album is, if not mostly done, partially there. And yes, this post is pointless and never-ending but it’s all in here if you need to tell Louis “Hey, you said this, mate”.
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jikookuntold · 3 years
Jungkook and His Cover Songs: Is “10000 Hours” about Jimin?
Disclaimer: The following post includes theories, lyric and numeric analysis, plus my personal opinions, so please don’t take anything seriously. I’m too lazy to upload photos and videos for the moments I mentioned here, but I’m sure you know about them all. Any Jikooker must know. And I’m not Korean or a Korean culture expert, I just know as much as any Stan Twitter ARMY knows about their culture.
Maybe one of the biggest Jikook moments of 2021 so far, is where Jimin jumped into Jungkook’s hug, in Lee Hyun’s Vlog. But the other moment on that Vlog was even more significant; Jungkook was singing “Anyone” from Justin Bieber’s new album, and Jimin was harmonizing with him while holding on his shirt. I don’t want to mention their interview moment singing “Peaches” because I know this song is super popular in South Korea right now and somehow it doesn’t count as a moment. But it’s safe to say that Jikook has something special with his songs, and JK in particular always was invested in him. 
The reason behind Jungkook’s devotion to Justin Bieber was always a big question for me, and I got my answer not long time ago. Jungkook’s playlist for Melon Radio Station included a song from JB’s new album named “Lonely”. This is one of the most personal songs any artist can ever make, and JK recommended it to his audience. Here are the lyrics of “Lonely” by Justin Bieber:
Everybody knows my name now
But somethin' 'bout it still feels strange
Like lookin' in a mirror, tryna steady yourself
And seein' somebody else
And everything is not the same now
It feels like all our lives have changed
Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down
But it's killin' me now
What if you had it all, but nobody to call?
Maybe then you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just lonely
I'm so lonely, lonely
Everybody knows my past now
Like my house was always made of glass
And maybe that's the price you pay
For the money and fame at an early age
And everybody saw me sick
And it felt like no one gave
They criticized the things I did as an idiot kid
What if you had it all, but nobody to call?
Maybe then you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just lonely
These lyrics made me think of one specific thing, the thing that JK and JB have in common: They started their careers at a very young age, and their lives have been under the scrutiny of so many people. These people judged and criticized them but never tried to understand them. The lyrics are straightforward and leave no place for interpretation. By recommending this song, JK showed that he had (and probably still has) the same experiences in his life, and I think the reason he recommends or covers JB’s songs more than any other artist is that he has many things in common with him, and feels connected to his songs. 
This can lead us to another theory: By covering a Justin Bieber song, Jungkook shares something about himself with us, something that he can’t express directly.
Jungkook is interested in JB’s songs, but he is not the only one. As I said earlier in this post, Jimin shares the same taste with Jungkook, and my receipt is not just that “Anyone” or “Peaches” harmonizing moments, but also Jimin’s Spotify playlists. Since 2017 (or earlier, I’m not sure about this part) he has added some JB songs to his official playlist, and even his current playlist (July 2021) has two JB songs. And also let’s not forget the fact that Jikook as a subunit started in 2014 with a JB cover. Yes, I’m talking about “Mistletoe” and as you may know, Jimin translated the lyrics of this song to Korean. 
10000 Hours
Nearly 700 words and I haven’t started yet! The subject of this post was supposed to be the connections between “10000 hours” cover and Jikook but this prelude was necessary to clarify all the aspects of the topic and we find out how JB is special for JK and Jimin and how they (especially Jungkook) feel connected to him. Anyways, back to 10000 hours:
Dan + Shay and Justin Bieber released this Grammy winner song in October 2019. Here are the lyrics: 
Do you love the rain, does it make you dance
When you're drunk with your friends at a party
What's your favorite song, does it make you smile
Do you think of me?
When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'?
Everything, I wanna know it all
I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life
I'm gonna love you
Do you miss the road that you grew up on?
Did you get your middle name from your grandma?
When you think about your forever now, do you think of me?
When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'?
Everything, I wanna know it all
I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life
I'm gonna love you
Ooh, want the good and the bad and everything in between
Ooh, gotta cure my curiosity
Ooh, yeah
I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more
Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that
Sweet heart of yours
And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try
If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life
I'm gonna love you
And I'm gonna love you
As you can see, the lyrics are 100% romantic, and the singers including JB, have dedicated this song to their lovers. Also, their girlfriends/wives have a cameo in the MV, which leaves no place for speculation for the context of the song: Even though the uncertainties always exist and no one knows about the future, our love is strong and will stay strong regardless of time. 
The Cover and the Theories
Nearly one year later, on July 28th, 2020, Jungkook surprised ARMYs with a short video he tweeted at 11:56 AM. That video was a 49 seconds cover of 10000 hours. A few minutes later, he deleted the tweet (apparently with the advertisement excuses, because it was tweeted from an iPhone and they have a contract with Samsung). Later that night, Jungkook released the full version on Sound Cloud and tweeted the link at 11:47 PM. 
Jikookers discovered numerous theories that day about the times of both tweets; if you add the digits of the time, the result is “13” for both tweets 1+1+4+7=13, 1+1+5+6=13, and as you already know “13” is Jikook’s magic number. Also, the first video he tweeted was 49 seconds and 4+9=13. But in my opinion, this theory is not strong. I know that numerology is very popular in Korean culture but still, all of this can be coincidences, but the other things I’m going to bring up are most likely not. 
28th July 2020 was the 7th anniversary of the first Jikook selca posted after debut. This also might be a coincidence and to be honest, it cannot be a strong link to make a connection with Jikook, but worths sharing. 
The next thing that many Jikookers also pointed out, was related to the title of the song. The lyrics say “10000 hours and 10000 more” and 20000 hours after the 28th of July is 8th November 2022. As you may know. Jikookers believe November 8th is a significant date for Jikook. I believe this can be a coincidence either, and it’s very unlikely of Jungkook to do such calculations (Koreans are interested in numbers when it comes to days and dates, but counting hours is not usual in any culture. Other than that, I’m still doubtful about the origins of the November 8th theory because we have nothing other than two tweets and G.C.F Tokyo release date and their hotel room in Tokyo which still can be coincidental). But I don’t deny these theories because even as a coincidence, it’s still very interesting. 
And the next theory is connected to the “Red Moon”. On 27th July 2018, a total lunar eclipse happened all over the world, which became known as the red moon. At that time, BTS were in Malta, and on the same night, Jikook were watching the red moon on a boat. They shared plenty of photos and videos of that moment and I’m sure as a Jikooker you have seen them all and you know that night had a very romantic mood (BigHit words, not mine) for Jikook. So, a second anniversary for that night and the day after that night can be a significant date to release a very romantic cover. Is this a coincidence too? I think we had many of them already.
And last but not least is something connected to Korean culture. You probably know that 1000 days anniversaries are very important for Koreans and they celebrate them along with real anniversaries of the important dates in their lives. And guess what? 27th July 2020 is 1000 days after 31 October 2017. This day is the day Jikook’s travel to Tokyo ended and they posted their couply mirror selca on Twitter with flower bouquet emoji. Despite the one-day difference (the same case for the red moon anniversary), this is not a minor event or small coincidence. I believe Jungkook posted “10000 hour” cover for this reason and based on this, the other theories I mentioned earlier can be true either. 
The lyrics hit different if you read them again, after knowing this fact. Right? I don’t want to make this post much longer but before wrapping up, I want to talk about the lyrics of “Anyone” by JB (the song Jikook were harmonizing in Lee Hyun’s Vlog):
Dance with me under the diamonds
See me like breath in the cold
Sleep with me here in the silence
Come kiss me, silver and gold
You say that I won't lose you
But you can't predict the future
So, just hold on like you will never let go
Yeah, if you ever move on without me
I need to make sure you know that
You are the only one I'll ever love
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Looking back on my life
You're the only good I've ever done (ever done)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone (anyone)
Not anyone
Forever's not enough time to (oh)
Love you the way that I want (love you the way that I want)
'Cause every morning I find you (oh)
I fear the day that I don't
You say that I won't lose you
But you can't predict the future
'Cause certain things are out of our control
Yeah, if you ever move on without me
I need to make sure you know that
You are the only one I'll ever love
Only one (I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Yeah, you, if it's not you it's not anyone
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Looking back on my life
You're the only good I've ever done (I've ever done)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone
It's not anyone, not anyone
Oh, oh, oh, oh
If it's not you, it's not anyone
Oh, oh, oh, yeah, whoa
Yeah, you are the only one I'll ever love
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya) gotta tell ya
Looking back on my life
You're the only good I've ever done (ever done, oh, yeah)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone
If you read the lyrics, you will notice that the context is very similar to “10000 hours”. It talks about the uncertainties of a beautiful love or in other words: No matter what the future brings to us, this love will last forever. 
This context of uncertainty and unknown future for a romance is a common concept in many of the songs Jungkook has covered and it’s not limited to the Justin Bieber covers he has done and maybe this concept can be the topic for my next analysis. 
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Astrology King Solar Eclipse
Aries february 2019
January 2019 astrology
Decan 2 born january
Astrology today indian express
A total solar eclipse occurred on August 12, 1654. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring …
In ontology, the different kinds or ways of being are called categories of being; or simply categories.To investigate the categories of being is to determine the most fundamental and the broadest classes of entities. [citation needed] A distinction between such categories, in making the categories or applying them, is called an ontological distinction.
Jan 20, 2019 … aries february 2019 Horoscope on love, relationships, money, career … for your Aries monthly horoscope are calculated using the Solar Fire …
The New Moon on Saturday January 5, 2019 at 15° Capricorn is a partial solar eclipse. The Solar Eclipse january 2019 astrology is generally positive thanks …
Jan 7, 2019 … The Full Moon on Monday January 21, 2019 in the first degree of Leo at is a total lunar eclipse. The lunar eclipse January 2019 astrology is …
Revelation13.net Revelation13.net: Prophecies Calendar, recent Past and Future dates — 2019 2020 to 2022 — New Age, Nostradamus, Bible prophecy, King James version Bible Code, and Astrology Predictions of World Events
Capricorn February 2019 horoscope with decans for a more accurate forecast. If you are on a cusp, use the free horoscope to find your decan. Capricorn Decan 1 born December 22 to 31 Capricorn decan 2 born january 1 to 10 Capricorn Decan 3 born January 11 to …
The diagrams to the right show the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth during a solar eclipse. The dark gray region between the Moon and Earth is the umbra, where the Sun is completely obscured by the Moon.The small area where the umbra touches Earth’s surface is where a total eclipse can be seen.
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Jan 20, 2019 … Decans give your Gemini monthly horoscope a more personal touch. … February 17 to March 1 – Sun square your decan means you have to …
The New Moon on Tuesday July 2, 2019 at 10° Cancer is a total solar eclipse. The Total Solar Eclipse July 2019 astrology is refreshingly optimistic. Positive …
Astrology Today Kerala Free daily horoscope and astrology predictions for Wednesday, February 06, 2019. Today's horoscope forecast based on zodiac sign to know what the stars … Sankaran Kutty pottekkatt (14 march 1913 – 6 August 1982), popularly known as S. K. Pottekkatt, is a famous Malayalam writer from Kerala state, South India.He is the author of nearly sixty Astrology Cafe Tarot The astrological symbols for the classical planets appear in the medieval Byzantine codices in which many ancient horoscopes were preserved. In the original papyri of these Greek horoscopes, there are found a circle with one ray for the Sun and a crescent for the Moon.The written symbols for Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn have been Astrology Compatibility Cancer Cancer compatibility. To discuss Cancer compatibility we need to look at Cancer in combination with each of the other sun signs. Each match has different strong … Astrology Sun & Star Signs, FREE Daily, Monthly & Yearly Horoscopes, Zodiac, Face Reading, Love, Romance & Compatibility PLUS Much More! Astrology Is Astrology and numerology celebrating 20 years
Apr 14, 2017  · To the Navajo, a solar eclipse is a period of time when the Sun is weakened. During this time, all people must be respectful. There is a strong belief that every man, woman, and child must show respect for the heavens by waiting inside until the eclipse passes.
Jan 10, 2019 … The New Moon on Saturday January 5, 2019 at 15° Capricorn is a partial solar eclipse. The Solar Eclipse January 2019 astrology is generally …
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Numerology Horoscope: जुलाई महीने का पहला दिन इन बर्थडेट वालों के लिए लकी, पढ़ें 1 जुलाई की दैनिक अंकराशि
Numerology Horoscope: जुलाई महीने का पहला दिन इन बर्थडेट वालों के लिए लकी, पढ़ें 1 जुलाई की दैनिक अंकराशि
Numerology Horoscope 1 July 2022: ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2, 11…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Lucky Numbers of 12 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के लिए वरदान के समान रहेगा 12 जुलाई का दिन
Lucky Numbers of 12 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के लिए वरदान के समान रहेगा 12 जुलाई का दिन
ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2, 11 और 20 तारीख को जन्मे लोगों का…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Numerology Horoscope: 12 जुलाई को इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के जीवन में होंगे अहम बदलाव, पढ़ें आज की अंकज्योतिष
Numerology Horoscope: 12 जुलाई को इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के जीवन में होंगे अहम बदलाव, पढ़ें आज की अंकज्योतिष
Numerology Horoscope 12 July 2022 : ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2,…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Lucky Numbers of 11 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के लिए शुभ रहेगा 11 जुलाई का दिन, खूब होगा लाभ
Lucky Numbers of 11 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के लिए शुभ रहेगा 11 जुलाई का दिन, खूब होगा लाभ
ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2, 11 और 20 तारीख को जन्मे लोगों का…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
अंकराशि : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोग 11 जुलाई को मनाएंगे जश्न, मां लक्ष्मी की बरसेगी कृपा
अंकराशि : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोग 11 जुलाई को मनाएंगे जश्न, मां लक्ष्मी की बरसेगी कृपा
Numerology Horoscope 11 July 2022 : ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2,…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
अंकराशि : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के लिए खुशनुमा रहेगा 10 जुलाई का दिन, खूब करेंगे तरक्की
अंकराशि : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों के लिए खुशनुमा रहेगा 10 जुलाई का दिन, खूब करेंगे तरक्की
Numerology Horoscope 10 July 2022 : ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2,…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Lucky Numbers of 10 July : इन बर्थडेट वालों के लिए लकी रहेगा 10 जुलाई का दिन, नौकरी- व्यापार में लाभ के योग
Lucky Numbers of 10 July : इन बर्थडेट वालों के लिए लकी रहेगा 10 जुलाई का दिन, नौकरी- व्यापार में लाभ के योग
ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज���योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2, 11 और 20 तारीख को जन्मे लोगों का…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
मासिक अंकराशि : जुलाई माह इन बर्थडेट वालों के लिए बेहद शुभ, खूब करेंगे तरक्की
मासिक अंकराशि : जुलाई माह इन बर्थडेट वालों के लिए बेहद शुभ, खूब करेंगे तरक्की
Monthly Numerology July 2022 : ज्योतिष शास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 5, 14…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Lucky Numbers of 2 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों को 2 जुलाई को मिलेंगे शुभ समाचार, महालाभ के योग
Lucky Numbers of 2 July : इन तारीखों में जन्मे लोगों को 2 जुलाई को मिलेंगे शुभ समाचार, महालाभ के योग
ज्योतिषशास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र के अनुसार अपने नंबर निकालने के लिए आप अपनी जन्म तिथि, महीने और वर्ष को इकाई अंक तक जोड़ें और तब जो संख्या आएगी, वही आपका भाग्यांक होगा। उदाहरण के तौर पर महीने के 2, 11 और 20 तारीख को जन्मे लोगों का…
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