#nowaki's art shit
rebellionbeach · 1 year
SIHJR Crack Ships
Inspired by @nutton-of-tata​
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- Kisa x Ritsu - 7/10 they’re work buddies and having an workplace relationship is not cool!  No, but they both like dorayaki and that scene where Kisa was grabbing him at the onsen is cute and Takano honestly getting jealous means he’s insecure and afraid that Kisa will steal his man.  Cute relationship, I know this one has a lot of fans.
- Akihiko x Hiroki - 5/10 this one is hard and even isn’t really a crackship at all but if Junjou Romantica was a shounen ai series released in the 70s and Akihiko and Hiroki were at an all-boys boarding school in the countryside of France and the story revolved around Hiroki helping a young Akihiko resolve his past trauma then it’s a 10/10.  Right now though, I don’t think they’re necessarily good together, the beginnings of Egoist and Minimum really hit home how much Hiroki loved Akihiko and that’s really sweet but I am an ardent Romantica fan + Akihiko doesn’t see him that way so in the end I just can’t really see it.  I know some people really love this one too though and I can definitely see the appeal.
- Ijuuin x Akihiko - 8/10 so this one would have been a 2 or a 3 had it not been for a certain fanfic and even though Akihiko ends up dumping Ijuuin in that story I still kinda get the appeal.  There’s also REALLY nice fanart of these two together and I’m always inclined to ship two rivals together since that tension makes for a very interesting dynamic.  Not only that but having two artists share the dilemma and toll of making art together would be cute and they both live together in their hoarder apartment, their editors screaming at them to finish their manuscripts, cute!
- Ijuuin x Misaki - 4/10 I really think that the only reason this pairing has any points from me is because the toxic-ness is kinda appealing.  I cannot see ANY situation where these two would have a loving and caring relationship but the idea of Ijuuin and Misaki being a toxic presence in each other’s lives and slowly eating away at their ability to love other humans is kinda interesting.  Yes, I know it’s toxic and I’m not romanticizing it, I’m sexualizing it :/
- Haruhiko x Misaki - 8/10 this is cute and I could definitely see a very interesting dynamic between these two.  This pairing definitely divulges into two routes in my mind, either the loving and caring one where they heal each other’s broken family issues and become a stable pair or Haruhiko becomes Misaki’s sugar daddy and either way sign me up.  On a more serious note, since both have a parent dead (or parents rip misaki) it would definitely be a cool way to develop each character’s trauma in being able to confide in that sorrow in one another.  The idea of Misaki making Haruhiko pancakes because he knows it reminds him of his late mother is also a tear-jerker...
- Tsumori x Hiroki - 3/10 it’s kind of boring.  The blame is on me on not being the biggest Egoist fan and Tsumori is supposed to be almost of Sumi-senpai like character (scoff) but he just isn’t as big as him.  He shows up a lot for sure and he definitely does things to mess with Hiroki and I think the idea there was that he did like Hiroki a bit but he also wanted to make sure Nowaki was taken care of properly but it’s like, I really don’t care about Tsumori.  Idk enemies to lovers or something more confusing but the character had gotta have depth.
- Nowaki x Misaki - 1/10 this is the definition of bland.  I’m sorry but if these two got together I’d pack my bags and leave to nostalgia land cause holy shit I can’t.  Really, no hate to people who do like these two but sometimes I feel the only reason why people pair these two is because they think the regular pairings are too problematic and they need a “unproblematic” pair.  Vanilla just doesn’t appeal to me, at all, and these two are as vanilla as you can get.
- Akihiko x Takahiro - 3/10 I can’t see it, at all.  Not to mention I honestly think when it comes to romance that Takahiro would be a very boring character.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Takahiro and I think he’s one of the most important characters in JR, but he’s important because he’s Misaki’s family and he shines in that role, if JR were about Manami and Takahiro’s relationship then I don’t know if it would be that interesting.  Also their dynamic was very much a one-sided thing where Akihiko treated Takahiro like a gem and just went along with whatever he wanted, I don’t necessarily think that’s a great thing for a relationship.  I don’t know, I know this pairing has it’s fans and all the fanart and fanfics you guys make are awesome but I just don’t personally see it.
- Takano x Yokozawa - 1/10 again this is like Akihiko x Hiroki but much worse.  It didn’t seem like Nakamura really fleshed out the relationship these two as much and what we did get really was just Yokozawa taking care of Takano during university.  Hiroki did somewhat of a similar thing, but there was definitely to me a more established bond between the two.  I really enjoy the scene between the two of them in Yokozawa’s movie and it really fleshes out Takano’s character quite a bit but as a romantic pair these two would probably end up in a domestic violence episode.
- Yuu x Chiaki - 5/10 I don’t really mind who Chiaki ends up with.  I mean, obviously he only like Hatori that way, but the relationship between Yuu and Chiaki is cute and they share many similar hobbies.  That scene where Yuu comes to help Chiaki despite their argument and Chiaki’s idea that he wouldn’t come is sweet.  You can tell Yuu cares deeply for him and I’m not too sure about Chiaki, but I’m pretty sure he cares for him a bit as well.  
- Hatori x Yuu - 6/10 one point higher only cause I really like the idea of rivals ditching the main person and just getting together.  I don’t really like Hatori, but having these two together would definitely be a somewhat fun dynamic and I think they really respect each other professionally so maybe that could blossom into something more 0//0
- Tanaka x Fuyuhiko - 7/10 I’m honestly worried that this isn’t going to be a crackship soon.  I’m sorry but the latest chapter just gave me the feeling.  I feel bad for Tanaka in this situation BUT having Fuyuhiko confide in Tanaka and trusting him more than anyone is kinda cute ngl.  This trope is somewhat common in stories where there’s a very rich family and having two old men be in love with each other would be great since we don’t see a lot of it in BL.  Just the way that Tanaka laid it on Fuyuhiko straight gives me the feeling that they’re somewhat closer than expected.  Would Tanaka also love Fuyuhiko back?  Probably, in a loyal sense I suppose.  It’s kinda twisted because he’s obviously the butler, but it also makes it more interesting.  Maybe Tanaka knows how much of a fuck-up Fuyuhiko is but still feels a sense of loyalty to him, seeing him go through everything and being by his side the entire time.  We’ll see, I put the decision in your hands Nakamura.
- Miyagi x Hiroki - 6/10 I don’t hate it and a relationship like this seems something straight out of a slice-of-life comedy manga.  Two classical Japanese professors dating each other I mean, that’s hilarious.  Plus Miyagi loves to tease at Hiroki cause with his type of personality he finds it easy to play around with them.  But honestly, I want a character that challenges Miyagi’s view cause if he doesn’t have that then I don’t think that he can truly love since he’s all strung up over his past love still.  That’s the whole point of Shinobu’s characterization I think, but if they could find a hurdle around it then these two would be cute.
- Shinobu x Hiroki - 8/10 It’s really cute ngl.  I’ve thought about these two a little bit and I could definitely see an almost similar situation with how Shinobu became so fascinated with Miyagi.  It would be like Shinobu trying to get with Hiroki and Hiroki getting more and more annoyed only to see that this kid can match his level and he’s like oh shit.  They’re both kind of hot-headed so it might be a bit volatile but if Hiroki had someone who loved him unconditionally (which I mean he does) then it would definitely be a cute way for him to get over Akihiko.  Plus I think he would admire the intelligence Shinobu has and would tell him to foster it properly so he can be successful too.  A cute dynamic, I love when the rivals become lovers (even though they weren’t really rivals)
- Ritsu x Yokozawa - 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 I feel very passionately about this relationship and I’ve thought about it A LOT.  I’m sure you can tell by now I love rivals to lovers, but especially in this case because Takano had such an effect of both of their lives and maybe not the most positive as well (I’m sorry I think Takano is a neat character).  It seems almost as if they were supposed to be together (but that’s just me deluding myself) since it would make such a nice way to fully develop Ritsu and Yokozawa’s characters in how they realize that Takano wasn’t actually what they needed.  They both let his presence hold them back emotionally and only until they can see a mirror of themselves can they realize that and maybe heal through each other and fall in the love somewhere in that process.  Yokozawa is probably my favorite SIH character just because of how caring he is and I think if Ritsu had someone like that in his life it would be beneficial.  I mean, obviously his life is kinda of a mess but he also needs a stable emotional support because man is not really getting it.  His family puts pressure on him and An is only around sometimes to encourage and honestly so far with Takano it’s sort of up and down.  Yokozawa too would realize to move the past behind that dragged him on and that’s basically what Trifecta is and it sucks that Hiyori wouldn’t be a part of his life but idk they could adopt a kid.  100/100 one of my favorite crackships and would make such an incredible story.
- Yukina x Yokozawa - 8/10 I know they only have like 4 interactions but I mean that’s the whole idea of a crack ship right?  Yes, okay, I like the exicted x grumpy dynamic and I’m not ashamed of it.  What’s good about these two is that they’re more than just that (at least Yokozawa is).  I’m pretty sure it was shown that they’re went out to drink together at least once so I’m pretty they’ve hooked up at least.  Yukina x Yokozawa would just be like erotica except with a grumpy salaryman.  Maybe Yukina would fall in love with how dedicated Yokozawa is or how caring he is to people he likes.  Or maybe he would have noticed how much he’s still pining over Takano and becomes the person to pull him out of it.  Kinda of manic pixie dream girl-esq but we make due with what we can.  Yokozawa would take care of Yukina and maybe encourage him towards his art career and become his muse and honestly it would all be cute.  I love the idea of Yukina rejecting girls and being like “sorry I already have a sweetheart <3″ and Yokozawa is just next to him.
- Kirishima x Takano - 10/10 it almost seems too good to be true.  I mean, you got a man who has no family and a man who had a family missing one member, can I make it any more obvious?  On the same vein with Ritsuzawa, after seeing those two get together Takano would probably be in a TERRIBLE place and Kirishima would want to help him cause he’s just that type of person.  In the actual movie I remember Kirishima saying how Takano had a lot of problems and I think he sees him as not so easy to toy with as Yokozawa, but dealing with the loss of Ritsu would put him over the edge of Kirishima would see this and maybe feel a bit of resonance of when he lost his own wife (though it’s a little different) and want to help.  I think the best part about this dynamic is that Takano would become a dad.  Takano has no family and it’s really tragic how his parents really just left him behind so being with Kirishima and Hiyori, he would finally feel that void in his heart.  I’m not saying that people can’t live by themselves, but to really not have anyone is super hard and I think Takano would feel strongly for Hiyori, not wanting her to go through anything he had to go through.  Seeing this fondness he has for her, I think Kirishima would also fall a little bit in love cause he realizes that maybe he had also been holding on to his lost love and has let it hold him back as well.  Something like “I don’t want Hiyori to go through the same thing as I did,” and Kirishima is like “Okay wanna get married then?”  The more and more I write about them, my score slowly increased from an 8.5 to 10 so yeah, great relationship I would pay for Nakamura to write something like that.
- Misaki x Hiroki - 9/10 this is really hot, idk.                                                           I’m kidding, but I’m not.  I mean, it’s not the only reason I like this pairing, but it a certain dynamic that I am once again romanticizing :/.......but I mean think about it.  Lost student Misaki, not wanting to get hit by Kamijou again actually goes up to ask him and Hiroki realizes that he’s actually a hard-working student but just needs a certain push in the right direction.  Once they start working together, Misaki realizes that Hiroki actually isn’t a demon professor and just feels very strongly (violently) about classic Japanese literature.  Not only that, but his pining for Akihiko almost mirrors the pining that Akihiko had for Takahiro so it’s almost similar to Romantica’s plot in that Misaki feels for Hiroki and how his feelings will never return.  Maybe Misaki even forms a love for classic Japanese literature and they can share that between each other.  I just see a lot of opportunities and the actual interactions that they have in the manga while limited are pretty sweet.  They both care deeply for Akihiko so why couldn’t they care deeply for each other?
- Misaki x Shinobu - 8.5/10 okay so any ship with Misaki besides Nowaki kinda works.  This one though, I mean I’ve already seen a few fanfics and they’re great.  I love Shinobu, he really is such a fun character.  I also find him somewhat relatable (don’t worry I’m not in a relationship with a classic Japanese literature professor who is 15 years older than me).  Instead, he says that he’s gone by life without a passion in the world until he met Miyagi.  This is cliche and done so many times, but it still resonates to that certain dullness of everyday life that seems to creep up every now and again.  His passion for Miyagi stems from his passion for life itself, he is that catalyst I believe.  So basically, Misaki is the one he’s passionate about this time.  Shinobu is a very sporatic person imo so I feel like this is the only way he’d fall in love.  I think Misaki dealing with Shinobu’s antics would also be funny.  It’s just an overall fun dynamic with two characters who are some of my favs.
- Misaki x Miyagi - 7/10 and that’s the final character from the main three couples shipped with Misaki.  Miyagi and Misaki seem a little strange at first, but I’d imagine that Misaki, being too scared to ask Kamijou for help, goes to the other professor instead and they slowly get acquainted from there.  The most appealing aspect of this relationship to me is the shared bond they have from losing very important people in their lives.  It’s obvious that Miyagi still hasn’t moved on and while Misaki has fared better I’m sure the incident still haunts him so I think it would be very cute to see these deal with their issues together.  Mostly Miyagi though, I think Misaki would really help him deal with the loss as he’s dealt with himself and Miyagi slowly realizes that he’s in love with this person.  Bottom line is that I love the Romantica and Terrorist couples and I think they should just become one big couple.
- Akihiko x Shinobu - 6.5/10 it’s continuing on and this is a pairing I’ve discussed with some people before and I think that it would probably be the fastest couple to get together ever.  Shinobu being Shinobu would fall in love with this gorgeous millionaire author and still shoot his shot because he’s that guy and Akihiko would be like “why not?”.  Okay probably not but it would be easier to imagine Akihiko after Takahiro’s whole engagement is a severe mess and Shinobu finally comes into his life after stalking him a bit and confesses to him.  It would take some time but I think Akihiko would very much appreciate a presence like that in his life, I mean someone to love him that much openly, it would definitely be a pda relationship.
- Nowaki x Akihiko - 6/10 this is another case of rivals getting together cause obviously Nowaki is somewhat hesitant about Akihiko’s presence in Hiroki’s life.  What I think is interesting is that Akihiko doesn’t really feel the same way to Nowaki, if anything he uses him as material in his BL novels.  He’s just always somewhat surprised when Nowaki is there and idk maybe he’s just attracted to the tall muscular doctor.  I could definitely see these two being a very dysfunctional relationship, maybe Nowaki not liking Akihiko at first, but then slowly coming around to him and maybe they can even bond from their somewhat troubled upbringings.  
- Todo x Misaki - 2/10 I really don’t see the appeal.  I’m sorry, I also know this one has a lot of fans but they don’t give off any romantic vibes at all.  They both like Za Kan and Todo is more proactive when it comes to his life decisions while Misaki is better at taking care of others, but together they just don’t really pose an interesting dynamic for me.  Throw in Sumi though then we’ve got something.
- Sumi x Misaki - ∞/10 so this is my crack ship.  I think it’s obvious but I’m a Romantica fan at heart and that hasn’t changed, it’s only widened to include Sumi in the mix.  I honestly think that a relationship between Akihiko, Misaki and Sumi would be viable....no I don’t.  However, it definitely would be an interesting thing to read about.  Sumi is just my guy, he’s manipulative, he’s toxic, he has long hair, terrible sense of humor, he’s perfect.  And with Misaki, the ever pure-hearted boy that can’t do no wrong, they’d be perfect together.  Again, this a pair that can go two ways for me, either Misaki and Sumi form a natural relationship throughout college and Sumi is able to get over Akihiko and Misaki is able to get over his fear of being selfish or Sumi can take advantage of Misaki and be a parasite.  Again, either way sign me up.  I do really think though that even at the start, Sumi was a good character.  It seems to me that Nakamura was almost unsure of what to do with him and saw that Akihiko needed a rival and just put him in that role.  But the way she sets him up just seems to me that he’s supposed to be so much more.  He’s a rival in the sense that he tried to steal Akihiko once and after that was never seen again.  It’s just strange because he had such a large presence before that and to see his role be so small and then disappear seems like unfinished characterization to me.  Well, you know what they say, if it isn’t finished then do it yourself.  Bottom line, I think that Sumi and Misaki have a lot of chemistry and I know that it’s just me so just leave me be in my Sumi corner alone thank you.
- Sumi x Akihiko - 7/10 is this a crackship?  Maybe not, they were about to get in on, with Misaki under the same roof no less, do they have no shame!  No, they really don’t.  Obviously, these two shouldn’t be together, it would be a parasocial fan’s dream.  It’s just the idea of Sumi and Akihiko together is an interesting idea only in the drama that it creates.  It would be potentially the most toxic couple ever, I know, even more than Romantica, so please stop reading if this is getting too much for you.  However, it would just be an interesting story to read.  You have Sumi, the parasocial fan who has read everything that Usami Akihiko has written and Akihiko, the lonely author who has no one to love him.  If they got together without Misaki in the situation I could maybe see a yandere thing going on which might be some people’s thing.  I could personally see a relationship where Sumi puts down all that Akihiko writes and Akihiko stays with him only because it reminds him of the harsh words his mother used to say to him therefore a familiar habitat.  You know, all that mushy stuff, but would probably make for a pretty dark BL.  If Misaki was in the picture it would definitely be a little different, I mean what if Misaki really wasn’t in love with Akihiko (and I guess that’s the truth since everyone thinks he’s got stockholm syndrome so) and he’s unable to stop those two.  What a mess, sign me up.
- Onodera x Misaki - 8/10 the main characters of each series meet each other at last, the purest, number 1 first romance if you will.  Half the reason why I think these two would be cute together is that train scene in SIH.  Yeah, that one where Onodera decides to sit on the only seat where a certain somebody is sleeping.  A little creepy but maybe he just has a crush.  If you think about it though, I really think these two would be good for each other.  Both have a lot of issues they struggle with, but I think they compliment each other well, fill in the missing gaps that they lack in each other.  Misaki, with his homemaking expertise, would make sure Onodera lived a proper and healthy life and Onodera would help Misaki on his independence.  I mean, it’s not perfect but it’s cute.  Onodera obviously feels that his accomplishments aren’t worth anything, but I think having an outside party look at him and what he’s doing would help in him understanding just how hard-working he is.  Ritsu would also see how selfless Misaki is and help him in understanding that he shouldn’t be afraid to be selfish sometimes and maybe get settled into the working world having experience of his own.  Also the illustration between the two of their chibis is cute, the most recent Emerald one not so much.
- Akihiko x Takano - 7/10 now lets pair together the other main characters!  Personally, I don’t find it as appealing as Onodera x Misaki however there are definitely certain characteristic to be of note here.  First, Takano has read Akihiko’s novels and maybe in a certain way the loneliness that ponders those works maybe resonate to his own sense of isolation.  So basically this is the most emo couple on this list.  I could see a very melodramatic, but beautiful, story between these two and how they slowly fall in love through each other’s understanding of what they’ve each been through.  While not completely the same, there are very much similar aspects that they share such as a bad relationship with family (or no relationship) and romantic troubles.  Honestly, they might be pretty good at understanding each other and sorting out each other’s problems to become better people.  Also lead shoujo manga editor x best-selling author of the publishing company, now that’s a power couple.
- Takano x Misaki - 3/10 no.  Well, it’s more complicated then that and I’ll try not to let my biases get in the way, but the only depiction I’ve read of these two getting together was definitely...disturbing.  What’s interesting is that they both don’t really have parents, but Misaki does have Takahiro which makes a world of a difference when compared to Takano who practically has no one.  The fact that they’ve lost their parents in one way or another though would make for a compelling narrative of how they each heal through each other’s loss.  I feel though that Misaki would be more encouraging to get Takano to reunite with his living parents.  I’m not really sure, but I just don’t really see these two having any other relationship besides that.  They have completely different personalities and hobbies and I don’t think they’d necessarily mesh well but who knows, maybe there are some fans out there who can say otherwise.
- Akihiko x Onodera - 5/10 this is the rich boy drama that I wanted.  Is this even a crackship?  Yes, it is because Onodera was only his editors despite what some people may think.  Then again, maybe they did hook up, but I’m not sure whether Nakamura would write that in her stories.  What is interesting about them is of course a sort of similar background of having been born in a really well-off family that owns a company of some sorts that they are being pressured to inherit.  It didn’t seem so in Onodera’s case, but with the newest chapters it really seems that’s the narrative Nakamura is going towards, so there is definitely some tension there.  These two have more potential than TakaMisa imo because they almost seem to be foils of each other’s characters.  Akihiko doesn’t seem to have any confidence issues on how his family name has brought him success and knows what he wants to do with his life without his family’s interference.  Onodera however, well, he definitely has more issues with that and I could see how Akihiko could help him overcome that with his own experience.  They also both struggle with loving people so it would be a story of learning how to be your own person and love again, in a private boarding school in England.
- Onodera x Isaka - 6/10 more rich boy drama.  This is the nanahikari-doushi couple that I think works better than Akihiko and Onodera only because this time the situation is basically the same, but just approached radically different.  I mean think about it, Isaka and Onodera both of sons of the leads of big publishing companies and are set to inherit that top position.  I’m not sure of the age gap between the two, but maybe if they met when they were younger and slowly grew up together (idk rip Asahina), then Isaka could help Onodera with his whole issue with feeling inadequate.  It would seem like Isaka would be the best person to help him, seeing as he just worked his way to the top of Marukawa without worrying what other people thought.  I think that Onodera is just more overall sensitive when compared to Isaka so it would be interesting seeing those two get along, either way dating the CEO of the company you’re working for, that’s gotta be an OSHA violation.
- Haruhiko x Sumi - 4/10 not as big of a fan as I thought I would be honestly.  There are definitely some works out there involving these two, mostly because people just wanted to pair together the rejected rivals (better Sentiment) but it’s just not the same...  Haruhiko and Sumi don’t really have anything in common, and I really can’t see a scenario where Haruhiko would be attracted to him.  The only common thing they really share is that they were both rejected by the people they wanted.  I mean, even Sentiment had more than that.  But I do like Haruhiko and Sumi’s characters individually and a story where Sumi just gets with Haruhiko to mess with Romantica sounds funny so yeah, not terrible.
- Haruhiko x Todo - 3/10 I don’t know, I just don’t find Todo that interesting.  I know that this one is pretty popular, shout out to the Junjou Acceptance fans, but I feel like if Nakamura actually does this it would just be too much.  Todo really doesn’t have that much of a developed character as many other characters and pairing him up with Haruhiko really just seems like forcing someone to get with Haruhiko for the sake of him not being alone.  However, the idea of Todo and Misaki becoming brother-in-laws is sort of amusing so it’s not all bad I suppose.
- Aikawa x An - 5/10 I don’t think Aikawa isn’t given as much characterization as many other characters.  It’s strange since she’s such a staple of the JR cast, but I also don’t think Nakamura ever intended her to be a deeper character unfortunately.  An on the otherhand definitely has more going on, but even then I’m not sure how far you can go with these two.  I think if anything it would almost be like erotica with a stressed out Aikawa and more relaxed An telling her to take it easy.  She might even go over and kick Akihiko in the balls for always turning in his manuscripts late and stressing out her girlfriend.  Points for that, so overall a pretty cute relationship.
- An x Kaoruko - 7/10 now this is the shoujo power couple I need.  An and Kaoruko definitely share a lot of similarities in being rejected by the person they like and being from more wealthy backgrounds.  Kaoruko probably struggles more with the fact that her family is so pushy on her since it really isn’t stated with An whether or not that’s the case, however I think these two would be cute together.  Two women trying to carve out a future from themselves away from the pressures of their overbearing households, I mean it’s kinda giving Tamaki and Benio vibes.
- Shizukuishi x Misaki - 7/10 Shizukuishi basically disappeared, but for the 3 moments that he appeared in the manga, he really made an impression.  There’s some tension on how much Ijuuin dotes on him, but they both respect each other’s passion for Za Kan and I just think that he’s a more interesting character than Todo.  I mean, he’s an overworked little guy that needs a break, what’s not to love.  Plus, their personalities are a little more contrasting which is a bit appealing, love a good serious x sunshine trope.  Not bad, I wish there were more than 4 panels of him though.
That’s about all I can think of right now.  Anyway if there’s anything to take away from this, it’s that crackships are the backbone of JRSIH and draw Sumi x Misaki fanart!!!!!
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zanarkand-babes · 5 years
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Gosh, I haven’t thought about Hello Nurse in years.
Hello Nurse is a C-Class Hero who has a very well stocked first aid kit. He always has a bandaid on hand and schools love having him around because kids are little shits and get scratched up all the time.
His deep backstory is that when he was young, he was running on the pavment and scraped his knee, and no one had a bandaid to help him out. That day he swore he would never be in a situation in which he or another was injured and there was nothing to clean and protect the wound.
Gay for Mumen Rider.
If Genos got his arm ripped off HN would slap a bandaid on it, or use bandage tape to try and reattach it.
He can’t fix what Saitama did to Sonic.
He would gently smooch mumen rider.
His first aid kit can be used as a blunt weapon.
I can’t think of anymore Nurse fun facts but like. Thanks for loving him, it was fun revamping his design a bit!
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hot-crest · 5 years
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@drawingbun mika please help this idiot
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random-mizu-fan · 2 years
SHJR Theory shit: The reason why Takano and Nowaki look so similar
Okay so I just can't get over how Nowaki and Takano look so similar. And yeah I know that it's cause of the Nakamura-sensei's art style and most of the characters look alike butttt idk I came up with a theory.
Soo Nowaki is like, an orphan right? And Takano's father was not actually his real dad. What if Takano's real father had another child with his mother years later after Takano was born but because Takano's mother was already married to another man they decided to leave the child which is Nowaki at the orphanage. So basically him and Nowaki are siblings. Long lost siblings
Another one is; after Takano was born, his real dad left and then years later has a child with idk who but then decided to leave the child at the orphanage. So the child is Nowaki and the two of them are basically half brothers.
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wh33zy · 3 years
My Read on Domestica: The Couple Probably 4 people care about, 5 if they’re lucky
Good evening! Tonight, I wanted to analyze Domestica (Yoshiyuki Hatori x Yoshino Chiaki) as requested by the amazing @boyimtrash​ . I will be analyzing them both separately and then together. They are infamous in ways that to this day still has them on the receiving end of hate and unpopularity. They are probably the least acknowledged couple in all of Nakamura’s works and for some pretty good reasons. 
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This couple gained infamy just in the beginning of their story in their light novel because of Hatori raped Chiaki. While sexual assault and dubious consent is a running theme in Nakamura’s works, this one was so blatantly rape that the author ended up getting some backlash for it thus why it was left out of the manga and anime with anything concerning Domestica. Other than that, the common criticism for them is their story being quite bland, even though it was equipped with a love triangle. I think it’s because of this that most of their story has been cut from the manga as well as the anime leading the reader to have to delve into whatever light novels are available for answers beyond rushed references and such. 
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Yoshino Chiaki: 
Hate to break to you guys but, uh....this guy? Yeah, far from a cinnamon roll. I mean, if ditsy, selfish, overly immature, not self-aware, and wildly inconsiderate equals a cinnamon roll then you might as well kick Misaki and Nowaki out of that gang. The way he gets stuck in his own head (and how stuck he is in his way) which not only puts out Hatori but his manga team as well. 
The kicker is that, unlike Hiroki, this person is completely aware of being selfish and inconsiderate evident by the way he apologizes to Hatori about it but does nothing to change. I’m positive this stems from the fact that he relies heavily on Hatori for a lot of things that he should be taking care of himself. Even this he realizes since he tends to feel “disgusting” when Hatori does all these things for him but still does nothing to change and we’re in our early thirties here, folks!
This kind of brings me to another major problem he has: he’s resistant to change. When he’s really comfortable in a spot, for example where his friendship is with Hatori and Yuu, Chiaki will not go out of his way to make any changes even if they are the right thing to do. This is evident by the way he decides to keep what’s going on between him and Hatori from Yuu in order not to complicate their friendship trio. 
Chiaki, although more of a homebody than a lazy housecat, is a very hard worker, of course I’m not going to take that from him. My guy will ignore his basic needs like food, water, and grooming. He put his all into every manga page he works on, even working on it here and there on his time off, so his life revolves around his art. He’s extremely dedicated to his craft and often gets so absorbed into it that he blocks out the world around him. He fully deserves his success.
On this note, Chiaki tends to take a lot of Hatori’s criticisms/advice to heart, especially in regard to his work. Everything from thoughts and opinions, even drunken complaints, they are always in Chiaki’s thoughts. While this could mean a lot of things in regard to why he has no boundaries with Hatori, Chiaki will at least try his best meet whatever standards Hatori is implying. Even with Hatori’s harsh language, Chiaki on some level knows not to take it to heart. 
While this is good, Chiaki tends to be afraid to share any criticisms he may have or arguments because of Hatori’s cold/usual harsh responses. Not to mention he’s also intimidated by his superior way of acting even though they’re the same age. This only gets worse after Hatori assaults him, and when afterwards, Hatori kisses him as “punishment” making it hard for him to communicate with Hatori the way he needs to. I think Hatori has always and will always intimidate him on some level. 
Chiaki also cares so much about what his readers think. Not just from automatically taking any advice on Hatori about shaping his art to be better digested but also the reason why his author identity is a secret. Chiaki has always had trouble with other assuming that he was a girl since his first name is generally very feminine. So, when he made his pen name, he assumed that it would be better understood that he was a man. However, because he is writing shoujo manga (which, generally more girls read) and also because his pen name Yoshikawa Chiharu still sounded feminine, fans assumed he was a girl. So, in order not to confront that and possible disappoint his readers, Chiaki keeps his identity as an author hidden from the public. 
Chiaki is also the kind of person who is very passionate about their likes and an all-around fun loving person. From the way he got excited with Yuu about The Kan to going to all the events he can. I assume this is the part of him that gave him success in dating, since he’s had a few girlfriends in the past and as far as we know, is till on good terms with them. 
Chiaki is also a pretty nice guy all around. When it comes to his friends, he genuinely wants to help them and be there for them in the best ways he knows how. This is evident from the way he wanted to help Hatori with his unrequited love situation before he found out and having his ex show him houses that Hatori expressed he liked in a commercial (which he was also indirectly asking if they could live together). 
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Yoshiyuki Hatori:
First, I’m going to say I understand why he comes off pretty cold for a good portion of the story. In fact, I don’t really blame him (at least until he just up and assaults Chiaki which I do fully blame him because we do not victim blame in my mothafuckin’ house, no we don’t). Imagine the person you’re in love with, who knows full well that you have feelings for them and has procrastinated on giving you an answer, and they are constantly: invading your space, sleeping in your bed, expecting to be taken care of, and saying things that could be easily taken in a romantic context. You’d cop an attitude too, it’d feel like you were being led on or just plain used at that point because it’s so obvious that the person you’re in love with doesn’t care about your feelings and more about what you can do for them. 
However, I don’t excuse the blatant selfishness this person displays all before Chiaki finds out about his feelings in the light novel. Sure, Hatori was under stress of working for a pretty inconsiderate person as well as Yuu’s assholery but some of the harshness he displays towards Chiaki is because of his feelings for him. He was pretty bitter about them and his mood would dampen a lot of Yuu was in the mix or his unrequited love was mentioned. He hints that he likes someone (Chiaki assumes it’s a girl) and Hatori admits that he doesn’t think it’ll go anywhere. Of course, this is frustrating and heartbreaking but it seemed as though he was taking the unrequited love he felt out on Chiaki which I thought was kinda gross. It’s not Chiaki’s fault nor his responsibility that his person caught feelings and on some level, I think Hatori is aware. 
In relation to this, even though Hatori is meant to be more mature, there are several instances in the light novel really showing that he isn’t too far from Chiaki. His friendship with Yuu, if you could even call it that, always seemed strained as if he never liked Yuu to begin with. Yuu also didn’t like Hatori. This is evident when Chiaki describes his observation of them that they always seem to talk badly about each other in implications. This was because of jealousy since, for a while, it seemed as though Chiaki and Yuu got a long a lot better. Also, when he finds out about Yuu’s feelings only push him to resent Yuu more. 
Although Hatori is like this, I can say that he has other ways of showing that he loves Chiaki. For example, Hatori will cook for him, do his laundry, and not enforce boundaries as often as he really should. He also promised Chiaki when he expressed wanting to drop out of uni that if he ever ended up on the streets, Hatori would take care of him. However, I think some of this comes from a bit of desperation as Hatori’s feelings for him are so strong that he’ll take what he can get. This is also evident from the scene where he and Chiaki share his bed and he suddenly cuddles Chiaki when setting the alarm clock. 
Like Chiaki, Hatori is actually a really hard worker on top of being incredibly talented at his job. According to the light novel, Hatori has gotten a lot of offers from different companies but chose Emerald and Chiaki’s division in order to be as close to Chiaki as possible. 
This kinda brings me to the fact that there is some of Hatori’s identity lost in trying to be with Chiaki. I feel like I don’t really know him without Chiaki which I find to be a bit concerning. Even though they are childhood friends, Hatori kind of framed his life around having Chiaki as close to him as possible. He chose his college, major, and career all based around Chiaki. Although that could be seen as something selfless, I think it’s rooted in a selfish monopolizing desire and the assault only proves this. 
A major issue with Hatori is his trouble with expressing his feelings, especially ones that run quite deep. I find this to be a worrying trend in pretty much all the SIH couples (ESPECIALLY TAKANOPE HOLY SHIT-). Hatori seems to hold them in, keep them from the one person who should know, and then act strangely when they’re really affecting him. While Hatori just keep his true feelings to himself, he doesn’t necessarily hide them since he tends ot act on them in some form or another. The only answer to why is because of a crippling fear of rejection. 
Later on though, he does get better at expressing himself and even letting his face show emotions but that’s only for Chiaki’s eyes to see as evident by the way he’ll smile or is comfortable enough to get hammered around him. 
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The Couple: One of the biggest and reoccurring issue between them has been finding the line between their personal and professional relationship. This is become less and less of an issue as their story goes on, but it was hard for them both to find a balance. While it felt like their professional relationship was too personal, their personal relationship felt too distant. It really wasn’t until they became a couple that they basically erased that line all together. Even still, they have issues with intimacy and being more comfortable around each other which becomes a little better with time. 
I also found that they don’t have great communication. They pretty much take ideas and what they think would be best for each other and run with it without really talking to each other about it as evident by the house fiasco early in their relationship and so on. While I do believe their hearts are in the right place in terms of trying to do things that will make the other happy, they need to work on being more open with each other. 
So, let’s talk about the assault real quick: Hatori does show major instant remorse over the assault, acknowledges that it was inexcusable and should have never happened, and I will admit that it was definitely a lot faster than Akihiko did in Romantica. He was willing to completely start over his life in order to get out/stay out of Chiaki’s after what he did. When Chiaki gave him the chance to start over, he was hesistant to take his forgiveness but eventually accepted. I think a part of this stems from the fact that they both want to be a part of each other’s lives at all costs.
Which brings me to what makes these two a little unique from the rest: they are ridiculously attached to each other. I know there are a lot of different interpretations for why Chiaki was so desperate to stop Hatori from leaving, why Hatori never really enforces his boundaries, and why they both get super upset at just the thought of them being with other people (and doing things with friends without each other!). I think their relationship has always been just a bit farther than friendship due to their attachment. I also think this is why showing affection is generally easier because not only have they known each other for almost their entire lives but also because of the strong attachment they feel towards one another. I think this always explains why they’re a bit prone to jealousy. 
And that’s the end here! If anyone would like to add on, please do so! Sorry that this analysis took so long! My classes have been back in full swing since the start of this month. Also, having to read the light novel was difficult because learning disabilities and such. 
Also a very special thanks so much to @youmeandteddybears​ for the link to the light novel! I didn’t want to do this analysis unless I had all the information I could gather! Couldn’t do it without you so thanks again!
DISCLAIMER: I was unbiased and this analysis is based off of evidence in the manga/light novel as well as my interpretations of the work. Remember folks: these are fictional characters, this is art (so there is a level of subjectivity), and this is all in good fun! Be civil, BE CHILL. 
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Fushigi Yugi
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bexprime-reblogs · 7 years
5 Things
Tagged by: @magiteknicaldifficulties
5 Things You Can Find On My Blog:
1.) Shitposts of all varieties - memes, depression posts, weird shit 2.) Fandom stuff, usually about video games, usually about Dragon Age, usually about Solas 3.) Cute Animals - very important 4.) Posts about writing and some prompts, usually tagged with my own whining about how I don’t write enough and don’t like what I do write 5.) Aesthetic stuff like fashion, nature photos, architecture
5 Things You Can Find In My Room:
1.) A lot of art prints, mostly purchased at artist alleys at area cons 2.) Yarn. As you can see on my “main” account, I used to be an avid knitter (not so much these days) so I have a lot of yarn scattered about 3.) Many bottles of nail polish, probably more than I could plausibly wear in my lifetime 4.) Lots of DVDs sitting on my bookshelf that I haven’t watched in many years, some still in the shrink wrap, that have somehow survived several moves and should be in the donation bin 5.) Technically 4 computers, but only 2 are in working order.  I have a laptop for gaming and a cheap laptop for just going on the internet or whatever. Both of those work.  One desktop, my former rig, needs some upgrades and hasn’t been turned on in a couple of years.  The other desktop was left behind by a former roommate and it’s over a decade old and doesn’t work but I don’t know what to do with it.
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do:
1.) Go back to school, but study something fun and not something related to work/career stuff 2.) Live, if only for like a month, without any obligations to anyone 3.) Travel more to places I haven’t visited.  The extent of my international travel is Canada (lol) and China, so I have more world I need to see. 4.) I know it’s bougie, but I’ve never been to a fancy restaurant.  I understand those places are more about the experience than the food.  I’ve never been to anyplace really fancy. 5.) Own my own place although I gave up on that years ago.
5 Things That Make Me Happy:
1.) my friends 2.) cool weather where it’s a little bit cloudy but not rainy 3.) finishing a thing, specifically that sense of accomplishment 4.) seeing a sky full of stars - it’s a thing I only get to see when I visit my parents because light pollution 5.) sweets.  i’m awful.  i know.
5 Things On My To-Do-List:
1.) Unfuck my apartment - like super clean the living daylights out of it because it’s borderline hoarders in here and that’s not good.  Depression hasn’t been kind to me or my living conditions (tmi) 2.) Update my resume and start applying for new jobs mostly because I don’t see any future where I currently am.  3.) Finish a writing thing - ANY WRITING THING - and be able to come back to it and not hate it and subsequently delete it. 4.) Start making memes for my meme blog again.  I’ve been preoccupied with a lot of other things and haven’t really felt into it, but I really should start making content again. 5.) Finish that afghan I started knitting over a year ago.
5 Things You May Not Know About Me:
1.) (hey, wait is this a sixth 5 things...?) I grew up in a rural area and went to a super small school where my graduating class was exactly 40 people.  Before you ask, yes, it was a public school. 2.)  I was in choir through college and even did a concert tour of China 3.)  I was a model.  Okay that’s an exaggeration, but when I was a baby the photo studio who took my baby pictures entered them in some contest where they won some major award or something.  The pic was also used in their ads for a time.  I’ve since let myself go.  That’s right.  I peaked at 18 months. 4.)  I’m kind of a karaoke nerd and for a while was working on a “found art” project where I was trying to screengrab filler art from 80s and 90s era discs.  There’s a particular label that no longer exists that used ms-paint style art to fill the time where you aren’t singing and it’s kind of horrifically awesome, but I couldn’t justify spending money on those discs anymore and I kind of got bored with the project. 5.) I’m old.  Like on the cusp between millennial and gen x old.  Old enough to have my life “together” even though it’s so far from together. Being on this site makes me feel so ancient sometimes :P  
I’m tagging @tenjou-utena, @nowaki-star, @no-ones-son, @enaste-fen, @soetzufit
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lovelesswiki · 7 years
Post-Moonless predictions— Well-Kept Secrets (6/10)
previous part<–[here] –> next part
for the last week or so, i’ve been talking about a large theory i’ve been writing. since finishing it, i’ve decided to publish it in parts, since it’s actually about 10 different theories all on one subject. since it’s all written out, i’ll try to be publishing one part of this per day.
essentially, this is a set of theories about what i believe will have to happen in order to properly lead up to a climax–the one we’ve been building up to for years and years now. so, these are what i theorize will happen after the first moonless vs beloved battle, broken up into ten different parts. each theory is explained and theres images for each one.
table of contents (bolded is the post you’re looking at):
moonless and beloved will rematch (1)
soubi will fall into a deep depression and possibly become suicidal (2)
ritsuka will arrive at seven voices, SM’s activity will be revealed (3)
SM will reveal that there was a mole in their organization (4)
kio will be the one to take ritsuka to goura (5)
ritsuka will find things out about soubi and the aoyagi family (6)
SM’s true purpose will be revealed. ritsuka will have to make a decision about good vs evil (7)
seventh SM member will be revealed (8)
nagisa will find out what really happened to sanae (9)
ritsuka will be asked to join SM to fill the aoyagi seat (10)
Theory: soubi keeps secrets well for many reasons, but now that he’s gone, they’re going to have to come to light, and ritsuka will find out more about him and his own family, forcing him to realize just how strong and terrible seimei’s hold over soubi is.
Note: this theory heavily discusses the topic of rape in terms of soubi being both the victim and the perpetrator and in terms of nisei’s rape of mikado. proceeding with caution is advised. 
we’ve already been a little bit introduced to this. or, should i say, ritsuka has been a little bit more introduced to this.
soubi keeps secrets from ritsuka. soubi keeps secrets that he has not explicitly been told to keep. ill write up another post someday about this, but i suspect that soubi keeps secrets about his past from ritsuka because seimei already knew all those secrets and used them against him, and he thinks that not telling them to ritsuka will prevent them from hurting, so he can just ignore his past and pretend like it never happened. this actually isnt uncommon in people who have been through constant abuse, and it makes sense why soubi hasn’t told ritsuka (or anyone) anything yet.
not even kio or natsuo and youji seem to know about soubi’s complete past, involving mainly ritsu’s treatment of him, but also involving what soubi did under seimei’s rule. it is pretty clear from the angry, verbally violent way that he responds to tokino with that he did some pretty terrible things under seimei’s rule. when tokino implies that like nisei, it was soubi’s job to rape and murder enemies, soubi loses his shit but never really denies it. aside from this, we have hard evidence of soubi murdering other teams for seimei, including this being explicitly stated in a drama CD where someone that soubi took pity on comes back to haunt him, and the fact that one of the crimes seimei’s being prosecuted for includes murder, and seimei doesn’t do the dirty work to say the least. there’s also the fact that in the beginning, he kept asking ritsuka if he wanted soubi to murder their opponents, which strongly implies that he’d been put in a situation previously, where that question was necessary and appropriate, and where the answer was ‘yes’. this is a secret long-kept, and i do believe it’s key in understanding soubi, which is something ritsuka (and by extension kio) desperately need, and it’ll play into ritsuka’s later development of understanding that not everything falls into ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
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(pictured: soubi starts an yelling argument with tokino over one comment, resulting in youji telling him to calm the fuck down.)
soubi has let a couple things go to ritsuka. he confirmed that ritsu raised him and was very cruel to him, but he didnt expand much on either point. with the few stories that soubi did tell ritsuka, ritsuka seemed a bit distressed and commented that the things ritsu did were horrible. in addition to this, ritsuka learning about seimei and nisei raping mikado seemed to be a huge turning point for him in the way he viewed seimei, and i suspect that there will be something similar when ritsuka learns that soubi was raped at a young age by the man raising him. and i suspect he’ll become very confused and disorientated when he realizes that seimei had soubi do many of the same things that nisei did. while i think their situations are different to where soubi had no capacity to enjoy it or even want to do it, whereas with nisei and in the case of mikado, nisei seems to have gone above and beyond whatever seimei ordered him to do and going along with his personality, enjoyed it, especially given his comments of liking it when listening to ritsuka cry through his wiretaps. 
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(it’s probably safe to say that he enjoyed what he did to mikado.)
ritsuka is a particular character, because he’s young, and young people tend to view the world in terms of ‘black’ and ‘white’. for a long, long time, ritsuka viewed his brother as ‘good’ and in the series, mostly towards the beginning, he struggled with whether or not soubi was a ‘bad guy’. however, hes quickly discovering that the world isn’t so clear-cut, which we’ll get to in a hot minute (or more, in the next part of this series).  
by some way or another, probably by just directly asking ritsu or nagisa and by spending an extended amount of time at seven voices, ritsuka will find out about soubi’s childhood. he will also go deeper into what the flashback chapters introduced and we’ll find out what further transpired with ritsu, nagisa, akio, and the rest of the kids in that particular year. i say this because, at this point, it’s detrimental to the story. we’ve gotten to a point where we sort of need to know why these older characters act the way they do and why there’s so much bad blood between them. this will also help ritsuka understand SM more, too, but ill get to that in the next point. there’s also the fact that, you know, theres two potential people that could be ritsuka’s father, the fact that soubi’s mother and ritsuka’s mother were friends, and the fact that a kid suspiciously drown in knee-deep water. so, a lot of unsolved mysteries we haven’t gotten to yet.
so, we have ritsuka and kio finding out about the horrors of soubi’s past, and i think this will heavily impact the way ritsuka sees ritsu and septimal moon. right now, ritsuka seems to sort of respect ritsu, but i doubt he will after he finds out about everything, especially the fact that ritsu raped soubi when he was incredibly young and abused him in every way before and after that. this will cause ritsuka’s opinion of ritsu to drop incredibly low, which will affect what happens in the next part of this series.
ritsuka may also find out about the things soubi did for seimei and will find out that many of the crimes that seimei is held accountable for were actually done with soubi’s hands. i don’t believe in any way, shape, or form that soubi can be held accountable for this in this world, nor do i personally believe he should be held accountable, but i’m unsure if ritsuka will immediately see it this way. ritsuka will be forced to make a choice about good vs evil regarding soubi, and will be forced to come to the realization of just how strong seimei’s hold over soubi and nisei is and what the extent of his power is.
in addition, we’ll find out more about ritsuka’s family, too. i should say that im a firm believer that yun has been building up to something having to do with ritsuka’s father, who he is, and why he’s never present, and ive thought this ever since we got the indirect confirmation that seats are passed down throughout the family, meaning that it was most likely the elder aoyagi who held it beforehand. notice that i say elder aoyagi and not ritsuka’s father, because we don’t know if ritsuka’s father is seimei sr or aoyagi masaki, misaki’s biology professor in high school. this will play a huge amount into who ritsuka is and what he discovers about himself, and how it could even relate to seimei’s motives and his own memory loss.
the way i see it, ritsuka and seimei are masaki aoyagi’s kids. or, at the very least, seimei is his, but i personally believe ritsuka is, too. however, there’s a very real possibility that ritsuka thinks nowaki seimei--who will be referred to as seimei sr, mostly because i think it’s funny--is his father. i’m fairly certain that seimei sr is the one that ritsuka calls ‘dad’ and the person that we see for a couple panels in the early volumes of the manga, and im unsure if he knows that he was fathered by someone else. seimei jr alludes to knowing more about their family and why they’re named what they are named in an extra chapter about ritsuka’s birthday, but doesn’t say much about his family beyond that. regardless, there is something fucked up going on with the aoyagi family seniors, since misaki, ritsuka, and seimei jr all take the last name ‘aoyagi’. the kids look like aoyagi masaki, but the person ritsuka calls ‘dad’ is never home and is most definitely not aoyagi masaki. there’s also the fact that when seimei jr is being taken to the hospital for ritsuka’s birth in a flashback, we don’t actually see daddy. on top of this ‘dad’ is never home and ritsuka even states at one point while he’s tied up that he won’t come save him, and he doesn’t attend ritsuka’s school functions (in fact, soubi seems to be the person his school considers his parent, since he’s asked to come help out at an art museum and he offers to go to the dad event at school for ritsuka in early series loveless).  
i’m of the belief that something is going on with the aoyagi parental lineage, since i don’t really see any evidence that ritsuka’s father is just absent a lot. there’s too much pointing to the fact that something suspicious is going on. and i think this is something seimei knows, but ritsuka does not. i also think that ritsuka will be finding out more about his memory loss, and i theorize that ritsuka at one point found out something he shouldn’t have, resulting in seimei ordering to have his memory taken, and that soubi is probably the one to have done this, given that soubi is able to alter memories, since he did so to hitomi in relation to natsuo and youji.
to put it simply, there’s a lot of very well-kept secrets that i think are about to come out, and it’s going to be detrimental when they do.
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zanarkand-babes · 4 years
Draw me in Jojo pose.
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got ‘chu
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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Assorted Nin.. Liv. Ninivia???????? The Nins!Inigo AU???? Uhhhhhh. Reblog to help a local summoner get Sky-High Dancer Olivia so that Ninian can get a cool new wife.
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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Basilio and the anxiety ridden nerds he must protect.
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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The ongoing story in my head is that Nins and Olivia would bring Inigo over to Cherche's place often to play with Gerbear, and Inigo didn't know how to make a dragon stone to contain all that lizard goodness, so Gero just thought his mom had cool friends who had great taste in lizards.
Years later, they're on different continents, House Virion is invited to a party in Ragna Ferox. It's Inigo's 16th birthday, an important milestone or something. Gerome thinks it's cool that those nice lesbians are having a party for their shiny Wyvern baby. He must be old enough to be a war mount now or something.
So they show up, and uhhhh, turns out Inigo isn't a shiny Wyvern at all. So Inigo remembers Gerome as the extremely nice boy who would never leave his side, and Gero remembers a sick ass lizard.
Gerome is terrified when he realizes that he has to interact with a person instead of a sick fucking lizard.
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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What if dragon baby Inigo for that Nin/Olivia au.
Nils and his tiny nephew.
When they have a ladies day with Cherche and Virion, they have Minerva babysit.
Baby gerome has no idea that Inigo isn't totally a lizard like his large Aunt is.
And Dancing Moms watch their baby preform for them and I'm sobbing over him already.
Now the question is. Did he come out as a lizard, or did someone lay an egg? HMMM.
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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For the first time, Marth will be voiced in English.
I immediately thought of that bananatwinky comic when I realized Marth didn’t know English until FE Heros.
I’m proud of Marth, took a while, but he learned that second language.
EDIT: turns out his first time being voiced in English was in Code Name Steam, thank you for letting me know @fate-of-the-chosen
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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Thank you wife
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are these from your Pegasus Nins?
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zanarkand-babes · 6 years
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I dont know anything about fates except that Camilla has some dope ads titties and she only employs baby gays. SUMMER EVENT IN FEH THO, HOT DAMN.
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